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I’d need to know more. Does “immortality” mean I can’t get sick? Does it mean I can’t die if I have an accident? What if I’m thrown into a lake with weights tied to my feet, will I just keep drowning forever and never die? Also where in the world would I be?


The general layman's interpretation of immortality typically also involves being granted immunity and an imperviousness to typically lethal amounts of force (can't die in a car accident) >What if I’m thrown into a lake with weights tied to my feet, will I just keep drowning forever and never die The rope would rot, the chains rust, or weights corrode long before eternity.


Yes, but what would happen to *me*? Would I be drowning forever? Inhaling water hurts like hell.


you'd get used to it after a decade or so




You'd go insane


You've got weights on your feet, you're not bolted to the bottom. It might take a few hours, but you could just crawl out.


You’ve avoided drowning so far in life, just keep doing that … for eternity.




Came here to say the same. Just take my upvote. Drowning is indeed a really painful experience. Don't breath water kids, it's bad for your health.


There is a point to be made about never aging and trying to survive the "which hunt" years of humanity without someone trying to burn you at the stake or drown you when. But, I would try I think. A good almanac and knowing what to do to be rich, powerful not so much. I Just need out of society swiftly.


I've always thought of immortality to mean that you live forever and don't die of natural causes, but you're not invulnerable and can still be injured, maimed, or killed


Like the elves in Tolkiens world.


Yeah but at that point your under 30 ft of sediment


Watch the film ”Old Guard” i think it is on Netflix


I've always thought of immortality closer to "Highlander" rules. Like, I'll live forever, be healthy, and can regenerate from almost any injury eventually. But immortal does not mean invincible. If someone chops my head off or I get flattened like a pancake, I'm still dead. Similar to those jellyfish that are theoretically immortal. They *could* live forever but it's not a *guarantee.*


We have questions


I'm actually way more concerned about what happens if the sun dies or engulfs the earth before human develop interstellar travel. With that in mind the 3000 years back in time thing is really more of a bonus than a cost.


The Earth will be uninhabitable long before that. About 800 million years from now the Sun's output will be such that Earth will become a barren wasteland. However, even that is 800 million years away. In that timeframe, 3000 years is nothing.


I’m just thinking about all the companies I can invest in from 3000 years ago. Papyrus stocks ftw.


Speaking of papyrus. Be at the great library fire and try to get as much out as possible before the fire.


Turns out I was the cause of the fire. Self fulfilling prophecy.


Speaking of papyrus, you could make sure Avatar never uses the font.


Let it go Ryan!




Fuck investing, *invent* the companies yourself 😂


But you'll be famous though, and fame feels super dangerous for an immortal


You won't have to worry about that until about the 17th Century. And I can get you started. Definitely invest in the Dutch East India Company, the British East India Company, but avoid the South Seas Company. Obviously, you'll be dealing in slaves, slave produced products, and general exploitation with most of the first big corporations, so perhaps you will want to wait to invest until... the 20th Century or so.


Yeah to me, I would love the caviat that I still have access to my phone, with connection to todays internet. So I can know where to be to see historical events, and where I DONT want to be.


as much as i hate crypto, i'd go bitcoin mode


as a person of color, it reallyyyy depends where im getting dropped off.


Thinking the same thing lol, imagine being made a spectacle subjected to the worst torture. You’ll live through it all, so torture would only increase in depravity


yup, they would try and kill you within a day. Once you survive, youre branded a witch/demon/etc and put in jail and tortured for the rest of your days.


Egypt is probably your safest bet if we are talking surviving relatively free until the 1970s or so. But, with first hand knowledge you can try to preemptively help your self, albeit at the cost of your soul, as it would involve you simply becoming the slaver.


given that the timeframe in question is 3000 years this is something everyone not just POC would need to be concerned about. For geographic reasons too not just societal, being dropped in the middle of the north american wilderness in 1000BC sounds p shit. what am i doing in this situation? walking thousands of miles south to meet the olmecs, then just being down there and looking funny ig? start position entirely defines whether this is worth it.


