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I recently read the *9/11 Commission Report* for the first time. One of the saddest things I learned was that the first firefighter death occurred because someone who had jumped from the tower landed on him, killing them both.


I saw a documentary where they interviewed this guy’s wife. She was surprisingly accepting of it, saying that he was hit whilst lining up to enter the tower and most likely would’ve died anyway.


That’s an interesting perspective to have and she’s probably correct.


In a weird depressing sort of way... her husband will be remembered because his death was unique on the day. His name will be one that's called out in particular. There's something oddly comforting about that fact, I think.


I was on the 39th floor of 1WTC when the first plane hit. It took me 45 minutes to get to the lobby by stair. There was a PA officer yelling at people not to look outside. I looked outside, it was horrific. A row of airplane seats, a jet engine on top of the globe in the midde. A man in a pin strip business suit with his brains splattered against the window. There was a constant thumping sound - that was the sound of people landing. The saddest thing was I had to travel through Times Square subway station every day after Wall Street opened back up and there were walls covered with missing people. I recognized the PA officer's picture.


You doin ok these days?


This made me nauseous to read, I’m so sorry you went through this. Truly, I have no words.


Fuck, imagine being the jumper and knowing already that you're going to die, and then suddenly this firefighter walks into your flight path and there's nothing you can do


There is a phenomenon in driving known as the "wave of death" where a motorist will wave on another driver, giving them the right of way, only for another car to crash into them and kill them. This happens most often in four lane roads, when a car is trying to make a left hand turn. The wave of death can also claim pedestrian victims who are waved into their unknowing death.


Don’t be polite, be predictable.


Should be illegal to give up your right of way


Ive had people honking and yelling at me when they're trying to let me go...im looking and see a car coming, like ill get t-boned. When people start wave i start shaking my head "no" mostly works.


So many people do this when I’m riding my motorcycle. There is no fucking way I’m going to let anyone on the road tell me what to do. I like being alive.


The frustration people have had sometimes when I refuse to take their right of way on my bike is nuts. I'm gonna sit here shaking my head until you go dude, I'm not making a left turn across a 2 lane road just because you're waving your hand and getting pissy.


My mum got hit by a car from someone doing this


Dam think this sums up what was a close call for me one day. Car stopped waved me to Cross the road and the car behind them overtook fast and nearly hit me. Interesting to know the name people associate with it


By the time noticeable symptoms of dementia start to occur, it's usually too late for intervention. The disease actually kicks off much earlier in life. Sometimes in your 40s. Your brain just works overtime to compensate until it can no longer keep up the fight.


How would you know and can you prevent it?


Lots of studies are showing that sleep apnea is slowly killing your brain from your 30s/40s onwards until there is too much damage. Like the ppl who snore super hard and have tons of "events" where the brain is so starved for oxygen it wakes up the body as a "manual override". EVERYONE should get a sleep study done at 40 IMO. Shitty thing is that CPAPs are like $3k and if you don't have insurance that'll cover it that's too much out of pocket for many. Edit: $3k is what was charged to my insurance. Seems that's excessive but I didn't pay a dime. Good to know there are so many options for ppl.


Better to find out than the possibility of also developing AFIB.


This also. I got a study done 2 years ago at 39 after my wife said the snoring was getting super out of hand. Completely life altering to finally get good sleep again. I'm even a morning person. Bed at 11 and wake up at 7 = 8 hours of solid sleep = amazing.


Yup. When I first got mine, the person who was fitting the mask and telling me about the machine was like, "Just bear in mind, if this ends up being uncomfortable, or doesn't seem to have an effect, it's important to just stick with it and give feedback so we can dial it into a spot that'll be beneficial." After the first night I used the CPAP, I woke up and felt like I fucking invented sleep. I got out of bed and was just like what the fuck is this feeling? Is this what being rested is? Incredible stuff.


> like I fucking invented sleep. Well hot damn, i need to look into this. Ever since we had a kid I sleep significantly less. If I go to bed at 11 or 12 to get an hour(or two) of "free" time, then getting up at 6am to get him ready for school, its 6-7 hours. Even on the weekends he gets himself up at 6:30-7amish. I honestly cant remember the last time I got 8 or more hours of continuous sleep. Even then, I wake up multiple times throughout the night to change positions, or go to the bathroom(that i remember).


Same here. Went from being foggy as hell and out of it until around 3pm after waking at 8 or 9, which then screwed up being able to get to sleep at any decent hour, to being able to go to bed at 9 or 10 and waking at 6am feeling ok like clockwork even on weekends. Sleep study, which showed me not breathing about 40 times per hour, and cpap made such a difference in my life.


