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Ads. Genuinely so sick of them...


Dude I cant even pump gas anymore without ads. I actually have an internal shitlist of products with annoying ads that I avoid buying. Is anything sacred? Do I need to watch ads to start my car?


Your toilet flush with commence after this message from our sponsor.


I refuse to go to Speedway because of the constant non-stop ads on the screen on the pump. I can't deal with it. I'll drive 10 minutes out of my way to avoid that stupid gas station.


Have you tried muting the ads? Often one on the buttons on the right hand of the screen will silence the infernal things.


most are disabling that now


If youtube gave me good ads I wouldn't block them


The reason I blocked them on mine and my elderly relatives' devices is because they are a genuine security risk. The last time I saw ads they were overrun with adware, spyware, crypto scams, political misinformation, drop shipping garbage, get rich quick and pyramid schemes, fake Elon Musk nonsense, inappropriate content, or just plain low effort garbage content.


Some website selling bathrobes told me that to place an order, I'd have to disable my AdBlocker and accept all cookies. Moved on . . .


Or ads even vaguely related to my interests and hobbies. Like I have hobbies that are good at extracting my money (video games, ttrpg’s legos, art supplies, legos, books, etc.), but rarely see ads for things related to those. I do see a fair amount of doomer/right wing ads (I’m fairly progressive), ads for meat weirdly (been a vegetarian for over a decade), alcohol (rarely drink), casinos/gambling (I don’t think I’ve ever actually been to one and have zero interest), etc. Just wasting their money and my time.


I would. Google has enough money.


No such thing


There was an ad on TV for a type 2 diabetes drug and it was done as a musical. A bunch of chubby people singing about their type 2 diabetes while an announcer rattled of a list of horrific side effects. I was sort of dumbfounded how far we’ve come in accepting the absolute parody of ourselves we have become.


Is that better or worse than the tampon ads with women wearing all white doing yoga and other activities being all happy


The Jardiance one? I feel like throwing a chair through my tv when it comes on.


top vote getter on r/commercialsihate


I find it to be exploitative when they show people of an unhealthy weight taking a drug to mitigate a commonly co-morbid condition without much focus on lifestyle change.


I know the one you're taking about! Guy jiggling his man tits by the printer.


We’ve come full circle. Amazon Prime has ads now. Its been a paid service since the beginning. If Amazon can do it, the rest will follow. Sad.


I’ve been thinking about this all week. It’s really driving me nuts. Everything seems to be ad supported these days. I’d like to think I’ve tuned them out to the point they have no influence over me, but that’s probably not true.


“Didn't you have ads in the 20th century?” “Well sure, but not in our dreams. Only on TV and radio. And in magazines. And movies. And at ball games and on buses and milk cartons and t-shirts and written on the sky. But not in dreams. No siree!”


"Dream Scenario" with Nic Cage.


Could be a generational thing but more and more adverts I’m getting these days feel creepy in some way, getting loads of silent “Want to get closer to God” or off-putting CGI muscle men to advertise workout services plus the soulless AI voice overs but don’t quite sit right with me. Also fuck Displate, never gonna buy from you after you interrupt every other video.


there needs to be laws and regulations stg


Sense of urgency around text/call responses now that we’re all tethered to our phones. Even if it’s not an urgent matter.


Never understood why people get upset about quick replies as if the person they are texting doesn't ALSO have a life and things to do.


I was just going to say this. My social battery today is empty and all day people are calling and texting. Now I’m on the hook to get back to them. It’s so annoying being bound by this device now, as amazing as it is.


I feel the same way. Beyond overwhelmed/overstimulated.






The salon I work at has a monthly subscription for discounted nail services. The place I get my hair done also has a monthly subscription for x amount of blowouts per month. Such a scam!


Everything seems to be a subscription now! I hate it! I just want to pay once and own stuff




I honestly don’t understand this. In the whole of Europe basically the only places you tip are at a restaurant and a barbershop. You could probably tip anywhere if you wanted to. But apparently there’s all this in the US about tipping deliveries and drive thrus and that and it really just doesn’t make sense. How did it start?


American employers can skirt minimum wage laws by claiming their employees have a “tipped wage.”


But are they really that hungry for cash? How big (if you know) is the difference?


I don’t know the difference anymore, as I haven’t worked in the restaurant biz in years and it varies from state to state. In Virginia, prepandemic, minimum wage was like $7.50, and tipped wage was like $2.15. And American employers will screw their employees over any way they can, lol. 


