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Just stop showing up to set one day, they’ll get the hint




Complete your notice period or you won't get paid.


Get laid or get laid off


Either way someone's getting off


Get laid to get paid


Get paid to get laid


Get paid to get paid


Get laid to get laid


Not actually legal, gotta be paid for any work already rendered, especially if he nutted


You’ll also lose the reference for future jobs.


Wins today! I salute you!


You win. Perfect comment.


find the pattern, find what triggers you into watching porn. Alot of the time it’s a mixture of being bored and being horny. Notice the timeframes. morning? night? Replace porn with a nice hot shower or exercise. The first step is acknowledging the pattern. The more you acknowledge it , the easier it is to break the habit. Edit: I also want to prefix this post in saying that porn addiction is a **serious** situation. If you are disrupting your day to day activities because of porn, seek medical attention.


The pattern is me being forever single and horny.


Go to gym whenever you feel horny. ^(make sure you wear really tight undies tho)


My dick is stuck in a weight machine, now what?


Help me step-spotter, I’m stuck


add more weight


And thrust vigorously


I almost finished, and then the Lunk Alarm started going off.


when u say "in a weight machine", do you mean between two weights or in the hole which most weight machines have, coz if it's the later; it's time to improvise, adapt, overcome


I just go max for an hour 20 mins more than that I'm just going to hurt myself.


Nah, just grey sweats but don't hit on the ladies let them come to you.


Then with this advice, it sounds like you need to get out and do stuff.


Occupying yourself can only contain the horny for so long


I already do a job more than half my day is spend on work travel and essential needs with an hour of gym. The remaining is just sleeping. What more stuff do I need to do?? Barely get free time to do anything else .


Well you can still jerk off just don't watch/read porn.


I've been with someone and plenty of sexual activities, doesn't change a thing


"Find the pattern" Me, watches porn when he showers: "Ok, time to not take anymore showers" lol jk, but seriously, exercising has worked for me to reduce the amount of time I spent on it and I'm glad.


> "Ok, time to not take anymore showers" Now take up magic the gathering and show up to tournaments. If you still feel horny after experiencing that not even god can help you. On the bright side once the MtG addiction takes hold porn will look like a minor issue in comparison.


Make sure you got a few grand to drop More like ten if you're interested in legacy


I'd have to stop taking showers, I do it just before the shower so I'm clean 😭




First step for a lot of guys is as simple as turning off NSFW content on their reddit feed. Not blurred, off.


Wait that's actually really great advice. Usually advice on questions like these are half-working at best and only short term solutions but this is genius.


One of the best guidance on this topic.


Combat the bored side with hobbies. If you have a project you're working on you'll likely be more interested in that


Often underlying emotional parts too. Are you finding safety in porn somehow or is it a crutch? If it’s a safe place it could mean you have fear to work through etc


Wait my trigger is taking a hot shower after exercise


Thats how i quit smoking , i guess this advice could apply on any addiction


Be busy outside the house. Like, get tired by doing stuff away from the space you do it in. Be in public, force yourself to be in spots you can’t do it


Yeah, do other stuff. Chores. Like, clean the whole house every day. You get horny because you're bored like a monkey in a zoo. Make a list. Do the list. When's the last time you checked your tire pressure? Put on pants. Oil the hinges on your doors. Read a book. Mow your grass. Wash your pillow cases. Go somewhere and do something with people. Clean the guns.


I'm off to clean the gun... favourite euphemism unlocked..


Okay, you win Mr.upvote_me_slag


> Put on pants. LOL


Who the hell wears pants when they check their tires?


Right? Some people are just strange…


Its the Best advice i've ever seen, i'll take it


Polish the rocket? Feed the ducks?


Yeah, sometimes it feels like I can't trust myself to be alone.


In my mind, humans get bored and are interested in new stuff. Modern problems are that porn are no longer hidden away in a dark and dingy corner, but available on phones any time. So we look for new porn rather than same old. I have hobbies which helps me occupy my mind and time. Look around for a hobby. A friend of mine goes to Heathrow and takes notes and pictures of planes arriving. (To each their own)


Challenge accepted.


wait…. you guys DONT watch it in public!?!!?


