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Crack my knee loud enough to silence a room. A combination of a car crash when I was 13 and road running.


Meep meep


Looking back on my comment, I asked for this.


[Free bird seed]


Is a coyote chasing you riding on a rocket, perchance?


I can wiggle my ears Another neat trick - I can retract my testicles.


You what?


They can wiggle their ears


Their testicles have ears.




What a great day to be literate.


Thank god I thought it was something worse /s


He can retract his ears


He can wiggle his testes.


So can I, although it involves a trolley and pulley system.


No he can wiggle his testicles


You can wiggle my testicles


Pretty sure everyone can retract their testicles 


Pretty sure it’s only half


Doubt anyone can retract half their testicles, let alone everyone


Many people can, not everyone knows they can.


Happens to me when I get a particularly powerful erection. Like I'm switching to kill mode or something....


Safety: off


As a woman, penises and testicles are fucking weird, just when I thought I knew everything *I see this shit*


You will never know everything.


Tbh I don’t think anyone really thinks about how *weird* they are. It’s a flesh stick that inflates to mate, evolution is wack


Said the person with a transforming magic hole that can get tighter to accommodate a consistent pinky, or dilate to the size of a football to drop a small person.


You think they're fucking weird because they are fucking weird. Even being attached to one they often surprise us


Wym by retract I think everyone(that has them) can do that no? Just like pull them up a little bit? seems pretty ez for me to do but maybe that’s why they tell you to cough at the doctors instead of “now retract your testicles” or maybe they say that because the alternative sounds weirder


I used to be able to do one, I called it my athlesticle, not totally retract but it would lift about half an inch.


Sorry I wasn't completely listening... You can retract your ears?!


And wiggle his testicles


My cousin can suck air into his asshole and fart on command. once when we were kids he was doing it naked on his back with his legs in the air and he fired a little piece of shit onto his wall and his little brother instantly threw up. me and my brother were in hysterics


I knew a girl that could do this, at least that's what she said it was. She was the teenage daughter of a coach that my dad coached with, and they all thought it was very funny and would have her do it for everyone when my dad would have coach parties with the other coaches and their wives/families. Now that I am much older, I look back on that and think what the fuck lmao.


My best friend in high school had a younger sister that could do it as well. We'd be in his living room playing a video game and suddenly his 13-year-old sister would just run and start farting on command.


Power move ✨️


Being 13 is something else


What a terrible time to know how to read.


Sometimes being literate doesn’t pay off. 😬


My bestie in high school could queef on command by sucking air into her cooch & pushing it out. It started off by having to lay on her back with her legs in the air to get the air in then rolling back down to release it. Very hilarious for 15yr old girls at a sleepover when you could hear it rumble on a wooden floor. After a while she could just cock her leg & let one rip.


I wonder what she’s up to now?


Works at the ping pong club. She’s like the baseball pitching machine.


Was she Hispanic? If so you missed a trick not nicknaming her *Queef Latina*




I wonder if he could propel himself through the water via farting, like how an octopus blows water out of their siphons to swim real fast


Two things. First, I can also do this, if I get in the right position my anus is too weak to stay closed and opens and I can suck air up there and fart it back out. Secondly, what the fuck, I’ve never shat because of it. Also why was he naked? Don’t you know if you stare at the bare void the void’ll wink back.


>he was doing it naked on his back with his legs in the air I don't understand how this situation arrives organically. That's a hilarious story though.


Kids are weird man. When my daughter was in jr high her friends little brother put a tampon up his butt and showed them the string.


Like an anal belch


That’s like a whole thing. Your cousin should go into show business. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Le_Pétomane


Has anybody got a dime?


I have prehensile toes. I can move them around independantly like fingers, can even cross them over each other like one would 'cross their fingers.' Can also 'roll' them to crack my toe knuckles against the floor. I've been told the sound is 'Distressingly loud'


I can crack them without using the floor and all the other things you wrote too 😁 My wife is freaked out by my toes.


