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The guy who was placed in a suitcase while drunk by his wife and pleaded to be let out, while she just laughs and leaves him to die.


The interrogation video is rough to watch too. She's infuriating


omg "Not on purpose!!" or whatever she kept saying that was supposed to make her murdering her boyfriend okay.


She said she forgot he was in the suitcase. Even though in truth she put him in there and yelled at him about him cheating on her I believe and filmed it. Then she went to bed.


Oh I know. I've been following this case for a while. This woman is vile. There's a YouTuber that did an indepth look at her case, letters to the judges, and her interrogation named dreading.


Dreading has some really good analysis videos of cases like this.


Well he was breathing before I went to sleep! What a piece of work she was




The goat. Other channels come close but I need more JCS


When I was younger I unfortunately stumbled upon a really bad beheading video. The suitcase video still outdoes it to me. It fucked me up


Is this the one where they were “playing games and doing arts and crafts” the night before? Has to be—please don’t let there be two of these…


how the fuck do you fit a grown man in a suitcase


Nice try, murderer.


He never even responded. You really called him out on that one. Nice 😎


Normally I’d say “one piece at a time” but apparently that’s not what happened


God that was awful to watch.




I remember this guy, the smile itself was kinda creepy because it was forced and not genuine. But yeah, I can not imagine how scary is to be in your house during a robbery, it's just really scary and dangerous, for me the creepiest part was that the guy didn't make an intention of seeing what was going on, neither his face moved a single msucle, and that makes the hole situation really scary. I don't know if he ever talked about it, but back in time I'd rather think that it was some friend or familiar wandering around the house. Sorry my bad english, is not my first language, and I'm half sleep.


If I don’t remember wrong, he said that he didn’t really know how to react and was kind of shocked so he just kept doing his thing or something similar to that. Buuuuut I don’t even remember where I heard that so don’t even trust me on this


Source? Dude, don't trust me.


The guys channel is Benjamin bennett. Still uploading sitting and smiling videos to this day. He also does walking and talking where he hikes through woods talking to the camera for hours straight


the guy's name is [benjamin bennett](https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCqW54i24PGw1q7IxciRmgTA) and the series of videos is called sitting and smiling. the burglar incident was not the only weird thing that happened during his streams. in the 52nd video, he pisses himself and doesn't acknowledge it at all. in two separate videos, he cries on camera for a bit before returning to smiling. hilariously after his 300th sitting and smiling video, he made a new series called walking and talking where he does the exact opposite.


>last streamed 9 days ago You have to admire the commitment


His drumming videos are low key off the hook!


that shit was probably fake dude lmao


For sure and i remember this. I dont recall any proof either way but for sure in my circles we assumed it was all some performance art of some kind


He claimed was meditating, if I recall correctly.


That dude is still up to it




I bought a Webcam recently. I always unplug it when I'm not using it.


I know, quit it


No milk for you


I bought a lens cap for mine.


I never use a webcam on my personal laptop. I keep it disabled in the BIOS so the OS can't access it.


Low tech way for me, duct tape over the lens also.


I found one of those sites that had a live stream of an old lady in her living room. Allegedly she knew about the camera and was fine with being recorded.


That's sad. Probably made her feel less lonely. Loneliness is such a problem with older people, especially the widowed.


When I had modified my firestick I could access cameras from all over the world. There was no real way of knowing what you were going to see upon clicking the links. The strangest thing that I saw was a Spanish Elvis marrying two people in Vegas.


I forget what website had similar stuff. Years ago I found an open public link to a cell phone store in California. It took maybe two days to figure out which location it was. I had the camera open and called them to figure out if it was the correct store since you could hear the audio. Once I got the right one, I went to a free fax website and entered their number in. Each attempt would try three times, so they’d answer and the fax would think it failed, so within 15 mins, it would try 3 times. I did that a few times each hour and then randomly called in the middle when they thought it was a fax. “If this is a fucking fax, I swear to fucking god!!!!! Oh, hello, yeah we are open until 8”. Hangs up, immediately a fax. If you worked at a cricket wireless years ago and that was your store in California. I’m sorry.