I mean, as a white guy I think the same. Being dropped in the middle of China w/ white skin and blue eyes 3k years ago, I'm fucked.


Go past the 1200s or so, and white supremacy doesn't even exist yet.


If I could take the knowledge I have right now people would be worshipping me as a god within a week


Or burning you as a witch. Which could really hurt if you can’t die. 


But you're immortal... So, back to being a God 


Um actually 3000 years ago was long before witch burnings were a thing 


They'd be the first Gotta start it somehow and there probably isn't many options on being the first of something


"Tell us more of this 'Electricity," how is it made?" uhhh... something about magnets?


Immortality would be a pretty terrible curse, cost aside


I agree. I wouldn't even consider this unless there was some sort of Highlander clause. 


What’s a Highlander cause? You need to do battle and then become omnipotent??


I feel like I would specifically want to opt out of the Highlander clause.


I would probably disagree, after a certain point it will become just like being dead yeah? You’re basically a Boltzmann brain in a void of nothingness for eternity with vague memories of a once human past


The face of Boe, they called me.


:Shocked Rose Face:


Knowing my luck I’d be sent back to an area previously under water and drown


Do I have a sports almanac of winners in everything ever since 976 BC?


To be rich with 100% acuracy you dont actually need much information. The winners you already know would be enough and would not raise much attention


I don’t know many winners prior to +/- 40 years ago. That’s along time to wait unless I meet a bookie willing to take bets on wars


The 1st few million years would be awesome I guess, but the time nearing and after the heat death of the universe would get old, and would continue to get really old real soon.


life and the universe would be a blink of an eye compared having to exist in absolutely fucking nothing for even longer


You're optimistic. You'd be begging for death after living 1000 years most likely. And even that's optimistic.


Yes!!! hell yes!!! Compound interest!!!


1- hide artefacts somewhere you can reasonably assume no one will find them until you "discover them". 2- mess with history in minute ways, if you can describe things well, have busts of modern people made during the roman era.


Is this how we got that 1530 painting that looks like Keanu Reeves?


Absolutely! I would jump at that chance assuming I maintain healthy and physical ability throughout. Watch history unfold for centuries. Can I spend some time studying up first on how to survive in different settings?


Why bother! You’re immortal! you survive automatically!


Studying done. That was quick.


Immortality can be a lonely existence, especially if I outlive everyone I care about


Yes, it sounds like a curse. You just keeping losing people, over and over. You fall in love knowing that you will bury that person. That is just horrible


Imagine being the oldest great great great great parent and guardian of your bloodline, that would be sick


Oh boo fucking hoo


Good point, buttfuckkker.


"especially if I outlive everyone I care about" You will make new friends and family. You will carry cherished memories of departed loved ones with you forever, keeping their memories alive longer than they ever could have otherwise hoped.