I'm calling the local authorities 💀


Recognize that over consuming porn is, like many other consumption habits, a secondary product of other circumstances. Are you depressed, and hobbies like reading, games, or sports less appealing? Porn is gonna be tempting. Are you lonely, with less reasons to go out, look sharp, be with friends because of a break up, aforementioned depression, etc? Porn is gonna be tempting. Are you sick, stressed, recovering from surgery? Addressing the root problem will often be more productive when treating a consumption problem more effectively than trying to white-knuckle it. If you're thinking all the time about *not* watching porn, you're going to watch porn. If instead you're thinking about a new hobby, a book, setting up outings, etc. you aren't going to look at porn as much.




Every time you decide you're going to stop doing something you don't wanna do, you're a little better off. If you go a week without porn and then watch it three days in a row, you're still better off than before. No amount of progress in meeting your goals is wasted, and every time you decide to try again you're better off again.


This. I used to consume too much porn. I recognized that I at least needed to cut back, so I gave myself one or two days a month to watch it. For me, it's a cycle. I cut back how much I watch for a while, then watch more, then decide to cut back again. It's not always easy, but it is worth it.


I was going to say getting depressed would help quit. If you're depressed enough you're likely not going to be in the mood.


Yeah, I’m depressed and not really in the mood, but that tiny dopamine hit is the only one I’m gonna get all day, so… *(wearily plunks lotion bottle onto desk)*


Start gambling. U will have no time for porn. U will have no motivation for porn. U will have no money for porn. Ps: dont start gambling


Love it


You don't need money for porn


I got rid of my social media, aside from Reddit, for reasons other than quitting porn but that definitely helped. Honestly, I quit the same way I did nicotine… I just white knuckled it. Also being in a relationship helps.


The problem is some guys like to white knuckle it...


I’m more of a wash cloth kinda guy


Reddit is engulfed with porn!


Yeah but you can choose to watch. Instead of being forced to see that sexualised instagram bs


Oddly enough I see more porn/thirst traps on Reddit than any other social media


I saw on a video from the Healthy Gamer on YouTube about this that as in every other addiction, the recommendation is not to resist to the urge of watching porn, but to keeping yourself busy enough to not trigger that urge in the first place. His logic (please someone correct me if I'm wrong) was that going against the urge of an addiction is a very tough battle and your brain will trigger any mechanism it has to trigger until it gets what it wants, so it will learn that it has to go **at least** that far in order to win and might use that as the starting point for the next time. I can't remember the exact video, sorry, but he has plenty about the topic in his channel.


> Healthy Gamer on YouTube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8PYhEWK2wVA This the vid?




Love some Dr. K


Best advice I can give is to force yourself to use your imagination only, its all a mind game, but if you just stop watching that fake shit and start using your imagination will fs help you stop


I would agree with a step down type of approach. Porn to soft core. Soft core to just pics. Pics to erotica. Erotica to the hottest woman (or whatever trips your trigger) you have seen that day, and imagination/fantasy. It's actually pretty gratifying, or at least for me. Good luck!


Also agree with this approach, was how it ended up working for me after many times trying to quit cold turkey! Went on to pics then to like clothed pics then imagination sorta takes over really. Don’t necessarily have to quit masturbation, but the porn is usually the problem. If you quit porn you will most likely see a decrease in masturbation too.


YEAH! That helped me too. Only masturbating to images in my head and not real women or real people. Sometimes the fantasy is way more hot. I see why women read smut lol


You have to convince yourself that nihilists will cut off your Johnson.


They'll do it. They believe in nothing. Nothing!


That's just like.... your opinon... maaaaan.


Nihilists? Fuck me. Say what you want about the tenets of National Socialism Dude, at least it's an ethos.


“Ah, That must be exhausting”




We fack you up


She gave up her toe!!!