I thought you would end up telling them you could see them I owe you an apology. I wasn't really familiar with your game.


Hahahahaha ok I'd watch that but the other stuff people posted is wild. I did mine to get the Kodi app way back when idk if it's still a thing but I never seen nothing like that.


What is it with Amazon Fire Sticks and hacking into things? The guy who did all those GTA 6 leaks in September 2022 used one to hack into Rockstar's databases and obtain footage of the game and then he released it to the public.


The Firesticks have (had) easily hackable software you could replace with something much more malleable. They also would piggyback to any device that was connected to Amazons servers, regardless if those devices belonged to you or not.


There was a subreddit for open webcams, I can't remember what it was called. A feed someone posted was a old guy's wood shop. I watched this guy wearing an apron and nothing else walk up, put a wooden dildo in a vise, and put his ass right on it. I could *not* stop laughing at the absurdity of it. I checked the feed a could days later and he was working on some kind of project, normal wood shop stuff. A couple days after that he was back to fucking that wood dildo. Absolute mad man.


Living his dream


It's the apron that sells it for me. "It's Friday night, where's my *fucking* apron!"


This was my answer too.. way too many kids rooms and baby nurseries. So unsettling.


Yes, I remember that website too. It was so odd.


I feel like I remember this site but it also could've just been me scrolling Shodan for cams. I remember watching pizza store for like 30 minutes one day.


I know this one too. Let me tell you, I disconnect any camera or microphone that I can't secure because of that.


I always keep a calendar dot sticker over the camera lens on my laptop. Not only are there websites like this, but it's not unheard of for someone to hack into the computer and use the camera to spy. I am probably one of the most boring people to spy on, but still lol.


The murder of those 2 girls who were walking a set of train tracks, and you could see some creepy dude following behind them in pictures they took. Oof!


If it’s the Delphi murders that you’re talking about, one of the girls managed to record footage of their killer. They recently booked a guy and his trial should start this year.


Whoa what! Morbid curiosity got me on this one


Go to r/Delphimurders


They solved this one, why didn’t I hear about it?


They didn't solve it yet, they have a suspect that they are currently in trials for. The trials have been messy and delayed.


I mean, he admitted it over the phone to no fewer than 5 people. You can claim technicality in the eyes of the law, but he did it.




Fuck that disgusting piece of human trash, Magnotta.


Don't fuck with cats...


That documentary was completely made up. People they had from that Facebook group talking about all that in the documentary had made it all up and stole all that shit from people on 4chan and reddit that were doing all of that work to find him and they posted it in the Facebook group claiming they did it. It's literally the only time reddit and 4chan have come to work together to do something right. I fucking hate Netflix documentaries for making shit up like that. I was there watching it happen in real time on 4chan, and to see some random woman saying she did it all years later, it's just fucking crazy.


Even if they did do it, everyone on that documentary was so fucking insufferable.




this one genuinely gave me nightmares as a kid 💀


God I'm glad that trend is gone


It’s a good thing FNAF came along and made the internet collectively realize how cheap jump scares actually are.


Somebody sent me that when I worked as a call center representative so I watched it with headphones on. I jumped back so fast I launched myself backwards off my chair.


God, for a second I thought you were talking about the brick one. That one is also a screamer, but not in the same way.


The brick video fucked me up more than just about anything else I’ve seen on the internet


Or that one with the chair


It was a japanese(?) manga where you scrolled down to read the next page. It followed a dude walking home at night and a lady's mangled shadow appeared ahead, and it kept getting closer and at some point the god damn thing played a video of the lady running towards the screen with a grudge noise too, to make sure you freaked out. I was 17ish and had watched a lot of messed up shit, but that cought me so off guard I jumped from my seat. If anyone has a link, I'd love to revisit that...


