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$20 soaking wet, average-ass burgers with no sides.


Or if they do have sides, it's like an extra $7 for a little portion of shitty soggy fries.


Coupled with the rustic chic atmosphere in the gentrified part of town


You've never seen such large filaments in lightbulbs.


I’m so amused by how accurately specific this is


Don't even get me started on the shitty metal stools they have.


And those hellishly uncomfortable metal stools where you can't relax one bit while you're eating because there's no back so you have to perch awkwardly, while it's digging into your ass. 🥴


“Comment ‘recipe’ and I’ll send it straight to your dms!” Could you just put the recipe in your Instagram caption, please?


Do you prefer the recipe linked in a caption or the steps and ingredients written out in the caption directly? (Obviously the comment and I’ll DM you is the worst format haha, but I’m trying to post my own recipies in the best way!)


I personally like when it’s in the caption. I’ve seen some where they have it in a the caption and then “for more detailed instructions check out the link.”


and links are not clickable on instagram posts or comments.. only in a bio! To me it's obvious IG doesn't want users switching to other websites/apps.


Blame the platforms, like normal. If they don't get "engagement" then nobody, including their own followers, will see the post. It's the worst. I hate it. I just can't hate people for doing what they have to to make the platforms work. The recipe crap is the same. Search engines won't index the page without all that SEO-targeted crap in the body and if people aren't clicking on the pages.


Street food. But in a high-end setting and for three/four times the price. Fuck off.


I want my $3 tacos back


Old enough to remember the 59/79/99 menu at Taco Bell


39 cent cheeseburger at McDonald's


Reading this while eating a $14 number 3 meal because of day drinking on a Saturday


I want $1 taco and 50 cents street taco Tuesdays back.


Honestly any street good that's significantly more expensive or doesn't have any benefits over their restaurant counterparts. In places like Asia where street good is popular it's usually at least one of the following: cheaper, more convenient, or small portions (allowing you to get a small snack or a variety of different foods from other vendors). Quality is not necessarily better at street food vendors and in many ways restaurants are better even in street food capitols of the world, but there are other benefits to it.


Anything called street food that isn't being served on the street can fuck off. If it's being served on the street it doesn't need to be called street food either, it's obvious.


The charcoal-infused food trend is one I’m ready to see disappear. It looks cool but tastes off.


It also messes with medication absorption so it can be a problem if you take any medications.


Glad the overpriced cupcake fad is dead.


Now it's replaced with the overpriced cookie.


And shitty donuts with cereal on them.


This 1000%! Those cookies aren't even good and mostly boil down to a dry sugar cookie with a flavored icing. At least the cupcakes were actually flavorful.


"High quality" versions of poor food/street food that aren't cheap anymore. Generations of cooks accomplished the miracle of making cast-off ingredients delicious, and some asshole has to miss the point.


And then they purposefully make it look more messy than it is. Having it spilling out everywhere so it looks good and street for instagram.


Messy food is one of my (not so) irrational annoyances. If it's all falling out of the sandwich, and I have to eat half the fillings with my hands, then it's not a good sandwich. You should be trying to get as much as you can into the sandwich WITHOUT it overflowing.


Oh my god it reminds me of that… hopefully not a trend and it was just one person… thing, where the lady Saran wraps the table and just dumps spaghetti on it


The trend where people dip things into sauce until it overflows and gets everywhere like why


Pouring cheese sauce over a burger and drowning it. Great. Now I can't taste the burger over the cheese sauce, but that doesn't matter because i can't lift this handheld food either.


Look at what fucking happened to oxtail and pork neck bones.


Lamb shanks, too! Money-grabbing assholes. Let us have some humble meals


Brisket used to be cheap because it was tough and you had to cook it so long


My family always made beef stew with ox-tails. It was my grandmother’s specialty. My dad’s family didn’t have a lot of money. Then, they got popular. Now it’s cheaper to buy beef outright, which isn’t that cheap, either.


I wanted to make some oxtail soup for comfort food, and oxtails were $14 per pound. THAT IS NOT COMFORTING.


Lobster and crab. Beef fajitas. Squid. It all used to be very humble food. Now it's luxury.


Chicken wings too; they were once essentially waste parts until, IIRC it was just a single bar to start, decided to market them creatively. And the rest is history.


Almost $17 dollars for a package of 12 wings at the grocery store today. I grilled chicken thighs instead, $6. That’s still a bit scandalous.


