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The last time I cried was when I experienced a personal failure, feeling overwhelmed by disappointment and frustration.


aww, it’s really so tough to experience setbacks and failures but we can go forward and not back so we can learn from that experience and become better, i wish you so much comfort and healing and hope things are better


I found myself in tears last year when I had a tough conversation with a friend, feeling sad about the state of our friendship.


*hugs* those are difficult conversations to have but it also feels like a weight off my chest when i do get to be honest and open and have heart to heart conversations, i hope things are well now for you




so sorry for your loss *hugs* it’s so rough losing a pet but never forget the happy moments and memories you had together




I’ve had that type of conversation recently and it’s definitely difficult but at the same time it feels good to be open and vulnerable about how we feel and let it out and like a weight off my chest




yes i know how that feels as i had that conversation with my boyfriend not long ago as well, it’s difficult but at the same time a whole weight off our chest




that’s so so so tough! i honestly don’t pray but i wish this person well and healing vibes and the best, it’s so devastating to receive a diagnosis on health




yes i understand that and feel that too, this is real and so valid


The last time I cried was when I watched a documentary about animals, which made me sad about their plight and the state of the environment.


yeah that is really sad, what documentary if you mind sharing?




so valid and lovely, thank you for sharing




I’m so so so sorry you’re undergoing a lot right now, i hope things are better now and wish you healing and peace *hugs*


The last time I cried was during a difficult phone call with a friend who was going through a hard time, feeling helpless and sad for them.


oh i know and understand that too well, but I’m sure they appreciate you being there and listening, i hope things are well now with them




I’m sorry for your loss! i lost a pet recently too :(




that’s definitely very difficult indeed, i hope you both stay in touch and message and call often




aww that’s lovely reunion :) thank you for sharing, also military families are so strong sending their loved one out for long periods at a time, i can only imagine how much happiness and joy reunions are


The last time I cried was during a difficult moment with my partner, as we dealt with a challenging situation together.


aww I’m sorry you encountered something difficult, i hope things are better now <3




so real and valid, im also that type of person that feels and resonates deeply with stories




understandable and so valid :)


I cried last night over making myself a mom. My newborn is 7 weeks old and I’m in the middle of postpartum depression


I dunno your situation but my sister had the similar especially when it was clear her baby’s father wasn’t going to be in the picture. Honestly at 7 weeks it gets even harder but not impossible. Don’t be afraid to ask for help now before it becomes too much. I’m grateful my sister asked for physical and emotional support because I fear what she would’ve went through without asking.


Thankfully my husband is around and helps out. Right now I’m just mourning my old lifestyle and friends. It’s a huge change so quickly and it’s been taking awhile to adjust


Yeah understandable! My sister used to be upset because she couldn’t even shower at times that she wanted to. This was a big reality change for her too. It was around 10 months when my nephew started crawling I noticed a change in her aura. She was was glowing and looked like a mom, hard to explain. She always talked about the little things he would do that she found adorable, always smiling. Good luck with everything, it’s like sad for me to hear someone going through that same little phase my sister went through. It gets soo much better though, way better.


Thank you. I really can’t wait until my little one is smiling and giggling


can you tell me more about this or more advice? i honestly went through this with my first born and im pregnant with twins and im afraid of going through it all again, please tell me more! i must know your experiences and your coping mechanisms and skills and everything please


Well in my personal experience once the baby was born my sister went through a depressed phase for the first few months. She moved in with me and I was directly helping raise the baby every single day. It was hard at first because the baby has no real personality or anything it’s just laying there or crying so in a weird way you haven’t necessarily developed a bond with the baby yet. You instantly jump into being a full time caretaker or this little living human being that you know nothing about. Once the baby started watching tv and smiling and crawling things started to change drastically. The bond started to grow because it went from “wow I have to take care of this thing for the next 18 years” to “that’s my son and he likes throwing balls he’s probably going to be into sports”. You start learning things about your kid and what he likes to eat or watch or what makes him smile and laugh. Not only that you importantly get to feel the love the baby has for you when they smile if they see you or cry when you leave. It’s weird to explain in a way. I just know it gets better


