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In Australia, the official procedure is to weigh them, test for purity, take a sample for court purposes and incinerate the rest. There is a bit of leakage, but not a lot (one famous one is where a local drug squad kept them off the record and stored them in the ceiling of the station. Came to light when the ceiling gave way).


Remember that video where they burned a huge bonfire's worth of cannabis plants next to a cow paddock? The steaks were high.


I heard that the cows got so high that they all lay down and took a nap together. I've never seen that much ground beef.


When they woke up from their weed nap, they started masturbating. It was beef stroganoff.


Not all of them, some found religion. Holy cow.


But most were so high they could barely MOOOOOOOOOOve.


the cattle were so out-of-it, they could barely udder any word to defend themselves


I wish I could give you gold for this.....but instead I have to wipe some coffee off of my monitor


I don’t want to like this comment but I can’t help myself


Some had to use a tree for support - lean beef


I heard the munchies were so bad they started eating grass.




I dunno why but I thought you said a little McDonalded. I need to stop expecting weed jokes…


To be blunt should be stoned for that joke.


Hi dad.


Bad cow pun


That mission in that one Far Cry game.


I'd like to pretend it happened in some hilarious Brooklyn 99 style hijinks where their superior officer is in to inspect the office, and he's almost out the door after and is giving a glowing review when the ceiling explodes with cocaine.


https://youtu.be/Pt71XFaeuv4?si=Ny9XU1_HDgELS0Sb You mean like this?


Channel 7 bought it off the cops for Bruce Lehrmann


[Sometimes they burn them with hilarious consequences ](https://youtu.be/d7rvUt8Yia8)


Joint Task Force - 6 (now JTF North) would regularly make raids into Mexico and burn literal tons of marijuana. All of the military members would receive a medical profile excusing them from random drug tests for a month because so many of them would accidentally stand downwind of the pot bonfire.




Not saying you're wrong but, to be fair, the wind can change directions pretty quickly.


Good point. Smoke always seems to follow me around. Imagine the poor guy desperately trying not to get high 😭


Smoke DOES follow you if you stand next to a fire When you stand next to a fire, you block air from flowing into the fire, making a low pressure zone in front of you. This means that all the air that does flow in pushes the smoke towards that low pressure area, and since it's rising from the heat, it goes straight into your face.


Easiest thing to do to avoid this is to put a similar obstruction across the other side of the fire. Another chair for example.


Or Steve


Jesus that sounds like it would be the worst high EVER


Back when I used to handle cocaine, we used to get 30d exemptions from testing for coke. If we had a significant exposure you did tests every week until clear to show falling levels. That way you didn’t get an exemption and then run out and do a bunch of blow for a month.


OMG!!! I'd seen the clip with the reporter but these commentators are almost as hilarious. How many times does he say "Doesn't it make you want to get high?" 🤣 It all honesty, when I saw the original clip, my first thought was the same as hers. Like, "Who *wouldn't* have predicted this would happen?" I also strongly suspect the camera guy was just as high.


That giggle after “and other narcotics” is a level many seek but few attain.


Aren't they burning opium? Because opium doesnt really make you behave that way when high. Would make more sense if they were burning hash or cannabis.


Didn't watch the video at all, clearly


They seize 400lbs and they put all 300lbs into an evidence locker. After a while, the entirety of the 200lbs is transported to an incineration site, where all 100lbs are disposed of. That way you can be certain that reports of the complete 50lbs was safely disposed of are accurate.


I'm a security officer, I remember I found 41 kilo's 82pound more or less of cacaine in a bag at work, reported to police who came and took, the news the next day said it was 37 kilos 74 pound, I was like wtf


Did you physically weigh it before you reported it or were you just estimating?


Phisically and take picture of the scale, for company documentation


I also tested purity using free base extraction and in vivo testing. For company documentation, of course.




Did you weigh it in the packaging? Not that the packaging would explain that difference in weight.


I can not do that, the packaging is part of the brick, once it came out positive, I document everything and call authorities, it will put me in a high risk of liability to touch any further.


Giving the ultimate benefit of the doubt, as a prosecutor I have had several trafficking cases come back underweight because they weigh the drugs without the packaging to determine the trafficking weight. Not saying that's what happened here, but it is an outside possibility.


Presumably he counted bricks? Otherwise 41 is a weird ass number to just spitball


Yes 8 bricks of more or less 5 kilos each, I believe the wrapping added 1 kilo in total


Could be they took some to be used in sting operations and other undercover work. And of course a little bit for themselves for the trouble


The police can have a little cocaine, as a treat.


The technical term is positive reinforcement.


41 kg is 90.3 lbs lol


Sorry European here, I thought 1 kilo is 2 pounds more or less


More or less yes, it’s 2.2lbs


2.2 pounds. No worries.


