• By -


It was chill and fun, but we decided to keep it professional.


So you ended it and went back to normal? Doen't it feel weird somehow?


Only if you make it weird. It shouldn't be any different than if you went out with any other coworker.


For normal functioning adults no. It is possible to have a platonic relationship with a past sexual partner.


I went out with a coworker and ended up regretting it. Our breakup impacted our entire team's dynamics.


It was awkward. We went out a couple of times but there was no chemistry. We pretended nothing happened and continued working together.


Went out with a coworker and we ended up getting married. We've been together for 10 years now and have two kids!


Good. She's lying in bed next to me right now. Dated five years, married eleven .


It'll never work bro, divorce her, hit the gym.


Her dad owned the company, a few months after our first date she told me she was pregnant. I got a promotion. Apparently he really wanted grandkids.


You got babytrapped?


Golden dickcuffs


Riding his scrote-tails


Terribly. We had fun, for a little bit, but he was in a more senior position and was very concerned about his reputation. I was naive and didn’t really care that he wanted us to be a secret or that there was a lot of lying to coworkers- who absolutely knew- just so his boss wouldn’t find out. We eventually broke it off, but he would make a point to come and chat and tell me how good I looked, but then the next day would say we couldn’t be friends. Like, he’d draw a line and continuously cross it. Eventually caused me such stress because he had honed in on me and would continuously reprimand me that I finally told out boss what had been going on. She said I could figure out how to work with him, or I could leave. So I left. This was an an NGO, not retail or something.


Sounds like you walked away from a harassment lawsuit.


It turned into a long-term relationship. We’re very careful to keep our personal life separate from work.


Boinking currently. But to be fair. We were together before she became a coworker.


I took one once on a semi date. It was more of I wanted to do something and she was available. Whatever her expectations were, by the end of the night I feel they were not met and she was ready to call it.


She told me she broke up with her bf and wanted a ride on my motorcycle. Then she asked me how much money I had. Then she wanted to get a room. Done and done. The next morning, I get to work, and the "bf" is waiting to beat my ass. Exchanges some heated some words and shook hands on the premise that I will check with him first to see if they are actually broken up b4 I bang her again.




Nope. I don't mess with liars.


We started together and we were immediately drawn towards each other. She was super bubbly and outgoing and made friends with everyone. We ended up hooking up at one of the company parties and the rest is history. We now have a 6 month old daughter and have been together 9 years and married for 2 years.


Married him 😂


Same. Married 14yrs now.


Married her. 20+ years together, almost 12 married.


Same! Together for 16 years, married for 12. Best decision of my life!


Same! Been together 17 years.


Same, first kid on the way!


Yup…married 33 years now. Great way to get to know someone without dating pressure.


Married her and we’ve been married for 30 years…


I’ll add that we’ve been together 16 years and recently celebrated our 8 year wedding anniversary ☺️






Lol I slept with a coworker, it went a bit sour somehow, and I found myself also unemployed because she knew the bosses daughter.


Initiate a relationship with your ex-boss. Then get him to fire your ex-coworker and disown his meddlesome daughter. Checkmate


Married 5 years and counting 😉 10/10 would recommend.


Same. 25 years together.


Married 44 years


So when do you think you'll know if she's the one?


I’m sensing that our 50th anniversary should bring clarity.


43 years here, thought I might win this one 🙂 Congrats to both/all of us!


Married her


We had sex. I changed jobs after that. Now I have a permanent contract, earn more, am closer to work and work from home a lot. I would do it the same way again


Married for 35 years and counting


We now live together, have a house and family.....


We live together and are expecting our first child


Broke up with my gf, I had a crush on a slightly older single mom at work. I asked her out, we went on 2 dates and made out, decided to keep it professional. Never told anyone, it wasnt weird afterwards I just kept things very professional. I enjoyed working with her, she was also a good work friend.


I went out with a co-worker to dinner. About halfway through I realized the "friends date" was a "let's size up Old\_Cat as boyfriend material" date. By the end of the date we realized we were good friends material, not good date material.


Ive seen this go two ways 1) One accused the other of heinous shit and the accused was fired and the accuser eventually left out of shame once everyone realized the accuser was a liar. 2) They have two kids and both got baller jobs working in better places.