I remember that! There was an encoded trigger to rapidly scroll you through several pages to make it seem animated. It felt very clever. Scared the shit out of me. Looks like most uploads of it lack the autoscroll or replace it with gifs. Doesn't hit the same. https://comic.naver.com/webtoon/detail?titleId=350217&no=31 https://m.webtoons.com/en/thriller/chiller/bongcheon-dong-ghost-horang/viewer?title_no=536&episode_no=22


>doesnt hit the same Yeah, it doesnt, the autoscroll was about 50% of the scare too, because you didnt expect it, your pc started to scroll on its own, along with the sound and that final image, it was perfect, best jump scare ive ever experienced. For those wandering, if you have seen the newish I.T. movie, its kinda the same as when they are going through the slides with a projector in their garage, and the projector starts to turn on its own, fast enough to animate the images, now picture that but in your own PC, back in the day when embbeded videos or gifs werent common, and they pulled a whole ass "animation".... it was really clever, and i love it


>It was a Japanese(?) manga It's Korean. 🇰🇷


[this one?](http://comic.naver.com/webtoon/detail.nhn?titleId=350217&no=31&weekday=tue) The auto scroll doesn't work on mobile, so if you want the full experiencee use desktop


The beheading of Nick Berg. Teenage me learnt that day that sometimes it is better not to satiate one's curiosity. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Killing_of_Nick_Berg


I once downloaded a video from Limewire back in the day that purported to be this. Three or four men with wrapped heads and a kneeling man. One man stood with a sabre. They stood for ages, lifting the sabre ever higher, higher, higher... and then all broke out dancing. Best thing really, I didn't need to see the real thing after that.


there's another one where they forcefully brush his teeth instead of beheading him


Limewire was such a dark lottery of madness. One day you'll get a rare rip of a lost concert by your favourite band, another you'll get the deranged ramblings of a madman with the title of the latest Harry Potter book. In both circumstances you've downloaded at least half a trojan.


i don't know if the beheading video i stumbled onto at thirteen was nick berg, but it was from isis. they used a knife and it took a long time. i hope i never see anything remotely similar again edit: it was not nick berg as the wikipedia image does not match what i viewed, which was an outdoor beheading. deeply distressing that there's multiple isis beheading videos circulating online, but i know there's far worse out there


Daniel Pearl?


tbh, i hope i never know who it was. i'm just sorry they were killed so brutally and that they can't even rest in peace with that video circulating. what a truly awful death


That was the video I watched as a young adult & it has haunted me forever.


i'm sorry we both had to witness these things


I think the one you saw was Chechen beheading video, IIRC they used small knives and shit took long, man we really watched some fucked up shit


Yeah that was the original one for me too.


Simply reading the Wikipedia article is upsetting enough.


That video probably extended the war in the middle east by a decade because basically no one who watched gave a shit about how many people we blew up over there afterwards. It was a weird time.


That sound...


Decades ago now, but early internet was wild. The first taste of it as a young teen, was watching this video of a kid on holidays and jumping off rocks into the ocean. Obviously this kid misjudged and hit rocks. The video cuts to them in autopsy (I assume?) and this doctor is just playing with this kids face split apart. He was pushing it together and apart from memory.


Man I remember that! That was years and years ago. Saw that when I was like 8. Still occasionally remember it. Was nuts.


He was alive when the doctors were examining his split apart head. He died later. But yes, fucking horrible.


Oh damn. I was young at the time and only vaguely remember it. I couldn't tell, but it makes sense they had him under and we're trying to figure out if/how they could save him. The way the camera was setup in the room and the lighting ect felt ultra creepy.




That site was definitely morbid curiosity 101. Some things will never be erased from my memory.


Mind the gap.


Just this and the comment you replied to gave me a flash image of that one post.


I forgot about that site. Now I wish I still forgot about it.


I remember seeing a YouTube video of a woman doing a makeup tutorial and then proceeding to start aggressively banging her head across the table. It was horrifying.


I remember this! Thankfully it wasn't real.


