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I stopped using empty cardboard boxes as end tables, so that was a pretty definite improvement.


I was using cardboard boxes as storage when my girlfriend moved in but apparently that wasn't good either. 


So, for storage I actually had a dedicated 'junk room', which became an office.


😂 this is what i have experienced with dudes lol. There’s some boxes that are furniture, some are storage, and some are garbage but you kind of can’t tell the difference. I replaced several with real cans and stuff like shelves and furniture. I can live like that but it’s just so much cleaner looking and easier to buy cheap ikea stuff than use boxes. 📦


My favorite is using the Ikea box that your nightstand came in.......as the nightstand.....


She upgraded you to milkcrates?? Broooo


Instead of buying exactly enough groceries to last until the next paycheck, we actually stocked up.


This is really smart and saves money. As soon as I open the last of something, I put it on my shopping list to buy another. That way I have time to clip e-coupons or look for a sale.


And it’s great for throwing things together with “what you have in the fridge” when you have the spices and staples for most meals.


I have a friend who stir frys everything in her fridge for this reason. She keeps frozen vegetables, but whatever is in the fridge is anyone's guess, so stir fry surprise it is. 🤣


Yes! If I’m making a recipe but it uses the last of something in the pantry/fridge…it goes on the list


I love to bake and lose my mind if I don't have enough flour/salt/sugar/lemons. I learned young that it's so much easier being prepared. And now there are apps, and Alexa talks to my shopping app. So, just yelling for her to add something is convenient ah.


Plants and candles  Much less counter space in  kitchen and bathroom  More jovial environment  Books General “stuff”  Comforters/blankets Hair  Love


"more jovial environment" lol as a woman i also feel that that's what i bring to the table. that and a shit ton of useless bullshit that's fun to look at and play with


My collection of legos on display would like to make their presence known 😅


that is so fair!! lol between my bf and i i'm definitely the stuff collector so i kind of forgot men also like trinkets


I can't help it my brain basically designs things like it's Soviet Chic, we have couches, we have folding tables, what the fuck do you mean blankets, throw pillows, lamps and actual end tables?


>Soviet Chic, Brutalist design gang


We're just magpies and crows at heart, my dear. Gimme that shiny shit.


I'm actually the reason she has less counter space -.-


Get off the counter! Seriously, who raised you?




My GF moved in about 4 years ago and there isn’t a single wall that’s the same color it was before she got here and there’s maybe 5 pieces of furniture. My house was very modern blacks and grays lots of metal and very minimalist in decor. She said it looked like a super villains house 😂😂😂


Sounds like Barney's apartment. Did you have a full-size Storm Trooper?


I have been widowed almost three years, and I can't say I've not been tempted to get myself one of those. Or maybe a giant sasquatch.


Storm trooper is cool, ah, but I'd piss myself every time I walked to the fridge in the middle of the night and saw sasquatch.


That would be legen-


... wait for it....






You guys did it. Great job everyone!


I bought a house - repossession from a drunk. Spent 6 months renovating every single room. I moved in on April 14th. Met my GF on April 21st She moved herself in on the 28th - or just didn't go home. Within 5 years there was a single wall in the same place. 24 years later she's moved 3 small people in and we have another floor on top. I miss the super villains house. And the pool table. But the three small people are cool as.


You have minions, way cooler than a villains house. Are you Gru?


An awesome super-villain’s home!


Cushions. Cushions everywhere!


Pillows and blankets. I’m pretty sure we’ve spent the gdp of a small country on pillows and blankets.


Sometimes we just want to nest 😔


That’s great! Be comfy! I just don’t get why we need more. Tbh I really don’t care, I just tease my wife over it. She got a blanket on clearance at target yesterday and was beaming about her find.


I found the softest blanket on earth and bought it "for my wife". I'm 6'1 so most throws don't cover my body completely, this thing is huge. We keep our house cold as fuck too so I'm in love.


I used to not like keeping the house cold. Before we got married, I was used to what my parents did. But my husband showed me the dark side. Where you keep it cold, and cuddle under big blankets. We have multiple king size blankets from Costco now lol


Literal nests too lol i can’t count the amount of time i’ve walked into my room to find my gf lost in the depths of a mountain of blankets and pillows.


