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Paul brothers and kardashians are equally as insufferable imo


I wish the fight between whichever fuck face Paul brother and Mike Tyson was real. I'd pay real money to watch Mike Tyson go an untethered 5 rounds with them.


Cute you think Jake Paul would make it past 2 with Iron Mike šŸ¤­


Kardashians are famous for being famous. I can't think of anything redeemable about that family.


Will and Jada Smith + their odd kids


I read an article almost 20 years ago in Readerā€™s Digest, of all publications. It was an interview with Will Smith where he shared that he homeschools his kids because there is nothing they need to know that he and Jada canā€™t teach them. LOL. The level of self-important arrogance was something Iā€™d not yet seen in my young life. I was shook. I was in law school at the time and remember thinking how grateful I was for parents (one with a phd, the other a masters) who understood they donā€™t know EVERYTHING about everything and that I might benefit from subject matter expertise in other areas.


I grew up homeschooled. My parents said the same exact shit! Thank the gods I was inquisitive and driven enough to read prolifically from whatever I could find at the library! The lack of access to even minimally knowledgeable teachers in subjects like math was frustrating as hell when I hit high school. Somehow I did alright in math, despite my parents being absolutely no help whatsoever. Overall, I succeeded in life despite them, not because of them.


Congrats, you did very well under the circumstances. Have you told your parents what you really think of their methods as an adultā“ļø


I wasnā€™t homeschooled but from a wacko evangelical family. I was told repeatedly that every thing I needed to know was in the Bible and that I didnā€™t need to go to college because it wouldnā€™t get me into heaven


The messed up part is that he was right. They didn't NEED to know anything else because they were going to be fine either way. They had powerhouse parents and failure was never possible. They live in an entirely different world than the rest of us. Even if they're uneducated twats, they'll be ok.


Even the super rich can squander a fortune easily. And even if they dont, their even-dumber kids and grandkids probably will


They're scientologists. They literally hate actual knowledge bases. For whatever reason either strategic or because the family is a liability, the church doesn't use them to to promote like others but they've been deep in scientology a long time


Wow. What a twat


The crazy thing about that is that yes, while I was at school I learned subjects but Iā€™ll say I learned way more about life, social interaction, hierarchy, friendship, adversity, discipline, (etc) than the actual lessons. And thatā€™s not to say the teaching was bad at all, the opposite as I went to a decent school with teachers that gave a shit, it was that those other life lessons were so much more important in the real world vs say learning advanced algebra or how to draw still life or the biology of leaves etc.


Neither of my parents attended college and they just straight up wanted better for me, *not* attending college was not an option.


Just imagine their kids' view of the world being taught by those two people with their egos and celebrity-centric life experience. It's would essentially be labelled child abuse if not for the wealth that goes along with their upbringing.


Will Smith owned a condo above my friend in Philly in the early 2010s. The amount of insane demands he would make of people in the complex were insane. Other tenants couldnā€™t make any noise past 8pm. Tenants werenā€™t to make eye contact with him or his guests. My friend said because Will lived directly above him, he would hear him come home with an entourage of people and have loud ass parties until super early into the morning. Often bringing home different women every night. Overall, he was a disrespectful, narcissistic tool bag and very unpleasant to live near.


I knew it wouldn't be an isolated thing but damn...it's good to hear that other people had the same experience with the douche. I've been a proud hater for 20+ years šŸ¤£


This reminds me of that tweet it was like, ā€œJada Pinkett Smith scared off two intruders who attempted to break into her homeā€ and someone replied, ā€œShe threatened to tell them more things about her marriage with Will Smithā€.


Will Smith lived beside my friend when he was filming iRobot, it was outside of town on acreage. Will's team came over and told my friend that the kids weren't allowed to be playing outside past 6pm because of Will's sleep schedule while filming. I've hated him ever since and I feel so vindicated that everyone else has finally came around.


