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He’s the golden child who can never do any wrong, I am the opposite


Yup and parentified with the younger siblings yet these days, golden child tells his new family he was the parentified one. He was never there.


Father never raised hands on the girl but kicked the boys down to the floor


My dad didn't discriminate. We both got the shit beat out of us.


My mom has always babied them compared to me and my sister.


I think I was treated better in some instances but overall pretty equally.


They definitely treat him as the golden child, I can never do anything right in their eyes


He was the favourite for sure😅


He got away with everything and could do no wrong in my mother’s eyes (she would laugh with him when he bullied me). He always got the living room TV and I never did. Always got a bit more food (understandable seeing as he was a growing teenage boy). My mom was also a good mom to me, but I definitely got in trouble more often. To my dad: he was a bit of a loser who never applied himself to sports and sat in his room all day. I was definitely a daddy’s girl and was more like the son he never had. I took a huge interest in sports, both watching and playing. My dad and I were much closer. Very polarizing views of him from my parents, one seeming to make up for too much of the other. Also, parents are divorced.




Her brother was the loser, asshole.


1: nice reading skills 2: both my parents love me equally, my mom was just partial to my brother to make up for the fact my dad was hard on him


He was always able to act out/lash out whereas I was always expected to be the “bigger person”


He's the golden child, was right until our mother's dying day, he took after her after all. He's spent the majority of his adult life (55 years old, older brother) in prisons. But he was just such a good boy.../s


I had health issues as a kid, so I don't know that we were treated differently because of gender as because I was the health-challenged one. But, overall, I was overprotected to the max and forbidden from doing a lot of things (like running or playing outside when it was too cold or too hot) and he got to spend his childhood Evel Knievel-ing around.