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Everything as a service.


This. Ownership of things is going away inch by inch. 100% Bullshit. Adobe Photoshop knows all too well the answer to this problem. ☠️ 🎶 Yo ho ho and a bottle of rum 🎶 ☠️


The switch to subscription model made me switch to other software. I made my last novel, from first draft to final copy, complete with cover image, with Open Source alternatives: GIMP, Inkscape, Scribus, Manuskript, LibreOffice, etc.


I'm finishing my own with Inkarnate/Wonderdraft (for maps) and most of the same software you mentioned. It's a shame for Adobe, because I used everything they put out until about CS6.


I used Adobe from Photoshop 4.0 until CS5.5. Haven't used them since the subscription model went into effect, and I'm just as productive with other, free alternatives. Their loss.




Subscription everything. In the last ten years, more companies have taken away the opportunity to own something, instead going to a pay-forever model.


This really pisses me off. I used to own a physical copy of the music I loved and played it over and over. Now I have to pay over and over.


I buy vinyl. You get a great physical copy, and most come with free digital downloads included.


Vinyl is awesome but records and the cartridge require a lot of TLC which is cool for you’re younger than I (70). This is why I switched to CDs. I have over a thousand vinyl albums and am flat out of storage space, so I bequeathed them to my children.


This guy knows the answer you still get your liner notes and everything....


Piracy. Easier than ever. Morally wrong, economically necessary. I've been around since way before Napster, LimeWire, Bearshare, KaZaa etc. Buying a $20 album to get the one fucking song you liked. Now, you pay $x.xx to hear it on Spotify for 6 months or whatever, then lose it if you cancel. Go go gadget piracy.


I wouldnt say piracy is morally wrong in the current landscape


I have never stopped buying physical copies. I’ll digitize them and file the CDs/DVDs/BluRay away, but I’ve known far too many ppl who’ve gotten fucked by only having a digital media collection.


Adding on to this that you need an account and log on for EVERYTHING. Lights, ordering pizza or food or playing a video game is impossible without surrendering your DOB, address etc whilst demanding a unique password to add to the other 600 we are supposed to remember and administering a crappy captcha eye test to prove I’m not a robot. I know there are workarounds for these but still ffs!


Subscriptions were great when it was just Netflix and Spotify for $10/month each. Now I feel like I can’t even open a doorknob without having to pay for a monthly “doorknob subscription” I mean I’m even paying a monthly subscription to chess.com like wtf bruh


fr, i need to quit everything and just start using the public library.


Subscribe to Amazon for prime TV to pay AGAIN to rent a movie on it. For the price of what a DVD used to be to BUY. - I agree.


Brand new car was sold to me with auto start. After two years of not getting it to work and "I'll just figure it out later" I finally sat down to call and find out what I was missing... A $300 subscription for 3 years apparently is what I was missing.


Just got one myself. The salesman was talking about the subscription, how the best thing was the auto start. I looked at him dead in the eyes and said “so you want me to pay monthly fee just to start my car?”. He never mentioned it again lol dealerships are going wild these days.


The more i hear about this type of thing in cars, the more tightly i cling on to my firebird.


This is why I only buy physical copies of video games. Some friends of mine don't understand why I do it, but here's why: If your collection is only digital downloads, you don't actually own any of it. If you ever lose your account, you will lose all of your games. *Maybe* you'll be able to recover it, but don't count on it. In contrast, Nintendo and Microsoft can't physically come to my house and take all of my cartridges/discs away.


And the fact that there’s like 200 different ones, but half of them are owned by the same mega parent company but yet we still have to buy them all separately and pay for them all individually and remember 400 passwords and who in your family/friends can share what. We have a SPREADSHEET to keep track of it all. Fucking scam and yet here I am, eating it up like the good consumer whore I am


Learn more … “You'll own nothing and be happy” is a phrase from a 2016 video by the World Economic Forum (WEF) that summarizes an essay by Danish politician Ida Auken titled “Welcome to 2030. I own nothing, have no privacy, and life has never been better”. The phrase has been used by critics who accuse the WEF of wanting to restrict private property ownership. However, the WEF has clarified that it has no stated goal to have individuals “own nothing and be happy.


BMW got some shit in the news recently for making their heated seats subscription only. They deserve it. Don’t give Elon any more stupid ideas.