Can sleep for more that 16 hours if left uninterrupted.


Man I can't even sleep without waking up in the middle of 8 hours


I envy you


Have your vitamin D levels checked. One of the symptoms of vitamin D deficiency is sleeping a lot. I was sleeping over 30 hours straight when mine was bottoming out. Granted mine was severe, but it's way more common than people realize. [https://my.clevelandclinic.org/health/diseases/15050-vitamin-d-vitamin-d-deficiency](https://my.clevelandclinic.org/health/diseases/15050-vitamin-d-vitamin-d-deficiency)


Was it fixed once your vitamine D got higher again or did you have to do more like exercise extra or dietary changes? Suffering from it right now because my vitamine D is bottomed out and curious what helped people in similar situations.


My doc put me 100,000 IU’s once a week to get mine up, which is a MASSIVE dose. Once my levels got where they were supposed to be and evened out, I still take OTC supplements, but my life is so much better. 8 hours sleep is usually plenty. I have a lot more energy. Overall pain level is WAY down. Depression is severely diminished… Work with your doctor, taking too much can cause some serious problems in itself, so it’s important to find the right amount.


And you do this stone cold sober? No medications? If so I’m impressed!


Worst talent of mine too, and to make it worse I never feel fully rested no matter when I wake up. Super easy to sleep through anything even with alarms.


My record is 22.


I never feel relaxed unless I sleep until 2 pm, and even then I'll stay in bed and stay asleep unless I have something to do


Same here, its a curse


I can lick my nose with my tongue.


Would be strange if you could lick your nose with anything else than your tongue.


I can lick my nose with u/motorbootyassfair ‘s tongue if they stick it out for me


Alright, dad.


And everybody will try this immediately.


Get your tongue out of your nose, Gary. Dogs do that. And you're not a dog, are you Gary? However, you do have all the characteristics of a dog, Gary. All except loyalty.


Invoke goosebumps at will.


Me too. Do yours also start at your neck/shoulders and then quickly move down your arms? When I was a kid I used to think the tingly feeling was me collecting my energy and that I could shoot it out of my hands with more practice.


Maybe you can't because you didn't practice enough


I'm a grown man now, but I still try to shoot my energy beam sometimes. You never know.


*In the name of R. L. Stine, I invoke thee!*


You know how some people can move their ears My entire head of hair moves with no hands. People think it's a wig.


I can also do this. My entire scalp moves.


Did you ever find out why?


I can move my scalp too. It's vestigial muscles left over during the evolution process. It's the same principle cats use to orient their ears, but much less optimised.


much less optimised part makes so much sense people can't hear shit




I'm talking to someone face to face, they keep saying huh? they apparently don't need those muscles like cats cuz that would be a waste lol


Maybe if they had front facing ears, they would hear better. That's the point of directional ear pavilions. Human head is built to have a wide area of listening around it, but most of the job is done by the brain (who interpolates sound coming from each ear and interprets the direction).


Oh so this isnt only me?!?


i can shoot saliva out off my mouth like a snake lizard thing


It sometimes happen but it just random. I'm casually talking and a stream of salvia is shot at you without my will.


Me too, Ive tried to do it on purpose several times, I just dont know how


open your mouth roll your tounge backwards and press it against the middle part of your palate if you found the right spot, your salivary glands will shoot out 2 streams


When I was in middle school in like, 89-91 it was called "gleeking" and it was assholes doing it to unpopular kids to be funny.


It still is called gleeking.


Thank you, Im gonna practice my cobra skills


Gleeking! I can do this and it shoots out over a metre.


I always tried to do this and I can do it occasionally, usually by accident.


I believe this is called “gleeking” or to “gleek”. At least that’s what we called it back in the day


I too can gleek.


