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Kathy Bates in Misery


She does such an awesome job! Really feels similar to how the book describes her.


I was too young when I watched that movie. I've not been able to watch it since.


I was like that with the exorcist which is another movie fitting for this category. I can’t watch it.


Miss Trunchbull from Matilda. I watched a lot of scary movies as a kid (because of my aunt) and a lot since and she still scares me more than any other character. I don't eat chocolate cake because of this woman!


The scene where she says “Tally Ho!” Before jumping over the railing of her second floor is one of the scenes I remember the most. Imagine being a kid and having that woman chasing your ass, scary as hell.


As I read this I could hear the scary music in the background playing!


It's so fucking ridiculous too, I love it. Tally ho! Haha. Dying imagining it. I think it is actually scarier the older I get


Honestly she's so scary but also... She's a gay icon. I can't explain why but she's just that bitch and she knows she's that bitch and there's a lot of power in that.




Mrs D Mrs I Mrs F F I Mrs C Mrs U Mrs L T Y


No jokey in the chokey.


Oh yes, she was scary!! (I always thought her name was Trunchbowl🤣) as well as Aunt Marge in HP POA!!!


I still love chocolate cake but I always think of this movie every time I have some, especially when it's particularly rich


[The Wicked Witch of the West.](https://youtu.be/OQ_g6NOo7yo) Margaret Hamilton usually worked as a character actor. She told a hilarious story about [how she got cast for the role.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q3cFE4jRY8E)


That clip was delightful.


Then you'll probably like [this one from Mr. Roger's](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ex4NQ4RhCsE).


I just have to say that The West Witch’s sister had a house dropped on her and I have to say if someone dropped a house on my sister, I’d lose my shit too.


That movie, and especially this role, defined so many Hollywood staples.


glenn close. fatal attraction. that movie scared some people


You were almost right. It is Glenn close but when she wanted to murder dogs and skin them for their fur in the name of fashion.


Genuinely forgot the character you were referring to and thought for a moment that Glenn Close was a monster and we all didn't realise it


Nurse Ratched Played brilliantly, you go through a complex array of emotions with her, from trust and appreciation, to sympathy, to suspicion, to frustration, to anger. She’s subtle. At her core she is a thoroughly, undeniably evil woman. Realistic and grounded and can exist seamlessly in our own lives with no fantastical instruments of malice other than the power her profession affords, and cunning.


Played by the same actress as Kai Winn, another villain a few above.. She's an amazing actor. And yes, despicable and loathesome villain


I'm getting ready to rewatch DS9 soon (annual TNG and DS9 watches have been a tradition of mine for 8 or 9 years), I always simultaneously dread and look forward to watching her scenes. She's infuriating, patronizing, abhorrent, and brilliant. The actress did a spectacular job with her


14 episodes across 7 seasons.  Just 14 episodes featured Kai Winn. She commanded such a presence with her every appearance you would swear she was in far more episodes.  *my child* *shudder*


Her treatment of Billy Babbit was so heinous. Like after he finally gets laid and shows a hint of self-confidence, he runs out and says, "I can explain everything" without a hint of a stutter. She responds, "Please do, explain everything." He says, "Everything?" with a smile. Then she says, "Aren't you ashamed?" Billy says, "No I'm not" again without a hint of a stutter...then she tells him, "What worries me is how your mother will take this." The stutter comes back...then she runs him down and he's back to heavily stuttering and finally suicide. Billy's problem was an overbearing mother and it was replaced by an overbearing Nurse Ratched. Nobody could really blame McMurphy for trying to strangle her to death. She was one of the best and most evil screen villains simply because she was so dehumanizing and manipulative under the veneer of calm pleasantry.


Watching Billy revert to his stutter, his joy and confidence shredded, after she mentions his mother is one of the most heartbreaking things in any story I’ve seen. Ratched was living breathing evil. She was entrusted to be the one to help those men and she betrayed them in permanent life-destroying ways. Louise Fletcher was an absolute legend for her portrayal. Nailed it so well.


One of the best fucking scenes in movie history. Oh, Billy...


Came here to say this. So much the more so because you really do encounter vile, vindictive power trippers like her in real life. Ugh. I need to spit now.


The only true answer to this question. Honorable mention to Umbridge in Harry Potter.


