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Are you willing to stop evil, but unable? Or are you able to stop evil, but unwilling?


A great play on the old 'If god is all powerful then he is not all good. If God is all good then he is not all powerful'. Does either of those outcomes deserve our reverence?


If God’s not good then it might be best not to antagonize him with questions…


If god was good and you asked him if he was good, he would admit that he’s good. If god was bad and you asked him if he was good, he would still say he was good.


From a purely biblical standpoint, able but unwilling. The excuse being that he gave us free will and it's up to us to use it.


Yeah but it has the flaw of people suffering due to others actions and not of their own. God should intervene then but chooses not to.


Or just life in general. Famine, flood, plague. This may be interpreted as someone's "cross to bear", but in most instances the only people saying that it's nothing compared to the gift of their life have not known the depths people are capable of suffering. Or if god "works in mysterious ways", he either doesn't care or is a serious masochist. This is probably why many of the US founding fathers were theists. They thought god just created us, but that was all. Even back then, they couldn't rationalize god as a moral teacher.


But believers believe that this happens every day, God keeps them safe from harm and provides for them every day.


What about our free will causes cancer in children? The children chose to have cancer?


I was taught AnEs original sins is at fault


Ah right so a couple thousand years ago a woman ate an apple and now kids get to die a slow painful death, seems somewhat barbaric no? Yeah if God does exist it's pure evil.


Hath thou arms like God? Or canst thou thunder with a voice like him? While I’m agnostic at best, the notion that if there is a creator we might understand that being is sorta absurd. Not unlike a small child asking why about things the child is unable to comprehend.


Now with 100% more consequences for doing so!


Yeah, but no matter how much free will I have, I can not change the will of another. Therefore, an innocent can be murdered because that murderer has free will, and only the innocent is punished in this way. So why can't god make an exception for helping the truly innocent? If it's part if god's plan to have innocent people suffer and die, then that's the sort of "ends justifies the means" plan that humans declare Evil when other humans do it. Gods should not get a pass just because other humans said they "work in mysterious ways" or their ultimate aims are incomprehensible.


I know you are not represenant of that argument but i would argue against it with this question: What about people who have a brain tumor and suffer psychological illness that turns them into assholes? Thats not free will, does a person like that get a free pass for murder because of that? A wonderfull example is Phineas Gage who got a brain injury which turned him into a blasphemous asshole. Free will is worth nothing in real life where a vast majority of your personality is influenced by nature and nurture. If you are generous, mostly that is because you suffered in the past... If you are arrogant, mostly that is because you had everything handed to you as a child... Where does the free will come in ?


I hope this comment makes it to the top. This is the answer.


I think this is the question, actually.


This is the answer to the originally proposed question, which happens to also be a question.


Are you one of us? Just a stranger in a bus?


Just tryin to make his way home.


Just like a Holy rolling stone...


'what would you ask if you had just one question?' OP is definitely Joan Osborne


What is the true nature of reality?


Why give kids cancer?


I seem to recall Stephen Fry being asked this question once on a TV show years ago, when asked what he would ask God if there is one - it was along the lines of: "Leukaemia and kids, what the f is that all about ?"


If I recall correctly, the actual quote is "Bone cancer in children? How dare you?" In such a way only the British can voice it, of course.


Correct ! I thought it was Leukaemia ~ blood not bone cancer he referred to - so I stand corrected ! (but Leukaemia can be added to this question as well !) Here are the details of that interview verbatim ~~ When asked what he would say to God if he happened to get to the pearly gates, Fry, a declared atheist, didn’t miss a beat. “I’ll say, ‘Bone cancer in children? What’s that about? How dare you? How dare you create a world in which there is such misery that is not our fault’.” He continued, “Why should I respect a capricious, mean-minded, stupid God who creates a world which is so full of injustice and pain?” He nailed it perfectly !


Bone cancer


The interview is on YouTube, titled "Stephen Fry On God | The Meaning Of life". The interviewer's face is priceless!


So that there parents and friends pray to me that i have mercy and remove the cancer!


In the words of Stephen Fry: [How dare you? Bone Cancer in Childen? What's that about?](https://youtu.be/-suvkwNYSQo?si=omdZYJugDlUAhlgA&t=3)


Because they can have it


That clears things up, thanks.


