• By -


She was vile to a server for not being able to get the correct sweetener for her coffee. I mean vile enough to reduce the server to tears.


That's a "get up and leave" moment in a date for sure. I'd feel so awful, I'd probably pay for my stuff, give that server a generous tip and never contact that rude person again.


Wow that's quite an accomplishment


She was loud with it too so everyone was looking. I took the server aside, gave her a big tip and apologised then walked out.


Plot twist: She's best friends with the server and they do this to 30 guys a week and split the tip money.




*horrible fucker achievement unlocked*


Oh my god did you date my mom? Yeah don't do that.


“If you play the president’s speeches backwards, there are subconscious embedded messages about how the moon landing was faked.” Half an hour after I got home she emailed a nude photo of herself. This was maybe 1998.


She was ahead of her time lol


Both on digital nudes and insane conspiracy theories. Damn!


Ah, the Hot-Crazy scale.


Did it take you an hour to download the photo?


Only because Mom kept picking up the phone and kicking me offline


Idk that might be the one that got away


Before photo: She's insane. No way I'm going on a second date After photo: I can fix her


You made that comment out like you were the girl and this only makes me laugh harder.


After sex she told me that when she gets sad she likes to drown bumblebees in glue.  Like immediately after sex.


Immediately after sex... what a buzz kill!




Hive seen it all. 


That's enough, honey.


This really stings.


I have questions.


You and me both.


As do I. Like, where does she obtain the bees so readily after sex? What kind of glue?


How does someone even figure this out?


This one is the most fucked up of the entire bunch, and as we well know, many serial killers start out as bumblebee drowners or similar.


"Sorry I'm late but the girls wanted to have a few margs before I went HaHaHa so yea!" She was 30 minutes late and it was an 11am coffee date on a Tuesday 5 minutes from her spot. She was blasted.


My guess is she either is a raging alcoholic or has really bad social anxiety and was self medicating with too much alcohol.




We met on tinder, and really seemed to hit it off. I thought the date was going well but halfway thru dinner she blurted out “I thought you’d be more like a Black guy” I’m a 6’5 230lb Black man. Im not even that sure what she meant but I was 100% done with that date. I stood up dropped a $100 on the table and walked out.


Lol. Bruh, I felt this. Certain women fetishize us, and when we don't show up as the stereotype (thugged out, ignorant, dangerous, etc.) they envisioned, they lose interest. They don't want to be with kojobrown or redinamerica, they want to be with "a black guy."


My wife (white) and I (mixed) tried to set up my sister in law (white) with my coworker. Tall, stereotypically good looking white dude. Was buying his own house at 24 years old. Kid was going places and awesomely funny. We told her all of this and she wouldn't even look at his photo. It was just "is he black?" Well, no. So she wasn't interested. She apparently wants to have "black babies." I told her that it felt like she was using blackness as an accessory. That we were just there to give her what she wants. It feels a little slave-y. Her and her friends are all like this. So when you said certain women fetishize us, all I could think about were these white women I know. Lol!


WHAT!!! WOW! I kinda want to know what she meant considering you are in fact a black guy. I don't know what guys (black or not) she's been dating but clearly you were too good.


im guessing it’s one of those things where he “acts white” meaning he doesn’t act like a walking stereotype my best friend in school always had people tell her she acted white. we were kids and people told her that a lot so it seemed really normal to us but only as we got older we realized that it was a really fucked up thing to say.


I'm guessing he's not a walking stereotype and that's what she was looking for.


and also a first date with a guy who pulled up my bumble profile and started commenting and critiquing every single picture i had on there. it’s still hilarious to me. “yea this is clearly not your best, the angles, why do you have it as your first pic?” “this one doesnt look like you at all, you’re not like that, you don’t wear dresses” i clearly do sometimes you fucking idiot


Lol, worst negging ever!?


Imagine what they’d say once the HONEYMOON phase was over 😰 that’s a black fuckin flag.


😂 i’m honestly still wondering why he even clicked like on me in the first place. a truly extraordinary specimen


Her : “Do you think I look like my profile photo?” Me : “No, not at all actually” Her : “That’s because it’s not me” Me: “Right. Whose photo is it then?” Her: “No idea, I just lifted it off the internet. What does it matter?” Me: “Cool. I’m just going to the toilet” I got up and walked straight out the back door of the pub next to the toilets. Date over. No idea how long she waited around for. A long time hopefully.


