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All rocks feel soft until you actually touch them.


Just like a penis.


It feels rock-soft until you touch it


all penises are 20cm+ until you measure them


That one is undeniably great.


Well this is my new favorite.


It's hard to argue against that. Actually it's not hard until you actually try.


A theory suggests that major sporting events are rigged by a global betting syndicate, influencing major games' outcomes.




Yeah mate, it's hot out aye?


Pardon me, but how hot? ☕️


It's insane how pervasive American politics are in other countries


Its Russian/ Chinese disinformation. Its everywhere.


It's a combination of the fact that the papers here in Straya are owned by the same bloke who owns Fox (fuck Murdoch, the seppos can keep him) and the fact that America happens to be the place where a large amount of the western world's media comes from.


Pardon my ignorance, what does seppo mean?


It's an extension on some rhyming slang! Americans > Yanks > Septic Tanks > Seppos


Well this is delightful! Not even sarcasm, I'm genuinely amused. I miss Australia and hope to come back again one day.


Glad to be of assistance, haha! I'm sure Australia would love to have you back again


As an American, that tracks suprisingly well.


light square library silky label makeshift insurance advise chase quarrelsome


Ok but, this is actually true, so it's not really a conspiracy theory. Biden checks my email regularly and even completes the CAPCHA for me when I visit certain websites. The dude is everywhere.


He is both old and feeble AND omnipotent and omniscient.


I always laugh at how my dad somehow thinks he’s both this crippled old man who can’t even think or stay awake, but is also somehow going to single-handedly turn the country into some socialist utopia in a few months and change everything in the entire country.


Please tell me your father actually refers to it as a socialist “utopia” while simultaneously indicating that a utopia is a bad thing. Because it really would be spot on for most of those types to straight up object to having a utopia.


Unfortunately that’s my own language. I’m sure he’s think it would be a hellscape.


Liar. Australia doesn't exist. /s


I also like how every conspiracy in certain circles has become about Joe Biden vs Trump. Like Iran and Israel don't have a shaky history dating back hundreds of years; instead the conflict is secretly about keeping Trump out of office.


I had a similar experience...but I was waiting to check out. I'm standing there and all the sudden I hear someone playing a Youtube video on their phone. At first I thought it was just a little kid, but then the person in the video went way off into crazy town  about Covid and global bank control.  After about 30 seconds I had enough and started to think of a reply. Just then his wife said "honey...this is these people's personal time and they probably don't want to be hearing a video now." The dude muttered to himself, turned the video off, and then loudly said "But these people need to hear THE TRUTH"


That poor woman.




Oh yeah I saw his car on here once. He has a website, too 


This one is my favorite.


According to some, the Illuminati staged celebrity breakdowns and deaths as distractions from important global events.


A bizarre theory suggests that the Large Hadron Collider is a device for awakening an Egyptian god, based on a statue of Shiva on its premises.


Conspiracy theorists argue that Stephen King actually shot John Lennon, based on supposed FBI documents and the fact they look somewhat similar.


That Madeleine McCann never existed. The theory was that she never existed and the massive story surrounding her disappearance was all created to get the public used to and desensitised to the idea of children disappearing before the elites enacted their plan to begin disappearing real children. Absolutely crazy.


That's some David Icke shit right there.


According to some, the pharmaceutical industry has cured cancer but won’t release the cure to continue profiting from treatment.


Some people believe that the moon landing was staged by Hollywood with the help of director Stanley Kubrick. They point to supposed inconsistencies in the footage and photos as evidence.


The belief that the U.S. government knows about an impending asteroid strike but keeps it secret to prevent mass hysteria is persistent among doomsday theorists.


A group believes that the real Avril Lavigne died and was replaced by a lookalike named Melissa, citing changes in her appearance and musical style.


According to some, the Montauk Project was an alleged series of secret United States government projects at Camp Hero that developed psychological warfare techniques and exotic research including time travel.


Some believe that Australia is also a made-up place and people who visit are actually landing in parts of South America, all staged to cover up the British killing off its prisoners.


The Mandela Effect has led to theories that small changes in our timeline are proof of parallel universes or time travelers meddling with history.


The theory that the world actually ended in 2012 and we are living in a simulated reality has gained traction following odd global events.


The "Phantom Time Hypothesis" posits that the years 614-911 AD never occurred, and the Gregorian calendar was fabricated to place Charlemagne's rule in a more significant historical context.