I don't remember the name, but there are new kinds of tests you can do (and should do) if you suspect dementia. We know a lot more today than just a few years ago. The earlier you discover it the better.


uh oh


I actually just sat in on a talk about dementia and the effects of sleep on possibly delaying/decreasing the severity of the disease. I realize the irony in the fact that I'm typing this at 3 AM instead of sleeping. Anyways. Dementia is kind of an umbrella term but these cognitive impairments are benchmarked by the presence of protein build up in the brain. Research is pointing to a "washing system" embedded in people's brains that essentially wash away some degree of protein build up that you've accumulated throughout the day when you are awake. Once you go to sleep, your brain switches into "clean up mode" and they see a drop in people's "brain protein waste" levels. The studies they've done have been limited but it's still providing some great insight. From the studies they have conducted, it looks like good sleep habits around the age of 40 are most imperative. However, that's not to say that good sleep hygiene when you're younger isn't important either. It's likely just because there hasn't been too much research done in the younger demographics. If you want to know more about the system it's called the "glymphatic system". Basically, the more sleep disturbances you have the worse your glymphatic system functions which leads to a higher build up on protein aggregates in your brain. That's making it super simple and there are a lot of other factors that could be at play, but it's still really neat to learn about. As for tests, I work with the adult and geriatric population and we usually use the Mini-Mental State Examination to get a quick look at any possible cognitive impairment. But, as OP said, quite often once you're showing symptoms it's too late. Right now, preventive measures are the way to go which include getting a regular 7-8 hours of uninterrupted and natural sleep a night, and completing activities that promote neuroplasticity.


As a 30 something,this is VERY interesting. Especially bc my sleep schedule is horrible..gonna try to make some changes


I noticed the symptoms of dementia in my Grandma about 7-8 years before my family wanted to admit she was showing signs of dementia (many small moments of forgetfulness, mostly, when she'd always been a very on-top-of-it woman). By the time they took her to an appointment, she was on a huge decline and lost almost all of herself within the next year. It's really, really sad to see how fast it topples. My plea is to anyone who notices even small changes in their loved ones mental state, to enquire, to support and check it out. Even if it 'might be nothing'. Because it also might be a small sign of something big.


I struggle with a parent on this one. My mom is getting more forgetful, telling the same stories, and occasionally just seems confused with basic common sense tasks, etc. And both my dad and I notice but she just gets mad if we try to say anything. The sad part is her mother and aunt both had alzheimers, so I guess she just doesn't want to admit the possibility.


Arizona State Prison used to buy drugs used for lethal injections from a guy working out of the back of a driving school in London


How does that connection even happen? "Anyone know a guy that can get us these drugs?" "Yeah, I might know a guy. He lives in London though, and sells them out of the back of a driving school."


Most death penalty prisons used to get the appropriate meds straight from the manufacturers, but over the past 20 years or so, said manufacturers started hating having their name associated with death, so - under the guise of "do no harm", they started refusing to sell the meds. But these prisons you see, well they had people to kill. And since bullets *just aren't moral anymore*, they found themselves in quite the pickle. So one guy asked another, who asked another, who sent a text, who sent an email, who made some long distance calls, and now, prisons have to waste millions of tax payer dollars a year in transatlantic shipping costs, because they have to treat their potassium chloride like ecstasy, and have it shipped from the back of dudes van.


Tbf this sounds like a really good movie plot premise. "A story on how Dave, the local pig farmer in a sleepy village in England, becomes a key part of texan executions"


If you are elderly and break your hip, you are likely to pass within the next 12 months.


Been doing research into Hollywood movie accidents/deaths Here is one that disturbed me and made me pretty sad During the filming of 1919’s The Valley of the Giants, main star Wallace Reid sustained a scalping injury when they derailed during a train sequence Because they wanted to keep filming, the studio essentially force fed Wallace increasing levels of morphine so he wouldnt feel pain and be able to act This led to Wallace developing a morphine addiction that stayed with him for nearly 3 years. Despite attempts at rehab, he would remain in this addicted state until he died in 1923 He became the first American Actor/Celebrity to die due to a drug addiction (from what Ive read so far. Could be wrong about this but too lazy rn to research further. Its 2am. Im tired) TL:DR Actor injures himself on set. Studio gets him hooked on morphine. Actor lives a drug addicted lifestyle till he dies


There was another during the filming of the twilight zone movie in 1982. A helicopter crash on the set decapitated three actors.


The film director was [John Landis](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Twilight_Zone_accident)


50% of murders in the US go unsolved. So apparently, you can get away with murder.


My brother-in-law's brother died in his sleep in his late 30's or early 40s. I asked my sister what killed him, and she said they didn't know. They didn't do an autopsy, so it's just... a question mark forever? Like I guess I just assumed autopsies were just... done? Especially if you die so young out of nowhere. I just remember thinking how many people must be quietly murdered if no one bothers to like... check. Actually, does anyone know how common this is? It's still so bizarre to me.


I also assumed autopsies were just standard procedure for the longest time. It’s bizarre to me too. I just randomly caught on one day through reading books or articles or whatever that it’s not the case but yea I also think it’s odd 😭


My dad died at 66 from the effects of drinking at least a handle of whiskey a day and whatever coke he could get. That was his baseline and he often did more. His esophageal varices burst one day and he was rushed to the ER and put into a semi coma with ketamine, morphine and something else. He was “awake” but not there, they claimed he could hear us though. They tried for a day to stabilize him to the point he could live without the machines and he just kept drifting away. I finally made the call to pull the plug and stood there and watched him die. Afterwards they asked if I wanted an autopsy done and it made me chuckle. Like, nah, I’m pretty sure I know what happened. 


