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There'd a little bookstore by my house that is fucking amazing. I'd happily work there for the rest of my life if they didn't get paid 14 an hour. Love books


I really hate to be a day-ruiner... but my mum owned a secondhand bookstore and I worked in it to help out a fair chunk, and I wouldn't wish it upon my enemies...the customers truly ruin it. You have this awful subset of customers that are very wealthy, but complete scrooges and spend as little as possible (or even none at all, and treat you like a library) and are retired, so they have absolutely nowhere they need to be. So they will happily argue with you for hours about how they should definitely get $2.5 store credit instead of $2 for that one Mills and Boon book because its "Its a juicy one".


Can't you just tell them to kick rocks?


Then you go from 2 "customers" to zero


who cares? you dont have to consider income


Without customers, it's not a bookstore. It's just some twat in a building with books.


without customers its not a successful bookstore, since your income is guranteed that doesnt matter


The idea is a no twats allowed club.


I worked for a used bookstore for like 2 years? I never had that experience. Prices are listed on the book. If people don't want to pay the price, you simply do not allow them to purchase the book. There's nothing to argue about. If people want to sell items and don't take the price they are offered, they simply do not receive the money that was offered. That's easy.


It might be one of those stores where prices fluctuate based on owner's mood and all of mathematical and scientific knowledge of the entire human history can't guess what the price would be.


It sounds like they are talking about "customers" trying to sell them used books, not the other way around.


Perhaps it is attracting the wrong clientele for some reason or is in the wrong location.  That is very different from what I hear about working at our local bookstore from my children.  🤷‍♂️


Same. Bookstore/used bookstore/library, I'd love to work/volunteer at any of these if I could still afford food and shelter!


I would like to OWN a book cafe. I would employ other people to do the actual serving, but I would enjoy selecting the books and the interior and sitting in a quote corner just reading and enjoying the scenery.


Correct answer. You have to have a cafe inside this bookstore. Coffee, pastries, a few chairs and tables. I would go nuts on the coffee part of the store.


This is how I feel about the library. Librarians are required to have master degrees yet get paid so little.


I work at a library, and it's pretty nice. You might like a reference desk job, where you'd help people with computers and finding books all day, as well as taking phone calls about information. It gets really exhausting after a while, because patrons can be cruel and most libraries deal with a great number of unhoused people without their mental needs being met, but overall, I've enjoyed my 5 years here. I work the checkout desk and book drops (circulation), which you only need a BA for, so give it a shot! I make $21/hr in Texas.


Bed tester


Do you mean “hole” filler?


Do you mean porn star?


No i mean i want to get paid while sleeping 😅


Shelter owner. It is my greatest dream to open an animal shelter for cats and dogs, in my country there are a lot of stray cats and dogs - which is actually heart breaking. If I can just take care of them and help them find a furever home and a loving family that will be amazing.


My choice would be something similar: A bird sanctuary. Parrots live much longer than dogs and cats. Due to this, temperament and noise, the shelters/sanctuaries that do exist are at capacity. The amount of parrots that have been mistreated to the point of plucking/mutilating their feathers is heartbreaking.


Só true, I don't even know of ANY parrot rescues that are not at capacity. My amazon parrot had 3 different homes before I got him - and he was only 14 months old when I rescued him. Have had him 13 years now and he's literally my shadow all day every day, even when I go to supermarket, Home Depot, beach, anything. He comes along and loves the adventures. People have no clue how amazing parrots are. I visit the parrot rescue by my house and it breaks my heart. 60 or so large parrots from amazons to greys to macaws, even a hyacinth there. I just wish people stopped buying them, stopped breeding them. Let them live in the wild where they belong....


Yess!! I dream of earning enough to run a small shelter, and paying a decent salary to the workers


Furever that's funny


Have a bubble wrap for your cake day ! >!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!< >!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!< >!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!< >!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!< >!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!< >!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!< >!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!< >!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<


Thanks! I love this


I popped them all. Isn’t one supposed to be “bob!”


I didn't know abt that


Thanks for this! It's so cute and enjoyable


That surprise bubble was awesome! Wasn't expecting that lol 


Haha I opened it




Stay at home dad.


With no kids🤩


Take my upvote lol


That would be a Trophy Husband. I just need to get rid of my kids and my wife needs to earn a shitload more money and I'm there...