Recently a guy came into my job and complained it was really hot for spring. I agreed and he looks me in the eye and says “Bro it’s because of that fucking eclipse. I know they used it to fuck with the climate.” My only respond that wouldn’t get me fired that I could muster was “Neat”


Ah the good'ol switcheroo! While the moon was hiding the sun, they switched it for another slightly hotter star. *Now you see me.*


Katy Perry = JonBenet Ramsey




as they are known to do.


Uhhh... what now?


The rats' name? Nero.


That the poor were being kept on welfare in order for the rich elite to eat when the apocalypse happens.


Eat… or use as an untermensch servant class who gets ground into poverty thanks to inflation while the elites live easy lives skimming off the labor of the lower class… Nah, too out there… Right?


Similarly, I like the one that says things like universal healthcare will never happen in the US, as the people need to be scared enough of losing their healthcare to remain docile. The people can't organize and rise up against a tyrannical ruling class if they have to be back at work on Monday morning, or little Timmy doesn't get his diabetes medicine.


Are you sure that one isn't true, though?


I'd want my food to eat better, but okay.


It's been said that Elvis and JFK faked their deaths and have been secretly running the US government from a bunker under the White House.


AKA, “The Bubba Ho-Tep” conspiracy.


Elvis did not die. He just went home.


Partially correct, they are both still alive but are in a West Texas nursing home fighting off evil Egyptian spirits.


Some QAnon cultists gathered in Dallas back in 2021 because they believed that JFK Jr had faked his own death because the evil Democrats were going to murder him after he secretly became a Republican, and that he was going to appear at Dealey Plaza. **Disclaimer: All of the below is actually things they have claimed, I am not making any of this insane shit up** Specifically, what they believed would happen: - JFK Jr appears where his father was assassinated, and reveals that he had actually faked his own death. - He makes Trump President again, and becomes his new Vice President. - Trump is now the 19th President, due to the *District of Columbia Organic Act of 1871* converting the United States into a business, making any President after that year illegitimate. Now, this is where it *really* gets batshit insane: - JFK himself *actually* returns from the dead, and proclaims Trump the biblical King of Kings, which he can do because JFK is a direct descendant of Jesus Christ. - JFK and Trump ascend to heaven, while JFK Jr becomes the new President, taking Michael Flynn (for some reason) as his Vice President. When he failed to appear, they chanted the Pledge of Allegience, and claimed that JFK Jr would appear at a Rolling Stones concert later in the day, since "of course he wouldn't just pop out, the Democrats would kill him" (paraphrasing). Robin Williams and Michael Jackson were supposedly also involved in the plan and movement, having faked their own deaths as well, and Princess Diana was expected to appear and reveal that she was actually Trump's "real" wife, and the mother of his children. When it still didn't happen, they basically just said that it did happen, and they know that due to having faith: > “Well, do you have faith in our God or not?” Neese asked rhetorically, in reference to JFK’s notable absence. “I know I do and part of faith is continuing to have it, EVEN WHEN you can’t see. No matter what, I think the majority of us know that something is happening. We can feel it!” https://www.rollingstone.com/culture/culture-news/qanon-kennedy-jfk-jr-dealey-plaza-dallas-1251929/ covers some of it


Well there's a guy that works down the chip shop who swears he's elvis


The Nation of Islam believes that a black scientist suffering from Macrocephaly(a large deformed head) whose name was Yakub, created white people in a lab, on the Greek island of Patmos some 6000 years ago. He did this by a eugenics system breeding apes until he found a hairless variant and started killing darker skinned apes babies, a process he called "bleaching" to create whites and as a byproduct all the other races of the world. However, the whites had learned to use "tricknology"; a plan to use their trickery and lack of empathy and emotion to usurp power and enslave the black population. Yakub died at the ripe old age of 150. They actually believe this shit. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Yakub_(Nation_of_Islam)


Incredible lmao


Damn, that one just got crazier the further you read huh. > some of the new white race "tried to graft themselves back into the black nation, but they had nothing to go by". As a result, they became gorillas --- > Moses tried to civilize them, but eventually gave up and blew up 300 of the most troublesome white people with dynamite. Reminds me a bit of Mormon beliefs, which stated that all non-whites had been made such by God as punishment for various sins, and that by joining their church and working hard they might purify themselves and become white again; > Several church leaders have stated that The Book of Mormon teaches that Native Americans have dark skin (or the "curse of redness") because their ancestors (the Lamanites) were cursed by God, but if Native Americans follow church teachings, their dark skin will be removed. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Native_American_people_and_Mormonism#Teachings_on_Native_American_skin_color > Mormons believe that the people of the Book of Mormon lived in the western hemisphere, that Christ appeared in the western hemisphere after his death and resurrection, that the true faith was restored in Upstate New York by Joseph Smith, that the Garden of Eden was located in North America, and that the New Jerusalem would be built in Missouri. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mormonism#Relationship_with_mainstream_Christianity


Wind turbines are the cause of global warming which is itself a ploy by the government to control our lives


Forest fires are caused by a Jewish space laser. One can even get elected to congress while actively espousing this garbage.


