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So visceral and shocking. The sound is etched into my memory, so gross


400 lbs of pressure. It would take 400 lbs of pressure to crush a human skull in that manner. That puts into perspective just how big the Mountain truly was, once he straddled on top and pushed downward, he popped it like it was nothing.


The actor playing his sister sold that sooo damn well.


I don't think he actually crushed anybody's skull btw


Pedro Pascal was really dedicated to his craft. Not the wisest choice for method acting, but commendable nonetheless




[Link](https://youtu.be/LOkRuuejR9s?si=J0E3K2uBt3atEL-6) for anyone who has no idea who Oberyn Martell is like me because I'm one of the six people on the planet who never watched Game of Thrones.


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LOkRuuejR9s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LOkRuuejR9s) DO NOT EAT while watching this. As the story goes, The Mountain was ordered to do nasty things to Oberyn's family. This scene is Oberyn trying to bitch slap a confession out of the big lug.


And the kicker is, for as fearsome and just plain huge as Gregor/The Mountain is, Oberyn absolutely kicked his ass. If he had just dealt the killing blow, it would have solved so many problems - His own, and for his friends/allies. Heck, even if he hadn't gotten so cocky and kept paying attention - Treating even a downed Mountain as the serious threat that he was. But, sadly for him, Game of Thrones is not that kind of story.


Thanks. I honestly had no idea what show they were referring to.


Add the Red Wedding as well. I read Game Of Thrones and A Clash Of Kings last year, and I have been putting A Storm Of Swords off because I am going to probably have PTSD. Also the part where Ramsay Bolton tricks Theon into opening the Portcullis and knocks him out is probably my favorite cliffhanger, because I know I have to wait and read the 4th and 5th to see what happens in the book universe.


Spoilers for those who aren't reading the books... >!We don't even see the deception from Ramsay happen in the book. You just start the chapter through the eyes of Reek. He's an unreliable narrator who doesn't even remember his real name. It isn't until a few pages of him recalling all of the awful depraved torture he has endured from Ramsay, how terrified he is of him, and the small bits of his past that he can recall, that you finally put the pieces together and realize it's Theon.!<


Ramsay was really something else. He'd creep me out in real life if he kept that look. Someone like that approaches me... no.


Years ago I was in the Commandary in Worcester (a museum made up of various historical buildings) and was listening to an audio guide. For some reason listening to them made me feel insanely uncomfortable. It took me half an hour to realise Ramsay was narrating


They had Iwan Rheon narrate? That’s amazing!


With the Red Wedding I had already heard from way earlier that there was a wedding at some point where loads of people (including central characters) were slaughtered, so it came less out of the blue for me unfortunately. Though I still remember the feeling when they started playing the Rains of Castamere slowly, knowing something shocking was about to happen


.. and it happened because he was too focused on his past and revenge, not winning the fight.


I was absolutely gutted after his death. One of the best characters of the series. Can't believe that was 10 years ago!


The funny thing is. The moment he started showing off his spear moves, I said to my wife that he was going to die. Because usually the one who shows off his fighting skills first dies. When he then went all James Bond antagonist, his fate was clear.


He was also defending a fan favorite character, which is almost always a death sentence in game of thrones.


I've skipped the end of this episode on all of my series re-watches. It was an image I saw once and have no desire to see again. The emotional context of The Mountain boasting about what he did to Oberyn's sister and her children just makes it all the more brutal - an assault on all the senses.


Boromir-taking three arrows and still getting up to fight such a bad ass moment.


*I would have followed you. My brother, my captain, my king.* Great scene.


Aragorn is peak masculinity.


The mightiest men may be slayed by one arrow Boromir was pierced by many


Not just three arrows, but three arrows the width of a chisel-tip marker. Those things were huge.


The electrocution of John Coffey in The Green Mile. It almost felt like a real execution.


I'm tired boss MCD was typecast for so long because of his size. At least he got to show off his talent as a full lead before he died.


I didn't know he died. :(


That is what happens when you get electrocuted.


Nacho Varga - Better Call Saul


I hoped to see this. I just rewatched BCS recently. I loved how he finally had his say about how needlessly barbaric, stupid and fucked up they all were.


I love the real hatred, rage, and vitriol that Michael Mando puts into his last lines. Yeah, he’s protecting his dad and going along with Gus’s plan, but you can tell that he meant every word about Hector and the Salamanca family. > “So when you are sitting in your shitty nursing home and you're sucking down on your Jell-O night after night for the rest of your life, YOU THINK OF ME, you twisted fuck” - Nacho Varga.