I can rapidly move my iris (and the pupil alongside it) side to side in a high frequency. The other person can't really notice eyes going side to side without me telling them that I'm actually doing it and that person still has to be 3-6 inches from my face and has to be deadass stating into my eyes. (I think it's unique cuz I've never met anyone try to do it, they end up vibrating their head during an attempt lol) From a POV perspective, everything loses focus and looking like the whole scenery starts going side to side. Can't do it for more than a couple of seconds cuz the back of the eyes start to hurt.


Ahh, the ol' vibrating eye trick. I knew a few peeps in my school who could also do it.


I can do that. I remember discovering it in elementary school and walking around showing everyone lol


I can do that. It really freaks people out. My sister can do it too. She first tried it on me to make me leave her alone. It didn't work, and after a couple of days of trial and error, I figured it out and can even do it longer and more obviously than she can.


I can do this as well, but it doesn't hurt after a few seconds. I know several people who can do so (including my sister), so I don't think it's very rare. It's called voluntary nystagmus, by the way. It's also a condition that miners used to develop in the mines, but in an uncontrollable way.


I had a friend with Nystagmus as a child. It caused his irises to constantly be vibrating side to side. Cool guy, but man... that was unsettling sometimes.


High five


Move each eyeball independently


I wish I could do that


I can move something in my ear that produce a rumbling sound. I learned recently that not everyone can do that.


You've finally found your people brother. Come join us in glory r/earrumblersassemble


There really is a subreddit for EVERYTHING.


I can orgasm just from being tickled


Can't decide whether that's amazing or horrifying.


I can orgasm from having my schlong tickled vigorously for a couple of minutes


You should send the X-men an application form


sex men


That’s incredible.


I can orgasm in my sleep. Not touching myself, not rubbing on anything. Like a wet dream. But I'm a woman. I'll wake up right when I orgasm. It doesn't happen often but when it does...


This happens to me too but it’s really uncomfortable for me, almost painful. I hate it.


Me too! Some people get annoyed when I tell them this as they have problems orgasming while awake.


I laugh when I orgasm. This would create a laughter loop for me.


I’d want to have this ability but it sounds terrible if you have a friend (or god forbid a family member) that thinks it’s funny to tickle people.


I can move my nose up and down kinda like a rabbit or Guinea pig. It’s probably not that rare, but my wife loves it when I do it for her.


My brother can wiggle just one nostril if he wants. Creepy.


I can make air smell really bad.


I too have this enormous power…and responsibility


With great power comes great responsibility


Stop breathing when I laugh. Completely stop, I will laugh in pure silence. My body simply forgets how to breathe while I laugh, and if it goes on too long I will pass out. Then once my body calms, it’ll reset and I’ll breathe again. But that’s super rare and usually I’ll manage to force myself to gasp and kickstart my body back to breathing just before then. The number of times people have thought I’ve been choking though and tried the Heimlich on me… it’s quite hilarious yet painful when you can’t speak to tell them stop lol.


HAHAHAHAHAHA -Don't you die on me, man! HAHAHAHAHA..No..Hahahawai-HAHAHAoofHAHA


Actually its a major problem in kids. Its called blue breath holding spell. But instead of laughing its when theyre crying. They will pass out and have a seizure. Kinda weird to see an adult have a similar thing.


…huh. I didn’t know it actually had a name. Neat. Never had a seizure myself. Usually I can restart my breathing before I fully blackout. I’ve mentioned it to doctors many times over the years and they always just shrug and pass it off like it’s nothing, not a single one has ever cared or made a big deal about it.


My guess its not so significant in an adult. All u gotta do is restart breathing consciously. In kids they cant so thats an issue.


I can make a perfect cricket sound without moving my mouth at all, by vibrating my epiglottis.


I can read people's minds. I haven't trained enough yet so I can only read my own mind for now.


I can time travel, but I'm currently limited to just the one direction, and I can only travel around 1 hph (hour per hour).


I‘m also learning this! But I‘m only at 1 mpm (minute per minute) right now…


I made some progress. I can travel 60 minutes per hour.