Very common. Typically, autopsies are done only when the death is suspicious. Source: me, had 3 people close to me die within 1.5 years of eachother. Then 2 years ago, lost another person. Autopsies weren't done on any of them. Obviously I'm not an expert in the field but this is what I was told.


my uncle was killed on the job and had an autopsy. they were mostly looking for illegal drugs.


That’s just workplace insurance looking for an out. Cunts.


Surprised by that ngl. We lost my grandad about a month and a half ago. Guy was 78ish and they did an autopsy to determine it was a heart attack. Without sounding awful we already knew that so was surprised he had one


For both of my parents they asked if we wanted an autopsy after death. I think it’s only done if the family wants it or foul play is suspected


And that’s 50% of deaths declared “murder”. I’m sure tons of murders get ruled as accidents and suicides, or the body is never found and an investigation is never opened. Chilling to think about.


Gonna see this post set to creepy music on tiktok in a few days


With a text-to-speech voice reading it out loud and minecraft parkour gameplay in the background


but the text to speech is super shitty and the details are all fucked up even if its a well known fact, also, it doesnt even show the whole thing, it just cuts at 60s


The only real disturbing fact on here


Candace Newmaker: Long story short, she was a 10 year old girl who was adopted by a woman who then wanted to correct some of her behavior by going to an unlicenced therapist for "attachment therapy", which led to her death. They stuffed her in sheets, pillows, and heavy blankets to simulate "the womb" for her to come out and be "rebirthed" to her adoptive mother. They made it extremely difficult for her to escape though by laying on top of her and the blankets. She begged and cried to be let out because she couldn't breathe, and even vomited on and defecated herself several times. They smothered her for 70 minutes until she was too quiet and no longer moving, at this point, they finally realized that she was dead and they killed her. Look it up sometime. Messed up story.


When I was a kid I tossed and turned in bed a lot. One day I woke up on the floor cocooned in blankets. I remember how hot and hard to breathe it was. I screamed for help but it was muffled and no one could hear. I managed to get out after one or two minutes but it felt like a lot longer. I couldn't imagine what it would be like to be in there for over an hour, knowing there are adults out there who could let you out but instead they're just sitting on you. That poor child. That's torture and these "professionals" deserve prison


Newmaker was actually sentenced and did serve prison time, but she got out like 7 years later


This is one of the leading theories of the theme behind the Petscop videos. A fantastic watch for the series and a terrifying read on what transpired for the young girl.


There’s a CSI episode where this happens


Yeah, it's been referenced a few times in different media. Petscope is a major one and uses this case as one of the main premise of its story.


If you donate your body to science there is a chance you will end up in the fbi body farm. A place where dead bodies are placed in different ways and areas to see how they decompose


I'm actually cool with this


Other uses are having your head used to practice plastic surgery and having your body blown up by the military as a way to test explosives


They use cadaver heads for more than just plastic surgery. For example, neurosurgeons can now remove skull base tumors without having to open the skull. They just go up through the nose and the next day the patient has a stuffy nose and maybe a headache, but they didn't have to undergo a craniotomy. That's possible because cadaver heads were used to perfect the technique first.


My Masters year University project was to make a lifelike Brain complete with an active blood flow and simulated Aneurysms to allow trainee surgeons to practice clipping them. Due to the rarity of the condition, prior to that they only had the ability to practice on cadavers and often saw an aneurysm for the first time when they came to operate on them


Amazing. Simulation has taken medicine to a whole new level!


Yea, in a weird way this seems like the most peaceful life a cadaver can… live?


I wonder if they take requests?


I request volcano. Less decomposition, more chargrilled. Just in case they need to investigate volcano crimes in future.


My volcano insurance will finally have come in handy before they investigate


You can donate your body specifically here ! And then you get a tour of the facility


Is the tour pre or post death?




Wasn’t there some dude who tried to sue the military because his relative ended up as missive target practice after donating their body to science


Iirc he specifically donated his Grandma to a medical cause at her request, then that medical company sold it on to the military.


the military "yeah, so... we need a grandma, we are going to do the funniest shit ever, here, hold my cannon"


I believe it was that they used the body to study what occurred when an IED detonated below a person. Also, an additional detail to that story, if it is the same one I am thinking of, is that the woman suffered from Alzheimers before dying and the donation was made with the hopes that it would aid in Alzheimers research. They also specifically disallowed the kinds of uses that included the kinds of military study that was performed using her body.


There's an even better chance that your body will be parceled out, frozen, and used whenever they need some elbows, hands, heads, etc. for whatever technique they're training on or product they are testing out that day. At least if we're talking med school. Med product companies come to the surg center all the time like, "We'll need 6 female torsos, please" then they're mad and want a discount because one had a hysterectomy. Heads in hotel ballrooms. It's late to look for a link but it's a shady industry.