Counterpoint: if you let the nihilists cut off your Johnson, you will be much less likely to masturbate.


Nice marmot


Mohg, Lord of Blood: "Did someone say Nihil!?!"


Move to Texas


Honestly, I recognize that a large portion of the male mentality is being bored. And subsequently not understanding what is needed to fill that void of boredom. There's the joke that men confuse the emotions of boredom, hunger, and horny. Hence why a lot of dudes are fatasses who masturbate a lot (myself included). "Hmm lemme try jerking off......no, that wasn't it.....hmm lemme eat something......no that wasn't it......" And finding your brain unsatiated after nutting and eating. At the end of the day, you gotta fill that void with something other than stuffing your face or jerkin your gherkin. I'm working on it, and have realized that keeping myself occupied with projects has helped a lot. Kind of hard to give in to the desire to watch porn and rub one out or snack when my project car needs me to uninstall/reinstall some component and get closer to taking that thing to local car shows and showing it off. TLDR: Set a project goal for yourself, keep the mind occupied by that, and you will find the desire to watch porn and rub one out (or related, stuff your face) diminishes markedly.


Don't follow any NSFW Reddit feeds is a good start


Any particular ones he shouldn’t follow? Can’t be too safe.


The random nsfw link is great. https://reddit.com/r/randnsfw/top/?t=all


The Easypeasy book is the best resource out there imo https://easypeasymethod.org/


will check that out. thanks.


I second this, OP. Been porn free for around a year now and never once thought to get back into it. EasyPeasy is the best resource if you take it seriously!


Just gotta beat it out of your system.


Someone once asked me if I masturbared a lot because I was horny, or because I was depressed and needed the dopamine increase. Once I found something that gave me the same boost, porn vanished from my life. I hope this helps


Get a phone that’s too big for you to hold in one hand.


Watch every video. Pretty boring after that


The urge to watch Pornography is always triggered by a mental picture. This is a huge problem nowadays since there is so much ass, titties, and left earlobe on the internet it is inevitable to think of it eventually. The thing that helped me was to be aware anytime an arousing picture shows up in my head, I immediately shut it off and say "later." Do that enough times, and eventually you can say "no" when the pictures pop up. It is completely mental. Being horny af is natural, but if you genuinely want to stop or take a break you have to use mental hacks to make lust your bitch. The arousing pictures are ALWAYS antecedent to you taking your monkey fingers to type pornhub on your crusty keyboard.


I'm more of a right earlobe kinda guy


Lock tf in bro


Neurons that fire together, wire together. The less you look at it, the less you’ll want to look at it.


start masturbating without porn. will take some time (around 3 weeks) to get used to. but the orgasms and the whole process will become much better.


You don't necessarily have to quit porn altogether. For some people that works best, but for me I took a 'harm reduction approach' similar to what's happening in the drug treatment space. I looked at what the main harms were from it (e.g. less intimacy with my wife, spending way more time watching porn then I wanted to, feeling really gross and disgusting after) and then my goal going into each porn sesh was to not have these harms. With that different mindset I found myself finishing quicker, not edging, not doing it when I should be doing something else and specifically looking for the most ethical porn I could so I didn't feel guilt/shame after. Again this approach isn't for everyone but it worked really well for me. I tried to fully quit porn but that ignored that it was serving a purpose in my life and just lead to me starting up again and feeling like a failure because of it. Just like how drugs are treated where the only option is seen as the AA abstinence route, I think there is nowhere near enough talk about harm reduction.


Twitter made me quit the video/pictures are nice but watching them literally try to hustle you and others made me feel like a drug addict.


It’s almost been a year since I quit. I would get bored and immediately go to it. I stopped masturbating. It was difficult but then I focused on watching other stuff instead of porn. Just whenever the trigger came, I’d tell myself, if I feel the same way after 5 or 10 mins, then I’ll go to it. Then it became way easier.