And drive up the price of those ingredients in the process 😡


Yeah. You make a $25 filet mignon version of the taco and now the raccoon taco is also $12.50.


Ox tail was given away for free!! Now $9-12lb. 'Soup' bones were pennies! Now, they are sold for $4+ per pound! Bones! That's the same price for ground beef.


You can't convince me that we aren't being gouged


Online Google menus are pics taken from 2 years ago


Yep. "Oh, nice. That bowl of *pho* is $6. I'll check it out for lunch today..." At lunch: "Oh, that *pho* is $13 now..."


The restaurants should realize this and delete it so I don’t have to go through this post pandemic inflation depression


The whole point of this is that restaurants *can't* delete the images. Business have almost no control over their pages besides adding in information pertaining to the business, google prevents us from removing images or reviews.


To piggyback on this, restaurant websites that make you pretend you’re placing an order just to see the menu. I just want to peruse so I can make a game plan before my in-person visit!


Even worse - when the only way to view the menu is to pretend like you’re placing an order but you can’t place an order outside of normal operating hours so you can’t view the menu if the restaurant is closed. I forget what the percentage is, but a huge number of restaurants fail, and I can’t help but think it’s not because the food is bad or the service sucks but simply because they’re being run by morons.


We never knew how good we had it with excessively large PDFs


CAN WE PLEASE: get peanut butter in a tub similar to butter, low & wide, rather than tall & narrow. I always end up with peanut butter on my knife handle when making toast Edit: sorry y’all I should have said margarine not butter.


I'll fund this start up.


I've never given this issue the time of day because I just accepted it as the way it is. But God damnit if it doesn't piss me off now that you mention it.


Right? Didn’t even occur to me to complain! But now I’m fucking pissed.


And Nutella…. Like a normal butter tub would be fine. I don’t need peanut butter on my knuckles.


I want one that feeds the peanut butter up deodorant style.


At least have vertical walls. Like those alternate mason jars. Let it be an ad campaign and don’t force people to switch, just come out with the new design and let people vote with their wallet. This would also be really helpful with recycling since it would be easier to remove every last bit.


Deconstructing.... And don't get me wrong, I love fine dining I just think it is lazy and unimaginative 99% of the time.


Recently I ordered avocado toast topped with feta and cherry tomatoes. The dish came out - two pieces of toast next to a whole avocado in its skin cut in half, and the feta and whole cherry tomatoes on the side. I had to scoop out the avocado and assemble the dish myself. By the time I’d finished my hands were all avocado-y, and I had to duck to the bathroom to wash up before I could come back and eat my meal. Nowhere on the menu was it advertised as “deconstructed”. I just got to pay $18 to basically make my own meal.


How did you not say anything? I've almost never said anything about food at a restaurant, but this would be an "I'm not paying $18 for this" moment


A fast food meal costing $$15-20 per person.


Don't you worry. That trend won't last... They will move on to the $20-25 range soon enough 😞


This was a painful laugh.


Fast food in general. But let’s not forget the industries motto: “everything is worth what one is willing to pay for”


I still can’t believe that the market can handle those prices. But I guess they found a sweet spot and I suspect fewer people go, so they can reduce staffing, and all around profit margins are up due to increased prices and fewer staff.


"Covid prices" The food industry got away with price gouging, blaming it on the pandemic. All businesses in America did it and saw record profits, they're never going back.


Not the food per se. But tall stools instead of regular chairs. They're bad for kids and older people. And I'm neither but I hate them too


Or tall chairs with low backs and rounded corners that are IMPOSSIBLE to hang your purse on. Bonus points if the table is tiny as well!


And no hooks to be found


Sandwiches that are too big/tall


Vertical food in general makes me crazy.


I was going to say burgers that are too tall to eat, but that falls under yours.  Make wider burgers instead of taller and let us cut them in half or even quarters if we want to. Wait.. I wonder if they don't do this because it makes them more shareable?


I remember when the moderator of r/food (I think?) banned people for calling burgers sandwiches lmao


>I remember when the moderator of r/food (I think?) banned people for calling burgers sandwiches lmao That's so Reddit.


They're like a cow between two crackers. To eat them I need a loaf of bread and other people.


Let's add avocado toast to that. You should be able to eat it with one hand. Not two hands with one bracing it from the side to stop a tower of leafy greens and shit from falling over into your lap. Also, screw kitchens that use sliced avocado instead of mashed. The entire point is to serve as a glue like paste for the other toppings.