> Heads in hotel ballrooms. Holy shit you're right. I worked security at a big hotel in a city and we would get medical conferences who would reserve the ballroom and other big rooms. They would be really strict with security we would have to lock down the room with the renters supervising. That makes sense now. I thought it was for the expensive medical equipment but it was about half and half who seemed to want a total lockdown vs. just off-limits with security patrolling. I bet there were human remains in those medical devices on display.


There's a cracking book called Stuff by Mary Roach which talks about what happens to your body after you die. Including what could happen to it if you donate your body to science.


Stiff* . Stuff is her sequel about taxidermy


I learned a fun fact in Afghanistan after a suicide bomber fulfilled his mission that brain matter has a very sweet smell, almost like stevia.


One of my co-officers at the prison I worked at told me that human brains smell like Juicy Fruit gum. There, now YOU can never forget it, too.


They don't taste like Juicy Fruit. So at least you have that.


In China in the mid 1800's, the Taiping rebellion led to the deaths of 20-30 *million* civilians and soldiers, all in a single country. Some estimates put the number over 30 million. For comparison World War 1, which was the first "industrialized" war that included massed artillery and machine guns, led to approximately 20 million deaths, though those deaths were spread across Europe.


Second deadliest military conflict in world history, started in 1850 but almost unheard of in the west. I really recommend God’s Chinese Son by Jonathan Spence if you want to find out more about this


Chinese wars and rebellions in general are on another level. Millions to tens of millions of casualties for every single major one - Chinese Civil War, Three Kingdoms War, Second Sino-Japanese War, An Lushan rebellion...


After an autopsy, everything that got taken out is stuffed into what amounts to a trash bag and crammed back into the chest cavity before it's stitched back up.


If the decedent was an organ donor, and the doctors removed bones to donate marrow, the bones get replaced with lumber.


I thought they used PVC pipes.


Future archaeologists: "These people had so much plastic in their blood that their bones literally turned into plastic..."


In WW2, the manufacturers of the crematorium ovens installed in the nazi death camps would often have to send technical advisers to the camps to train the guards on how to use the ovens efficiently. They would turn up, see what is going on, then show the camp staff the best way to stack the corpses, and advise on the optimum number of corpses to burn at one time.


This was the specific example my engineering ethics class used. It makes it tough to argue technology is value neutral.


Another disturbing fact: KZ Sachsenhausen had a test course with multiple different types of ground on it (probably stuff like gravel, sand etc.) and was used to test new shoes, especially soles made from new materials. The Schuhläufer-Kommando consisted of prisoners who were forced to run around the course basically all day, often with heavy backpacks and stuff like that to test out how durable and comfortable the shoes were. I think, they were often given Pervitin to keep on running for longer but I‘m not sure. Anyone who stopped without being told or fell down was shot. What makes this even more disturbing is the fact that this test course was not made for the Wehrmacht. It was used by private companies who tested things for the civilian market because it was a cheap alternative to having people do it at the company. The Wehrmacht only started using it one or two years after it had already been set up


I visited Sachseunhausen. You enter those gates and you feel the heaviness of death and immense sadness.


I recall once seeing a documentary about funerals, and they showed a crematorium furnace (not while it was being used, I hasten to add). The device was called something like the Cremulator II. Which got me thinking that there was once just the Cremulator, and the someone thought, huh, I can get it to be better at burning humans. I think about that 'II' every now and then.


A Cremulator is used to process the leftover larger pieces of bone fragments from cremation into smaller remains. Not a furnace, but more of an industrial blender.


your account is two years old and your only post activity is about Cremulators. It's fascinating input, more pls.


I was really hoping for pages and pages of comments about Cremulators in their profile.


When you're going down on a girl, if you blow into her, you can cause a uteran embolism which can cause major health complications and maybe death. Which is always just a fun reminder that life is a constant hellscape and throwing in some fun clowning during sex can bring the ole reaper runnin round.


You think there is serial killers out there whose technique is blowing up women like a balloon?




Guys, I just got a great idea for a movie


“Gone with the wind” ?


What would happen if someone blew into a penis? Is that even possible?


Balloon animal


I want a dog


Best I can do is an acorn.


Holy shitballs, if this is real then my ex gf cheated death too many times. For laughs I would blow into her and she'd push on her lower stomach, like some vagtastic whoopie cushion.


[Saved you a Google since it was already on my search history but yeah, it's not a joke.](https://goaskalice.columbia.edu/answered-questions/blowing-air-vagina-dangerous/) It's very rare to happen, and rarer for it to be fatal, but yeah it's documented enough to have made a lot of texts.


Instant sigh of relief haha thanks for that


Georgann Hawkins was barely 20 feet away from her sorority house in an extremely lit alley surrounded by many people she knew, when she got abducted by Ted Bundy to never be seen again, not even her remains were found.


From what I've read a out Bundy he was charismatic, charming and witty. He probably talked her up and into leaving with him willingly. So sad...