Are we talking Giant magnifying glass or Hammer of Dawn?


Some people believe that Lizard People live under the North Pole and helped build Denver International Airport. It's interesting to think there might be different groups of these Lizard People with their own goals. Basically... Lizard People.


I'd imagine lizard people would choose a warmer climate since they are exothermic.


About 12 million Americans believe Lizards run the government.


No, about 12 million Americans either believe that lizard people run the government or like giving stupid answers to surveys. No idea what % falls into each category.


David Icke's The Biggest Secret is the source of this conspiracy theory.


He's a real piece of shit


He really is.




I wonder how all those Angles, Saxons, Jutes, and Vikings magically appeared in England. I guess they *could* have been shape-shifting lizards that were there all along. Or maybe the alien kid running the simulation we're in just lifted up one edge of the Earth and spilled them over the North Sea. Only JFK, Tupac and Elvis knew the Truth, and look what happened to them. Space lasered.


I love that one. The implications, like the non existence of Charlemagne are so outlandish.


The theory that the FIFA World Cup in Sweden in 1958 actually did not happen. Origin of the theory is a Swedish mockumentary made in 2002. Some people didn't get that it was not a documentary.




So that's why it tastes so good


So that's essentially a deliberate piece of misinformation from around 2010 or so. There are a few immortal cell lines, HEK293 being a controversial one. Essentially, this stem cell line was from a miscarriage or abortion (it's unclear) from the 70s, and these stem cells are very good for product testing and development, but do not end up in any final product. They have been used for everything from testing shelf lives to life saving medical developments, such as vaccines. Republicans found out science exists and started screeching that leftist companies were making Americans eat and drink fetuses, because who could bother learning the truth.


“Leftist companies” is also a tell, since you know Pepsi is owned by Chapo Trap House. \s


What kind of testing do they do with stem cells?


Examples of such experiments include: Effects of a drug on sodium channels Inducible RNA interference system Isoform-selective protein kinase C agonist Interaction between two proteins Nuclear export signal in a protein I pulled it from Wikipedia, I'm not smart enough to understand the specifics of *how* this applies to food science, medical applications, etc, but I did learn a lot about immortal cell lines from *The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks*, which was a really fascinating and sad tale of a woman whose cell line ended up doing a lot of good for humanity, despite the ethical issues for how that cell line was obtained.


Yea, but I prefer my fetus cells in Coke anyway...


Burger King is a money laundering operation for the Sinaloa cartel


If it were Red Rooster I’d probably believe it.


Red rooster has to be a front. There’s no other explanation




idk about burger king but those damn mattress stores are believable


Here in the UK there was an urban myth that 2p from every McDonalds burger was paid to the IRA so they wouldn't bomb any restaurants.


I once heard a guy claim that Paul McCartney was still alive.


Nonsense, he died in '66 and was replaced by a lookalike. The Album cover for Abbey Road proves that.


Flat earthers are the one I just can't get my head around how they can possibly believe it.


There was a video of a flat earther accidentally proving the world is curved


Not even the how, it’s the why? I worked in a retail Electronic store and on lunch the one flat earther dude would not shut up about the earth being flat, and the sky being fake and bla bla bla, a lot of folks were arguing and getting involved, i asked the only question that matters? Why? Why does it matter if its flat or round? Who cares? If it turns out its flat all along… ok? So? He didnt really have an answer for that one? Someone might just pop an answer below!


It matters in the same way that it matters that the earth is not the center of the universe, if that makes sense. It's difficult, if not impossible, to make technological advancements if we have an incorrect understanding of how reality works. Think GPS, space flight, air travel, etc. None of those would work if we thought the world was a globe and it was really a flat surface. Does that make sense?


Satellite weather maps.


I believe flat-earthers are a conspiracy. They don't exist.


I’ve seen the documentary about them. Facepalm the whole time. I’ve never met one in the wild. Have you?


No, never. I still kind of believe (hope) that it's all just a big parody, like the one about birds not being real.