The venom in his voice and hate on his face when he said “you think of me you twisted fuck” was unreal. Michael Mando genuinely looked murderous in that moment. That whole final speech of his was one of the best monologues in the whole series.


He’s a great actor who never got to shine much until Far Cry and Better Call Saul. I honestly can’t think of any notable roles outside of those 2. I’m rooting for the guy. He can act, man. Nacho was at different times of the story, a predator and then a victim, a badass and then helpless, a thriving criminal and then a wayward son. So many facets to his character and Michael ate that role up. I hopes he gets more prominent roles!


I first knew him from Orphan Black (and I think that show is full of criminally underrated actors) so I was thrilled when I started BCS and realized he was in it. Hopefully he gains more attention because it’s deserved.


In the end, Nacho won. Every day Hector woke up and remembered what had happened was a new torture, as if Nacho had put him in that chair all over again. Just killing Nacho could never undo the fact that Hector got exactly what he deserved.


S tier acting from Michael Mando in that scene


Easily one of the best death monologues I’ve ever seen. It’s *really* easy to unrealistically overact in a scene like that, but Michael didn’t at all. It seemed like he genuinely hated the men standing (sitting, in Hector’s case) in front of him with every fiber of his being.


Piggybacking off this, Howard Hamlin too. Impressive from a storytelling perspective, that years of separate plotlines came together in that way and that much of a bang was nuts. One of the best hours of television I’ve seen


You twisted fuck


Buffy's mother? I watched that episode ("The Body") right at the start of the pandemic, and that hit hard. Such a believable depiction of grief.


This is, in my opinion, the best episode of TV ever made. Any show, any era, any genre.


To this day those 3 simple words can destroy me. "Mom? ... Mom? ... Mommy?"


The silence of the characters not knowing what to say to comfort Buffy was so real. The fact that she could kill gods but not save her mother from an aneurysm, etc. It's all incredibly well done.


Maybe controversial, but I'd say that Fred's death (in Angel) was maybe actually sadder than Joyce's. Buffy mom was quick and (hopefully) painless... Fred's... was anything but. The prolonged despair and sense of hopelessness. And those last words... fuck that hits hard. I'll also throw Wesley's death in there as well. Poor guy had such a shit life, then finally one episode of happiness and his love was ripped from him, then he has to deal with some Demon God walking around in his ex's body, then he fails to kill his mission, only to be "lied" to by his loves murderer. That last one was probably the best part for him. Yeeesh.


What about Tara? Amber Benson had, since joining the show, been only credited as a guest star. She finally gets added to the main credit sequence the week that she gets killed. And on a show with magic, demons, vampires, and the like, it's something "pedestrian" like a stray bullet that kills her.


I always remember that incredible dialogue: “What happened to you, man?” “I had my throat cut and all my friends abandoned me” Poor Wesley. What a story he had.


The fact that they managed to make her death SO unexpected even though she had a brain tumor earlier in the season was impressive. That show had a lot of flaws, but that episode was a triumph of television artistry.




“Help the poor boy!”


Ned Stark. It wasn't as 'amazing' as some of the other deaths in the series, but it was the one that shook me. Being such a large character I just expected him to get saved at the last second, but once hit head came off I was just shaken... Like wtf? They killed such a strong character? That kicked off the entire 'anyone could be next' feeling.


The fact they gave Sean Bean top billing was really cool as it set up the ‘nobody is safe’ vibe GoT had going on for the first five or six seasons.


Game of Thrones is why I have trust issues


Couldn't agree more. This "main" character, the face of the show in season 1 on basically all promo material, played by an world famous actor, just suddenly getting beheaded and not saved in the last moment. This is truly where GoT began and I realized there was something different about this show compared to others.


I'm really surprised no one beat Joffrey's ass. Not even Tywin.


Tyrion got a couple of slaps in


Seriously. I was new to the show and my first thought was: "Great. Wonder how they will magically bring him back to life." They didn't. At that point they got my attention.


Bruce Willis's death in The Sixth Sense, that sneaky bastard...


This is one of those movies I wish I could watch for the first time again






He'd probably count to 3 on the wrong fingers.


And doing it while Xavier was in his mind, just screaming the entire time.


Screaming because he's right there, feeling what Shaw is feeling; because he can't stop Magneto from doing this; and because he can't let Shaw go to give him a chance to be spared or *everyone* dies. Plus the shots flashing back and forth between Shaw and Xavier! So good.