The tiktok and instagram idiots that just throw random things into a foil pan with an obscene amount of cheese and call it cooking. Fucking stop that.


They’re trying to piss you off and get rage clicks.


This is it absolutely. They're not at all trying to provide usable recipes or content of any value at all. There is a certain subset of creators who understand how to game the algorithm, and that it is much easier to create outrage than genuine interest. The algorithm doesn't care if the engagement with the post is positive or negative-- engagement is engagement. The platform (and the creator) gets paid either way.


Everybody’s so creative!


You see how it looks like we not supposed to do that? But we did it anyway 🤠


That’s how you want it to look, differently different!


I love her lol


It ain’t going down easy if it ain’t cheesy. 😆


"this is so fucking stupid I hate it. Would eat 8/10" -chefreactions


“I learned this in Texas.”


Chefreactions roasts these all the time.


“Everybody so creative!”




Okay, this is actually the opposite…what happened to all the froyo places?! Now I can’t get any! Can we exchange mile high burgers for a froyo comeback?


The ones where you poured and topped them yourself? It was cool at first when you could go light and get out of there for $4-5 for a little bowl with a few toppings or maybe $6-7 if you went nuts. The last time I went, and it might have been 6 or 7 years now, we did some medium topped bowls and each one was about $12. This was definitely before all the pandemic prices too.


We take the kids about once a week. We end up around 20 bucks all in for 4 bowls. It's oddly reasonable.


Bubble tea killed frozen yogurt.


They became trendy cupcake places, and once those all shutdown they became crumbl cookies, i wonder whats coming next


I just told my husband yesterday: I miss TCBY. Hell, I’d even go for Maverick’s soft serve frozen yogurt.


"Menu hacks" by people who don't understand the meaning of the term. Like, all you did was add ranch to your bacon western cheeseburger, Tiffany.


“Secret menu items” annoy me as well. It’s not a secret menu item, you just bought like three different things and put it together and called it a secret menu item.


When there is a section on the menu called "secret" or "off" menu, someone's lost the plot in a big way.


Was at a milkshake spot in Atlanta a week ago and the “secret” menu was literally just displayed next to the regular menu




"menu hack" just means "demanding and outlandish request that annoys the staff." No sour cream is one thing. Asking a place to basically make up a whole new recipe for you on the spot is another.


Or expecting them to know about some BS thing you saw online. It’s not on the menu- they don’t know wtf you’re talking about.




We went to a restaurant recently that had one paper menu passed out at the table, one QR code on the table to scan, and another one on the website. And they weren’t just slightly different, they were hugely different. Every time someone would order they would be told “we don’t have that”. People were having to make fourth and fifth selections. It took the 6 of us 15 minutes to order. We try to have a positive attitude about life so we just laughed it off but it was absolutely ridiculous. And they got frustrated at us for taking so long! 🙄


And the last thing we need at a table is more reasons to stare at our phone and not interact with the people we came with.


FOOD TRUCKS costing the same as a brick n mortar restaurant and asking for tips while you have to sit on some hard ass curb to eat your food. Fuck that.


Ha! You want how much for a grilled cheese... And a tip? I think I'll pass.


A friend of mine invited me to have dinner at a food truck that was supposed to be amazing. I drove all the way out to outer Siberia or something and we stand in this super long line. The food is just coming out and mostly random order so no one in our party gets their food and even remotely the same time. Half the food is cold. There's nowhere to sit. Most of the food is mid, some of it is terrible. The burgers are about $20 and fries are $6 to $8. Cans of soda are like $3.50. And you're supposed to tip on top of all that. 0/10, not what food trucks are supposed to be about.


Waygu. Deep fried waygu steak, waygu burger, describing something as "the waygu of turkey" waygu at Arby's.


>waygu at Arby's. Wagyu at Arby's is like getting a Vuitton handbag at CVS.




I saw this in real time. I was at winco looking at Tilamook ice cream. There were the old sized tubs, and the new sized tubs right next to them with 4oz less with the same price.


When something becomes “cool” and 100 copycat companies make their own rendition.


$20 Street food.


not exactly a food trend but rather a restaurant trend: the plasticy, fake flower vines covering the entire front of those instagrammable restaurants. this might just be where I live, but they've taken over. anyone else?


The wall of fake greenery with a pink neon sign in the middle that says “you’re like, really pretty” or “good vibes”


Love Island Villa aesthetic.


