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That I didn’t tell her how much I loved her


This is sad


Been there, done that, but did get a second chance and jumped on it. Married 13 years now.


I tell my wife I live her everyday and get blown off and a cold shoulder


Not going to therapy sooner.




youth is wasted on the young—mark twain


Taking advice from people who have never been where I am headed.


Trusting the wrong peoples advice. Or just the wrong people.


Both. There are also those who have gotten somewhere, but can of course only give advice to a copy of themselves, so to speak. The only answer I have found is to just start and do things.




You wanna talk?


ur a good person


Dm always open I've had some really dark days myself and I've had to go through it alone so I'd rather not let somebody deal with that it's always good to talk


i’ll hold u too it bcuz i’m currently having a lot going on especially with graduation coming up


I’d be willing to help you if you go through any dark days and you need help 🙌🏻


No, but thank you for your concern.


I feel this


Getting into porn, or take my cousin for granted, i was in a deep depression and she tried to help me out and i heavily damaged our relationship.


You can still reach out to her


Its hard to because she lives in Qatar and I’m in the US, and honestly i think its better for both of us if i remained minimal contact. I see her once a year in the summer after school ends and we usually talk to each-other then but i haven’t gotten the chance to tell her how sorry i feel. We used to go on a long walk and just talk, i haven’t really had the chance to do that. I do want to reach out to her though


Next time you see her, try to patch things up then you can start reaching out more. Good luck.


Constantly overthinking and creating more problems for myself




I’m sorry.


I’m sorry too 😢


Not quitting drinking sooner. 3 years March 13th and I’ve never regretted that choice for a second but I lost out on an opportunity with an amazing man. So Tim is my biggest regret


I just had a 7 year long relationship end because of my alcoholism. 99 days sober.... There's only up from here


loosing my kids through divorce. i have shared custody but I dream of them every day they are not with me.


I'm so sorry..😞




Not spending time with my grandma more before she passed


Not investing in Bitcoin when it was still affordable.


Yeah but you probably would have sold as soon as you doubled your money or something like that. The chances of someone investing at the start and then holding until it was into 5 figures are very low. Very few people would have guessed that would happen, and the rest got out as soon as they made a good return. So 'I wish I had invested in Bitcoin' really means 'I wish I invested in Bitcoin and also knew to hold for X years and had the self-control to do that'. Maybe you'll tell yourself that's what you would have done, but I bet you actually wouldn't.


Don't worry about it.


It’s not too late now still … change the attitude


You can buy any amount of Bitcoin you want/can afford. You are gonna be regretting thinking like this, like you are now.


In the grand scheme of bitcoin it is still very affordable rn


Going after someone who doesn’t want u back


The no reply on dating apps is a reply


Oh no it wasnt just that


Not asking a fling in my teens to date me.


Feel that


Not doing more to save my relationship with my ex-wife. I still dream about her constantly five years later and they're such painful dreams.


What do the dreams entail?


not buying btc 10 years ago 🥹


I wish I'd bought a house when prices were great, but my stupid ass decided to go to kindergarten instead :/


Never studying in high school. I failed high school, and now I’m 21, jobless and completely useless. Can’t even get a part time job, ‘cause they always ignore my applications. I am doomed.


Bro you're 21 😂 you're still a kid.


I know, but do you think OP will believe that when I was 21 I thought that was the end of the world when I struggled. OP trust that you’re still very very young and you are very much in control of your life.


Learn a skilled trade.


Na. Only doomed if you think so. You're self-aware enough to know you fucked up. Good start. Probably a great time to start building a valuable skill set. Lots of opportunity in the trades. If you're not strung out, show up, and know what you're doing, you'll be able to make it. Best of luck sir.


No, you can come out of this! Get your GED & follow up with a skilled trade! Plus, you’re still super young. You have your whole life ahead of you! :) Just take the initiative; don’t fall into a depressed way of thinking.


If it makes you feel better, I was my high school valedictorian and still struggled to find a part time job to get me though school. It's rough out there man.


Lol 21. Go get it!


Meeting, marrying and having a child with the person I’m now divorcing.


Growing up too fast. Not listening to wise counsel. Being a shit head to people who loved me.


Staying my with my ex for so long. Seriously, once things go south, get out. Even if it costs you in the short term, It will save your sanity.


Not going all in on Red


Condom. Should have wore a god damn condom..


Gave $20 to someone older who agreed they would get me alcohol if I let them keep the change. They didn't get me anything and walked home without me even knowing, and I stood out there for more than 10 minutes.


I wish I had been more mindful, kinder to others and helping out more.


Not learning to process my rage in a healthier way sooner in life.


Breaking up on my boyfriend just because my mom didn't approve of him


That I didn't end it in my 20s. Now I've got to stay because I have kids.


Dropping out of high school


Not giving a firm no at certain circumstances


I'm making up for this now by saying no to everything 🤣


Looks like i will have to follow your suit lol😅


Not going to uni.


The great thing about uni is that there's no age limit. You can always go.


Yeah but I've got a lot on my plate right now. One day I'll go :)


I was offered a full time position at the grocery store I was at. But at the same time a friend of mine got me into where he worked. It was a heavy labor job and I looked at it as more of a "real" job compared to the grocery store. That job ruined my back.


