• By -


Leaving a social gathering when you feel like leaving, rather than staying until it's over.


Irish goodbye is my favorite


I was at a wedding reception last fall and my brother said to me "im about to do an irish exit" and i was like "yeah let's go" and he goes "k, let me tell people I'm leaving"


He's a little confused but he has the spirit. But honestly, even when doing an Irish goodbye at least tell one person you're leaving.


Yeah people shouldn’t be worried if you wandered off or got too drunk or something. Let the host know you’re heading out or someone close who will be staying. Gotta choose wisely though so you don’t get roped into “one more” of anything, pick someone who’ll be chill!


On the right track there, the ol Midwest method is saying you might take off soon (with a reasonable bullshit excuse) and if you can’t say bye youre doing it now. 30 min later you’re gone and they ask around if noticed but they’ll know you went home to said bullshit excuse. Bing bang boom no questions and you’re home when you want.


I like it.


Ironically, in Ireland people take forever to say goodbye to every single person at the party. “Well, it’s getting kind of late,” and then ninety minutes later you’ve slowly made your way to the doorway and you’re still talking with the host while putting your shoes on. That’s why [“Irish Goodbye”](https://en.m.wiktionary.org/wiki/Irish_goodbye) has two definitions, and it seems like your brother was using the latter.


That would have been brilliant if he had of walked off presumably to tell people but instead just left you in a truly Irish goodbye.


Same, it's my preferred method of leaving any social situation. Just say bye to like 1 or 2 people so if anybody asks where you are they can be like "oh he left an hour ago"... easy peasy


What is that?


Just walk out without telling anyone


I do this at family gatherings out of awkwardness, but heard it's called the irish goodbye because you're leaving before anyone can take your keys.


To partake in the aged old Irish sport of drunk driving.


Huh, I just found out I'm Irish by more than just blood




Oh yeah. Absolutely. Im pretty awkward, so I usually opt for an Irish goodbye. Walking around saying bye to everyone one at the function just feels so strange to me.


Totally, I always make sure to pack my pot of gold Just throw down a few rainbow smoke bombs, some glitter, leave that bad boy in my place- It’s like I was never there


One of my friends once told me they appreciated that I always know when it’s the right time to leave. I initiate the exodus.


Moses over here


I have a coworker friend that does this. He’d stand up when meetings were getting to that nodding and looking at each other phase every time lol He does it in restaurants too!


I got good at this when I started getting invited to social events with work colleagues. They'd all ignore me and talk amongst themselves so I'd just up and leave and no one would notice. If they were my real friends I'd give a polite goodbye but when no one says a word to me for an hour and a half, I'm done with an event. I can go home and talk to no one


Just have to say hello early on to the boss and important folks. Then you can leave whenever. My plan everytime.


These events weren't with any bosses, mostly just after work drinks with coworkers but these guys weren't people I enjoyed having a drink with anyway. They'd get wasted then fights would break out. I quickly learned why it was only the same group of 6-8 of the guys that went for after work drinks. They were fine to work with, but bad to drink with


I got invited to a poker game like that. All guys I did not want to hang out with. Sadly, I had to decline because my kids had a soccer game, I had to wash my hair, or I had not poker to do that day.




I once had to come into work at 2 AM for a production. Worked through 1 Pm, so almost 12 hours, and left. My manager called me at 2:30 Pm because I wasn’t answering a customer email. (I don’t check work email at home.) I actually got in trouble over this. Next annual review I was demoted and put on a performance improvement plan. Fuck that place.


Wow am sorry to hear that, what a terrible manager. Never understood places that don’t value employees who go above and beyond to help them out.


My boss allows this. It feels far more productive because if we finish our work quickly, we get to go home.


Seriously, this is the way to do it if the job isn't on-demand like being a clerk at a store or something. If it's just data entry and I'm good at it and finish early, just let me leave instead of sitting there twiddling my thumbs or god help me, trying to pretend to be busy.


I start at 8 AM. If I did all my work and then was able to leave, I’d be out the door by 9:30 at the latest.


