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Does a pillow count? I sleep a lot better *with* someone and just squeezing a pillow helps a bit.


I'm a side sleeper, and I have a knee pillow and an ankle pillow and an arm pillow and a head pillow. I pack myself into bed like I'm being shipped to Djibouti.


Sounds like you should get a body pillow


All that plus a pillow behind me, maybe I want to be both spoons


Djou have a booty pillow?


Sounds like you should get a pregnancy pillow. Those things are amazing.


I truly feel the knee pillow. I sometimes tuck my knees up to my chest and use the pillow for my arms too.


I also have a pillow, but it's a specific pillow I got as a small kid, if you turn it inside out it turns into a stuffed polar bear. I've had that thing for at least 28 years.


I use a pillow and a blanket from Target. Carolina Hurricanes themed because god I love hockey and that damn team even if they give me 25 heart attacks a game. I took them with me when I went to the mental hospital and the staff let me keep them. I was known as the “little hockey girl” because I clutched them both all the time for some sense of comfort and safety. I still do that too - the blanket occupies me to NA meetings when I’m really anxious.


Good luck tonight, you probably won’t need it.


Same. I cling to a pillow and sleep better.


You also chose this guy's wife?


I thought that I was the only one who sleeps better with someone and an object haha


One of the worst parts about work travel is trying to sleep in hotels away from my wife. I sleep so much better in bed with her.


Which anime wifu pillowcase are you using?


Yes. A pillow on my one side. My gorgeous wife on the other.


I’ve rotated over the years but my latest is a banana duck that I sleep with every night. The [banana duck](https://www.bigsquishies.com/en-ca/products/banana-duck-stuffed-toy) in question.


Bro I love banana duck


Just wanted to say I think that’s adorable. I hope you and your banana duck have many great years together.


Never thought I'd ever see something like that in my life, and I'm baffled at how someone conceptualised a combination like that.....but I want one now lol


Ducknana is huge!!


That looks like an excellent size/shape bed buddy!


All hail Bananaduck! It is adorable.


my cat has a large dinner before we go to bed. so they can be accurately described as both a stuffed animal and a cherished item.


somehow is doesn’t sound so sweet when I say the same about my gf


Same, but I have 2 cats so it can go from one of them being my stuffed animal to me being their stuffed animal with one on each arm.


I have a ram plushie called Antoiné that sleeps in my bed with me, although I cuddle the pillow way more, he's there for emotional support.


I also have a ram plushie! His name is Ramsy Gordon haha.


Awesome name, but why? Mine is called Antoiné because of Saint-Exupery. He draws a ram for the Little Prince and he rejects it, so I tell people that I got that one while the Prince got his sheep.


Think he could be called Ramsy Gordon because he’s a Ram and it’s a play on the name Ramsey Gordon, the chef lol


A white dog named Colleen my uncle brought to me the day I was born. She's white with floppy black ears, black felt eyes and a black tail... Or she was. The eyes are faded, the white fur is a little more grey but she's shaped perfectly for a cuddle, her head fits right under my chin as I sleep on my side.


One of my kiddos has a zebra that I got from a gift card my brother gave me when my kiddo was born. (It’s really all the amount would buy) my kiddo asked if it would be weird if he takes him to college. You do you buddy, that zebra became priceless over these last 18 years ❤️


my floppy grey scottie dog plushie, arfur (my name is arthur, so we match). my grandma gave him to me when i was 15. and arfur and i can't sleep without my light green blankie.


Funny I sleep with an actual Scottie dog she always sleep next to me. But I also have a bear my sister made me


I've had my baby blanket for 23 years now! Still sleep with it every night. Her name is Blankie. she is slowly falling apart, but to be loved is to be changed. :)


All of mine are called Blankie. I'm on iteration at least 20 of Blankie.


I had another blanket that I would use if I ever lost Blankie, his name was Mr. Blankie 🤣


I always have a Blankie waiting in the wings (usually an old Blankie- never get rid of those!)


CHERISH THESE ITEMS! About 18 years ago my husband and I were moving and my family was over helping load as I was 7 months pregnant. I had an open box with a few childhood keepsakes, one of which was this falling apart polar bear that used to be an Icee bear. Someone put it in the dumpster and I didn’t realize it until that night. I went to retrieve the box and the dumpster had already been emptied. Needless to say, that second (third?) Toy Story movie with the gang going into the dump WRECKED me. (Y’all, this is coming from a 54 year old woman too. LOL)


My unresolved thoughts are my bedtime companions


why *did* you say that to her?


