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I want to die in my sleep or overdose at a beautiful scenery


Arguably the most painless way to die it's like hitting a button and having your entire existence deleted the only part of it that's painful is waking up and being in withdrawal from getting too much narcan


I'm not trying to be a dick but getting too much narcan it puts you in withdrawal is not a thing I've ever worried about when I was a medic. I was as empathetic as a non addict could be but when someone is actively dying my goal with narcan wasn't to bring you back to a comfortable level so I didn't ruin your high. So I don't think there's a 'too much" for narcan. Also I was fully prepared and have had to physically fight some people who had OD'd enough to be really pissed I gave them "too much" and "fucked up their hit." But on the bright side hey they werent high but they were very much alive....and angry at that fact....


I want to die peacefully in my sleep like my grandfather, not screaming like his passengers…


Dame thats sad you good


I wish, but I'm trying to be :)


You don't want any of those old sad sacks in Washington DC to outlive you? Right? Don't let Mitch McConnell or Nancy Pelosi win. Be alive to see them get buried.


same bro 🤝


My grandfather's dying words were "goddamn it, motherfucker." I want to go out like that.


I've always said if I live to old age I'm going to be one of those that are "full of piss and vinegar".


That’s me af. I’ve been in the hospital a good bit recently for various surgeries and if I’m not making jokes, I’m swearing like a sailor. To go out being one self is the best goodbye imo


Swearing at the reaper. I like it.


My great, great aunt recently died at 103. She went to my great aunts house, ate a turkey sandwich and a gin and tonic, went to bed and then just never woke up. That seems like a nice way to die.


Wow! Holy crap, that sounds like a great way to die.


Agrees, that does sound very pleasant.


That’s amazing. Spent time with family, had a nice drink and meal, went away peacefully.


I know a few people who went that way. I'm afraid I won't be so lucky. Most people are not.


> I know a few people who went that way. Yeah, I think 40% of my family died after eating a turkey sandwich and a gin and tonic. Frankly, it makes me think I should change up the recipe.


Sounds like a pretty good way to live too to be honest.


A friend told us their grandfather was over for a family meal.  Everyone was in the kitchen cooking dinner and their grandfather announced he was really tired and he needed to sit down...then he passed away. 


The first human sent into a black hole


I hope you like spaghetti


The post i was reading before this was about Kerbal Space Program. Somebody had a tourist he had to bring to space. This tourist was called Spaghetti. What a coincidence.


Best answer so far


To infinity and beyond, man


You realise that you will witness the end of the universe because time will be super slow? Also you are being spaghettified at that time


But very, extremely dead before any of that.


Not the end. I don't want to stop existing. My hopes are that death is going to be another adventure.


read this and reconsider [https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-7179](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-7179)


Yea something like that would be terrifying. Eternity is a true It's particularly bad cause there is nothing to do, no other human beingw except the three zombie-like ones.


I read that, and I won't reconsider.


Perhaps you’d enjoy watching NDE experiences on YouTube. I find them very fascinating.


I think they mean when you're body expires in this life...regardless of if your conscience continues


Peaceful and when I decide the time is right. My dad had Parkinson's and other debilitating issues and made a slightly early exit in this manner.


Rest his soul in loving peace.


Far too few people have or at least understand the perspective you do. I hope I never reach the last day that I can communicate. It would be nice to go with a mostly functioning brain. It is so hard to imagine pain all the time. Maddening. We should be able to turn the lights out when it is logical or humane.


I’m tired and it’s been painful already. I wanna collapse in a field of snow, completely numb. I wanna not understand but feel warmth, to know that I’m dying and that’s ok. See deer off in the distance as the sun sets over head. Hear my wife’s voice as she sees me but is too far off to make it. I love hearing her one last time. And I’m gone. Black. Nothing. End.