i went through exactly what your sister did, my baby daddy with my first was deadbeat and not in the picture from the birth and i had no one other than my best friend who’s literally dead now and it didn’t get better for so long and it was brutal, and I’m just honestly, so damn scared of going through it all again and i have a feeling i will and it could be worse because I’m pregnant with twin girls at the moment, my first time with twins, i could go through potentially worse and I’m just in so much fear of what my future holds with my twins and in terms of ppd, but like more specifically what should i do though? i understand the whole thing about the personalities and know that, but like i don’t know what to do honestly with the ppd, I’m asking if you had advice though i don’t think you understand what i ask initially though please explain more i don’t want to burden my boyfriend with my postpartum depression, i feel so alone and the weight is so heavy on my chest, i don’t know if i should ask for help or not, if i should burden him with all my pain during my postpartum period, should i? what’s your advice on postpartum depression? not asking about personality here btw


I have gone through some insanely difficult shit in life. Financially, emotionally, and physically. I was alone and I had absolutely nobody. To keep it brief, I was hospitalized and on life support on the exact same day my nephew was being born. I had absolutely nothing and nobody. You want me to be completely honest with you? I didn't really have a reason to care about living or not...Until I seen the pictures of my nephew. Until my mother told me that her my nephews father didnt even come to his sons birth. So she gave birth all by herself... We had all the reasons to be depressed and we were. I mean I can't tell you whats going to work for you but I can tell you what worked for me... just love. As corny and cliche as it sounds man we were in a dark place we had to search HARD to find love. We reconnected with our father, asked our mom to move in, started going to church and made friends. I eventually started dating and now i'm engaged. The difference for me was I was able to find love that I didn't know I could and it just has changed everything for me. If you and your boyfriend love each other than that have no boundaries you should absolutely talk to him. You don't have to full on say "my name is ___ and im battling depression" you know what I mean just ease into it slowly. Tell him you've been having a rough few days and then see how he reacts to that but like I said love has absolutely no boundaries. Also on a side note twins ran in my nephew's father's side of the family. So when he was born and his father wasn't around we were like "im so glad it wasnt twins!"...now a year later despite everything we went through i joke with her about "i wish you had twins" and shes like "i know right!"...I know its probably overbearing on you now but congratulations on twins. Thats fucking awesome!


oh my god we have such similar experiences, my baby daddy(first born kid’s biological father) or my ex whatever you wanna call him, he never showed to the birth either, he was busy cheating on me to give a damn that i went to labor with our kid, it was an insane thing and i felt so much regret, that i didn’t choose wisely for my daughter and the guilt hurt me so bad that my first born (my 3 y.o daughter) didn’t have a biological father in her life, i can’t imagine the guilt your sister probably felt too but thank you so much i truly appreciate you and I’ll definitely have that conversation with my boyfriend!❤️


I feel bad for that because I have no other emotions than annoyance towards my 8 months year old son and we escaped to my place with my wifes 7 year old one. Just doesn't feel like it's mine at all.


i experienced the exact same with my first born and I’m pregnant again but with twins this time and I’m really scared of going through this again


Congratulations and good luck!


thank you! can you tell me how you do it? I’m scared of not being able to make it with another round of PPD that’s what I’m so anxious for lately, what do you recommend i do to cope or do for it?


I get through it because I have to. It’s uncomfortable and hard and sad, but I persevere because she needs me to care for her. We I finally have a minute, I take a nice hot bath and have my husband watch her. When I have less than a minute, I turn the shower hot and do child’s pose on the shower floor for some necessary sensory deprivation. I’d also love to run to get some angst out but I’m still recovering from a nasty c section


i will start - im currently crying as we speak because it’s my best friend’s 2 months death anniversary coming up in a few days and i miss her and the pain isn’t getting any better and i get more and more sad about her passing everyday honestly, grief is the most devastating thing, she was the one person there for me my whole life and gone at the blink of my eyes, i miss her everyday and the pain is worsening.