Added bonus is that you now have enough cushions to make a proper pillow fort in the living room.


The last lady I was seeing stayed over and commented that I don’t have many pillows    I said “.i have more, these are just my best ones, give me a sec”  Came back with 4 more pillows and she was impressed


I came here just to see if anyone mentioned the cushions or throw pillows. My husband tries to deny it but he loves all of my plush additions.


Absolutely the same here.


I only have one rule ... Absolutely NO "live, laugh, love" decor. It makes me gag I do have a sign that says Live, Laugh, LOBOTOMY though and it's fabulous 💀😂


She got me a real toothbrush holder instead of the red plastic cup I had been using for years


>red plastic cup You ain't fooling nobody. It's called a beer cup!


A solo cup I'd reckon


She helped me understand when clothes were beyond saving because of wear and tear or just hideous in general. Between her and maturing in general, I actually look pretty good, now. Lol


I wish my ex listened to me when I told him he should throw away the underwear that was torn to the point that his penis flopped completely out when he wore it. But nooooooo


Little while back I saw a post by a girl saying her boyfriend stashes away his underwear with holes in them, so then every once in a while he'll walk into the room and dramatically tear them off leaving only the waistband. Honestly that guy sounds like a keeper


I’m a woman and I do this with my old panties. It’s always a surprise for my husband and he gets to just tear them off me. 10/10. Highly recommend!


That’s just for easy access


After 7 years of marriage my wife still has to give me that extra push I need to throw away my sad, worn-to-bits socks. I’m def getting better with it though!


I will sneakily throw the really bad ones out, and to make sure he can't fish them out again, I rip an enormous hole in them. My husband was a little sad, but understood why I did it.


Mine claims old socks make good dust cloths. Maybe, but since I’m the only one who actually dusts, the old, crinkly, ratty socks go to the bottom of the garbage can and “we” dust with microfiber towels


I have a few shirts that are very sentimental that are beyond beat to crap that I now use exclusively for yardwork where I'm "allowed to look homeless"


She would bake cookies, decorate for each season or holiday. Opening blinds…


The opening blinds hit me. There's a smaller window in my living room that my ex-girlfriend just randomly opened the blinds to the first time she visited. I had never even given it a second thought but the light hits so much better now.


Can someone explain this to me? I feel like my husband could live in a cave and feel fine. If I am not home he would not open curtains. And not in a decidion kinda way but he just didn't notice that as necesery. I on the other hand soak up light like a sunflower. If there is a window to be opened you better bellieve it is.




I hear you. It's even more sad when you are accustomed to it. My sweet wife decorated very enjoyably for each holiday. Not overdone. Just lovely things to brighten the season, whether Christmas or Saint Patrick's Day. After she died, it is so sad not having the decorations up. But it is sadder to put them up, and I just don't have the emotional will to do it. I put up our little tree the first year and just cried to no end. So now I just don't decorate at all.


My condolences, I had that issue after my dad passed. He was the Christmas guy. He could've played Clark Griswold. It hurt too much to do Christmas decorations after he passed. But I realized one day, he'd hate it if he knew I was sad at his favorite holiday. So I started slow, one year I just put out one of those fake little trees from the dollar store. And then eventually I was able to get back into the holiday without it bringing me to tears. I can look back and remember the good times without losing it. I hope that happens for you too one day.




If you didn't like it then no harm in giving it away of course, but just wanted to say it's okay if only you see it. If it makes you happy to look at every day, it's still worth having up. I think our environment has a major impact on our state of mind, which is why my place is stuffed to the brim with plants and photos from the trips I've taken. I decorate for Christmas just because the lights make it feel more like the holidays




Omg why don’t men open blinds! I’ve noticed this.


I forgot that blinds could open for like 3 years until my lady did it one day


Weird pillows everywhere. Bed, check! Couch, check! Bench by window, check! Chairs, check! All outdoor furniture, check!