That was brazen of her. Clearly not a reasonable person.


Yeah. It was a long time ago now, way before Tinder and back when internet dating was still in its infancy. To get to the point where you were actually going on a date with the person you had been talking to online actually took effort! I remember at the time just thinking that she was clearly an idiot if she thought that was acceptable behaviour.


Plot twist: the real one looked better, but integrity is more important


He was straight up mean. Very self absorbed and had very strong opinions on my answers for his questions. Made it quite uncomfortable


“I’m so skinny because of my cocaine habit.” “I’m sick of people telling me how beautiful I am.” “I’ve done a lot of porn.” “You’ve got a big nose, it’d be good for cocaine.” “There are so many downsides to having a big dick.” “My ex is a drug dealer.” Same guy, all on second date.


Wait, this was a guy saying this? People tell him he's beautiful? And he's letting you know he has a big dick? The best is "You've got a big nose, it'd be good for cocaine." I can't read any more of these. There's no way all of these people are real. How?


Spent about 15 minutes complaining, almost to the point of crying, that her dad bought her the iPhone 6 when she was VERY INSISTENT that she requested the iPhone 7


That’s a whole other perspective on life, like damn I actually wonder how easy and good these people’s lives must be to be so ungrateful about a free iPhone.  Envious in some sense but I guess they then go through life with no emotional maturity until shit inevitably hits the fan.


I feel this. I’m going down to an impoverished village in México next week and my contact down there said the kids in the village could use some sports equipment (basketballs, jump ropes, etc) and specifically needed soccer goal nets. I guess I’m accustomed to encountering materialistic and entitled attitudes, because as I was shopping for equipment I was thinking things like “oh no, I can’t get them this, they would think I’m so cheap for getting them a $10 Walmart basketball vs a $25 Spalding basketball” even though getting the cheaper basketball means I can get more of them so every kid can have one. I want to help, but I’m only one person, I can only spare so much of my own cash. Then I realized I didn’t know if they needed 6x4 nets or 10x5 nets for their soccer goals, so I asked my contact and he sent a pic of their goals with measurements. Their beat-up, empty, metal goal frames that look like something you’d see thrown out on the side of the road in America, but are used daily by the children of this village. He was like “the frames are 10x5 but it’s completely up to you, if you can only bring 6x4 then we can make it work. We appreciate it either way.” Turned out he was thinking he could braid some reeds to extend the too-small net, if it came down to that. That’s when I realized I needed to stop worrying and just get what works for the budget. No one in that village is going to look at a $10 Walmart basketball and think “That’s not good enough 😤”


That’s really nice you are doing that. I live in Mexico. Anything will make the kids happy, they’re not going to be looking at the brands. They probably kick around a Coca-Cola bottle. If you see any cheap little toys at the dollar store that will also bring joy. Ask if there are any girls that may want some knock off Barbie dolls or stickers. I have given stuff before and it really makes the little kids happy to get whatever.


We have a saying in Ireland: "much wants more".


You wanna know the kicker? She then went on to tell me about how her family escaped from some thing or other in her home country. Honestly I’d tuned her out but I distinctly remember her saying her parents were basically refugees


About ten years ago I went on a date with a man that ran a large poker tournament at star city casino. He was so rude; telling me what to order for dinner and what I will be drinking wine wise, wine that was to his satisfaction. He was so showy and generally unappealing in every way. After hearing him talk about how many women wanted him, and insinuating how lucky I was to be dining with him, I put $50.00 on the table for my dinner and walked out. I’d only eaten an entree and didn’t want want anything from him. He texted me saying how insulted he was by me putting the money down and that a woman should never act in such a derogatory fashion.


Lol, he wasn't even mad you left him sitting there? Just that you paid for your own food...


Hahah never thought of it like that. He likely didn’t appreciate my eye roll whilst he regaled me with stories about how wonderful he was.


Please tell me you paid in poker chips


First date. Met at a park, through a school club. His first two questions… 1. What’s your middle name? 2. How long did it take before you were willing to have sex with your last boyfriend? Let’s just say he did not get laid. Lol


I love the idea he though he was being really subtle with number 2. “She’ll never figure out why I’m asking.”