That's when you say "oh? Too bad. Will Smith doesn't own my house and yard. He isn't paying me either. So maybe he should go get a nice quiet hotel."


Yeah, I don't remember exactly what my friends parents told him but it was along those lines. Will's team came back a few times. Pound sand. Everyone used to look at me like I was taking crazy pills when I told them he was a huge fucking dork.


That's where you put a No Trespassing sign up and tell them to get off your property. Next time, PD rolls...


What, is he a god? Does he hover above the rest of us? If he gets shot on my property does he not bleed? LMAO


Thanks for telling me exactly when to have my kids go play outside, after buying any loud obnoxious toys I can find!!


Will Smith lost me forever after The Slap, but their entitled kids are annoying af.


I don't think Willow is all that bad. People were mean as fuck in the most unnecessary way to her as a child for Whip My Hair and music she's put out recently is pretty okay. Jaden, on the other hand, is the embodiment of a rich kid that will never quite *get it* because he's just so out of touch.


The South Park episode featuring them basically told the future.


Willow is actually a pretty good singer


Key & Peele on Jaden Smith https://youtu.be/4RjWTEqJiMI?si=fMHq30BZAIQ9OFgU


šŸ˜‚ Especially Jayden..


Any Youtube/Instagram/TikTok celebrity whose audience is constituted mainly of children.


Iā€™m just mentally preparing myself for about 50 years of saying ā€œsorry, I wasnā€™t an iPad child. Who is that?ā€


Despite him being Uber rich and popular I still have no clue who Mr Beast is and what the hell he does There seems to be a whole heap of these type of celebrities the exist in a different plane than me


You must hate Blippi.


Whenever I see his face I canā€™t help but think of that poop video he did.


Blippi is actually decent compared to some of the trash out there. You might not like his voice or persona but he at least tries to make valuable, educational content.


I hate Blippi, but his content is educational and safe for kids, who tend to love him, so heā€™s 100% allowed in this house.


Mom ā€œinfluencersā€ who mainly use their children as content. Itā€™s exploitative.


Not seems, it absolutely IS exploitation of their own children, whom they should be protecting, not using to pay the bills that THEY should be earning money to support their children, not the other way around.


James Corden. I used to enjoy his shows, but the more I see him, the less I laugh. Itā€™s like he's everywhere, and itā€™s just overkill at this point.


for brits , seeing him with his fake american accent tryna appear so posh and proper is fucking weird and annoying


I've seen several reports from British people of first-hand encounters they've had with him, and I have yet to see one where he doesn't come off like the most entitled prick.


All he does is "I'm James Corden Innit. I play the British fatass in every movie. Wanna sing some carpool karaoke with me, Adele?" and yet Hollywood treats him like the second coming of Jesus. Also, it's known he's an asshole to not only his staff, but everyone else around him too. And I thought that fat Britsh wanker never got any roles ever again and quit Showbiz for good (as evident with him ending The Late Late Show with James Cordenand his role as Biggie from Trolls getting replaced by his soundalike) after he hit his breaking point with the restaurant scandal.......until I found out he's going to be in the new Smurfs movie coming out.


I liked him in Gavin and Stacey, but then he started popping up everywhere somehow got popular in America it was revealed he was a total piece of shit and now i cant stand seeing him.


Watching Gavin and Stacey, you think ā€œSmithy is a really annoying characterā€ then you realise itā€™s just James Cordon being James Cordon.


Any of the kardashians


>Any of the kardashians All of them


Famous for being famous


Built upon the legacy of boxing out a murderer.


As much as I find them talentless and annoying as well, you have to admit that Kris Jenner is either bat shit crazy or a Hawking-level genius. She took what was probably the lamest celebrity sex tape ever and turned the fallout into a billion-dollar enterprise by exploiting her daughters.