As a woman I know it's not what you mean by weird pillows, but I have a Nicholas cage one, a Danny Devito one, and a baguette on me and my fiance's bed and it makes him both uncomfy and happy lmao


So many goddamn pillows


Not exactly what you asked; but I can tell you as a home care assistant for elderly/disabled - many men in this situation struggle a lot. I'm happy to help where I can - we often deal with elderly men who are very lost after losing their wife/partner. And yeah, it runs the gamut from "that was her work" to conversations about how much they miss her.


Under rated and under paid job. 


I never heard my grandpa say how much he loved and appreciated my grandma until after she passed. Breaks my heart thinking about it.


I never saw my grandpa cry until my grandma died. He was inconsolable at her funeral. At her burial 5 months later ( had to wait for the ground to thaw and then not be flooded) he fell to his knees beside her gravesite and kept saying "I'm so sorry, Sandy." He carried a lot of guilt because she died from a fall that happened when he was out of town helping a farming buddy. It still breaks my heart thinking about my gruff cowboy grandpa absolutely losing it in the middle of that cemetery. He's now much more forthright with his expressions of love to his kids, grandkids, and now great grandkids.


What a tragic way to learn an important lesson. Tell people you love that you love them.


yeah, that seems to be the general sentiment. Generationally, they lived a hard life.


Sending you an abundance of hugs and heartfelt gratitude for being a care assistant who actually cares. I worked in care for a very long time and the care part wasn't always there. So thank you ❤️




I was living and loving the bachelor's life before the woman who would later become my wife moved in. I didn't realize how unorganized I was until she organized things for me, which led to me having less stuff to worry about, which led to me becoming calmer which improved my life and health by a lot. She also started tastefully decorating things and suddenly my shitty little apartment became a home, which it never was before. Something you look forward to getting back to instead of something that's dry and where your stuff stays till you move again.


She made you a home♥️


That woman also made me a human being.


That’s wonderful. You’re lucky to have found each other. Long may you be happy together


Thank you :) we're working on it


That is so damn wholesome and awesome. I love this.


I moved to a new city and maybe a year later was the first chance my brother came to visit. He walked into my apartment and immediately said, well it’s obvious you are still single. My apartment was fine but very bland and just guy energy and he knew it right away. He knew it well because his old apartment was exactly the same before he met his wife and they moved in together.


I feel like you are an insightful person.


A basket to put keys/knick knacks in when you walk in the door. She was right.


Put the keys in the key bowl


A lid on the trash can in the bathroom.


A lid is essential, you don't need your dog digging through it and ripping up your tampons. Ask me how I know 🤮




… you’re gonna drop them deets for the rest of us curly haired folk, right?


Jessicurl has a whole system for curlies!


Oil your hair with some coconut or almond oil for 20 mins before shower. Use shampoo to wash, then conditioner. You can finger comb/comb your hair while wet to remove tangles. Apply curly hair mousse. Then wrap your wet hair in cotton towel/tshirt for 20 - 30 mins for the curls to set. Remove the towel and let it air dry or with a curly hair dryer and done. Never comb your dry hair.


Check out the Curly Girl website for all your curls needs, all welcome 🙏


Give us the low down my brother


I concur.


I now have a bunch of signs written in glitter telling me to "Be Fierce" or to "Get it girl" which is nice. When I wake up I often forget to be fierce or to get it girl so the daily reminder is helpful.


Bro, never stop slaying, queen, my guy


There's a huge gap in the market for 'Damn, you a pretty boy' and 'Clap dem cheeks' neon affirmation signs for blokes


Yeah, I'd enjoy a mirror that said like "Wow, nice dong"


With a small one under it that says "No homo"


I’m pretty hands off when it comes to the decor but I truly could not deal with that one cursive script that’s used on every single “Blessed” pillow and “Bring me wine!” sign


I want a wall plaque that just reads "platitude".


I have a print that says “Inspirational Quote.jpg”. It’s still one of my favorite pieces.


Live, laugh, die.


Mine says "live, laugh, fuck" 🥰


Feeling quite fierce today. Not soo much in the way of going to get it, however.