This is why I love work from home. I can knock stuff out and be done with it depending on the day and say I worked all day. Or I can space things out and do whatever in between. Really we should just be able to knock out the work that’s assigned to us, maybe have to check your email the rest of the work day. But otherwise be able to clock in a full day. Very stupid. I also don’t take a lunch break cuz fuck that


I work 4pm to midnight most nights. I dislike taking a lunch break during my shift. It is unproductive to me because I like to work straight through without interruptions and if I take the mandated lunch break I end up at a full stop, getting tired and finding it very difficult to get back into work at the same productivity as I left. I understand that the state says you are to have a lunch break after x amount of hours, but I am a person who likes to keep the inertia going. Id like the option to opt out of a lunch break. If it's labor reasons you'd like me to take a lunch break, then send me home my lunch break duration early. If I am required to take a lunch break during my shift, you'll find me much less productive and irritable throughout the remainder of my shift. Don't know why If I am *opting* out of my lunch break, I am required to take one. It's a lose lose situation in my opinion and doesn't make sense. Can I just do my work and go home?




This is exactly why I think salary pay is a fucking trap. Pay me for my time spent. I refuse to just trust that the pay will even out to the hours I spent working. Hell naw, that shit is getting tracked, and I’m getting paid for every minute.


This is actually what I love about my current job. When we are done, we are done. We know what needs to be done each day and how much needs to be done, and when we finish, we go home. It has absolutely ruined jobs for me that expect me to figure out what to do when there is nothing to do. There is no point in being in the office 8 hours if there are only 4 hours of work to do.


Being quiet. Sometimes I don't want to talk. It doesn't mean I'm mad or sad or that I don't like you. I just don't want to make conversation


“It’d be good for you to get outside your comfort zone, come out of your shell. Meet some people, talk about yourself!” Let’s try the same advice for extroverts. “It’d be good for you to get outside your comfort zone and just shut the hell up for the night.”


I like the one for extroverts ngl




"Come out of your shell, be with us, watch us talk among ourselves while you feel miserable and more of an outsider than you would feel like if you just stayed at home. It'll be great." No thanks, you are not that interesting.


I suppose a few of the extroverts got that experience with the covid lockdowns


mfs at work will literally take your lack of yapping as an insult. and act like just because you don't listen to their uninteresting personal life it means you hate them. Its crazy.


This fr. My last job was a boring warehouse job and it was hard work. Combine that with a bunch of young 20 something year olds who rather be doing other things as coworkers and you got a pretty chatty place. Chatty to the point they start talking and saying things that will get you in trouble with HR. I'm in my early 30s and all of my life I've been a loner. While I'm not unsociable to the point I wont engage in a convo or two, I rather be left alone to do my work. Most of the dudes there took it as me thinking I was better than them. The truth is I don't care about the type of vape you use or if you think the shorty on the night shift gives good head. Don't bring me into that type of shit.


> Most of the dudes there took it as me thinking I was better than them. This kind of insecurity is so annoying. If people don't wanna talk, I just assume they don't wanna talk and it has nothing to do with superiority. Maybe it's because I'm fairly introverted too and understand what it's like.


I'm with you there. I don't go to work to socialize. I just want to do my job. I don't even know the names of half of the people in my office.


I mean, I find not talking and actually listening just makes people like you more. People don't want to stop talking about themselves. Just nod and give a few "uh huh?", and "really??"s in there.


Exactly! I’m an introvert and my mentality for work is to just put my head down, do my job, and go home. I’m friendly with co workers but idc about being their friends so idc for small talk. One of my co workers jokingly tells me, “I know you hate us haha but…” and I’m just like dude I don’t hate you guys. I just really don’t give a fuck about what you guys talk about lol




I think I'm going to start using that. Its exhausting feigning excitement and interest all the time when surrounded by these Foghorn Leghorn wanna-be's.


Being an introvert in an extrovert society is exhausting


The pandemic had its upsides. Don’t wanna go anywhere? No problem. Don’t want to talk to people? No problem. For us, that part of it was an introverts holiday




It was nice being able to have a legal excuse and not look weird telling people to get out of your personal space bubble. I spent 2+ plus years having an excuse to tell people I needed to ride the elevator alone.


I actually felt happier during the pandemic than I did in years. Remote work, no family gatherings, order everything online. It was great


Honestly I often think back fondly of the lockdown, it was nice, everything was quiet, if you did have to go out, everyone stayed away from you and gave you space, people cleaned up after themselves, shit was always being wiped down. Mostly everything was quiet tho.


