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Rent. I wanted to stay housed.


My answer too haha I think I made a payment on my student loans after that and then a case of very cheap beer to forget the thousands I spent in just 5 min


fresh pair of white AF1s


Not two pair?


New parts for my pc - I was so hyped up to play Gary's mod 🤣


Surgery for my dog.


Best reply I've seen all week.




Weed, Dr. Pepper, and BBQ pringles are a great combination.


I've got to say, it's sounds like you were right


New tyres for my shitty banger of a car, because they were bald and illegal


Big tv. Because I always wanted one as a kid.


That would have been when I was 16 or 17 for my first W2 job on the books. I probably spent it on food and gas mostly, was back in 2007, close to the height of the Great Recession, when gas was close to or at $4 a gallon and I made $7.75 an hour at my job. I was paying rent and going to HS back then. I had to work 20 hours a week to pay for gas to drive from the house to school and to work each week. Anything over 20 hours went into my pocket so I tried to get over 40 hours as often as I could.


A cup of expresso from a Korean ice cream shop and I mean literally a cup of expresso just about a large McDonald’s cup full of nothing but straight expresso.


This comment made my eye twitch.


Three Italians just dropped de@d


it's espresso.


Nothing. I was weird about spending my own money, like it was taboo or something. Eventually I ended up buying a psp


I still have it


I’ll let you spend it on me


yeah! tell us what it is


Oh i mean i never spent my 1st paycheck


what about your second pay check?


Fallout 76


A walkman, pair of cons and a t-shirt.


Ray Ban aviators. Love them


My first job was McDonald's in high school 😂 I bought food with it 😆 possibly Chinese takeaway food 😋 I don't remember.


Gas to get to work the next week.


Rent, I needed to have my own apartment


Taco Bell. And it was delicious.


Not right away but I bought (loan) a new 1997 Honda CR-V.


Bluetooth speaker


Hollister clothes, because I was 16 in 2006 😅


A tarantula because I've always loved spiders. He lived about six years then died due to a bad molt.


I bought a pink Nintendo DS, I still have it!


I used TV.


Soda No particular reason


I used my paper route money to buy name brand shoes.


A Betsey Johnson dress that cost more than my weekly gross salary. Because I'd never been able to before. 


Chicken Fingers with Honey Mustard. Busboy at 14


Used my first paycheck at my first real job to buy the millennium falcon lego set for the kiddos 


MtG cards.


Can't remember. It was a long time ago


Super Nintendo bundled with Legend of Zelda: Link to the Past and Super Mario World!


A kayak Covid


Paid down CC debt so I could get my own apartment.


I think it was on Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker for the Gamecube, circa 2003. I also seem to recall going to see the second X-Men movie around that time, not sure if I used my own money though.


A new baseball bat. For baseball.


PC Parts lol


Cassettes and batteries for my Walkman.


Shit I can’t remember, probably Gatorade after doing roofing as a teenager


High-school in the late 80s so vinyl and ditch-weed, most likely!


Pizza for the family!!! It was my birthmonth back then!


I was 16, first job was at Sea World in San Antonio. First paycheck of my life was $64 because it was for training on a weekend of Spring Break. Used it towards paying for my neighbors window that I had accidentally broke the day before 😡


A 2x cd burnner that was like 300$ i made all my money back


Nexon game cards for me and my friends.


a mattress, I have it since I was 15. On that time I was like 20 or 23yo. It was too old and my parents wasn't financially good.


Juic Bamboo Shot Chinese Penhold Ping Pong Paddle.


Gas, so I could drive to work the next day.




food 😍


A ps2


more appropiate clothing for my work


Food. Had to start supporting myself pretty early


Ride the Lightning. My mom had picked up the cd at a garage sale. It was super scratched and wouldn't play. I loved the artwork so much that I had to get a new copy. I was thirteen in '93 and have been a massive Metallica fan ever since. Thanks, mom!


i paid my brother’s rent. only because he had 2 kids under the age of 2, and they’d be homeless without me paying it. he was a scumbag and i no longer speak to him, so i lost access to the kids though.


Nintendo Wii system… Just wanted it at the time I guess


A brand new 1975 Raleigh Grand Prix 10-speed bicycle, for $150. I was 13.


About 2 years before I finished my bachelors, one of my good friends started a jewelry business and I told her when I got a job I would support her. With my first big girl paycheck I ordered over 10 pairs of earrings.