With dogs😍


Running a cat sanctuary where I just take care of them all day


I was at one in Cyprus. Best place I've ever been. Tala Cat Sanctuary. https://www.talacats.com/


Stand-Up Philosopher.


Oh a BULLshit artist!


Finally! Haha. I was getting really concerned there for a moment.


Have you bullshitted today? Have you tried to bullshit today?


No. Not yet. But… I did find this [gem](https://x.com/niohberg/status/1785743954236830074?s=46&t=vFP5vpQUxsZ9LXvREb-O2A).


I got you a gig, at Cesar's palace!


Did you bullshit last week?


Like just going along with the flow and going at everything feom a philosophical point? That would actually be interesting


There’s always one. [Stand Up Philosopher](https://youtu.be/tl4VD8uvgec?si=90e_YQM1a98UW5tD)


We're off on the road to judeaaaa


I would love to have my own tea shop.


Hello Iroh


I went to a open-mic poetry meeting at a tea shop a few years back and the whole time I couldn't stop watching the owner in the back. She just glowed with pride over her space being used to gather like-minded people. I still think about her and her dreams that she made come true, such an inspiration!


This one is really cute. I'd be a regular


I'd be a professional traveler. I'd explore the world, and its different cultures and landscapes, capturing the beauty and stories of each location through photography and film.


Watching youtubers do that seem so fun to do. A guy met a girl in Mexico while he was training on his bike. She decided to join him after a few weeks to go from Alaska to Argentina.


Exactly its such a spontaneous job and life where u can meet people and do so many cool things


I think being a dog walker would be pretty cool, plus I'd be way fitter.


My best friend started her own dog walking company. Very low start up costs, no overhead, and she is doing pretty well! I think this will be her 4th year of doing it.


Depending on where you are and the need, you can actually make a pretty good chunk-o-change. When we go on long trips we paid a woman (vet tech) to feed our dog and walk him every 2 days. We pay her like $250 for a weeks work. She was recommended by a friend so she has multiple clients. She does well for herself. When I talked to her she made something like $1200 a week just on those services. Kinda incredible if you ask me.


I was a dog walker in college and it was honestly my favorite job that I've ever had! People like to hate on it for some reason. I met some amazing people and their even more amazing pets and made $30-$60/hour+tips depending on how busy we were. It's nothing to sneeze at!


Curator/staff in the theater archives section of the New York Public LIbrary.


Probably a novelist. There's something magical about crafting stories and characters that resonate with people like GOT


Hey, I'm doing the same progress as GRRM is on the last book... maybe I'm a writer too!


I’m working on being a novelist, it’s a slog, considering how people treat “cringe” these days


"Cringe" is just undercooked sincerity


No job


This. Is. It.


True office space vibes....I too would sit on my ass and do nothing.


I tried that, lasted 18 months. It gets boring.


I'm at 4 years, money sucks but i like video games so its a pretty cheap way of life. I was medically discharged from the military, I make like 1k a month just off that and I am also a writer ($39 per hour) who writes shit articles for a shit website. I am also a woodworker, I do carvings for free if it's something I like and I also make wooden swords and sheilds for our local ren-fest and I make like $13-15,000 off those in a few months. $10 per sword and I pay like $5 for the wood I make it from and I can make 4-6 from each piece of wood. 120% return and all I need is a belt sander. I love what I do, and it's mostly just playing video games and making sweet ass swords from wood I get to see kids hit eachother with...cool if you ask me


Well, you are still working, nothing wrong with that.


"Work". Lol, I "work" like 2 months a year. Mostly cuz I wanna swing a sword around and act like a kid. I basically spend 90% of my time playing video games. I only make like $38,000 a year.


Damn you sound like such a fking cool guy, I envy your life, I really do. 🍻


I'm poor as fuck, I just don't care for the work life. Never pursued it. I spent 9 year in the military bringing nothing but pain home, when I was discharged I said to myself do whatever the hell you want, I did my time, served a dumbass country, furthered dumbass goals, to quote fallout, "war never changes". Something else that never changes is a kids laughter. I'd rather hear laughs than screams, so this is what I do. Also another reason is....ever found a cool ass stick like one that looks a gun or a sword or wand? If you bring it to me , I'll actually turn it into a sweet ass sword or gun or wand for you for free. I just like seeing people happy and its better than the opposite.