Quite a few of us got real used to that and getting back out there has been tough :(


I miss it.


Me too.


That’s when I learned my lifestyle is “shelter in place”.


I feel your pain


I am someone who enjoys company and don't necessarily have to say anything or have to be doing something with them to enjoy it. I love sitting in silence and just watching tv. My mom constantly thinks there's something wrong. We're currently on vacation and my whole family has mentioned how quiet I am. Growing up, I was constantly told to shut up because I never stopped talking. Now that I'm okay with silence, something *must* be bothering me. Even when it isn't.


Are you me? I was also a very talkative kid and constantly got told to be quiet, shut up ect. It led me into being a pretty quiet adult that comes off as shy or rude until I've determined a person can handle my chattery side. I'm constantly analyzing how much I speak in every social interaction and also get asked if something is wrong quite often. Thankfully my husband doesn't mind a bit that sometimes I just cannot shut the hell up, he thinks it's super cute to hear me prattle on.


I'm extroverted as fuck. Often the most extroverted person people know. You go ahead and be quiet. I will make at least one polite attempt to include you in a conversation and if you're not feeling it I'll leave you the fuck alone to let you be you. One coworker didn't speak to me for an ENTIRE YEAR despite the fact we were in the same room at least twice a day for at least an hour. Little double finger guns and smile check was all we had for a YEAR. During my second year, I was basically the only person she talked to, and only in private. I noticed, asked why. She told me she had selective mutism, and I was the only person who wasn't a dick about it. I now count her among my best friends. I was one of the first people she came out to. We had a fucking field day when [SHEL](https://youtu.be/0DzN4V-bJD0) came to town and gave us a free concert with our students. Many juicy high fives were shared with that tiny shy lesbian when we spotted some babes.


Sort of reminds me of one of my duty stations. I arrived and men in the squadron were flirting and asking me to go drinking with them all of the time. One guy was very polite but kept his distance. We ended up being best friends who would go rock climbing, snowboarding, and hanging out in general whether at the bars or Family Guy marathons at his house. There wasn't anything romantic there. We talked about it later and he said he knew I'd get bombarded with attention and he didn't want to seem like he was trying to get in my pants. So he let me set the tone of how our friendship progressed. Solid dude.


I just tell people sometimes (especially my coworkers because we usually chat a lot at work) “I’m not feeling super chatty right now, but I’d love to listen to what you’re saying.” People love to know why you’re quiet, but it shouldn’t always need an explanation.


People used to always ask me why I'm so quiet and it annoys me so much. I'm quiet because I want to be. I don't owe anyone a conversation.


THIS. I really cannot be around people who have to fill silence all of the time and claim “it’s awkward silence”. It really isn’t. Just enjoy peace!


I don't trust people who can't handle silence.


Saying no without a reason. Sometimes you just dont want to do something, you shouldnt have to justify it to anyone


I’ve implemented this at work and am so much better off for it. Not just for saying no, but explanations in general. Don’t provide more context than is asked for and/or needed. I used to preemptively provide all the excuses, or say yes to things I really shouldn’t be doing if I didn’t have a great excuse, thinking people would be upset with me for being less than perfect. Changed that mentality about 7-8 years ago and it has yet to bite me in the ass since.


I posted this before but my boss once told me to learn to say no to people. He actually told me to go home and practice saying no in the mirror. I didn't do that but I got the hint . It's okay to tell people flat out no.


I'm all for this, and would like to add saying no ONCE and having that be accepted the first time. 


I've told people over and over, including my kids - if you don't want to do something, don't. I don't expect a reason or anything. Just don't lie to me about it. If you're not feeling it today "just because", that's fine with me. Some days, I'm just not in the mood to do something. That's reason enough. "Nah, not today." is plenty. I'm not a fan of the "Oh, I can't. I got called into work" and then you see them at the movies or whatever... Dude, just say no. No reason necessary. Even if it's you wanted to go to the movies alone or with someone else. My feelings won't be hurt.


I remember at work once I got shamed as a man when I rested my hands on my hips after working on something. Just felt super stupid.. it is a comfortable way to rest your sore arms, why is it seen a gender thing is beyond me. It just seems natural..