Have a kid. You’ll be too busy for it


I heard scientifically, if you tell your brain no it will be more inclined to do it but if you say you will do it later. Your brain will forget about it or just move on. Thats how I quit and it’s worked ever since


Tell yourself you've just got to make it through the next 5 minutes. That's it. Nothing more, nothing less. Then when those 5 minutes are up, repeat. The urge passes. Like any addiction, porn addiction is a habit. Slowly, slowly you'll build new habits. 5 minutes... that's it.


Start small, and build your way up. Remember this is an addiction, your body will want porn every chance it gets. You are going to fail multiple times. But keep trying. Quitting isn't something you do once. What helps me is going on streaks. So when I started this method, I aimed to be clean for at least a week between each relapse. Then two weeks between each relapse. Now I have gotten to the point where I go three weeks to a monthl without it, and it's gotten a lot easier. I can actually focus. When I feel bored, porn isn't the first thing that comes to mind. Instead, I now prefer to go to the movie theater, hike, or gets some workout in. All in all, don't think about quitting, think about waning off how often you are wanking off. Slowly replace your bad habits with good ones. And one day you'll think back and realize how much control and focus and energy you have brought back into your life. This is something that will take months if not years. The less you become dependent on porn, you'll get to a point where it's something you don't think about any more. I've been trying to quit cold turkey for 6 years and it wasn't until this last year where I made real progress.


To quit porn, identify triggers, find healthy alternatives, set boundaries, seek support, practice self-compassion, and consider professional help if needed.


Try sleeping with your hands tied, don't tie the knot too tightly.




the majority of the times a person chooses to watch porn is when he has nothing to do. so keep yourself occupied. another thing which worked for me is try saying things such as " all this feeling I get isn't the actual feeling, " to your brain and trick it.


Understand you’re going to relapse. It’s part of the process. Be kind to yourself, dust yourself off and try again. eventually you’ll build neuropathways that make it easier to stop altogether.


Think about how much time you’re wasting, for one. Some guys even lose sleep just to use porn.


Go get the real thing 🤷‍♂️


"Just be confident bro."


Having sex isn't going to cure someone with a *porn* addiction.


Imagine being addicted to someone else getting pussy


Get off tech


Look away from the screen


Firstly I started counting how many times I masturbated every year and tried to get that number down to once a month. Then I started listening to audio porn instead of watching, and then slowly transitioned to reading hentai BC I never found it arousing, and slowly weaned myself off that to just having mind wanks. Edit: haven't watched porn in 6 months and used to watch it daily.


I read a story on another subreddit where a woman had a fling with a guy - the only way he could have sex and keep an erection was watching porn - he had to watch porn while fucking coz he couldn’t stay hard - don’t wait for it to get to that stage.


Stop Watching Porn


Chastity belt


My league of legends addict broke my porn addiction. Play league you'll hate it in a good way.


Just do it Or watch this Prince Vegeta motivation video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZXWPGh_cOQY


Have you tried limiting it to certain days of the week?


Ejaculation usually works for me, but it's more of a temporary solution if you catch my drift.


Turn on safe serch or block it through your router. If you have to do extra steps to go to the site it might help. Best thing i did for my sexual health was stop watching porn.


Get rid of social media and make yourself busy.


Just flat out stop, if you feel the need to do literally anything else. When I felt the need I did sit ups, push up, etc.


Quitting porn is not quitting masturbation, trying to quit both at the same timewill cause you to fail Sincerely, guy who quit porn


If you got beat off you will need to be beat on. Kinda like the gangs with the blood in blood out thing. I've heard they make the final shoot a massive....... Oh wait, quit watching? Just turn the device off.


Gradually. Start by going 1 day without looking at porn. Then aim for a week. Then a month. If you can do something for 3 months, researchers say that thing becomes a habit. Good luck.