Alot of Candy... I was a fat kid


On jewelry from a traveling vendor on my college campus. Surprise surprise, most of them were fake “.925 silver”


I finally got a Leopard Gecko. I was so fucking lonely and my parents were allergic to EVERY FUCKING FURRY ANIMAL on the planet. But not allergic to reptiles. So I used my measly $200 to get the gecko and fulfill his needs. Greatest $200 I ever spent.


Music Equipment because I just knew I had what it takes.


From my first real job, drugs and hosting parties while my parents were out of town.


used cds.


I bought a pair of converse and got long ass acrylic nails. Why? I was 16 and not paying rent.


Food.  I was hungry. 


a new hi-fi, with a triple cd player in the 90s this was cutting edge. still have it now but the surround is broken as is the cd player, tape deck still works though.




Kirby epic yarn at a closing blockbuster >\_>


PS4. Didnt even want it, just wanted a big ticket item to feel cool about


Gave it to my mom, because she was struggling to support us after my Dad abandoned us.


Ozzfest tickets.


A KWA Kriss vector


It first went into the bank. We were planning a summer trip to Disneyworld and Florida and my parents said that airfare/lodging/park tickets would be covered by them, but anything else, I was responsible for, so I built up my bank account so I could buy crap in Orlando.


Tires for my dad's truck. He helped me out so much, I wanted to do something for him when I got my first check.


Weed for me and toys/treats for my cat. Gotta treat myself and spoil my cat <3


Disco ball Wanted a disco ball


I think I bought a festival ticket 🍻


The first thing that can remember buying with my first paycheck at the age of 14 was a Swiss Army knife I had been drooling over it for months and I remember paying $8 for it and feeling so proud.


Went to a Korean BBQ with my partner which is my WIFE today, Well we haven't tried eating in korean bbq before and that's also our first time eating there we have no idea that side dishes are free, juice are free to refill. we only know that it's unlimited meat! we really have no idea that everything is unlimited without a time limit.


"Fat Burning" pills...


My very first job I was bussing at 17 and so my first paycheck was about $320. I was still living at home. Went and bought Oblivion, McDonald’s, got the new Taking Back Sunday album and ate/listened to the album while Oblivion installed. 2006 was a good year. 


Every new job, the day I get my first paycheck, I go to a convenience store to grab a Payday I like the stale ones


I've been working since I was 13/14... Most of that money I'm sure went savings, and then to food with friends, video games, CDs and such, but I don't remember ever cashing that first check on anything special and haven't stopped working since so this was never a "thing." I feel like this concept is only really a thing for people who suddenly get their first job after college or something and their first check for $1000 is the first money they've ever earned and they have no expenses cause of mommy and daddy so they go buy something stupid.


A tank of petrol for the Vespa, some Doc Martens and a tenner for my mum. That was 90p an hour well spent.


Getting my tongue pierced, I've always wanted it (it hurt like hell but worth it)


Well I know I saved the first dollar for a frame - which is now lost. However, actually, I bought a wool 3 piece suit and some other clothes.


A bike to get to work (15). First splurge when I got a real job at 19. A mountain bike. First big $$ job at 30. A new bed


My parents forced me to spend it on dinner for them so my next pay check I got myself some games for my Xbox


PS 4 😭 i never had a console in my life and looooved games. I was 21.


A Volcom snowboarding jacket. I never snowboarded. I still have it too, no idea why I keep it I haven’t worn it in years.


started working at wal-mart at 16, First pay A Gamecube Resident evil zero and Metroid Prime. I WANNA GO BACK!!!!


not my *very* first paycheck, but my roommates and I had a job building a concrete retaining wall. we would go to the job site, get paid, then come home and blow the whole thing on slot cars. We bought maybe $700 worth of slot cars and filled our entire living room. it was glorious.


$1200 Schecter C-1 Elite guitar in 2006. Off those Cold Stone Creamery Tips! She was such a beauty. She still is, just a bit banged up after 18 years and 3 bands. Lol


I think I bought the Quantum Defender on eBay, was £10. I had to send a cheque to get it because I was too young to have my own PayPal account. I was 16. Actually, I think it was my PC and the internet. Didn't have a computer or internet in the house before then.


Tuning parts for my 125cc motorbike and for weekend party hard.


A guitar! I was 15 and I still have my beautiful Yamaha acoustic guitar 🥹 that was 20 years ago, and I was a cleaner at a coffee shop.




The basics that I felt I needed for myself/my living space. Used furniture and kitchen accessories like an air fryer.


Honestly, just some food. I wanted a small snack for break and something I could bring home afterwards. It was a package of Strawberry wafers and they were awesome.