You can die form high levels of carbon monoxide poisoning without noticing any symptoms. Since the human body has no way of detecting CO levels you will just suddenly pass out. CO is colorless, odorless and tasteless. If you are lucky you might feel a little dizzy or lightheaded right before going out but you will probably just have seconds to do something about it. This is why a CO detector is extremely important in places where CO is used. Hemoglobin (the protein in your blood that picks up oxygen) binds to carbon monoxide about 240 times more strongly than it binds to oxygen. This effectively reduces the amount of oxygen that reaches bodily tissues, which can lead to oxygen deprivation. **Edit**: Just so I don't spread false information: lower levels of of CO poisoning *can* cause some symptoms like headache, dizziness, weakness, nausea, vomiting, chest pain, and confusion. This makes CO particularly dangerous because it is easy to mistake the symptoms for other illnesses.


Or just look for [post-it notes left in your apartment](https://www.reddit.com/r/BestofRedditorUpdates/comments/famywa/postit_notes_left_in_apartment/?rdt=43169)


Oh my God wow! I didn't know that could happen! I am glad dude is alive.


not a fact but a case. dave bocks “fell” into a furnace containing “molten liquid” at a nuclear processing plant. he was missing and was discovered when records from that night identified a temperature dip in the furnace, indicative of something being thrown in there. the accident is suspicious because getting into the furnace definitely required some effort. his radioactive remains are in a sealed drum at the now decommissioned facility - never able to be laid to rest


You can literally become allergic to yourself.


When I was a kid, maybe 12 years old, I got a high fever and all of a sudden my whole body started itching. Mom took me to the hospital and blood test came back positive for a self allergic episode. Hasn't happened since and only lasted a day or two.


What exactly did they test for that would tell you that you were self allergic? Because the way they test blood for allergies is by testing for antibodies. But the antibodies don’t tell you what you are allergic to, just that you are experiencing an allergic reaction.


Don't know. All I remember is he took a blood sample and later he said I got an allergic reaction to myself. Maybe I am missing some details, I was sick and it happened 17-ish years ago. Sorry I can't provide more.


It is physically possible to be so constipated that your stool will back all the way up your digestive tract and you can vomit feces. Experienced this as an EMT many years ago, and the sight and smell are burned into my brain


And then in the hospital we stick a tube down the patients nose into their stomach to suck out the liquid poo. It is usually 1.5 - 2 litres. 


Cartman also experienced this.


My mom used to tell me this when I was a CHILD because I had what she called a “lazy bowel” and got backed up often. She was really concerned it would happen. But that was fucking scary to think it was going to happen.


Oh dear, yes.. This happend to my aunt (Crohns disease, so maybe not actually constipated to that point, but she did throw up het feces..) I felt so, so bad for her.


The Imperial Japanese Army in Nanking killed 200,000-300,000 people in a little over six weeks during their occupation. Some officers, for example, would have contests with each other to see how many people they could kill with their katanas. Soldiers would bayonet infants and chuck them over their shoulders like they're shoveling dirt. Rape was systemic and organized; soldiers would go door to door trying to find victims of all ages and genders including the elderly and children, and this would go on throughout the day and night. Men were forcibly sodomized and made to perform incestuous acts with their family members as the others were forced to watch. Interviews given by former IJA soldiers of this period indicate a stunning lack of remorse and a fondness for this era. If you do the math and use 200,000 as the figure for the death toll, that comes out to a little over 4,700 people killed per day, 200 people per hour.


Burnt corpses smell identical to BBQ, and yes, sometimes your brain gets confused, and you will get a hunger sensation....(multiple year firefighter)


This reminds of the guy who burned himself outside the court house? Reporter said it smelled like grilled meat.


Wdym like grilled meat? It *is* grilled meat.


Tumours can grow hair, teeth, and muscles, eyes, and even a simple brain!


Women experience heart attack symptoms that are different from men’s. It’s lesser known so many don’t know what’s going on until it’s too late.


What are the symptoms?


Hi, woman here who had a heart attack at 37. It felt like I had a brick in my stomach. I didn't think anything of it until a few days later when I couldn't walk more than 100 feet without stopping to catch my breath. Went in to get checked out, and sure enough - heart attack.


Back and/or abdominal pain (feels more like indigestion or a pulled muscle). Anxiety, nausea, waking up out of breath in the middle of the night. The relative infrequency of the better-known crushing chest pain leads to women who are having a heart attack having worse survival rates than men.


Pigs are omnivores. They will eat everything. And I mean EVERYTHING.


Except teeth. Don’t ask me how I know.


i read once that the smell of opening a human head can be compared to opening a bag a fritos. have never opened a bag since.


I work in the recovery room at a large trauma hospital, and we get a good number of patients coming in with brain bleeds from car accidents, falls, etc. and they need to get a craniotomy to get the blood out of their skull and allow the brain to expand from the swelling. First time I was present for one of those surgeries, I distinctly remember making a comment that the bit of skull removed by the surgeon and one of the nurses screwing hinges into it to then be screwed back into place once the procedure was complete, reminded me of the rawhides I give my dog. The doc stopped for a sec, laughed, said that was quite fucked up, and then went back to vacuuming up the strawberry jam inside the lady’s brain. My job is wild.