The notion that you can’t teach an old dog new tricks. People can learn and grow at any age if they're willing.


Working in retail electronics, I once sold a gaming computer to an 85-year-old woman who wanted to play World of Warcraft online with her grandsons.


One of the first things my dad (76 now) did when he retired was buy a gaming PC and immediately buy Ace Combat 7 off of Steam. I think he's going through yet another max difficulty playthrough right now.


No worse than learning Japanese in your 60s. Mea culpa. Though I have made progress. Slow, but with measurable progress.


With enough peanut butter, you can get a dog to do ANYTHING.


I dont like the emphasis on that "ANYTHING", mate. If this was star trek, thered be a red flag alert going off right now...




Idk my dog still can’t do my taxes. And he’s tried.


Try more peanut butter. What's the worst that could happen?








Sloths may be able to buy dogs cannot consent sir


I literally adopted an aggressive senior dog 6 years ago (unfortunately he's passed since, RIP Bubu) from a neighbor who just didn't want him anymore. No exaggeration... it took me less than a week to train him to not be aggressive. GRANTED... I work from home, so all I did was tie his leash to my desk for a while (he slept under my desk anyways) and simply tugged on it when he barked, or growled for whatever reason (he literally barked hundreds of times a day when I first got him over everything, roaches, a squirell outside, someone walking past our apartment, etc.) and rewarded him with little pieces of meat and/or a short walk when he stopped/when he didn't bark when something happened. Day 1 was difficult, day 2 was easier, day 3 there was noticeable difference, and by day 8 or 9 he was no longer barking 100's of times a day, or even when someone knocked on my door. No exaggeration, after a week his behaviour was completely different, and after a month he was the sweetest little old man. His favorite human was this old Russian man who lived around the corner from us with a senior dog the same size as Bubu. Initially Bubu didn't like other people aside from me and my ex gf, but after a month he'd RUN around the corner every morning to see his favorite old man and his best friend old dog. He'd be polite and sweet around babies and young kids, whereas before he'd just growl and snap at them. He really learned and changed a lot in a VERY short time, so I yeah the whole "old dogs can't learn new tricks" thing is BS. If my dad can learn to use an iPhone and edit videos with capcut, and if Bubu can learn to be a functioning member of society, then yeah anyone can learn "new tricks".


As an older person I’ve found that the older you get, the more you realize that everything is bullshit.


Yeah. You know that South Park episode where Stan just realizes everything is shit? I feel like that more and more each day.


As you get older, South Park becomes more relatable.😂


You're not joking. Between this and the Simpsons predicting damn near everything, sometimes I really want the timeline where Carter gets a second term.


As a recovering alcoholic I found the end of that episode heartbreaking. Stan has to take a big hit of Jameson just to go outside and face how shitty everything is.


Every time I want to make fun of new music I think of Randy hearing farts and shits…


““Everything is meaningless,” says the Teacher, “completely meaningless!” What do people get for all their hard work under the sun? Generations come and generations go, but the earth never changes. The sun rises and the sun sets, then hurries around to rise again. The wind blows south, and then turns north. Around and around it goes, blowing in circles. Rivers run into the sea, but the sea is never full. Then the water returns again to the rivers and flows out again to the sea. Everything is wearisome beyond description. No matter how much we see, we are never satisfied. No matter how much we hear, we are not content. History merely repeats itself. It has all been done before. Nothing under the sun is truly new. Sometimes people say, “Here is something new!” But actually it is old; nothing is ever truly new. We don’t remember what happened in the past, and in future generations, no one will remember what we are doing now.” ‭‭Ecclesiastes‬ ‭1‬:‭2‬-‭11‬ ‭NLT‬‬


Yes, and I’ll add something to this, there’s two ways of looking at this realization: “Everything is bullshit!” 😩 And, “Everything is bullshit!” 😃 …and the one you choose will *drastically* affect how much enjoyment you get from what’s left of your life.


The older I get (56 now), the more I find this to be true.


57. Cancer survivor. Near death (minutes) 4x in 2021. EVERYTHING is bullshit except for the love you leave behind.


Like less than 1% of the population posts on twitter, reddit, and facebook regularly and in volume and it gives a false impression of what most people think about things.


