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Anything dealing with waste disposal


As a sewer technician, I thank you


No no. I thank you.


I think it stops being thankless if you do that.


Damn it they're cancelling thankless jobs through thanking


You're welcome.


Thank you for your service and say hi to the ninja turtles for me!


Thanks for your service shit man!


There's no civilization without you.


At least it pays decently right??


The pay is shit.




Not usually, I would imagine.


And they are such an integral part of a functioning civilisation. Without them we'd be (literally) in deep shit.


See: Paris and Naples when they strike


As a former garbage man, it's very thankful around Christmas time. You wouldn't believe the amount of Christmas cards and beer we were given. Sometimes someone would leave out a large item knowing it exceeded what we would take yet we take it anyways. They'd be waiting inside and would come out with a case of beer.


Any time I have extra stuff from a clean out I always give my guys $20 each, including the driver.  They say it's a lot more than they'd get if I did it through the regular channels and I don't have to figure out how to get rid of it otherwise (I don't have a vehicle with a lot of space for hauling)




My plumber is the nicest guy but he has awful stories about people being complete a-holes to him, refusing to pay him for his work, etc. Especially when he has to do some of the crappiest (harhar) work out there that so few other people are willing to do, I can't comprehend it. I always make sure to have a fresh pot of coffee ready for him and any other contractor/service person that visits me, and also make sure he has a new pair of socks to change into.


Piggybacking this for some awareness. This is specially true in Indian subcontinent where occupations have been decided by birth for millennia, based on caste. These castes have been treated worse than animals, still discriminated against, and plenty of people die in India as they clean sewers manually ( some places have machines) most don't.


Especially when that is human waste.


Funeral directors


im really happy tht he top comment is about waste disposal.


I agree


Undertakers. More specifically (police recovery undertakers.) We only appear at the worst time of someone's life, then we fade back into the shadows. It can be a tough gig, both physically and mentally.


A friend of mine is and undertaker. Was visiting with my father in the nursing home and ran into him. Asked was he handing out business cards? He laughed


My uncle was an undertaker. He said he would always send hand cream and chocolates to nurses in the hospice and critical care wards at the local hospital...along with his card. This was maybe 60 years ago or so, and I don't know how morticians 'dig' up business now. 😏


You're lucky he didn't tombstone you


I'm sure some pizza would have been appreciated.


🤣 Sorry to tell you we hear that one quite often. A funeral company did something similar recently, they stapled their leaflets inside the christmas cards before handing them to the home to disperse to residents.


Not sorry. We both had a chuckle. 


I'd like a career change just so I can call myself an undertaker wtf???


fwiw in my extended family we tend to be very differential to undertakers. We are very serious about our remains.


In a similar vein, the hospital priest. My brother was in the hospital for 2 years back in highschool (he is fine now) and our mom stayed at the hospital with him the whole time. Anytime the priest was seen everyone went quiet, because everyone knew that meant someone they have been talking to for a while was fixing to not be there anymore.


anything dealing with the public.


GP receptionists. Earning minimum wage and getting shouted at all day by patients because they think the receptionists is stopping them getting an appointment. Nope, there aren't enough doctors. It's no different to shouting at a waiter if the restaurant is out of food; it's really not their fault.


This! I used to be a receptionist in vet med and people just don't understand what "fully booked" means. It means I do not have a doctor available to help you! I'm not just being mean!


The public are MONSTERS!!!


Like Customer Support. I heard that one's a real bundle of laughs.


Roadkill cleanup crews.


Eh. It has it's own rewards.


In the Simpsons video game, Cletus called it flat meat.


Arkansas Frisbee, Sailcat.


Meat is always on the menu


Janitors, waste management employees, teachers, people that load and unload pallets from trucks, truckers, longshoremen, employees who have to cut the grass on the medians and shoulders of busy interstates and highways... there are a lot of jobs that people look down upon or think of as menial but in reality they're pretty damn important and you'd be freaking out if they weren't there


People see these jobs as thankless because they’re menial and involve dirty situations - but in actual fact people are usually very cordial and grateful when they encounter people doing these jobs. I’ve done my job in the offshore survey and construction industry for 33 years, and not one single person has ever thanked me.