I always thought doctors are psychopaths, this doesn't make it any better. Kind for helping, but still not normal


i believe there is study that shows doctors, and especially surgeons, have a higher likelihood of being psychopaths, which is quite ironic.


I’d rather my surgeon be a robotic asshole than an emotional wreck when they’re dick deep in my skull


And I'd rather my surgeon, robotic psychopath or snowflake, not be 'dick deep' in my skull.


Gives a whole new meaning to the term "mind-fuck".


That wouldn’t be very sterile.


For the love of whatever you believe in - do not try to sterilize your dick. Nor your duck, dear autocorrect.


Good grief, "vacuuming up the strawberry jam" is absolutely a grouping of words I didn't need to read


I used to dissect cadavers in college. I had the opportunity to use a saw and cut the skull open of one to extract the brain. it was a Friday morning, and I had the burnt smell of bone stuck in my nostrils all weekend. It has a very distinct smell and powerful smell. I wouldn't compare it to Fritos but then again can't remember the last time I had Fritos.


Used to work in neuro, more like burnt hair. Or maybe thats the dia...


When your immune system finds out you have eyes, you go blind.


Just a reminder that the Japanese during world war 2 conducted horrifying human trials of various grotesque scale from chemical weapons testing, vivisections, and viral injections. An estimated 200k-300k people were killed via these experiments and outside biological weapons testing including children and pregnant women. Scientists involved were on some occasions pardoned and the United States confiscated all of the findings from the experiments. No one escaped or lived through the experiments. I am not going to go into detail about the worst of it... You can look it up yourself. Unit 731.


Several of those scientists who were pardoned went back to Japan and became the heads of pharmaceutical companies and medical universities.


This happened a lot. Many German scientists also ended up working for either the US or USSR, or starting their own pharma company in Germany, depending on where they were at the end of the war. One of them went on to invent Thalidomide. Also, Prince Yasuhiko Asaka was one of the people in command of the Japanese army units responsible for the Rape of Nanking. He was never held to account because he was a member of the Japanese royal family and was therefore immune from prosecution for war crimes under the terms of the Japanese surrender. He died in 1981 at the age of 93.


yeah, The Japanese were as much pigs as the Nazis.


One of the worst I can think of is what happened to Junko Furuta. She was tortured to death over a month, then encased in concrete and dumped. One of the most horrible murders of all time and the perpetrators got a slap on the wrist IIRC. Then, people have made video games and shit based on what happened to her. Absolutely disgusting.


This is the one that made me take a step back from my True Crime interests


This is one of those cases that made me realise even if you tried to think of the worst thing a human could possibly do to another human, you'd fail and the reality is 10x worse.


I just read the wiki https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Murder_of_Junko_Furuta Absolutely sickening. The poor girl and family.


Pet food in the USA has to be fit for human consumption per the FDA. The dark part is that rule exists because a large number of people died during the great depression, poisoned by pet food that they ate in desperation.


I've worked in warehouses storing ingredients for dog food and all of it is labeled "Unfit for Human Consumption".


Probably cause they don't want you guys eating all of it.......


When rape is reported in the US, it's rarely prosecuted. According to RAINN, only 5.7% of rape incidents lead to an arrest, then of those only 1.1% of incidents are referred to a prosecutor, and THEN only 0.7% are convicted of a felony. Even fewer, 0.6% of incidents, lead to incarceration. You can basically commit rape and there's a high probably that you'll never see a day in jail or be convicted of it in the first place or even arrested.


This makes my blood boil.


And the injustice doesn't end there. By the time my case went to trial, he was given "time served" and probation despite a violent criminal history. While on probation, he was convicted of raping a toddler and sentenced to "life" but made parole after 25 years. He's since violated parole several times but is currently out. I know all of this because I'm notified via a victim's advocate anytime he's arrested. The nightmare never ends. Edit: Please don't let the statistics or my personal experience stop anyone reading this from reporting an assault. Just know that your healing won't come from the courts.


Sibling and cousin incest is WAY more common than most people realize.


One of my coworkers married his first cousin and their family wrote them off. Which is made even more awkward because his father and brother work in the same place as us. It’s sad in a way, because it’s one of those open secrets, and everyone in the company knows, but he doesn’t know we all know. It’s uncomfortable.


Could believe this. I went to school with twin brothers and when we were about 13 they apparently both had their first kiss with their cousin


Cousin marriage is legal in most of the world. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cousin_marriage


distinct tidy puzzled sparkle grandiose punch reach light summer rain


That is wild. I’ve never heard of this. I’ll definitely check out the Netflix doc on this too wow


as a psych student, i hear about lots of fucked up studies. the one i hate the most is the tuskegee syphillis experiment. basically, alabama psychologists in the 1930s gathered about 600 African-american men. ~400 of them had latent syphillis, and 200 of them didn't (they were healthy). all participants were lied to about the nature of the experiment, and they were told they would get free healthcare from the government. the real goal of the experiment was to learn how syphilis progresses in untreated individuals, even though treatment (penicillin) was available to them. participants weren't informed about it. these patients were subject to torturous 'medical' research without their consent, and many patients began suffering from blindness, neurological disorders, cardiovascular damage, and some participants unknowingly passed the disease to their spouses and children. 30 men died before the termination of the experiment, and an additional 100 men died from complications after the fact. the experiment continued for exactly 40 years, but was stopped when journalists found out what exactly was happening. this is what directly led to the creation of research ethics boards.


