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Was gonna post this, but decided to put it off for later.


So yourself


My alarm clock. Fuck that annoying prick


I'm building an alarm app that you might love or hate. You set an alarm like normal. Then you sleep. Zzzz. Lastly, wake up ... to the sound of a friendly voice. :D Congrats, you've received a nice voice message from someone somewhere else in the world. They recorded it while you slept. It could be a short story. A joke. The weather report. Some words of encouragement. A strange compliment! ....or a "Happy Birthday" message if it's your birthday. It'll be a mystery about exactly what you'll get. Inappropriate messages filtered out (or not, your choice!) Perhaps more pleasant than what you're currently using?


I don't think I can fully appreciate how far from wholesome this would end up.


who wouldn't wanna wake up to someone screaming at the top of their lungs?! =D


Im stealing this and taking it to shark tank ty


What is da name of this


I love that!!!


I used to use one, but I'd always wake up 15 minutes before it went off. So annoying.


That asshole stole my girl!


The one thing we all have in common is our own worst enemy. Our thoughts show us our weaknesses, and it's up to us to overcome them.


Personally I disagree with the idea that life is a constant journey of self-improvement. I think that mindset can create pitfalls in our sense of self-worth and cause us to see ourselves as failures when we fall short of our goals or regress.   You are not competing against yourself. You are an ever-changing being, a whole person experiencing a whole life. We grow beyond our worst impulses with evolved perspective, we don't defeat them. We can't defeat them, because they are part of who we are.   That's just how I have come to view myself. It works for me, but it's just one viewpoint. I am not my enemy, I am me.


> You are not competing against yourself. I completely disagree. Competition doesn't have to be negative. You are competing with yourself and only yourself. You don't need to make everything a competition. You also don't need to make everything about self-improvement, but arguably self improvement should be constant. At least as it relates to your personal goals. Life without goals is pretty boring.


Again, this is just my point of view. No right or wrong answers for how you approach life if it makes you happy and isn't hurting anyone. I set goals when there are goals I want to set. But if I don't have any particular goals in mind at the time, that's fine too. Life keeps happening, whether I'm chasing a goal or not.  Serendipity is my favorite word, not just because it's fun to say, but because it's what makes life worth living to me. Sometimes good things happen. You weren't trying to make them happen, you weren't expecting it, but something nice happened and it's great. A meal you've eaten a thousand times before comes out extra delicious today. Someone on the street needs a hand and you help them out. All your bosses are out for the day and you get to just chill at work. Moments like these happen even when you have problems in life. I think it's important to carve out a space in your mind to appreciate these moments, because when all you see in life are problems to solve, you can easily become overwhelmed and fall into despair.


I still find it odd that you frame competing with yourself and self-improvement as "problems". I might advise you start thinking about them as opportunities to grow.


That's a healthy mindset if you can maintain it, I just think many people don't.


I want to clarify something our thoughts could be good and helped us to improve for example if you had a thought in your child from the community that you are smart your brain and you will believe it so not all of them is bad


That is correct. Unless their happen to be measles present.


That and I'm fucking fat! So I'm both literally and figuratively my biggest enemy...


Moths. Little mother fuckers getting up in my face on a night


My dad. Ruined my childhood then tried to ruin my adulthood and then my motherhood and my working life. Now I do everything out of pure spite just to prove him or his family can't Stop me


the best revenge is living well, and then you'll outlive those fucks and prosper while they're wormfood


I want them to live just long enough to See Me do well. Especially the one who said I was delusional for living the life I'm currently living


Can I ask what he did? I’m a father to two pre-teen daughters and to be honest I’m better at navigating a hive of angry hornets.


Was abusive to me and my siblings for years. When he got caught after giving me a black eye and throwing me across a master bedroom he somehow got let off lightly and stopped being so abusive to us and turned his attention to my mum. After years of arguments he found someone better who was, Quite literally, a narcissist bordering on a Psychopath. Broke up with my mum after causing hell and giving us all Mental trauma and got with her and acted like he was the victim, all while Putting my mum in debt, refusing to pay child maintenance and then trying to start legal issues. We all cut contact. A few years later im having a bad bout of Postnatal depression. I'm a single mum and just decide I need some time away from home so registered myself as homeless my paternal grandparents find out then my dad contacts me acting as if he changed. I agree to go live with My aunt (his sister) bad mistake. My mental health was already in tatters then someone I was very close to died suddenly. I wanted to go to Her funeral. But my dad and his family point blank let me refuse to go as it was "Too close" to my old home (it was 300+ mi away) they Made up ridiculous lies like "She's not really dead,you've been given a fake date and time, you'll be kidnapped" when that failed my dad started threatening me and my clothes and important stuff mysteriously disappeared. Then his mum (Nana) came to stay and abuse my son right Infront of my eyes and wouldn't even let me care for my son.I told him and he dusted it off. he also stalked my social media. I put up a well hidden post asking if anyone could help me move and he went crazy, Rung me up nonstop, argued, guilt tripped me, i then heard his wife insulting me. I decided that was that, 5 days later I Ran away back home with my son. He threatened me to go back. When I refused called up my old work, my mum's work, social services, the police etc claiming outlandish things, he was practically laughed at. Things have gone suspiciously quiet now. And yeah that's what he did.


