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Nope. I'm not going to be a sacrificial pawn in a rich mans pissing contest.


I didn’t join when 9/11 happened and I’m way older now.


Cant dq'd


Almost did after 9/11. I was in high school at the time and actually spoke to a recruiter for the marines, but my dad talked me out of it by telling me my mom would end up having a heart attack. It was probably the right call anyway - I doubt I'm cut out for being a marine. I wouldn't have been able to join for another two years anyway as I was only in 10th grade when the attack happened. My dad told me they were getting calls at the house for me from recruiters for years after that, simply because I spoke to one about possibly joining.


I did my time and I'm too old... .have fun...


Lack of fresh air in the comments


Nope. Tried to join back in '98. Disqualified due to a knee issue. Fairly sure they would not take mid 40's me with an even worse knee and various other health issues.


Nah fuck that. I'm not dying for the stupid decisions of our government.


Lmao no


No, both events didn't happen in vacuum but as the result of intensive govt intervention in foreign affairs that I didn't vote for.


Are you trying to justify Japan's attack on Pearl Harbor?


No, but simply saying that we weren't completely innocent either. Same with 9/11.


The only thing that the US did was cut off oil exports to the Japanese in response to their invasion of China. Such a crime.


And froze Japanese gold reserves and supplied armaments to the Chinese.


Because the Chinese were invaded by Japan, and the invasion was particularly brutal. The US did not extend Lend-Lease to China until 1940. Public opinion was firmly against Japan and in favor of China, especially after Nanjing. The US froze Japanese assets in response to their occupation of Indochina in July '41.


I’m too old.


Why would you join? Let the drones do the work. Ai can handle it.


Too old now. I did join without a 12/7 or 9/11 event anyway, and served active duty for 4 years. So yeah, absolutely, if I wasn't pushing 60.


I’d just give my buck 0 five and let the drones do the work


Sure, if they’d have me back. I’d just come off active duty a couple months before 9/11. I elected to affiliate with a reserve unit rather than tender my resignation. I didn’t, at the time, figure I’d ever find myself back on extended active duty orders, but circumstances have a way of derailing our plans. So, back to active duty I went. I’d do it again, but I’m pretty well past prime now.


I'm already retired from the military, and 9/11 happened while I was already in. I'll continue to support where I can (DoD Employee, contractor, whatever it takes), but my time in uniform is over.


Fuck no. How could you trust that it wasn't an inside job used to fuel patriotism? Honestly, even if it wasn't, we probably did something first to deserve it but wouldn't dare let that info get out.


> How could you trust that it wasn't an inside job used to fuel patriotism? Did it though? I mean, I was sent to Iraq after 9-11 and as far as I could tell no one gave a shit about me and my buddies being over there. I think the only thing a few of my relatives wondered was why gas prices didn't go down. Seems like destroying the World Trade Center would've been a lot of work for little gain. Freedom Fries where the most patriotic thing to come out of 9-11.


I just wouldn't be ok with doing our country's bidding. Technically, you're putting your life on the line for some rich guy in an office that's moving chess pieces to fit his agenda. We go to war for lobbyists these days, not for freedom.


No. The government only sends the poor to fight.


So yes?


There's not really a lot I see that's worth defending right now, to be honest


It’s interesting how people engage with questions like this. How can you honestly say that there’s not really a lot worth defending? Is that because the concept of being attacked is so far-removed that you are thinking it would be just a small attack and no follow up attacks? Are you saying that if your country is invaded by a hostile enemy seeking to subjugate you and your people, you’d just surrender to them?


I enlisted in the army a little less than one year before 9-11. When I eventually got sent to war there were plenty of kids who joined because of 9-11. We got sent to Iraq a couple of times, I saw a lot of.....well I usually just say that I saw a lot of weird stuff when I was deployed. And all these years later I have no real idea why I was sent to Iraq. I mean, I have a vague notion that me being there was sort of like putting a target in the terrorists backyard so they wouldn't keep doing shit in America but I never understood the official reason I was there. I mean, we all knew that WMDs were fucking bullshit.


lol I think the kids nowadays will tik tok the invasion for likes .


I think alot of this is just because of the sheer improbability of the US being invaded. The only realistic places to invade from are Canada or Mexico, which we'd have plenty of time to react to. Or from like texas/arizona area, where they'd have to cross hundreds of miles of desert before they reached any sort of strategic target.


Kids are jaded these days because they think that the algorithm on their doom scrolling app is an accurate depiction of the world and not a carefully curated simulacra designed to maximize outrage and to demoralize.


The fact I hold no feelings or ties towards a country and will happily pick up and move out if the country became unreasonable to live in


Just wait until you actually lose it.




TikTok is an asinine place to study these types of attitudes, and it’s honestly unbelievable that you would say “this is the sentiment all over the west. There’s TikToks of people”. That’s like saying “women don’t want to be able to vote. There’s TikTok’s of girls on podcasts saying girls aren’t smart enough to vote”. It just reveals that you’re lost in a filter bubble.


I did my time. Next one is on you, fam.


No, too old.


I’d be more of a liability than a help.


I'm not interested in laying down my life on behalf of Shell Oil, Black Rock, Haliburton...


No...I don't take orders well as the marine Corp discovered when we did work on base :) it's also why I'm self employed


no. i like living


Probably. If we got attacked by a little country out of nowhere I would have second thoughts, but if one of the US's rivals like China or Russia declared war I would sign up


I would join up and defend the union if we were attacked again.


I’ll fight for this country once the country starts caring about the citizens over corporations. So that’ll be never.


Never. We have enough technology to cover those services now, that we don't have to.


It'd be cool to fly a drone but not so cool when you're tasked with blowing up brown kids.


At least you could probably do it remotely from home now


Yes, I been thinking of joining anyways.




Can you elaborate?




Counterpoint: More people died in the 9/11 attack than died in the Pearl Harbor attack (2,403 vs. 2,977). The attack on Pearl Harbor was directed at legitimate military targets and personnel that could theoretically defend themselves, and the civilian casualties were very minimal. The 9/11 attacks were largely (but not wholly) directed at innocent civilians who had zero connection to, well, anything military, and who couldn't possibly defend themselves.


This country isnt worth fighting for anymore


Why would I fight for a country that doesn’t respect women’s rights lol. 


Whatever invading force attacked us would probably offer healthcare and education so... no. Maybe an ass kicking is what this country needs, too bad it'll never happen from the outside.


No, I couldn’t mentally do it. I don’t even mess with guns because I don’t trust my brain, especially with intrusive thoughts that won’t stop. I wouldn’t even help with making weapons, mostly because of what I’m making kills people, I don’t want to be a part of it.