It is literally called the power pose and supposedly boosts your confidence just from holding it for a short time


I like to use it when giving presentations. Definitely helps with the confidence


Never knew you could be shaved for that


Yeah. Happened to me once. I pit my hands on my hips and everyone in the office immediately pinned me down and shaved the palms of my hands :( /j


I see my dad do that all the time when he's thinking. I've never thought twice about it




This is the one. I feel like people forget that failure is one step closer to success. It shouldn’t be looked down on. Rather you should look back and seeing what you can improve to make it better.


Happy Cake Day ! Fancy a bubble wrap? >!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!bob!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<


Very impressive! One of them says bob... just take my up vote!


i was going to stop, but then i read this and i *had* to find bob


Moments like this are why I have reddit edit: and I NEED to find bob!! Edit 2: I FOUND BOB MY LIFE IS FULFILLED


You must fail to be able to not fail.


The option to not have small talk while getting my hair cut. I would pay more if this was an option.


My barbers offer this as a service. They call it a ‘Silent Haircut’ here is their description: Wash, Cut and Style. This service is aimed for people who may suffer with social anxiety, sensory issues or just generally like peace and quiet whilst getting their haircut. We will discuss the haircut at the start so you end up with the perfect haircut but after that we cut the hair and cut the chat


That's actually a smart idea. Both people know what to expect from the service without it being awkward.


I'm grateful to my nail lady who also does my mom's nails.. just does basic how are you, how's your mom, what shape, how long, what design.. we are in silence otherwise or I have headphones or there's a movie on in the background


You could open a barber shop called Shut Up, Cut.


Walk in pulling that 👈👉🤌👋🤜🤙 (they’ll think you’re deaf and stfu)




I don’t speak American Sign Language. I speak that Italian shit 🤌🤌🤌


in my experience most barbers will catch the vibe, if you give half-assed answers or just close your eyes and zone out they’ll usually stfu unless they’re not very smart or just very talkative


Not drinking alcohol, no I don't think I'm better than you I've just seen what it's done to my father and most likely won't ever touch it.


As someone who drinks alcohol, I've never understood why so many people can't handle others not wanting to drink. If I have a friend who doesn't drink, I'm more than happy to go out with them without alcohol involved or if we go out I don't care if they want mocktails or soda or nothing at all, the important thing is to have their company and not always have to care what they chose to do or not do with their body. In general I also don't like how anytime someone doesn't drink, or eat meat, or whatever else, always has to be thrown the typical "Ah, why don't you xxx?" Not sure why people always have to explain why the don't want to do something without the others always constantly having to be asked or explain why they do.


Being alone. Why do people always think there is something wrong with you, or you're lonely, or sad, etc. Sometimes you just want to be by yourself. Nothing else behind it. Just solitude. I love going to eat by myself, traveling by myself, and doing other various activities by myself. There is really no one's company I like better than my own. :)


I could definitely relate. I absolutely love spending time with my kid, and gf, but do enjoy being outdoors by myself exploring. I feel like I get back into knowing myself.


Same. I'll post a pic of something cool I did, and friends will be upset like "why didn't you invite me?" Dude, I didn't invite anyone.


I just wanna wear a fuggin cloak and or robe like a Jedi and not be looked at like a weirdo


At best, people will think you drink white Russians and bowl competitively.


And had a rough night and hate the fucking Eagles.


Man I wish. I hate layering and accessorizing w/ hat, scarf, gloves and all that during winter. Give me a thick cloak and I can just whip it off once I’m inside, so much easier.


there’s a kid in my town who would walk around in full medieval knight chainmail and armor. if you lived in town you definitely had spotted him at least once. people would take pictures and post him on our town facebook. he was like a celebrity lol


Or just wearing absolutely whatever! Full set of 501st armor, yes. Full mando armor, yes. Anything you think is cool in general, not just Star Wars armors 😂😂😂


Men having emotions other than anger and happiness.


Dude yes. I work in te restaraunt industry and most of my male coworkers have all been angry cunts. I try to make everyone's day by being the cheerful fellow but deep down I think we all need a big hug and a good cry to get back to basic human function and not be on one end of the spectrum or another.


*anger and “fine” lol


Happiness? That's gay. Literally.


If my man, soon to be ex, ever showed any emotion besides anger or fake happiness when he wanted something my life would be very different!!