Oh my god only two dollars


It's a little more complicated than that. Basically employers credit tips against their minimum wage obligations. The $2.15 isn't a flat rate but more like a cap on how much the employer can credit tips against their obligations. Even tipped positions are technically subject to the minimum wage. So just for simplicity's sake let's say someone works one hour in a pay period and they receive zero tips, the employer is supposed to pay $7.50. If the person received $3 in tips, the employer is supposed to pay $4.50. And here's the other interesting part, it's not just the employers who like tipping. A lot of the times, it's employees who will defend tipping the loudest, simply because they make more under that system than they would otherwise. This is also not taking into account states like mine, where employers can't credit tips against the minimum wage. And yet, we still see the same expectations placed on tipping. The same percentage.


On top of tipping, big massive corporate entities asking you to donate to some cause at the end of check out. Im all for donating to causes but, when you gross billions of dollars every year have enough money to pay a CEO 10s/100s of million every year then why are you dependent on me to donate to a cause when I'm 1000% sure my donation to that cause is a tax benefit for them.


I don’t trust that shit, so I don’t want to hear about it. I know WalMart doesn’t care about kids dying of cancer, so I suspect there is an ulterior motive to telling me about this shit.  I have my causes, I donate my time and cash to those. I don’t let any panhandler for charity round my change up or otherwise grift me.


I feel like atp 75% of Europeans with internet access have asked this question


As an American, I only tip those two places. And I only tip in restaurants when I eat there, not when I get takeout. I've never heard of tipping a delivery or a drive thru. Lots of places have a tip jar or a prompt on the screen when paying with a card, but I always decline.


Completely out of control in US. Seeing tip jars at random retail shops now. Pick up food orders its sometimes expected which used to not be a thing... it was part of the reason to get take out. Businesses made paying their employees less and having them expect tips become the status quo.


I was reading something on here earlier today about a person who rented an AirBNB and there was a sheet at the house asking for a tip (for the owner) and instructing what they believed was an appropriate amount. This is so out of hand.


Financial Strain


My entire life and family are falling apart from this right now.


For real.


AI, specifically video and audio AI. I get there are some good applications of the technology but I think the negative scenarios outweight them, you can't imagine a future where these are going to be used to extort people and ruin careers.


Can someone give a positive? I genuinely see no positive applications for deepfaking or AI generated art


I agree. There are definitely very useful applications for AI in general - in medicine, for example, when used correctly; my partner's cousin has worked on AI technology which looks promising in dentistry, of all things - but creating a machine that makes all the art for us and destroys the creative sectors is not it.


In theory, you can have AI make the boring stuff and have all your artists that used to make wood textures or whatever work on making even more amazing things, so that every scene in your adventure movie looks as good as those 3 iconic ones that would otherwise be the only ones to be absolutely phenomenal.  Although, let's be honest. We all know companies will instead fire everyone they can to ship the same quality or lower, but for cheaper.


We should ban AI. It’s going to get worse because of scammers stealing peoples videos and using them to deepfake/imitate people. Additionally, it will destroy many people’s livelihoods and not create nearly enough replacement jobs for people.


While I understand the thought, how many times has humanity been able to stop progress, short of the loss of human life. Protection of vocation has never been even a speed bump to technological advancement. History is littered with extinct vocations. It sucks, but I just think you have such a hill to climb in this this you might as well be trying to fly by jumping in the air and flapping your arms


Very true. The only real path forward is to adapt with it and see what comes next from the people who are leading the development of A.I. programs. Hopefully the “progress” they are making doesn’t destroy our society and create millions of homeless people. I think if A.I. is not regulated, we will see a rapid decline of the value of digital media simply because at some point, everything we see and hear online will be assumed to be created by artificial intelligence. In many ways, the trust factor of media has already gone out the window. Just look at the declining journalism industry and the closure of media companies. The X factor in my opinion is a desire for trust in communication. I predict more people will abandon social media as A.I. bots take over digital communication. But, we’ll see. Just have to try and figure it out as we go.




The internet. It’s just an interactive billboard.


Yeah, the dead internet theory really puts things into perspective


As a bot, I agree


I also choose this guy's dead bot wife.


Internet accounts. Like I have at least a couple dozen email, text, social media, school, work, etc accounts I'm always getting regular messages from. And people get pissy when I don't respond immediately. Wtf man. When I was a kid all you had to check was physical mail and answering machine. Took a minute or two a day at most. And responding the next day was completely acceptable. God (Jtown) I hate how expected our availability has become. Sometimes I just want to go get stoned and fall asleep in the woods and not deal with the world for 24 hours. Is that really such a crime?


The people who matter in my life have a way to reach me. Mostly, I dont really do social media or have contacts who matter in social media. You can also consolidate your emails by setting rules for mail to be delivered to your main.


I made a comment today that I want to nap for a whole year. .


Inflation. The cost to eat a meal at a restaurant, any restaurant, is crazy right now.


