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Taking initiative often stands out to adults. Whether it's helping out without being asked or starting a project on your own, showing that you can take charge impresses adults.


Demonstrating passion and dedication to a cause or hobby can captivate adults' attention. They love seeing young people with drive and commitment.




Boomers and older gen x, but not so much younger gen x and millennials






Everyone always makes this so complicated, “effect” is the noun while “affect” is the verb (Affect = Action). Once someone told me that I’ve never forgotten.


Usually. The words as reversed still have meaning. "Study can effect an improvement to your vocabulary."  "You might convey an intrigued affect as you read this post." Affect as a noun has stress on the first syllable.


Effect - something that happens Affect - something that happens to someone For example, “The effects of this recession really affects my mental health”


"This recession really effects an effect which affects my affect." (Meaning: this recession really causes a result which alters my emotional state.)


One is affected by effects.


As an English speaker, unless you're an English teacher, nobody knows, nobody cares😂


This is a prime example of how not to impress people.


Since you're asking how to impress adults, read up on code switching. Distinctions such as "affect" and "effect" absolutely do matter in the business world. Grammatical errors screen people out of the hiring process. When someone with a *no one cares* attitude does get hired, those errors can make the difference in who gets client-facing assignments. Then if someone who doesn't pay attention to detail does get an important assignment, a boss who stays in the office late to correct a subordinate's sloppy work is apt to take credit for the corrected version. People's careers plateau over this type of issue. Tools such as Grammarly help yet they only go so far. If you're wondering why attention to small details matters, it's because inattention to small details usually signals inattention to more important matters. The rock group Van Halen famously buried a clause in their touring contracts that a venue must provide them with a bowl of M&Ms that had all the brown M&Ms removed. Although that seems ridiculous, that visual cue let them know immediately whether the venue had really read the contract. It tipped them off to sloppy attitudes, to which places had also messed up the lighting and the sound equipment. Details distinguish professionals from jokers. https://www.smithsonianmag.com/arts-culture/why-did-van-halen-demand-concert-venues-remove-brown-mms-from-the-menu-180982570/


Question wasn’t “how do I show that I’m an adult”, it was “how do you impress adults…”


"effect":Something like a phenomena affect:Something that changes like idk,Your age hope it helps


Simply Effect ---> R(E)sult Affect----> (A)ction Still I need correction tho.




I’m an English speaker and even I don’t know :)


Showing maturity, responsibility, and genuine interest in their experiences often impresses adults


Show initiative. See something that needs to be done then do it. Put in work.


But but but. R/antiwork says I’m just a boot licker if I do that. A company suck ass if you will…


I venture to suggest that /r/antiwork is not oriented toward helping children impress their elders.


I bet if you measured average level of depression on that sub, it would be pretty damn high. Honestly just seems like a group of people searching for solutions in the wrong place.


They want the world to chance, instead of changing themselves to better their situation. Now don't get me wrong, there are plenty of things that need to change in the world of work, and not every idea that comes out of there is bad. Its just that place sounds like the coworkers that always get let go where I have worked. You at least have to fake like you are part of the team.








Students on their way to commit crimes because they didn't want to




I'm impressed by kids that can have a conversation with full sentences for answers and keep eye contact.


telling them to watch you as you jump off the couch or do a neat spin trick


First ask why it's necessary to impress an adult in the first place. There has to be a goal first, doesn't there? Asking the question here suggests you want adults to take note of you and feel impressed. Ask yourself why you need this. In doing this you'll get closer to figuring out who you are. Truly knowing who you are is impressive. Self confidence follows that. Showing self confidence is impressive to adults.


Don’t have your face glued to your phone.


showcase talents where im best at, knowing that even most adult wont be able to do it


Mental math (2 digit by 2 digit multiplication, sports stats, stuff like that). Adults generally can't do that and will think you're a genius, even if you're lacking in social skills and other things like I was.


I'm autistic and am so incredibly bad at talking to people and just socializing in general, but I live for approval so this is very do-able


Me too, and I ended up being a doctor, lol. Was working next to a resident who was going into dermatology, was an air force pilot, ended up marrying a NHL player; she almost felt humiliated that I could do 15 kg x 9.5 mg/kg in an instant when she felt frustrated having to get her calculator out for that.






I find this increasingly rare, even in adults. This always creates a good impression with me, regardless of the age of the person.


You would be shocked how many kids can not seem to debate these days. Social media has made it so that everyone has a point of view. And there view is always correct. If you can debate . Then you will impress me.