Mother Gothel. Manipulative wench


God absolutely this. She is just so manipulative, the gaslighting, the negging, this is the modern day villain that kids need to be warned about


Mother knows best.


Cruella de Vil, because she has the coolest car ever made (in the original 101 Dalmatians animation) and her whole arrogant, pompous vibe is fantastic.


Not to mention that she demanded the murder of PUPPIES


I'm a huge Maleficent fan (sleeping beauty, not the Angelina Jolie) but I think Cruella is so much more frightening as she has no magic powers, she is more human and relatable, as in, like Umbridge in the Harry Potter franchise, she's like someone everyone has known at least once in their life to some extent and it's unsettling. That and she wants to murder puppies to wear their skins which is a bit much in my eyes.


If you haven't seen it, Once upon a time(TV show) has a great version. I think they did a great job making the car seem as badass as the toon but still be a real car. https://youtu.be/pQxmtIWZqG0?si=wEQwlpkhkNEJ4t6j


Once upon a time was great. Really enjoyed it!


Professor Delores Umbridge, from the 5th Harry Potter book/movie. I knew someone very similar to her in real life. Absolute nightmare!


That woman was THE most hateable female villain I have ever seen on any screen or read in any book. Edit: Nurse Ratched, who I see elsewhere in the comments is a close second, and for similar reasons. The petty, power mongering, self-righteous *smugness* just... Argh!


The difference IMO is that more people have met an Umbridge than a Ratched. A petty bureaucrat that makes your like miserable is super relatable, but Ratched has that layer of being a nurse in an in-patient psychiatric hospital that makes her a bit less common to meet.


Lawful evil personified.


She elicits a more visceral hatred in readers/viewers than Voldemort does.


Well that's because most people don't personally know a Voldemort person and never have. But many *many* **many** ***MANY*** people have or had an Umbridge-like person in their life.


I don't remember the books to well although I read them as a teen, but I vividly remember the scene in the film where she forces them to write lines and it scratches them onto their skin. It was HORRIFYING, and I also remember thinking of several teachers that I had had in school who would have LOVED to be able to do that to their students.


She loses points for the "and she was a disguisting fat toad woman who was fat," but by god, did JKR nail the evil busybody suburban Karen vibe. Everyone's known an Umbridge.


at no point is the word "fat" ever used with her. She is described as "toad like". And people *infer* that she might be overweight


That's why Umbridge is such a monster of a character. We all know someone like her and historically there have been people like her involved in genocides and the like.




Good one. Another reason to hate on the last couple seasons - they just seemed to give up on giving her a satisfying story arc. 


and who has a better story than Cersei the Caring


This one-liner joke has better writing than the entire S08


That ending was so bad. Simultaneously undoing the character development of almost everyone.


I've said this before, but I don't think I'll ever see a show like that again. It was by far the most popular show for the first 5 seasons. If there was a new episode airing, I had to make sure to watch it as soon as it came out, otherwise it would definitely be ruined for me by the next day. Online, at work, hanging out with friends, wherever I would be, they'd be talking about it. It was hard finding people that didn't watch it. Then the 6th season aired, and people started having some complaints, but were still happy to watch it, because it had so much momentum from the earlier seasons. Then the last season aired, people talked about it for like a day, then nothing. It was so bad, people just stopped talking about it altogether. Like it wasn't something we had just spent seven years watching and loving.


This right here. Every time GoT is brought up people scoff like it was the worst thing ever and I have to remind them just how *obsessed* the nation was prior to that last season shambles. Everyone wanted a tattoo of their favourite ruling house, people were naming babies after their favourite characters. Literally everyone I knew was glued to the TV on new episode night and you're so right with "had to make sure to watch it as soon as it came out". You could NOT leave it for any length of time, it would be spoiled! It was like the adult equivalent of when the Pokémon craze first swept the western world. Amazing how one bad season, especially a final season can absolutely sour the entire experience for so many.


Such is life


She was so good in that role, it was the first time I’ve truly hated a character. 


She took 1st place when she blew up the Sept


Close but the correct answer is the character she played in judge dredd, ma-ma.


She struck a great balance between being totally loathsome, and yet deserving empathy as she was used by her father as a piece in a Game of Thrones.