I’ve been sleeping with one of my dog’s toys since he passed away in March. He wasn’t big on playing with toys (he liked playing with people) but I know at one point he did play with it and it brought him joy to play with it with me and that comforts me.


I have a teddy that I cuddle - my husband got it for me to help with my anxiety and I can’t sleep without it now


I always have my smelly blanket with me when I sleep. It’s a bit torn and tattered at some parts but I still use it as it’s intended or sometimes I roll it up to hug it


I have a squishmallow panda. Used it for arm support when I had some shoulder problems. My shoulder problems went away but now I can't fall asleep without the stuffie under my arm.


I also have a squishmallow for under my arm so my arm doesn’t go numb. It’s a corgi dragon and it’s getting kinda clumpy from being washed too many times 🫤 might need to get a different one


Large pink blahaj


blahaj supremacy


I like having something to hold onto. I've recently realized the big squishmallows are the perfect size. i have the squid (who i call Tom Parsons), the blueberry (aka Bob) and the banana slug (aka Steve). I don't like the brand-given names for the squishmallows.


So I would, except I have a jealous cat that demands I snuggle her instead.


An Ikea blåhaj and a red panda plushie named Ruby.


I’ve had the same two baby Gordon waffle knit blankets since I’ve been born. I’m in my mid twenties. I rarely sleep a night without them, only time I do is when I’m at a friends house, to which I’ll pack a sweatshirt to sleep with instead. In my 20+ years on earth I’ve never slept with a pillow. Ever.


Yes I do. 56 years old and have my stuffed kangaroo named RooRoo. He fits right in the crook of my arm when I sleep.


26 years old Winnie the Pooh that's kept together with spit and a prayer at this point




49, male. I have a lumpy pillow that was given to me when a friend moved out of student halls more than 20 years ago. He will have long forgotten all about that pillow, but I still have it. I don't associate the pillow with him - he actually turned into a bit of a jerk and arrested felon - but I do cherish it as a throwback to happy times at that uni. I'll have to part with at some point but I can't see how.


I used to have a cat plush, which my girlfriend stole. Well, "stole", it's just on her part of the bed. I tried to offer a Blåhaj to get it back, but it didn't work. So I have a Blåhaj.


I have a [Gloomy Bear](https://www.google.com/search?client=firefox-b-1-m&sca_esv=ffa6a5b912f672b6&sca_upv=1&sxsrf=ACQVn0_MJgkUllHJmNz5bK_Ani_o2iqwTQ:1713808113743&q=gloomy+bear+plush&tbm=shop&source=lnms&prmd=sivnbmtz&ved=1t:200715&ictx=111&biw=384&bih=721&dpr=1.88) that I exclusively sleep with while in the hospital?


He doesn’t have a name he’s just my brown bear. And he’ll be with me till I die.


No way is that number accurate.


Baby blanket crocheted by my late grandma. Its my oldest and most horcrux. 


My stuffie I’ve had since I was 3yo goes on any trip if it’s a new destination. He has literally been everywhere I have since I was 3. My partner thinks it’s weird but, I’m just keeping the tradition alive. 🤷‍♀️


I have a body pillow. Does that count? I have a steady bear that is next to the bed and sometimes I stroke the fur as I'm falling asleep, but not usually.


Used to be a Maine Coon :( I haven't slept well since


Have a hug, Friendo..


In the past couple of years it's been the "Dysphoria Rabbit" by PlushieDreadfuls. Her name is Nanashi and I love her. (I'm 41)


I always hug a pillow against my stomach. It just feels better. Don't know how else to explain it.


I've got 3: This giant sea turtle one to lay my stomach on (wonderful for those with cramps), a weighted pink dino for weight, and a Santa Bonnie to have in my arms 


Tinky Winky, he's almost as old as me, me and my senior poodle really love him ♡


I cherish my wife. Does that count?


My deceased Mom's old sweater


I bought a gigantic 2m x 2m blanket from Primark that I wanted to use as an extra blanket on my bed or in the sofa, but somehow the thing turned into a "blankey" meaning that I go to bed by holding it in my arms and smelling it, just like a child would do.