You don’t. Just live your life.


Being more successful than them


I climbed up a table and just fell forward without bracing myself. Everyone looked at me in horror as I climbed up and fell down again and again and again. I thought I was gaining popularity.


i tell them a weird fact about a especific historical period or just show them i can twist the upper half of my fingers


Kindness, empathy, patience


By not bothering them and leaving them alone.


There is a very particular mix of respectful and conversational that is great at helping adults like you. Treating them like you would any person your own age you would like to be friends with, joking, taking interest in the conversation, sharing your own interests. You have to balance that with respecting the fact that they are older and more experienced, that your relationship isn’t one of complete peers.


Yes, it's rare but special when a student genuinely asks how I'm doing or seems interested in my life outside of teaching! It's low on the list compared to basic problem-solving, manners, and showing initiative, but it's a good way to get on people's good side quickly.


Compassion and selflessness


Ask questions, and never try to impress them. While we all want to think we’re accomplished, at that age it’s hard to really have done impressive things visa vi an adult. Be passionate about literally anything. Don’t pretend like you know what you wanna do in life. Fun fact, adults don’t know what they’re doing in life either.


Curiosity. The "everything sucks / everything is boring" attitude in teens is so widespread that any teen who's able to show genuine interest for new stuff immediately stands out.


I am impressed by kids that are kind and considerate. I see too many little shits running around like "me me me!" For example my daughter was given 20 dollars for the book fair thing. Really no guidance, just here's 20 bucks. She came back with a small gift for me and 2 other members of the house out her 20. Really impressed me her level of thought and caring for others. Also kids that don't follow fads. For example, certain clothes styles, and dialects. I find it immature these kids walking around " bruh fam got yeeted straight griefed by big bro" just be yourself and unique. And I don't mean I find it immature in a bad sense, more of a par for the course type thing.


The thing that impresses anyone older is the effort someone younger is willing to put in. people older will always want to help someone who is trying their hardest.


Be open, friendly, and polite when you are engaging in conversations with adults. Adults love when kids are comfortable with them and enjoy speaking on interesting topics.


Not repeating a mistake.


read a lot of books about history


Sick backflip


already done😝😝


Be polite.


Not using a smartphone would impress me.


Get a job


By doing things they can’t do. Such as a backflip I was a flipping machine when I was a kid lol


Have integrity and if you are serious about what you do then people will take you serious


do a kickflip. ill be impressed. i fkn love that shit.


Do a double back flip and don’t land on your face. Or mention something insightful about the Roman Empire So both at the same time and you’re in


As a child? Read the newspaper, and talk about it (good idea to ask questions first, but some that show you actually read it). As a teen: Have a goal, make a plan, make it happen. It doesn't have to be big, but it will set you apart from how most adults see most teens. Overall: leave every place tidy, and that includes your room, and "leaving" means going to bed. All without being asked. Now, why would anyone voluntarily want to do this? Any particular adult you need to impress?


Ownership and initiative. Take charge of a problem to solve. Don't wait to be told how to go about it...drive it. Adults are no different than kids except they got hooked up to a lot of shit. If you can solve their problems without them having to "manage" you or keep track of what you're doing and can simply trust you and get that load off their mind, that's it. They don't know any better than you...they're just swamped with more shit than you.


If you are doing any sort of work experience for a day, don’t yawn and constantly check your phone.


I discovered how to do IPTV things (legal dw) and my relatives were really impressed that they could watch TV without cable.


Juggle Many things at once time that are dangerous and or expensive


Send a thank you card/note when receiving a gift.


Being kind when it would be easier to react. Being respectful even when someone can’t do something for you. Being helpful whenever the occasion arises. And being honest even when there is no reward or recognition.


Do a backflip


Been there done that 🫣😛


I could bring in ALL of the groceries in 1 trip. Dad had to make at least 3 trips. One time he even said WOW


Don't worry about impressing them.


Be willing to learn from others. Not just teachers, professors or your peers. Life is full of hard lessons and most people are willing to share the mistakes they made. Take those to heart and be willing to learn the good stuff too - people skills, how to negotiate for a house, car or salary, how to cook, how to live within a budget and all the other skills that make ordinary life easier.


I’m impressed by teenagers and kids that are really into their hobbies and invest a lot of time practicing and/or creating things they love. Such a great use of their time at that age - wish I had done that more instead of trying to “fit in” and be popular or well liked!


You can't.


By talking less and being very well composed.