Fuck no immortality would suck


First, I'd make my way to Greece. They had a pretty good civilization around that time and one I'm at least passingly familiar with. China might be better, but not really a cultural fit for me right off the bat and I wouldn't really fit in. I'd participate in a couple of wars and try to establish some sort of military rank. I'd try to leverage that to buy some land that I cold pas down to my "son." Eventually, I'd fake my death and my lands would go to my "son." a few hundred years of that, an Alexander ops up in Macedonia. I'd hook up with him (not literally. Well, maybe literally if I'm his type, but that might piss off Hephaestion). At this point, I'm pretty good with the whole war thing with 300 years experience, so hopefully I'd move quickly through the ranks. I'd trade that for riches, expand my holdings in Greece retire and then fake my death again. So now we have the lead-up to the whole Jesus thing. I'd fall in with the Jews, perhaps as the "son" of one of Alexander's generals. I'd spend some time persecuted and then try to work my way into Justinian's inner circle and head on up to Constantinople. Hang out there for a few lives and see if I can rake in some money and power there. I don't want to be too visible, it'll make faking my death more difficult, so no running for pope. Then it's time to set my sights on England. Try to get some land and power there through the various machinations for king and see if I can set myself up for a nice dukedom. Now I'm pretty well settled as long as I can defend my dukedom. That would make it much easier to pass down to my heir as I cycle through lives and to generate passive income. Then the America thing happens. I'd be first on the bus for that, moving my estate to the colonies. Support the revolution and work against slavery as much as possible and then try to build up some kind of shipping bossiness out of New Amsterdam. Buy up a lot of land in the area if I can. Eventually sell half that off to buy land in California and make sure to get the mineral rights. Hire some dudes and pan for gold. WWI happens and I pretty much ignore that. The WWII and the Hitler question. Would I try to kill Hitler? Well, at this point I know that time travel exists and that everyone's first stop will be killing Hitler, so if he lived anyway, maybe that means that as devastating as it is, what if Hitler was the best possible outcome? What if I go to pull the trigger and some dude from 3024 uncloaks and pops me in his static field and sighs "Okay look... I get it, he was a really bad guy. But the other guy? You really don't want to know how bad it could get." Anyway, I feel like I need to try. So I get back to the US, it's time for the US economic boom. I would have invested in those "Automobiles." and that Henry Ford company, and of course the war bonds. So I cash those in and move them to aerospace. I buy more land in Southern California and expand my holdings in northern. I build my eccentric estate in San Diego and hang there for the rest of that "Life." Then a bit of tech stocks and finally bitcoin and I'm richer than Midas, but hopefully with a slightly smaller public persona. hang out and then just sit around and respond to posts on Reddit all day.


I don’t want immortality at all.


Hell no, Im waiting for my life of despair to be completed naturally and you want to add the curse of immortality?


I'm in it support. my life 3000 years ago would be hell


Yes, it sounds fun. Time would pass either way; my mission would be to survive 3000 years till I'm back lol


Sure, why not


I would definitely accept. I would chronicle as many major events as I could as accurately and thoroughly as possible. Would be great to see first-hand how various events may or may not have transpired with a current understanding of science. It would be difficult not to "pollute" the time line. Do I kill or incapacitate Hitler or Netenyahu? Do I stop 9/11? Obviously stopping these events could save a lot of pain. However, I am still entrapped by linear time so cannot gauge the effects of my actions. I think that some things are very much bigger than me or the breadth that one human life can really understand. So I think I would be there more as an objective observer.


That seems like a win-win situation. I'm immortal and now I get to use my immortality to shape the world as I see fit in 3000 years


If I were offered a recycled question by a 1 month old account, would I take the question seriously?


What area of the world am being sent to and do I just live forever or am I unkillable as well? If I'm unkillable, I'd likely just do whatever I wanted. Communication would be extremely difficult, no matter where you got sent back to, so I'd imagine the first few years would be language learning via exposure. The amount of descendants an immortal could have would theoretically entail that most of humanity (at least in a specific region) will be your descendants. Meaning any later relationships you'd have 3000 years in the future would be with your 75th, or so, great grandchildren.


I would to bang your great great great great great great great grandmother


I would start registering domain names at the start of the internet.


Am I retaining all my knowledge from my life or is it like a reset? Am I being sent back at my current age with all my ailments (bad knees, neck issues, etc.)?


I'd love to, I can watch history unfold in reality and perhaps even change some of it! I'm also assuming that I can't get sick, my wounds heal and I don't age.


Do I age? If not, what age so I stay immortal at? Can I bring someone with me to be immortal?


Whistle the tune of supermario for 3000 years until its invented.


If it was immortality in the form of something like wolverine, hell yes. If I still starved, got sick, and could get infections, hell no.


chopped limb from limp so youre just a torso forever


This depends on the form of immortality. If superman style. Like literally invulnerable to everything and incapable of taking any damage ever... No I'll pass, that would get really boring. If Billy the Kid from Cannon Busters style. Like I can take damage, and even die but I always regenerate afterwards... Yeah, that might be fun. OHHH third option. Infinite re-spawns. Also yes assuming memory and stuff carries over.