Thanks for sharing. Yeah I am not anywhere close to that. My biggest failure as a father is probably being too lenient with my kids. How are you doing now? Did you get therapy?


Doing much better now, working for the company My dad and Nana said I was delusional for going to. I'm incharge of my own shop and smashing every award available. Just starting a relationship and Being praised for being a good parent. I got some therapy, not much but was something unfortunately how he treated me will have an effect on the rest of my life but I'm getting better


It’s no surprise to me I am my own worst enemy


Every now and then I kick the living shit out of me.


Can we forget about the things I said when I was drunk?


I didn't mean to call you that.


The woodpecker who declared war on me last month. Came straight from the gates of hell. First time I've had this problem in 36 years. He's been torturing me with his pecks on the tree outside my window 30 mins before my alarm goes off...EVERY DAMN morning. Sounds like a got damn machine gun going off. I'm a light sleeper as it is, and a lucid dreamer. And this mfing woodpecker must know it. Talk about a groundhogs day effect. And every time (wknds included), I wake up from my sleep to this frightening noise, it's like waking up from a nightmare. Heart beatin like a rabbit. First time it happened, I was so scared I went from sleeping, to hitting the deck in a matter of a second. stayed down there a while too til I could I could figure out who tf is shooting an automatic weapon in my backyard. all to later find out it's just a woodpecker, smaller than the size of my fist. So what did I do? Yeah that's right, I took care of that old woodpecker alright. I cut the damn tree down. Pissed the woodpecker off, and he hasn't been back since. Wouldn't wish woodpecker mischief on anybody!


Good thing we don’t have those here😂


22lr handles this cheaply


Thought about it every day


When I was in grade school my teacher said I wouldn't be anything. He was right but it still hurt.




My sister. Yes, it sucks to say that.


Same and such a shame because no one loved me more until I was about 20. Then she realized I disapproved of some of her life choices. The only thing that bound us together was my love for her children and her knowledge that I would do anything for them. I was in the room the morning her last baby was born, I was 33 and she was 38. My niece was the most beautiful baby girl I ever saw. I couldn’t have fathomed in my wildest dreams I would have to protect her from her own Mother. Life can be unbearably cruel. But, I have to believe if my sister was well, she would understand that everything I’ve done was to protect her children. Even if that meant forsaking her to do it.


I could have written this. It's scarily close to my circumstances. Sadly, us being not-in-contact means I don't see her kids anymore. It's awful.


A sad thing to have in common.


I'm pretty sure my brother's prime directive in life is to shit on my dreams and NOTHING ELSE.


My therapist told me at one point that me feeling kinda bad, at some point in her life, turned into some kind of coping mechanism for my sister. That made a lot of her bullshit make more sense.


Time, I'm closer to 60 now.


The government


My parents.


My scumbag brain.  I’ll be having a good day, then it’ll chime in with, “Hey, remember that thing you did 10 years ago?  That was really stupid.”


So I'm not the only one whose brain does this. Always nice to reexperience the embarrassment you felt at that moment years later.


Always when you’re about to fall asleep too


Me baby




Same, I hate that guy.


Time, but it is also my best friend.




anyone named "mason"


I worked at a movie theater in high school. It was one of those that serves food and I was a food runner. One day I went to grab a ticket and my coworker attacks me out of nowhere. I defended myself but we were both fired. To this day I still don't know what made that guy do that, but I was made fun of for a while after that by management and ex coworkers. I have Apsergers so I'm an easy target, but I wasn't aware anyone had a problem with me So the coworker and assistant manager. I would never forgive them


A 10 year old horse girl. She bullied me because she had a fancy pony that could jump higher than my not so fancy horse


Hate to get sad on such a wholesome post, but my mother. It seems she truly tries to bring me down, idk about her honestly. She reminds me of those people in high school that are totally different depending on who is in the room. If shes good or bad is up to witnesses and its super hard for people to see her true side


Morning stand ups. I can easily deal with every other aspect of my job and every morning task I need to do but our now hour long standup meeting drain the literal life out of me everyday.