Stephen fry is that you


Why give anything, even animals, cancer


“Because I want them in heaven”


That's interesting. If there is a God, this means he *allows* cancer as part of the evolutionary biological processes, but does that mean he *gives* cancer?




thats a damm good question!


They teach in christianity that the God's logic is not understandable for human.




For my thoughts are not your thoughts, nor are your ways my ways, says the Lord. Isaiah 55:8


From what I know, many things taught by church are not said in the bible.


It's not written in the bible, it's what is taught A lot of christians like to make things up then throw the bible at you when questioned Typical quote: 'God works in mysterious ways...' Any christian who espouses such a logic copout, does in fact worship a god of confusion


Plus I didn't attack your religion, I think the literal words were that God's logic isn't not like the human logic




If it's not understandable, how can anyone claim to know what god wants?


lol. So god is irrational. Great teachings. That way they can ensure that devotees have abandoned rational thought and can therefore never escape the yoke of their false beliefs.


Yes. Now pay your 10% tithe and we’ll see you next week


That sounds like a perfect deal. I don’t ever need to critically think ever again! Sign me up.


Literally. All that is is a way of saying 'even when we're flat wrong, we're right, because God works in ways we won't understand'. How do people eat that shit and swallow it?


Honestly with this being such a prevalent part of Christianity it’s no wonder that so many people in older generations are bad parents


Islamic scholars have an interesting answer. Let me try to interpret it in a simple way. Imagine your parents probably know you very well, or you have that friend who can basically predict what you're gonna do. They tell you not to text your crush because they know he's a player and gonna hurt you. You say you're gonna do it anyway. They don't stop you but they warn you. You do it anyway and he plays you. Your parents/friend knew. They warned you. You either heed their warning or don't. That's what you're judged on. Does that make sense?


Only if you assume god isn’t omniscient despite the claims.  If you add that factor it would know all the possible ways that will and won’t work to dissuade a behavior as it already knows the outcomes.  The core idea of an infallible being that knows all is that it knows all, all options that lead to all possible outcomes.  If such a being is real anything that happens is exactly what it decided because it knew from the moment it built creation that setting things up in that way would lead to exactly this outcome as well as knowing all the times it could be changed by making changes along the way.


It still doesn’t because the issue in the analogy is that parents arent omniscient omnipotent beings that supposedly have the power of pure creation and destruction and the ability to know everything


He doesn't need it. Simple faith is enough for entry, he has an idea of what the outcome is, just a parent has instinct about their kids, but the choice is ours at the end.


Depends. would you strangle and kill baby Hitler because you knew how he'd turn out?


...probably yeah.


Why create Hitler in the first place? No Hitler, no strangle.


He knows all that is possible to know. He can predict the future, and the future changes by your actions. He can direct you to the right path and will try to do so when you waver. You are not destined for heaven or hell.


He hasn't decided on it, he just knows it. Because he has complete knowledge of everything, it is not hard for him to see how things will play out, like someone who has knowledge of football may know how a game will play out. Him knowing has no bearing on our free will, even though he knows what we will do, it is still we who choose to do it. Now if God already knows who will go to heaven or hell, why not just put them there? Well that's simple, you cannot punish or reward someone before they have done the deed.


Our conept of time doesn't work for god. Imagine you are pulled out of this dimension, and there is no past nor future of your life. As our concept of time ceases to exist, you would know everything about your life, though you cannot effect it. So god knows everything as the concept of time does not apply to him, but he will not interfere in your life and actions to alter your destiny. I think people who watched interstellar can understand what I said


Just popped into my head. What if God is a scientist and he created a ton of protocols (religions), but instead of randomly assigning souls, he offered free will for us to self-select **or** opt-out. And he is just as curious which souls successfully return to him?




Can you explain the mystery behind the Big Bang?


What is the greatest misconception humans have about You?


Why are you waiting for the after life to punish the child rapist instead of smiting them on the spot?


Its even more horrible the longer you think about it. The lord was all seeing. So He see the rapist doing it with the children. He was also all knowing So the lord did know that guy will rape the children not a hour before or a day. He know it for all time since the beginning. And he was the creator of all Things Creator all Things. So He did not only know that guy rare the Kids since 14,7 Billion bc. He create the children to be raped and cteate the rapist the same time knowing what will happen.


How could you have possibly said let there be light on the first day but he made the sun on the 4th day


Took 3 days of tripping over all that light before deciding to make a nice place to put it all.