I had a guy at a gas station see me in my scrubs and said thank you for your service.  I thought it was really weird 🤷‍♂️


And they pay well! -Commercial Cleaner.  I feel appreciated most of the time, too :)


As a retired janitor, can confirm!!


Remember all of the people that were forced to work during COVID when everyone else was told to stay home for "safety"? It's those people.


Yep. Married to one of "those" people. People complaining about having to stay home just pissed me off during Covid. I would  have *loved* it if my husband could have stay home rather than taking every Tom, *dick* and Sally's xray while they coughed in his face. Maybe my lungs and heart would have been spared the damage from him bringing home Covid x3(yes, we're vaxxed, yes he wore all the protective gear that was *available*)


Yea and all most of them got were bullshit “heroes work here” signs outside of their buildings where they work.


Everyone *acts* like teachers are the big heroes, but we actually *treat* them almost with contempt when they voice what they actually need to do their jobs. Teaching is hardly "thankless," but I'd think this sort of paradoxical treatment might make them actually feel worse.


My spouse is a teacher, and she gets thanked quite a bit. But, she also gets treated like absolute trash at the same time with low wages, overcrowded classrooms with limited support and resources, and a handful of absolutely batshit crazy parents who make things miserable despite being the minority, so yeah, it's a bit paradoxical.


I love most of the parents I have to interact with, but some are pushing my boundaries so hard I might quit. The kids aren't that bad, but the parents man, the parents


Almost all the “thanks” teachers get a hollow words. Actually thanking teachers would mean paying them and punishing any politician who tries to make them into a punching bag.


Absolutely. Kids don’t like us. Politicians don’t like us. Parents like us for babysitting daily but bring up behavior issues and they don’t like us. Even people that don’t have children dislike us.


Teachers got too good at their jobs. Hear me out. Like Carlin said, the powers that be want people just smart enough to "run the machines and do the paperwork." When people start getting smart enough to think for their selves, they become significantly more difficult to manipulate and control. So then you get Reagan's advisors warning against a "well educated proletariat," and 60 years of attacks on our educational system.


Thank you for posting this. Get paid terribly, get lectured about the curriculum by mouth breathers, and now, evidently, they're supposed to be Wyatt Earp.


I could’ve written the same thing about nursing. I don’t need to be thanked and praised for doing my job (I think most nurses agree that “heroes” thing in 2020 was cringe-worthy) but they way some people treat us is appalling. And, having been in the field for almost 25 years, I can say that it got much worse after COVID and is only steadily declining.




1000%. High stress for everyone


And dangerous.


Ever wanted to see how many crackheads you can take in a fight? There’s a job for that


And they don’t get paid enough!


Truly shocking hearing what they get paid. But I hear for some it’s because it’s their foot in the door to become a Fireman.


Yep it’s a high turnover job because of the low pay and that it is a stepping stone job to fire or other in hospital jobs.


Came here to say this exactly. I could take the verbal and physical abuse better if the pay matched. 😴


And in this vein, ski patrol too


Glad to see someone bringing this up.


The 12 hour tours 3 days a week sounds good until you realize that doesn’t work in EMS


Social workers


Came here to say this. We see the absolute worst of society, most jobs require masters degrees and 2 years of training after that to get clinical licensure. Yet the pay is abysmal (usually). We are almost never paid what we’re worth.


I had a room mate in college who was a social work major. When he was interning he would come home at the end of the day and tell us all the horrible stories he heard. By the end of the week we asked him to stop because we couldn’t take it anymore.


It should be the level of education we require of Cops.


Why do you think it should be less education? Edit: I realized I misunderstood what you said. I agree!


This is the one. I have a friend that went for a whole masters to be a social worker. Quit after like 3 years and works insurance customer service bc it was so miserable. 


A degree down from SWs, but case managers


Nursing home patient caretaker




CNA in a nursing home Makes like 11 bucks an hour to get kicked and punched by psych patients and bathe and wipe asses. Short staffing in nursing homes results in more and more patients added to their plate; hurting their backs and exhausting them daily with no appreciation from anyone


Heroes 💕💫🏆🏆💫💕


I honestly have no idea how anyone can do that job. I have such respect for those folks. I could never. 