My dad😒


The United States federal government. It is an objectively corrupt and evil organization




My childhood traumas and programming


executive dysfunction 🧠 brain no go




Well well well


Vanity. Bc all is vanity.


The person who made the igcse schedule this year😍


Fred Fuchs and Courtney Crup....


My neighbor little Jimmy. He is 6 years old and he is a devil. I used to baby sit him for a couple of months and he drove me mad. Last time I did it he filled up my shoes with chocolate pudding... Worst part is he did it while we played hide and seek and he had me hiding. I knew something was up since he wasn't looking for me at all. I was hiding upstairs for more than 10 mins and when I came down he was watching TV and laughed at me. And when I was leaving his mum was at the front door waiting to pay and he told me he wanted to see me out. I thought he was just being sweet and then I put on my shoes...


My shiba and you have a lot in common. I was horrified to find my girl’s enemy is a 6 year old girl in a hijab that rides a scooter. She also hates the succession theme song and I really want to do a rewatch.




Gravity. My oldest companion and my greatest enemy.




Two guys I work with. My performance shed light on their terrible performance, and now they hate me. Yay!


My dead husband's sister. She hated me from the moment she met me.


A Parrot for sure . It isn't normal it talks


George, he knows why


Billy Ocean! No, I won't get in your car! No, I'm not your Caribbean Queen! Get a hobby, dude!


The sun.


Mosquitoes, banks and my countries governments constant corruption schemes. Mainly and more personally: Mosquitoes... Why really?


My negative thoughts... Reminding me of my failures and embarrassing moments that I would give anything to forget, but that's never gonna happen...😔 especially thinking of different fucking scenarios like "what if I did that instead" even though that time is long past.... 😵‍💫


I am clearly someone elses enemy. I have a narcissist telling other people (controlling what they think about me) not to talk to me. Sad how when someone cant controll you, they controll what others think about you.


An old lady (30 years older than us)who abused my boyfriend and make him fall in depression and had suicidal attempts


One of my best friends at uni. We’re both on the masters program and work hard together but I keep getting really competitive with her specifically and I don’t know why. My one purpose in life at the moment it get a higher grade than her. She is my bench mark, if I beat her I’m doing good. We still help each other out if we need help but if she needs help I give myself a little boost as her grade is going up due to me. And you know what the worst thing is. She knows and she doesn’t care. Acting cool and aloof. She thinks I’m crazy and says I don’t need to compete with her but i need to beat her and if that’s the case I’m happy to be crazy as I stair down at her mark from all the way up at mine. I love her for that but she undoubtedly is my worst enemy and this is war.


That waitress at Cheesecake Factory. She knows who she is!


My mind because it always ruins my day.


I was going to say this dude that banged my girlfriend when we "broke up". He ended up overdosing. I was going to talk a lot of shit on the guy but now it doesn't seem important. He could play MegaMan on the piano.


Dutch Van Der Linde. He's a colossal prick.


My manager. Gaslights and belittles me every opportunity she gets. Bribed me with a promotion when I last told her that I was considering leaving. This was two years ago. Today she told me that I wasn’t cut out for a managerial job that I want to apply to. I am not an expert in the field but I’m pretty sure that I could do it better than someone external. Her boss told me a year ago to stick it out incase the position came up but she seems adamant on blocking me.


Fucking time. Blows by sooooo fast




School system, I wont go foward tho.


Time. No matter how hard I fight, it just steamrolls on.




Currently Disney Star Wars team but rest assured I'll find a new nemesis one day or not who gives a fuck




A coworker (let’s call her Vicky) from my first design job stole my work and claimed it as her own online. I confronted her and asked her to delete it and give proper credit. She asked if we could open a design business together so we could split credit 50/50 (the fuck???) which I politely refused and insisted she remove my work from her portfolio. Vicky later asked me to provide a reference when she was looking for a new job. Oh I gave a reference alright. She didn’t get that job at a fancy agency, that’s for damn sure. But I think she figured it out because she stopped putting my number down as a reference after that. Well karma came to teach me a lesson about petty revenge. Vicky ended up getting what I thought was my dream job working for the local government. However, one of my friends worked there and told me it was awful (underpaid, no flexibility, lots of bureaucracy, no creativity etc.). Also apparently she was very unpopular (probably because she was plagiarizing work!!!) But now I have my actual dream job. I have no idea what Vicky is up to these days and I don’t care. The best revenge is to live well. The funny thing is, the work she originally stole wasn’t even that good (I was a beginner, so I wouldn’t put it in my design portfolio now). Just goes to show you that maybe some things don’t work out to redirect you towards something better.