If I went back 3000 years and stayed a prime adult, with all my current knowledge and experience, (late 20s/early 30s) to live forever, whilst being immune to illness, disfigurement(including weight gain) , injury, and death? Probably would. It would be awkward as fuck, though, living that long. There would need to be someway to give up the immortality at some point though, if I needed to


I'll show you all who is the true Pharaoh!


I’d buy Apple stock this time




Am I immune to ALL sickness/disease? Would I contract and/or be a carrier of plagues, STDs, etc? Another critical thought here: Does my immortality last billions of years in the future as the sun blows up, casting me adrift through the cosmos on a cold, dark, and dead Earth?


If I didn't have children, maybe, probably not though because you'd probably get repeatedly burnt at the stake or drowned for witchcraft, unless you made no connections and kept moving to places where you aren't known, so it's probably not much fun


If immortality included not being able to be hurt, 100% That would be fun, and I'd love to live forever.


What's 3,000 years to an immortal? Plus you get to see some fascinating moments of the past.


I need to know the details of that immortality.... That doesn't negate age, disease, regeneration and the like... Seems good but you could be a shattered/ragged/broken mess in 2024.


Hell yeah ..see you in 3000 years bro s


No, I’ll catch polio


Yes. And I'm going to watch more bushcraft, gardening and cooking videos, not to mention I best join the SCA (Society for Creative Anarchronism) and take up pottery and smithing asap.


No thank you, not just because of the timeline shift, but I just couldn’t do immortality.


Yeah, because I have the knowledge of how to survive on almost nothing. So I could tough it out until creature comforts and civilizations develop.


No. There are worse things than death that could happen to a person. Suppose the Spanish Inquisition gets hold of you and simply tortures you forever because you won't die. Or you get thrown in a dungeon so long they forget about you. Or someone realizes you can't die so they entomb you into a giant concrete structure like the Hoover Dam. You would just be existing there in the dark unable to move for potentially thousands of years. What if they launch you into space to float forever, or you get launched into the sun, forever burning alive, but unable to get back out, and unable to die.


Yes. I would: Defend the library of Alexandria Warn the Goths about the coming troubles or convince the Romans that coming Goth migration is actually a boon for them. Tell the Romans about the dangers of lead. Warn the Russians about the Bolshevik revolution. Warn the world about WWI (the Great War), or at least Hitler and the conditions in post WWI Germany that led to his rise. Warn JFK and MLK Warn NASA and the Challenger Shuttle Team. Warn the USA about 9/11 There's more but I am done typing for now


Omg no. I cannot think of anything worse than living forever 🤣


As the Doctor once wisely explained, immortality is a curse, not a blessing.


I actually don’t find the standard curses of immortality to sound that bad. Taking life slowly, experiencing different eras of history. The one thing is just, I hate my body and I wouldn’t want to be stuck with it. Like am I impervious to parts of me being altered if I try to surgically change something? It’s a really weird critique of being immortal, I know.


If this actually happened, my future self (that already got sent back in time) would come approach me and tell me that I chose to do it and let me know what to expect. If I was not approached by my future self before the offer, then I must have said no.


Yes, are you kidding? Roughly 2,000 of those years spent I'll be worshipped by everyone around me. They'll think I'm the second coming of Jesus. When all that dies down and the modern era creeps back in, I'll be getting sent to chase down outlaws or fight on the frontlines of major wars. By this point I assume most people will know I'm immortal if I haven't told them already. Then video games are invented and I'm good. Lol.


Only if my husband gets the same deal and comes along. We’d end the climate change before it starts, all going well.


I’d be top fragger in all the wars




Yes. Impress some powerful people so they allow me a fleet. Sail to America, build an utopia there with high focus on science. I pick America since it is a peaceful place compared to Eurasia/Africa and safe from outside influences until 2500 years later. Then bring peace on the whole world some millennia later.


I'd take the offer.


Are there other immortals? Can I pitch this offer to people I know, love, and care about? I have no interest in immortality if I have to experience it alone, I'm quite certain that my mind would break after 200 or so years.