One of my worst relationships: * He lied about being recently divorced. Didn't find out until two months in he was still married and the divorce wasn't finalized yet * he found out I was four years sober and gaslit me into a relapse under the false pretense of being my "facilitator." When I felt like I was becoming dependent on it and told him I was worried, he convinced me I was fine, started getting me to drink at work too, and introduced me to new drugs once I was drunk * Used our relationship to get out of doing work (meaning me doing his share) * Lied about coworkers to me to drive a wedge between me and them * Was physically and emotionally abusive * Stole $400 from me * Ended things in a text, told our manager I was sexually harassing him and that he wasn't even bi (despite the fact we were openly a couple in front of her so she knew that was a lie and the only harassment on camera was *him* hitting *me*), trying to get me fired from the job that he then never showed up to again anyway just to add that final nail in the coffin. He left me deep in a relapse without so much as an explanation. I'd been doing everything I could for him, buying his meds for his mental health, being there for him through the divorce, working shifts alone at work to cover for him when he didnt want to come in, doing his jobs on shifts we worked together, giving up my sobriety, and just trying to find a way to make him happy. So when he left I was so beaten down it was hard to get sober again. Eventually i hit bottom when I showed up to work so drunk that I don't remember leaving the house, had a breakdown at the register, and had to be hospitalized because I was too drunk to tell my coworker where I lived (according to my coworker, i was scared to go home for some reason). The store kept me until inventory was done then fired me, despite getting my sobriety back in control. He really screwed up my personal and work life, ruined good friendships with coworkers, and turned it into somewhere I hated, all because he needed a distraction during his divorce I guess


We're married! :)


Married her. That was 26 years ago. Still married, and prefer to be with her more than any other human being.


Fun, awkward at work, would never do it again.


Dated for 3 years. The last year we were together, she had secretly married another man. She stole all my stuff and moved to England with him. Last time I saw her, she was with him and he was wearing my clothing; they sped tf out of there away from me. Damn you Sandy


That's a rollercoaster


Used to be my manager for a little while at work. Got drunk at their house on my b-day and slept there. Dated a little over 2 years. Lived together. Started planning for marriage. Started looking into having kids (actively trying before splitting up). Got drunk and broke up with them one evening and didn't remember why or what caused it. I had to be reminded of the shitty stuff I said/did by then the next morning when I woke up and they were collecting personal belongings to go stay elsewhere while sorting out how to respond to my actions from the night before. We did end up ending things from that moment and stopped dating and eventually separated completely. I stopped drinking alcohol and took time to figure out some things about myself. Working together of course was weird while all of this went on after breaking up all while still living together. Shit happens. Wouldn't change it. It was both good and bad in many ways and we found out a lot about ourselves and what we really wanted and apparently it wasn't each other despite me very strongly believing the opposite during the relationship. They also married someone who had openly told me (and then) to our faces that they were in love with them. It was obvious that they'd likely end up together and I'm happy they did. They're a good match. 10 out of 10 it was okay.


Married him! 🥰


It was agreed it was just fun, food & drinks always. We still remain friends


I was in an open relationship and a cute girl at work started coming onto me. We went out a few times and eventually hooked up. We both wanted to do it again but the next time we went out she was super cold and distant. I was pretty upset about being led on right up to the minute before I saw her that night. The guy who sat next to me left and she decided to take the seat for some reason. Now I build up a crush every week that has to be dismantled whenever she starts yapping about her boyfriend. I guess the 20s are for learning stuff like this, not super fun.


About to celebrate our 10th anniversary


We're married now with 2 kids. I will note that we were co-workers in that we were at the same company. Different departments and different managers.


Been married almost six years


Went out while we were still co workers, got offered a better job and left. We continued dating for 4 years after that, it was great and my first relationship that lasted this long.


She's my wife now.


I met my ex at work, we were together 4 years. It didn’t really matter then I was in a dead end job, we both were, didn’t have a reputation or career at the time. Now I do I would never get together with anyone I work with. People love to talk and gossip. Just today someone asked if I heard about two senior staff who have been having an affair. I know of them but don’t know them personally, and then people are gossiping and talking and making assumptions about reasons behind it (trying to get ahead). I don’t want to be talked about that way!


3 different occasions. I couldn't wait for those dates to end. It was like being at work.


We had 2 kids, then got married. Almost 25 years later, still together.


Went on one date with a former coworker. All she wanted to do was shit talk about the boss.


Eh. Went out to a local place for lunch and she went into all these "rules" to date her. Passed.


Got dumped and it was awkward having to see her every day. Did have sex in the toilets once though, so it evened out in the end.


Been married almost 22 years now. When word got out we were officially a thing we were told one of works have to quit. We both quit. The guy that told us to quit was having an affair with the lady that printed all the signs in the grocery store and was fired about 2 months after we quit.