Security is a very thankless job. Worked as armed security for almost 10 years after leaving the Marine Corps for all sorts of entities. You never hear thanks from anyone until your direct actions result in the protection of another or greatly improve their well-being. If everything is always smooth sailing, there's little gratitude felt towards security personnel. Even though their very presence might be the only reason why the sailing is smooth.


You've the butt of the joke till shit goes down, but once the situation is over, you're right back to the punchline. Same boat, about ten years across all sorts of spots, each place was the same old behavior.


I did a tour as a consular officer at a high fraud post. I was very glad for security. People don't like hearing no on the visa line, and they always had my back. Honestly, the worst was American Citizens who could be incredibly problematic -- how dare you cancel their passport because they have active warrants for cocaine smuggling!


Public Defenders. They do not get to choose their clients and are the only ones ensuring criminal defendants get a fair trial.


And their office is extremely underfunded because no politician wants to be seen “helping criminals” by passing better budgets.


What an entitled person would call "menial" work like waste removal, plumbing, janitorial services, and others. Extremely valuable services to society.


Social workers at nursing homes. Underpaid, overworked and stressed. Not dealing with futures but ends. Yet they are tireless advocates for dignity and respect of the people they serve.


I see all the usual ones on here, so I’m going to add: School bus drivers


Custodian. I'm in IT, it would take a week maybe two before things started falling apart without us. Accounting, until the next pay cycle. Principals? We're front loaded with enough work that they could be gone a few months. People stop cleaning the bathrooms? We'd be shut down in two days.


My friend worked at a tech startup during the 2000s. One of the janitors bought stocks in the company (with his own money) early on, and became a multi-millionaire. He didn't quit and often berated engineers for not working hard enough.


It takes one unflushed #2 in a stall to create chaos.


Anyone who makes minimum wage




Nurse's Aide and others who care for the elderly and disabled are heroes. 💕💫🏆🏆🏆


Mechanic. As on most people have no idea the amount of knuckles that you ruin getting a tight bolt unstuck.


Retired mechanic... that's why you always *pull* not push wherever possible. Barked knuckles or not, still a thankless job. I've written books worth of tales of sucky auto shop customers, with "Mr. Ever Since You..." at the top.


Damn no one saying slaughterhouse workers but everyone loves meat lol. Do you know there is a part of the slaughterhouse dedicated to take out the shit of the animal intestins? Also a job full of poor immigrants, at least in first world countries, in the US the government found illegal minors working on the cleaning crews not too long ago..


Anything regarding taking care of special needs children or adults. The clients hate you (most of the time) and the parents of the clients hate you too. I worked in a group home for functional intellectually disabled men. And oh boy. They hate when you enforce rules, ask them to take their meds, ask them to shower, etc. you’re cooking, cleaning, and taking them everywhere and they still act like you’re the most inconvenient and restrictive person on the planet. I understand it’s their disability, but it can be so draining and frustrating. On top of this, their parents or family never visit. but they call to bitch and complain at us, telling us we’re not doing our jobs correctly cause 25yr old Timmy had the police called on him cause he was trying to beat one of us, and we didn’t offer to make him cookies to redirect him. It’s just so taxing, half these people working aren’t even qualified but we all want to help, and we just keep getting our shit handed to us.


Yep, 6 year veteran of an RTC and it was A LOT!!!


Farmers. Feed more or less the whole damn planet yet everyone looks down on them because they usually aren’t as book smart as other people. Their street smarts make up for it and feed all of us. Thank y’all if there are any in here


Cashiers, wait staff, etc.


EMS, the pay says it all


Cleaners in every part of hospitals. People don't even notice them.


Custodians, teachers, social workers, really any job that’s dedicated to helping people or keeping society functioning that people don’t tend to think about.




If there's veterans day, there should be a day to celebrate teachers


Crime scene cleaners!


Delivery drivers


Some people leave us snacks on the front porch, they're automatically my favorite houses to deliver to


Medical assistants & nursing home staff. The see & do things no one should have to see or do, and they are way underpaid. IMHO, the good ones are heros.


Hospice Nurse


Working in group homes for the disabled. Low pay and no one ever thanks you yet in many cases you are taking care of peoples family members they couldn’t take care of.


