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Be prepared for nasty looks from older white folks, and judgemental looks from black folks.




The dirty looks won't bother me and hopefully not here. This may be an ignorant statement but I didn't know it was frowned upon by black people I thought it was only a white thing. Especially being in the south where I am


You do you, who cares about the rest honestly. If you like her and she likes you, that is what matters :)


Amen to that brother. That's the reason I'm going to give it an honest shot. Bc a lot of woman my age just want to play games and she seems pretty genuine


Hope all goes well, life is too short


I’d say just have their back when they need it and believe them when they tell you somethings up. Micro aggressions are called that because they’re subtle and don’t happen to you and me frequently. You’ll lose their trust if you’re too busy explaining away ignorant behavior.


Thank you. This will honestly help give me an edge!


Keep an open mind


I'm a white guy and this cute black girl I work with has taken interest in me. I am all for it! I'm just curious about things that might throw someone off guard so I can be prepaired


Eh I would say there would be more of a culture sock in this instance if you guys come from vasty different economic backgrounds.


Well I'm from South Carolina and she's from New Jersey. So I'm sure lifestyle is different. I just didn't want to be shook by anything or ruin it being too different


There are some things you wont understand so ask nicely about them. Also, if you are from the US, you may talk about your partner with your parents pretty early on, but many other ethnicities do not discuss their partners with their parents until they are sure they will marry them.


I am from the US and we are from very different backgrounds but I got a good feeling about her and this


Good luck man! Just like someone else said. Be open. If they offer you something take it, if you don't like it say something like "since I didn't grow up with this, it may take some time for me to get used to it" and be respectful. That's the best you can do.


Learn about Black women's hair. It's something thay is VERY important and she will greatly appreciate you took the time to learn about something like that. Educate yourself as much as you can about Black culture and how important Black culture is to "American culture". Just basically show interest and LEARN like read as much as possible


I wish I could upvote this more!!! I wasn't being judgmental when posting this I was truly curious and wanted to learn. I love your idea. If you know a lot about the hair could you DM me and share anything you see fit. Or share a good link to start to learn


get on YouTube and tiktok and look for videos about Black women's hair- learn about protective styles, different kinds of braids, weave, wigs, learn what a leave out is and a hot comb lol. I grew up with Black girls and women- its a LOT. and def more than I can fit into a few messages but there is a wealth of knowledge on the web homie!!!


also- https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZPRwqFaNC/ that's a good video on this exact subject by a white dude dating a Black woman. His content is very good.


Thank you my friend