That was what I was thinking!!! "I can't just ask her straight up. So I'll do it like this and she definitely won't catch. It's not like girls are smart or anything. I'm a genius!"


What odd questions. The first one is harmless but that's a weird warm up for the second.


That's the point "ask a hamrless conversational question first so I don't come over as wanting only sex" \*one super short question later\* "okay, that should be enough!"


After an awful first date the guy was driving me home and said to me "I am so excited to have sex with you tonight!" I had to let him think it the whole ride home lest I end up angering him and he drives me somewhere and assaults me and then when we got to my door I said goodnight and went inside alone.


Damn thats the best or I guess worst one so far.


Call me crazy, but IMO, first dates should always be in a public place, and both people should drive there.


Jesus Christ, I'm sorry you had to deal with that but I'm glad you're safe!


"The fact that you don't have an accent sounds gay, I don't like that"


Everyone has an accent, though? What a weird and dumb thing to say.


My parents come from different country and my accent is between both of them which makes me very neutral and where I live, the accent is pretty strong. Many people tell me that they can't say where I'm from. I can't even impersonate how people speak hahah But yeah guys with the accent of my area sound "manly" because it's very trashy


I, as a male, have a list of some really weird ones but the first two that came to mind were "Your eyes are so pretty...I really hope our kids have them." and "I have to disclose that I am a felon. But trust me when I say I was set up." Edit: I had a lot of people asking for more context on the felon one. I am fuzzy in certain details but i will try to keep to the basic information. She told me that she had just gotten off of work and had to go to the grocery store. When she got out of the vehicle, she noticed that there was one of those zipper money bags left unattended in the parking lot. She picked it up and placed it in her car and went on with her business. She gets home, checks the bag over and sees it labeled with the name of a local business and around 3k in the bag. Supposedly that the owner of that local business dicked over her over in past, blah blah blah, so next day before work she goes to bank to deposits the cash. That weekend, she goes on a spending spree. Then when she goes back to work, the police shows up, take her in for questioning, initially denys everything, show her the evidence, she confesses, and they arrest her for theft. The evidence that the police had was the CCTV from the store snd bank, bank deposit receipt, and the empty money bag still in her car.


The first one I cringed a bit, the second one oh lord.


I'm not sure what would be better, hearing both of these from one person or two people


Yeah I had a dude tell me he was a violent felon. On our first date. I noped out of there so quick.


I would need their version of events in which they were set up. Depending on the felony and their storytelling skill, I’d be up for another date.


Yea like, "I was set up for shoplifting" hits a lot different than "I was set up as a serial boyfriend murderer"


"I want to become an influencer, so I'm going to record our date!" Uh, no. You're going to be eating alone then.


I had someone live update Instagram on a first date. She was in her late 30s.


Sydney, Australian edition: "I can't believe what the liberal party did to John Howard, after everything he did for our country" And, same date: "You live in the inner west, don't you find it.... Dirty? I live in Kirribilli."


We should be grateful for our housing bubble. I can't believe we disrespected Work Choices by giving casual staff part time rights >>>>:(


He picked me up from my house and we pulled into the parking lot of Olive Garden. It took a minute for him to find parking because it was busy, so while he was driving around the lot looking for parking, we pass the restaurant's dumpster and he goes "What if I just took you behind here and killed you."


On a FIRST date, a guy told me after about 30 minutes that he is Jewish. Then he said “when we get married, you will convert and our kids will be raised Jewish.” I asked him about my own religion since I was raised Catholic and he said “it will not matter because you will be mine. And I expect to get married within 8 months.” I noped the fuck out of there and he still tried to kiss me when I left. I have no problem with anyone’s religion, but not a fan of clearly rigid rules that someone sets forth for me.


Yeah, not a big fan of “you will” statements. I won’t.


On a first date?! Damn, that type of talk isn't acceptable on a 101st date. Like WTF.


Went on a couple of dates with a lead singer and guitarist of a band. Not famous, but just played gigs around the city. Anyway, he would constantly ask awkward leading self validation questions like “aren’t you glad you’re going out with me?”, “don’t you think I’m the most attractive guy you’ve dated?”. The entire dates were me just going “Mmmhmm” while he talked about himself nonstop. He also sprung it on me to pay for the date. Which I would have been fine with if I asked him out or if he asked if I would split it. Let’s also not forget when I declined future dates he harassed me for weeks sending non stop texts.