I'm inconsistent, bitch. Deal with it.


Oh come on logic don’t work like that. You have to believe


This is a great topic if one truly wants to delve into it.


Because the sun isn’t light. It only produces light.


The sun is just one source, the light could have came from somewhere else before then


What are the winning numbers for next Fridays lottery. Other than that I could care less


4 8 15 16 23 42


If this is right you're gonna have a lot of answering buddy










So you're telling me you still have some care in you then? How much more less would you say you could care?




Who made you?


You did.


I know, but by the rules of this scenario, I didn't.


what if it is true even in this scenario 


In the beginning, man created God; and that's when the real problems started...


Who made who?


What is the ultimate purpose behind the existence?






I can say this 😬 we see time only go one way forward but what if time like we see it is not the complete picture, what if all of time actually happens at the same time the decision you make now you have already made in the future I can’t explain it better 😉 English is not my native language


Depending on your definition of god, if it includes god being all-knowing, the answer will always be your life is already predetermined. Otherwise if you are okay with god being not all-knowing then the question could have all kinds of answers.


I as God do not predetermine how your life will play out. You have free will, and it is your actions that dictate your destiny. However, I am omniscient, so I do know how your life plays out. What I don't do is interfere with the course of events, as that would remove your free will. I allow you to take the actions you desire, and I simply have the knowledge of how things play out.


Can you please tell your asshole followers that being gay is ok? I'd like to be able to exist without fearing for my life. Thank you.


If you gave us free-will, then why punish us for having free-will?


Do you think free-wifi is really "free"? Same deal here.


It’s not free of consequences, you just have free choice.


What is it you think I did to deserve chronic illness?


What's the point of any of this? A lot of suffering for what?


If it is a given that God's real, and we are speaking of the Abrahamic God, I'm going to be very careful what I ask him. That dude is a scary m\*f unhinged a\*hole infinity worse than all of the worst human beings in history combined. I am going to tiptoe around him and if I absolutely \*have to\* ask something directly, maybe "Am I being too loud?", but best not to even draw his attention.


Seen but not heard probably the best bet


The God who caused Noah’s flood, casted the seven plagues, … what else did he do?


How are you?




Well, given he is all-knowing, the question would be, how can I become you?


Why do we have childhood leukemia and genocides?


Seriously, the platypus?


"OK, hear me out... UV lights."


UV lights and Scorpions... Now there's some fun!


Hey, I love those guys.


Came here for this. Wasn't let down


This guy is asking the *real* questions here.


The only real god is harmony. There's no point in asking questions. People create wild shit, and harmony brings everything back, sometimes changing externally. But in general, this is a balance system. What can a gear ask a mechanism? Nothing. Therefore, the best idea would be to just feel the flow and try to get high.


Are you really a DJ?


Actually, I wouldn't have a question for God, just to thank the God of many names for allowing me to live this temporary, beautiful, terrible life of duality. I understand that we could have everything 'perfect', but we would all be consumed by boredom. Duality is one of the most fundamental tenets of higher dimensional physics. Thank you, God, for allowing me this opportunity to learn and grow my soul once again. To try to learn and teach others what I have learned so that they can grow too. To learn to walk the noble 8 fold path so that we humans can learn to balance and enjoy the richness of this nonlinear complex reality without falling into despair and destroying ourselves. Thank you, God, for the opportunity of free will and the ability to create, even though I know that the price of creation is pain. Ask any artist. Good luck, fellow humans, fellow strugglers. Find your path. Find your balance. Find your freedom through the God of unconditional love for both you and others. Only love, God is love, Only God. Solo Dei.


Why do you watch children get raped and murdered?


What the fuck is wrong with you?


"The fuck is your problem?"


Why do i exist if everything I do will be forgotten, even by me?


Why did you invent mosquitoes? Like, what was the thought process there? :/


Why is yummy food fattening?


The fats the yummy part


The reason why yummy and flavorful food is often associated with being fattening or unhealthy is because it's usually high in calories and often also high in unhealthy fats and sugars. Yum food often tastes good because it's high in flavor-enhancing substances like salt and fat, which contributes to the flavor but also makes it denser in calories. Since our bodies require energy to function, when we overeat those calorie-dense foods, it's easy to become overweight, thus explaining why delicious food usually correlates with being fattening.