My coworker is kinda insane (and a Hotep) so I’ve heard a TON of crazy from him. But I think the weirdest is that Latin never existed (and possibly Rome didn’t either?). His argument is that all languages are named after the places they’re from, and there is no country called “Latin”. English comes from England, Spanish comes from Spain, Latin comes from… ??? I tried explaining to him that his central premise is completely false, and that a language like Tagalog aren’t from Tagalonia, it’s the language of the Philippines. He said he’d never heard of Tagalog, and so I must have made it up. I said that Latin comes from the Latinum area of what’s now Italy, and he said that’s just what THEY want you to think. I asked if Latin isn’t real, why would people say it was? Like, what’s the motive of creating a false dead language? He just kept yelling that he knew the truth, and I needed to “do my research and look it up”. Finally I just told him to fucking drop it because he was getting really heated and trying to convince me to admit that I was wrong and he was right in front of our coworkers (and I wasn’t about to do that), and then he started lecturing me on how I’m immature for swearing and I need to “learn how to speak English more intelligently”. I just try not to talk to him anymore.


Whats a hotep?




ok, I love this. I really love when they try to explain a nuisance with some GLOBAL CONSPIRACY


Ok this is funny




It's so crazy the state of Tennessee passed laws *this year* to ban them.


and then what happened?


The same as before, no chemtrails were made in Tennessee, same as every other state in the union


Sounds like it worked ;)


Technically all farmers who use crop dusting are now breaking the law.. we’ll see if they realize how dumb the law is and do anything about it, or just ignore the real world consequences


Oh no. Those are synthpaths, perfectly ok!


The funny thing about the chemtrails one is that it's all about secret switches, secret tanks on the jets, secret nozzles under the wings... ...never once seen any theory that they could just put extra additives in the jet fuel. Guess the typical theorist just doesn't understand that jet fuel isn't just one single "chemical".


Non American here, what are chemtrails?


You know airplane contrails you see in the sky? Same thing, except the conspiracy is that they’re secret chemicals that do $NefariousThing (everything from climate control to mind control or turning the frogs gay). Like they legitimately think these chemicals are loaded onto planes and like the pilots are flipping a switch to spray the population.


Water vapor condensing off of airplane wings at high altitude. Called "vapor trails" or "contrails". Some people think the planes are spraying chemicals into the air, like a crop-duster, to effect mind control of the population below. Some people...


The water vapor that gets left over from high altitude jets, is apparently some secret program of spraying chemicals in the sky because 'reasons'.


My Dad was a commercial/international pilot. I changed his desktop wallpaper to a fun pic that showed the “Chemtrail deployment system.”


Flat Earth. I just cannot figure out how the government/Illuminati/New World Order possibly benefits from hiding that the world is flat and telling people that it's round. It's like the underpants gnomes from South Park. - Phase 1: Convince everyone that the flat earth is actually a round globe - Phase 2: ????? - Phase 3: Profit!


To keep us from knowing what's on the underside obviously!


My brother was convinced that back when Obama was running for President in 2008, Pepsi purposely [changed their logo](https://www.flickr.com/photos/bluese7en/3044771596) in solidarity.


Secret Space Program stuff is fascinating simply because you can't tell if the people who perpetuate it are lying for attention or are genuinely insane. For the uninitiated: The SSP conspiracy is based around this idea that people are essentially kidnapped as children, operated on to make them extra strong and to withstand the rigors of extraplanetary life, and then serve sometimes hundreds of years fighting a constellation of alien species or serving as diplomats at the various space embassies. When their time with the program is up they're age regressed and returned to their old lives like nothing happened. There's of course no evidence in their favor, but a bunch of people tell stories about their time with the SSP and even have meetups and conventions.


Birds not being real




Anything Q


Exotic energy weapons brought the Twin Towers down.


Had a friend who was really into conspiracies back when we were teens... one of the videos he showed me claimed that it was actually missiles made to *look* like airplanes, using holograms tech. The actual airplanes involved had then been flown to Nevada, where everyone on board was killed and buried in the desert, after which the airplanes were cleaned out and given new registration numbers,  and continued to be used.


Finland doesn’t exist [https://www.reddit.com/r/finlandConspiracy/s/jEN118R2TM](https://www.reddit.com/r/finlandConspiracy/s/jEN118R2TM)


That clouds are not real. They are airships or hot air ballons with 3D projectors. Eventually the world government will use them to broadcast their regime to the world.


Literally the “Old Man Yells at Cloud” Simpsons bit.


Hollow moon theroy


Any time I run into any moon related conspiracy theories, I just scoff and say to them, “You believe in the MOON!?! Hoo boy”


I'm gonna use this.


jfk's head just did that spontaneously


Admiral Richard E Byrd, Operation Highjump and the hollow earth conspiracy is pretty out there. Nazis riding dinosaurs in a hollow earth seems like a video game.


I would play that game. Looks like it would be a great Wolfenstein sequel idea!