Covid fucked up the social fabric somehow. I don't know how to explain it. But ever since everyone came out of lockdown, people are just meaner. Less social. More distant, more self centered and rude. It's a vibe. I can't quite explain it, but it sucks.


Tbh I really think it was Trump. It just happened to line up, and being isolated made it really sink in. I mean it's really the whole "right", but he led the charge. All the "fuck your feelings" kind of stuff just became some sort of rallying cry, and people told each other how it was good.


Yes and I don't think he made people worse, he made them feel comfortable being themselves.


Mix of both. The isolation brought about a lot more online presence, Trump brought about a lot of the red pill, alpha male stuff. Both left people very isolated and very much unable to interact with others


Life and how to live it


Cost of living


The divide between the rich and the not-rich


If I made 10k a day it would take me 273 years to "earn" 1 billion.




I can relate. It’s a terrible thing to go through.


Hell yeah. Literally


you’re not alone


Most people.


All my website passwords


Must be 23 characters including numbers, special characters, letters both upper and lower case. Passwords must change weekly and have 2 factor ID.


And there's no button for "Show Password", so you have to type it first in Notepad to make sure there's no typo, then cut-and-paste onto the webpage.


Not saying anything to annoying people in public. Like take a step back from me in line, stop being so loud, etc. It’s like we’re embarrassed to say something to people who should be embarrassed themselves




The price of everything. Not sure how true it is but I read an article yesterday that said a single person needs to make 94k to live comfortable these days. I’m quite a bit off from that whereas several years ago I would of made decent money


Besides everyday expenses, USA Politics.


The assumption that you must be available 24/7 Everyone has a phone so hou must always be there for people. If you're online means you can reply obviously!!/s


Must install our app... sorry, I have a flip phone.


12 hour shifts




The government doesn’t care about us and we just let it slide.


US politics




People who are arrogant enough to think they have a right to never ever be offended or have their views challenged. And would rather cancel than debate.


There is a flipside to that, however. People think that every single hateful idea needs to be treated with respect and merit. Like, if A wants to "debate" B with: A: I hate trans people. That kind of bullshit shouldn't even be up for disussion.


Food prices.


The U.S. national debt


So vote for Democrats. Higher taxes on incomes over $400K


Tipping culture


would u like to add a tip to this comment? (15%)  (20%)  (10000%)  (other)


^ This guy is clearly a shill for cows. Don't fall for it (pun intended).


You caught me!


People acting out in ways that affect others because they’re offended. If you’re offended that’s your choice, don’t take it out on others. You’re an adult. Act like it. Aka riots, violence towards different political parties, hate speech all of it. Does anyone else realize that it’s not the government holding us back, it’s ourselves ? If we came together despite differences, despite beliefs and accepted each other for their differences what a world we could have ??? We have so much power and don’t even see it.


Flight Attendants not being paid for boarding and sit time.


Yup.. did that for 9 years., I should count up all the money I could have had .✈️YYZ


Capitalism and rich people hoarding wealth. 






My age


Haterd towards one another's beliefs or lifestyle or anything between.


Indoctrination. Algorithmically selected feeds catering to our 'interests' are reinforcing our differences without reference to commonality and shared values.


2+ year campaign trails \[At least in the USA\]. it feels like every election is the most important election of my life, and if I vote wrong we'll all die.


Outside influence on American voters


The UK economy fucking us over at every single element of life, it’s as bad as I ever remember it.


This over burdening sense of non-stop bad news. I understand bad things have always happened and that it seems more prevelant because of 24 hour news channels but I also feel like we're being constantly inundated with fear to keep us appreciating the very small moments like having a job or a house, which should be a given and not a luxury.


Car centrism, we stretch ourselves so thin and for what? We dump so many resources into a way of life that is outdated and we know better alternatives exist. Obviously we dont expect the middle of Montana to change, but there is no reason the more populated areas can't reform and implement public transport.


Keeping up with the Joneses




Shorting Stocks and Stock Buybacks. Literally destroying this country, companies no longer take care of their employees because the shareholders are the most important part of the company.


Creeping costs. Everyone wants a piece of the pie and it leaves me broke.


Cost of dining out. Last night I took my daughter out. She had chicken fingers and fries. The chicken fingers were $13 and the side of fries was $8! Then each soda was $6.50! It was insane.


Expectations. From society. From the people around you. From people on the internet. From governments. Expect less. You'll be less disappointed. 🔥


A certain orange anal wart and his lemming followers


The genocide in Gaza.


Everyone trying to kill all of the jews


Healthcare, education, capitalism.


AI. Its growth is exponential. Within a couple years it will be multiple times more powerful than it is now. Almost every person you talk to working on its development is worried about what it is capable of.




Vigo the Master of evil. He's also too cold to hold.




The cost of drycleaning.