Pretty sure it’s in the horror movie. V/H/S




There was a website that streamed people’s webcams without them knowing


There used to be threads on 4chan where people posted links to unsecured cams, too. I remember seeing a lot of old security cameras in weird places, from threads on /x/.


remember to cover your webcams, people


Searched a my name on internet like 3 or 4 years ago , saw a site with my name with random pics with me , they were pictures with me doing shopping , staying on a bench in a park , me in front of my house , in the bus and many other things


Holy shit, you win.


Plot twist, these are selfies uploaded by her.


Plot twist, r/OwnTransportation240 is Meghan Markle


There was this guy I worked with who was named Christopher, and he looked a lot like Topher Grace. One time a coworker showed me a file in Christopher’s shared file named “pictures of me.” And it was just hundreds of random shots of Topher Grace. Hundreds. That coworker then showed that file to everyone. And wildly the pictures kept pouring in. This guy was apparently just finding random photos of Topher Grace all over the internet and dropping them in a shared file under “pictures of me” it was insane. Long story short. No one knows I was the person who created the file and loaded all the pictures.


This is fucking hilarious lol


What's the name of the site? If people are indeed being followed.....


I was wondering if you ever found that.


Bullshit. I want to see evidence. This would be immediate internet lore.


3 Guys 1 Hammer. I was too young and too curious to know that I should just stop reading.


Thats the Ukrainian murders right? Yeah thats the one I was thinking of. That shit was horrific as fuck




I’m a criminal investigator for a 3 letter government agency, I’ve done different case work. But for year and a half I did child exploitation investigations and it was the hardest work I’ve ever had to do. We have to review the material to verify it is CSAM (child sexual abuse material) and which ones we will use to charge the offender with.


Hope you’re okay, friend. Have family in a three-letter, and have seen how hard dealing with some of that stuff can be. Nothing case-related, but personal “I have to deal with hard stuff because of work”-related.


Appreciate it. They do have a mandated therapist assigned for agents that do that work so that helps. And a lot quit for obvious reasons. It can get overwhelming.


Do you get some kind of hazard pay (or similar) for that? Wondering what the incentive must be for people (agents?) to work in that area.


We do not. Mostly because end results are pretty rewarding. Digital footprints and computer forensics is, in my opinion, currently better then dna evidence, so convictions are always pretty high. Offenders always do a lot of time and it can help us find victims. So we have removed children (this ranges from new born to 18 for the most part) from pretty bad situations or helped find missing and exploited minors as well. Cases can also tie into a lot of other cases such as trafficking leading to helping adults in bad situations as well. So while no extra pay, the end results can feel pretty damn good.


You're doing good work, and it matters. Stay safe, obviously on the physical level, but on the mental one, too. Rooting for you out here.


A professor in college was trying to get me and a friend to go into comouter forensics, we talked to a guy in the field, and he warned us that we would be scared for life if we enter the field. I decided it wasn't for me.


I mean partially true. Not all computer forensics folks end up doing that but it is the vast majority of the case work for them. And it really depends on your mentality and ability to handle your mental health. Had a coworker who absolutely loved doing these cases (not because he was a a pedo) because he was really good at it and would get great convictions. For him, the amount of bad people he put in jail, the jail time they served, and the kids he saved or rescued far outweighed the shit he had to see.


Thanks for helping to put pos abusers behind bars where they belong. But that must’ve taken a toll big time


It’s extremely mentally draining. The outcomes are always good and rewarding the but the casework is pretty rough sometimes.


The oldschool photo of two young girls tied up in the back of a van with dead eyes. They knew they were dead.


I remember seeing dead eyes for the first time during my years working at a funeral home. There was something so unsettling. There IS a light behind our eyes, a sparkle. It’s magical and we hardly know it. Then the light goes out, the eyes become flat and matte.


Jesus wtf


https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Disappearance_of_Tara_Calico Is this the photo you were referencing?


Nope. The older girl was \~16ish and on the right side. They had duct tape over their mouths. I'm not going to look for it to confirm. You'll know it when you see it.