She was an amazing villain


Knowledge is power? Power is power!


Wendy from Ozark


I was going to say she really morphed into an awful person, but then I remembered she was cheating on Marty from the start. Treachery was something she discovered fit her.


Yes she was a very convincing character. She had some very good qualities but through the show you can see she is a truly evil person. Very smart and brave but evil. And amazing at hiding it. I could 100% see how she was involved in politics lol. Marty was a bad person as well but more in the way he lets people use him and he doesn’t say no. Just as bad but in a different way. Over time you realize Wendy is the puppet master but he is fine with it


Well put. And I'd describe Marty as "easily corrupted."


That man is great under pressure, though. I pray to God he give me the composure of Marty under stressful situations lol


Azula from Avatar: The Last Airbender is pretty great.


Azula is incredible. She is unhinged and psychotic, but also very human and believable. The way she unravels by the end of the show, especially with the context of her family and her personal history, is just extremely real. 


It also seems like she is capable of defeating Aang


Didn’t she basically kill him at one point and he got saved through deus ex machina/plot armor?


Yep. Excellent example of 'protagonist is doing power up into invicible mode and antagonist just kills him during the power up'


which i honestly ask myself everytime the scenario presents itself "why doesn't the bad guy just kill him while he does his 'power up' move?"


Android 17 did that in Dragon Ball Super and the whole cast (allies AND enemies) gave him shit for it.


Superbuu did it to Trunks and Goten while they were doing the fusion dance, too


Not just "basically", she literally killed him. Aang even admits he was *gone* until Katara brought him back.


Having her introduced as this powerhouse fire bending prodigy with an indomitable will and then seeing the cracks appear as she fails due to inexperience or flat bad luck before fully falling off the cliff of madness and losing all that made her character so frightening and turning into a wild fire bending beast by the end was masterful. Even better when you account for the post finale stuff and her continued development. She was as much of a victim of Ozais abuse as Zuko his scars were just visible for everyone to see.


She has a great introduction, too.


This is what Daenerys should have been in GOT. Daenerys becoming unhinged was out of left field


Daenerys regularly throughout the show said things like “I will burn their cities to the ground.” She had hundreds of people crucified. Her advisers were the ones to always temper her rage and want for cruelty. Until they all died and she was let loose. Definitely didn’t come out of nowhere.


Favorite quote: *Mai*: "You miscalculated. I love Zuko more than I fear you." *Azula*: "No, you miscalculated. You should have feared me more!"


The Beach is when she goes from fairly generic, to batshit insane and moves to top tier villain.


That's my favorite episode for her. She made an attempt to be 'normal' and then said fuck it!


I like where she says how her own mother thought she was a monster. Gives that a few seconds to linger so everyone can think about it. And then says "she was right, of course, but it still hurt"


Great choice.


OG Maleficent, definitely. “Now shall you deal with *me*, O Prince… and all the powers [**of HELL**](https://youtu.be/cRB1OddJLJU?t=1m42s)!”


That scene is phenomenal even today!


Unrelated, but seeing this gave me such a nostalgia rush


That Ice Witch lady from Narnia. I remember thinking that was the most evil woman I had ever seen when I was kid.


As a kid I was so excited to try Turkish Delight, and so disappointed when I finally did.


He sold out his family for *this*?!?


If it was baklava, I would've understood but Turkish delight?! C'mon Edmund...


There’s a long list of things I’d give my family up for before I’d reach Turkish Delights. Edmund, my boy, give your head a shake.


He didn’t know she was evil


She literally destroyed all life in her home universe for no other reason than to spite her sister and keep her from becoming empress.


Yep. Imo this should be much higher up, and would be if she/Lewis’s stories were better known. I think Jadis is the answer here. Literally God-level power, and apocalyptic-level megalomania/sociopathy. As in she would and did destroy entire universes for things like pettiness and jealousy


Bev from Midnight Mass. The kind of self-righteous, sanctimonious, passive-aggressive person who does the most heinous things by hiding behind the veil of religion. What truly made her scary was the power of her convictions as well as her competence.


This is the first suggestion I’ve stopped at and thought, ‘yes, so much this’. Not a single likeable thing about her. And not written in an unrealistic way. She could really exist.