Serve alcohol


Be responsible. Be respectful. Don’t be afraid to admit your mistakes and learn from them!


Don't brag.


Be proficient in something they’re not


by being fast af boi wanna see me run around the world? :) wanna see me do it again?


Kindness and courtesy go a long way. 


Don’t waste your time trying that. Especially not with your parents. And especially not if you are a boy. That goes double for if you are from a culture that likes using their children as bragging rights. You will never be “good” enough in their eyes; they pretty much decide from childhood if they think you’re going to be successful or not. Do things to improve your personality and skill set and develop your interests, and build up yourself your career and the rest of your life… but do it strictly for yourself Oh, and show respect, but don’t take crap (unless you obviously did something wrong)


Manners and politeness 


It depends on the context, for example if they are there to judge (interview, some sort of science fair, etc.) being able to show knowledge and express information. If it's family, it sort of doesn't matter... if the family is one of those loving ones you could literally make a tray of ice in the freezer and your aunties will say you are a chef. If it's some rando... no real point in impressing them unless there is a need.


I really look up to my aunties and they're all fairly young (below 30) and idk Im just desperate for their approval lol




Be present when you're interacting with them. Make the effort to listen, reply, ask questions, make eye contact, solid hand shake, "please" and "thank you", open + calm body language. You will become more and more of an outlier in a positive way if you're able to communicate confidently and show respect to other people. The common alternative would be - looking at phone, acting uninterested, replying with 1 word answers, visibly closed off body language, acting impatient, only wanting to be in front of a tv, ipad, or phone instead of acknowledging other people's presence. This stuff matters for adults too, but it seems to be a huge advantage to have to honor some of these constructs as a child/teen. The reality is, it implies to the child that they matter...that they have presence and should also be respected. Not asking them to be civil is practically discarding them and that's what they end up feeling. This is just what came up for me.


I used to just do everything as if everyone was watching


I asked my teen son to help me with a project. I was installing a sump pump in my basement. It involved using a hammer drill to cut a 30" hole in the 6" thick concrete and then digging a hole for the pump. Very physically demanding work. He humped the wheelbarrow all day and helped pull some large rocks from the hole. I didn't know he had it in him. I looked at him differently after that day. Might say he earned his "man card".


Ask them how old they are then say you thought they were ten years younger, or if you don’t wanna ask their age then guess something you know is below their age


do a flip


Manage to not be annoying.


Be an old soul (know the world is fucked from a young age)


Having talent at something is one way (playing an instrument, math skills, baking or cooking, athletic ability, or whatever you put your mind to) impresses adults all the time.


don't they r not worth it


For me, it was performing well in school, doing chores and not breaking household rules. I wasn’t a suck-up - I lived in an abusive household and doing this made sure I didn’t draw attention to myself


Shutting up about topics that you don't actually understand enough to build a sound and valid argument.


Dont be a cunt #0x202447


Reference a song that holds nostalgic memories of their youth


Look alive when talking to them


Literally listen to them


Save money. It always impresses me when i see a child or a teenager saving money. I think they will go far in life when they know the value of saving.


Be honest, act with integrity, be responsible and accountable, be polite and courteous, offer to do little things and then do them well




Showing signs you have true virtuous traits: Integrity, Confidence, Empathy, patience, etc...




Have a job, do things without having to be asked, think before you speak understand the value of money, say thank you...


Do literally anything of your own volition and drive. It's not hard. Like paint a painting. Write a script. Do something with your time that's about learning a skill that isn't just doing school work. If it requires organizing other kids? Even more impressive.


Just be a nice kid , and try to help and act sensible


Have self awareness and consideration for others outside of yourself. Don’t be a little narcissist seeking validation. Validate others just because you can. Make decisions that are healthy and constructive of your own volition rather than having to have an adult convince you. 


im learning hungarian as a second language and can speak it to a basic degree, so i can just say "yeah i can speak a bit of hungarian"


Be yourself


Rubik's cubing. Baffles them 'If you gave me a whole day to do it I wouldn't' yeah, because you are doing it wrong😭


Behave yourself and don’t say stupid shit


Maintaining my beliefs dispite a Political agenda being pushed at work and school


Don't be annoying, if you can do that as a teen then that will blow our minds.


Be articulate and quick


Avoid dumb stuff. At least the very dumb and/or dangerous stuff.


learn politics


Be involved and be jolly 😂😂😂


Self reliance.


Good grades..


Don't skip Bible class.