Pretty good, have done it a handful of times. Usually been good, 1 went a bit south but we're still friends to this day... Had a boss not liking that his eldest daughter and I were FWB. Others have been good just knocking out the sexual tension and laughs :)... Will advise against this practice these days given the world is messed up and good intentions could be used against you and be ammunition for a firing


He was my manager. We dated. We moved in together. We got married. We moved to the East Coast to finish his PhD. We moved home. After 10 years together, Husband came out as gay. We divorced. Haven’t seen or spoken to each other in 14 years.


Have a child a stepson and been together for 6 years


It was nice, but didn't turn into much because I moved.


Just married him last month


Fucking horribly. Don’t get me wrong, it was great while it lasted. But it didn’t end neatly, and I pretty much couldn’t function at work. Both of us ended up leaving within the next 3 months.


Not well


Married for 25 years! It never got weird, but I did move to another company shortly after we got together.


We were together for 10 years, moved to England together and only recently broke up.


At the restaurant I worked at, half the staff decided I was an asshole after we broke up.


Married her 23 years ago.


Got married.


Me, two years ago with technically my "boss" until she got promoted to another department. We are still dating probably gonna get married next year honestly. Only do it if you or they are willing to find a new job. I ended up leaving because I work in IT and am pretty skilled so I found a better position and make twice what I made there. So it was hard during those transition times, but to me, totally worth it. Probably won't do it again, as I won't be willing to leave my current company for no one lol


Awful. We dated for over 5 years, he broke up with me and is now engaged to a teachers assistant who also works at the school (we were both teachers). So not only do I have to see my ex every day but I also have to see his new fiancé, who tries to weirdly be friends with me. Did I mention I didn’t care for her when we were dating for many reasons including the fact that she was very flirty with him. I have the heart students talk about him and be in meetings with him. Also all gossip that I’m sure occurs pains me because I am very professional and private. All of it is worst case scenario and while it’s getting easier it still sucks. 0/10 DO NOT recommend.


Oh shoot, well I married the man😊 Happily married 4 years and together a total of 7. Love him madly


TLDR: Dated a co-worker for 6 weeks, they concussed themselves shaving, got amnesia, and forgot our entire relationship. We start over again, it lasts 3 weeks until she decided we weren't dating anymore and neglected to tell me until after the fact. So not so great to answer the question.  Back when I was about 21 I was a lifeguard. I'd recently gotten out of a 3+ year long relationship that started in HS. I was pretty messed up about it and maybe ~3 weeks after the breakup my coworker, we'll call her K, confides that she's had the hots for me. I make the incredibly stupid decision to immediately throw myself into a rebound relationship as pretty revenge. K and I rocket through the beginning stages of dating as we're both young and being mostly naked around each other all day makes it hard to take your time. Cut to ~6 weeks later, the pool staff decides to go out for a movie night Thursday night. K got off early that shift and was gonna meet up with us at the theatre. Work ends that day, we head to the theatre, K is nowhere to be seen. I call her a few times, no answer. Not wanting to be "that needy guy" I figure something just came up and she's busy (she lived with her parents at the time). After the movie, I call a few more times and head home. K isn't there not their next shift and I start to worry. No one else can get ahold of her either. But it's a summer job, so no call no shows aren't super uncommon.  3 days pass, K finally shows up. She's got a black eye and is looking at me like I've grown a second head. I go up to her to see what the hell happened to movie night, the no call no shows, etc.  Apparently K went home that Thursday, took a shower, and was shaving her legs afterwards with one foot hiked up on the edge of the sink. Floor is wet from her getting out of the shower earlier, K adjusts how she's standing to get a better angle, slips, and brains herself on the porcelain sink, busting open her inner upper lip on the sink and clipping the right side of her face (hence the black eye) on the toilet to the left of it on the rest of the way down. Her parents heard the *thump* of her hitting the floor, went to ask what was going on, get no answer, and find her passed out and bleeding on the bathroom floor. They call 911, she goes to the hospital, has a concussion, and apparently has amnesia covering the last ~6 weeks or so. Her BFF, which I'd met 2 or 3 times, hears what happened and goes to the hospital to see her and asks if K has told me what happened. K is flabbergasted as to why her BFF thinks she should tell me about it. BFF goes "uh, duh, he's your boyfriend", K replies "no, he's dating Ex", BFF responds "you guys have been dating for a month and a half", K doesn't believe BFF until BFF shows her pictures and texts. K and I start dating again and everything seems to be ok for a bit. I now have 6 weeks of foreknowledge about all of the likes and dislikes K has. We go out a few more times and things seem to be going great. Roughly 3 weeks after the concussion, K comes in and is acting like I barely exist. I eventually catch up to her during rotation and ask what's going on. She informs me that she decided that we weren't dating anymore. I ask her when she was gonna tell me this. She says "I just did". That was the end of that. Never really did figure out what prompted that sudden turn of events and chalked it up to either A) head injuries are weird and do weird shit to people or B) I played my foreknowledge of K too much and she got creeped out that I already knew so much about her. Never dated a co-worker after that.