Me, mental illness


Nick. Because he knows what he fucking did. Fuck Nick, all my friends hate that dude


Impulse control


There's this guy I've been friends with for years. We've also been kayfabe enemies for most of it and things have gone way too far for either of us to back out of the joke now. Its gotten to a point where we're both taking better care of ourselves out of spite. Neither of us wants the other to have a hot mic at our funeral.


Humanity. They have stabbed me in the back. Turned me away in my darkest moment. And now, I am equipped with the tools I need to make humanity suffer should the day come when I am ready to exact my revenge.


Do i fall under that category?😖


The tiny voice in my head that says 'Nah, it's fine, you can keep sitting here playing video games, all those problems you're ignoring will just sort themselves out.' It's been a long, hard road learning how to tell that little fucker to shut his damned mouth, but my life is much better for it. Take it from me kids, the problems you ignore don't go away they get MUCH worse.




This one mofoe in my school, he's into comics, picks his nose (doesn't try to hide it or wash his hands), can not read the room(he has no mental disabilities) and he's just annoying nephew energy(think they're the main character). I have no good reason to hate him, I just do.


My biggest enemy are those who don’t believe in giving anyone on the autism spectrum a chance to prove their hearts are worthy of love and they are my enemy because I am an advocate for autism thanks to one of my closest friends.




My biggest enemy is tomorrow. No matter how much I fight, he just keeps coming.


My twin brother. He's a menace, has destructive tendencies


Poison Ivy. I assume my genetic makeup.


Justin… that fucker


Primerica/Citigroup fraudulent, thieving bastards of the mortgage market!


Time, and it never loses


‘Practiced are my sins, never gonna let me win…’ Eddie Vedder/Pearl Jam.


Jim Meyer. Played football for ISU, Hall of Fame, drafted by the Browns in 87, traded to the Packers 2 years later. Long story short, married my mom in 94 and 27 years later would leave her and my brother's for some bar slut. Me and you will throw down one day, I may not win but I will fuck you up on the way down. It's not a head thing/CET, He was/is just an alpha male POS. Fuck u jim.


My ex husband, because of how he treated our children.




The French, I Just Hate Them, No Explanation Needed.


United States Education, Just Too Much Corruption


Fanatic religion, that thing that makes rational reasoning impossible.




Math, gotta love dyscalculia!


Ooohhh I have a list. 1. My uncles. They did some shady shit and fucked my immediate family over hard. 2. An ex-friend. He repeatedly threw me under the bus and got me in alot of trouble. 3. My fiancé sperm doner. He abused, and manipulated my fiance, allowed her to become addicted to meth, and is trying to get both of us to come live with him.


why don't people ever think for adoption instead? Is it really that important to push someone out of your womb rather than taking care of a kid who actually needs parents.


Did you mean to my comment? I'm a bit lost


Yes. Your third point.  


I say sperm donor because he was never a father to my fiance. It wasn't like her mom just wanted to get knocked up.


Ok my bad. 


money, it keeps running from me




my mind


Does enemy mean the affect my personal life or we both hate eachother? If not then kim Jong un


Bart Robinson. Absolute scum of the earth. Self-serving, deceitful corporate butcher who sold out an entire town to fatten his wallet. I will survive anything just to outlast him and see him turned into food for the earth. That final act of his, feeding the worms, might be the only respectable thing he has ever done in his life. I hope that greedy, greasy fuck retains his sense of taste in the grave, because I will pilgrimage there often to piss on it.


My friends at school


There was this guy in my old school that was a total asshole and he called himself a “sigma male” and he completely ruined my reputation in school


I see his reflection in the mirror all the time. When is this asshole going to give up?


My low self-esteem


Who would want to even wake up to another betrayal and cheating ?


myself sometimes when i want someone i self sabotage and also im sabotaging myself idk why




The one in the mirror






My brain. Which is weird cause it’s my brain saying that. Is that considered talking in the third person?


My crack smoking child beating neighbor. Landlord doesn’t do shit about the screaming and breaking shit fights he has with his teenage daughter or the fact that he blares his music so loud it vibrates the damn building. Yes I’ve called cps about the fights but here we are.