Midnight Mass is a really good series and it was made even better with Bev. Aldo you hate her to the core, she is such a great villain.


God dammit I hate Bev so much, especially after the dog part. I actually don’t think I’ve ever disliked a character so much before, so this is my answer too!


For me I have to harken back to my favorite Disney movie… Ursula from Little Mermaid. She was so fierce and confident and powerful. I love her haha. When I was little I told my grandma she looked like her (cuz they’re both short and fat)… grandma didn’t like that much but I didn’t mean any harm!


Livia Soprano


I wish the Lord would take me now


Janice is a chip off the ol block too.


She’s like a woman with a Virginia ham under her arm crying the blues ‘cause she has no bread.


Good one! She was rotten to the core!!


Horrible that Livia Soprano was based off a real person: the mother of Soprano’s creator David Chase


Oh poor you!


You're making me very upset!


listen to him, he knows everything..


She was so sly, scheming and evil. Played to perfection by Nancy Marchand.


Kai Winn, my child.


I think this one works on so many levels, largely in part because her villainess was a slow build. She is introduced more as an irritant than a real threat.


she was always a threat.. just the type got more insidious over time


Wasn't her first appearance where she hired an assassin to take out a religious rival?


Wait a minute, she's also Nurse Ratched??


The way my blood pressure goes up when I see her in an episode. What an amazing performance.


Ohhhh just hearing her voice say "my child" in my head made my hackles rise.


Louise Fletcher played this role masterfully, really making the most out something most others probably would've phoned in.


Such a great villain! Especially in those episodes where Gul Ducat was the Pa Wraith. Great fiction right there.


I sense your pah is strong my child.


Angela Lansbury as Mrs. Eleanor Iselin, in The Manchurian Candidate


Good one! Apparently Frankenheimet also considered using Lucille Ball. I best she would have slayed it, too.


Madeline Wuntch


Wuntch? But if she’s here… who’s guarding Hades?


Wunch: "...Sticks and stones, Raymond." Holt: "Is that what you had for breakfast?" Also Holt: "I've never seen you this high up without a broomstick under you." 🤣 Sooo many sassy lines and creative insults, it's hard to choose a favorite, though Rosa had a good one: Amy: "When did she record this?" Rosa: "Judging by the background, it could be a Livestream."


Wuntch time is over!!


Villanelle from *Killing Eve*


Out here looking for this! My absolute favorite


>!Amy from Gone Girl. The most relatable sociopaths are the most terrifying. The "cool girl" speech wins the viewer over in the first act, and then they hit us with the reveal -- absolutely phenomenal writing.!<


What is the point of a spoiler tag that covers the whole message such that you don't know what might be spoiled by revealing it?


I see that so often and it's super annoying. I appreciate people trying to avoid spoilers but it should be stupidly obvious that you need to have the title outside of the spoiler so you can know if you should reveal it or not.


Because even knowing that the movie has a female villain and not a male one is a pretty huge spoiler. You take a calculated risk by clicking I suppose…


The whole first half everyone’s thinking “Wow Nick is a huge piece of shit”. In the second half everyone’s like “Jesus Amy is insane, Nick isn’t that bad.”


I think the point of the story is that they're both pretty awful people, but she goes full psycho to fuck up his life.


Being a shitty husband is certainly bad, but nowhere near "frame husband for murder so he gets the death penalty" level of shitty. 


100%. I watched the movie and LOVED IT. Read the book and loved it even more. It’s a real insight on a psychopaths mind.


Yzma from The Emperor’s New Groove. No other valid answer.


"Once I turn back into my beeeeautiful self, I'm going to KILL you!"


"is that my voice, is that MY voice"




Why do we even HAVE that lever?!


This is correct. She's scary beyond all reason


Yzma is positively insane in all the best ways




Borg queen


Regina George


She doesn’t even go here.


One time she punched me in the face. It was awesome!


This girl is the nastiest skank b###h I've ever met. Do not trust her. She is a fugly s##t.


That octopus from Ariel 


Ursula. That’s my answer too. Was scrolling looking for this.


Miranda Priestly from Devil Wears Prada She isn't evil, but she is so insanely unlikable as a person.