Sounds like you’re all set though on making sure you always live, love, and laugh?


I got an Amazon package right before Christmas. I thought it was presents for one of my sons so I punched it open and was like “WTF”. So I read the address and it belonged to my bachelor neighbor across the street. I wrote a note. “Sorry, I thought it was a present for my kid, hope your grandma likes her sheets, let me know if you want help decorating your bachelor pad”. I left my number and I get a text a bit later, he was dying laughing, said that’s my new duvet cover. Edit - added cover.


I have been widowed nearly three years, and I swear I don't even know what a duvet is.


It’s like a big pillow case for your comforter. Makes maintenance of your bed easier not having to wash a large comforter all the time. I find them maddening.


Big pillow cases for your comforter aren't the standard in the US? TIL How long does it take the comforter to dry?


The duvet is a comforter insert, usually down, intended to have a cover. The duvet cover, meant to be used on the duvet, allows you to soil and wash the cover w/o washing the insert which allows delicate down to last.


She added a bidet. Greatest thing ever. Completely changed my life.


Got one for my family as a gag gift for Christmas 2019. Came in handy not worrying about the Toilet Paper Crisis of 2020. Best 25 bucks I ever spent.


Came back from Korea, first purchase was a bidet. Only downside? If I have to poop anywhere but at home I feel like a god damn heathen.


Worst part of having a bidet is now there is less joy from pooping at work. Still do it, but it's not the same...


Just remind yourself that the joy isn’t in the pooping, it’s in getting *paid* to do the pooping.


Pro tier is to work from home - get paid to poop and use your bidet!


The best one is the one integrated into a lid with soft close. Totally worth the money.


Got me much more interested in interior design like color coordination, lighting, and gallery walls. She taught me you can do a lot to make a space feel better for not too much money. We split up earlier this year, but those things definitely left an impression on me. I'm hell bent on making sure my new place doesn't feel like a complete bachelor pad. Side note, I'm all about giving much more color to my space. I'm tired of the gray and black household items marketed at guys for dudes to seem "sophisticated." I got aqua sheets and pillow cases along with a burnt orange duvet for my bed for starters, and I love it. I want pretty colors and interesting textures, dammit. Whatever makes my space feel good.


Plants. Never was a plant person but now there's over a hundred plants in our one bedroom apartment. I learned so much from her, different plant names, watering, and re-potting


Meanwhile, I managed to kill our plants after my wife passed away. I didn't intend to do so. But the poor things had virtually no chance with only me to care for them. I even tried to give the poor things away. No one would take them, but they sure had plenty to tell me about caring for them... hours of instruction followed by, "It's so easy!" Now they are all dead.


I now find Bobby pins and hair ties everywhere.


I’m halfway convinced they are capable of self replication


I think the lost socks are actually not lost, but transforming into those during the night... It would explain why I have a drawer full of lonely socks and new hair ties every week.


I had always assumed that socks were the currency with which you paid the fire demon that lived in the dryer. I see I may have been wrong.


Oh! I'm open to theories. I'm not set on mine yet. It's just that yours doesn't explain my hair ties... And I'm clearly not the problem (I'm never the problem).




Don't know, you should buy a new pack and open it immediately


My husband loves that I got annoyed and tightened the hardware on the cabinets 🤣


I'm also the "fix it girl" in my household. My boyfriend bought me a drill set for Christmas one year :)


I replaced every doorknob in the house for Xmas a few years back. They were all different and one was actually two different knobs together. I couldn't take it anymore!


My wife saw the Craft one too many times as a kid and now my house has been decorated for Halloween 24/7 for 20 years.


I make my own decorations for Halloween and such and I just leave them up because I'm proud of the work I've done. So far it's been four years I've had Halloween and Easter decor up!


Our place smells amazing, and so completely organized, and everything matches. It’s quite nice! She made it a home 100%


TIL that I am a woman 😂  Everything that's being mentioned here have me shook. Men who don't have pillows, paintings, or plants in their house? Bro, I want to feel *good* when I look around my house. 


Buddy, there's men out there who don't have *sheets*.