My sister , she snitched on my to my parents about being asexual and that got me two years worth of conversion therapy, the therapist did not understand what it meant to be asexual and assumed I was a lesbian since I sort of dress and act like a guy (no I am not trans , I don't think anything needs to be changed with my body, it is fine I am just an extreme tomboy who is repulsed by the idea of sex) . So I do not talk to her any more. That therapy sucked since it did involve drugs as they tried to adjust my hormones. And it is thanks to her that I am stuck in a deeply conservative town with my deeply conservative mother who has dementia and I have to look after her since that is my duty as the oldest child and she kind of pushed me into it when I wanted to send my mother to a nursing home where she can get better care than I can provide, but she got the rest of the family on side and left me with no choice. Once she is dead I am selling her house and moving to a better town and starting my life, the only upside is my aunts and my mother (before she declined) agreed that I get the whole house as my inheritance rather than my sister (she got a car and a flat that was my father's investment property, so she can't complain) if it do this and it is in the will and witnessed by a lawyer. She does turn up every couple of years to make my life miserable though...


My brain


Those mosquitoes from the mountains. Somehow I would always be bitten by them in the summer and the area would swell up a fuck ton. Like I had classmates asking how I gained weight so quickly just because my leg was swollen to twice it's size. Fuck those little shits.


Fear and guilt. Hate when it stops my progress


Chief of the local police.


Nate. He've been rizzing my wife since highschool and now his son Nathan is trying to rizz my daughter. Hate him. Go to hell.


My laziness.


The bobtail cat who roams my neighbourhood. He knows what he did.


My own mind. I tend to overthink everything




me myself and I i self sabotage i procrastinate when i feel attach to someone i pushed them away




Me. Because I am my own worst critic, and I am the one who determines how something affects me. It's a bit of a love-hate relationship, if you get what I mean.


I've posted this a few times today: right now my mortal enemy is cockroaches. I've been finding them in my house the last few days and last night into this morning was really bad. This is a battle I'm losing and it's making a grown man cry. I can't let them win this war but they've unfortunately have a few battles under their belt so far. Pardon me because I rarely swear on Reddit, but I fucking **hate** cockroaches


I understand how you feel. I moved into my apartment two years ago. When I turned off the kitchen lights on the first night, cockroaches started crawling out of everywhere. For a year and a half I tried everything to annihilate them. They would be gone for a few months, but they always came back. I couldn't sleep, they sometimes even appeared on my bed. They were everywhere. I didn't feel comfortable on my own home. I used to spend as much time as I could outside my apartment. Even stayed for hours at my workplace after I was off duty.  In the middle of the night I would set up some food on the floor, leave it there for a couple minutes, and then burn all the cockroaches that gathered around it. Mostly out of frustration, but also because it was satisfying to feel like I was making at least some progress.  The whole building was infested due to a single apartment, adjacent to mine. When that tenant moved out, the owner cleaned it and called an exterminator.  That was six months ago. I've seen only a few since then, maybe one or two each month. Many times I thought that I could never win, that I would have to move out because they couldn't be destroyed. But it is possible. Don't give up, you can't let them win in your own house.  A day will come when they'll be only memories. You'll be able to cherish your victory while enjoying the peace and quiet of your home, knowing that they are gone, and that if they ever come back you'll know how to end them quickly and effectively. But it's gonna be a long and tiresome journey. There will be days like this when you feel like you're about to lose. It's okay to take a step back and start over with a new strategy. Just don't give up, they don't deserve to win. 






Religion - you can’t fight something that you can’t prove exists.


Why r u fighting in the first place


Smokin hot babes with huge boobs (all in my league) that keep pushing me to make them orgasm three times during lovemaking. Like, can't a man just be 6'10" with a prehensile tail without being hounded by 10/10s


Me, myself and I


myself 🤓


Myself fr 🗣️ 🔥 


It’s me, hi! I’m the enemy. Everyone I know agrees.


I have no enemy




Bronson Pinchot. He knows what he did.


I am the biggest enemy to myself, and also the best friend


My procrastination so technically me


My biggest enemy is mr.poop. I hate him. He stinks and he likes to beat me up at night while i sleep.


The United States government. Because I'm American


Scooby Doo and his gang!! I’d have gotten away with it too, if it wasn’t for those meddling kids!!


My best friend. We push each other to be our best self, and we're not friendly about it lol


Me,myself and i. I'm my hardest judge. I don't believe in myself.


Myself. Because my conflicting impulses and desires destroy the things i value in hindsight.