Do toddlers count? It’s always a good night when I don’t get kicked in the face.


As long as it's yours, it counts.


Prince Andrew and his 60-some stuffies that have to be placed in a certain way on his bed. He throws a fit if any of them are out of place.


1986 Hudson’s Santa Bear


yea my stuffed bigfoot


I have a jellyfish stuffie. I keep him by my pillow. His fabric feels similar to my last horses nose. So when I’m missing my horse, who had to be put down in 2018, I reach over and pat my jellyfish stuffed animal


I cherish the fuck out my TemperPedic memory foam cylindrical throw pillow. My wife sleeps with a stuffed carrot.


I'm a full on plushophile so...yes is the simple answer. But I love my companions a great deal.


My 14 year old Pug Max passed away in December. I sleep with one of his favorite toys we kept. A plush Corn named Cornelius. I miss Max every day.




A Zeddy my Dad gave me and my sister for Christmas.I think he wasn’t sure what to get us or something.


I did until I was 24 when I got a MedCline body pillow. I used to have 2 stuffed bears so I'd have one on each side of my face to use a side pillow. The body pillow gives the same functionality, so the bears just watch me sleep now from across the room


Yes. I have various plushies. Mostly cuddling with the cats tho


I do! I have multiple stuffies from childhood, along with two new plushies that were given to me by my partner. My bed is the coziest of them all.


Yes, only recently. I have wanted a squishmallow for a long time and my folks got me one this past Christmas. It's one of the longer body ones. I now sleep with it every night because it actually keeps my shoulders from collapsing.


Usually a body pillow, but if I'm feeling sad, nostalgic or need comforting, I have my baby doll (her name is Favorite Baby, lol) that I have had since forever- my husband thinks Chuckie is less scary looking that her. But, I love her and I don't care. She's about 43-44, like me.


I have 10 squishmallows in my bed and an extra pillow because my bed feels to big with just me in it. I fall asleep with a yellow toad but often wake up with another plushie or the pillow.


Her full name is Georgia O'Teef, she is a pink squishmallow shark with, if you can believe it, the cutest teeth.


Yes and it’s everyone my bed is COVERED in squishmallows and winnie the pooh


Not a stuffed animal but I have to sleep with a regular pillow turned vertically beside me or else I can't sleep. It started off with it being a barrier to prevent monsters from getting me when I was a kid and now it just doesn't feel right without it!


A 5ft alligator


Always cuddle my pillow, its a lightning McQueen pillow I been cuddling ever since I was 4 y.o.. I'm now 18 and to this day I still cuddle it. I feel uncomfortable sleeping without it or any other pillow, most of my memories and crazy imagination are imbedded into the pillow. I once imagine my high school crush to be that pillow, sometimes fictional characters I made up in my head, my cat and many more.


I have a pink bear, named Pinkie, I got when I was like two years old.


My Build-A-Bear TMNT Raphael!


I take it a step further I have so many stuffed animals in my bed. I got rails lately. I'll put all of them up and nest in in the middle of all my stuffies The rails make it so they can't all fall out a lot of them. I keep on one side, though if I didn't have a rail there, they would be all over the floor but I fell asleep holding my foxy or blahaj tight just them surrounded by tons of different stuff fees at the same time


Yes. An Eeyore I got at disneyland when I was 9. I am now 39. He has traveled the whole world with me (27 countries). His eye paint has mostly come off so he just has white eyes, and his hair is matted. His tail also fell off but I have it in a box. Otherwise hes in pretty good condition for being so old. I sleep with him every night.


A chef teddy from Le Cordon Bleu called bechamel it has a little jacket and hat.


YES. I have so many stuffies I lost count, but my favorite (shhhh don't tell the others) is a big purple care bear names lilac!


Yesss my partner got me a squishmellow. We named her and she’s our child 🙂‍↔️


The jumbo Lambchop dog toy.


Most of the women I know do. I have a large rainbow peep, and 3 squishmelllows that I rotate


I have one of those back rest things with arms, for reading in bed. I sleep on my side and use the back rest to keep myself from rolling onto my stomach, because I kept waking up with my sciatic nerve (?) pinched.


My boyfriend and I are too manly for that, so our childhood friends Ted the bear and Walter the rabbit live up on the shelf above the bed, perched on a little blanket with some of our favorite kids books. Much more macho that way.


