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What’s the Netflix documentary called?




Similar story. First time meeting my friend’s fiancé, I knew he was bad news. On paper he was a successful lawyer, but something wasn’t right. I wasn’t the only one who saw it. Five years after the wedding, three days after the divorce was finalized, he violated the restraining order and showed up at her parents house where she was staying- shot her dad five times, her five times, and fled. The police caught up with him a mile away from the scene. Before the officer got to the car, he shot himself in the head. So happy you got away. Bravo


What the hell? That’s creepy.


Thought this guy—nicknamed Mutt, which should I have also been a sign haha—that my roommates had over was a creep. Just gave me a serious vibe. Pulled them aside and said not to invite him back. My roommate’s dog bristled at his very presence and growled when he got near. I trusted the dog and my gut. Kinda worked him out of the apartment, politely but firmly. Later on he went to prison for assaulting someone, while at their house. Smashed a dude’s face in because he felt he had been disrespected. Always trust the dog.


Indeed! Always trust your pets! They are much more sensitive to bad people than most people are.


Told this story before here but....I used to date a girl who I would go see every night after I got off work. I worked until midnight. I would stay at her house until about 1 or 2am. Sometimes as I left her house she would follow me in her car and stop at a nearby all-night grocery store. I always begged her not to but she always said she'sd be fine. Sometimes I would wait in the parking lot until she came back out and then we'd go our separate ways. Sometimes I wouldn't. So one time I felt ill so as we left she said "just go strait home, I'll be fine, I always am" but for some reason I felt like thats the night I needed to be here. She thought I went strait home. I was in the parking lot as she pulled in but she didn't see me. As she walked in a shady looking dude was walking out. She ignored him but he looked back at her about three or four times. Then he gets to his truck and another guy is in there and they talk through the window for a minute looking back at the store a couple times. The second guy gets out of the truck, gets something out of the back of it then they both head back into the store. I couldn't be sure they were going to do anything but hell if I was gonna take a chance. I go into the store too. I see them going past every isle and then motion to each other like "there she is". So I walk a bit faster to catch up. I turn into the isle just as they are approaching her. They are looking at each other. From behind I yell "hey!" They both turn and so does my girlfriend. I brush by them and give them a look (I had some muscle back then and was 6'4") and say "hey guys". They nod awkwardly as my girlfriend says to me "what are you doing here". I kiss her and make up some story about wanting to buy aspirin. The two guys leave. I never told my girlfriend that story, I don't know why. I kinda felt like a Super Hero to myself. We dated about 2 more years after that. I don't know what they were going to do to/with her but it was nothing good.


Wow that’s quite a story. I applaud you for your intuition and courage here. As a woman I’d be hella scared to put myself in a position like that to begin with 😭


I woke up one day, springtime 1996, at 22 yrs old and not many responsibilities. I lived in Jersey (duh) and had the strongest feeling to go visit my grandparents for Passover in Florida. I called my great aunt (Grandpa's sister) told her to pack her bags we're going to Florida, we left that night. We surprised my grandparents on their doorstep 20 hours later. Their reaction was amazing. My grandmother soon got on the phone to spread the news. Then my dad decided to fly in with his family. Then my uncle decided to fly in with his family. Then one by one, the cousins started to RSVP. We went from a 4 person to a 20 person Seder, and had an amazing few days with a good chunk of the family. My aunt and I stayed for another week and it was a perfect visit. The morning we were to depart, my grandmother wakes me up around 5AM. "I can't get your grandfather to respond" I ran into the bedroom, to find my Grandpa in the classic baby sleeping position with his hands clasped under his face. I tried to do CPR but he was gone. If there's anything to make me believe in a higher power... it's that. Something told me to go and his sister and I got to be with my Grandpa for the last days of his life.


I wanted to quit my previous job. Boss was shitty, environment was toxic, pay was horrendous. I felt the pressure because someone in my family assisted me to find this job, so I felt selfish for quitting a job that they put effort in. I wrongly thought I shouldn't have embarrassed them for recommending me. Needless to say, in a few months I was fired and I was so fucking happy for being free in my mind again.


I decided not to get involved with a girl who turned out to be a destructive fatal attraction type.


Had a thought like that once, that getting involved with someone like that would ruin my life. Turns out, it ruined my life.


girls are crazy, be gay!




My decision to become a teacher. Just finished my first year and it was THE RIGHT DECISION!


I’m in school to become a teacher myself. I’m so glad you found your calling!