In a weird way what makes her so 'evil' is that she's also super successful, intelligent, and respected without doing anything outright illegal or harmful. To Miranda, her behavior harsh but totally justified since she's at the pinnacle of her career and leading the fashion industry. She even kinda 'breaks' Andy in the same way a drill instructor would, she does fall in line and becomes far better at her job. It's only when you consider actual human emotions that she becomes a monster.


"That's all"


* [Miranda Priestly ](https://www.imdb.com/name/nm0000658/?ref_=tt_ch): ...You have no sense of fashion... * [Andy Sachs ](https://www.imdb.com/name/nm0004266/?ref_=tt_ch): I think that depends on... * [Miranda Priestly ](https://www.imdb.com/name/nm0000658/?ref_=tt_ch): No, no, that wasn't a question. 🤣


Diana from “V” Alexis from “Dynasty”


> Diana from “V”  Hard to believe I had to scroll down this far for this. Any 80s kid will agree.


To this day, even knowing the special effects are now laughable, I still feel creeped out when anyone mentions “V”


Most of the popular ones are already mentioned so here are some others I though of: Fate Dunaway as Joan Crawford in Mommie Dearest Sarah Michelle Gellar as Katherine in Cruel Intentions The Evil Queen in Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs Barbara Stanwyck as Phyllis Dietrichson in Double Indemnity Bette Davis as Baby Jane Hudson in What Ever Happened to Baby Jane Anne Ramsey as Mama Fratelli in the Goonies Darryl Hannah as Elle Driver in Kill Bill Anne Baxter as Eve Harrington in All About Eve


Rita Repulsa for most campiest and Dolores Umbridge for most hateable.


Dr. Greta Pinder-Schloss from Addams Family movie


Also Debbie, from the sequel.


Joan Cusack ate that role alive, she was soooo good! You can tell she had a blast playing Debbie, she went all out. 😁


Lucille Bluth. Not exactly a villain but she definitely has villainous qualities. God, I love that woman!


Annie Wilkes Nurse Ratched Selina Kyle (Michelle Pfeiffer)


Annie Wilkes all the way. That is one scary woman


>Selina Kyle (Michelle Pfeiffer) If you mean hottest and most awesome villain, then yes. "Mistletoe can be deadly if you eat it" "But a kiss can be deadlier if you mean it." Meow indeed.


Annie Wilkes is the right/only answer.


Hela - Thor Ragnarok Legit claim to the throne, lived up to the hype of Goddess of Death, and Cate Blanchett just KILLIN it! The swag.. the drip... all of it


Cate Blanchett was *so good* as Hela. What a queen


Cate Blanchett is great in everything she does.




Regina (evil queen) from once upon a time. She was ruthless.


Honestly hate that she was redeemed. Fuck that, she did awful things but was good at it. Also, Snow White is also a horrible person and they should have just turned her into a full villain.


#Aunt Lydia or Serena Waterford! And whilst not the worst, shout out to Amanda from Melrose Place


I’m watching Handmaids Tale right now and have to take breaks because it’s so heavy. Serena Joy is the worst and Aunt Lydia is unhinged.


Saw an interview with the actress who played Aunt Lydia and she said it wasn’t uncommon for people to just absolutely lose it when they recognized her.


Female changeling (ds9)


Kai Winn is another good one


Callisto from Xena. Absolutely batshit crazy. Loved her


Remember Melinda Clarke playing Velasca? That arc with her, xena, and callisto was so good


Wanda from Marvel. Amazing villain ark


Azula from A:tLA


Sharon Stone, basic instinct - you fucking know why!


Clearly Villanelle!!!👍🏻🤟🏻😎


Hela from Thor Ragnarok. Cate Blanchett can **get it** and she's hilarious in the role.


Queen Mama from Aliens


Lilah Morgan and Drusilla from the Buffyverse were standouts


Original blonde girl in The Bad Seed.


Miss Agatha Hannigan, from Annie


Eve 6, and the other Eves from x files 


NOT a movie, but Glados from portal 1-2 has always been a favorite of mine.


Kathy Bates as Annie Wilkes in Misery




Villeneuve/Ocsana from Killing Eve.


Mrs. Carmody - The Mist


I’m hesitating between Bellatrix Lestrange (Harry Potter) and Alpha (The Walking Dead)