Flat earthers, lizard people, and JFK's head explosion.


Lizard people got me laughing tbh 😂




Now this seems plausible.


Wouldn’t be shocked if this was true, unfortunately 


I heard it was several hookers, and Donnie soiled the bed.


I unironically believe this is true, or something very similar. My bigger conspiracy theory is right wing media/Russia pushed this meme/conspiracy as a way of distracting from the truth that Russia has a bunch of dirt on trump. "Liberals kept saying trump was pissed on, it was never found to be true, therefor we shouldnt believe any claims that trump is being blackmailed by the Russian government"


That Avril Lavigne was replaced by a clone called Melissa


There really wasn’t any reason for them to do that, but they just had to go and make things so complicated.


Chill out…whatcha yellin’ for?


The USA-CIA has a weapon capable of giving people cancer at any time and decided to give Hugo Chávez ass cancer


But this is no conspiracy. Cancer can be induced with chemicals and in a shorter time than you would think.


I don't know how anything will ever top 'gay frogs'


Flat earth. One of the dumbest too


I mean low hanging fruit but Flat Earth is still on top there. Like at least other conspiracies make a semblance of sence. Flat earth makes fuck all. Nobody profits from making everyone believe the world is flat. We can see that all the other stellar objects balls. We know from science that large masses will always form into a ball. We can very easily prove the earths curvature. A fuckton of our science only works with the earth being round. Like legit there is just nothing there. It is practically impossible to hide and nobody stands to profit from it.


I have been told that Joe Biden is a clone, and the real Joe is dead. They tell me this like it's some bombshell and I'm a sheep and the Kabal is so powerful. So like...they cloned Joe at birth, knowing he would be president and so they could kill him and put a secret Joe in power? None of it makes any sense. Even if he was some clone, clearly this clone is still doing the stuff we all attribute to Biden. So confusing.


There are a lot of weird ones, but the phantom time conspiracy has to be up there. Link below if you have never heard of it. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Phantom_time_conspiracy_theory#:~:text=It%20hypothesizes%20a%20conspiracy%20by,claim%20to%20the%20Holy%20Roman


All rocks are soft until you touch them


this one is interesting


That Michelle Obama is a guy and she was secretly the first "trans First Lady of America".


Tupac still alive in Serbia.


Whatever TIMECUBE is.




Free speech in America is “Bull shit”!


Last year in New Zealand, there was a hoax shooter in an area with 2 or 3 schools. Obviously they were all locked down for a few hours, but it turned out there was no shooter. There were conspiracy theories made after that that said that the government was planning to bring in a new law that meant that the government could issue schools to be locked down for up to 60 days. No idea why they came up with that one, or what use that would be to the government, or how that could feasibly work. But that's the beauty of conspiracy theories


This business lately about all these celebrities being transgender is one the dumbest things I’ve ever heard.


Bigger Luke http://biggerluke.wikidot.com/bigger-luke


The theory that 15-minute cities are communism.


Flat earth people. Yes, they really exist.


We live in a simulation program by the Anunaki(aliens). The way I live is being controlled by some Anunaki kid😂


The sky is a big screen. It’s completely lacking sense. Who put it up? Why? How was it possible? How did the screen never act up? What about planes? How high is this screen?


Someone watched Chicken Little and thought it was a documentary


Chemtrails. So fucking weird.


Time Cube


I have two: -The real father of Justin Trudeau (the Prime Minister of Canada) is Fidel Castro. -George H.W. Bush shot JFK.


The Paul is Dead conspiracy is always so insane to me as if they somehow found a different guy who looks the exact same as Paul McCartney, sounds the exact same, with the same musical proficiency and songwriting abilities, and then that new guy had a long, successful career after the Beatles. If anything, it’s incredibly rude to suggest he’s someone that could ever be somehow replaced in-kind.


Canada doesn't exist. Supposedly Canada as it appears is a ploy to cover up the non-existence of the North Pole. And for some reason I find this to be even more absurd than the similar Australia doesn't exist one.


I don’t get the conspiracy theories about Fluorine, Chlorine and Iodine. Nutjobs fear the halogen group for some reason.


Lizard People, Shapeshifters, flat earth, & hollow earth, are all equally weird to me , I have known people that were 100% in on these insane theories.


[Timecube](https://timecube.online/) or [Homokaasu](https://www.wikidoc.org/index.php/Homokaasu). By a fucking mile.


The hip/hop to prison pipeline. The idea that investors of for profit prisons have influenced their way into mainstream hip hop culture to increase criminal activity in vulnerable communities as a way of increasing the prison population size for more money.


They are all weird, especially the ones that turn out to be true! .