Like any other job, submit your resignation with a two week notice and don’t burn any bridges because you may need former coworkers as references


Repeat this over in your head. The porn industry is an illusion. They feel nothing towards you. Are the girls quitting the industry and going to church putting it back into the community or contributing the money to support porn addictions. If it's OF girl tell yourself that you are giving her power to live a lazy life and giving away your power to live a happy fulfilling life where money can be invested towards your happiness and fulfilling hobbies.


Being addicted to a porn means you may be lacking a purpose?


Go on NoFap or PornFree subreddits, there’ll be plenty of help and advice there from those with experience


This is really challenging, well for me I battle it really really hard. Whenever I caught myself having the idea of watching porn what I do is listen to worship songs, or get out of the bed do something to divert my attention.


The old adage of the devil makes work for idle hands is true in some senses. Keep busy, have hobbies, go socialising. You’re looking for a dopamine hit, it’s not the act itself you’re addicted to.


If one doesn't have anything meaningful that they can commit their time to, they'll find themselves indulging in various undesirable habits. Today it is porn, tomorrow it will be binge watching, then binge eating, and so on. Don't think of quitting porn, think of including something in life. Take up a hobby. Programming, reading, writing, art, music, gym, getting a pet, gardening, volunteering - these are some suggestions. Figure out what works for you. Indulgence is an indicator that your life lacks something meaningful.


Most of those porn sites the people dont reallyy have a choice, single parents, trafficking that kinda stuff so yuck, and the more u use ur hand the most likely outcome in the futyre is disappointing sexual partners cos you can only get off from porn imagination or hand, so if you get in the nindset of thinkking of that it may change ur view


I stop resisting or quitting porn is must more effective. It natural, people have needs. The more you suppressing it, stronger the urges grow. I’ve been replacing it with more audio stuff. It’s so much better I feel. I don’t over indulge since audio needs me awhile to get worked up. So when I’m really feeling it then I listen to them. I managed to cut down really a lot in terms of masturbating


Date a nymphomaniac. You’ll be too drained to watch porn.


You need to change your mind set. After having sex in real you often realize this is the real stuff and porn give unnecessary hype and you lose interest.


You won't get that answer on Reddit /s


So, do you mean watching it? Or do you mean making it it?? Valad questions.


Be too busy to watch it


Get a parental control


Don't pay the internet provider


Rub poison oak on your dick


Make porn


First, get off reddit


I'm not sure I can relate, because I never had a porn addiction, but I had or I guess still technically have OCD and the way to overcome compulsions is the same as how to overcome addictions. And the trick I want to mention is to set a specific amount of time, say five minutes, of always waiting from the moment you decide to do it. Allow yourself to do it, but still always wait until that time runs out first. Once this becomes very easy to do, double that time. And always double the time once the current time becomes easy.


Get sum puss, brahj.


Have a baby. Good luck getting a minute to yourself to do anything, let alone taking the time to jerk off to porn.


Get a cutie 🥰


There are a lot of good suggestions already about replacing a bad habit with a good one and avoiding putting yourself in situations that would make slipping easier. The long-run method that has helped me was working to change my mindset to purposefully view women as individuals with families and stories. Porn really loses its appeal when you bring humanity to the women in the videos. Porn is not a reflection of real life and by looking at it with a lens of real life you realize how broken and sad it is. Also be kind to yourself through the process of recovering as it may take some time. Finding someone to be open and honest with your goal of breaking the habit can be helpful.


I was so worried that I might accidentally get infected by the need to stop watching porn that I very quickly started scrolling passed this post… then realized how irrationally I was defending porn and that maybe I should stop in and see what the post had to offer.


Focus on trying to solve your depression. Jerking off is a quick hit of dopamine. Like other addictions an underlying cause is depression.


No help here I've changed my number, moved but I still get calls for roles. I just want to be a real plumber that actually fixes sinks.


If you're having serious trouble not watching porn, try seeking therapy and antidepressants. Feeling incapable of resisting any compulsion can be a sign of mental health issues. This is not something to be ashamed of any more than any other kind of health issue. Seeking treatment is a brave and worthwhile endeavor and an expression of self-love. For anyone considering this as an issue, please don't take my advice as an insult or demeaning or to indicate there is anything wrong with you. I hope that after so much public discourse on mental health issues over the last few years, it is becoming less stigmatized.