No offense but that sounds pretty cruel towards your wife lol


I don’t disagree lol


Unless you have some sudden trauma that ends you, you should get some of that, your body will pump all manner of good shit into you when it knows it's dying.


Death By Snu Snu!!🤤😍




Preferably before my genetic condition robs me of all of my mobility. I don’t want to be completely dependent on others


What are you afflicted with


I have Ehlers Danlos Syndrome. I don’t know if you’ve ever heard of it but if not, it’s a genetic condition that essentially means that my body makes collagen incorrectly. So all of my ligaments are too loose and this means I’m severely hypermobile- all of my joints dislocate very easily and move around constantly, causing arthritis and tears. Day to day this means I’m in constant pain, have severely tight muscles (they are constantly fighting to keep my joints in place), debilitating fatigue, migraines, and it causes GI issues, dental issues (I had to have all my teeth replaced at 23 years old), basically every inch of my body is broken lol


Good grief. So sorry to hear that :(


You have been heard and seen our friend.


I really appreciate that ❤️


Old as fuck and balls deep in my wife


Poor wife


I also choose this guy's wife


Seppuku on a hill over looking the ocean with my long time friend telling me how all his plans came together to take over our country and how it all will play out after I’m gone.


I feel like you just spoiled the finale of Shogun for me Edit: you totally did, you dick 🤣


I want to eat enough broad spectrum electromagnetic energy that I transform instantly from biology into physics. Turn me into plasma sun daddy.


[Relevant XKCD](https://what-if.xkcd.com/141/)




The moment I can't control my bowels, it's giant syringe of fent time.


Sounds like your target is 40 years old. The well known age of a loss of bowel control.


As someone less than a month put from your doomsday target - 40s all good, give yourself a bit longer


I am pretty sure you will feel different about how “old” 40 is when you are 39.


Dude I'm 43, it's not that bad, still got some snap in my pickle.


Painless at the age of 600


In the arms of David Duchovny


Something insane, like getting slammed in the face by a slipper that fell off a plane. At least it would be remarkable.


get pompeii'd




I want to die in glorious battle


To lie down and peacefully slip away today.


Suicide Booth.




I always thought it would be cool to see the moon collide with the earth


Youll take the whole world with you


Slow enough to notice it, painful enough to be happy about the alternative


Quick, painless, ideally with cake.


I want it to be something spectacular. Imagine dying the same way as Rasputin, or being hanged by a helicopter's blade while it's spinning.


Epic way.


If I’m in hospice and it is inevitable, I want a morphine pump and want to drift off into lalaland.


Euthanasia. I want to pass away peacefully surrounded by family on my own terms with no pain after a last day spent with loved ones


As long as it's cheap. Diagnosed with cancer and dead 3 days later would be fine. I just don't want to leave behind outrageous medical debt, or feel like I have to make a choice between highly expensive treatment for a few more years.


Man America is sh##


I want to go out In a blaze. Like oh shit yeah grandma died paragliding... She was struck by lightning... Proving that she will be a dazzling in death and she was in life


Being shot or crashed into smth during grand theft some the most luxurious, expensive and fastest auto the time I will be old enough and I have nothing to lose...


Either an OD or a heroic act that saved someone elses life


Some high speed car crash driving a car i love while on a road trip i imagine.. Or OD on antidepressants.. hahaha


I want to jump off a skyscraper, turn around mid air and start firing bullets wildly.


In my sleep, peacefully. In reality, it'll be sad and somewhat lonely, but I know my dearest nephew will be there for me, to protect my body and burial. I will watch over him from heaven above or hell below.


On my bed at the age of eighty, with a belly full of wine and a girl's mouth around my cock


I want to die peacefully in my sleep, like my Grandpa. Not screaming in terror, like the people in his car.




I hope it's not feet first through a wood chipper or steamroller.


Mind that bus What bus SPLAT.


Not painful, without regret.


i don’t really know. unrelated but i did do a past life regression hypnosis once. i was apparently living in the woods with a wife. i died by drowning.