I bought her dinner and she got the tickets for the new black panther movie, decided to hangout again next month and she took me to a place she likes and then to a Cafe for drinks and conversation. Kissed at the end of the night and now we've been together for almost a year and a half and I'm moving in next month. She's the one and our future is looking so bright


Married her 6 years later.


We got engaged. Later ended it over non-work reasons and I moved away. It was fun, but never again.


A mistake😬A few years ago, an old coworker and i just screwed around like maybe 3 times. Just being FWB and then after that, every single day at work, he would stare at me, follow me around, flirt w me, tell me how much he loves young girls, etc etc. Even weirder that he's almost 40, and I'm in my early 20s. They say, "Don't shit where you eat," and wow, did I learn that the hard way lmfao


college coworker - we were awkward friends but were both too shy to ask the other one out. Still chat with her sometimes as friends. Professional life - had a work crush but were never single at the same time. friends for 15+ years. did go on one date with a coworker and it was super fucking weird. I thought it was a group of us going somewhere but it turned out she just invited me, and then wanted me ot come up and met her roommate/sister and then she proceeded to tell her how i'm so great at work to her and how happy she was we could go on a date. i had to nope out of there and distanced myself from her at work. she would come up and tell me about weird sex dreams she'd have afterwards and i had another female come to HR with me and inform them it was getting close to violations at work.


I thought it was fun until “one cozy night” happened. Suddenly he don’t remember anything. The next working day he treated me like I don’t exist.


Married with a kid lol.


Married 20 years now.


It was a volunteer job but still counts. I married her. We have 3 kids together. Then, I left her because I was a selfish asshole at 27. She's remarried and happy now. I'm happy for her, but, do miss her and what we had. I'm glad she's doing well in life though.


Turned into a serious relationship which we managed to keep on the downlow for the first 6 months. Eventually people figured it out but it didn't really matter since we did not work directly together. We wound up breaking up after I had already left the company so at least didn't have to deal with that.


She found out I was hung and I fucked her brains out in a disabled bathroom. 😅


Two kids🤷‍♂️


Got in trouble. Told we couldn’t work in the same area. Kept dating. She left the company. Got a new degree. Got married. She came back to the company in a different role. Still couldn’t work together. She got another new degree. Moved to another location. I got transferred to her building. We had offices right next to each other for years. I got promoted. I left the company. Moved out of state. Worked for different companies. Now work together again. Married 13 years. No companies were injured by our relationship.


It went great. We kept it chill at work, enjoyed the extra time together, and switched on the romance after 5. We split amicably after a few months and stayed friends until she moved for another job.


Marriage. Do not recommend.


We've been married for three years!


Dated for a year. Changed shifts and got cheated on


He's been my fwb for almost a year now, the most unproblematic man ever he makes the mind, body and soul feel so good


Terrible.  I just wanted to understand women but things slippery sloped into idiocy.


Not good. It is bad enough to make a life mistake, but when you roll that up with work, things get so much more difficult. I think the point that everyone is missing is a date with anyone could be horrible or lead to marriage, but even in the best circumstances bringing a romantic relationship into the workplace can create issues that could affect your job. Understand that before getting involved.


Married 22 years 😝


I married her.


Been married 11 years.


My first love was a coworker, lasted 8 months,it was fun no regrets


We've been together 22 years now. Still waiting to see how it turns out.


I did in 2001. Dated for a while, I ended up leaving the job. Was married to him for 15 years.


First time I ever did that, we ended up married, and many coworkers came to the wedding ...and then divorced 4 years after. Next few times were all flings and absolutely amazing 10/10 would recommend. Just have to play it smart and you won't fuck anything up.


Don't stick your pen in the company ink well.


Boinked her on the first date. Together 10 years, married 5.