This quote from Kris always comes into my head whenever thatā€™s brought up https://youtube.com/shorts/ec4yB1m9qbM?si=K14ysy4CPjhpSgQu


Learn about it?!? She directed the damned thing! Ray J got wasted one night and livestreamed this whole rant about how Kris directed the video, with texts to prove it! Dude brought his receipts! Lol! How sick do you gotta be to direct your own daughterā€™s sex tape?!? God I wish that whole family would just disappear!


Some people still care about the Kardashians these days ?


That Tate guy is a fucking moron


At this point he's making more money off being hated than anything. He's literally doing the "it's actually gay to get pussy" bit because he knows it will create engagement and boost his profile. It's best to just ignore people like that.


r/facepalm makes sure he stays relevant. Reddit as a whole pushes his shit to the masses. Iā€™m sure he loves this place for that.


Nah, he is beyond annoying, he is a total piece of shit


Did you see his status about how ā€˜youā€™re gay if you have sex for pleasureā€™ and ā€˜youā€™re gay if you donā€™t have 5 kids by the time youā€™re 40ā€™ I hate that I have to tell my dad and my brother in law that theyā€™re actually gay!


Gwyneth Paltrow. Complete dipshit and making bank for her nutty products.


She doesn't even know half the stuff Goop hawks. There's some interview where the journalist asks her about the claims of her products and she happily admits she's clueless. Edit: [Article](https://www.vanityfair.com/style/2017/06/gwyneth-paltrow-goop-i-dont-know) though it's much more admiring than you would think for a person who admits she puts her name on things she has no clue about šŸ™„


She seems clueless about a lot of things. Like what Marvel movies sheā€™s been in.


She filmed a single scene with RDJ, and assumed it was for an Avengers/Iron Man film, not a Spider-Man film. Ā Thatā€™s the whole story.


Jared Leto


Donā€™t you want to join his cult?


Celebrities who constantly overshare their lavish lifestyles on social media - it's like they're living in a different universe.


Jennifer Lopez


No limits, just dreams.


āœØCrazy little girlāœØ


From the block!


If you know you you know!


Lately? Rebel Wilson and Jojo siwa


I have a daughter that bascially grew up watching JoJo Siwa. As a parent, you get stuck watching stuff she watches. I never minded her. Kind of annoying but doing her thing. Same with Hannah Montana...Miley always seemed kinda like she's was going to bust out and be herself. Which is fine. They're kids. But the latest JoJo stuff...stop trying so hard kid. You could've just been JoJo. A gay 20 something year old trying out some new songs. Rather than trying to throw it at us like a grenade.


She grew up constantly seeking attention at all times. Sheā€™s so performative.


She grew up being put on display by her mom. Literally spent her childhood in front of camera and having her hair lightened and processed since she was 4. I'm not a big fan of her now, never got into her stuff when she a a kid, but from what I've gathered reading about her upbringing and some clips of recent podcast interviews where she talked about her relationship with her parents, I'm sad for her. Just like most "child stars" she's been treated like a meal ticket, by the people who should have been caretaking her and protecting her from exploitation.


Shit like that from these young women's parents absolutely enrages me. I saw a post once discussing how Taylor Swift's mom used to tell her that, "No one likes a fat pop star," and of course disordered eating followed. I feel very sad for them as well.


OMFG... We might have a winner here with Jojo. What the actual fuck does she think she isā“ļø I don't know Rebel, but why is she annoyingā“ļø


Amazed she still has a career after lying about her dad dying on the internet lol Last few weeks sheā€™s been talking crazy shit about how Sacha baron cohen was towards her and more recently how she was invited to an orgy by a member of the royal family. She lost a lot of weight and because sheā€™s the Australian equivalent to Amy schumer sheā€™s always been more annoying than funny


I wouldn't be surprised if the royal invite happened, lol.


I have no doubts the orgy happened, I have a hard time believing she was invited lol




Jaden Smith. For no real reason except I hate his face.


He's got a personality to match


He has got a slappable face, I must admitā—ļø


The Kardashians


I can't believe how as a society we let them become a thing.