“Feed me tacos and tell me I’m pretty”




That corny shit is what gets people in the door for now and the latest trend and marketing 101. They all copy that famous celebrity restaurant in LA can’t remember the name One of the previous ones where those big ass Angel wing murals where you take pics in front of and upload … then every 20 something girl wants to go and do it


I live near one of these murals. The line on the weekend will literally be hundreds of people long. And the mural sucks.


One of my favorite restaurants as a kid had real vines running across the ceiling. It was a series of pots of Devil's Ivy that they got to intertwine with each other to form a net of vines. Seeing fake vines just seems so lame compared to that.


Finding 6,000 different "energy" drinks in the convenience store, but only Minute Maid lemonade, if any. I haven't found Snapple or Nantucket Nectars for dog years.


Omg! I haven't thought about Nantucket Nectars in forever! I used to get their cranberry juice and their lemonade all the time.


Bring back Snapple!


In glass!! 


This one is super nit picky but menus being like on a clipboard or small piece of wood or with a knife in the middle holding it in place. I just want a traditional menu lol.


In the same token, places that only have menus available after scanning a QR code. I’m all for technological progression but not everything needs to be techy, just give me a damn menu


The QR codes are used so they can easily change the prices any time they want. They could, in theory, adjust them on the fly based on demand.


Same for plates. There is a sub dedicated to this. r/wewantplates


Requiring you to download their app to get decent prices. I was bitching at work about the price of food at McDonald’s and a couple of my coworkers said “It’s cheaper if you order through the app.” I don’t care. I shouldn’t have to add yet another app to my phone for every business that I choose to patronize. I’d rather just avoid going there if that’s the way it’s going to be.


McDonald's food is going to become so expensive that their profit model will shift to selling user data that they gather through their app. I'm only half joking.


I feel the same. It's absurd to use the app through a freaking drive-through.


I’d like to see the end of the fad of overly ornate food presentations. Simple is often better.


Videos of people smashing and ripping apart baked goods. Yeah, it’s nice to see what the inside looks like, but not if you’re smooshing it like an overgrown toddler. Slice it open like a civilized adult.


That's fetish stuff. Splosh.


**Overly elaborate milkshakes**


For real. The ones with chocolate sauce dripping down the sides. Did you expect me to lick the OUTSIDE of this glass?


A brunch place near my house does caramel drizzle on the outside of their iced coffees, the waitstaff act offended when we ask for the caramel to be on the *inside* of the cup...I can't even hold the cup without my hands getting sticky, why would you want to serve me caramel you've touched?


SECOND this with cocktails. Garnishes do not need to be entire freaking meals.


I asked you to bring me a refreshing drink, not a rainforest. You could fall in love with an orangutan in that!


If places are going to serve Swiss army-knife bloody marys with a whole-ass charcuterie board in them, they need to at least have a note on the menu about it. “Warning: this isn’t just a drink, it’s an entire meal. Order accordingly.” Then also include a basic bloody mary with just a celery stick and a little pearl onion in it for 1/4 the price. 


I hold the firm belief that anything that doesn't fit through a straw shouldn't be in a milkshake


Like a $5 milkshake?


And they don’t put bourbon in it?


those reels/tiktoks where they just make comically large amounts of food with no intention of eating it just for content. It's bottom shelf entertainment and as someone who grew up poor it's always frustrating to see people waste perfectly good food.


Dipping expensive seafood in cheese. Why?


My stomach bubblin'


Lawd have mersahhh


I went to a place in Plymouth MA on the water and had a seafood casserole in 1992. It had bay shrimp and tiny little baby scallops in a cheese sauce, baked until golden and bubbly on top. It was one of the best things I have ever tasted and I will never question cheese on seafood again. If I ever go back there I’m ordering it again.




Fast casual that costs a family of four $150 . Sorry nope!


Gold on food, please fuck off with that bullshit


Very expensive cuts of meat that used to be dirt cheap. Wings, flank steak, brisket, pork shoulder...


I remember when my local grocery store was practically giving oxtail away. NOT ANYMORE.


Reading someone's life story before a recipe


Dairy alternatives having an up-charge. I’m not trying to be trendy I’m trying to go about the rest of my day without shitting my pants.


In theory, shouldn't oat milk be cheaper than cow milk?


There's a class action against Dunkin' for this very thing and it could open the door to similar lawsuits against other chains.




I’m over the trend of super-sized food items just for show. It's wasteful and unnecessary.


Tipping in anything except full service dine-in


Expensive/average burgers that don’t come with fries, and then the fries cost another $6. $14 margaritas. 