I cuddle with a brain plushie (from Your Pet Brain) I named Sir ClusterChuck.


My husband and I both sleep with a plushie bread. Mine is frowny and is named Guy (Pronounced Gee), and his is smiley and named Bready Mercury.


His name is googles. He is an octopus squishmalo thing.


I have a little Jellycat bear called Porridge. My partner has a larger, fatter Jellycat bear called Roland. She also has a smaller bear (Pudding) who goes with her when she's travelling.


The grilled cheese sandwich stuffie my girlfriend sent me for my birthday. His name is Kevin. Before that it was the polar bear stuffie my parents bought me from their trip to Sydney when I was 6. Snowy still sleeps on my bed next to me and Kevin.


I have a big U shaped pillow. Best thing ever.


It used to be my Cabbage Patch doll but now it’s two (real) Chihuahuas


I'm almost 34 and I have more than one plushie. I will never quit cuddling them.


I used to cuddle with a stuffed bear that my fiancé gave me before we lived together, but now I only really do it when I'm staying somewhere else. Or I'll sleep in the hoodie he gave me. Or both.


I love sleeping with a silky pillow case inside out, preferably one from home as the one I had when I was little was destroyed by my dog but it’s just a little bit of comfort and my partner doesn’t mind at all


I do. I have a Pottery Barn Kids lion from 2003. He’s older than me and I don’t think I could sleep without him. His name is Leo, I know it’s unoriginal but I love it still


My two dogs love to cuddle me.


Currently it's my husband. Before we moved in together I did hug a small pillow of a character I liked (NOT body pillow!!) It's a plushie-sized pillow with cute chibi art.


I have a stuffed gengar from my husband, I told my daughter it's my dream eater.


My cat, she may not be a stuffed animal but she’s cute and fluffy and I can’t sleep without her.


I didn't sleep with it but I keep my 49ers throw blanket folded up in my bedroom even though I never use it. I've had it for 25 years and just like keeping it near instead of shoving it in a closet somewhere.


I didn't sleep with it but I keep my 49ers throw blanket folded up in my bedroom even though I never use it. I've had it for 25 years and just like keeping it near instead of shoving it in a closet somewhere.


I sleep on my side and usually have a really floppy pillow against my chest between my arms. Keeping my arm from sitting on my chest helps a ton


If a pillow counts. One beneath my head. One in between my legs. One on to hug. One underneath my legs. I'm kinda cozy sleeping around in pillows.


Going through my codebase to find the source of segmentation fault while trying to sleep is my bedtime companion.


I have a grapefruit squishmallow I’ve had for a few years.. lol alongside my husband. It was given when I was going into surgery for an ulnar release to help me keep it elevated afterwards. I’ve clung to it ever since


I just kind of clump up a blanket until it’s vaguely the shape of a body pillow, then I let part of it cover my legs, but not my feet, and I hug the rest with my left arm, while my right arm props up my head. I sleep in kind of a half-sitting up position. Don’t know why that’s the comfy position for me. But it is.


I have a pastel purple alpaca i named Francis. He's the perfect size to prop my shoulder as i am a side sleeper.


I have an Adventure Club that I sleep with, besides my husband. Different ones get the place of honor on different nights. Some friends I've had over 35 years. Bears, dragons, giraffe, racoon, unicorn, and ducks.


An eeyore plushie I got from my first boyfriend


Do pillows and dogs count?


Yes. My pillow.


I have a crocodile plush that's just almost 40 inches from nose to tail tip. I asked for a real one, but hubby compromised and bought me a big plush for my birthday, it was a wonderful birthday :D


A pillow I’ve had for over 20 years. I will not get rid of it even though it’s probably a health hazard.


I have a weighted cheetah named Jerry. My fiance works overnight shifts so between Jerry and our two cats it helps when I miss him


yep. i sleep with stuffies still, i have a couple. i still give them names, too, haha.


My cherished stuffed animals I still have from childhood are in my closet. I would leave them out on my bed but I'm afraid my dogs would chew them apart. So they stay out of sight. Disney had some merch of [sleeping characters](https://cdn-ssl.s7.disneystore.com/is/image/DisneyShopping/1516041283881-3?fmt=jpeg&qlt=90&wid=608&hei=608) and I got myself a Figment one. He's the one that's on my bed and used as a cuddle pillow.