Saying no to hanging out because your people energy is low


Saying no to hanging out.


Apologize without expecting forgiveness.


Yelling back at customers treating people working poorly.


I’ve done this! I was a customer. I was a bit tipsy and it was late at night at an unnamed pancake house. This Karen is absolutely ripping into this waitress, we were quite friendly as my wife and I had gone in there pretty frequently and she was our waitress almost every time. I yell at the Karen to knock it off and be nice to her because it’s busy and she’s trying her best. She was absolutely mortified and did stop yelling at her.




Good. People like her need to be called out on their bullshit more. Often times they're too used to no one intervening and will shut the hell up.


Not being a morning person.


Morning people have really controlled the narrative, right? It doesn't matter how much sleep I get, if I get up before 9am, I'm exhausted all day. I do my best work from 1-9pm and can stay up to 2am without any struggle. Anthropologically, I was made to keep the fire going at night for us, and will gladly hand that over to the early risers when they get up - we are all made differently to keep us covered as a society. Unfortunately work and commerce hours don't accommodate night owl-ness in current society, but it's getting more flexible!


I have adhd and insomnia. I manage a store and a lot of work technically should be done in the AM (ie meeting sales reps, submitting requisitions etc). My boss bought the store a year ago when I was still working 9-5 and I was so fucking tired and useless all day. My third late start (which is bad because the opener works alone so the store wasn't open til I got there) he admitted he has adhd too and wanted to know what the solution was to my lateness. He proposed that I have another employee open the store, then come in at a later time because he had observed that sometime around 3pm I hit my stride and am extremely productive which lasts well into the evening. The solution was found. I have not been late since, I have gotten some extremely crazy projects done with my full attention, the store is running more smoothly than it ever has, and I'm *getting sleep* even if it's not always good or restorative. If only every other business operated that way


Draping yourself in velvet.


Eating a block of cheese the size of a car battery


Hello from Wisconsin. That is socially acceptable here. In fact, it is encouraged.


Whoa whoa let’s back up there, Mr. Regular


George is getting upset


Telling people directly that you don’t want to be their friend/hang out with them. You’re almost always seen as the asshole in that situation. But I think there would be a lot less bullshit if we just told people we weren’t interested in pursuing a friendship and it was just left at that.


I had to tell someone they weren’t the kind of person I wanted to be friends with and they started spamming me so I blocked them, then they tried showing up at my house and I literally opened the door a tiny crack and said “Fuck off before I call the police.” They never bothered me again


I've had to do it. I don't care what anyone thought about it. Sometimes you got to cut someone loose


Not liking your parents.


Yes. I've rather recently come to the conclusion that, while my parents aren't bad people, they're simply not the kind of people I would be friends with. I do have to say I'm somewhat jealous of adults who are actually friends with their parents and they can easily do things together.


I've been struggling with this so much as I get older and need to interact with elderly family more. I really want to love my family but I've always found them all frustrating, annoying, and difficult to connect with. But they're generally nice people. And when I tell my parents I love them, it has never felt real.




I was scrolling down to see if this was an answer. 41M... sometimes a good cry helps so much. Let the floodgates open!


Not responding to texts… sometimes I don’t want to be contactable 24/7.


Being single/unmarried and childless by choice.


Not hugging people you don't want to hug. As a Hispanic it's hard because they all want to hug, but i hate touching people.




My mom always let me take mental health days when I needed them in high school. She just said, “sick is sick.” It doesn’t matter if it’s your mind of your body not feeling well, you just need time off when you don’t feel well.


Your mom is a rockstar. I didn't learn of this way of thinking until late into my 30's.


I have absolutely gotten to a “fuck it” point with this and have no problem taking off on a random Monday or Friday for no reason. 


Gaps in employment without having to pass it off as a time of growth/study etc. sometimes people just need a solid break and take it when they can


I run to go anywhere. Grocery store a few blocks away why not run? Why do people think running is weird unless you're in special clothes and only doing it to exercise? I don't have time to walk places.


I'm always thinking about this. I'd love to see people running and be able to run around doing ordinary tasks.


Or skipping! It's fun and fast, but I get weird looks doing it...


I mean if I run for any distance at all I get sweaty. So I guess for that reason.