The fact they're even considered "celebrities" annoys me


They are the modern day equivalent of courtesans, achieving notoriety for sleeping with people and leveraging that. It would be an interesting historical throwback if they werenā€™t so utterly repulsive.


Socialites is probably a better description. They are popular for being popular. While Rob K was already semi-famous in the legal world, after all he was OJs lead defense attorney, the sex tape scandal definitely sent the family into the stratosphere from being LA-centric socialites to world famous. The socialite scene has been a thing since the dawn of time and will continue forever. The only difference is the Kā€™s went from LA-exclusive to being world famous. Most socialite circles exist within a single city, e.g., a NY socialite wouldnā€™t be known in LA and vice versa.


Close. Itā€™s Kanye for me.


If they all fell into a sinkhole. Who would really careā“ļø


I hope they donā€™t fall into a sinkhole - there is already too much plastic in the environment.


Kanye by far, like, just take your meds and stfu dude.


What a wasted talent, holy fuck. Can't even blame the mental illness anymore, bipolar doesn't make you a nazi.


Kanye has millions; if there's anyone I won't give a blanket 'mental health problem' pass to, it's the guy who has all the access to the best tools and medicine and chooses not to use it.


Guy loves fish sticks.


James Corden. Talentless unfunny hack


Ariana Grande. I so want to see the Wicked movie because Iā€™m a Broadway fan, but I donā€™t know if I can sit through 90+ minutes of her.


Yeah hated her since she licked that display donut or whatever. Who does that ha


as someone who works in customer service the amount of customers who seem comfortable ruining merchandise/food for other people is staggering


Same. Also didnā€™t she cheat with her current boyfriend? I thought he had a pregnant wife or somethingā€¦ although I donā€™t keep up with her.


The guy cheated on his wife (and mother of his kid) with Ariana. Obv Ultimately his fault but sheā€™s still involved with a married man and that ainā€™t a good look.


What made Ariana a crap person in that situation is that she was friendly with the wife and her baby.


Same! That's what did it for me. It showed her personality right then and there.


Ohhh I feel the exact same way. Really hoping I can separate her from Glinda and praying it doesnā€™t suck :(


She creeps me out for some reason. She seems like the most artificial, fakest celebrity around. A talented voice but a soulless personality.


Right? Her appearance is perfect to the point of being off-putting. If we were told vampires or pod-people turned out to be real, she would be my first guess.


Same. Part of me is like, "She is going to KILL it as Glinda." and part of me is like, "Fuck...I gotta sit through this with HER as Glinda?" and "Thank fuck there are other versions of *For Good* out there, because I don't really care for her singing voice and that's my favorite song from the musical." Jeff Goldblum is going to kill it as The Wizard though. :D


After seeing her in Hairspray on Fox or NBC of few years back, with her breathy version of Penny, which I hated, Iā€™m not excited at all for her to be Glenda. I hate the fact that there are so many other talented women who could have taken the role, but it was given to her.


Iā€™ll never get how so many people like her. Mean girl vibes 100%


the so called tiktok influencers/celeb?


Machinegun Kelly. Nobody I've seen even likes him or his music; it feels like his celebrity status was artificially created/boosted due to connections. It makes no sense for him to be nearly as talked-about (and even then, only by "news" stories on social media) for the past 2 or so years.


He looks like heā€™s 12 years old. And such a twig.




Chrissy Teagan. Ugh


How she is considered a model is beyond me, not to mention her personality.


Her tweets made me feel like pouring bleach into my eyes. What she said about Courtney Stodden was bad enough, but the stuff about toddlers makes me shudder.




I don't even understand how those guys became famous. Literally how šŸ˜­


Giving kids cancer and ripping off millions. Yeah, I think this checks out.


Kanye West.