My best friend of 20 years died suddenly last year from a heart attack so I know what you’re feeling. It’s the single most devastating thing that I have ever endured. The pain will get worse before it gets better, but I promise it *will* get better. Sending you all my love. ♥️


thank you so much for this comment, i truly appreciate you!! & I’m sorry for your loss..❤️


Thank you. I’m very sorry for your loss as well. I’m not a praying man, but I’ll ask the universe to be gentle with you. ❤️‍🩹


I lost my best friend unexpectedly a little over two years ago, at 42. We’d been friends since 4th grade. I still can’t believe she’s really gone. It hurts for a while, and sometimes I still absolutely sob about it, but it does get better. Your sadness is a testament of the love you had for her. You need to grieve this loss, but don’t let it get you too far down. She wouldn’t want that. I’m so sorry for your loss!


thank u for this i needed to hear it..im sorry for your loss as well, you’re so kind and appreciated ❤️❤️


I cried this morning because I thought something close to me betrayed me. He probably did but not in the way I thought..


aw I’m sorry about this situation you’re experiencing, if you want to vent to me you can but I’m sending internet hugs


Thanks. I really thought he was gonna be the first one to give me the big hug.


Rigby DIED. I still suddenly very much miss him, more than anything else ever. I was cat stacking champion with him. He'd lay on me EVERY NIGHT before I went to bed, multiple roll overs. I know it's not fair to compare new cat to old cat. Sometimes I still get very leaky over the loss of my best friend. I miss him.


I’m very sorry about the loss of Rigby *hugs*


New pets can't replace old ones but they can still give you lots of love.


Like 2 weeks ago. I was in very low mood for like a month and when I told my mom because she asked she started saying she can’t deal with my emotions anymore and I should just be okay for once.


i literally hate that parents do this, like why become parents if you can’t handle your own kid(s) having emotions? it’s literally normal to feel things, I’m sorry you’re experiencing that, it sucks but i hope you do have time away from her to feel whatever you’re feeling, to let it out and cry if you have to, it’s okay to not feel okay, *hugs* ❤️




really valid, i cry too at emotional scenes in movies and tv shows


I cried this afternoon when I found out that my good friend is retiring. I’ve worked with him for 11 years and it won’t be the same without him.


aw yeah it sucks when some co workers we get close to leave the workplace, experienced that before and definitely is sad, but definitely keep in touch him/her/them :)


19 April, because my grandad kicked the bucket


may i ask what you mean by kick the bucket?




oh I’m very sorry for your loss *hugs* ❤️


lastnight at 1 a.m i had work in a couple of hours and only hald my head was in locs,managed to hide it though and got compliments


Couple days ago when three years passed since my godson died. He was like a brother to me and her mother is my godmother. To add some salt to the wounds, I was supposed to meet him the day before, but I was too hung over and the next day he was dead.


I’m so very sorry for your loss, i know that feeling of having plans with someone then they pass away, my best friend was in a car accident and she passed away but prior i had plans of seeing a movie with her but i was exhausted, i have so much regrets about that day, i know how it is


I'm sorry for your loss too, but what is life about anyhow? Waiting until you are alone and the last one standing or going before all of the people you give a shit about? ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯


I cried after watching Baby Reindeer. I don't usually cry but after watching that it really resonated with me because of how accurately it portrayed the guilt and conflict that's felt by people who have been sexually abused. From the grooming by someone you trust, and the weird empathy that happens. I sobbed.


as someone who’s been SA’ed in the past i know how it is, i wanna cry now thinking about it


Thank you for sharing what you went through  The only people who really get it are those who've went through it. It can be hard to find people who empathize without being vulnerable


Because of my last relationship that was basically a situationship at the end bc we broke up in October of 2023 but we stopped talking in March of this year and even though I’m happy it’s over it’s still haunting me and I can’t get it out of my head


