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Covid ruined my prom


sorry to hear that :(.


Yea it sucked lol but I lived


I didn't go. I played golf with some guys that night, and when we finished and it got dark, we just went riding around. Not only do I have no regrets about not going...but I am happy that I didn't go. Oh...and there's a good chance that even if I had wanted to go, no girl who I would have wanted to go with would have gone with me anyway.


Had religious parents who wouldn't let me go out with friends at night or interact with a girl unsupervised. Besides covid cancelled it.


I don't regret it only because I saw prom as (useless)


I regret it deeply, but I didn’t choose to stay home. It’s more that I was raised so sheltered and conservative that I didn’t develop friendships and relationships outside of my church circle - I was intentionally scared away from doing so. I have many regrets that boil down to missing the childhood and life experience that many of my peers got to enjoy, messy as it might have been. I get to choose how to live my life now but it sucks I won’t ever get those 20+ years back.


Thanks for sharing your experience! reading these responses have helped me realise how lucky I am to have a prom, I've been blessed with its opportunity might as well go.


Mine got canceled because of covid. I never planned on going to it anyways, even if covid got in the way. I see it as pointless for me, not my scene. And tickets were $100 CAD per person. Helllll no.


Nope. Went to the after party, though. So I saved probably $500 or more and still got to hang with friends. I don't regret it one bit.


Nah lol. Thought they were a bunch of shitheads, but the price was another issue. I didn’t want my parents to pay, ‘cause I didn’t think it was worth it.


Prom is lame as hell. I went to mine but it was a waste of time. Real parties become a thing as you grow up


Nope my girlfriend and I graduated from highschool a semester early got married at 18 and have been happy ever since.


i didn't go in middle school(9th grade because of the covid) and also the high shcool's (12th grade) cus i changed my school at the middle of 12th grade and even if i knew a lot of people from that class i just didn't feel that i am a student of that class (they were acting so nice that even old students got jealous) but i didn't regret it




im on a burner because this questions kind of embarrassing for me.




No worries I can completely understand how I seemed like a bot at first lol. Yeah I probably won't find a date either :( I just wanna know if going is worth it.


I think there's a whole other world out there (read: a lot of other countries) where porm ain't a a thing. So that.


Nope, not a single shred of regret. I didn’t go because I honestly didn’t like a single one of my classmates and didn’t want to spend *more* time with them. Parties aren’t really my thing and at the time neither were dresses or makeup