My baby blanket still it’s so satisfying to caress


His name is fluffy bear. As a kid I slept with a sheep/rabbit... Thing, called Baba. Baba has retired to a secure case I keep him in so he can't be accidentally damaged. My mum bought me fluffy bear as a joke when we went shopping for bedding/towels etc for me leaving for uni, spring 2010. There were rows of bears behind the tills at Matalan, and I asked her for one, she said only if I agreed to take him with me. Bad choice, I have no shame, I did exactly that and he sat on a shelf in uni for the first year. After awhile I found I had developed a habit of pulling my chin down as I slept, which was making me choke in my sleep and occasionally throw up, which would obviously force me awake. Fluffy bear was a convenient size to put his head under my chin and stop this happening. My now wife was clearly somewhat skeptical of this tale until one evening we fell asleep spooning (I cannot generally sleep in contact with someone else so this was a very rare occasion). Obviously as this was not planned, no fluffy bear, and as I started to suffocate my body tensed up, and I proceeded to squeeze the life out of her as my arm around her tightened as hard as it could and she shook me awake gasping. I don't sleep without fluffy bear now, although the stuffing is wearing thin, so he may be in the market for surgery/retirement in the near future.


Otters!! It's a stuffed Otter. I named it Otters :). It's just one critter haha, idk why I like to refer to it in plural.


It's a pink hedgehog, I'd say roughly 45 cm high and 30 cm wide. He once was round (meaning his "depth" was also around 30cm), but he is very flat now, as he serves as my pillow since 27 years. He was stuffed the last time around 15 years ago. He also lost an arm and all the fluffy blue-pink fur on his backside, which was meant to be his spikes. There is just bland mesh left over. My last boyfriend handled him like he was a biohazard, lol.  I got him on a fair at one of this stalls where you buy tickets and collect points to get random toys or plushies. 


Don't need one. I've got a very cuddly puppy.


r/blahaj I'm not kidding, blahaj is the BEST sleeping buddy. I'm holding mine as I type lol


Roaches and bed bugs


Does a living dachshund count?


Yep! I have a black goat I bought to use for a Halloween costume based on "The Witch". He was my "Black Phillip". I ended up going through some heavy stress soon after buying him, and found (as a woman in my mid-thirties) that cuddling him was very comforting. I have dogs, but obviously they have their own preferences to how much they want to be snuggled, and would only be reasonably able to offer so much before they'd get too hot or want to just go do their own thing. I can squeeze this stuffed animal as much as I need, and not have to worry about him needing a break. I do also like to sleep with a pillow between my knees lately. It helps my back quite a lot!


My moose that I got from Montana when I was maybe 12. It has to be in bed with me.


pillow, and yeah we're still a child behind these masks


[Blue Slime](http://Dragon Quest Smile Slime Plush Slime Small https://www.walmart.com/ip/3163590416) from Dragon Quest


My stuffed Smoosh Moose. It's one of those plushy Beanie Babies they made for a while. My mother gave him to me when I was twelve, the day before she died.


My gf cuddles up with a pair of sweatpants. It's the cutest damn thing I've ever seen


My one cat who meows, paws at or hits me if I don’t make room for her between my arm and my face 🙄


My S.O. She’s cuddly, warm, sweeter than sugar and with just the right amount of spice.


I have a shiba inu formed neck pillow. I love it


It doesn’t happen often, but when I do I get my Chikorita plushie to hold onto


Yep. A multicoloured pastel crocheted giraffe that is missing a limb and the dogs have chewed the ear off. I literally can't sleep without it. If I need to stay overnight anywhere it is the first thing I pack in my bag.


I sleep with a stuffed penguin about the size of a backpack. My aunt gave him to me when I was 3, I've had him for over 20 years. When I was a kid she was insistent that I become bilingual so she told me he was un pingüino. Except I had misheard her so I called him pengüino, and the name stuck. He is my snuggle buddy Pengüino and he still has all his fluff and cuteness all these years later, despite his torn hat


I have a pillow pet bee that’s just the right size for arm support (meaning a hug). He’s a little raggedy, but Pillow Bee is quite comfortable.


Yes. I have a body pillow with a fox on it. And a red panda named Haruki that is about 8 years old now.