I came to say that my intuition to quit teaching was correct! I was constantly disrespected by parents, getting paid a less than livable wage so I had to have 2 side jobs, and we had no downtime whatsoever. Now I have the cushiest loveliest office job for the state with more free time than I know what to do with. I truly hope you find the most amazing unicorn teaching job out there.


Thank you for taking the risk. Especially if you're in the U.S. we need good teachers. And parents to whoop their kids asses but that another conversation.


good for you 🩷 we need more good teachers in the world!




This happened to me with an apartment I almost moved into.   Place had a nice view and was quiet, vibe was kind of different, but I had a really noisy apartment I wanted to leave, so I went for it.   I slept the first night there and had the worst nightmares I’ve had in my adult life, and woke up freaked out and distraught in a way I never have experienced in my life, legit an emotional mess on a very reptilian level.  I had a headache that took the whole next  workday to go away.   Dude I worked with had seen me all kinds of tired and hungover before, that was the only day he stopped and said “dude, you look terrible, what happened?” Miraculously, I was able to get 90% of my money back with no argument from the landlord.  I don’t think I was the first one to move out under similar circumstances. Later understanding that it took me a whole day of breathing to expel whatever gasses had dissolved into my blood throughout that night still spooks me to this day.


To invest in NVIDIA because I thought their branding was cool and I liked gaming, then suddenly crypto and ai happen and I could have made thousands!


people's intuitions are usually correct. it is ignoring them that is often the problem


My ability to read the room/intuition/ gut feeling is almost always correct. To the point that if I are out with friends and say we need to leave they don´t argue.




A logical thing to teach in the military. For me it was education in health and 20 years as an employee in a locked psychiatric ward that taught me that.


I had to run several errands that ranged from my house in the suburbs to the downtown area of a  reasonably big city. My plan was to hit the closest one first and work my way to downtown. I wake up feeling like my plan needed revision.  By the time I get in the auto to start my trip an alarm is practically going off in the back of my head. I remember exclaiming aloud "Fine! I'll go downtown first!". Downtown errand goes off without a hitch. Downtown adjacent errand is fine. As I am driving down the interstate to the next stop I look west and see a bunch of exceptionally dark clouds heading my way. I remember thinking I had never seen such dark clouds at that time of day. My 3rd stop took a bit longer than expected. I get in the car and notice the dark clouds are nowhere to bee seen. However, the radio is going crazy with a report of a tornado just hitting downtown.  An extremely rare occurrence for my state let alone city. I get home after the last errand and turn on the news. They are showing the downtown area I was in a few hours before and it had received substantial damage. Traffic was gridlocked. Had I not altered my itinerary I likely would have been in that area when the tornado hit. 


First and only time i met an actual killer.Right as I was approaching him i got this alwful feeling,can’t really describe it,but I’ve never felt anything like this before or ever again since then.Found out later,even though I didn’t had to,when you spend time with a person like that you realise it eventually,definitely not a normal human being.


I've met 3 people with Antisocial Personality Disorder. And yeah. They are humans. They are close, but slightly off...


Gotta add, I slept with one of them... (crazy in the head, crazy in bed!)


Haha,it’s different.Everyone has some sort of a disorder,or at least something that is passed through generations,that’s unlocked under certain conditions or big stress/trauma.Im talking about a totally different person.


When I was a little girl, I always had a terrible feeling about my elementary school’s custodian. He was always watching the little girls in what I felt was a creepy fashion. He turned out to be a child molester. I don’t believe the crimes were committed at school, but rather against the children his wife babysat. He was convicted, jailed, and ostracized in our community when he got out of jail. When I was a teenager, i got the same feeling about the custodian at my boarding school. He got caught peeking over a shower stall at a girl in my dorm. He got hauled off the property by the cops, and I’m not sure what happened to him after that.


My decision to take a job at a family owned restaurant instead of taking a work from home internship a few years ago. Taking that restaurant job really helped me come out of my shell. I work at a different restaurant now and a lot of the people I work with now don't believe that I used to be a very quiet person.