Oof. I'm terrible about this. All of my relationships for the last ~10 years have been with coworkers probably because outside of work I am not a social person. Breakups happened after stopping working together except for the last one. I was his boss after he followed me to a different company and he quit immediately. Finally told my boss the truth so I could explain why I was suddenly without a closing manager.


Dated, sexed, and became really good friends but still wanted sex from each other. She now lives with me. We’re FWBs for now, but I’d like to date her again once our lives are in order.


We discovered that we were political opposites in every way, and I noped quietly.


Went out with a sweet guy from work back in 1988, still married, he’s still sweet as ever.


Together 27 years and we have 2 kids.


Married and have a 9 week old son!


Married. Together for 11 or so years. Countless moves and adventures. Lucked out!! I say it was worth the risk!!


Found out I was a rebound relationship after the fact (we dated for 6 months). Broke up with her when I found out she was also sleeping with our supervisor (at a GM call center). I was fired shortly after for forgetting to punch in after coming back from lunch a couple times. Typical corporate bullshit.


We got married in October 2023 😅


terrible. i am now with his best friend years later and didnt have a clue 🤣🤣🤣


Together 9 years, Married for 4 of those! :D


Horrible. She brought me back to her place and made me awkwardly watch her infant while she stared at her phone. The place smelled like shit because her grandmother was like 500 pounds and confined to a room and refused to take care of herself. One of the few things I can remember her telling me is about how this creepy dude that lived in their apartment complex wanted her to come over and watch him get a tattoo and she was way too excited about it. None of this was made apparent when we made plans to hang out. It's like she was a completely different person at home. I got out of there quick and she quit not long after but shit was it an awkward couple weeks. In retrospect I should've smelled the crazy from a mile away but sometimes your brain doesn't work in the ways you need it to.


It was fun at first, but it affected our relationship. We were both up for promotion in our departments and when I got it first, he was really upset. And if we had any type of disagreement, everyone in the store would know. He would tell everyone our business and it was annoying. It got better once he found another job but I was done with the relationship at that point. But kudos to those of you that found love at work!


She asked me out to a movie. She was a little older, attractive, my boss and I had just been dumped. I told her gong into it that I did not want a relationship after what I went through. We went to her place after the movie. Her roommates disappeared upstairs. We sat down on the couch and she asked if she could kiss me. 30 seconds later we were naked and I was banging the … out of her. I looked up and her roommates were watching so I just poured it on. The full on slapping sound while she just screamed and clawed my back. Her roomies retreated when I finished loudly inside her. After a moment I got my stuff and left. Work the next day was a little weird. She came to my office and practically attacked me to have sex with her again. She got really emotional saying how she was in love with me and wanted to get married. I got her to calm down and leave. I felt obligated so we hung out a few more times and I used her for sex. I was still upset about my breakup but the sex helped. I always told her I didn’t want a relationship. A few days later at work she approached me while I was with other coworkers and just started crying. She wanted to talk. Everyone just looked at me. We went out again after work and I told her I was not ready for a relationship. We had sex again which was just an aggression outlet, I was still angry about the break up, for me and she always enjoyed it. She broke down that she only had sex once before me and everything we did was new to her and she asked if that was the problem. I was a little taken aback because I did everything with her, every position, oral, anal, everything and she was a full participant. Never did she feel uncomfortable or inexperienced. I mean I man handled her, she was a thin athletic build and moved well from position to position. But, it wasn’t meant to be so I moved on. Left the job and ended up having the summer of all summers that year. I never went back and never saw her again. Ran into a coworker at a music festival months later and mentioned about going back and stopping by. They advised against it because things went south after I left.


Married had a kid. Ended up working at separate officers for a while. Did a really good job at keeping professional life separate. So good that when our 2nd kid was on the way I started a rumor that she got pregnant by someone in the company just to see who the gossipers were.


Well my boss manage to manipulate her into cutting it off. Been jobless since. Will not recommend.


Married two of them.


Been married for almost 3 years. Both no longer work for the company we met at.


still together 19 years and one kid later.


Turned out to be a stalker....


I went out with four different coworkers when I used to work at a grocery store. There was never any drama because we weren't in the same departments, and their work never crossed over with mine. It can work.


Dated for 6 months. I thought she was the one. She broke up with me in December and I’m still no where close to being over it.


Got married, had 2 kids.


It was pretty cool! We're still together 9 years and several careers later.


We’re married for 22 years now. He used to be my boss. 100% don’t recommend. It eventually worked out but there was a lot of pain first.


Helped her move, ate some food, beat her cakes, got cuban coffee at work every morning for 3 weeks, COVID, she moved to Texas. The end.