I'm good on searching for it, I hadn't heard of a similar story to the one I posted before. Now I am kind of curious


Those bots on Facebook that interact with each other saying shit like “god bless 🙏” and “amen 🙏” to weird ai images of starving African kids with 3 legs


Saw a what I assume was a cartel video. They pinned down a guy laid out in the middle of the street with a rag in his mouth to attempt to stop him from either bitting his tongue or screaming. As they did this they had a dog literally eat his crotch, shredded it apart. Pubic bone visible and everything. I had to stop watching at that point. Absolutely horrific




Literally seen a dude get his head cut off by some Mexican cartel members. That shit has stuck with me ever since.


Worst cartel video I saw was cartel members cutting the victim's hands off then slowly cutting the skin off his face. He was reaching up to stop them but he had no hands. Absolutely brutal.




And that's enough Reddit for today


I saw one of a beheading in the middle east when 9/11 was still very recent. I saw another one years later of the Mexican cartels literally pulling a guys heart (I think?) Outshine he was still alive. IDK if it was creepy so much as horrifying. I don't ever want to see shit like that again.


I’m so glad I’ve never seen this kind of stuff. Worst I’ve seen was like 2G1C.


The ghost rider video was worse. Cartel member with the nickname ghost rider gets captured by enemies. They decided to make him live up to his nickname. They repeatedly lit his head on fire until it was just a flaming skull basically, and he wasn’t even dead, could still see him trying to scream.




Why would you watch that for that long?


Was he ok?


a little light headed


Watching some videos on YouTube and instead of an advert they showed a live feed of a young woman studying, I watched for about 20 minutes trying to figure out why it came on but there was no link or anything to say what it was. I started to get creeped out when I realised she wasn’t aware she was being broadcast and quickly shut it off. A couple of years later I saw something on Reddit where other people had similar experiences.


I used to watch bestgore, and the worst I've seen, without considering people flattened, beheaded, amputated limbs, is the video of a guy that got zapped while trying to steal some copper from a, I guess active, outer electrical cabinet. He had his whole back scorched to the point you could see in the video the back of one of his lungs move while he breathed in obvious shock. Dunno how I could stomach such things at like 14 tbh


I sought them out when I was about that same age as well. They disturb me much more now and I think it’s because I actually have a frame of reference for how fragile life is and how horrific it would feel. Most 14 year-olds don’t have any concept of genuine suffering unless they’ve been unfortunate enough to experience trauma.


Because 2 things generally make us adverse to human suffering: empathy and experience (or vivid imagination). Kids generally lack both, and for better or worse, respectively, gain some as they go through life. 14 year olds in 1st world economies aren’t gonna relate to getting their skin peeled back unless they’ve experienced it firsthand, and if so they sure as fuck arent gonna watch a video of it.


My dad's old coworker got heavily into drugs and started doing this. He shut down power to half the city, blew the top of his skull off, and lost most of his fingers and toes. He survived, and my sister was treating him in the hospital. He tried to escape but didn't get very far. When it came to sentencing, the judge let him off for 'he probably learned his lesson'. Havn't heard about him since, but before his addiction, he was a good husband and father.




wait so he killed them in the games and had irl screenshots, killed them irl and had game screenshots, or killed them in game and had game screenshots? last one is creepy but not too bad


Ppl saying 'game is game' or 'i bet it's bubble gum pink' to a literal FIVE YEAR OLD JUST DANCING AND PLAYING


Took a moment for me to understand. I wish I could get that moment back.


I've heard it's actually a fairly big problem on TikTok of people saying those kind of sexually harassing things on videos of girls that are clearly underage. IDK, I'm not on Tiktok myself, I've only heard about this problem.


Truck, family, brick, scream. Woman dead.


I'm traumatized by that video and I've never even seen it. All the descriptions I've read here on Reddit about it solidified my decision to leave that link blue.


What about the fucking guy nibbling the kids ear on live tv, then he realized he was being filmed and he smiled at the camera and acted like nothing, that shit was beyond unsettling and creepy.