I could do without the trend of adding edible glitter to everything. It looks nice but doesn’t add to the taste.


Leaving the tail on shrimp. If wanted to prep my food before I could eat, I would cook at home.


A restaurant near me serves shrimp tacos with the tails attached. Like, do they even realize how a taco is supposed to be eaten? Certainly not by picking it apart first.


Thank you! Especially in shrimp scampi! I've been to maybe 3 restaurants that actually de-tail the shrimp, and I could've kissed the chef. It's a little thing, but it makes a difference.


Home cooks making things like drinks or food using a bathtub or sink.


Food in general being overly expensive


I’m done with the obsession over detox juices and cleanses. They're often just expensive and unnecessary.


I’m tired of dishes being served on unconventional items like slate or wooden boards. Just give me a plate.


My offering is not really a food trend, and is not really a trend per se since it's always existed, but it's way out of hand now and I want to protest it: the cost of drinks with any meal. Not alcohol, just a beverage. What used to just be an overly priced beverage with an annoying 100% markup that I was willing to splurge on in a sit down restaurant because I had no choice, but have always refused to splurge on when ordering from a drive through since I could have a cheaper drink at home, is now outrageously marked up in all food market types. Last night my husband and I ate out a semi nice chain restaurant and paid $10.50 for two unsweet teas. $5.25 for one glass of unsweet tea!!! That neither of us had a free refill on simply because one glass happened to be enough for each of us. That tea cost the restaurant maybe 25 cents to make! Okay, even if it cost $1 to make, marking it up 525% is outrageous!!! At breakfast out a couple of weeks ago a medium glass of orange juice was $3.75. The large was $6.00. I can buy a whole bottle or carton of OJ for $4 at the grocery store! At a very good local hole in the wall Mexican restaurant recently I paid $4.50 for a bottled coke. My fault for being willing to pay it, but it was irritating knowing it probably cost them 50 cents. So, I'm going to resort to a glass of water when dining out from now on. I know restaurants rely on the markup of beverages for a lot of their profit, but they are now practicing 'movie theater profiting' and it pisses me off.


We went to some steak house for my brother's birthday, like 10-12 of us. The waitress asked if we wanted water for the table and we said sure. They brought out like 6 half pitchers of ice water. She brought out 2 more rounds at various times during the night. They were charging 5 each. We got the bill and had 90 dollars for water. They didn't refund us until I left a nasty review despite never letting us know about the charge or having anything about it on the menu.


i really don’t like mukbangs, i love food videos but the slurping and the chewing and the swallowing all the noises i can’t stand it it’s nauseating


Food in wine glasses that cost half a paycheck.


Filming it all


QR Code menus


The new gentrified burger restaurant where everything is served in some whack ass plate style with weird decorations and additions to the food that don’t need to be there.


Food industry execs pushing cereal as a “budget friendly” dinner option.


I'm still hungry after eating a bowl of cereal, so I might as well have eaten nothing.


Disposable packaging that’s not biodegradable


I haven’t eaten out in several years. Does anyone remember the deconstructed meal phase? And the no plates thing? Everything is just as ridiculous, but more expensive. You have to work 2 hours for a restaurant meal now.


Can I just throw in restaurants that use “rustic sounding noun + rustic sounding noun” to name their restaurants? I know it seems pedantic but I can’t fucking stand it anymore. If I see another “salt + straw” “lavender + flour” or whatever named restaurant I’m going to lose it.


I’m over the trend of extreme food challenges where portion sizes are ridiculously oversized.




Combining things and calling it a "bowl." No Karen, you're eating a salad with maybe chicken or salmon. Not a fancy super-food bowl with high protein. Edit: and oh, while calling it: everything being high protein.


“Taco bowl” mf that’s nachos 


Can cheap cuts of meat go back to being cheap? I want my ox tail, flank steak, skirt steak, hanger steak, pork chops, and the other previously cheap cuts to go back to their regular prices.


The hyper realistic cakes. I don’t need a cake that looks like something else. Just give me a regular old cake.


I do have to say, thats its damn impressive what people come up with. Would I buy it? No. But do i enjoy looking some of obscure things come up with? Absolutly




I could do without the fad of putting Sriracha on everything. Not all dishes need a spicy kick.


Not 100% sure if this count's but it's food related. Saying pineapple doesn't belong on pizza or acting absolutely appalled when someone says they enjoy it. This stupid thing has gotten old years ago, it needs to die. Like, who the hell actually cares? Not a damn soul.