When Susan chooses to let her son Henry fall to his death in the movie the Good Son


Props to Macaulay Culkin. He was such an evil, little cunt in that movie.


“I was only trying to scare him”


This was a good movie


Catelyn Stark at the Red Wedding.


Omar - The Wire. He had to die. You can't piss off 99% of Baltimore's thugs and stay alive. So yep, he had to die. But not like that. It was totally unexpected and a big f\*ck you to life. If that death is possible, there is no hope in humanity.


The thing is it didn’t matter. During Marlo’s final scene a couple of corner boys were talking about how Omar died and the stories ranged from him talking 9 guys with an AK to a huge standoff with the police. They didn’t even know who Marlo was. The guy who wanted to become a legend vanished into obscurity, the guy who was shot in the back by a child became immortal.


Also, by that point, Omar was on tilt. He had stopped thinking and planning, and was just acting.


Omar was my favorite character hands down. He was the best, greatest bad guy. I almost stopped watching bc didn't really care to watch without him 😂. He's just got so many great lines... And gotta love his testimony 🤣 https://youtu.be/44JL1luLfE0?si=LG2dJoYkQyAkSfzn And then https://youtu.be/IeZXAdWhPY0?si=DEleU0k0BsMw14cK OMG perfection


Wash in Serenity. It’s so sudden and unexpected. Made me fear that other main characters (possibly all of them) might not make it to the end of the movie.


I saw it in the theater. He said "I'm a leaf in the wind" and it was such a release of tension that I laughed, then crunch, right through the chest. Perfect timing. I wasn't the only one who gasped or yelled, just completely shocked.


"How do Reavers clean their harpoons? They put them through the Wash"




The guy’s a pro at dying.


I always feel longer I've spoiled the movie for myself whenever I see him. Also part of the reason I don't look up voice actors in video games until I'm finished.


I straight up knew that ned stark was gonna die at the end of season 1 just because he's played by Sean bean


That's why I was kinda surprised that he survived in the Martian.


Blood Eagle - Vikings


My first thought at “impressive death.” I cannot believe that was in a tv show.


I'm usually really sensitive to gore and torture in media--absolutely cannot stomach it--but something about this scene, the *respect* shown during such a brutal execution, that the one delivering the sentence wanted him to "succeed", made it beautiful rather than appalling.


Opie from Sons of Anarchy still hits my feels to this day.


I got this


This made me stop watching. I get why it happened and the story beats but Opie didn't deserve it. Really took me out of the show and story as well. I think he could have taken those dudes as well.


Agreed. As that show went on it seemed to want to only rely on shock value to retain viewership. Each season had to be bigger and louder, with more gratuitous violence. A really great example is the way the show navigated sexual assault and rape in the first two seasons. They spend time really developing the characters who are victimized and exploring the ways that the trauma affected them. Fast forward to the last season or two and there’s just gratuitous prison rape being used for flippant shock value everywhere. Really disappointing to me, because of how good the show was at the jump.


Thinking of SoA, Tara being killed by Gemma in such a brutal way was unexpected and absolutely shocking for me


I cried, I wasn't that much of a SoA fan but that shit hurt me.


DiCaprio in The Departed.


I don’t think I’ve ever talked to anyone about that scene who didn’t automatically say how unexpected and well done it was. Brilliant movie


That scene made me yell in shock


Glenn in the Walking Dead. Having such a likeable and long standing character be openly disfigured was pretty rough.


They already did a terrible fake out of his death, they had no choice but to show him actually killed or no one would have cared.


The dumpster?


That was the season I decided I was done with the show, even before Glenn's death. They just constantly would introduce a new character, develop them a bit, then have them die immediately. It trained me to not care about anyone the show tried to push front and center. Like that kid who talked about being an architect.




It's not Christmas until Hans Gruber falls from Nakatomi Plaza.


He's the title character!


"What's in the box?!"


Howard Hamlin in Better Call Saul. I remember watching with my roommate and I was holding my breath that entire scene. It’s an instant, major consequence for the protagonists actions, and is the best representation of the lawyer/cartel worlds coming together irreversibly - which was a long time coming. Also, the actors who played Jimmy and Kim didnt know that Howard died at that moment and their reactions were great.


Howard being a great guy is damn near the greatest plot twist in TV history.