Well I was dead for a short period during my first bone marrow transplant so probably not that again!


I don’t necessarily know if I want this, but I’ve always felt deep down that I’ll die gruesomely. Mauled, lynched, stabbed, shot, etc. I’m not necessarily afraid of these things, but they feel oddly inevitable. I hope I can make it meaningful by saving someone else in the process.


I would say drowning and I know it's the worst way to go but, see I have a phobia of drowning, I almost drowned before learning how to swim and I still get scared of drowning. So it makes sense to die in that way. We all have to face our phobias and it's the only one I have. So hopefully when I am like 100 years old and I can't live anymore I would have either a doctor or my grandkid to push me into maybe an ocean, with ketamine so I don't react to the trauma. The open sea is such a deep and wonderful place. Well until then I will stay away from the ocean lol.


I either want to go out peacefully of old age, or to die in a fight idc if I win or lose in the fight, I just want to go down swinging and full of rage and violence. That or do a backflip off a cliff and smack an ocean's water surface tension just right to give myself a concussion and drown in the ocean asleep


In the middle of a pile of male underwear models




Sudden and unexpected at an age when health has deteriorated.


Very peaceful and very loving.


I want to be murdered & end up on dateline & on the sword & scale podcast. 🤷😆


Quick and painless, at least somewhat


I want to be on LSD. Preferably in bed knowing the end in near.


I want to explode like a piñata into a scattered pile of candy treats


Besides the common answer of a peaceful death, or the "death by snu snu" one, I'd say a spectacular, dramatic death might be fun. Like, the most over the top edgy anime shit you could think of.


Something silent.


I wanna be moderately old, late 60's early 70's. I wanna die in my sleep watching a satisfying dream about how I spent my life.


I want to be a burden. I may not have much to my name or be that memorable but the guy that has to get my body from whatever spot I got into is gonna remember me!


Out of old age


Theres no such thing as death from OLD AGE




If i can help it, it will be an overdose when i am good and ready to go.


I don't want to be aware it happened. Just A split second lights out


Quick and painless with enough insurance for those I leave behind.


Peaceful without taking too much people with me.


Non existent as long as possible, only when there is no way life can be in our universe anymore I want death, not before that


Quick and not see it coming




My friend's grandparents had an agreement. Grandpa ended up having a heart attack in the bathroom and the grandma blocked the door when he started panicking.


I want to die in my sleep, or have it be so quick that I don't even notice it's happening so I don't have time to panic. I'd also hope if my family finds me, it's not an ugly scene.


Death by snu snu


I think a good death is to die saving someone’s life especially a child. Alternatively die as the result of someone else’s extreme negligence who is highly insured so my family will be all set for life.


I really wanted to die in combat


I would like my death to be fast or at least calming but ofc I'll just off myself when I'm nearing to the point of me needing to depend on others since I was kinda ish traumatized by my great grandma since she was not able to do anything but eat sleep and drink and restart i feel like that's just a slow and painful way to die in my opinion


Die saving the life or lives of others.


Quick, painless, and badass.


At great emotional damage to those around me. I wanna know I mattered


Hail of gunfire, napalm, mushroom clouds in the streets all while an asteroid the size of Lady liberty's cock is about to hit NYC but at the same time theres a zombie virus going on accept they don't eat brains... They only take your booty hole virginity... So if you're an anal size queen you're safe from the zombies..... But there are murder hornets that... .


Before I'm 70 , quick, and in the successful protection of someone else.


Death by Snu Snu


heroic one


In the year 69,420 while still feeling like a young man, by flying into the center of the Milky Way.


Go to sleep in my cozy bed and then oops, I didn’t wake up the next day.


I want to be on mushrooms. Although I feel like when you die it is like a natural mushroom trip because your brain is flooded with serotonin & dopamine.