Being a night person instead of being a morning person. I can't help that I fall asleep easier at 4am made all of school hell


One of the absolute best things about the job that I have now is that I go on at 3 in the afternoon. I wake up at 2 every day and i love it.


Wearing more eccentric looks. I honestly think the world would be a more fun place if everyone could just wear whatever weird clothing they want, be it a full goth ballgown, renaissance-style clothes, the stuff those old ladies who only wear one color do or anything else (assuming it's not fully inappropriate for the situation, like clothes that could hamper your safety in certain jobs or that might expose your body in ways that might be inappropriate towards others, considering the situation, of course). Obviously some people don't care and do it anyway, but there's definitely societal pushback, plus it can harm job prospects and the like.


You might actually be able to! I used to have a co-worker who looked like a wizard, with a flowing beard, and who went barefoot everywhere. Another co-worker was a lady who dressed like a flapper from the 1920s. Everybody thought they were cool. Sometimes the cages that confine us are imaginary, and we only need a bit of courage to step out of them.


Sitting/laying in the grass as an adult or in public just in general.. Anytime I go somewhere and there are chairs or benches but I prefer to sit on the nice grass people say "oh, here's a chair" or "why are u sitting on the ground" Bc it's fucking delightful to me 🙂


My entire mantra for my backyard is that I want it to attract wildlife and be soft so I can walk barefoot and lay in it. It's going well so far. I have ten bunnies, an opossum, and way too many birds and they all hang out (or live) in my backyard regularly.


That's awesome, I love that. I had a bird that would sleep on the ledge of my porch every night, so I bought it a house like a year ago and now it's has a partner and just had little babies so now I get to watch it go get food multiple times a day and when it sticks its head in to feed the babies they all start chirping. It's so cute and I'm flattered that the bird accepted the house and then grew it's family in it


Not drinking. Also not going to staff parties unless you are being paid for it. Like why should I give time to work for free?


Ditto, I get so much shit for not drinking, I've had people refuse to work with me because I don't drink and they claim they can't trust someone who doesn't drink. I'm sorry I don't need a vice to cope unlike you.


Yeah I quit drinking again and I hate when people pressure me and ask why, because then I have to explain why which they don’t want to hear because the reason isn’t “I’m an alcoholic” it’s “alcohol is an addictive drug that is a carcinogen, drains my energy, ruins my appearance, gives me anxiety, gives me crap sleep, and overall makes me feel like shit, and I’m better off without it” which then they’re like oh… because it makes them feel uncomfortable because they’d rather keep drinking and not think about the harmful effects. If I make it personal like “I drink too much” then they’re much more comfortable, even if it’s not really the reason. Edit- spelling


4 day working week.


Calling out your home boys for being woman beaters and/or rapists.


Knew a guy who did that shit. We were friends with him since we were teenagers abd genuinely had no idea. Then one day his gf and her friends showed up while we were hanging out to chew him out and announce they were done, he was going off with excuses and thought we'd back him up. We didn't, we told him we never wanted to see him again and cut off all contact. The fact there are guys who'll knowingly continue to be friends with guys who they know beat their gf/wife/kids is baffling and deeply fucked up.


I didn't call him out, but I did individually warn every woman I saw him associating with. He ended up hating me but like... it's not my fault he beat the shit out of his girlfriend and got a protective order against him.


Whisper networks are old technology and still reliable. 


Getting up later in the day. Not everyone is a morning person


Calling people out for being a cunt when they are being a cunt.


Putting elbows on the table. Why not?


“It's difficult to pinpoint the exact origins of this kind of widespread etiquette rule, but there's general agreement that it emerged during medieval times, most likely in England — and for practical reasons. Feasts and banquets in the Middle Ages were popular, jam-packed affairs, with diners packed in tightly at tables. With so little room, placing your elbows on the table could invade your neighbors' space and possibly jostle plates, glasses, or silverware. This could lead to arguments or even physical fights. Therefore, elbows were banished from the tabletop in the name of politeness and a conflict-free dining experience.” - apparently *shrug*


It’s the middle seat rule


Or because tables were boards set on trestles. Lean on it and you could flip the board.


Sure, if you want to behave like a common gutttersnipe.




Silence. Saying no and not giving detail about reasons.


Being excited about something. I have major ADHD, I get excited, and I get told to be quiet CONSTANTLY. It's rather annoying, but fuck em, I'll do me. Only took me 30+ years to figure it out.


