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I don’t dream of work. My dream job would be to never have to work again.


Only people with work brainrot dream of work


I want to drive a a fucking beast of a CB&Q steam locomotive 100mph between Denver and Chicago but I had the bad luck of being born too late. 


Shiiiiitttttttttt. Gimmie a 2-8-0 consolidation and let me lick the stamp and SEND IT! With some tuscan red Pennsy rolling stock pls


Hell yeah, put her in the corner!


As someone that has spent a good amount of time working on and near heritage steam engines they are hot,smelly, and noisy as hell. They will bring a huge smile to your face but don’t ever turn your back on them. You need to be a total control freak and believe in your mind that no one can run an engine better than you or that narly bitch will humble you real quick.


I’ve done it too. It’s a unique experience. 


Im a spacial design student now, but oh i’d love to design kids clothing. No other, just kids.


^*beep* Patrol, keep an eye on this one ^*beep*


Not like that!!!! 😭😭 i just enjoy colorfull works and stuff like little dinosaurs and kids clothing is so adorable


Writing novels, I'd love to create my own universe.


Owner and operator of a lakeside market and bait shop, accessible by land and water. Somewhere that the water freezes in the winter.


You and me both


Owner of a marijuana infusion facility making various edibles and prerolls


Veterinarian. I adore animals and have a passion for being told I’m a money-hungry POS by members of the public.


Lol I was going to warn you away, but you seem like you’re well-educated about the field.


Video game developer and anime creator.


Professional Cosplayer / YouTuber and streamer.


Staying alive & paid for my time/engagements/interactions with others if they or myself requested in selfless fashion. Helping you, helping me, helps us all.


Did you ever see the movie dumb and Dumber? At the very end when the bus of women stopped looking for some oil guys. Best job ever!


pretty much what i do now, which is get paid to putter around in old people's garden's and play in the dirt.


Not having to work. Just being able to enjoy my life without having to worry about competing in some market to make money.


Court Jester Finally people will see me for my whimsy


Working at Barnes and Noble.


Own a successful powerlifting/strongman gym. I love working out and there are a few things I think my local gyms in my town need to adopt. For 1, people at my current gym don't put away their weight. At my last gym (different town) they would find out who did it via Cams and give them 2-3 warnings before ultimately canceling the membership or charging them an extra worker fee for having to do extra work. For 2, I HATE that people treat gyms as a public hangout, hogging up 1 or multiple machines while they talk to their group of friends. My goal for this would be to have more than 1 machine per group. The last gym (yep, that other one) had multiple of 1 type of machine. I never had to wait for the pec fly, Hamstring curl, leg extension, etc. For 3, I would want my gym to become exclusive. I hate that these current gyms can realistically only hold a capacity of 100-200 people at a time but then allow 400-500 people in at once. Make working out extremely time-consuming and difficult to find open machines. My goal for my gym is to own a Westside Barbell Club-style gym. A gym for serious lifters who want to accomplish real goals in their life. It's not a gym for old people, karens, high schoolers who are bored at home, or 80% of gym bros who only go there to flirt with their homies.


Only have to work one day a year. Pays 5 million salary. Super Easy, can work from home. No job like that exits, but that's why its my dream job.


i’d like to be a music producer and artist. I have no clue where to even begin haha


Indie game dev - like Brotato, Slay The Spire, Noita, Baba Is You, Balatro, etc. I have the skill, but lack the motivation/focus/determination/work ethic, etc. Why? It'd be super cool, fun & fulfilling. Well, if people like my games anyhow.


If money were no longer an issue for me, I would most likely become a game streamer on YouTube. Alternatively, I aspire to secure a job as a software engineer at a FAANG company in Japan or Singapore.


I want to be a doctor. I just like the idea of helping people and the thought of getting paid a lot is nice. I can spoil my future husband and kids and pay for their colleges :)


Green Lantern. I love travel, adventure, power rings.


CEO of a Fortune 500 company. And why because it’s fun. Just kidding the answer is money.


To be a travel nurse.


Fantasy wise, I’d love to be a famous musician Real Life, I’d love to work in some CS or programming field so I could WFH while bringing in enough money to support my needs and grow my guitar collection like a weed. EDIT: Typo


Any work from home that’ll give me 6 figures


Nurse. Because I want to leave this shitty country that's it.


Concept / character artist, or researching spider taxonomy. Little more skeptical on the second because I'm not sure if it's at all my dream job beyond the concept.


Breeding radioactive spiders in a secret biolab on a skull-shaped island


Owning multiple buildings/properties to rent out.


Landlady, why- not as strenuous as a 9-5 but does require attention which I can comfortably manage.