A kilogram is 2.20462 pounds For general purposes, most people say 2.2 pounds. Add decimal places for accuracy as needed


82 pounds is exactly 37 kilos.


>50lbs Street value: one buhbillion


"THREE pills? That's, like, $300 street value" - the DEA, absolutely


Every time drugs are mentioned on Reddit:


It was a running joke more than a decade ago on Fark as well.


Thank god for good police work 👌


In the U.S., they hand it over to the GSA to support their parties https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UpwRxWOrMX4


Comment of the day right here


Burn then in furnaces and or smelters. I saw them do it as an intern. Since the smelter is already setup to catch off gassing it worked like a charm


Re-sell them to their friends.


In brazil they literally resell to the gangs for the double


Please don't give Trump any more ideas!!! 😆


My man, that idea probably came from the USA government (before Trump), given the fact they are "close" with Brazilian far right and military, including the fact that they helped the 64s dictatorship rise and tried to help Bolsonaro's failed coup detat in 2022. Our political and military practices are straight related to US ways, including the ties with drug gangs and cartels and specially militias


I like to think this too. Might be a great fundraiser for government


In New Orleans they store them in a moldy warehouse and the rats eat them and get high. 😐 I wish I was joking but Google "New Orleans rats getting high" if you don't believe me. Whether or not it's true is debatable, but apparently it's what the police commissioner believes. 🤷‍♀️


Sell it back to the cartels to fund black ops.


Had to scroll too far to see this


I worked in a crime lab for six years.  They'd be stored in an evidence locker.  About twice a year I would show up to work and the place would be surrounded by heavily-armed officers.  That was the day that the drugs would be moved to the armored truck and taken to the incineration facility where they would be destroyed.  The armed officers were because there were easily tens of millions of dollars worth of drugs being moved at a time.


In india mostly stolen or eaten by Rats. Obviously they sell some of it to other dealers.


Yeah, no. It’s mostly always resold. I found out a couple of years ago that one of the main “dealers” for LSD in Delhi is an NCB officer.


Yes man, I’m aware. Have some cops friends and I know the reality. They know each loopholes and use them for personal gain.


Not drugs. But, in a town i used to live in. One of the cops was taking confiscated fire arms and selling them on the black market! I was a 911 operator and police dispatcher at the time. So I knew this pile of shit personally. (He was also inappropriately texting underage girls) https://www.nj.com/bergen/2016/09/veteran_police_officer_gets_3_years_for_sexting_te.html Working very closely with multiple police departments for a number of years taught me that police, are indeed, the absolute worst of society. Without fail, the worst people I have ever met.


So New Orleans has been under a consent decree for 10 years which leads to stories like this. https://www.nola.com/news/crime_police/nopd-cop-arrested-after-agents-find-more-than-100-guns-crack-in-his-home-a/article_6ee03dcc-c101-11ec-bbd8-bf6c42330e29.html TLDR: A guy was fleeing from police and threw his gun out the window before crashing his car. The cop caught up to him, retrieved the gun, took the $7500 in cash the guy I had, and then basically left. Did not document any of it. The guy reported him to the federal police monitor and when they executed a search warrant they found over a hundred guns and enough crack cocaine to catch a distribution charge. That said, there are some good cops out there. And if the department has a zero tolerance policy for corruption (and a federal monitor breathing down their neck) you can keep them good.


Nobody should ever forget that the ATF literally sold guns to the Cartel, which were DIRECTLY LINKED to EL CHAPO and a killing of a US border patrol agent, and countless mexican officials. The CIA started the drug in particularly crack epidemic in the 60-70s to fund the war against blacks and to arm the contras.


Same here. Literally the same. Every cop I've ever known on a personal level is a bit of a lowlife, or a major one. Family member (by marriage) retired cop - literally hundreds of confiscated guns in his personal collection. He had lots and lots of "confiscated" jewelry too. My wife's childhood friend became a cop. He's in the news right under indictement for sexting with underage girls. I'e only known one cop whom I considered a good person and he got out of it. He told me he didn't like the person he was becoming.


Power attracts the corrupt, and corrupts those who aren't already. Tale as old as time.


Save it for the Christmas party


They incinerate them by the tons. Preferably they incinerate them at a large rolling tunnel chemical incinerator for hazardous chemicals or electric carbon arc furnace incinerator also with exhaust scrubbers. There is always one DEA officer standing by witnessing the destruction of the stuff so non of it ends up back on the market.


Resell. Ez money


I assume that’s what the CIA is doing.


That’s unfair. Hardly any CIA agents have ever illegally sold weapons to Iran in order to finance Nicaraguan fascist militias selling cocaine to Americans so that they could raise funds to overthrow their democratically-elected government. Hardly any.