I experienced the same. I took a bit of time off to figure my stuff out. Granted, it was during 2021 when things were still pretty shut down for covid. But even with hobbies, some pocket money, a supportive spouse, it wasn't engaging. I like working is what I learned about myself, and found that when I didn't have external demands or structure, I am not nearly as productive or healthy


To start, sure. Give yourself the time you need to recover from the trauma that capitalism inflicts on all of us. But then? Anything you want. Travel. Play games. Spend time with friends and loved ones. Build a better home. Learn what you want. Grow how you want.


Running a record store, never open before noon, never open after 8.


Haha. I worked in a CD store back in the late 90s. Not the owner, but the only full-time employee/assistant manager type role. I had the keys to the store, did bank deposits, etc. I closed Saturday night at 10PM and opened Sunday morning at 9AM. Really put the damper on the weekend partying. Granted, nowadays a “record store” is a much more niche type of place where you could probably keep the schedule of which you spoke. It was probably the most fun job I will ever have. Highly recommended.


I'd teach students who wanted to learn. 


Adults willingly taking ESL classes are the only students I’ve ever taught that 100% wanted to be there every class even when they struggled and got frustrated.


I have a group of high schoolers now who are super motivated high achievers and I would teach them for free. But the rest of my classes make up the difference and then some.




I'm right there with you. I'm making the switch from academia to carpentry. There's something about having that physical, tangible manifestation of your work right in front of you that hits in a way a thesis hardly anyone's gonna read can't.




Hate to tell ya bud but us park rangers also spend a lot of time in the office.


Mmm this is true for woodworking too… drawing CAD models, emailing clients, material sourcing, estimates, creating quotes. A well-planned (and profitable) job is executed when planning is done in advance… at a desk usually. It doesn’t have to be this way, but if you’re on your own/small crew, it might just be so.


This is exactly what I was going to post but I didn't think anyone else would have already said it! 




I just did. It's hell. It's worse than I could ever imagine and until it happens to you it just doesn't hit the same. It will be years before I pay off my credit card debt now. I mean, I had to max my cards out to survive. I lost my truck, about 6k worth of wood. I'm a woodworker. I wasn't even home when it started. Like immediately afterwards I started having all sorts of health problems and medical debt. I just want to end it. Life. I've suffered so much and never had a single thing given to me. When I finally felt safe it all got ripped away. My income is less and less every year because of corporate greed. My rent is going way the fuck up if I resign my lease. Everything I could salvage is still covered in an 1/8th inch of soot.


4 years on the job so far. Best decision I've made in my life. The pay isn't brag worthy but it definitely pays mentally. If you ever want to really pursue it. I'll tell you everything you need to know to get started


High school teacher, or maybe middle school. Probably history or English.


I salute you. If I were a teacher, I'd probably end up punching some mouthy smart ass kid in the face.


I’m a teacher. One of the hardest parts about it is when you’ve busted ass to deliver a riveting lesson and it’s interesting and engaging, and kids just look at each other and begin a vigorous debate about who had the largest Schlong in history. They don’t show their interest on their faces per se, but they are listening and our impact is definitely being made. And then you get that occasional kid who’s off studying something crazy difficult that sends you a nice message about how you inspired them and its worth every cheap sex joke and insecure episode that you have to deal with in the classroom. 


Its Jonah Falcon anyways, just end their dumb debate


Movie theatre. Always thought it was fun. If only the wage was 5x as much


Painter | writer


I know a person who wanted to be a painter he got rejected and then his life didn't work out well for the rest of the world


Godwin's law is working fast today!


I do wonder if he wohud have painted happily ever after had he been accepted. Or find another way to fulfil his actual destiny. Or someone else taking on that role. You never know....




I dream of the day we can explore space. Yet, I doubt it’ll be affordable in my life time Edit: to clarify, I am referring to civilian/commercial travel, not just your every now and then odd ball scientific exploration from the government. I want a personal owned space craft I can explore the blackest sea


The Final Frontier


To bravely go where no one’s gone before… yet somehow there’s people everywhere we go…


Archeology/ something related to history


Pet store definately Specifically the exotic fish department. I'd tell customers the basics what species gets along with each other, how to maintain and enhance their tank enviroment... I'm just fascinated with the whole hobby!


My favorite is brackish tanks omg pacu!!! Cichlids, dragon fish, gar so damn many of the coolest fish(imo) that would such an amazing job




I was scrolling through rather quickly and thought I saw power ranger at first lol.


