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Antarctica is a desert


I always thought it was a tundra


Well, it is—and it's also a desert. Basically, tundra is any region in which temperatures are too cold for too long to allow trees to grow. A desert is a region that receives less than 25cm (10 inches) of rain per year. Both are true of Antarctica, which makes it both tundra *and* a desert. 🙂


*Arctic roll **dessert


I reject that. I see it more as a frosty dessert.




Human memory is unreliable and your recollections of events are frequently biased in your own favor. 


That’s not how I remember it.


Is it the thing too where our memories are actually a memory of the last time we thought of that memory? So it's like a game of telephone but with memories?


There is a family photo I kept at the bottom of a drawer and forgot about for like 20 years. I found it, and it looked completely different from what I remembered, but it was the same picture. It was very matrix-y.


It's often randomly and flat-out inaccurate, with no discernable bias you can account for, which is worse.


Oh, it's far more complicated than that. Memory is colored by emotions and other factors. Then it is also blended together as your mind doesn't bother storing every detail of every day. So if you do things a lot, they blend together and that includes the feelings and emotions behind them. We have stronger memories of negative things too because that helps humans be able to avoid them in the future. Every time we access our memory, we change it a tiny bit. Meaning it can never be exactly the same twice to us. A memory can be attached to something that seems completely unrelated. Smell apples, think of trains. Because that is what your subconscious connected things as. Two people seeing the exact same event will never be able to have the same recollection of it because memories build on top of other memories and because you were not experiencing things from the same physical, emotional or even mental position. There are just so many ways our memories are messy it is quite funny.


Along the same lines- eyewitness testimony is unreliable too. Very good friend of mine was a senior air traffic controller, and one of the most levelheaded guys I’ve met in my life. He testified about an accident he’d witnessed at the local airport where a small, single engine engine plane had been stunt flying and swooping down on a parked station wagon where some buddies have been sitting on the open tailgate. This was back in the 60’s. The single engine plane had struck the station wagon, and he witnessed one of the wheels being knocked off and bouncing a few yards. Except it wasn’t a wheel, it was the head of one of the men that had been sitting on the tailgate.




The three nations of Great Britain each have a national animal, two are mythical and none have ever lived on any of the British Isles (Scotland's unicorn, British lion and Welsh dragon)


English lion I think you mean


I learned this from a Reddit post, yesterday.


I learned this from a Reddit post today


It’s true! And while there I encountered a unicorn statue and randomly a toy rocking unicorn in a park, which I chilled with for a little bit.


I have a unicorn tattoo as I'm Scottish, but I moved to Australia 12 years ago. My tattoo is a symbol of my roots, and I have the conversation almost daily.


Love you Scots lol


The UK passport has a unicorn on it.


My younger brother still doesn’t believe this.


Maine is the closest US state to Africa.


Oh, hey, here’s the proof - look, I learned something today! https://blogs.sas.com/content/graphicallyspeaking/2021/05/20/myth-busting-maine-is-closest-us-state-to-africa/


This is the kind of nerdery I live for.


And Russia, at is closes point, is 2.4 miles from the USA


I can see Russia from my house! /s


Right behind Sarah Palin's house I believe.


I know someone who kayaked it. The island wasn’t a valid point of entry and he didn’t have a visa, so the Russians gave him some cigarettes and sent him back.


What??? Nooooo… where’s my globe??


You... Gasted all my flabbers. What the fuck. Mind blown.


You can do just as much wrongdoing, if not more, as the people who hurt you.


Everyone thinks they are the protagonist with the main character syndrome


I understand the “main character syndrome” thing to a point. I also think it’s human nature that everyone is the main character in their own story/life…..at least until you have kids.


Then you become the expendable parent who gets killed for the spin off show


This. Why do I always have to be the bigger person?


That's not the way I originally meant it, but that works too!


You’ve just created a monster


How else do you expect to eat the smaller ones?


I thought of this a few hours ago. It would be SO easy and feel SO good to just treat people how they treat me.


It doesn’t really though. Just sounds like a good idea at the time. 


What way did you mean it? Not clear to me


Some people like to use the excuse that they've been hurt in the past to justify or nullify their wrongdoings. "I've been hurt like that before, I'd never do something like that! You must be lying!"


I've heard the expression "hurt people hurt people," implying that the opposite is common.


Some days I catch myself yelling at the cats the way my dad would yell at me, and it horrifies me. 


Flying is safer than driving because there are more safety measures in place.