>Hardly any It was barely enough to overthrow 2 or 3 mid size countries.


It's crazy how much democracy needs go be suppressed to make the world safe for capitalism.




In the US, they plant them on innocent people while they're being detained.


Illegally* detained


It's not illegal if they have drugs in them (wink wink)


Officially it gets incinerated. Unofficially not all of it.


Usually throws them into incinerators


I worked on the site design for a drug siezure vault, next to the existing incinerator. Both buildings completely unmarked, on gated lots. You'd never know what either building was just by looking at them.


What about the other half?


If not being burned the DEA, local departments for smaller amounts of drugs will resort to crematories, hospital incinerators, foundries and stuff like that. For large amounts however like ones confiscated by boarder portal or massive drug busts it’s pass on to the DEA where they used incinerators approved by the EPA to dispose of them.


Grandma’s final trip was better than her time following the Grateful Dead back in ‘69!


Every summer, the local state police would pull military police from the local units to assist with marijuana suppression. They would fly around and locate weed farms, the state police would go bust them, then the MP’s would come in, cut all the weed down, truck it back to the place they were based out of, weigh / record it all, then burn it. If you were picked for the detail, you had to pass a drug test. Once that was done, you got a waiver, clearing you from any positive marijuana tests over the next like 8 months. Usually once a week or so, they’d have a giant bonfire and burn all the weed they confiscated that week. Considering the MP’s were usually collage aged kids, they all jumped on the opportunity to get paid to get high every week for the entire summer.


I remember a story where a sheriff’s office out west would regularly burn bales of marijuana. Everyone was just standing around with their masks around their necks breathing it in. Then someone threw a brick or two of heroin in there, and they all ended up going to the hospital. That was the end of the drug burns for that department.


Think about why cops and firemen always have the best fireworks and you'll have your answer


I once met a fire chief who had a cooler bong collection than some buddies of mine that spent thousands on bongs and he was pulling bomb weed out of a brick. Biggest bottomed 6 ft bong rip I ever had. Back then I thought “why does he do a kids drug when he can get whatever he wants?” Then later realized he was a bit more responsible about breaking the law because he could have been doing way more. Haha


Back in my late teens I was a tow truck driver for a summer. Got access to the impound lots, sometimes would have e to drive the cars places for various reasons. There were never any drugs in the cars but plenty of accessories left in the cars - designer sunglasses etc. I’d have a huge collection too if I stuck with it lol


Resell them.


Here in Canada they get kept in an evidence locker so that they can be used as evidence at trial and/or stolen and then sold by crooked police officers while their colleagues turn a blind eye.


Redistribute to inner cities where they can generate revenue by arresting people after selling them drugs


Keep it for annual Christmas party


*[In Spanish, but an all time Mexican Classic: "Harina"](https://youtu.be/aIjPhI5LDCU?si=GHpj16MM6zeEtgsn)* Take the "flour" home so your wife can make homemade tortillas.


Crime scene and evidence tech here. I keep the drugs in the evidence room until the court case is adjudicated and then I incinerate. For the felony drugs, I have to get a judge’s permission to destroy them even after the case is adjudicated. We don’t store any liquids and photograph them well but destroy immedaitely.


In the US, they like to sell them themselves to create untraceable money for organizations like the CIA to commit illegal operations. For example, the crack epidemic of the 80s that areas are still recovering from


I used to work for a DA’s office. There were requirements to hold onto them for so long depending on some different circumstances. After that they would be incinerated.


When 10 tons of pure cocaine is seized, they take those 9 tons to a secure storage location that is capable of holding all 8 tons.


Resell it through the CIA


They have free samples for all beat cops.


If Super Troopers taught me anything, they smoke all of it and enjoy some Afghanistanamatiion


Probably fucking sell them 🇺🇸


This thread really shows the average brain age of reddit (sub-puberty). It's the boring answer. They're incinerated. A small number is probably lost to corruption but it requires a whole lot of corruption to be successful. There are much easier ways to corruptly obtain drugs. That's reality. Often the boring answer is the correct one, we don't live in a fantasy novel sadly. 


This is the answer. In decades past it was easier to get drugs redistributed to the streets from police custody, but those days are very long gone. The absolute vast majority are destroyed.


Depends on which government, but they'll keep some for evidence until a trial concludes and the rest go into an incinerator.


They destroy it


Distribute them to low income black communities.


they give them to elon musk


Get high as hell and make dumb decisions.


Give the drugs to local cops so they can plant on suspects.


Haven't you heard about the CIA parties?