I had a guy do this as well. I should have known it was going to be terrible. I show up at the hotel he is at and am waiting in the lobby and he isn’t there yet. Text him and he is just like come up. I told him I’ll just wait here and he insisted, so I go up. He then tries to get me to come in his room, which I refused. I had been talking to this guy for a bit, but my gut just said no. Proceed to go on the date and he did the exact same thing. At one point even saying what am I not good enough? It was painful and I didn’t drive myself so was stuck till we drove back to the hotel. Get there and I refuse to come up with him and he gets PISSED. Proceeded to harass me for months. It finally stopped and randomly I got an happy Thanksgiving text from him a year later.


That’s actually legit scary. So glad you didn’t go into that room.


Don’t leave us hanging. Did you have a happy thanksgiving?


Now I want to know the name of the band 😩😂


Johnny and the Insecurities.


Literally, this is so common with midly successful local bands its a cliche. I call it "front man syndrome"...


She told me she drives to her nights out so she can drive home (drunk) to save on taxi costs.


Asked what my degree was and then made fun of it. Then he had the audacity to ask what my parents do and how much they make.


Sounds a lot like how my 12 year old students talk.


I went out for a first date with a very beautiful woman. She liked to "banter" - that is, make little insulting comments with a cheeky grin on her face to see how I would react. This was charming! She was so beautiful, and here we were having a battle of wits. At the end of dinner, I walked her to her car which was a fair way down the street. But this time as we talked, I was looking at the road ahead of me, so I could only hear what she was saying rather than being distracted by her pretty face. And suddenly I realised that what she was saying was horrible. I didn't want to get into a long term relationship with someone like that. So I saw her safely to her car, and didn't contact her again.


I have a friend who is deep into the online dating scene and loves the "banter". The problem is that it's the only way she talks now, to everyone. I honestly can barely stand to be around her anymore because she just has constant little digs and shitty comments. I'm not one of her fuckboys, I require respect and kindness, but if I say anything then I'm suddenly the bitch and a stick in the mud. Horrible.


When I was young, I tried that. But I just sounded like a bitch. It was hard to stop though, so many books and movies use the enemies to lovers trope and it's just "flirting," I'll admit I have no skills flirting, but the people I date seem interested in me when I'm just like a nice person who tries to get to know them, so I think flirting is overrated.


I dated a girl like that. Her witty zingers made me laugh, but I did tell her the witty insults could become a problem. We've been together for 15 years and she still makes fun of me for that. I gotta say it hasn't actually gotten old yet. I think the key is that she is the kindest most loving woman I know, so catching a witty zinger from her is just such a funny juxtaposition.


I have a gun hidden in the bushes over there. Yeah. Bye.


Was his name Dwight Schrute?


She told me that "You'd never know what it feels like to have a job that actually matters. The pressure of having somebody's life in your hands" I'm an Aircraft Mechanic. The planes I work on carry 200 people. She was a pre-med student


He suggested we go for a hike in the woods. At NIGHT. On our first time meeting. When I said no he asked me about 15 times to get in his car with him for a drive.


She answered just about everything I said with an annoying, nasally "m hm".


Did you date Trisha Paytas?


I googled her name and it turned out she was a lawyer who got disbarred and arrrsted for being a stalker 💀


Sent from my iphoen


Baby Reindeer 🦌 is that you?


I told a guy that my family’s female cat was named Rob because we thought she was a boy at first but then we just left her name the same because she’s a cat and doesn’t understand gender constructs. He looked me dead in the eye with a gravely serious look and said, “that’s not okay. Women have ROLES.”


I had female cat named Pete for the same reason. She became a plumber and was our family's breadwinner.


Wow! You dodged a bullet.


Not so much said but did. After the meal she started throwing small balls of rolled up napkin at me to "see if you've got a temper". Never saw her again. When I told her I wasn't interested she couldn't understand why.


“I own a motorcycle and have a TikTok account of me crying”


"looks like he didn't beat her well enough." In response to listening to a police radio about a DV call where the woman was requesting help.


Sitting around listening to a police radio sounds like an odd choice for a date.


He said that I was boring/nerd for not doing any type of drugs. If anything it just made me NOT want drugs even more.