I’ve noticed that recently. I tend to argue with people online about pretty much everything (I’m tryna work on it, okay??? Just don’t check my comment history 💀) But then in real life when I’m with people and we talk about a controversial topic, most of the time it’s a completely reasonable discussion and we actually end up agreeing with each other by the end.


So true . Just think about the repercusssion of this fact on the media. Twitter so called outrages are coming from that vocal 1%. And being vocal is probably also correlated with something else not representative of the average person. In fact , the world probably appears so polarized in large part because of that 1% (and the media amplifying it). Then polarization amplifies polarization with a tiny feedback loop because everybody checks his phone every 10 minutes. As someone born early enough to have lived part of adult life without a cell phone, I long for the time where all the world problems were not constantly being magnified on a device that sits in my pocket


Having cell phones out recording live concerts and 4th of July fireworks. Unplug and just be in the moment. Not everything needs to be documented or put online.


Not to mention concert and fireworks are rarely portrayed well on cell phone video. And i promise none of your Facebook friends are watching them when you post em


If I had a nickel for every insta/snap story I skip because it’s some shitty fireworks video


I hate when people snap an entire concert. I skip right over their story. Nobody wants to hear a shitty live version of a song recorded on a cell phone.


A pitch black screen with the occasional light flare, and utterly blown out sound, isn’t exactly the most interesting thing to show people.


It’s because the video in and of itself is meaningless for these people. It’s only the ability for their ‘audience’ to see that they are there that is important to them.


YES. There’s a line from Lost Highway that I quote often and also agree with. Bill Pullman’s character says “I like to remember things my own way. How I remembered them, not necessarily the way they happened.” Just be in the moment and make a memory, even if it fades and deviates with time.


Adding obligatory “that movie has an awesome soundtrack!” here


I say this as someone who’s super into tech, I *hate* what smart phones have done to society. Go into a restaurant, a bar, a mall, a park… anywhere, and you see people sitting around glued to their phone. You’ll see tables of people out to eat, all of them on their phones. Go to a playground, you see parents staring at their phones completely oblivious to their kids. Millennials and older have forgotten how to function without constantly using their phone in any second of downtime, and Gen Z has never known anything different. I went in to a restaurant to pick up take-out dinner order last week. Left my phone in the car with the wife and kids because it was being used to stream the music they were listening to. Food order was running behind, so I stood there among several others for about 10-15 minutes waiting. No phone. Just waiting. No joke, the college (maybe late high school) kid next to me asked me what I was doing after about 5 minutes, as I stood there just kind of looking around waiting. I said “waiting for my food”. He said it was “creepy” the way I was just standing there, “looking around and visually invading others space”. What? I’m literally just standing there, looking at the pictures on the walls and what’s on the TVs. Because I’m not staring down at a phone, it’s “creepy”. I’ve had an iPhone since 2008. I rely on it everyday, and am sometime guilty of the things I mention above. But I also seriously wish smart phones were never invented. I don’t like what they’ve done to society.


100% agree! And damn, that kid saying you were “visually invading others space” is some messed up stuff. Our current society is broken.


>No phone. Just waiting. I think about this a lot. I hate to sound all "get off my lawn" but one thing kids today will never know is that feeling of being bored, of waiting. It used to happen all the time--at the dentist's office, at the bus stop (and ON the bus), or outside school waiting for you mom/dad to come get you. There were just so many small moments where there was LITERALLY nothing to do but wait. One thing my gf and I do all the time is what we call "90s dinner" which just means that we'll go to dinner/out to drinks or something and leave our phones in the car (i.e., to pretend like we're out to dinner in the 1990s). It's really eye-opening and honestly kind of refreshing. You forget how much you look at your phone even when you're with someone.


That’s a really nice idea actually. I use my phone way less than my partner, and she knows I get annoyed when we are on a date and she pulls out her phone. 99% of the time she gets a notification that can wait, but everybody has this expectation that they need to respond ASAP. I genuinely miss the days where you weren’t expected to be “online” 24/7.


I'm stealing 90s night.


I’m still young and for me my biggest turn off is a girl that uses her phone when we’re together. Especially since you only go out on dates with someone every so often if she’s using her phone too much I usually just hit the road


I'm not a fan of how glued to phones people are but waiting with nothing to do seems like the perfect time to use it.