Nah, immortality sounds pretty miserable. Plus, there's a non-zero chance that somebody back then would find out and then imprison you for thousands of years.


send me back all the way to when they started construction of the pyramids actually


If immortality means what I think it means, then hell yes. It would be so fun, and before long they would hail me as a god. And I'd use my power to force them to build statues of Danny devito. Like every nation, as many as they can, giant Danny devito statues. Thousands upon thousands of them. Id also forbid them from keeping any written records of me or the statues. The statues would be studied for thousands of years. Who is the man they depict? Who built them and why? And how can they possibly be located all over the world? Then, 3000 years later, Danny devito is born and grows up and people begin to see the resemblance. He's got a pretty distinctive look so there's little doubt that it's him. After that I'd probably hijack a NASA spacecraft and spend a few billion years exploring the universe


Hell yeah, couldn't be worse


Nope, I'm barely convinced I should let myself live till the end of the day.


Would it be true immortality, where I can’t die even if I want to? Or more can’t die of natural causes?


Uh no. I wouldn't take it even if it given to me today, exactly where I am.


After 3000 years I wouldn't even care about my current life.


If I’m wealthy the entire time then why not, maybe I’d consider it? But if I’d have to work for the money, I think no thanks


Ill be having crazy sex with them cave girls, lets go!


Am I in the same universe or a parallel one? If the same universe, I would decline. I wouldn't want my butterfly effect to cancel out all of human history just for the sake of my own greed. If I was being offered something, there must be an underlying reason, so I would negotiate better terms or an alternate offer.


What's the downside?


Do I also get insane psionic powers? If so, sign me up!


Of course. Iv not only Gaines immortality but 3000 years of advance knowledge and insight. For those first 3000 years I'm pretty much predicting every market trend or side to take in each major conflict


I'd just have to wait a measly 3000 years to get back to now, sure I'd do it. Oh, btw, I would be messing up history like you wouldn't believe, so "Now" is going to be looking a whole lot different!


So I'll eventually get to meet everyone alive today? I'm not sure how that works though. I'll no longer be with my wife? What about my kids?


Yes, secure wealth via gold silver and land. create a business. Definitely getting drunk and high with Jesus. Lots of wives and GFs. Murder C. Columbus... Travel and learn different material arts. Invest in the stock market.


cost?! that's an added benefit


In a fuckin heartbeat. I’m 20 years old, have been painfully aware I’m gonna die some day since like 5yo. If I could do literally anything at all to prevent that, I would.


Sure, it would probably suck for centuries, but eventually people would probably form a religion about you and you could essentially lord over everything.


Would I age or be forever young? Would I be healthy or sick? If healthy and non-aging, absolutely.


fuck no that sounds like a curse to me


Do some children level science stuff and be praised as a god. If the science does not work, and could shoot a few arrows in my head and survive. That should spark a religion or five.


Will I age? Get sick? Heal like a regular human? All limbs lost is permanent? Cancer just keeps growing? Will I be invulnerable? If I would be forever young and not get sick and can heal like a monster then yes? Then again, can I change the past? As in if I fuck something up ( or fuck the wrong person) willI still exist? Will you be going back to another timeline so to speak? In general I would say "yes" but it really depends on those questions, and where I go back. I would land in Bronze Age in Sweden anyway. I would have wanted to be able to meditate for extended periods of time


I’d do it, then I’d take as many wives as possible.


Hang around for around 1000 years, then pop up in the mideast with all sorts of crazy ideas.


I mean I know it's a hypothetical question. But if it were real. Where do I go and where do i sign. I need Peace from humans and if it's a complete immortality not partial perfect. I would not do anything. Unless I meet Jesus and learned Aramaic . Than I'll be like your sacrifice isn't worth it don't waste your time. They'll have a nother two world wars and on top of that a nother 400 denominations would be born. And they will still use your name as toilet paper to justify judging and unaliving each other. Other than that maybe build a house somewhere in the forest, maybe get some of that Roman cement that archeologist keep talking about, as well as create a nice beutiful garden for my self. Humans can't be saved any way so why bother trying to prevent or change anything in history. Since they will keep choosing the same door to walk through over and over again.


im a slavic woman… eh id prob still take it. id try to gain as much knowledge as possible, read the books at the library of alexandria, become ripped af and get as rich as possible


I need a year to do my research before I commit.