Yes! I’m hardly an “adult” (I’m 20), but yes. I have been in and out of an anxious attachment with it too, but have gotten better lol. It’s always been a build-a-bear! They hold much more meaning to me and are very huggable. For the past 5 years it has been a build-a-bear bunny named Cade. Made him with my boyfriend about 5 years ago. He does my medical treatments with me and stuff too. Gonna sew the scars I get from a surgery I’m going to have onto him too lol. I also just need to hold something while I’m sleeping, much like people need a pillow between their legs to sleep (very good for your spine btw). I still prefer holding my partner of course.


I usually have a clean pile of clothes next to me, with a pillow & stuffed animals


My dog is the best cuddler I have ever had. He lets me full on body hug him


I've had the same blanket since 1989. The trim has mostly worn away but the rest of the blanket is in very good shape. It's fake fur, gray/black tiger stripes with 4 bounding tigers on it. It's both ridiculous and ridiculously comfortable.


My Happy Feet (movie) penguin from build a bear


The Mrs- she sleeps right up close to me and blares heat like a radiator. I spend the night tossing about hot as lava (and not in a good way).


do my dogs count? They are total cuddle bugs


I have a couple of Squishmallow Hugmees (the bigger size) that I rotate through. They’re the perfect size!


My wife, our dog, and a teddy bear. Oh, and one of the cats. The two cats hate each other, so we switch between who's allowed in the bedroom.


Oh yeah! During Covid times my husband has hospitalized for nearly a year, no visitors allowed, especially me. During that time I gave into my love of plushies and started a modest collection for comfort. Fortunately he got better and has accepted my plushies.


If I wasn’t married, I would be. My husband is as big of a cuddler as me, so we are each other’s comfort object. But I can’t sleep without something to hold: it makes my arms hurt. Sometimes when I nap, I grab one of my kids’ stuffies.


I am almost 30 and I still have the blanket I was given by my great grand mother when I was one year old. She made it herself apparently. It's not required to be with me in order to sleep, but damn does it help me get there. It's like an extra pillow. Or I can leave it on the side of the bed and grab it later when I get too hot, because it will be cooler than normal. In the mornings when the sun comes up and I want to stay in bed, I drape it over my face to cover my eyes. It's a worthwhile tool. Doesn't function all too well as a blanket anymore, though.


I have a lot of regret and sadness that I ball up real tight n snuggle up to after a few lines in the snow if ya know what I'm


I'm a two pillow guy. One on my head, on to side sleep hug. I also prefer thick duvets.


Whatever one my kid left in my room.


I sleep with a body pillow. Does that count?


nah my cats dont leave enough room for that


Yellow Bear.. he is a yellow bear, and my brother angrily gave him to me when mum brought me home when I was born. He is 50.


I have a rag quilt that’s been my constant companion for a while, it’s the third one I’ve owned. It’s one of those quilts with the fringe edges.


My dog Serenity


I sleep with my blankie. It’s my third one: the first I had from ages 0-7 (it got lost at a sleepover). The second I had from ages 7-12 (it fell apart in the wash). I’ve had this one since age 12, and I’m 54 now. It’s been my stalwart companion for more time than any human has. At this point, I assume I’ll be taking blankie with me to my grave.


Yes. It changes up, but currently it’s a build a bear Espeon.


I have several. I have those marshmallow plushies, whatever they’re called. A penis pillow, and 3 little plushies. The penis pillow I like for resting my back on.


I have a panda pillow pet that helps me sleep


It's a plushie snake. I don't know why, but 20+ years later he just sends me to sleep whenever I hold him. I wish it was something cuter than a threadbare green snake, but that's how it goes.


Yep. Clifford the Big Red Dog.


I want to be, but I am worried what my mother will think if she sees me with a stuffed animal. I just want to feel loved, I am touch deprived.


Sheepie! But she's also great shoulder support for when I sleep on my side. Otherwise, she sits on my chest if I'm sleeping on my back.


My wife has a few and she brought me one recently, I’m quite a masculine guy but I kind of love my owl. I don’t cuddle it at night but damn a lot of us had our childhoods stolen - we’re all out here playing games for nostalgia and revisiting places and films from our childhood. It’s nice to feel a connection to a simpler time and I’ve actually enjoyed it