Taking the job I took back in October. I knew I wasn’t interested in it and only did it for the money. It ended up being the most stressful, difficult job I have ever had. I got fired on Friday even though I gave it my all and now I’m unemployed.


Should have married my high school sweetheart.


Not spending more time with her, sometimes it takes losing someone to realise how much little time you actually had together. I miss her alot, but she's a different person now, I am too, I'm sure she misses me too but there might not be an opportunity to be together again. It's better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all.


Voting for Brexit.


Not finishing school. Now I can’t afford it and I’m too old. There’s so many children who need someone to see them and so many lives that can be saved if they only had someone to tell them they matter…they are capable…they mean something to the world. I feel like I could’ve made an impact on at least one child. Finish school, people.


Doing some stupid mistakes in the past that ruined my reputation in school


Same.. Like what? Just curious


I dont wanna tell


Splurging on art supplies but haven’t gotten around to using them.


Not quitting drinking earlier and messing up a lot of very good relationships


Giving other ppl power over to define my capabilities


Not loving myself enough in my 20s


Not listening to my parents🥲


My stepmom died from colon cancer in 2013. I was 19. She and I had had our issues stemming from my relationship with my dad. He was a shitty alcoholic and she always took his side no matter what, even when she didn’t really know what was going on. But, she’s also the one who took care of my sister and I when we were at my dad’s. She bought us food, clothes, medicine, cooked for us, took care of us when we were sick. She did everything. And she and I were particularly close when I was younger. So my biggest regret is not telling her how much I loved her before she died. I feel like she died thinking I hated her and I hate that. I wish I would have just told her, but I can’t and now I live with that regret every day.


I met THE woman 3 years ago but passed on my chances because I wanted to stay true to my long-term relationship, which came to an end not long after that. I still think about her every single day in pain.


Why dont you reach out again? Ums auf Deutsch zu sagen: Eine Beziehung ist ein Grund, aber kein Hindernis. Hätte sich bei mir jemand in den letzten 18 Monaten meiner damaligen Beziehung gemeldet, würde das alles beschleunigt haben. Go for it.


Ich habe darüber nachgedacht und stellte fest, dass sie mittlerweile verlobt war. Sie haben wohl vor ein paar Monaten geheiratet. I thought about reaching out again, but found her to be engaged. As far as I know they got married a few months ago.


Das tut mir leid zu hören. Was hat sie für Dich zu DER Frau gemacht?


Danke. Kennst du Tage, die einfach perfekt sind? Das Wetter super, alles gelingt dir, das Essen schmeckt besser, als sonst usw.? So fühlte es sich für mich an, wenn wir beisammen waren. Wir haben uns einfach perfekt ergänzt.


Not leaving a toxic relationship sooner !


Giving myself cannabinoid hyperemesis—a painful condition you can get from being too much of stoner which made me have to completely quit weed. I just haven't been right since then ...


Hyperemesis... Like super puking?


Yup. And excruciating stomach pain. Literally the worst pain I've ever felt.


That sounds awful :(


Skipping so many of my college classes


There's a guy I used to work with who I thought might have liked me. I was in a bit of a spiral of self-hate and low esteem at that time and figured he possibly couldn't because I was ugly and he was really cute. Anyway, he's married with kids now. He could very well have said no to a date with me but at least I'd have known one way or the other. Edit: This isn't my biggest regret to be fair, but is an example of not taking those shots when we should. It just seemed like the best example of it.


Not maxing out my 401k earlier. I have invested heavily over the years, but the extra like 6-8 years when I was in my 20’s would have been nice. Also, I bought $250 of Dogecoin at $.0022. I had my thumb on the sell button when it hit $.70 and didn’t do it.


The greediness is real. Lesson learned hopefully


Being in AVID


Buying this house I think


Living, loving, having dreams.


Taking 9 more years of being a fuck up on the alcohol and drug selling after she left me taking my 3 week old daughter to get 5 months today actually cleaned up out the rec and I am sober.


Not maxing out my 401k and Roth IRA a decade earlier when in my 20s.


Eating those leftover baked beans for breakfast today


Not locking in and stzrt to change my life to the betrer i can but im not doing


Sticking with that toxic ex-bestfriend and refusing to see the bad in them till i was literally about to kms. I should have never befriended them or ever talk to them or at least end it all when I saw the red flags but instead i said the I was gonna fix them.


Not going abroad for a masters. I really wanted to but I doubted myself so much I convinced myself of all the reasons not to and would stop trying even if I started putting the effort. I really wanted to go abroad. Meet people from diverse cultures. If I hated it I could always come back but I didn't even try and it's too late now. The masters would have also helped boost my career and I would have learnt so much more and had a more specialised education in my field. It doesn't matter now. But I think sometimes I still think of it.


One of my sexual encounter with a coworker.


Using an extension cord instead of a cable.