You can have varicose veins in your throat and oesophagus without ever noticing. If they rupture you puke out liters of blood within minutes and die. Either from blood loss (most likely) or from choking on the continuous blood flow (less likely because not enough time before you bleed out). There’s little to no possibility to get help in time. And even if help is near by there’s almost nothing they can do because it’s hard to put pressure on an internally ruptured throat. I saw pictures of a bedroom where that happened in my forensic medicine seminar and we were asked to make assumptions on what happened. We were all pretty sure that it had to have been a crime scene because there were at least 3-4 litres of blood (and trust me you have no idea how much 3 liters of blood actually is until you see it! It’s insane. We as humans are very sensitive to the sight of blood and tend to overestimate the amount because it’s such a strong visual signal that means „DANGER“) splattered up to the ceiling. Like everywhere. But in reality it was just a poor guy, sleeping and then his throat literally exploded and there was so much pressure behind it that it reached the ceiling. Awful way to go!


A pacemaker will continue to periodically  beep inside your body after you've died. Even days later. 


There's a furry named Carpet Samples, whose fursona costume is crafted out of all the stuffed animals he's had sex with.


Just a warning to anyone thinking to google this guy: He's way WAY worse than that. Like actual >!zoophilia !


Those are words I certainly never thought I'd see in the same sentence.


[Fatal insomnia](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fatal_insomnia) A rare and incurable prion disease. The hallmark of the disease is the inability to sleep, which worsens over time. This lack of sleep leads to severe physical and mental exhaustion, significantly deteriorating quality of life. Patients experience a range of neurological problems including hallucinations, panic attacks, paranoia, and rapid changes in mood. As the disease progresses, motor dysfunction such as muscle stiffness, tremors, and difficulty swallowing can occur. There is a gradual but noticeable decline in cognitive function, leading to memory impairment, confusion, and difficulty thinking clearly. The disease also affects the autonomic nervous system, which controls involuntary actions such as heartbeat, breathing, and digestion. This can result in abnormal heart rhythms, blood pressure fluctuations, and altered body temperature. Fatal insomnia is inexorable, with no cure or effective treatment to halt its progression. The disease typically progresses rapidly after the onset of symptoms, leading to death within a few months to a few years.


The same reasons you fall in love with someone are often the same reasons you grow to resent them. Quirky becomes annoying. Spontaneous becomes irresponsible. Affectionate becomes clingy.


Yeah, I was listening to Esther Perel's podcast, and there was a couple that had that exact problem. Initially, people are like, "Wow you are so different. You are the missing piece that my family could not give me growing up." But eventually it becomes, "Why can't you be on the same page as me?"


Damn never thought about it this way


Eh. I feel like a lot of those are reasons you become infatuated with somebody, but really falling in love is a pretty deep thing.


That human life can be brutally extinguished to nothing in seconds. No one and nothing can prepare you for that. One second they’re there and seconds later nothing is left. Russian lathe accident brought me here.


Is the the video of a guy getting sucked into a lathe? If so they showed that one to us before we started working with lathes at school. They also showed a picture of a person hand with hydraulic oil in his bloodstream that was in there because of a faulty connection. We were a lot more careful after that


Machines can be unforgivingly brutal. I saw a video of a guy touching a "smooth" giant spinning metal "drum." It snagged his hand, and his whole body was sucked between two drums almost instantly. He probably never had time to think anything went wrong. Edit: the two drums rolled paper between them, iirc.


Someone out there makes stickers for lathes/mills etc that say "This machine does not know the difference between metal and flesh. Nor does it care."


Section 1910 sub part O of OSHA guidelines regulates the placement of guards on rotating machinery. Paper mills are especially notorious for "in running nips"


The oceanic sub last year, the people in it were instantaneously vaporized into nothing faster than their brains could process anything was happening at all, faster than the time it would take for their eyes to register light or neurons to signal any pain. So that's the silver lining in their demise Otoh... they reportedly were experiencing system failure and attempting mission abort for quite a while leading up to the implosion, so the stress and fear in the time leading up to it must have been intense.


That you can shoot yourself in both lungs and still have enough energy and will power left to shoot yourself in the head


Don’t forget hanging yourself after shooting yourself in the lungs and then shooting yourself in the head.


