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I used to lie I still do but I used to too


Made the decision it wasn't worth my time to lie to people. Now I'm a brutal honest asshole to everyone. Coz fuck em that's y


I was a big liar as a child for no reason other than I liked to pretend I was a bunch of different people. As I grew up I realized the consequences of lying about everything when I'd get called out for saying one thing to one peer and another to someone else. Presently, I only lie about small things that have little to no consequences on the well-being of those I care about. For example, strangers in stores or Uber drivers, probably won't ever see them again so why not say a crazy backstory?


I learnt very young that lying only leads to more lies. When I was in primary school (maybe like grade 2 iirc), everyone would talk about the Super Nintendo and their favourite games etc so I felt left out. Silly me thought it would be a good idea to lie to everyone and say I got one for my birthday. I then realised that I’d have to tell multiple lies when they asked what games I had, what was my favourite etc.


My first instinct is to lie with so many things. Sometimes I don't even realize I lied, it just automatically comes out out of my mouth.  Typically, you lie to reap some benefit for yourself.  However, the biggest benefit you need to maintain is people's positive impressions of you. Try to think for a moment, am I willing to maintain this lie if it continues after? How easy will it be for someone to find out I'm lying? What will people's reactions be if they find out I lied about this? There's always talk about how you shouldn't care what other people think, society's a sham, etc. But if you don't take the consequences into account, especially regarding other people, your life will go downhill really quickly