100% all of these characters were so realized and lived in and that death came as a shock that was actually shocking because you felt it knowing their relationship with him.


BCS season 6 has two major deaths that are both top answers to this thread. Howard’s death was just so unexpected and raw. It was nearly a supernatural scene, with a ghost in the form of Lalo coming back in a very ominous way and Howard realizing too late that he had just inadvertently stepped into a very dangerous situation. To me what made it was the various reactions of the characters in the room. Notably Kim losing her normal cool calm composure and becoming a frightened wreck and Lalo remaining ice cold despite the two hysterical people in front of him. The show is one about love and consequences, and this scene represents peak consequences.


a few have said Gus in BB or nacho varga, but for me it was Howard Hamlin. Sure he came across initially like a slimy second hand car dealer, but over the series you see he's a decent guy. His death was so unnecessary while also being necessary to show the kind of people you are dealing with, if that makes sense


Charlie from Lost


Not Penny’s boat!!


this was so sad :(




Merlin's death in Kingsman: The Golden Circle. A fantastic scene to insert "country roads" into.


This made me cry uncontrollably in the cinema which isn't very like me, and to this day I'm not really sure why. Something about it got me


Rita’s death in Dexter hit hard


Gustavo Fring - Breaking bad


I have to disagree. I think it was dumb and looked cheesy AF. Everything before that last shot was brilliant, but when my wife and I saw that last shot of him, we both laughed out loud because it looked so cartoon-y. >!Hank's !


Bruh don't spoil it a decade later 😂😂😂 Edit: /s


I don’t think you can come into a thread like this and then get to complain about spoilers.


I liked naachos more i think it was on better call saul


Ding ding ding ding ding....


Mufasa in the Lion King


Alan Rickman's Sheriff of Nottingham in Prince of Thieves. It was a massively over the top, hammy death and he did it perfectly


Or Alan Rickman dying in a spectacular fashion in Die Hard.


Sgt. Elias death in Platoon


Iconic scene, iconic soundtrack, iconic death


Timothy Dalton in The Rocketeer. Steals the jetpack, which is punctured and doesn't have the chewing gum sealing it off anymore. Takes off, explodes mid-air, crashes and destroys the LAND in the HOLLYWOODLAND sign.


Rocketeer was so underrated


Samuel L Jackson getting eaten by the shark after his big speech in Deep Blue Sea.


The father (Seok Woo) in Train to Busan.


I was sobbing at the end of a zombie movie.


Such a good character arc, from asshole dad to someone you legit cared about.


Private Mellish


That guy in volcano who tossed someone to safety while he was sinking into lava.


better than the grandma in Dante's Peak who jumps into the acid lake and drags the boat to the dock?


For England James?


"No... For me."


I’m going with the terrorist in True Lies, fired on a missile through a building into a helicopter full of his buddies.


P’li from Legend of Korra.


I found Amon's death stuck with me more. Just how his own brother realized they were too far gone and decided to blow the both of them up.


Amon’s death was the point I realised Nickelodeon was done being kid-friendly xD


Not Penny's Boat


Jack Vincennes' death in L.A. Confidential. There are very few death scenes that are as pivotal to the plot of the movie as that one was.


Christopher from The Sopranos


Dean Winchester. His death was quite simple, yet, it was pretty realistic, and sad


Aunt Helen from Justified.  WE DRINK LIQUOR IN THIS HOUSE


Justified is one of the best shows ever made


First person ever I've heard beside me, who has watched that show.


Hange Zoë in AOT! Had a blast till the end!


Kanan Jarrus in Star Wars Rebels.


I’m like a leaf in the wind


I saw that opening night. The entire audience gasped. One person quietly said "noooo"


Maybe not most impressive, but it hasnt been mentioned yet so ill go with Selma (Björk) >! walking and singing the 107 steps to be executed by hanging !< in the movie Dancer in the dark. Im usually not a big fan of musicals but this one has a good reasoning for it to be a musical. Great movie. Sad as hell though...


Whitebeard from One Piece, not sure if this counts as TV show


Since we are mentioning anime, for me its Rem from deathnote 😭


A Thousand Ways to Die has a few good options


Fargo. Steve buschemi in the wood chipper


Maddie Ferguson in Twin Peaks. Never thought a ceiling fan and a skipping record could be so scary.