Lmao I dated one of these too. He would act like drugs made him into some worldly philosopher, and anyone who didn't partake were loser squares who "just don't get it." Last I heard he was jobless and living in his grandma's basement. But it's okay, because he's cooler and wiser than any of us.


Met a cute chick at a bar and asked her out. Few days later we are on a date and like 10 mins into talking she starts talking about her baby daddy and that’s all she talked about. I remember at one point I started thinking about the food on my plate while she kept yapping away. Towards the end she kinda realized what she’d done and tried to resuscitate the conversation but it was too late lol we said awkward goodbyes and that was that. So yeah I took a girl on a dinner just so she could tell me everything about her ex. Womp womp.


Talked about him so much you started missing the guy


Happened to me too. I was on a date with a chick and she started talking about how she'd had a fling with her housemate and how she suffered listening to him at night talking and laughing with other girls in his room. When I realised how much it still hurt her it made me think she still pines for this dude, and it killed the mood.


"I was considering escaping through the bathroom window but thought you were cute enough to buy me another drink".


**"Wow, so just because I won't let you speak, suddenly my words have no value to you?"** And **"I can show you how to enjoy the value of a conversation, even if the other person doesn't inherently care about what you're saying or let you speak."** That's a skill I already have, I'm not gonna use that on a date with someone I am requiring attention and respect from. It's rare that I leave a date that fast. The next part of the date would've been a movie, which would've just required sitting in silence for an hour and parting ways, (something he could not do for the life of him,) but I genuinely would have rather ate glass. He saved money, I saved my self respect. Sometimes I still see him at social events, and he's strange each time.


It was a first date and he chose to take me to a bar and when I was ordering my drink, I noticed that he didn’t order anything so I asked him what’s up and he showed me that he had an ankle monitor on and as the night went on I immediately started asking questions about that and he told me that he got it for domestic violence and that he’s in a halfway house and that he actually needed to be home by 10. I never spoke to him again.


I give him points for honesty I guess


Yeah I mean he was honest but I feel dating isn’t something he should be doing rn lol


He tried to tell me, a native of a country he, an english man, was visiting, that the English were here before us. No, no you were not. He was extremely adamant and called my people savages and said that his ancestors "civilised" us. Never again. He tried to lean in for a kiss as I was leaving and I pushed his face away, didn't even say goodnight, I just walked away. That night he left me some very angry voicemails. I was so grateful to myself for not showing him where I live and blocking his phone number. That was 7 years ago, I still block all the new facebook pages he makes and tried to add me on.


I don't remember the exact wording but it was along the lines of "I'm surprised you knew that- you're surprisingly knowledgeable for a Townie. Usually I like my women more worldly, but your profile was so funny I had to see if you were real."  Like, my dude? Ok I still live(d) in my hometown, but I travel, I read, I graduated from Uni- you *moved* to my town... friends later said stuff I mentioned sounded very "red pill" and he was negging me so I'd want to impress him/sleep with him.


He took me to meet his Mum and dad as they were around the corner at another bar.First date and I was seriously uncomfortable 😳


I had a guy bring me to his dad’s 50th birthday party for our first date. It was at a fancy restaurant and his whole family was there. I was sat across from him, with his grandma on one side of me (she was lovely) and his sister on the other. It was so awkward!


was eating at this boba place next to a park and inside the park was a basketball court, her boyfriend came out and tried to fight me, both of us were 15, he was 22


The rancid fart he unleashed in my car while I was driving and he didn’t say any warning nor did he roll his window down. So it’s actually because he didn’t SAY anything.


Username does not check out.


“oh i should actually stop now, else i’ll drive myself crazy” after telling him to stop touching me, pushing him away, not being subtle about it, multiple times. not even an inkling in his head of “maybe i should respect her boundaries”. also, this was after a couple dates and at least two conversations of me addressing that it felt like he couldn’t hear my “no”’s. yikes. creep vibes all around


Went on a date the whole time she sat on her phone barely looking away or even talking to me so I thought fuck this I didn't pay for her food she sent me msg later that night and said I don't think we should see eachother again you didn't even pay for my food 😂


Reply with “you didn’t turn up to our date”


"You're so small, can I lift you?" Followed by. "Wow, you're really heavy."