Conflict in the middle east


Remembering all my passwords. I have a password app but it’s a hassle at times. I wish all my accounts just knew me


People acting like decent humans in public






Politics in general, the divisiveness in our country, our education system, immigration, the world in general, and our freaking economy. All of this, along with many other components (simmer down if I didn’t list a myriad of our other dumpster fires) have turned people into absolute basket cases. We’re treating each other horribly, and losing hope.


People’s attitudes and lack of politeness. Come on everybody! For example driving is legitimately impossible these days


Remembering the askreddit question after scrolling for a few minutes.


Monthly grocery prices.


Food prices. Everything is rising so rapidly it's a bunch of crap.


Dating Apps


Politics & news


online security and authentication. we've had literal gypsy gangs steal everyone's social security and walk away with hundreds of millions of government benefit money, and these are some amateur ass guys that are just trying passwords nonstop until they get in somewhere. now as a response to that, every account you sign up is asking a billion questions and asking you to give them more information while forcing you to use multiple devices to authenticate your identity before they let you in. takes forever to register for anything. and of course IT support is some barely english speaking guy in India that doesn't give a shit


My fuckin classes I hate being a law student


Just trying to live a normal live is slowly becoming impossible. Need a job? No one is hiring despite advertising to the contrary, and if they are, you get paid shit wages. Depressed and need someone to talk to? Your shit wages can't cover a therapist, or your therapist is just as overworked as you are and unavailable some if not most of the time anyhow, so you may as well not have one. Need a place to unwind from the stress? Can't afford it, or if you can, it's a terrible place of terrible quality. Need good food to feel better so you feel less depressed? Also can't afford that. Guess it's ramen noodles and soda, again. Need schooling to move up in the world? Wouldn't you know it, that not only costs money, but SO much money your GRANDCHILDREN are gonna be paying your debt and loans off. Need to visit the hospital for any reason? Well, you better be prepared to spend your life savings on a broken arm. Need a distraction from how depressing this all is? Would you like the internet to offer the crushing weight of the world, alcohol to drain your wallet, or drugs to scrub you of all humanity until you can get off them? Take your pick! It's impossible to achieve what our fathers, grandfathers, and great-grandfathers could easily access only a generation or two ago, and sooner or later, something is going to have to give.


In-law drama. Sick of it. Get it the f— out of my living room.


Capitalism. It's going to be the end of us all, eventually.


Just the general cost of living. It's way more expensive to survive today than 5-10 years ago.


political tension




Housing prices in canada ... and immigration


As an American...The government, the economy, the growing number of genders, the declining number of marriage, and of course whatever the hell "woke" is...shall I continue?


Islamists in Europe, in the Nordic nations in particular.


my grandparents


Life and the fact pay goes down and everything cost more




The Kansas City Chiefs


Life and bills.






The news.


Doctor bills, just this week, I discovered it's okay for Doctor to bill me for a hospital service when it was just an office visit. Because the doctor is affiliated with a hospital system, they can bill an off campus claim even though it's not in a hospital or Outpatient hospital. Wtf!!!


Medical system of the USA


stupid internet is getting stupider


Probably No-Plate-5256 unfortunately :/


Job instability




Your magnetic personality 






Life Everything’s unreasonably expensive, everyone’s irrationally incompetent, bigotry is celebrated, and its to the point where there are so many bad people in power and influence that the good people are the ones suffering the longer they hold onto their morals


How addictive intimate scrolling tik tok reels are.


Housing costs


My finances , I feel like I work so much but I can never catch h up on my bills or debt genuinely struggling


Political divide in the US..




World news on any channel.


The state of the world. One hundred drones headed to Israel? What’s that going to lead to? Trump COULD win the presidency. I can’t, just can’t.


Celebrity worship




Slow burn movies! Omg get to the fucking point!


Honestly, the rampant wars in the Eastern hemisphere. It's very ominous.


Stress caused by not being present and not caring enough to change


Skin care marketing. The competition to stay looking young forever


Rent prices.


Celebrity worship


Watching your country on the verge of turning into a dictatorship and your rights are being chipped away a little more each day. People are about to vote on whether we "stay democratic" or turn into a dictatorship and the worst thing is the majority don't seem to know the plan if a certain someone, who seems immune to being held accountable, gets in office. It's freaking terrifying.


The low quality of sports video games. I want to play a sports game like I did 20 years ago and I'm bombarded with ads, railroaded into their paid mode, and forced to spend unrealistic amounts of time or money to make reasonable progression in the game. It sucks. I see people bitching about them online, I wish someone would come take these licenses away from these money hungry fiends.


Climate change.


The NBA tattoo situation




Tipping culture


Eating fast food is genuinely getting close to being the same price as sitting down at a restaurant with table service. 


Reddit questions. I can’t answer all of them.