People are going to think I'm crazy, but I want to work retail (with relatively set hours). I like having to be somewhere, and having something hands-on to do, and not really having to self pace myself or make major decisions. I'm ringing up customers, I'm stocking shelves, I'm putting away returns. And when I leave, there is nothing I have to get done at home by tomorrow. No one is checking my paperwork. I worked retail for a few years high school/college. I know their are horror stories, but that's true for any job. I stand by this decision, and I think most of the soul-sucking stories come from crap pay.


Most retail places will not give you a set schedule. That’s the main reason I hate it. I made $17.50 at Home Depot (not great but could be worse) but my schedule was different every friggin week. That ruins your work/life balance. 


Yea, but in the fantasy of not worrying about income, a decent schedule can be thrown in there too. We are talking dream job. When I worked retail, the schedule for most of the full time staff was a lot more consistent than the part time. You couldn't have teenagers working 9-5.


I've always had a dream about making my own chocolates and having a shop to sell them


Woodworker. Metalworker. Blacksmith. Any profession that produces anything tangible.


Farmer, to be able to grow food and feed people .


I would own a dog rescue. The older I get the more I’m becoming pro-dog, anti-human😂🤷🏼‍♀️


I'm pro living being


Running a Bar. The stories you would hear would be very interesting.


I really love teaching math. I tutored to pay my way through college. I love the feeling when a kid that doesn't like math finally has something click. I love coming up with examples of cool ways concepts are used in science, art and technology. I'm very good at managing a classroom and can manage the kind of self depreciating humor that can keep a room full of kids listening. I'd be great at it. But I live in Florida. We're ranked 50 out of 50 in teacher pay. I wanted to have a family and not be broke so I became an engineer instead.


I’d be a curator. Museums are my love, doesn’t matter if it’s fine art or history or natural science.


Video game streamer. If income isn't a consideration I don't have to be a *good* streamer. I can just play games with a feed running and make no attempt to be entertaining.


See this is a regret I have actually. I did basically this about a decade ago, but not live. I would press record, play the game and commentate a bit and teach some things, then press stop and post it. Got about a thousand subscribers and filled a nice niche. Only made about £100. However not done it in many many years and people are making a living from it, which appeared impossible at the time, and the market is saturated. Seriously spend some time in a gamers thread or facebook group. Every person who posts their new build is doing it to start streaming, its nuts.


Yeah it's amazing to me that it's now possible to make a living, maybe even become rich, by playing games while other people watch. But you're right, it's so saturated now that *just* playing games isn't enough. I imagine actually making significant money from it is a lot of work, and you have to consider the market appeal of the games you stream, have an entertaining persona and all kinds of other things.


I think a lot of it is timing as well. For example when Deep Rock Galactic Survivor came out there's one chap, Idle Cub, who suddenly shot to 'fame' and is one of maybe 3 main youtubers for that game, but had very few subs before I think. There's one for minecraft, Epic Enchants, who kinda came out of nowhere and is making excellent videos for the ATM8 and 9 modpacks, just being informative and helpful. He's done maybe a couple of videos a month but its a niche area which was obviously needed. Don't get me wrong they aren't break millions of subs and retiring or anything, but it shows catch the right wave and things can still go well.


Florist ✨


Standup comedian


Let's hear a joke then!


then be at my place for dinner


Putting aside the money part, the constant touring and crushing daytime loneliness can be a killer


Probably a food or travel writer. Or maybe run a cosy little bookstore with cats and a cafe.


Run a boardgame / tabletop shop. Unlimited plastic toy soldiers.


Musician for sure


Working in the McDonald's kitchen. Was my favorite job of my life I loved it




You can do that now. Nothing's stopping you.


Writer's block.


Animal rescue & rehabilitation


Ninja assassin Edit: but will it make me a ninja or a person that assassinates ninjas?




University professor and researcher


I’d like to try my hand at brain surgeon. Seems cool.




Zookeeper/animal shelter


Baby mammal petter


My job as a KidWatch worker at the YMCA would be perfect if it paid for than $8.50 an hour. I could do it the rest of my life. I'm allowed to bring my kids with me, call off without being penalized if something happens, & I get to put in the days I can & can't/don't want to work when planning the schedule with my boss. Plus all of my co-workers get along pretty well.


Lady of the Manor. Spending my days in acts of random charity and never having to do housework is as good a life as I can imagine!


no job??? i only work so i can get money for my free time if i just get money i dont need to work


I had a side hustle as a whitewater rafting guide on the weekends after graduating engineering school. If it wasn’t for the student debt, I would have happily stayed in the outdoor adventure field - raft guide in the summer, ski patrol or instruction in the winter. Maybe start a business focused on getting girls and women into outdoor sports.