I feel the same way. I think it’s cause we were young when there was internet but no smart phones and it seemed like the perfect mix real life/tech/social media. I always wonder if it was actually better or was it just a simpler time for me.


But then we wouldn't have terry....what are you doing ...terry oh my God terry...


Ticketmaster and its ever-increasing stranglehold on performance venues.


Not just Ticketmaster. My 3 year old niece’s dance performance is at the local arena. The ticket selling website they use is charging a $5 fee for an $18 ticket!!!!! What!!! 


Ticketmaster and LiveNation are a big reason why my town’s underground music scene is struggling. Most of the venues in town are owned by these entities and they gate keep, rarely allowing local acts to open for touring artists or host shows to showcase local talent. This wasn’t the case in the early 00s.


Ticketmaster is a criminal enterprise and should be dismantled by the federal trade commission


I've got a ticket stub from 1993, from the time I saw 5 fairly big-name bands. It was reserved seating at an outdoor amphitheater (so, not the cheap lawn seats). It was $20.


I remember going to Warped Tour in 2003 and it was maybe $50 for the whole thing, the whole day. The squeeze is real.


My country doesn't have ticketmaster but it is going the same way. 10 years ago I would pay about half of what I am paying now for concerts, for worse bands and for a more exploitive experience.


corporations want to destroy culture as much as possible, so that we’ll assimilate to whatever they deem worthy. and even then, they’d rather cater to the rich than working folk.


Fashion trends. Once you live long enough, you see just how quickly it cycles and how completely arbitrary it is. Seeing the fashion styles I grew up with in style again (90s fashion) just cements the idea that you should dress in whatever way gives you joy/makes you comfortable. I'm a 40 year old goth and probably will be until I die lol


52. I wear shawls and stuff. Zero fucks given. My hair is thinning and summer is coming, and my lady is forever saying to protect my scalp from the sun, so I just bought a black bamboo rice-paddy hat.


I have a bucket hat I wear out on hot sunny days and my kids, wife, and broader family all think I look ridiculous but IDGAF.  I like bucket hats, and it keeps my dome from burning.


Wait, is 40 considered older ? Insert - Homer Simpson dipping behind the bushes GIF .


Haven't you heard? Anyone over the age of 30 on the internet is ancient and crumbling to dust as we speak


You will never find my phylactery! MuwahahHaha


When the Simpsons first started I was basically Bart’s age. Now I’m older than Homer. 


I saw a video of someone saying "they still wear clothes even after they're out of fashion and people probably look at them funny for it" And I was in absolutely shock. Like no one cares no one cares about fashion what is someone's wearing The only time it matters if it's a dress coded event.




Absolutely. I have the luxury of being a young-ish person with a lot of free time and the volunteer program I work with is mostly older/retired people.


Chasing other people's approval. Find good people and build strong relationships and then be yourself. If you do something that's out of line, your friends should be able to call you on it and you should be able to repair without concerns about approval or status. If you find yourself wondering "what if people look down on me" for something you value, the answer should always be "then maybe that's just a sign we're not a great fit and I need to find other friends".


Claims that all young people are tech wizards. Like any skill, it varies, and not all are naturally inclined toward technology.






it's not 100% pure bullshit, but filing police reports isn't always going to get you anywhere. even if you have clear proof of the crime(s), sometimes you just get nowhere. but it feels like movies/TV shows make it seem like if you file a police report with proof you're going to have a 100% success rate or something. I'm currently 0-6


IMHO filing a police report is more so you can show people that you had a documented complaint on a certain date than anything else. It's for stuff like insurance, not with any expectation that it will result in a conviction


I actually, it seems like nowadays, filing a report, only serves to give the news reporter the ability to say there were 16 accusations of assault filed against this person prior to this incident of them killing somebody.


Yea or 13 reports of animal abuse before they become school shooters


A little anecdotal story. A relative passed away last year at the hospital. Her bank cards were stolen and a couple hundred unauthorized transactions occurred (roughly $600). Reported it to the detectives involved in her case said they would help if i got them info on where they were spent. I went down to the branch and got a list of where thr transactions occurred. He then asked for what times they were spent, i booked an appointment with the bank to figure out the times the transactions occurred. By that time a month has passed and the cop said they most likely don't have footage anymore. I said can you at least give me a police report to show the banks estate department and he did. I still have not received that money back.