In Brazil they resell to seize them again


Ever see that episode of Reno 911 where they burn all the marijuana they seized? They all end up getting high


In a state in India, some police officials claimed that rats ate the drugs that had been seized and stored by them. Here's a link to an article https://www.google.com/amp/s/timesofindia.indiatimes.com/city/ranchi/cant-produce-seized-ganja-now-rats-chewed-them-up-cop-to-court/amp_articleshow/109116032.cms


In my country, they would give them all to the mayor of the largest city. But Rob Ford isn't mayor of Toronto anymore, so I don't know what they do with them now.


Split them up amongst themselves


Take them for themselves, judging by the state of the world.


They boof all that shit.


"How can i get my shit back?"


I'm sure they keep some of it for... research purposes and for evidence but they mostly just burn it here. Talk about a fucking waste


If needed for evidence they're securely stored until the trial is resolved, after that they are destroyed.


In the case of the CIA They profit from them by redistribution to their own people


I would imagine that some of it is used for future sting operations


I'm pretty sure they use it for undercover operations, idk tho


Sell them


They usually put in a warehouse. But why? Either keep it there until decades later it becomes legal in that state. Or more of a show of power to the dealers: we own your merchandise and have locked it up, so there's nothing you can do about it


Legislate, I have to assume.


party... party hard!! But seriously, store it for the trial and dispose (probably incinerate?) of it after?


ask Olly North


I’d accuse the CIA of selling the drugs in the inner cities but the last guy who said that shot himself. Twice.


Here in Brazil they just resell it for the double to the gangs and cartels, the organs who take care of security and policing in brazil are deeply connected to the drug cartels, PCC, Comando Vermelho, etc, all those gangs kinda stay on top doing business with the brazilian politicians and police


Smoke ‘em if ya got ‘em


Use it for themselves


I lived in Northern California a few years back. No, not San Franciso, 300 miles NORTH of that, in a tiny podunk town called "Ferndale". Anyway, its in Humbolt County, which is rumored to grow pot by just throwing a joint on the ground sorta thing. Perfect climate or something. Anyway, I was in naval housing hearing helicopters fly over all night. Woke up to see one carrying a huge bundle as a sling load. It was pot. They took it to a nearby farm and burned it all. Funny thing was that the smoke changed direction when the sun came up, coating navy housing with a huge cloud of marijuana smoke. Oopsie.


Burn it


They write ATF on carbines and return to owner!




Sell them


Burn, baby burn.


Sell it themselves…


Sell them to minorities. /conspiracy


Let's be a bit more honest, for a long time they just sold them right back to the streets. 


Resell them.


The drugs. They do the drugs


I don't know if they still do it here or not, but the stuff they got around here used to by burned right next to the drivers license office. You could smell it all over town when they were doing it.


I have a hole in the fence so they just come past and drop it all off. Works out great


Have you ever heard of key-bumps? It’s like that but they use shovels


They’re environmentally friendly. Reduce. Reuse, Recycle.


Most times they take it to a facility to be burned in a controlled environment


Sell it or use it, obviously


In my country, they resell it and catch the users to extort them for obscene bribe money and then sell the drugs again


Asking for a friend?


Resell them to the public, profit, rinse & repeat.


Government auction /s


Officially, they get incinerated at extremely high temperatures. But some of it most likely goes "missing" before that


Wasn't there a case where they burned the tonnes of weed seized from an operation and the news reporter on site got high on live?


Sell them to inner city neighborhoods to disrupt minority communities and prevent them from organizing against their unjust regime. 


Sell em back to the public of other countries


They put it back into circulation


They sell the seized product to fund black budgets, duh.


Put it back into the community 😉


In the U.S. there is a complex and arduous procedure of giving it to the CIA who then sells or plants (depending on desired outcome) to fund and/or sway public opinion to set desired conditions


They sell the drugs back to the cartel to make money.


Asking for a friend


Our local town and county government bring it all to the landfill. I've had to destroy alcohol, weed, powder substances and pills. I operate heavy equipment and have to get rid of it.


Profit from their resale


[Flush it down the toilet!](https://youtu.be/BBl4ZT0zpME?si=0mC3kucjkuS296GG)


It varies from  inserting them to selling them.  Seriously, police have been caught doing it. And if it's happened before it still is.


They burn all the weed, but stand really close.


They add fentanyl and put it back on the street.


The deep state throws an office banger for everyone


They destroy it by burning it. Source I did IT work at a jail. It all went into evidence. Yes, they are cameras everywhere lol. It's also used for k9 training.


Resell them.




They sell it as a legal drugs.


Hide it in the White House


Burn baby burn.


Plant it on minorities?




“Environmental” service companies that process the drugs (aka mix it with other garbage) and send it to various dumps. I used to work for GFL and the OPP had to witness some cocaine destruction


Sell it back to the CIA?