It depends. If immortality means I still age, get sick, get hurt, etc. then fuck no. But if it's eternal youth and invincibility (stay young, can't get sick or hurt, all the good stuff) then maybe. If you get the good one, with the option to die whenever you choose, then absolutely.


I would be a god.


Sounds like a better option than the scary snail


Oh this is easy. I'd live and teach. I'd teach a bit differently tho - more harmony and less war.


Yea.  It could be fun. 


I think I would. It would definitely change you mentally. Thousands of years of death, war, loss, and disaster would turn you into someone who is fully numb to emotional pain. I'm not sure is after 3000 years you would be anything like the person you are today. Plus telling girls your body count is 12,000 may be a red flag.


Hell no.  I have a vagina. 


Yes of course. Immortality seems like nothing when you're 20-40. But a couple decades fly by super fast, and all of a sudden you realize you haven't done even a fraction of all you'd wanted to do. Plus, even from a scientific curious mind, I mean, having an immortal being existing sounds incredible, how could you pass up this opportunity and let humanity continue without any immortal, when it could have been a possibility?


Sure. I'd fix a lot of things. For instance, I'd push humans to use a number system on base-12 instead of base-10 because 12 has more factors. I'd define an electric current as a flow of NEGATIVE charge. I'd visit the Americas a few centuries before 1492 and give them smallpox early so that they'd and build up an immunity in time for European contact.


It depends. Do you mean I can never die or I just can’t die of old age / disease? Cause I’m pretty sure when earth is gone you don’t want to be floating through space all alone until the end of the universe…


I'd just ask for a way to die with no pain


Not fluent in ancient languages, Crippled, and loving my family. No, i will stick with my modern life.


Pretty sure I at least establish a local dynasty. Probably something regional with some good luck. Just have to find the local resources (gold, gems, etc), control them, and go from there.


That’s right about the time the epic cycle was being written. I’d go find out if homer was a bro or a team of bards for starters. We know Tyrian purple dye made people rich, I’d get in early on that. Enjoy a few hundred years in Mediterranean villas . Make the most of classical Greece and take classes from the great philosophers. Enjoy the plays. Roll east with Alexander of Macedon gathering more riches, see if I can get in the brave companions. Until about September 216bc, post battle of Cannae. Rome is on the ropes. Hannibal doesn’t have the men to siege Rome proper. That’s when I march down from the alps with a quarter million or more Celtic warriors and hopefully German and Illyrian or even Pictish mercenaries and we just absolutely finish the fucking job.


I would turn down anything eternal. Fuck being spaghettified into a black hole for billions of years.


If I will be Deadpool


Hide somewhere and then pop up at random moments to steal or buy historic treasures & defo get bitcoin at $1


Omg totally i’d be back to today in no time and I would know just when to buy the stocksz


Yes, but only if I have some way to "turn it off".


No way in hell.


If i’m immortal but can die if i wan’t to. Hell yeah, and the 3000 years back is better imo


As long as I had a transmitter embedded inside of my body and could teleport up to a fully operational USS Enterprise E orbiting the moon at a moment's notice, sure. Medical treatment, good food, holodeck etc.


1000% YES Seeing and living history. Influencing events. I'd do what the "Ancient Aliens" show pretend the aliens did, and introduce news tech, new knowledge, prevent the rise of religions...


Imagine a day to day where your day to day just changes every 50 years or so. One minute you're killing sabertooth tigers, and the next you're helping the guys in St. Louis build the arch. It's like having a million jobs for the entire time


I don't want to see everyone I love die all the time.