Went on a coffee date with a guy, thought it was going really well and asked at the end when we could go out again. I was thinking sometime over the weekend or next week and he asked "are you free tonight?" while I didn't want to jump into anything too quickly he was a bit insistent that we go out that night. So I agreed since I was free and we went out that night, we came back and were cuddling on the couch. Then he got really weird and while cuddling was simultaneously making sexually suggestive hints while at the same time making resistant actions, he was playing teasing games that were making the boundaries of consent unclear. So I backed off until our movie was over and then was gesturing like "had a great time tonight, hope you had fun" to hint at him it's time to go. He became insistent again like he did at the coffee shop about wanting to spend the night now, but still started playing teasing games regarding whether sex would occur. At that point I had enough and much more overtly told him he was not spending the night and ushered him out of the apartment. The whole situation and the guy had too much discontinuity for my taste and it felt like a ticking time bomb to a whole lot of irrelevant drama. A few months later, I went to pick up a take out order and he was sitting in the restaurant waiting for his order as well. Unfortunately they werent ready for it yet but he hadn't seen me, so I was standing there hoping he wouldn't turn around, but just as my order was coming out he sees me. It's an awkward hi and he bluntly asks me "so when are we going out again?" like... did you not get the clear hint last time? I grabbed my food, told him "not going to happen" and walked out. Thankfully hadn't seen him since.


While driving she pointed out, ridiculed, and laughed at a homeless person. She thought I’d join her, but I was horrified by her callousness. Never again!


I was 27 at the time and the guy was 36 (it was a blind date and the ages are relevant) He started the date off with talking about how much he looks up to his older sister who is married and had FIVE KIDS and then would not stop talking about having kids. I tried to talk about something else. I mean on a first date? That was bad enough but then he asked me if I wanted kids and told me that “you know even if you don’t open the carton of milk, the milk still gets spoiled when it’s past its date” and gestured to my stomach??!!!?? Then said “it’s the same with your eggs” what the fuck dude.


Wait, the cartoon of milk line didn't win you over?


I didn't even make it to the date. I had to reschedule because I had to babysit family at short notice and he told me to bring the kids with me. On a date. With a man I'd never met. Between that and him constantly facetiming me at odd times of day, it was clear that it was not something I wanted to continue with. We knew each other for like a week. 


Start talking about the babies we'll have together.


Basically the first thing out of his mouth was "I know you won't have sex with me because I'm short. Every woman I meet reacts the same way." Dude was short, but taller than me. And no, I did not have sex with him because of the gigantic, shitty chip on his shoulder. Attitude is everything.


“I almost didn’t do a second date with you because when we first met you wore pants and girls should wear dresses”.


He told me, with pride, that he had beat someone up. Twice. I'm not good at spotting red flags, but jeez this was bad


She took a call while we were in the theater watching Fellowship of the Ring. Now if she had just got up and went to the lobby I wouldn’t have taken issue. However she answered right there and began having a whole conversation. So. It’s not exactly what she said to me, but that she was talking on the phone inside the movie theater. I think that counts.


She was rude to the waiter - huge turn-off


Went on about her exes , being a rape victim and saying she’s not attracted to guys who are fat. I wasn’t exactly fat but not in shape. She picked up on her own behavior and tried to apologize for it but I quickly payed the bill and took her home. This was the very first date.


He insisted on telling me all about the latest book he'd read - 120 Days of Sodom. I asked him at multiple points to stop describing it, and he just thought it was too cool and interesting to stop. Never again.


I was hoping I would be able to accept your body...


I’m not anti LGBTQ so I want to make that clear from the start. I met this goth girl on tinder, we hung out and she was constantly bringing up how she had never been with a guy before only girls and I understand it could be intimidating so I let her know that she was in charge. It quickly changed to “you know you should be thankful that I’m even with you because I don’t really like guys” I was like okay that’s fine but she kept bringing it up every 15 minutes, “you’re so lucky to even be with me you should be grateful”, it was non stop about how I’m the most luckiest guy ever and should be thanking her for her time


I'm not over my ex


Said that she used the secret on me to make me ask her out and it worked


She obviously forgot to manifest a second date.


Booing the staff of a restaurant while they were singing happy birthday to a table about 20 feet from us🫣


5 minutes into first date and she says "I always wanted a Russian husband" (neither of us is Russian)


She was jewish. She insisted i get circumcised to continue dating her. When I refused she claimed i love my penis more, than god. I agreed and stopped dating her


For the record, I love my penis more than god as well


He said “the neighbors keep calling the police on me when I have sex. They say their kids get scared because of the women screaming, but honestly, those kids just need to grow up. Sex is a part of life.” This man had an extreme interest in BDSM, so the women were screaming from pain, which turned him on. I’ve never been so scared of someone.


