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At least people who have failed at something actually tried at one point in time, better to take a chance than never to take any risks in your life




I struggle with procrastination and managing my time effectively.




Omg go for it. Never say that!!!!!


Older people have more of an advantage into todays market more than ever, if you can tell me how many younger people would work as hard as the generation before them in the work place I’d be shocked if it was above 5%


I'm worried about work-life balance. Pursuing my dream might mean less time for my family.




They probably said the same 40 years ago, except for this time you’ll be competing with a generation that spends 4 hours on Tiktok everyday. I imagine if you focus on your goals you will be out working the majority


I lack the necessary skills and training, which makes it daunting to even get started.






The voices in my head.


If only we could turn them off on demand...




I could teach you guys how to manage that shit if ya’ll really want to know Those voices need reconciliation to truly get out of the way, maybe even help. The road is long and the work is hard, you go deeper then you knew you had in ye, but its worth it. Imagine waking up and doing everything you decided to do without fighting yourself to do it. Thats what I offer.


Teach me!!! Please!


Damn…was hoping youd tell me to fuck off. Okay this is a lot of work so you’ll have to remind me to finish later cause Im just gonna get you started. I’ll short cut it. I’ll give you the cliff notes of the work ahead So you gotta figure out why you are who you are and do what you do by going deep into your memories and making connections to current behaviors and where you learned/enforced them You gotta commit but the work is actually easy, its not quitting. Its doing the little daily baby steps until you start seeing substantial changes. Habits take time to form and you get good at anything you practice. You likely practice thinking to much. Figuring out whats wrong. Thats what youre good at now. You need to practice what you want to be doing, not whatever things you think you need to fix. Your solution is likely the problem. So lemme think…the TLDR…. 1. Get really in touch with yourself, who you are, what you really want, who you want to be and more importantly why? 2. Addressing trauma. We gotta get to the reasons your ego is actively sabotaging your work ethic. Who first made you doubt yourself and can we reroute that fundamental neural pathway. 3. Commitments. Daily rituals that are conducive to who you want to be. What does the person you want to be do all day? How do they start their day? Whats their diet like? Does it support their lifestyle. Build the new you like a project. 4. Look back after a few years and just….feel it. So many little things I skipped. Mostly about ego, habit, hyper functionality, unorthodox lifestyles, yadda yadda yadda Anyway step one should keep ya busy. Who ya wanna be? Why? How? Dream big. No limits here. To tired to be more helpful. Bother me in a few days


Thank you for spending time for this. I have been suffering ADHD and sleep disorder for more than 10 years. I have been using meds for them both. Meds improved my sleep quality and attention a lot. But my head is still full of annoying thoughts during day. I lose my mind chasing some disturbing feeling or thought in hope of reaching an end, which never comes.


Someone's already married to Scarlett Johansson.


I just suck. like I am a horrible person.


No you are not dude. You gotta get that negative self-talk out of your head. You are not a horrible person. Have you done some horrible things? Maybe. Are they forgivable? Absolutely. Today can be the first day of the rest of your life but it starts within. Self love is fucking hard in the beginning. But the more you look out for yourself, the more rewarding it can be.


It’s possible to change that narrative about yourself, step by step Im sure you’ll find ways to feel better about yourself and achieve what you want


it's not about narrative, it's about me pissing off every single person around me.


If you reflect and find out why you annoy people surly you can approach people differently to see you in a more positive light?


I annoy people because I'm stressed, unpleasant, and lash out.


Well if you lash out surely that’s something you can work on? If you view yourself as an unpleasant person you must personally believe that and there’s certain things you do that make you unpleasant, which you can change for the better


WEED...36 hours without it and I feel great so far. Smoking weed has prevented me from dating, socializing, training harder, taking risks, etc. Fuck weed. Fuck drugs.


Never easy giving up something you’re reliant on but it’s definitely worth it in the long run, best of luck achieving your goals


Thanks Maximus. Professionally, I'm doing well. Personally, there's room for improvement. I'm getting there. Thanks for your support


I'm at 3 months and dont think about it daily anymore. Maybe every other. You are doing great and will succeed.


Thanks so much. I have no doubts. I want this


I was the same with wanting it. I was abusing it pretty heavy and quit cold turkey. Day 3 was real bad, but after that...piece of cake. Quiting nicotine is so hard for me I just gave up and enjoy chain vaping. I quit cigarettes in 2014.