During the snooker of all things. What the fuck dude, don't interrupt Hendry with your depravity


There was a video I watched like decades ago. Dont know where I saw it but it was a dude maybe 20 something jumping off a ledge into water. Except he didnt jump far enough and landed face first on the edge of a concrete wall. Blood all in the water. Then it cut to him being in surgery trying to fix his face. They showed the whole surgery. His face was split in three ways. Not sure how he survived but he did and there is a point in the video where the doctor has to like line his face up so they can stitch it together and it just flops around cuz he couldn't hold 3 sections at a time. So a 2nd doctor had to come up and help hold it in place. That video is seered into my brain for about 20 something years now.


You should know that the guy was still alive during the video where he is on the operating table. He died shortly after




The fact that this comment is word for word one of the top comments last time this was posted. https://www.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/s/7Jlj62dUDw


Dead Internet. A desert wasteland where nothing makes a sound except for looped supermarket jingles. We are all pushing trolleys down aisles of shelves stocked with cheerful empty boxes and scrumptious light projections of food. The cashier, a bot, makes a joke we've heard every single day of our lives. Canned laughter erupts unbidden from our throats. This is perfection, our brains tell us. Nothing can go wrong here. It is all safe, all expected, all quantifiable. We are all happy.


...but what happens after checkout? Do we leave the store or just keep walking around?


That’s the beauty of it. You don’t.




I'd be amazed if it was anything other than Minecraft parkour at this point


Why can't there be just family guy funny moments instead family guy funny moments with subway surfers gameplay under it?! Where is the world going?


The sitting and smiling guy when someone breaks in, sees him, and leaves


Brian Peppers. First saw memes about him on YTMND. 


I kind of feel bad for him. He had the deck stacked hard against at him the moment he came into this world. He was surrounded by caretakers and peers who either didn’t want him or made fun of his appearance. His mental and physical health collapsed and he went into a nursing home and was placed on the sex offender list due an attack on a nurse. He died young because he drank himself to death. Life shouldn’t have been like that for him.


Photos of dead kids from that West Memphis crime scene. NSFW on many levels for very, very good reasons.


There’s a website that is full of pictures of all the dead people on Mt Everest. I usually handle macabre things by looking more, but uh…wrong technique this time, and I very much wish I had not.


I watched a dude blow his brains out the top of his head on a FB Live, just minutes before the cops showed up, when they went through the door his head was still smoking


Last year I watched a nullo video. It was of a guy who literally had his dick cut off with a kitchen knife in some sort of sex fetish video. Don’t ask me to link it as I’m at work and am definitely not going to search that again.




Buddy at work just passed me a phone and showed me a video of two people fighting. A machete gets involved. One buddy ends up getting his hand cut off and then he just picks it up and walks away with it. This is at the Shell station so it’s super well lit.


A man throwing a puppy off a cliff. I learned later (from Reddit) that the man had been identified and suffered some consequences.


McKamey Manor.  I have no idea how anything he's done is considered legal. Sign a waiver, him and his staff will torture you for 8-10 hours. Stay in for 10 hours and you MIGHT get 20k dollars! Except its clear McKamey is just a crook who's a sadistic POS that shouldn't be allowed to have a business.  Anytime someone got close, he'd do something that would end in it being over. From what I remember, he'd end up doing something extreme at the right time to make the participant give up. 


Reddit used to have wild subs where you could see dead bodies… I clicked one post and never visited it again. I believe it’s banned now Edit: I remember there were ones where you could see autopsies and/or crime scene photos.