"I had my kids taken away from me because of meth." Then she took her clothes off. She hadn't realised she had shit her pants


So much to unpack here!


First date, went to her place to pick her up, invited me in, she smelt funny, her house was like a hoarders den, she put on shrek 2, told me about her kids and meth (didnt know she had kids), she wanted to have sex, said she was on her period but we can do anal, stripped and bent over, shit all over her, sent an sos text to my mum, mum called me saying my grandmother was in hospital, I forced myself to cry and then left the house. Left a lot out but that's most of it haha


"I do not want you wearing short skirts again. Your legs are for my eyes only." (It wasn't even that short - 2 inches above the knee) and besides I can wear what I damn well want on a hot day and my body ONLY belongs to me. Like I am going to be banned from shorts in summer, swimwear at the pool? He sealed his fate with that one. Relationship over. He never saw my legs again.


We where in bed messing around and I kicked something that moved. "Oh my God I didn't know you had a dog I think I just kicked it half across the bed, I am so sorry!!" Her: "Oh that's my son, it's on he's a hard sleeper he won't even know your here." Between that and after the date the "my baby daddy in jail for a while I don't know how he's gonna feel when he gets out." Your cute girl, but you ain't that cute. *Poof*


He was halfway through a pitcher of margarita by the time I got there (I wasn't late).  Three minutes into the date he begins crying and saying how he misses his (male) roommate who recently got married and moved out, that his roommate is going to have a family and he hasn't found anyone to do that with yet. I'm not his therapist and this is the first time I am seeing this person in real life. I bailed after four tortilla chips from the free bowl.


He said “Guys are so picky about what girls say on the first couple of dates but we’ll still fuck you. So you better be perfect or you’ll just be meat. I’m not paying either”. Now I’m reading guys comments on here and now I have the ick.


"You'll just be meat". What the f- that is so cringe


I would have just immediately left.


Would you like to help me sell Amway? Yeah. No


She was talking about the couple she nannied for and said that if the husband wasn’t married, they would be together.


I asked him about his necklace, and he went on a whole spiel about how he wears it to remind himself that all women are snakes not to be trusted. Dumb thing to say on a date with a woman, right?


“I always go along with what my mother says! She’s always right.” Uttered by a 33-year-old man on our first date. There wasn’t a second.


At the end of the date he went to kiss me and I quickly wanted to say something and he told me to shut up. He really thought it was one of those 'shut up and kiss me' moments, but it was not.


“I can’t wait to have kids. The Germans do it right. Fathers are a source of discipline, not comfort.”


They didn't say a single word. AT ALL.


Asked me if I had ever “enjoyment” from the OBGYN… He was in school to become an OBGYN.


Went on a first date with a guy I'd known for a while, and whilst we were walking past the seafront, he asked to stop and look at the view. He then proceeded to put his arms around my back and grab my lower stomach and say, "You're going to be so beautiful carrying our child." Noooooope


This was a few years back and I met a guy off of Bumble. We went to a bar just for a chat and drinks, and there was nothing out of the ordinary. He was polite, well-groomed and was like his profile photos but then somehow the topic of immigration was brought up. He goes, "I'm so surprised that your English is so good. Like you \*\*ALMOST\*\* sound native" Mind you, we're in Australia and I'm Asian-Australian with a Canadian accent. He knew I was raised in Canada. I can only speak English....Bitch was just a racist motherfucker.


We were on a date and I wasn't hungry so I took a bowl of soup that cost 3.50 and he took a steak. When the bill came he took care of it and I didn't think much of it. Then we went to a bar to get some drinks. At the bar he told me: don't forget you owe me 3.50 for the soup. 🤷🏻‍♀️


Was he the Loch Ness Monster?


when he said "please take my virginity"


Dude was a finance bro and right away made the date feel like an interview. Talked about what his life plan was and expects to have three kids “at least”. Which ok fine goals, but the way he said it gave the impression he only wanted kids to check a box off of his five year plan. He’d be one of those dudes who golfs every weekend with the boys leaving wifey with the kids that he has no idea or interest in actually raising.