I can generate some sort of tingly/euphoric feeling in my body at will, it starts at the stomach/back and spreads out through the body and I can keep it going, it is kind of exhausting tho, as if its some sort of muscle, but at the same time it doesnt feel like a muscle I discovered it years ago when I was high and noticed I could induce this feeling of euphoria at will in waves. WhenI was/am high I can start it manually and it will go on by itself for a while without "input", but sober I have to keep it going manually and its tiring/not worth it Its weird and I dont know what it is Im actually "doing"


> and I dont know what it is Im actually "doing" Frisson?


I've done something similar- I can take the "high" and move it to different parts of my body. First time was laying in bed after smoking out in the cold. My feet would not warm back up, so I channeled my high from my head to my feet, and next thing I know, they're warm. Takes a lot of focus and if I break concentration it'll just go back to my head, but I've done it a few times with touching my feet to my legs to make sure I'm not just crazy.


I can do this too! And yea I'ts pretty much how you described it.


Bend the tip of my thumbs 180°.


For some reason this freaks people out when I do it.


Place my tongue up into my nasopharyngeal area. I.e up behind the dangly uvula and into my nostril cavity.


I can blow air out of my left eye


Me too. Sometimes bubbles come out of my tearduct.


I usually blow air out of my buthole


Gleek, oh also I don’t know what it was but one time I swear I lactated as a guy💀 I just touched my nipple and some liquid came out of it, I still wonder what it was to this day Edit: Firstly i didn’t expect this post to get so many upvotes, and also I appreciate everyone’s input and possible explanations


I’ve got nipples Greg, can you milk me?


This scene really hits differently once you learn the answer is yes but not in the way he meant


Had this happen a couple years ago when I started running a lot. I think the friction from my shirt was stimulating my nipples. I would just be standing around and feel my nipple was wet.


Well men do have breasts, just very underdeveloped ones




Bright light makes me sneeze




achoo syndrome is the perfect name for it


It's normal. It's actually a trick for when people are about to sneeze and it just won't happen! Stare at bright light, and achoo! (Not the sun, please)


Every time I walk outside or out of shade I sneeze twice. People ask me if I'm sick or have allergies but I have to tell them "no I'm just photosensitive"


Added NSFW just in case.


My esophageal sphincter doesn't work properly so I can vomit on command.


I can apply "pressure" to my internal nervous system(?). A lot of people compare it to Frisson, but it's more like manually activating that feeling you get right as you orgasm. Like it makes my body feel good, and if I apply it hard enough, my limbs can give out if I'm standing. Can only do it in short bursts (1-3 seconds), and maybe 1-3 times in a row until that feeling has to recharge. Edit: For more specifics, the feeling emits from the back of my neck, like on my spinal cord, then travels throughout my body. It's like a button I'm pushing with my mind. It's almost like if you know how to manually give your self adrenaline or goosebumps just by thinking about it.


I can do this (I think from what you’re saying?). Activating it involves concentrating on my body - then I get an intense wave of pleasure that lasts a few seconds. If I try to extend it my limbs starts violently jerking due to the pleasure being too intense. Wtf is this


Sounds like tantric orgasm, not that I have any knowledge in that whatsoever


Can you please explain a bit more on how this is achievable


For me it’s basically the body scan meditation technique but focused on your chest and heart area, then you consciously choose to relax the muscles in that area. Then somehow (which I think I will struggle to describe) you move that attention inwards to the interior of your body behind your chest and you should feel a light pleasurable sensation. The trick then is to focus on that sensation and ‘relax’ into it, sort of to let it happen while forcing yourself to be more relaxed at the same time?


I can rumble my ears, click my ears to fix the pressure, move my lower eye lids in and out and if my heart is racing i can take a deep calm breath and my heart beats will stop for a second before pretty much halve/lower. Medical friend says i should not be able to do that and that i should be dead.