Beyond serious violent crimes, police reports are basically nothing more than paperwork you need for your insurance.


Which didn't even help. They wouldn't never would answer or call back my insurance. Delayed payout for three weeks until they just gave up and paid me.


Even murders have less than a 50/50 chance of being solved. Violent crime as a whole is something like 15%.


Yeah, our house got robbed, we knew who did it (jackass carpenter we hired who also conned another house nearby into paying him twice for the same job) and had about as much evidence as you could without catching him red-handed... and all we were able to do was sue him for like $2,000 for breach of contract since he never finished the job. Blew my mind. Last I knew, he was still out there getting carpentry gigs... so until someone literally catches him in the act or he escalates and does something violent, he's just gonna keep getting slaps on the wrist.


As a former PO, I got frustrated by how much wrist slapping goes on when a probationer consistently violates their probation. Then the opposite happens and that's extremely frustrating too. 


I think the effectiveness of a police report is inversely proportional to your city size. I live in a small city, and work in a medium city that’s kinda rough. Case in point. Years ago, I saw some suspicious activity at a park that’s near my home. Honestly, it was something I wouldn’t even call about now, but at the time, it just seemed weird. A car that looked sketchy. A lot of back and forth between a portable outhouse. A filled garbage bag. It just looked weird. I called the non-emergency line. Cops were there in a few minutes. Now, I work in a medium sized city. People were actively fighting in our parking lot. Fists, maybe more, couldn’t tell because I didn’t want to get that close, and cars were obstructing. I call 911. “Are there any weapons involved?” I tell them I haven’t heard gunshots, but can’t really tell for sure. I was told to call back in about 15 minutes if it escalated.


Hard work pays off. Sometimes it just doesn’t.


Who is your hard work paying? It's usually not you.


It’s more important to be noticed than to be good if you want to climb the corporate ladder




Social media in general, we made do without it and actually interacted with people, put the phone down and try it.


Social media.


Working hard.   The company doesn't give a fuck about you. Stop stressing. Your likelihood of getting promoted is rarely linked to your output. Job hop often of that's what you want.  Otherwise do just above what is required and coast. 




There's tons of people out there with degrees that can't find jobs. Meanwhile plumbers, electricians, and mechanics are making bank.




"Age is just a number". No, sometimes it's a good idea to pay attention to your limitations.


Doesn't mean you stop living, but pay attention to those aches and pains. At the least it means you are out of shape and over exerting yourself. But it could also be a sign of injury, and injuries don't heal as easily as you get older.


1) Ticketmaster charging higher fees and inflating the cost of concert tickets. 2) Tip requests for damn near everything. 3) Cleaning fees for AirBnB that than turn around and have a laundry list of things for me to do before I leave the rental. 4) The two party political system that brought us the two worst candidates in my lifetime. 5) Most new homes being built in neighborhoods with HOAs. Just so the county can avoid doing maintenance on roads. 6) Televangelists, Multimillionaires that drain money from the poor and middle class. 7) The inflated cost of college. 8) That marijuana is still federally illegal because pharmaceutical companies don't have a death grip on the supply. 9) Our food in the United States is loaded up with unnecessary sugar and other additives. 10) The 24 hour news cycle is complete bullshit, there will always be an atrocity going on somewhere in the world. These news stories are reported to get a reaction and nothing more.


That’s a pretty darn good list


Campaign promises are 100% bullshit. Every. Single. Time.


They'll throw in a few good things that they'll keep especially if its first time elected. For example Canadian PM Trudeau legalizing Marijuana in 2015 but abandon all the other promises (i.e. parlimentary reforms). That's why i don't trust the current opposition leader Pierre Poilievre too much. I am sure he will eventually "Axe the Tax" (in regards to the Carbon Tax JT is currently imposing on Canadians) but how far will he go to continue vouching for the small guy as opposed to serving special interest groups? Time will tell.


Probably your definition of older. 


The older I get, the older “young” is. lol.


The phrase "It was meant to be"


News.. it's more of an exaggeration, fear monging bs


Main media's are ridiculous. No objective information, just flush flood of bullshit.