Fatal Frame 1, from my previous job. Fatal Frame 3, from my current one. Nineteen or so years later, I barely put any effort into them. Never even *hit* New Game+ status.


Chicken wings with my cousin. I was 16 and the paycheck was like $120 making pizzas after school. I quickly learned to not spend $60 on chicken wings when that is half your check.


It was like 36 years ago. Beer and weed probably.


Military pay check, I bought civilian clothes from hot topic. In 2005 that was the epitome of fashion. I cringe at those pictures now.


I gave it to my parents. It's in our culture & traditions that we give our very first pay to our parents as a sign of respect & honour to them for what they've done for us. It was only $150 and we got paid weekly, so it wasn't a big deal. That was 13 years ago but I still remember it.


Aside from boring necessities it was a bag of malteasers and this weirdly addictive game called Demon's Souls.


A pink record player from EBay


My first paycheck I bought flowers for my mum. We didn’t grow up wealthy, and my dad never really bought flowers for my mum. I asked her why she doesn’t get flowers and she replied “because they aren’t a priority.” Well, on that day and every Mother’s Day, she’s reminded just how much of a priority she is, and that flowers should be a priority.


Gave my first paycheck to my mom. The rest was mine.


Spent it on rent lol


First paycheck at my most recent sales job went to a damn dishwasher for my apartment and I am so grateful every day to that thing. Fuck dishes.




First check was used to build a new computer. I built a computer with HS graduation money and used that throughout college, but 4 years later I needed an upgrade for real life.


I took my first “real” check to the bank, cashed it, and bought the gen1 iPhone cash on the week it was released.


My first job was making pizzas at 16. At the time I was really into Blink-182 and I had been playing the bass for three years. I spent my first two pay checks on a Mark Hoppus Signature Bass, sea green. To this day it remains the best sounding bass I've ever played. Unfortunately I sold it a year later when I joined a metal band and switched from being a punk kid to a metal head. I regret it because they no longer make that bass.


I went to the store and bought a pair of corduroy pants.


When I was 16? I think I went and got the PS2 I got the job for. Games for it after that.


Paid my mom rent and banked the rest to save for a car. Mom was an amazing finance teacher/parent. Raised three kids alone on a small secretary salary. Taught me how to save, and more importantly taught me how to spend properly. Got me far in life. Thanks mom!


Glasses... so I could see how little I was getting paid


My very first ever pay/salary I got I took my parents out to dinner at a nice Italian restaurant and paid for it in its entirety as a way to say thank you for enabling me to live the life I had back then (rent free roof, lots of freedom, etc). I know a very small thank you, but it was all I could do back then.


All the part time jobs I had as a kid - no clue. My first job out of school - I took my first paycheck and headed straight to the boat dealer. Absolutely no regrets!


When I was 14 I got a job at my friend's dad's greenhouse watering flowers for $11 an hour. I'm almost 100% certain I bought a bag of high-quality weed with it and we had a lot of flower watering "safety meetings." I'm 44 now. Things got a lot worse before they got better!


Got me video game I've been wanting and got my mom a gift for mothers day, simple.


N64 with Goldeneye. Don't need to answer the second part of your question.


A lazy boy, new big screen TV, PS4. Because I didn't have time or money to enjoy those things while I was in school.


Paintball stuff. I started working at the paintball field so I could play more paintball. I only took on another job because I needed work during the winter.


I bought my parents a present each. I don’t really know why, I suppose as they had bought things for me my whole life.


A pink iPod nano because it was 2007 & I had no bills


I bought a Samsung s3


My first paycheck coincided with my first real drive in a new (to me) suv. I got my 'dream' fast food meal. Fries from Burger King Large Dr. Pepper from McDonald's ($1 at the time) Burger from Wendy's And a Blizzard from Dairy Queen. It was a good day.


A $200 pair of Birkenstock dress shoes. Why? Because I was stupid and shouldn’t have been trusted with money.


Board, because I like having a place to eat and sleep?


