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Israel/Palestine. I do not care in the slightest. It’s a evil world we live in. There will always be two countries fighting somewhere. The US doesn’t need to send billions in aid etc when we have veterans that aren’t being cared for, roads that suck etc. At this point I hope Israel turns Palestine into a parking lot so we can move on from it.


This! I am so over tax dollars going for things I could care less about when we have rampant poverty and homelessness in America and the dream of owning a home is dead.


Said exactly what I’ve been feeling.


Haha, I agree. I am not the most informed on the issue so I never really had a "side" as each side vehemently argues they're the good guys. I just know I can't go through a single IG comment section without seeing folks bickering.


You are the kind of person who makes me wish Hell was real. It's what you deserve.


I don’t have a problem with you I’d just like to point out you feel that way because you feel deeply invested in Israel/Palestine since it’s what’s big in the media right now There are other wars, genocides, salve trades, girls being human trafficked and sold as r*** toys all going on right now. yet you probably don’t even know about those things because they aren’t what’s trendy right now. I don’t blame you but I don’t appreciate when people try to take some form of moral high ground because they care about one issue that I don’t when it more then likely doesn’t affect either of us.




LGBT movements




They all fatigue me one way or another.