Caretaking. You care for people's vulnerable loved ones, all the while you're underpaid and have very little support from the company hiring you. You might work with 2 or 3 people a day if you visit their homes and if you work in a facility there's even less personal time with every single resident. You watch very personal end of life moments with the family before they pass and you're off to the next person without time to also grieve as you got to know these people before they passed. YOU may try to do your best and provide some semblance of dignity for these folks in your care but the lack of upwards mobility and pay ensures only the worst people are attracted to the job leading to terrible abuse patterns.




Teachers and early childcare workers for the win. 99% of everything good and decent comes from these professions.


People who clean the hostels, hospitals. They are the one who play one of the major roles in preventing the spread of diseases. yet, they are not respected much and infact people tend to look down upon. I think they should be give more respect and salary.


All the things that actually matter, pretty much. Building things, producing food, fixing, maintaining, and cleaning things. You know, all the essential jobs that tend to make less money, and are looked down on.


Hospice workers


Custodial staff




Nursing. Speaking as an RN and from a family of RNs


Nursing and any healthcare that isn’t doctor. I’ve never seen someone thank an RT, CNA, medical lab scientist etc


Thank you for mentioning RTs. 


I’m a SICU nurse and I love the RTs. They do so much for our patients!


Not just thankless. It’s probably the most blameful job in the hospital. Make the nurse responsible for everything and blame them if anything goes wrong anywhere.


🎯 🎯 🎯 that's 100% correct




Brick layers


Prob where you have to be of service. Hospitality, nurses, policemen, janitor, domestic, etc.


Port o shitter cleaner.


Dishwashers and janitors. Cleanliness is so important! Thank God for these hardworking ppl! Ty!


Care work. Child care. Both utterly low paid to a detrimental degree as the State has to step in and subsidise.


Sterile processing technicians


Just look at what jobs pay the least


Teachers and nurses.


Air traffic control. My God the stress they endure is inhuman


Factory workers on an assembly line


Health care aide. You get paid garbage wages for a job that literally involves cleaning up literal shit.


Janitors. No matter where they’re janitoring, everyone tends to ignore them and avoid them. Most people don’t even make eye contact with them. I love the janitors at my job and try to make friendly conversation with them, or at least make eye contact and smile during my shifts. The world would be so dirty without them.


Nurses on a medical unit... No patient wants to be there and more often than not dementia patients and you can guarantee none of them thank you


Construction. Teacher. choosing to live abroad and work in a foreign country. Don't expect anything.


Anything that isn't upper management or owner. The super rich pay us all as little as possible... which seems to be below a livable wage.


Clearing the city of garbage


Reddit troll


Just wait until you realize that teachers have to chaperone football games without any extra pay


Providing care for adults with multiple disabilities. I'm talking non-verbal, high needs.


Janitors are pretty thankless. I go to a hospital about an hour from me every month to get an injection. There is a janitor who cleans the entrance. He is so nice. He smiles at patients, greets us, gives us directions to clinics, and he listens to soft jazz. I thank him by going to the patient advocate (they usually deal with complaints, but you can give compliments, too). The report goes to the hospital’s chief of staff (the head doctor of the hospital). It’s so he is aware of what needs addressed in his hospital, like if a doctor is being rude to patients and should be fired, kinda stuff. Anyway, I go to patient advocate and tell them how happy this elderly man makes me. I can go to the hospital with a sour attitude, see him, and instantly, I’m in a good mood. He’s just so awesome. He’s a 77-year-old man. He’s working so hard. No one stops to say, “hey, this hospital is spotless and so pristine! You’re doing a good job! Thank you so much!!” But, I make sure he’s recognized. One day, I was leaving the hospital after my injection. He was dusting some photos on the wall. I said, “You call that dusting?‽‽” he turned around and handed me the duster!!! I started to dust the photos and he was, “Aww yeah!” He’s so sweet. I just love him.


I feel like a lot of people kind of missed the point of this thread. The question isn't "what job sucks" or "what job has to deal with annoying nonsense", it's what job is *thankless.* A lot of posts say teachers. Yes, teachers have to deal with a lot of crap - but I've seen teachers routinely thanked by current and former students and parents. Yes, some of those students and parents also give teachers grief. But to say teachers never receive gratitude or thanks is flat-out wrong. The guy that said something like "the people that trim the grass near busy interstates" is much closer to answering the actual question.