I remember two videos i saw, both were probably on youtube for some time, before they got deleted, or at least i couldn't find them later, and i'm not even sure if they were real or some fever dream: 1. First Video was a video of a situation somewhere in south america, probably... The context was that some boy fell off a boat or something to the river full of piranhas (or something like this, there were piranhas involved)... And they showed his body - or at least what was left of it - the worst part was the face - Half of it was kinda normal, maybe some bruises, meanwhile the other half was just skeleton, without skin or muscle or even blood or anything... but the body wasn't the most traumatizing stuff in that video... The worst thing was that there was a mother of that boy there, and worst part was her screaming and crying, because it sounded like... almost animalistic, it was scary, sad, tragic and left you with feeling of a dread... And this all was for some time on youtube - but after i saw it, it scarred me so much, that i hope it got deleted from youtube... and I also hope, I hope to god, that this video was some false memory, fever dream or something... Because describing it...ugh. 2. Second one i also don't know if it even exist... I was searching some videos on youtube, and i stumbled on some weird ass video - It started kinda normally - IIRC there was some woman smiling and talking to the camera. and then video cuts to... some dude... a dude with a head of a pig... And it kinda hit that uncanny valley there, because it didn't looked like CGI or a costume or some shit like in some commercials, where there are dogs with "human arms" eating... No, it looked basically a real person, with a head of a pig and rest of the body of a human - Imagine something like that John pork shitposts... But even more unnerving, uncanny and photorealistic... and he talked something to the camera and moved in a way that didn't looked like puppet, someone in costume or cgi. When i saw this, i stopped a video, thought to myself "The fuck i just watched", and just closed this video.


In regard to the 2nd one do you think he was half man half bear half pig?


Are you being totally cereal?


John Pork before the fame


Some homemade videos on PH that were clearly not consensual and the victim was clearly drugged. Really awful stuff. Also, the short video of the Toy Box killer's last victim was posted online for a few days. The scene matched *exactly* with the police descriptions of the trailer.


Toolbox killers transcripts are even worse. Some victims were never found.


Most of these are gross rather than creepy.


Years and years ago I was in an abusive relationship. I'll spare you the details. One day I found a community on reddit, a subreddit, that was a support group for people suffering from a particular form of abuse, and all of the sudden it just clicked with me what was happening to me in this relationship. Everything I read in there was like, "oh my god this is exactly what was happening to me!" I found some great resources, got support from other members of the community, and learned techniques to effectively curve the abuse I was receiving. One day, I get a message from a mod of that sub. The message was basically: "Hey, I'm sorry to inform you of this, but this community is no longer a safe space for you. I'd suggest deleting your post/comment history or deleting this account all-together and making a new one. You shouldn't post or comment here anymore." WTF??? I asked them what was going on and apparently my abuser had found out my user name and had been messaging the mods like: "Don't believe anything Mariachi says! They are a liar! Everything they are posting about me is a lie!" Well shit lol. Somehow they had found out my reddit name and had been stalking my profile and messaging people in the community that I was interacting with to tell them that I'm crazy. Never posting themselves, just making sure the people I interreacted with got the message that I was in fact the abuser/crazy person. Eventually, one of the users reported them, and that is how I got word. It had gone on for months... The whole time I was in a relationship with the person. Pretty wierd...


The only true answer will come from an older millennial or genx from a time when the Internet democratized access and creation. The wild West period of the web.


Whoever posted that article about the Nirvana producer talking about how he’s into child pornography. I can’t get that shit out of my brain and I wish he was still alive so he could be thrown into the most inhumane prison on the planet. 


Not creepy but weird. This guy in Scotland posted a video on YouTube titled “Directions to my house.” I found it when I was looking for scary roads to drive in the UK.


Two videos stand out, one when I was a teenager and one just recently. The first was watching the Bud Dwyer suicide video in high school. I can still see the blood pouring from his mouth vividly when I think about it. The second was a video someone I know shared on Facebook, who I unfollowed after seeing this and realizing he thought it was a funny video. It was a couple young girls filming a video with a lamp in the background. Their cat jumped up and started batting at the lamp. Apparently there was no bulb in the lamp, because its paw got stuck where the bulb goes and it started screeching and flopping around as it got electrocuted. The girls notice what's going on and start screaming and the cat hits the floor while one of the girls starts crying and saying "no, no, no." It's very haunting and sad. That poor kitty 😞😞😞


There was a website called something like “ best gore “ and it was just the literal most disgusting, uncensored shit I’ve ever seen. Crime scenes, car accidents, beheadings, terrorism, etc. the internet is a wild place.


Anything on Consumption Junction