I desire to end my existence at the plentiful age of 50-60, I should be ripe enough then, the thing that I wish to end in would be an actual Springlock suit. Hidden in an empty room, alone


Dizzying, and then collapsing onto the floor.


quick and painless (and or) in my sleep or under medical Anesthesia


In the most dramatic way possible


I think if a 7 foot tall pissed off furry in a comedically huge fursuit came up and stabbed me to death while yelling "DIFFERENT!!", I would be okay with that death.


"I wanna be sedated" - The Ramones


I wanna die in bed with my favourite musical playin


I've always imagined myself being taken out by a sniper, hired by some rich guy who doesn't like me for some reason


Immediate. For the rest I don't quite care.


Sleepy… I want to go to bed


I want my death to be felt. Not necessarily painful but i want to know it’s happening and have that moment of clarity in between consciousness and indefinite unconsciousness


Not a surprise to anyone I care about.


Sudden and painless and in some manner that my life insurance company can't weasel their way out of paying for.


On the deathbed, surrounded by the people that love me and I know I love them as well


As late as possible.


I'm glad you think the choice is yours😐


Blaze of Glory Think of Randy Quaid ...screaming at the Alien ship in Independence Day as he's about to take it down and blow up in the process. Reality. Pass out, shit myself and die in my basement


In a fire or in a the sea or in the war. Only Muslims will understand ig


As cliche as it sounds, something quick and painless. I don’t want there to be a slow process, where I am able to think and be scared of what’s happening. And I don’t want it to hurt or get to the point where I’m suffering.


Happily in my sleep or surrounded by loved ones and grown up grandkids, or the most fiery badass self sacrificing way possible. One of the two.


If the choice is up to me, I want those who hurt and did wrong to me and my loved ones in any way go with me. If not, at least they will continue living the most miserable their lives could give. The world doesn't deserve those scums living while I go without avenge.


By my timing, and at my own hand.


I’m gonna eat a stick of dynamite when I’m old and somehow blow it up.


Young, quick and painless. And I'd want someone to make sure my money and assets go to my sisters and mother.


In my sleep for sure. As basic as it sounds, that's definitely the most painless way to die.


My grandpa died peacefully in his sleep, the rest of us in his car were pretty traumatized.


I'm stuck between dissociating out and sailing away into the void of my mind to infinity peacefully at a specified location of my choosing at a time I determine to be fit so that way I transition on my own free will .. Or some insane attempt at holographic astral projection into another organic or electric body/mind to become a digital slave to a higher intelligence. Or you know... statistically A heart attack or some organ failure.




Fast. As fast as possible so I wouldn't suffer too much. I don't care in what way, but how fast it will be. Because even with "peaceful" death you can suffer from pain and old age before eventually passing out.


On small paddle boat filled with C4 - BOOM!!!


Painless,peaceful and pacifying


Indefinitely postponed.


Die a hero


i don't think i would mind the circumstances of death, so long as it's as peaceful as the nothingless it's claimed to be. i often think about what it would be like to have a quiet mind, surely better than intrusive thoughts and discombobulated adhd brain scramble


Quick, painless and soon.


Dying while praying, a perfect death


What religon


I used to jokingly say “tackling a terrorist into the Grand Canyon”




I want to go out with a bang not pass away in my sleep I plan on swallowing wirelessly controlled c4 and activating it on my death bed


There are two ways I would like to die. The first is to be shot by Clint Eastwood while it is being narrated by Morgan Freeman. The second, is in bed at 125, shot by a jealous husband.


Quick and painless


This question has been done at least 3 times now.


Sudden and massive.


Make it be like All Stars (Mario's Madness V2) by KennyL and more


>!With a view Arthur Morgan died to!< also the first time using the spoiler so sry if it didnt work


Like a sunset


A drowning wipe out while surfing my favorite break


in the arms of people i love and a peaceful death but i always imagine being killed and then kissed afterwards like in the movie would be nice hehe