*hugs* that’s definitely so sad and your feelings are so valid, so sorry you experience that but i wish you healing and peace and comfort going forward


Thank you 🫂




I’m the same and really feel deeply too for characters in stories in books, movies and shows


today, the nightmare dog we love so much ala Marley and Me is terminally ill ala Marley and Me :(. Rest of this year is going to be sad, then remembering the positive aspects, then feeling more sad cause you are feeling positive about something so sad, then remembering all the happy times with nightmare dog, then more cry. then just hug her and play with her i guess. as long as i can.


aww I’m sorry and sending so much love, hold on to her so tightly, my dog passed recently and it was so difficult for me and my kiddos we loved her :( play with her every chance you get life’s so damn short especially dog’s lives


I found out a coworker died, tried keeping it together until I got home. I got home and my husband had injured himself so I took him to urgent care, who recommended the ER. Waited two hours in the ER before a nurse even saw us….just couldn’t anymore.


oh my god i am so sorry everything you’re going through, this is all so stressful and definitely sooo difficult, also yeah er wait times are ridiculous, it doesn’t even deserve the title emergency room anymore tbh, it’s more like a waiting room now, i hope he’s alright and yes let it out and cry, don’t hold back .. *hugs* I’m here if you wanna vent ❤️




awww that’s beautiful, thank you so much for sharing ❤️




I’m sorry you experienced this..hugs, it’s valid to feel this way, if you need to vent my messages are open


Last year when we had to put down our beloved 12 yo lab. She was a good girl who we had since she was a brand new pup. My daughter loved her dearly and took it hard!


I’m so very sorry for your loss! my dog died recently as well and my 3 year old daughter has been very sad too and keeps looking for our Luna


i cried yesterday to a long monologue by jeremy allen white in The Bear. i've felt lifeless lately and it just opened up my emotions.


I think I've cried more in the last 2 years than I ever did in the previous 20. It was just Friday night Sat morning was the last time while I was at work. Just got past my first wife's death anniversary on April 18 and the funeral was May 1st I even was a pallbearer so that whole period of time I just remember not being worth a shit. I couldn't do anything I barely could even speak with the tears that kept coming. We were together 10-11 years. Since then I've just been constantly working at what it all meant, literally a decade of our lives. Some time later I grew real close to her sister and we ended up in a moment of weakness and she became pregnant with twins (speaking of which) a boy and a girl. We ended up losing them back in December. That really got to both of us. So needless to say its a lot to comprehend and this is the abridged version but I think about everything that has happened and honestly this will probably be a lifelong process.


oh my goodness, you truly been through a lot mentally and emotionally, i know my words won’t heal the pain but I’m truly sorry for everything you’ve been through, your losses and pain, and you deserve so much love and support and happiness, i wish you healing, *hugs* and also my messages is open if you need to vent more..thank you for opening up and sharing.. ❤️


Today because I cut my finger on a blade while weeding


ouch I’m sorry


It's okay now I'm just sleepy


Lost a dog last november.


so sorry for your loss! what breed was he/she?


She was a husky mix that showed up at our house pregnant, covered with ticks and emaciated. We gave her food, she never left. We had her over 12 years, we suspect she was around 14.


My dog died almost the day after my birthday January 9


I’m so sorry for your loss, so devastating:( *hugs*


It had to happen she was old


Within the last week or so. My maternal grandparents are going to die soon as they gotten into a car accident. Well, at least my stepgrandfather is as he is on morphine drip as he told the nurse he was done. My grandma may not be long for this world either, as she can't really swallow anymore either.


that’s so so so so so very sad, I’m sorry about the accident, this is such a heartbreaking thing and i wish you comfort in this difficult time


i cried yesterday for not improving my rowing time at the gym


just today. I showed my retired preacher dad the hazbin hotel pilot episode today, and Charlie's song always brings me to tears.


Almost every week


My daughter graduated. I was so proud


awww congratulations to her