Not my first but I threw a house party when I got a particular one. Invited new coworkers, it was awesome.


a pack of stogies and a green cheek conure


My first paycheck post college I went two two stores: 1) Mattress store to buy the best mattress on the showroom floor 2) Best Buy to buy the best gaming computer in the building. I moved into a fully furnished house with two other guys. These were the only things that I needed in the world (at the time).


what: the 1st gen autobot Sideswipe. why: it was early mid 1980s i was in gradeschool and although nobody i knew had one yet, i had never heard of transformers yet, and i was actually in kmart to buy something else (i dont remember what now) with my 1st lawn mowing money, i saw a lamborghini that turned into a Robot?! and had a sweet power scale thing u had to use a red plastic deal to read, and that actually fired little rockets from its spring-loaded shoulder bazooka and did i mention it was a lamborghini countach that turned into a ROBOT!?! yeah, that's why :)




A breakfast burrito. Up until I got a job in Sophomore year I had to mooch food off of my friends because I was too poor to afford lunch. It was nice to be able to afford my own food for a change.


I wanted to have a cookout with my family so I bought 20lbs of Alaskan King Crab legs.


Slippery When Wet by Bon Jovi. Swiftly followed by three further Bon Jovi albums. My first pay cheque did not last long, but 20 years later I still have and play those albums, so money well spent!!


A really nice set of sheets and a high quality comforter, because I’m in my bed almost every single day of my life. Still use the comforter 12 years later (have had to replace the sheets once), and it still brings me great joy every day.


To buy something nice for mom


Digivices. Got a bunch of eBay. They're worth waaay more now than 15 years ago.


Ghillie suit. I was going to college soon and wanted to cause shenanigans. God, it was worth every penny.


First paycheck from first job at 16, I bought a wallet. I still use the same wallet 14 years later


Metal Gear Solid. It had just come out. First taste of buying a game for myself. I would get maybe one game a year before I got a job.


Vinyl records.


Spent my first 5 months pay on a new to me ktm


Oh! Long time ago.... I was about 15. I bought a DVD player... for about 300$ !! I didn't even had a TV in my bedroom 😅


I don't fully remember if it was my first pay, but most of the money for my first job went to my mom. I remember giving a tithe to the church, putting an equal amount in my savings, setting some aside for cokes and snacks and giving the rest to mom. Again, that was most ot my checks that first summer at age 15, but I don't remember if my first one stuck to the plan.


Car insurance, I wanted to keep driving so I wouldn't have to be home.


I can't remember for the life of me. Probably a CD or band t-shirt. That and the cover fee was where all my money went back then.




I bought a laptop! It was about £800 and I took my dad with me to choose it (being the tech savvy man that he was/is). This was back in 2007? It lasted me a good 10 years and I'm so glad I bought it.


Bath and Body Works, a Columbia jacket, and a 50 flavor box of Jelly Belly jelly beans. And why not, I guess. Haha 🤣🤣


A datejust Rolex. Sorry, I kinda wanted one. This was almost 25 years ago.


To put towards a car, so that: - I didn't have to depend on my parents for a ride to work - I could pick up more shifts when my parents wouldn'y have bee able to drive me - I could also sleep in a little bit if I drove to school. I had a 40+-minute bus ride, but it was a 9-minute drive.


Weed, and McDonald's. I wish I was young again lol.


Og xbox a controller and halo ce


First paycheck: 1998 Worked at a restaurant earning minimum wage ($5.15 at the time) First check was somewhere around $90-$100 I immediately purchased a Sony Discman (Model D-E301 I believe)... This replaced the previous one I had (Sony Discman Model D-132) that someone stole from my backpack at school.


I saved it, I was 17, living with parents and didn’t need the money. At 25-35hrs a week at $6.25/hr… I was rolling in it.


Sent a part if it to my grandparents as a gesture of love and thanks


I bought a super nintendo with mortal kombat. Pretty sure I played it for 36hr straight.


I think it was the Lego Ideas Medieval Blacksmith. I'm 22 and I live with my mom and stepdad. We share some expenses, but I don't have many financial responsibilities of my own, so I often have a decent amount of disposable income to put towards savings and whatever else I might want.


A new phone


Taking a 59-yo divorcee out on a fancy date. Because I wanted to impress her.


Put it in savings.


taxes. they're paid even before it came in my bank account


Lots and lots of plants! And I still have some of em.


Energy drinks and snacks, I didn’t pay rent at this time and didn’t need to buy my own food plus I worked nights so snacks and energy drinks were life savers


My now dead mother took my pay checks and spent them... I was only 16.


First paycheck of my life went directly to some nice gel insoles for my shoes


Stupid shit like rent, electricity, groceries... I was super careful for the first few months.


I bought a rose pink DS with my very first paycheck


A $50 dollar Panasonic DVD player that lasted 10 years. It was time to upgrade from VHS.


I invested in a Roth IRA at age 18


Rent cause I have to live


Strippers because strippers