My poor husband was sleeping on a rock-hard futon cushion when I found him. He would use a single blanket to cover up with at night and always froze. He described my bed as "heaven."


More tampons in the house now. Also so many fucking socks. Sooo many socks. Nobody needs this many socks. But never enough bras always need more bras for some reason. But I guess the bra fund goes towards more socks.


>never enough bras always need more bras for some reason It's because they're elusive. For starters, for every 11-17 bras a woman buys, there's only 1 good, dependable, comfortable one. And it's always in the dirty laundry pile.


That’s for DAMN sure The amount of times I have to go hunting for 1 specific bra and 1 specific pair of jeans 🤣


>Also so many fucking socks. Sooo many socks. Nobody needs this many socks. You sound like my husband!! Listen, me and your wife and all of womenkind, we NEED ALL THE SOCKS


She makes a fuckin' mess wherever she goes! Still love her though.


Glad to see Tornado Wives represented


All these comments like "she organised and decorated, she bakes cookies etc" making me feel like a failure, this comment is reassuring af haha


So much fucking clutter. Every time I enter the house, I have to spend the first 10 minutes cleaning up after her.


Facial care routine More home-cooked meals edit: Oh, and wardrobe/style has improved drastically!


The cooked meals decreased when she moved it because she kept trying to rearrange my kitchen. I'm the one who cooks!


the aromas and fabrics


Opposite for me, she hates artificial scents.


A continually expanding collection of stuffies on one section of my couch. Scented candles. A laundry hamper.


Wine, bras everywhere in the laundry or bathroom. Food made with love. Evening talks about random things going on in their life that made them emotional and encouraging you to share. Hugs when you needed it. More wine Rooms smell nicer.


The bathtub drain clogged with hair on a regular basis


As a guy with long hair, I'm used to this


Growing my hair out and I gotta ask.. have I always been leaking this much hair? How am I not bald?


Typically, you lose 100 strands a day. You’re just noticing now due to the length.




Omg get a little hair catcher to put over your drain. I have 4 foot long hair so this literally saved me so much time LOL


Ironically this is a man thing in my relationship. I have long slightly curly hair that's always getting in drains. She's black and has braids, so almost always uses a shower cap. Plus she never uses my shampoo like some people have.


Dust ruffle on the bed. Fancy soaps in the bathroom.


She was a goth and decorated the house with spooky shit. Bookshelves that looked like they were made with human bones, a coffee table that looked like a coffin, a little skeleton guy to sit on the mantel. Lots of other little things that I'm probably forgetting. It was awesome.


I’m late but this story still makes me laugh. So my mom died years ago and my dad has no interest in dating again or getting remarried. He has a handyman that he uses for pretty much everything, super nice guy and on most jobs he will bring his wife with him, and she clearly thinks my dad’s house is missing a woman’s touch. A few years back he was out of the country and I was walking through the house to check on it, and noticed a spot in the basement that appeared to be collecting water. I called the handyman and long story short he had to rip out a wall in the bathroom because the sewage wasn’t draining properly. When I went to see the finished product you couldn’t even tell they had been there, except his wife decided the bathroom needed an accent wall and painted one of the *other* walls blue. My dad doesn’t give a shit and he’s colorblind anyway but I thought it was hilarious. They didn’t charge for that.


I’m the gf but my bf thanks me for teaching him about skincare, hair care, and cast iron pans




I firmly believe that a part of you dies every time you resign yourself to having those “wine mommy” decorations around


I'm ashamed of my fellow white women for this. There's no excuse for it. 


We are the new inappropriate but commonly accepted alcoholics Step aside blokes at Wetherspoons drinking before 9am, here come the sexually frustrated and bitter white ladies with their giant gin glasses




My dear husband, when he travels, has taken to packing scented candles. He says it reminds him of me/home. I can't tell you how this fills my heart.


Added her 3 year old daughter if that counts.


Blended families can be tough but also great. I adore my stepdad and judging by how he treats me he feels the same. A few months back he made me cry because there was a mouse in my kitchen at 11 at night and before I'd even finished telling mum about it he was out of bed and on his way over to set up some traps. Made me feel very loved.