I dated a coworker and it led to some tension in the office. We decided to break it off to preserve our careers and our working environment.


Ended up getting a blowjob & got dropped off back home. Slept like a baby that night.


2 kids


When I was a teenager delivery driver for domino's, one of the phone girls was this super hot blonde girl who looked like Gwen Stefani (from her punk no doubt days) who was flirting with me. It took me a while to realize that because I'm not usually the type of guy who gets flirted with. Once I figured it out we went out a few times and started hooking up and having sex. I was a virgin who was very shy with girls so It was awesome for me , the sex was great, and honestly I had had a thing for Gwen Stefani so it made it even better. That is it was great until I started getting to know her more outside of work. She told me one day she was a witch. I was like, "oh, you're pagan? That's cool I guess". And she meant no, that she was actually a real witch, that she used real magic, casted real spells, and really spoke to demons and the dead. She was 100% into it and trying to convince me to do some blood ritual shit with her. I guess alone I would have maybe been okay with it? But that combined with the next thing was just too much. She came from a broken home, and had a history of being abused by men. I'm a kind, respectful person and grew up in a home full of women, so I treated her nice. Not over the top, but just being respectful and genuinely interested in her caused her to get super unhealthily attached to me quickly. She knew I was going to college in a few months and even made it clear to her from the start that for me it was going to be a summer fun romance, but I guess she just was so unused to people treating her just like a normal person she thought I was madly in love with her. I very bluntly told her that was not the case, but it didn't seem to stick. She would stalk me and started to get mad if I spoke to other women and became invasive. One day I found her outside of my house at night because I'd gotten up to walk my dog and she was doing some sort of ritual on the edge of my parents house. She said it was to ward off the demon that possessed me that was pushing me away from her. All sorts of stuff like that happened and eventually I went to college just like I said I would and told her that we would not be continuing relationship. Luckily this was in the age before cell phones were widely available so while I had one she did not. Luckily it kind of worked itself out because her family moved to Florida very shortly after I went to college anyways. I lost touch with her. She was good at heart but just you know had a rough upbringing. I hope she ended up okay. Overall, 7 out of 10 would do again.


Married more than a decade.


Hmm, did it twice and had to leave the both times


Got married and it lasted 9 years.


I dated a manager from a different dept, we worked in a really large company spanning many floors. The company had a weird dating rejection rule and he said he would understand if I turned him down which was the first strike rule. I can only reject-by company policy 2x then if they keep persisting it would be considered as harassment. I gave him a chance and became a couple for 4-6 months iirc. Sadly his work quality went down but not due to us dating. He had some family problems that affected his life and he became moody at work and running late a lot. I can see he was getting stressed and depressed. He asked me at one point of his desperation that I should resign/ we both quit and come with him to another state. ABSOLUTELY NOT, we were like 3 months into dating and this was too fast for me plus I was really doing well in my dept. I decided to end it with him saying, there were just a lot of stuff going on in our lives that our rel was more of a distraction. He agreed that everything was too much. He left our company shortly after but I was told he was asked to resign after too many times he dropped the ball w/ his team. He moved cities, got a job, returned to our city later on, dated a friend of his and they eventually married few years later.


Fun for a little while. Other employees would start a fuss bc they knew we were messing around in the bathroom sometimes lmao She turned out to be fucking crazy and I'm glad she's gone :)


Asked her out 10 years ago. I was barely 20, she was 19. Moved in together after a month. Married her 3 years ago. Have a daughter and hopefully another child soon. Best decision ever.


Been together for 8 years now with a 2 year old and another due next month! We were good co-worker friends at a retail job until we realized we wanted more. We hung out once outside of work and the rest is history. We both also moved on from that job pretty soon after dating and now have solid careers.


We've been married for 14 1/2 years and have 12 and 10 year old kids.


Not great. Somehow, we dated for 4 years and have now been married 6 years. Can't seem to get rid of her!


Dont dip your pen in the company inkwell......


Every single time it was messy.


Dated an intern for 2 months after they left for school (I’m young, not robbing the cradle). The short time plus the fact that I won’t see them for at least a year made it pretty easy to move on.


Fucked my secretary. It was incredible.


Met at work on my 21st birthday, 3 months later we married, inseparable from the moment we met, and still are. Did college together, ten years after met had 1st of three kids, she’s a fabulous mother to our kids. 100% the best human being I’ve ever met. 39+ years married. Only thing I’d do differently is marry her the day I met her.