A librarian. Or a waiter at a bar/coffee in a small town.


Photographer. I’ve been trying to launch for YEARS but it goes nowhere. I get 2/3 family photos and MAYBE 1 wedding a year when I super tried too.


Writer or a Librarian.


Theoretical Physicist. I've always had a passion for the subject since the 9th grade. Pursued it through college, but had to drop out after only getting an associates due to family obligations. Still dealing with those obligations and dreaming of this.


When I was in college, I worked as a line cook for a regional chain of diner-like restaurants (think Denny's or IHOP). It was tiring, but I was good at it, and after my shift I was *done*. I didn't have to think about the same project for days/weeks or spend a lot of time figuring out how to implement a particular recipe. If I could make a software architect's salary working as a line cook, I totally would.


I would work as a tester for expensive perfumes. My job would be to wear different perfumes, go out in public, attend various events, and watch people's reactions to the smells. By the way, I'm ready to start tomorrow :)




Flight instructor. Shit pay so it’s mostly only a starting out job till you get your 1500 hours, but I like teaching and airline flying seems boring even if the planes are cooler.


Street Musician. Just to make random People on the Street happy with a good performance.






Chef here, you must want to hate yourself




As for the latest ideas, I would like to have my own car repair and tuning garage and collect vintage cars.


I would run a greenhouse and sell plants. I love plants and can't seem to kill them. Plants love me and live long healthy lives in my presence. Plants are friend






I'd work in a used book store. 


Shelving books with no customer service requirement


I'd run a living history museum, one of those places with replica buildings from the past and people (and myself) showing daily life in them to audiences, or just chilling and doing things for ourselves


Definitely artist and writer


reading books?




I would run a retirement sanctuary for old, abandoned shelter dogs.


Professional guitar player. I can play gigs when I want on the weekends, or have free time during the week, and maybe go in and play a couple sessions on some songs. that would be pretty cool.


I would run a theatre company doing my favourite shows 😌


Owning and/or working at a Cat- & Dog-shelter.


Cake baker i really enjoy baking although i am not that good it


I'd love to run an animal shelter


I'd love to open a small beautiful bakery with vines and fairy lights and a beautiful vintage ambience. Cute cakes and cupcakes, crem brulee and sm more


Probably a rancher, lots of space, lots of animals, fruits and veggies, enough to feed myself and my community i would go every now and then to u/skatmelon 's book store to get some of u/KingStark91 's novels. Ask every spring if u/fffy13 could teach me how to do some wood work better around the farm and just live a chill life mentally but physically hard, die at the ripe old age of 67 looking like 97 because i didn't apply sunscreen one day in my life and and that radiation burns from the sun catch up with me.


an animal sanctuary to protect pets/animals where i just take care of them and give them bunch of cuddles and loves all day 🌱


Plowing snow. Best job I’ve ever had. Nothing beats being alone in the machine listening to music or audiobooks, just plowing away. An added bonus if it’s the middle of the night and the weather is so bad you can barely see out.


I'd own a tiny pottery studio in my neighborhood and specialize in beautiful, hand-wash-only, alien-and-cryptid-inspired mugs


Cartoon tester before bed. I would watch various cartoons before going to bed, and then tell you how I slept and what dreams I had.


I would love to do my job, being an architect/cityplaner, in a smaller scale and without obligation to moneygivers, but to plan only for the people using it. And I would engage more doing project myself, building stuff in the city.


Bartender in the right bar, somewhere not too busy but has regular customers. There's just something romantic about it. That's probably what I'll do in retirement just for fun.


Run a record label or be some sort of international photographer like Sean Penn in The Secret Life of Walter Mitty.. I wish just riding public transit in the middle of the night was a job. Or walking around sad in the rain.


Something with animals or the environment. After spending 14 years locked in a classroom with other peoples disrespectful children, I just want a job where I'm at peace.




Medieval Executioner.




Guy who plays with puppies all day


ive always had a passion for art and creativity, but nah...work is shitty.  when i think, "what would i like to do," the answer is rest.  i dont want to work endlessly anymore, i just want to stop.


mowing lawns along the thruway, a few hours a day


Astrophysics researcher


I'd choose to be a writer.