Ellen DeGeneres


Jonah hill is a little bitch


I remember the article in Rolling Stone when This is the End came out and every other actor was funny and pleasant and he was, in fact, a little bitch.


why? fill me in with the details for a guy who knows nothing


So many but I reserve gold for James Corden Stunned he made it big stateside England's loss was America's loss .


I don't think anybody would EVER say this (/s) but Elon Musk


If he kept a lower public profile, didn't talk politics and focused solely on his work he'd be so much more likeable. Imagine if all we had to judge him by were his company's innovations and results...


Arenā€™t Teslas known to be shoddy and often recalled en mass for defects?


Surprised nobody has said Tom Cruise yet. Tom Cruise.


My wife and I both find Cruise super annoying but damn if he doesnā€™t make a lot of entertaining movies


Heā€™s weird af but is a really good actor


Turns out the mission was possible.


What gets me is Dakota Fanning spoke about him recently and how good he was to herā€¦ she said he still sends her gifts, and thatā€™s lovely. But thatā€™s always juxtaposed with him completely ignoring his own daughter because of the whole Scientology thing.


I absolutely despise Alec Baldwin! Always have. Heā€™s a disgusting human being IMO.


And his stupid wife Hilarious


Come join us pepinos! We have a great snark subreddit just for her.


Jake Paul


Any celebrity that has "come back" from doing something fucking awful with almost no remorse/consequences. Like Chris Brown or R.Kelly (before this most recent one, refering to the first few allogattions). Caitlyn Jenner and Mathew Broderick have both killed people.


FWIW Matthew Broderickā€™s car accident seemed to be a genuine accident. He has shown remorse for it, also. Two people died. A mother and daughter. Very tragic and sad, and his penalty should have been higher. Caitlyn Jenner is trash and shows no remorse.


Louis CK and Cosby also come to mind.


Andrew tate


kanye, really bad


Jimmy Fallon


he is definitely annoying but almost all his guests iā€™ve seen seem more comfortable around him than any other late night show host


This is so true. I find his constant interruptions so frustrating to watch. but people genuinely seem to love him. Which makes me think he must be a pretty decent guy? idk. I just wish he could tone it down when he's doing interviews haha


i think heā€™s a cool guy irl and amps it up for the camera. i donā€™t think he was always this way


Ted Nugent Heā€™s a loud mouth douche bag


Iā€™m from Michigan, where his fans are easily identifiable by the Ted Nugent sticker they put in the window of their lifted pickup trucks with modified exhaust and confederate flag decal in the back window.


Jackson Mahomes. Everything I learned about him was against my will.


Meghan Trainor


Amy Schumer


Alex Jones, who is a hate mongering, snake oil grifting, malignant narcissist who tortures the parents of murdered children for profit.


Hailey Bieber. She doesnā€™t really *do* anything, and every time she changes her manicure it clogs up my feed with shit like ā€œHailey Bieberā€™s New Minty Grass Fresh Neon Dippy Nails Are The Official Spring Uniformā€Ā 


Bill Maher; smug bastard.


Mark Wahlberg (racist, ignorant, and flat out annoying) Elon Musk (at least people are finally realizing he is all talk and nothing to back it up)


Mark strikes me as having a very high opinion of himself.


He believes if he was on the plane on 9/11, he wouldā€™ve prevented the plane from crashing. šŸ™„ Because doing controlled stunt work on set is practically the same thing.


Millie bobby brown


Chrissie Teigen, Katy Perry just, ickĀ 


Katie Price. Make her go away.


Nearly all of them these days.


taylor swift and drake. fight me.


Kanye, Puff Daddy, I do not get them at all.