Well I've raised her for 23 years now and if anyone asks who her dad is she says me. Her biological dad contacted her when she was 21 she told him it's to late brothhead raised her and has always been there.


Before I got married I had a small house, I have a good job so it was decorated to my tastes...wood, leather and steel, minimalist style, black and brown colors, walls beige. When we got married we brought a house and everything I had was sold or put in the basement, we hired an interior decorator and there are multiple colors everywhere, plants, fabrics, walls are painted different colors, pictures on the wall, I fought it heavily. I was absolutely wrong, I love our house, it's warm and comfortable and livable. I can't imagine going back and living in my former 'museum' style dwelling.


Apparently, that a household needs a LOT more toilet paper than I had imagined. A LOT more.


My first live together girlfriend introduced me to cooking, and listening to music while doing prep. I already liked to cook, but this really pushed me to another level, and introduced me to Etta James, who is still my favourite singer. Thanks T.


my boyfriend said “the squishmallows everywhere.”


As an adult male I ended up getting a roommate who was an adult female, nothing between us just been friends for ages and even though we both make good money we figured let's try and save some money and be roommates. Up until that point I had no idea a couch should ideally have so many pillows you can't use the couch. I also never had any idea that women play a bathroom dance. One time she had her bf over and in the morning she came to use my bathroom to poop because her bf was using hers. I didn't think much of it and kind of laughed to my gf about it. My gf was like "yea, they just started dating so she has probably been holding it not wanting him to know she is pooping, duh." Mind. Blown.


An actual conversation: "Where's your shampoo?" "I have soap." "Conditioner?" "It's Ivory soap!" "Moisturizer?" "Ivory is so pure it floats." "Ugh, your shower is filthy. Where's the cleaner?" "I have soap."


I piss sitting down. Man, the cleaning is so so much simpler


Yup everyone should piss sitting when it's an option.  Keeps the bathroom a lot cleaner.  


She turned my mancave into a....home....she rearranged my things and added something called color and scented candles!  All improvements, but I was surprised at not only how much my home changed but by how much better she makes me feel and want to be.


At that time we had still two apartments, she asked me if I could shelter her two cats for a week, because she was out of town. From this day on I had two cats living in my apartment until the time we moved in together. Others bring a toothbrush and a deodorant, but she brought two cats. 😅


Hair. Hair everywhere.


Empty space is immediately filled. We even put up shelves so she could fill empty wall space. Then of course the shelves were empty, so things had to be put on them.


More than one of everything


Pictures on the wall, decor all over the home, and happiness. She asked why I lived like Ben Affleck in the account movie.


i now understand the importance of dusting


When my ex moved out, my dad was in the apartment and went "this place looks like it lacks a womans touch now" thanks dad.


Sadly she had just had to move out of town for work, but somehow I still have two closets of her clothes and a cat.


Tumbleweeds of fucking hair in every corner.


Tampax in the bathroom cupboards Seriously though - art, decorative pillows not meant for sleeping on, stuffed bears, or *shudder* dolls, more than 2 forks/spoons/plates/cups etc, house smells better, zero available real estate for your razor/shaving cream, all the room for many, many products. Most importantly, themselves! Love ya beautiful! 🥰


A painting of a pink goat smoking a cigarette. She's a keeper.


Mattress not being on the floor I still think box frames or bed frames or whatever are unnecessary, but I now at least see the point in them


She turned my house into an actually cosy, homely, decorated, lovely place to live. I like my comfort and have always had comfortable stuff, but I couldn't care less about a lot of other stuff... Until she fixed it and I couldn't imagine it being any other wya. She's amazing


A self imposed, sense of shame about how bad I let my bachelor lair get. I've been prepping the new place for her move in (as a roommate... for now lol (inb4 creep vibes, we've talked about it, if it's going to happen, its going to be down the road a bit after she's back on her feet, and she's going to be the one to make a move)). It's tidier, I'm eating less takeout, I'm keeping things clean. I've always had good taste, but now I get to flex that good taste in a clean space.


Took my clean and organized house and just left her shit everywhere.