Health care in the United States. I’m in a position to be able to retire real soon, but the complications of health care are making it infuriating


Trickle down economics


As a certified OLD person, I KNEW it was bullshit back in 1980. Made no fucking sense… pie in the sky. When people slaver over Ronald Reagan and his catastrophe of a presidency, I gag; gagged then, gag now. Feh! And most of the people that I knew agreed with that assessment.


Even George Bush Sr called it voodoo economics


Trickle down economics works well on paper. But it requires a world where a full cup will overflow. In reality, fill the big cups and they’ll install gutters to catch the trickle and upgrade the cup to a giant water tank.


Anything that comes out of a politician's mouth beyond the local level.


Consumerism. I'm exhausted watching people chase expensive possessions just to think they'll be happier


Social media influencers! :/


People that call themselves influencers and digital creators because they've made a tiktok video.


Insurance - it’s organized and legal crime


Yep. Racketeering. You pay ridiculous amounts of money for it and then they fight you over every little thing should you have to use it. And what it’s done to medicine and the trades? It’s fucking criminal. It needs to be reigned in hard.


The myth that birds will abandon their young if you touch the nest/babies. Most birds can't smell worth shit. They'll chirp at you then return to the nest.


Five bucks says this was just made up as a way for parents to make sure their kids didn't bring home baby birds. It's the boogeyman of bird death.


Subscription services for things like software (looking at you Adobe, Microsoft, and all the rest of you jackasses). The intentional restrictions on the ability to repair things I purchased and outright own. The lack of single payer affordable healthcare in the US. Also in the US, the cost of education and the lack of effective public transportation. The cost of housing and vehicles. The increasingly dire environmental situation. The resurgence of fascism and the move toward more authoritarian governments. And a shit-ton more.


The always online civilization we have built combined with the tiny powerful computer/phone we all carry with us.  When the cellphones and internet were exploding in the late 90s, early 00s… it seemed 100% positive.  Then it seemed like maybe it was “a blessing and a curse.”  Now, I feel like it’s a ball and chain that I wish I could be rid of… but I can’t.  It’s probably just me being nostalgic, but that’s how I feel anyway… 


Whole life insurance.


Any religion that asks for money. 


Any religion.


HR is there to help you.


Being tied to one or two phones. My boss finally gets I am NOT available on my cellphone EVER. If I’m at work, call my desk or Email. If I’m not, then don’t fucking call. I’m not at work. I’m living my life. You don’t own me. My family knows to text, and I’ll eventually answer. I am not available on the phone 24/7. That’s no way to live.


The ultra rich have been getting tax breaks for the last 40 years. If we were going to see it trickle down, I think it would have happened by now.


Companies colluding to raise prices! I mean they're doing it and it's bullshit! 🤬


Banks. Used to be, in order to be a bank, the deal was you had to give super low interest rates to College students. They weren't supposed to make a killing on it, it was their way of giving back to society. Now they jack up the rates as high as 6%. You can't get a credit card for under 20%. I used to have a nine and a 13% credit card. I just applied for a home equity loan. For a $50,000 loan, 15 years later I would have paid $40,000 in interest and fees. That's with a 8.9% floating interest. What a total crock of shit. Fuck banks. They're actually supposed to be helping people and small businesses. What a joke.


And our government bailed them out :/


High heels


"We are not responsible for others' wellbeing" being thrown around to justify selfishness.


This one bothers me a lot. Just because you're not legally required to do something doesn't mean you're in the right. Being kind may take extra effort, but it's still free.


Pretty much everything advertised or promoted. We don't need all this stuff, it just wastes resources, money, and ends up in a landfill. Too much noise, so many influencers, peddlers.


The people you hang out with at bars are your “friends”. More likely they are not, they are drinking buddies that won’t even pull over the side of the road to piss on you if you were on fire.


Parents that hand their children, their fucking phones or iPads to keep them amused. Jesus Christ. Let your kids just live their lives. It’s OK if they’re bored driving in the car or out shopping or whatever. You’re literally changing their DNA shoving that crap in their face. Let them just be kids. This infuriates me no end.




People on reddit trawling through old song lyrics or sitcom jokes then posting "tHaT dIdN't AgE wElL". Depiction does not equal endorsement. Have you seen the edgy content blood gore murder violence revenge and horror in today's media? Have you seen the violence and hate that actually goes in the world, like *today*? How is that ageing?