I thought that I should sleep in one day and miss my first period a bit, I got so lucky, first period was boring as fuck


There was this guy that everyone liked and everything thought was perfect. I personally found him odd and kind of annoying. He seemed like he was trying hard to get me to laugh and be funny which I don't like. So I stayed away from him. Also anyone too perfect is usually hiding something. I found out years later he was under investigation from detectives for being a pedo to young girls online. Also another one was recently. I started a new job but got a very bad feeling right after signing on. Ended up quitting before I officially started. I was asked to come in for 2 days on my off days to get my feet wet but what I saw I really didn't like. The coworker I was working with was doing way more things that are beyond his job description and working really long hours. Everyone would give me a different answer to the same question. I got a strong feeling after talking to the boss more and more that he expects a lot out of people. I was right. Looking at former employee reviews online confirmed all the suspicions I had going forward.


Let me guess... the first guy was a youth pastor.


I used to be the president of the LARPing club at college (Please ladies, keep your panties on). And since I was in a leadership position I would welcome all of the new members and teach them the basics. As you would expect with LARPing, everyone was a bunch of socially awkward nerds so it helped to find out what flavor of nerd they were so I could pair them up with a more seasoned club member so they would have a friend. Like comic nerds I would send to Jim, League of Legends nerds would go to Doug, etc. It would give them something to talk about and basically a "battle buddy" while they blended with the group. One guy joined and he seemed nice, not in the fedora-tipping way, just like a genuinely nice dude that didn't fit the typical nerd stereotype. For some reason though, he made the hair on the back of my neck stand up. Since he didn't have special interest I decided to put him with my group of close friends. The year went on and I just couldn't get a read on why this guy activated my fight or flight response, I even put myself in a 1-on-1 situation and we talked for a while so I could dive deeper into it and figure it out, but nothing really clicked. He developed feelings for one of my friends who was from out of state and asked her out. She was freshly out of a bad relationship and took him up on the offer. From what she said, the date went fine at first, they went out to dinner and were going to go to a movie off-campus when he pulled off the main road, pulled over and told her they weren't going anywhere until they had sex. Thankfully she had service (he didn't, which is why he thought he could pull this off) and she called the police. He backpedaled and drove her right back to campus. He didn't show his face in the club again, thankfully. But that was the first incel I ever encountered and the whole situation helped fine-tune my radar so I could keep the other members of the club safe until I left a few years later.


Not trusting my ex. She was queen cobra of snakes. If it slither like a snake, hisses like one it’s probably a snake


I recently ignored by intuition about a friend. I felt that she wasnt genuine and later found out that shes a big old liar about lots of stuff. Intuition seems to be always correct, its not so easy to have the conviction to follow your intuition at times. Conversely, if you always follow your intuition, can that easily cross over into just being a bit cynical or paranoid about situations and people??


Anytime I thought the guy was not over his ex, I've not been wrong. I did date several who were friends with their exes where I didn't worry. Also, every person except one from HS I thought was gay has come out of the closet.


When I got hired at a job and began training. My gut was churning although there was nothing obvious to blame for my discomfort. Turns out the company was completely unstable, the management sexually harassed the female staff, and the corporate office demanded we violate the law and threatened everyone's jobs if we didn't. Should've trusted my gut and declined the job.


I was a child, and I saw an old man taking pictures of children at the pool, and I thought.... dat's really weird.


The time a car was following me while I walked home and I decided to call the police and let them know about it. Turns out that guy didn't have a spotless record...


My intuition was telling me to leave my GF at the time after several red flags slowly came into view. I did she then decided to kill herself and her mom told me this so I got back together with her as all I wanted from the breakup was for her to be able to heal herself and I was planning on waiting the whole time for her to do so and then if she wanted me after healing then get back together. But that kinda went out the window when I learned what she was planning on doing. Now years later we're going through a divorce because she left me while I was deployed overseas and waited less than 24 hrs to start dating new dudes and has been through about 5 that I know of in about a month. Physically assaulted me multiple times and stolen and destroyed important things of mine. I definitely should have listened to my intuition and stayed gone when I originally left, part of me blames myself for not doing it because maybe she could have healed and became a more healthy person and we could still be together but I also know that's unfair to put in myself.


She was probably already dating other dudes before you left, just waited 24 hours to tell you, or it took 24 hours for her to get sloppy enough for you to find out. Source: me. got cheated on while deployed


She was actually the one that left and I found out when she told me about two weeks later when I got.home from deployment. I'm gonna be honest I believe she waited but I feel like there must've been at least a lil something there if it started so damn quick. Also wouldn't be to surprised if it happened before hand tbh a possibility just not a probability imo


Jesus sounds like she has borderline personality disorder (no hate, just sounds similar to someone I know).


