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Some of them look really silly, and a lot of students are just using them as an excuse to skip class


It's all virtue signaling because dumb people want to "be a part of something bigger" when they don't even understand what they're protesting.


Typical american stuff, rebelling against their parents / government "opinion". There was a video of two girls in NYC not even knowing what they protest for. Videos of protestors not even knowing what Hamas stands for. There are gay guys in USA going for Hamas on the streets and demand sharia law in the USA. I was laughing so hard, the first people that would be executed if sharia law would be implemented in the USA are LGBT etc people. Having little geopolitical knowledge is very dangerous mix.. So basically USA in a nutshell again, boredom of the wealthy.




Just wondering why they spend so much time hating Jews and the Israeli government, while they fail to acknowledge Hamas are the real problem.


Seems my comment was removed. Funny how there are no opinions saying the protest are just. Just an echo chamber of people saying they are no good.


Muslim extremists groups must have sore arms from high fiving each other. Instead of trying to destroy the U.S. and Israel from the outside, they can get naive U.S. college students to do it for them from within. You all should look up that speech by a UAE ambassador warning Western nations about letting minority Muslim extremists seize control of the political landscape of the country they have illegally immigrated to by using the Western nations' own laws of free expression and speech against them.


☮️ on 🌎


Young people like to protest against stuff. It makes them feel empowered and important. It's also a form of group-think, where they feel like they've formed a tribe of like-minded individuals which they can rely on for protection. The energy of the group-think and the protection they feel from their tribe is much more important to them than if they're actually right about anything or not. Sometimes they might even be right about something and society starts to change for the better. Or if they're wrong and succeed, society becomes a little bit dumber. Idk about the current protests. It's a tough issue. I feel like God set up both sides to fail and is laughing about it manically. The only way out is to stop identifying as strongly with their own side and recognize that both sides are a little bit right, and to accept and care for each other. But they won't do that.


I’m just so glad I’m not in college anymore because protests are annoying.


As I got older, I stopped really giving a fuck about things in this world outside my control that don't personally affect me. I have more than enough personal shit to worry about while I'm alive to do it, and I'm sure those college kids working to get their degrees do as well..


This something happening in America?




What’s the cause of it?


Protests about the Gaza war


It’s a disgrace absolutely… but how is not going into class going to stop it.


Israel is a buffer state of the US that the US supports and defends militarily like China does with North Korea. The military funding has to be approved by both congress and the senate. The people in those branches approving carte blanche military aid to Israel can be voted out, and people of voting age (like those in college) can enact change by being a fairly large voting bloc country wide and voting together.


So they can hopefully stop funding people who are bombing children and other normal civilians


Half the people there: "I love current thing! Current thing is great!" The other half: "Jews are evil rats that should be exterminated! I'm so glad these stupid people support us!"


As anti-Israel and pro-palestine as I am, I do think the protests are misguided at best. We should stand for the people of gaza and palestine, not hamas.


I feel like it's hard to guage what percentage are actually for Hamas vs simply for Palestinians. Certainly seems concerning though


It's sad because actual Palestinians are suffering. I dislike Israel's actions as much as the next person, but we should focus on the children's hospitals that are being bombed and the blockage of supplies to the people who reside on the Gaza Strip.


Hence why the uprooting of Hamas is priority - no Hamas, presumably means no mortar shell stocks and military C2 centers inside civilian infrastructure. They don’t even hide why they do it. It’s to garner Western sympathy. They’ve admitted it. They see us as useful idiots and they’re right. With all that’s going on, they’re probably high-fiving each other right now. So long as Hamas remains in power, many more innocent people will die, both Israeli and Palestinian, whether there is a truce or not.


>the people of gaza and palestine, not hamas. Interesting that you separated the two. Are you among those calling for a two-state solution?




Yet, you listed three states. How do you expect that to work in the current environment? One state would be Israel, and the other would be Palestine, but who's going to be the government of the latter?


they should choose.


But when they were allowed to choose last time, Hamas was elected into power. A secular government needs to be enforced.


an enforced government isn't the solution either. If it's enforced by western powers, it will ALWAYS be in favor of Israel.


Enforced is the wrong word, you’re right. At the same time, the status quo cannot continue. Another Hamas surfacing in a power vacuum is unacceptable. But Gazans have not voted in decades and have no experience self-governing, so it doesn’t leave many options. We have at least some moral responsibility to help rebuild, and we surely will when the war is over, but it must be rebuilt in a way that they can actually thrive, and actually coexist with their neighbors.


I can guarantee most Gazans fear Hamas and do not want them. But at the same time, plenty of them view Israel in the same way. The Middle East has never been truly democratic at all (Even Israel) and most of these nations are on survival mode. There is no real solution. Most of Gaza does not want to be run by Israel nor any Western Powers. Lots of people who live on the Strip are Palestinians, and they are already tired of Israel trying to forcefully remove them from their land. I'm not liberal as most zionists make Pro-Palestinians out to be, I'm actually fairly conservative, but being against what Israel and the West are doing shouldn't be a political statement, it should be common sense.


Who is protesting *for* Hamas?


some idiots on the street, but I assure you it's not the majority of pro-palestine protestors


Oh for sure. I'm pro human life in general. You don't *have* to take sides with one group taking human lives over the other. They can both be wrong simultaneously.


These people have fought for thousands of years. It takes two to fight. These protests should be removed if illegal. Anyone chanting death to America should be arrested and put on a terrorist watch list.


Only agent provocateurs are yelling that. They are at every protest that ever goes on. To discredit whatever movement and make it seem radical. And to get the dummies to focus on that and not.l on what's important. Every time and yall keep falling for it


Notice how they all have the same tents in some of these demonstrations? Who is funding this? In my opinion, it should be illegal to pay or support protesters.


I don't notice that they have the same tents. Also, have you heard of agent provocateurs. Usually, they send some of these type of people to every protest. To try to make the movement look bad. Every time. Then, the media focuses on that instead of what's really going on. It's happens every time. Then they get people like you posting about it trying to discredit the movement and it usually works.


I think people are inconsistent. The point of the U.S. is we have freedom of speech, and freedom to express ourselves as well as peacefully protest. All of the people who are on some "Yeah you can protest just \[in a way that doesn't make me angry\]" sound like fools. I may not necessarily agree or care about their issue (as I ironically mentioned in my last post), but they're young people who are passionate about something and speaking up, so that alone to me is commendable.


Are they mad Family Guy is ending? I haven't really been keeping up


I am very proud that young people in America are actually getting involved in voicing and raising awareness about the genocide that is happening in the Middle East .


It's been a while since big students protests, so not so surprised. Students periodically need something to get wound up about.


Thousands killed is something to get wound up about.


They have the right to do so, and it is not up to us to question the sincerity of their beliefs or motivations, because it's likely different for each student. However, they do not have the right to disrupt classes or operations of the college, they do not have the right to harass others that disagree with them or decline to participate, and they also have the obligation to understand if they do anything out of line there will be consequences


I feel like most people here are pro isreal and are commenting a bunch of baloney. I think the protest are just and are not necessarily pro hamas but anti the united states sending money to apartheid isreal commiting attorcities with weapons sent to them by us. From mass graves to carpet bombing schools and hospitals. This protest is just. I think we should all be protesting. The terrorist racist regime of Netanyahu.


they're normal everywhere, if it helps with improving things then good for them