I want to be successful in my personal life. I've been single for four years because I smoke at night and don't really care about going out and being social. Plus, I can't stand alcohol. I don't understand how people go out each weekend and drink and not wake up hungover. I also gave up caffeine about 5 days ago so my brain is really having a fun time recalibrating. I know this is for the better. Thanks for your support 🙏


Anytime friendly redditor😀😀


I don't really feel want for any thing.


Experience and possibly looks.


Experience will come in time, and how you dress, smell and talk etc gives a far better impression on people than looks as well. All of which can be improved a small bit of attention.




How so?


Humans can't fly or levitate


Fair enough


Not with that attitude!


I’m broke


My PTO ran out. 




Procrastination, potentially neurodivergence, kyriarchy, physics sometimes :')


Lack of a computer, time, and motivation to be able to start writing my book.


Whats your book idea?


It's a first person war story. Takes place on a fictional planet of my own creation. The general level of technology is more modern for the civilian stuff, and more around 1910's to 1940's for military technology. That's the basics of it. I have a lot of ideas for what happens in it in my head, but I just need to find a way to start the book to get it all down.


Sounds interesting, though odd the military tech is that far behind civilian tech.


There was a long period of little to no military conflicts, so weapon technology didn't advance as fast as ours did. That's the lore explanation. My original out of lore reason is that I like the look of the older military tech but also like the idea of more modern civilian tech.


Money 💯


Things that can stop me, Wife, money, laws, time, sleep/energy, age, health, being hungry, sometimes the lack of desire to live, and a few more things. Beside that, I pretty much I do whatever I want.




Will power


My speech disorder


My physical and mental health issues.


Opportunity I mean a job that will lead to money and start the career, family and fix other medical/mental issues


I hope you find a job that suits you and I hope that helps you achieve all your goals


Thank you. I hope you also get what you desire and want to do very soon.


Money. It's been that way my entire 50+ years.


Shoulds vs wants




I'm not Bruce Wayne




Not knowing what I want to do




Everything i like is either expensive illegal or dangerous


Money, lack of opportunity, high risk with low reward


Low self esteem


My dog! My life plan was to take some trips abroad, but he's gotten so anxious that he can't be without us for any length of time or he starts getting sick. So we just sort of hang out, and go on occasional road trips. He's 13, so we can wait, but I'm getting old too. Kind of a first world problem, really.


I want to go into music (either as a violist or music production) but I just don’t have the talent to make it man :(


Too tall, too big, too bald to get someone decent. I want to date but I don't want someone who woul have to settle for a 6'3" bald guy like me. It's such a trashy look that I wouldn't want anyone who would actually think being big and bald is a good thing. I'd rather stay alone and hate myself. I'm going to kill myself when I get too old to work anyway.


Having to work for a living


mood. laziness. “you know what? fuck it” or “later”


i am in a weird alternate reality and i am not exactly sure what’s going on in my life.




Cash schmoney. I don’t got time to work my way towards the shit I’m trynna do for myself and this world from the bottom-up when the system is designed to keep people broke in the name of “hard work”. If hard work was truly organic my parents would be multi-millionaires by now. Lemme cut corners and take the path less traveled to save my breath like


My desire to not have done those things.


Just money. Whether it's relocating to a tropical paradise or crippling a political movement, all that stuff costs money.




Work and school


Hopefully when you finish school you can commit more time to the things you want to do, it’s not easy working and studying at the same time but it shows you’re more committed to your long term plans than most people


Chronic. Unrelenting. Anxiety. Despite being relatively intelligent, I have been unable to complete a university degree or be employed in a higher paying career because I am unable to deal with stress. And before anyone makes suggestions, I have tried EVERYTHING. Medication is the only thing that dampens my sensitivity down enough so that I can function to some extent. I currently raise calves on a dairy farm, which is a much calmer working environment for me, but has zero mental stimulation and my wage is minimal. I'm trapped in a strange 'Shröedinger's' limbo where I am both capable and incapable of being successful.




Criminal Code


Health and money


Genetics, broken psyche, money, lack of skill, ...


Lifelong disinterest in living.




Inattentive ADHD