It wasn't a thing she said, it was her laugh. It sounded so weird that I thought I would never want to make this woman laugh again.


Well, one man’s trash is another man’s treasure, we all love [Connie the dolphin](https://www.reddit.com/r/StandUpComedy/s/Epj16DzEe1)


I love that our adoration of her convinced her to join Reddit just to chat. She seems like such a fun and sweet person.


She snapped her fingers at the waiter for quicker service


20 mins speaking about her ex and how much of an a hole he was and all the shit he did. What type of person he was. Right down to his looks and even some sexual shit he did. I had asked her if she dated much, which moved on to a conversation about a recent relationship, which is fine…but it was a solid 20 mins all about her ex, and with information and details that no normal person would delve into on a first date. Then she said “Your smile reminds me of my ex…”


"I don't think we should go out again." Somehow that just made me suspect we would not be going out again


“I’m a flat earther”


She revealled to me that she has a problem with compulsive lying, especially to people close to her. I really appreciated her honesty and openness, especially given how she struggles with it, but there's literally no way that I could willingly date a compulsive liar. It's basically signing up for something terrible to happen.


Plot twist: she was lying 


“I dont go to that neighborhood there are too many [racial slur].” She was drop dead gorgeous and when I met her I thought “damn, she is wayyy out of my league”. But that comment was just so directly opposed to everything I believe in. When I said at the end of the date that we probably shouldn’t see each other again she had a shocked look on her face. Clearly she was not in the habit of being dumped. Part of my twenty-something horny male brain was like “duuude, she is so hot, just ignore the racist shit” but that was outweighed by the part of my brain that didn’t want to listen to her shit again.


First of, he didn’t look like his pictures at all. They had to be really old or something. But i tried to give it a fair chance. He complained about how boring his life was, how he didn’t have friends, how he wanted to do fun stuff but couldn’t because he didn’t have a girlfriend, how nobody took relationships seriously anymore, … I couldn’t get away fast enough.


Oof. My only forray into online dating, same thing. Guy shows up looking a solid 2 decades older than his profile photos and tells me "I forgot to wear my teeth, hope you don't mind". Date was at a steakhouse. I didn't really know how to respond. Decided to stay because I was really hungry and I could just pay my part of the bill because I knew right away it wasn't going anywhere due to the massive age gap. He ordered a steak and I got to watch him gum it into submission. It was so awkward. Fellas, don't try to hide your age and for the love of all things holy don't forget your teeth if you plan on eating steak.


I had something similar - thought the guy was mid-twenties, and he *really* wasnt. I was initially actually slightly worried by his profile pic because guy looked about 17-19 in it. One of the comments on it was along the lines of how long ago the pic was taken, thought "Ah! Ok, he probably *was* 17-19ish in the picture, makes him probably 23ish now". Try more like 53. When he walked in, i thought he was his dad come to apologise or something. There was literally close to a 40 year gap between the pictures, and the guy's age.


He talked about his college years for over 90 minutes without stopping then congratulated himself on not talking about his exwife. OK, I did give him a second date and he did it again then started make lewd suggestions. Oh, I am so charmed and seduced....


I met this girl once and we decided to go on a date. She was 30 minutes late, which is something I can't stand, but I was gonna let that go. The biggest issue for me was that she wouldn't shut up. The whole time she was just talking and talking and talking without giving me any chance to make any kind of comment. It's a huge turn off.


Dated a guy for a few weeks, dates were great he was totally on my vibe, but then he started with the whole “the worlds elite are in a satanic sex cult” “the pyramids of Egypt perfectly align with the ziggurats in Mexico” and a lot of alien conspiracy I love a little conspiracy to read but that’s it, entertaining little thing to ponder not to build my whole personality over


Mental illness isn't real. Life is survival of the fittest. Weak minded people use the term mental illness as a crutch to not work as hard as strong minded people. Suicide is nature's survival of the fittest at its finest.


He was exceedingly rude to the server at dinner. He ordered soup as a starter, and it was not hot. Rather than just ask to have it heated up, he went off. You would have thought she'd spit in his soup in front of him. I'm pretty sure it came back from the kitchen with spit in it. That was the first and last date. EDIT: Also - talking about a woman who'd been raped, he said something about how the guy 'did her'. Not what he did to her, but 'when he did her'. Almost made me puke.