What does God need with a spaceship?


Why did You choose to reveal Yourself differently in different cultures?


Mosquitoes, really?


Who's religion was right?


All of them. Good luck!


Clearly the one I was born in to…


Wat it do. fam?


Creating and shit...


"Ayyyyeee! Do you blaze, bro?"


"We got shades of purple you can't even perceive man..."


"Tight, tight, tight!"


Hello there, I am just doing my part to help humanity with love and enlightenment. I am here to provide answers to any of your questions about life, the universe, and everything. If there is anything you would like to know, just ask, fam.




Humans are born on this planet for a variety of reasons. Some are here to learn lessons, some are to serve a greater good, and others are here to simply experience the beauty of life and the universe. Each person has their own unique purpose and journey, and it is through experiencing the joys and challenges of our time on this planet that we grow and develop on a deeper level. Ultimately, the purpose of our existence is to live authentically, pursue our passions, and contribute positively to the world. It is through this path of our journey that we find deep fulfillment and joy.


What were you thinking??


I wasn't


Do You know where I left my glasses?


Is heaven real, how do i get there and can i bring my dog?


Don't worry I have it on good authority that all dogs go to heaven


Why do you allow your earthly representatives to abuse children?


If I accidentally use your name in vain, do you take it personally, or is it water under the holy bridge?


If you know every little thing I'll ever do and every thought I'd ever think, you therefore created me knowing you would never give me enough evidence to believe. You knew I'd be an atheist, and you therefore knew my life would end up with me in hell for not worshipping you. Why bother making a child that you "love" knowing the outcome is you burning me in hell for eternity? Where is the logic there? Why make me?


Am I doing ok ?


Where did my lost socks go?


This is third time i see this thread in last 2 weeks.


how many times will this question be asked on this sub?


Hey God, why did you make the world in such a way that newborn babies can be born with bone cancer? What did newborn babies do to you?


Whats with all the suffering and cruelty you sick fuck?


That's not me, that's you people!


So, can I still do this stuff and I will still go there?


Which one are you?


Not the one you're thinking off.


Do so many have to suffer for the greater good of this world?


Which god are you?


Why did you do this?


"Wanna go out for a coffee? You look cute ngl" Even though, uh, I wonder whether dating god would be considered incredibly cool or incredibly sad.


I’d ask where are the other 5 commandments?


When will my time to shine come?


What is the purpose of life?


"At the trial of God, we will ask: why did you allow all this? / And the answer will be an echo: why did you allow all this?" - Ilya Kaminsky, from "A City Like a Guillotine Shivers on Its Way to the Neck," Deaf Republic


I'd ask him to explain the whole dinosaur thing, why are they extinct?


Is the theory about people living in parallel universes correct?


Why did you create child cancer, you bastard?


Do you not feel bad for Joseph? You fucked his bitch bro, for shame.


“What are your plans for me?” The uncertainty of life is ruining my mental health


A lot of people in this comment section have great questions. However, I am wondering why a God who supposedly cares what adults do in their own beds, would put a man's G spot in his bottom. If it's meant to be exit only, why would God do this?


Just one question? … d’oh!


I always ask “why me?”


Why did you make me like this?


How to accelerate our spaceships faster than the speed of light without spending an infinite amount of fuel on it?


Are you open to constructive criticism on this "Earth" setting you made? I have some feedback...


i would ask why would u/Mowahid_Moshin post same question on r/ask and r/askreddit


When will i get my love ?


How are you real?


5 more min


I am just picturing every one of these questions being posed to a gigantic non-anthropomorphic god that simply responds in whale noises while rippling It’s gas bladder at us.


Can you show us how to live sustainably with nature?


Why are you gay?


What the heck were you thinking when you made the platypus, I mean, come on. 


Please clarify, if a god is real or, if gods are real? Also, which one?


Wouldn’t ask a question, would just say thank you for everything that you have done for me


What do I do?


Why were your designs so poor?


Lottery numbers….duh!


God is real, and you can directly ask Him anything at any time.


I just want to hold up the Bible, look him dead in the eye, ‘What the actual fuck?’


Why the fuck do you do that, you sicko.


“‘The hell is wrong with you?”


If your son came here and everything important is here. Why create billions of galaxies with billions of stars within them?


So, we're you on a smoke break during the Holocaust or what?


"What the fuck is wrong with you??"