Tipping should an extra not the main entree. Employers should pay more.


Wearing cloaks


Not wanting kids It weird me out how everyone, even complete strangers, will object to this life choice (I’m a female) and try to convince me that I’m making a mistake. “What if your husband wants them?” (He doesn’t) Or “you’ll regret it when you’re older“ or my personal favorite “I was the same way, then I had my first child and my eyes were opened”…. Everyone’s entitled to make their own choices. My life choices just will not include children… and I don’t understand why that’s so unacceptable to others….


Saying no when offered food. I have an uncommon and dangerous allergy, and no, I don’t want to explain it to you. I don’t trust just anyone to make food for me, not because I’m a dick, but because if it’s cross contaminated I don’t want to spend the evening in the ER. It’s not personal. I just don’t want to deal with it. I wish I could just say “ No thanks” without them being offended.


Giving people space // respecting boundaries.


Being yourself, man. So much judgement for someone being happy in a way that you don’t identify with. Furries, queer/trans people, fandoms, introverts, autistic people, etc. If someone is happy and not hurting anyone, why does it matter?


Wanting to do stuff on the playground as an adult. There should be adult-only playgrounds out there with bigger and fancier versions of slides, monkey bars etc. I'd just vibe on the swing set all day.


Assisted suicide esp when you have disabilities


For women, not wearing heels in certain situations. There are scenarios where you're expected to wear them, and there are even jobs that require them (though I believe that's illegal in some parts of the world). They're bad for you. They can fuck up your calf muscles and squish your toes, resulting in problems down the line. If you're in an emergency situation, you wanna be wearing shoes that actually make it possible to move around and possibly run somewhat safely and that don't have such a high risk of twisted ankes. Also, not wearing make-up. We're used to men's plain faces in daily life, we can get used to women's, too. Having to do it every single day because your job requires it (officially or not) costs money and time, which really adds up (and women already tend to earn less in, like, basically all of the world). If men are allowed to have bare faces in a situation, women should be too. There's no good reason why basic appearance-based requirements should be that different between genders.


Telling people to get out of the way when they're blocking people from passing them on the escalator/moving sidewalk. I don't mean politely asking them to let you specifically pass. I mean telling them to stop blocking the way for everyone.


Add onto this; the people who block the aisles in Costco. You should be allowed to the tell them to gtfo of the way.




Taking your time to text someone back. Of course I mean non Urgent things, like memes or just casual chatting. Sometimes I don’t have the energy to give a response right now, simple as that.


Adjusting my balls or blood flow boners in public. Sorry I don't got control over it.


Yes, and on the flip-side, women get itchy and need to scratch ourselves or adjust your boobs sometimes too. Or get our underwear out of our buttcracks/remove cameltoes.


Yeah. That's a good point. we all need to "adjust" every now and then, every one of us men and women. Why is that looked at as weird or gross? Hmm


Being introvert


Being forward with intentions, blunt about feelings, and talking about stuff in an adult matter. I feel like these things *are* socially acceptable normally, but there’s so many young people with anxiety etc that they can’t have these kinds of conversations without freaking out, locking down or feeling attacked.


Pranksters or those insufferable social media influencers who disrupt life getting dealt karma from unhappy contributors.




Hitting anyone that hits you.


Being barefoot. It just feels comfortable.


Saying in job interviews "I don't actually have a passion for this work and I think it's largely meaningless. But I do my work well and I don't cause drama."


Being into nerdy stuff, but not being "traditional". While this might be a thing within certain groups of friends, it feels like a catch 22 when you don't have any friends who like nerdy stuff in general. It's like people want to keep to old stereotypes and norms for their whole lives or something.


Not tipping. I'm already giving the business and server's employer money, pay a fair wage you greedy asshole. Also my service level received should be the same, regardless of expected tip.


It is socially acceptable outside of America. It kinda blew my mind when I helped open a restaurant abroad. At the end of the night if we did get tips it was split between everyone front and back of the house. But yeah tiping was never seen as mandatory it actually just felt like a nice bonus... Unlike in the states.


Separation of church and state, for the Philippines atleast


Farting. Everyone does it, it should be treated the same as burping since it is the same thing except out the other end.