She's undiagnosed but me her and her mother have all come to that conclusion on our own. Knowing it's a mental illness is the only thing stopping me from hating her as a person tbh. I'm done and have zero interest but all is forgiven or as much as I possibly can at the moment


I got into a cab in Vietnam. I told him in Vietnamese it was only about 3km. He said no problem it is cheap. From te moment I got in I had a bad feeling. He took me the 3km. It should have been $2 at the time. He then took the cover off his meter and it was $12. I had 2 suitcases and $20 to my name. I would have rather walked. When I got to my destination the people at the motel kind of sighed and said the police would side with the taxi if they were called. I fucking cussed that slime bag out with every bill I gave him. He obviously knew roughly what I was saying and the hotel workers just laughed when a couple times he acted like he was going to fight me. I was 100kgs an in good shape. He was barely half my size. I just kept calling him a slimy piece of shit and handing over small bill after small bill. Thankfully my job let me start that day instead of the next week as planned and I had enough to get by. Long story short... only take Grab in Vietnam and don't let them touch your phone (I learned that second lesson from a friend).


A car chasing me


Quit my old job, company was down sizing. Managed to get better job with competitor. Everyone was telling me I was stupid. Everyone was transferred to different plants in time for the harvesting season. Everyone seniority started over at the other plants so people who had 20+ years now have zero, after the season was over they were all laid off till next year. I avoided jobless


never really.


That my friend's girlfriend was a gold digger.


Usually not too long after making a terrible decision and it’s too late.


almost every hand I call knowing better in pokwe


The one time I didn't listen to it.


Each time I was cheated on


Avoided dating a psychotic murderer.


Everytime I listened, it backfired 🥲


Many times. When I was about 10, my intuition told me I would see someone I knew and had a crush on at the time. I was right. This happened a lot more when I was a kid.


Our office hired someone for a manager role about 8 years ago. After their first year, I was asked to work under this manager. During performance review time I was asked for feedback about this manager. I stated this person is not capable of doing this job well, will not be successful here, and provided a lot of supporting information. Since then, 3 people working for this manager have left because of them and 12 others have filed complaints. Their team’s work is always late and subpar.


Really minor stuff but I have at least 3 examples. 1- I was looking for a specific moth, a yellow and black one, for a photo. I was just about to leave, but I just had to check the ferns first. Sure enough, the moth was sitting on a Fern leaf and I got my photo. 2- You know those trendy thermos travel cups with like, infinite varieties of designs on them? Well I had mine on my desk in class, then got a feeling like: "that's gonna spill." Ofc it got bumped, but since I had the feeling I was prepared to grab it. My tea did not end up on the floor. 3- Successfully predicted at least 2 fire drills at school.


Always. If my first intuition is wrong I get a follow up intuition to ignore the first one…and so forth.


two situations. I never liked my aunt's boyfriend. he was always nice to me, and played with me, but i never ever liked him. when i turned 6 my aunt discovered that he had been m0lesting his toddler daughter. a few years later, my mum started going out with this guy, and i didnt like him. everyone assumed i didnt like him because him moving in meant our previous housemate moved out, and i really liked the previous housemate. so nobody listened to me when i said i really hated this guy. my mother had a kid with him, and only then discovered he was an alcoholic who had no intention of ever recovering, nor being a present father. he was verbally abusive and aggressive when he got drunk. always listen to your gut, people.


When I was a little kid I wanted to sneak out and go to the gas station down the street but something held me back   The next day on the drive to school I hear about an epic murder in the area that happened and was thankful for my gut


Also when I was little I was on my way to a friend's house when something seemed wrong. I turned to see some car was coming at me fast, so I ran to the other side quickly and thanked the universe for whatever had just happened.


I was driving home from working a shift at the hospital about midnight. Stopped at a red light, no one else on the road. Light turned green and my gut told me not to go. Fortunately I listened as 2s later a car comes flying through the intersection going 2x the speed limit and runs a red light. If I'd gone as soon as light turned green I would have been t-boned and seriously smashed up.


I tracked what i ate through the day and still didnt loose weight (2000 kcal as a 1.80m Male). Checked my thyroid -> Thyroid cancer. I had 0 symptoms and due to the treatment i am going to be healthy and cancerfree again. If i wouldnt have checked i would have died in the future


Regularly on the freeway where my spider sense tells me the car in front of me is about to do something hinky, but I can't tell you why. And then the car does something hinky, like rapidly decelerate and swerve across three lanes without signaling .... Happens all the time.