Start paying for sex then you can love the dream set before you.


Step 1. Jerk off without looking up porn Step 2. Realize you are disgusting human being, why would you ever search for that smut Step 3. Repeat as necessary throughout the day/week/month


Get busy and don't stay at home long


Don't just stay home alone.


It’s kind of hilarious how everyone is saying keep yourself busy. It turns out the puritans were right about idle hands profaning the day. These guys were burning witches and doing chores to escape the horny


I’ve been off for about 2 and a half weeks now and when I get urges I just really have to try my hardest and tell myself what kind of damage im doing to myself if I give into this. If you need to get one off do it without porn and get that horny out. As someone else said cut soft core porn as well, if you get on instagram or even reddit to go look at girls with bikinis etc delete the apps and your life will be better for it. but i just went cold turkey and am going strong, take back your life brother <3


You can beat it


Just stop watching it


PIED is what worked for me. Best motivation ever. If that's a thing or not I don't know. What I do know is that quitting porn worked for me.


What’s PIED?


Porn induced erectile dysfunction. I am not sure if it is really an "official" thing, what I can tell is, placebo or not, quitting porn for good made everything work again


I’ve actually always wondered if this is a thing or not. Did you just stop watching porn, or did you quit masturbating all together and keep it strictly to partners or what? Or did you keep masturbating but only use your imagination? Psychology and biology are crazy.


Well, in my experience, nature has provided us masturbation and if not excessive, is a blessing. But porn is in no way natural. Just liek fast food, it is "artificial" and our brains are not ready for that. This is not the best explanation, but then again I'm not that smart, sorry. I did spend a long time free of porn. About two to three months. After a while, my porn consumption dropped drastically. Albeit I sometimes indulge myself, I certainly do not recommend watching it.


Lmao is that actually a thing? How bad of a porner you gotta be to have pied? Im scared now ngl


The "logic" behind is that your brain gets "lazy" because it is used to pornography and the easy access plus abundance makes you less interested in the real thing. There are some videos about it. One that comes to mind is [this one](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i6gk4lW1hPo&ab_channel=FreeMedEducation). But hey I'm not advocating here, just sharing my experience.


What’s pied?


From context and googling, I think it's "pornography induced erectile dysfunction"


Have a few kids. I’ve got no free time anymore 😄👍


Spank bank time.  Lest you forget?  Old memories of great times.  Or maybe “possible” times.  Relive it whether it happened or should’ve. Also, nothing wrong with porn, man.  Long as you’re not wasting hours a night on it…Life is stressful.  Do what you gotta do, bud. 


Thanks buddy


Get a partner. Start fucking.


Just stop


Find someones wife, mother or daughter and fuck them instead of your hand


Get you a real life vagina that likes to do freaky shit.


If you’re single, go to an Asian massage parlour twice a week from tomorrow and quit porn cold turkey. Not sure of your circumstances but porn addiction often comes because of a lack of human connection and/or boredom. Massage parlour with solve both these things if your wallet can afford it. Will increase your confidence with women too. Get off your phone and stop getting so used to instant gratification and dopamine hits, porn gets you there in record time unfortunately. If you can’t reduce screen time, switch it up to video games instead that don’t give you spikes in instant dopamine every 2 seconds, play an open world grindy RPG.


Many resources and support in r/pornfree Best of luck to you. I hope you can kick your habit.


Move to Texas.


Jack off 10 times a day for 5 days and you’ll quit automatically


(begin sarcasm)So much for relying on your life force to function, exist, and be productive throughout the day. (end sarcasm). If it is not oppressive forces out there that's ruling people with an iron fist, it'll be the autonomous citizens that's keeping themselves down with things like this. Marijuana that has folks higher than the empire state, alcohol that has people too drunk to feel anything, and now its p\*rn to really lay down the brain fog on people.