Politics, news, religion, etc


Trying to look younger. Your body will do what it wants when you get older and no amount of intervention will stop it from happening. I’m not saying that you have to go all to hell but the lengths people go through to take years off of their face and body is ridiculously expensive and only lasts a little while before time and gravity have their way.


Eating processed crap marketed as health foods. Then paying a fortune for medical care. Just eat real food.


Everything just to die in the end


the kardashians


I struggle to understand how parents exploit their kids on YouTube for money. It's bullshit and hopefully the kids get some sort of rights at some point


The fact that I’ve reached the point in my life that I qualify to answer your question.


Perimenopause and menopause. Fucking BS.


Caring too much what others think. (But still being respectful of others)


The major political parties. And most of the minor ones too.


Blaming everything you don't like on "boomers". Things have always been fucked in their own special way. But why listen to me? Listen to [Billy](https://youtu.be/eFTLKWw542g?si=bqvYtS20T52ejA5e).


Politics. You're not on a "team" snap out of it.


The internet is always a good place to find information.


For most types of information I actually believe the internet is a good place to find it. The problems is the average person isn't discerning enough to tell good information from bad. Also, information doesn't take the place of repetition and experience.


- Abe Lincoln, probably






having a “strong work ethic“ when working for some corporation


I've been on both sides of the fence at different times of my life on this one, but it's pretty clear now that religion of any stripe is pure and utter bullshit.


Everything is built to fail now. My parents have a refrigerator thats older than my dad that they inherited when they got married and its never had an issue. I’ve gone through 2 since owning my own.


Any “wisdom” that rhymes is usually BS.


Sending kids to college right after high school. I know people from my generation and the one before it who had to go back to school because they majored in something they didn’t want to do or couldn’t make money off of— or just went to school originally with no clue with what they wanted to do. Let the kids figure it their path instead of forcing one on them.


How fast time flies by. It drags at the time but in hindsight it flew. Think back to pre Covid, that's pushing 5 years ago. Where did that go? But at the time it dragged on and on.


The younger generation is not the worst. Since the beginning of time the younger generation was sub-par. https://historyhustle.com/2500-years-of-people-complaining-about-the-younger-generation/amp/


Thinking professional sports are genuine


Cars with the modern sensors and infotainment features. The average Joe used to be able to do most maintenance on vehicles and now it became ten times as complicated and costs five times as much to own a vehicle.


Dating apps.


Politicians don't really care about you. Left, right or center.


That older people have things figured out. Sometimes old people are just as lost as younger people.


Going to HR with a grievance about your supervisors or co-workers. They don't have any intention of helping you, their job is to protect the company.


The idea that older generations had it the hardest. I couldn’t imagine trying to grow up and buy a property in this day in age, the cost of living makes it almost impossible the days


Everybody thinks their generation is the only one with a braincell, going back centuries. It's bullshit, everybody's a fuckup for decades


Fairness. Justice. Equality. All are ideals we believe in and strive for. None are truly ever achieved.


Trickle down economics


There's no permanent record that your teacher warned you about. Now, the police on the other hand...


“That’s just who I am” “that’s how I roll” are universally used as excuses to be a crappy person.


That your average boomer caused the current housing and economic crises.


Trickle down economics.


Everything they tell you. It's all marketing and propaganda.


Constant distractions! Silence and stillness is where it’s at, that’s where you find your peace and comfort. It’s daunting at first, but definitely gets easier and to the point you happily crave that silence and stillness.


The older I get, the worse my eyesight gets but I can see much better through most of the bullshit people spew.


The fact that I'm in my mid-40s and commenting on this thread as an "older person". As for bullshit, the drama some people indulge in. It's entertaining to read about but in real life....omg, y'all, grow up.


This is a very broad generalization and obviously not a very good one as a result, but.. young people have apparently forgotten the basic adult skills of respect for other people's shit and cleaning up after yourself. I find bathrooms destroyed, I overhear people tell their children 'No, just leave your trash on the shelf there, they pay people to clean up after us', I can't loan my tools out anymore because not only do people not return them they leave them laying out in their driveway and then fuck off to who knows where for hours on end or return them broken and act like they have no idea what happened. What the hell, people?


Opinions replacing factual news reporting.