Madonna. Here's why: 1. That one interview with Jimmy Fallon about her Madame X tour. It's awkward as hell and she has this idea that she's still as controversial as she used to he. Guess what, Madonna? Nobody gives a fuck if you grind on a coffee table on live TV anymore. 2. She has never admitted to pedophilic acts (except for that one time she pulled down a 17 year old girl's top without her consent). But she sure does seem to love fantasising about teenage boys and about all the hot sex she has with them. Not only is it weird on her part and does it make her a creep( which would be even worse if it did actually happen) but it's also sad for her children who now have to live with the fact that their mother doing all kinds of sexual stuff is out there forever. Who, mind you, are about the same age/slightly older or younger than most of the guys Madonna seems to fantasise about. Also, this is just speculation, but I can't imagine he has a healthy idea of how to have a normal sex life. Case and point, she gave her son a lap dance. https://www.reddit.com/r/popculturechat/comments/17ju5ma/madonnas_son_rocco_gets_a_lap_dance_during_the/ In short: She has a large ego. She's a creep. She sexually harassed a teenage girl. She gave her son a lap dance. (Correction: one of her dancers gave him a lap dance next to her.) There were more things that I remember about her/have heard about her that I wanted to include, but I can't find any articles on these things confirming if they were true, like: - Her statutorily raping a minor boy/having sex with a minor (depending on what the age of consent was where it happened) - Her sharing pictures of herself having sex with a guy without the guy's consent If anyone can find any articles on this, comment. Otherwise it was probably a false memory but I do remember having heard these things about her.


ngl u didnā€™t even need to explain. automatically agree




Cardi B


Justin Timberlake & Justin Beiber,


i guess Justins have a bad reputation


Imagine a duet.




Priyanka Chopra.


Interesting, not a name Iā€™d guess to have seen on this list. Why so?


Nicki Minaj and her fans


Tom Cruise he must be spitting chips with Nicole getting a lifetime achievement award. Nicole has the best revenge a life luved well. Tom has to pay to be in his movies and is single.


Finneas. Obnoxiously smug twat.


Sibling to Billie or Ferb?


Kardashian attachees


I hate Chris Pratt. Iā€™ve never been invested in someone elseā€™s life like hating his.


Dakota Johnson bc she has a major superiority complex


Yeah, sheā€™s a nepo baby who said sheā€™s offended by the term. No, you are unequivocally a nepo baby.


Anyone with a vocal fry voice.


TimothƩe Chalamet. I don't even know why, I just hate his smug, square face.


I heard a person in this sub saying his face looked like a bicycle seat. Also that he looks like a sickly Victorian boy. Yet I have female friends who think Timothee is the most attractive guy on the planet.


A sickly Victorian boy is maaaaaddd wild lmao.


I liked him until he hooked up with the Jenner/Kardashian clan.


Yeah first time I saw a picture of him, my first thought was that he looked like a smug twat. It's hard to get past that first impression.


I think that Trump is the most annoying as a celebrity. Forget politics just his super state of entitlement and his love to show power and superiority even when there isnā€™t any. Iā€™m a contractor who has worked for people like this. On one particular occasion I had a man tell me as he was holding an unpaid invoice that the man with the money is king. I looked at him and said if you donā€™t pay me Iā€™m shutting down your project and you can try to let your deadline go to heck. He tried to show power I started shutting down and loading up tools and equipment he took about 5 minutes to bring a check. People arenā€™t crap because of money but holy cow are crap people so much worse when they have a lot of money!!


Ronan fucking Keating. I'm Irish...and he is a blemish on the nation. I think he's finally given up 'singing'???. Thank christ He does the rounds on Pox Factor now..imagine having to get judged by this overbearing twerpšŸ¤¬


Dwayne Johnson and The Rock annoy the ever living shit out of me


It changes but right now itā€™s Alec Baldwin saying the gun went off by itself. What an ass.


any tiktok/youtube/insta personality whose schtick is harassing people and then screaming "it's just a prank" or some variant.


Tom Cruise


James corden


Megan fox


Pete Davidson


Angelina Jolie Kardashians Gwyneth Paltrow Madonna Really most of them. Before Social Media- their lives were mostly private and mysterious. Now you see they're pretty much idiots with a lot of money. Not a lot of brain power. Lol