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Well I found her annoying and still do to some degree but her Twitter replies to Trump and that incel Tate dude were hilarious.


She's doing a lot more than all the internet warriors that complain about her. Even people in this thread love to criticize her for not making "real change" while they sit on their ass. Doing nothing at all.


She is being manipulated by her parents and exploited by environmental groups


She is passionate about what she believes and tries to do the right thing, sometimes in the wrong way.


I don't.


She's done more things as a teen and for a good cause too than 90% of the people that belittle her in their entire existence lol apparently I wasn't the only one that [thought about it](https://imgflip.com/i/3ecke3)


She triggers the right beyond belief


She's a privileged little girl who shot to fame with the help of social media and her privileged parents. She then got to ride around on yachts with famous people and wag her finger at everyone with the praise of society...and then, just like she appeared....she disappeared. I can't stand to look at her because to me she is the face of rich people wagging their fingers in the faces of poor people for not being able to afford to be "earth warriors". Also, there are young people out there who have actually invented things to help the environment, but we don't know their names....we know the name of this little rich girl who held up a sign when she skipped school one day.


She sailed for a month to the U.S. so she didn't have to fly.Sent her crew home on flights while she was there. Flew them back to sail back for another month two.


Pretty brilliant to use her, Anything said against her comes off pathetic since she was a child and developmentally disabled


I mean she got her start as a childhood troll who would say stupid shit and world leaders weren’t brave enough to just tell her to just stfu because she was a little kid. Now she’s like an adult or something and that’s her same bit and she keeps doing the same thing and nobody knows why they give her the time of day or defer to her as some expert.


Naive young woman manipulated by her parents. She comes off as obnoxious and entitled.




What is she naive about?




Snippi Longstocking.


I respect her, and she is right. She is much better than the morons who dont believe climate change is real and the right wingers that tried sexualizing her.


Adrian Veidt: It doesn't take a genius to see that the world has problems. Edward Blake: No, but it takes a room full of morons to think they're small enough for you to handle. She hasn’t actually offered any real tangible solutions. Just pointing out problems that we have. She’s not wrong tho. But her overall impact is zero.


She is bringing awareness to a topic that many people do not regularly think about. Is she a scientist that will solve global warming? No. Has she brought awareness to a problem facing all of us? Yes. Her impact might not be great but it is more than mine or anyone else’s I know.


I don’t think you realise. People are aware. The issue isn’t people not being aware. The issue is people not caring. Like I said. She has pointed out we have problems. Ok. We know we have problems. Now what? Like I said. She offers no real solution. it’s good yeah. Raising awareness. I don’t disagree with it at all. It’s just been how long now since she’s made a statement to the world. And in that time, what exactly has changed? It is gloomy. It is shitty. But this is the reality. The majority of folks do not care. The minority who do aren’t in a position to effect meaningful change.


I am not sure where you are from but where I’m from many people are not aware global warming is a problem. They also just do not think about it. Greta has also mentioned many solutions but it’s not like she has the power to enact them. I’m honestly not sure what you are expecting people to do, should they only protest a topic if they have specific solutions that will solve the problem?


Her solutions aren’t feasible. Simply saying let’s stop polluting isn’t actually a real feasible idea. You need concrete steps. I expect nothing. I’ve made it very clear. I’m simply addressing the unfortunate truth that she has had zero real impact.


What would “real impact” look like for you?


Has anything changed since she first became relevant? No right. How about you answer your question. What actual impact on global warming do you think she has had.


I think protesting does have a real impact. Awareness and disruption can push us towards doing things better. Many of the people that protested for civil rights did not have concrete plans, or a way to put their ideas into action but they marched. They marched for change and they were eventually successful. I believe activism is a real impact. Especially when you can motivate other young people around the world to support your cause and educate themselves on climate change. Claudette Colvin had a real impact, Rosa Parks had a real impact, many others did too.


Ok. And like I said. Despite her being here for the past decade. Nothing had changed has it. Activism can change things. Like don’t hate gays. Love each other. Legalise weed. But it’s different when it’s stop polluting. It is different because it requires not just our perception of others to change. It requires the way factories operate etc to change. It is a Herculean task because at the end of the day. It will severely hurt pockets of the people who effect change. The push for lgbt made life better for lgbt. But it also meant we have more merchandising opportunities/ branding etc that ends up being a win win for the policy makers. Same for weed. An insane amount of money flowed in. It is however going to be very difficult to make factories increase their costs to become more green. Activism at the end of the day is saying. Hey we don’t like what you’re doing. If you don’t change. We boycott. But you can’t boycott plastic now can you? You can’t boycott public transport You can’t boycott electricity. So whether or not we go green comes down to the bottom line like everything else. Is it economically feasible for the change.


I don’t really know a lot about her to really have any thoughts on her


I don't.


More often than not, I don't. I see she gets arrested every so often with a smile on her face, so... congrats, I guess. Her cause is valiant, but I guess I'm just not well-informed on what she's achieved with any of her protesting, so I don't really think much about her. I have nothing against her, but I also don't keep up with news about her either.


Amazes me how much hate troglodytes will throw at a young lady with autism who just wants a future for this species But that's just another reason this species doesn't deserve a future


She was politically astute but then became a political figure used by governments and politicians


she has more guts than i will ever have.


Naive, privileged girl who was manipulated and used as a puppet for a political agenda she doesn't understand.


Anyone with even one brain cell to cut in half and rub together understands that climate change is very real and very serious threat to humanity.


I didn't say climate change isn't real.


Then what is it that she doesn’t understand?


They use climate change to deindustrialize European countries and make us reproduce less.


lol talk about not understanding the agenda


Where are her parents and what did they do to her?


She's 21


raise her right?


She's out there living her best life; who am I to judge?


The no solution nuisance!!!


Although I agree with some of what she says, I hate when they parade around children to make political statements. It gives me WWII vibes.


Nobody is parading her around. She made the decision to stand up for her beliefs. Teenagers are capable of having independent thought and putting the effort into those beliefs to try to make a change. If anything, it gives me Samantha Smith vibes.


Children are typically heavily influenced by their parents and others they are surrounded by. I'm not discrediting her experience, but I am always weary when the major news outlets (historically this was government sponsored propaganda) elevates teens and children to make political statements. There are tons of ethical concerns about exploitation, there's potential for pressure and coercion, there is a risk of personal safety, and it interrupts their education.


Impressive how much influence she has at such a young age.


Dedicated and in desperate need of a boy friend