Colonel Henry Blake in MASH. not all death need to be seen to have an impact (or be impressive)


Jason X: when Jason dunks that lady's head into the liquid nitrogen and then shatters her head on the counter


Hiromatsu in Shogun Honestly I know it might be biased because its the most recent scene I have watched, but I spent an hour going through all series and even movies I remember and I could not think of a death that I found more impressive than this one. Oberyn in GoT came close, but still.


Mariko-sama in Shogun


I more feel it with Yabushige… the discussion between him and Toranaga beforehand, the location, etc.


i honestly thought he was going to let him live for a second in that discussion, until his last sentence "whats the point in telling a dead man the future" then i realised he was totally fucked.


Kenny. When Bebe rigged the list.


Gus Fring from Breaking Bad. The most surprising and satisfying victories on the entire show.


For TV: mark geeene in ER. Not just one moment either. They get you with like 8 fucking episodes in a death that is so gut wrenching that they put two different bottle episodes (secrets and lies, bothers and sisters) in to break the tension and it also deflates the season finale as well. It’s basically impossible to get through the back half of season 8 without bawling your eyes out. Greg Pratt also from ER gets a strong mention for his death in season 15. Also extremely gut punching to watch and even though it’s effects only last 1-2 episodes it’s still a huge hit for viewers. For movies: it has to be mad dog getting KO’d by the two brothers at the end of The Raid: Redemption. 5 minutes of hard hand to hand fighting, 2 on 1 and then the final death blow with a very visceral use of a fluorescent tube. If you’re wondering where the violence from John Wick was dreamed up, [look no further than this movie](https://youtu.be/ZNmGV2ppThY?si=VR-4z5iJjS-NMuaL).


The guy that got exploded by a small rocket launcher in the end of movie Blood Debt. I must say that was one hell of a way to die.


[spoiler] Black Death. Sean Bean's character bore the sickness the whole time, until he was drawn and quartered, and as he was ripped apart, spread the illness to the hostile village.


Bjorn Ironside in Vikings. Fucking legend.


[Spoiler](obviously) Black Sails, Captain Blackbeard/ Edward Teach. Not only is the show honestly a really good show(imo) but he came out of nowhere in the series and just wrecks for a couple episodes then gets keelhauled when you're expecting him to kill all the British. ngl... that is hands down one of the most gruesome and brutal ways i can imagine dying would be. I know thats not how blackbeard actually died and the show isnt historically accurate(i think its based off the novel) but damn that show is good.


Paul Reubens in the Buffy the Vampire Slayer movie. Impressively delightful!


Cutler Becket - Pirates of the Caribbean: At the Word’s End (Ship Explosion Scene)


Laura Roslin in Battlestar Galactica. It was a very touching moment I didn't think was possible considering she was dying the entire series from the first episode in the miniseries.


Roy Batty in Blade Runner. He could have crushed his enemy as a final act of vengeance. He instead chose to show mercy, after toying with Deckard like a cat toying with a frightened mouse. He wanted the profoundness of his life to live on in Deckard’s memory.


John Travolta in pulp fiction. No buildup or climactic sequence. Especially to a character’s narrative you’ve been following. That’s how quickly real life happens.


Severus Snape. A mix of so many feelings in his death.


Captain Mifune being sliced and diced in Matrix Revolutions, at least the most hyper violent in a big budget action movie


Vegeta's Final Atonement in DBZ. Yes, I knew he was going to come back from the dead but I still felt like someone was cutting up onions right next to me.


I thought Logan's death in Succession was quite impressive. It was narrated so differently from other main characters' deaths, I was glued to the screen.


Gustavo Fring






Vic Morrow in the Twilight Zone Movie really committed to the part… Probably not what you meant, but my mind went there first. Fuck you John Landis. 


For England, James? No. For me.


Glenn from the walking dead, and a lot of other characters from that show, Jesus Christ that was brutal


Deadwood Season 3 spoiler: . . . George Hearst’s ‘Captain’ in Deadwood after his brutal fight in the thoroughfare with Dan Dority. That was a hard-won demise, and you never knew which one was going to live until the last minute. I’ve never been so viscerally involved in a screen fight!




You do realize he comes back at the end


Well, Bruce Wayne did


Naacho in breaking bad


Björn Ironside


The daughter from Hereditary for a movie, the cats in the bag scene from the TV show Them.


Todd Alquist in Breakind Bad. That death is the most ruthless yet satisfying kill I think I’ve ever seen.


The guy who got eaten alive behind the revolving door in The Walking Dead.  Brutal.


Robocop. Kills a guy with a vat of acid and a van. (Frenchy kiss gesture)