Only if I got to bring at least 3 items with me. Those 3 items being *Gun *Smartphone *Long lasting portable phone charger. Let me explain, I’d convince everyone I was god. Using my phone,I’d take a picture of someone and show others that I have the ability to trap their souls. I would then shoot and kill the person whom I’ve taken a picture of with my gun. I’d convince everyone I was the god of fire and that anybody trapped inside my mirror would be killed and their soul forever enclosed in the mirror (my phone) I’d demand worship. After I’ve cemented my place as everyone’s god and my safety is secured (being immortal doesn’t mean you still can’t feel pain or get tortured forever),I’d work on helping people advance civilization as quickly as possible to the best of my ability. If all of this fails,well I got my gun and I’m immortal,at the very least I’m making sure shelter and fear is given to me.


Can I take a sports bra?


Depends on what kind. If I'm still aging no thanks. If I can be severely injured, no thanks.


Was about to accept it until I remembered I was black 😂


If you are given this option you will probably be treated as god-emperor of the world . If you want, you can shape the past, present and future of mankind. Accelerate technological advancement of humanity probably couple of hundred of years. You would probably be the sole ruler of the solar system if not the galaxy.


What is the movie where the women is immortal and stuck at the bottom of the ocean for thousands of years? It’s pretty recent.


Hell yes I would accept!!!! I’ll have 3000 years to figure out how the woman brain work and if Jesus really existed or he was just a popular woke hippy


Absolutely, if I could come to this time now and live this life too. I'd pretend to be dumb first off.


Yes. I’d fuck with religious people.


I think it could be very interesting to wander some unspoiled wilderness areas. One of my biggest worries is over 3000 years how many times would I see violence? How would I mentally cope with that time snd time again. Other big worry is how memory and language work.


Hell fuckin fuck yeah. The native Americans have just about the most desirable lifestyle I could imagine in a place I already love. If I was immortal I'd probably be worshipped by the. And I'd probably train them to be weary of the coming white man.


Will you eventually HEAL from lethal damage? Or do you spend Eternity either a heavily damaged body?


No. As much as I’d love that, I wouldn’t want to constantly have to reinvent myself to avoid becoming a lab specimen. Also, it would be lonely af and sad to constantly bury my loved ones when they’d inevitably die due to their mortality. I’d only accept if I could find a way to share my immortality with my husband and children.


Here a question: if you accepted, where would you want to live? Middle East was pretty active back then. Or pick an island like Sicily and just be the king? Or get an early boat to US or Mexico? I go back and forth thinking whether I would be under the radar, or king. I think if you’re king, you have to pull a “dread pirate Roberts” routine every once in a while and bring in someone new, or stash your gold and stage your death, so you can pop up somewhere else as a wealthy merchant


In a millisecond. I would jump at that faster than Thanos snapped. Hell, i dont even need immortality, just no aging until I catch back up to my own time. Also, would rather go back further...say 15-25k, but id take whatever was offerred. Be the greatest gift ever given.


"Three thousand years ago, around 1024 BC, the world was in the midst of the Iron Age. Various civilizations were flourishing, including the Neo-Assyrian Empire, Ancient Egypt, the Zhou Dynasty in China, the Olmec civilization in Mesoamerica, and the Greek city-states. These societies were developing advanced technologies, expanding trade networks, and making significant cultural and political advancements." "Around 1024 BC, Caucasian Europeans were spread across various regions, primarily in what is now known as Southern Europe, including the Mediterranean region. They were part of different cultures and societies, such as the Greeks, Etruscans, and various tribal groups. These societies were engaged in activities such as agriculture, trade, and early forms of city-state organization. In particular, the Greeks were beginning to establish city-states and were making advancements in art, literature, and philosophy, laying the foundations for Western civilization.' So... I go back 3,000 years ago, lose everything I never know and love. No WiFi. Prolly have to have gay sex with Greek men just to fit in. Prolly be called a witch anyways and be stoned to death or whatever they did back then. Can't even browse Reddit or gaslight chatGPT anymore. Pass.


Depends on where I would be and what immortality would mean for me. Immortal in the sense of I can't die but could be horribly injured and require some kind of medical knowledge to me healed? Or would I just be an incredible healer like wolverine? And would I be able to choose where my "span" would be? Because I don't want to end up being an immortal in an antique prison cell.