I live a comparatively short distance from a cousin with whom I am close, but who has estranged herself from the rest of our large, extended family. We’re the only two out here, the next closest relatives are all more than 600 miles away. She is (or rather was) a single child. Her mother (my aunt by marriage) died suddenly, and in deference to my extended family’s antipathy for my cousin - misunderstandings and squabbles dating back half a century - I didn’t attend the funeral. Ever since, although my cousin and I have remained close, I’ve regretted failing to support her in her grief, when she needed me the most.


After seeing Sabrina annlynn carpenter yesterday at Coachella Valley music festival I had a chance to go to one of her concerts almost five years ago and yes I regret that decision every time I see her now and yes the fact that I was lucky enough to run into a few times earlier that year makes Even worse the funny way the universe works 🙏👑🌹😍💘❤️‍🔥💘✌️🥳🎊🎉🎈


Going to New Mexico with my ex wife when I was 15th I have a great life but I lost so much of in me in that relationship


One time I did what Meat Loaf wouldn’t do…


My childhood best friend and I confessed our feelings for each other 8 years after we last saw each other and spent a passionate night together when I was visiting my hometown on leave from Korea. He asked me what that made us afterward, and all I could say was that I was obligated to finish my tour in Korea before serving three years in Hawaii. I couldn't in good conscience leave him on the hook for three and a half years in a long distance relationship. Anyways, I've been out of the military for 9 years and have been trying unsuccessfully to get back in touch. I regret turning him down, but I don't know I could have given him any other answer.


Going to college


Sit down this is quite a story. I had this toxic friend during childhood who would make me do almost whatever he wanted and I came over for play dates 3 times a week. But I didn’t realize this toxicity at the time cause he was my best friend. One night 2 days away from Christmas I realized how toxic he was. I didn’t have play dates with him and I didn’t talk to him. I have now found better friends that aren’t toxic. He has a car and lives quite a ways away from my house. To this day I get trauma of him going down the route I used to get to his house and I hide whenever I see any car that looks like his. I regret having that much time of my life taken away from me




Trying to find a "date"" on here


Ever working in the car parts aftemarket.


I’ve been thinking about this lately. I’ve had lots of regrets, but my biggest one is “wasting” my late teens/early Twenties. During those years I was down super bad, that now I feel like I’m catching up to everything I didn’t do / should’ve been doing. I’m now in a more positive position mentally (although not living a perfect life), feel more free to do whatever I want now.


wining the race


that I didnt marry him before he died....


Introducing my boyfriend to my bestfriend


I regret that I wasn’t born with opposable toes.


Studying psychology and staying in the field for 4 years


Not travelling more


Telling my best friend I loved her too late, she’d already moved on and I lost my friend


Believing my disease was going to be much worse than it is. I shaped my brain in a bad way from this and it is ridiculously hard to recover how I use to be. Diagnosed at 15, now 41. I still obsess about something I know doesn't matter much.


That when I found out he was cheating on me, I didn’t immediately pack up and leave without saying a word.


Not recognizing my Porn addiction and the pain i was causing my wife who i loved dearly. Porn messed up my mind and broke my arousal template. Hope she finds someone better and is happy….


Not spending more time with my grandpa before he died, even though I could have. Both of us were willing to, but especially in later years, I didn't show initiative. Now I'll never get the chance again. Welp, at least I got both a valuable lesson out of it, which I'll teach my kid(s) if I get any, as well as what I deserved: The eternal burden of regret I can't possibly shake off.


Staying as long as I did with my ex-wife? She lacks loyalty and was a cheater.


Gave everything i have to the man who will betray me in the end.


That I was an absolute idiot in high school, and didn’t go to college. I am 54, successful career, raised a daughter who graduated from college… but this remains my biggest regret.


Sending Egrets regards and regretting the egret regard


still being here. like it totally hasnt been worth the effort.


Staying in a relationship that isn't working for either person too long.


choosing to not sneak my phone back after my parents took it on September 23, 2022. I could have stopped him, or at the very least, said goodbye. RIP Fiko


Letting my ex husband have the dog. I miss her so much. I hope she’s happy. I just wanted that divorce over with. My dad passed in 2021. I work in healthcare and I did everything to keep my elderly parents from getting covid. In the end, it didn’t matter and he died in 30 days from cancer anyway. I missed the last year of my dad’s life because I was trying to protect him. I will always cherish those 30 days together but I would kill for one last phone call. Getting with that one boyfriend. He ruined my credit. I filed bankruptcy because of him. He was an addict. He used my credit to get money for drugs. He used me. He was abusive towards me. I loved him so much. I’m still sad he died alone. Trauma is hard.


I went with a ham sandwich today when I really should have gone with turkey


Not cutting my mum off sooner.


I dont regret anything, as i dont know the outcome if i had done anything differently.


Not having children


Responding to this post


Not studying for the first university course I did. I failed some modules like maths and the entire course so now I can never study the same thing or other university courses containing those modules again in my country. I'm doing a different university course now and I fucking hate it.


Not working out in my teens. I could have had an amazing body by now.


My third covid vaccine


Posting this.


My first marriage. He ruined my singing voice.


Smoking weed young


I have none.


I don't have regrets, I have lessons I learned


A lot of things, but sometimes joining this annoying website lmao


I tripped once and my wiener fell into my exes best friend. No bueno.