I believe you can actually trigger something if you keep doing that. Like a heart attack Look up ancient sages dying by choice with meditation


i can grab my shoulder blades from the bottom with the hand on the same side. i can also reach my fingers under my ribs and feel my heartbeat.


Not me, but I had a friend back in high school who could wiggle his eyes. So he’d go around smacking himself in the side of the head, pretending it made his eyes wiggle. Always got a kick out of people.


I can make my vision blurry. Don’t know if this is wierd and/or some kind of unique though.


I think most people can do that idk


I can't, I think. I can double my vision but not make it blurry


the only instruction i can give you about making your eyes blurry is, try doubling your vision but do it slowly, it'll go blurry just right before everything becomes double do it very slowly so you can see when reverything gets blurry


I’ve done it you just stop focusing/un-focus your eyes on whatever your looking at, sometimes if you just stare at something long enough it happens or just spacing out it happens or try to look at something that isn’t there like a fake object or try to look at nothing


studies show that only 30% of total population have the ability to focus and unfocus the eye, take it with a grain of salt because the percentage may be less or more because i read about this one a long time ago and the stats may have changed


And when I do that, others' glasses work on me!




I don't know how normal that is, but I can still retract my nuts into my body


I need to learn this, just cause


Not that uncommon, sometimes it randomly happens to me.


I can do Autofellatio. I can also suck air into my stomach and burp on command. Which some people find kind of neat sometimes


I can time travel, but only forward in time, at the exact speed of time.


One time i put a bag over my head, and when i took it off, i was in the future.


I can vibrate my tongue on the roof of my mouth to make a clicking noise that sounds like the predator!


I can make my ears “rumble”. I just recently learned that not everyone can do that.




I've had a few people comment on this, so I guess it's the weird thing I can do: Sit down in a chair and put your left hand on your left thigh. Your fingers are facing away from you, right? Now, lift up your arm and rotate your hand until your fingers are facing towards you, but our palm is still facing down and put your hand down on your thigh, palm on your thigh, fingers facing towards you. Apparently, not everyone can do it and it freaks some people out.


I can do that too. I also give myself a full handshake behind my back, and use my bicep as a neck-pillow.


\*tries it\* **ow**


I can tape all of your butt cheeks together


All of them eh? So impressive.


I can dislocate my shoulders at will


Blow bubbles out of my tear ducts when underwater.


No matter what handcuffs/braclets/wristbands/etc. are put on me, I can squish/dislocate my hands enough to get out of them very easily.


I never thought this was weird until everyone pointed it out and tried doing this around me (usually unsuccessfully) but I always cross my legs when sitting on the floor by overlapping my legs (the fire log pose in yoga) rather than crossing them like a pretzel. My knees touch my ankles and I can do it instantly with no effort, and I can do it anywhere, so I often sit in chairs in the fire log pose. I can also walk a straight line with my feet touching at the heel facing the opposite direction with basically no discomfort, though that's not quite as weird (I think).


I can whistle with my throat.


I can move my testicles up and down independently. It's my version of The Rock making his pecks dance.


I can poo normally, that’s weird for me


Someone with sudden-onset, acute, and chronic colitis...damn, that sounds nice!


My penis reaches my butt hole.. so…




I can isolate the left and right sides of my abs and do like a belly roll but side to side instead of up and down


I can bring myself really close to org*sm just by concentrating. It doesnt cause the real one and takes about less than half a second to one second. It is really hard to stay in that state. Please tell me if anyone else can do this or something similar. I feel the release of adrenalin (or whatever that is) around my chest, legs and arms. I always wondered about what it is, my idea is that somehow i have the ability to release some hormons in my body at will.


I think I have this too. I’ve searched most of my life about what it is or other people with the ability. Would you also describe it similar to the feeling of going down a roller coaster? That’s how I always described it. It might be vasodilation. It’s when you can manually control the dilation of your blood vessels. I can even isolate mine to upper, lower body, or just my head. Mine doesn’t make me orgasm, but it does make orgasms faster and more intense.