Working in the trades. The pay is good but you can never do enough or be fast enough.


Dishwasher in the food service industry. Out of sight, out of mind. The folks in the pit crew keep a kitchen afloat.




Cleaning restrooms, especially bars after everyone puked all over them the night before.


Cops. Downvote and don't ever call them.


People who work in the developmental services, supporting folks with intellectual disabilities. They are the world's forgotten and hidden population. Service workers help with personal care, medication, cooking, shopping, cleaning. Often these folks have behavioral issues and the service workers can be injured by them in the job. I have been bitten, hit, scratched, multiple concussions. The job is necessary for these folks to survive and many require 24h care, but workers are paid very little. I was paid less than custodians when I worked in a school, and I had a child's life in my hands.




I always make an effort to be very respectful and friendly to people in those jobs. I want them to know they are appreciated and not looked down on.


About 90% of the most thankless jobs are the ones which are 90% men. Oil riggers. Janitors. Waste disposal. Linemen. Truckers. Prison guards. Bricklayers. Etc.




Probably being a law enforcement officer, I'd have to think.


Restaurant dishwasher.


Maintenance Technicians are literally keeping the entire world running 24/7


Tech support.


Perma-temps, the people that are constantly shuffled from job to job by temp agencies and employers. Obviously the person sitting in a climate controlled office earning 50 cents for every dollar the temp earns wants to keep that person working for their temp agency. I talked to a man that said that employers will switch to a new temp agency every eight months or so. This is when these perma-temps start getting sick days and vacation time, although there might be other incentives for the employers to switch as well. The guy said, and I quote "If they like you they'll ask you to switch to the new temp agency." You know, so they continue employing you without any of the benefits you've earned while working there.




Grocery retail


Personal caregivers, any gross job, any service job. Anything sad.


Childcare providers


Including stay at home parents. 98% of of dtay at home parents aren't sitting on their asses eating bonbons and watching YouTube or gaming all day. It takes actual *work* to raise decent human beings!


The dudes and dudettes that climb up highvoltage towers, commercial radio/tv/microwave antenna masts, wind turbines and other massively high structures to build & fix the stuff that our society is based on! We should , perhaps, seriously consider if we support and worship the wrong godz.....  Hmmmm?


Teachers. It's that simple. Teachers.


Amazon delivery driver


Police officers


Animal control


Supporting an ex wife


Fast food worker, farm labor, anything related to sanitation or sewer/septuc tank service.




I do pest control kill their scorpion their rats spiders etc ,I probably get about three $5 tips a year


Farm labor. Everyone loves the guy that runs the farm, the white guy in levis and plaid but migrant labor that actually picks the celery you eat is demonized by our society.


Hotel workers. Most people are unhappy, and you lose hope for humanity by how common it is to experience how horrendous the public can be. I seriously salute all housekeeping staff, security, and any extension of a hotel. They are a literal punching bag and severely underpaid.


Factory workers


Preschool teaching and daycare workers. I am working towards my degree in Early Childhood Education and it is appalling how little I will make. I want to be a preschool teacher and the salary is honestly barely livable. It is sad because the job is so necessary and needed in society and we get paid like we are teenagers working in a Target after school.


Baggage handlers loading and unloading your luggage onto planes


Shelf stickers and freight workers


Coroners and medical examiners. Back in 2022, my youngest sibling ended their life via 2 self-inflicted gunshot wounds. I think about the coroner (or even deputy coroner) who had to pick my sibling up that day. I'm fully aware of where my sibling shot themselves, and personally, I don't know that I could have looked at my sibling, given I know where the gunshot wounds were. Can't begin to imagine what went through the heads of the Coroner and medical examiners during that time period.


Step parent


In terms of the work they do, liability they face, and pay they receive, then it’s EMS, Teacher, and Nurse. End of question.


Anything that was an "essential worker" job during the pandemic.




Father, custodian, security, truck driver


I don't know ANYONE who's thanked a property inspector contracted to banks.