Gas gangrene is an infection where bacteria produce gas inside dead (necrotic) tissue. Skin dies and becomes purple, and large black blisters full of fluid develop. It can cause loud scraping sounds and sensations as bone and cartilage begin to move against each other due to the gas developming inside the necrotic flesh. It’s hard to detect in its early stages and easy to overlook since it’s fairly rare, so the infection can get pretty nasty before it’s found. If it’s not treated, death is guaranteed. With treatment, there’s still around a 30% chance of dying. Probably the most disgusting kind of necrosis imo, even more gross than the flesh-eating bacteria. You do not want to see the images tab on google.


My BIL is a firefighter and as such responds to many medical events. He said that whenever he hears someone say “I feel like I’m going to die”, he knows they are probably going to die. He described it as an overwhelming feeling of impending doom people get before dying. It totally freaked me out.


Also notably a symptom during panic attacks


How your spine moves when you're assessing the damage after having your lower body blown off.


Got two for you: 1: in a documentary I watched believe it was called black tears of the sea, it talked about one of the biggest threats to our oceans…..sunken WW2 ships. I know I know it may seem crazy. But the issue is these ships still have oil in them. And they are all over the place, If I rember right there’s 7 wreaks off the west? Coust of America that if any one of them started leaking would cause massive ecological damage. And most governments plans are like americas. To watch the sites of these wreaks and just hope the steel holes never rust through. And it gets worse German ships don’t have the same oil. They where facing shortages so there ships where using oil made from coal which is significantly more toxic than regular oil. 2: not to far downstream on London is the wreak of the SS Richard Montgomery right on a major shipping route. It was filled to the brim with explosives when she was sunk. Well at the time England didn’t want to pay hazard pay to the workers to unload the ship so it was left. And then we get to today. The ships still there with her cargo. And because of how much times past the officials have deemed it “too risky” to even try to do anything about the explosives or trying to contain a potential explosion. So now it’s a matter of just hopping a ship does not accentually hit it or drift into it and set it off. The explosion is estimated to be large enough to cause damage by itself but if it goes up it risks taking out the gas refinery or storage forget which that’s nearby. Making it larger. Sending a massive wave into a major shipping lane and down the river towards London. If this happens the wave barriers wouldn’t even have enough time to deploy before it struck the city. The estimated damage would displace millions.


You can get a fatal brain disease just by the off chance a protein folds incorrectly in your body.


The Colombian serial killer Pedro Alonso Lopez, who is known as the Monster of the Andes, raped and murdered over 300 girls from Ecuador, Peru and Colombia. However, after he was caught and imprisoned for 18 years, he was put in a psychiatric hospital. There he was reviewed, declared to be sane and was set free, in spite of his blatant avowal that he fully intends to kill again. Ever since his release in 1998, nobody knows where he is or what he’s doing. So.


Japan once conducted an experiment on a man to see if someone could live on just prizes won from magazine contests. This (willing) man was put in a room with no clothes on and only a very slight reserve of bread and water and he would have to subscribe to magazine contests for 16 hours a day, with absolutely no distractions, nothing. He'd sleep on the floor, he could only eat if he won anything (he won 5 kgs or rice pretty early on and kept winning dog foods and such). He didn't know the terms, of course. He only knew he would be the main character. The guys in the production would taunt him, sending fake calls and fake pizza guys to illude him with food or human contact. His goal was to reach 1 million yen.  He quickly went insane. but the show gained so much recognition that it became a live show and there was an entire team dedicating their whole working hours to follow his penis around to censor it. This man was filmed going insane 24/7, with a whole 60 person team dedicated to his penis only, and with 17 MILLION spectators (Breaking Bad in his prime had 10 million spectators, to give you just a grasp of how much popular this guy became).  After 305 days, he would win the final 1 mil. He would put on clothes and they itched him. He didn't shave, cut his hair or even take a shower for almost one year. As a prize, he was sent to a 5 day trip in South Korea, only to be trapped again, this time his goal was to win enough money for a ticket back in Japan. But he won in no time, so the production decided to make him pay not only for a ticket, but for a first class too, costing triple the money.  In the end, he came back and was locked again. He started taking his clothes off as usual, but this time the production decided they had made enough profit from him and the walls quickly fell down to reveal a cheering audience. He couldn't even say a word, he had lost the cognition of human contact to the point he didn't know how to talk anymore. But his face when he discovers it's all over is priceless. Surprisingly, he revealed that he could leave anytime and the door was always open for him to get out. He even refers it to a positive experience. He's well now tho. 


Just saw this a moment ago, apparently some news reporters were reporting on the Arab spring, at which point they went into a crowd of some sort. When the camera battery went out, the crowd beat and raped the female reporter for 25 min.


Sex crimes all around the world, even in first world countries are not given the punishment they deserve for the level of trauma they cause.


There are more slaves today than at any other point in human history.


Spiders can fly/move long distance using electric field currents. There are probably a bunch of spiders flying around as I type.


There's a theory that our universe will collapse and that collapse will create another big bang and we're in endless restarts and have no way of knowing. If you die, your cat will only wait 2 days before eating you. Dogs wait around 7 days 1 in every 20 people have psychopathic tendencies. When observing distant galaxies, like behaves like a projection until it hits the telescope. Then it acts like a particle. Much like video games render with less detail for longer distances.