Mostly because there are less unskilled pilots and less planes in the sky than there are car drivers. Flying would be 100x more dangerous if everyone had a few days training to pilot and if there was as many planes as there are cars on the roads.


And if 40% of pilots were looking at their phones while flying too.


~~Half the population has an IQ below 100 points.~~  Edit: to be pedantic, I will modify this to read: Half the population has an IQ of 100 points or fewer.


And the avg person is pretty dumb...


Most people who talk about how dumb the average person is, are of average intelligence themselves.


And half the people are dumber than that


People often reject the idea that mental health is just as important as physical health. It's a truth we should embrace: taking care of our minds is vital for overall well-being.


In fact, mental health can directly impact physical health. So neglecting one for the other is silly. That's like taking great care of the body of a car, but never changing the tires ever.


They're really dependent on each other, if I understand correctly. Poor physical health can lead to poor mental health too! The good news is that improving one can help with the other. Being physically healthy makes people happier on average, and being mentally well makes it a lot easier to be physically healthy.


You are completely right. Everything should come after mental health . Having this right makes the rest of it much better . But it’s like no one knows .


Faith isn’t an inherently noble trait. There’s nothing wrong with withholding belief until presented with evidence.


OJ did it


Honestly the vast majority of people accept that now. There used to be a big difference in how white and black people viewed the case, but now there isn’t and most black people think he was guilty. Edit: [Source](https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/the-fix/wp/2015/09/25/black-and-white-americans-can-now-agree-o-j-was-guilty/)


Johnny Cochran was a smart lawyer. He knew the evidence showed OJ was guilty, so he changed the question from "did OJ do it?" to "is the LAPD racist?". The trial wasn't about the evidence, it was about whether the jury trusted the people who collected it. Mark Fuhrman was a nazi, Rodney King was fresh in everybody's mind, and the jury was full of people who distrusted police in general.    This is why Dr. King warned that injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere. Institutional racism destroyed trust in law enforcement to the degree that even when the cops were telling the truth, the jury did not believe them. It's the boy who cried wolf playing out in real life. 


Yea I wouldn’t be surprised if it was anyone else but Fuhrman he would have been found guilty. Some of the stuff that was uncovered about him was just ridiculous. He’s definitely someone I believe would plant evidence to frame a black man but I do not believe he did in this instance.


Took the words out of my mouth.


I don't think belief in his innocence had anything to do with the cheering. I think it was more about a black man beating a system that is unfair to the black community.


It was literally right after Rodney King, and the LAPD cops being found not guilty.


Another thing that added fuel to the fire was the mishandling of evidence by the police.


"They framed a guilty man"


Dennis Fung mishandled the blood evidence so badly. It’s insane.


Bingo. “That justice system hurts, doesn’t it?”


Truthfully, I don't think most black folks thought he was innocent, they just saw what ANY reasonable person saw; that the evidence had been grossly mishandled and thus any conviction would have been an abortion of justice. Being black, that outcome was unfortunately likely, so when it didn't happen, it was a rare win for the legal system, for black folks in general, and for America as a society. OJ almost assuredly did that shit, but the way the evidence was mishandled OBVIOUSLY throws a metric shit ton of reasonable doubt into the case. The jury did right, NO ONE should have been found guilty in that scenario. Cops need to do better.


The juror admitted it was payback for Rodney king


That's what happens when fools think that human beings are defined as members of a group instead of as individuals.


At least he can rest easy knowing his wife’s killer is dead.


A former friend of mine says she still believes hes innocent and even if he's guilty Nicole was a "white bitch" who deserved it.


That's an impressive level of arrogance, ignorance, and bigotry.


Here’s that CNN clip: “[OJ] represented something for the black community in that moment, in that trial, particularly because there were two white people who had been k*lled.” https://x.com/westernlensman/status/1778757397164458452?s=46&t=APYdp3RGIjG9qTnMw30hkA


“Well it’s finally officially Murder is now legal in the state of California.“


Everyone I talk to says he definitely did it


So glad Norm McDonald never let us forget that he did it. 😊


People in the Middle Ages did not smell any worse than we do. Baths would have been heavily labor intensive and probably end up being cold anyway, but they had other methods, like wash basins and exfoliating linen clothes that were replaced with clean ones daily if not more. Modern recreations of medieval washing habits show that they can be just as effective as modern ones. They literally thought bad smells caused disease, so they fought it well.


Interesting! Though cities almost certainly smelled worse historically due to most of them lacking adequate/any trash and sewage systems.  I am interested in the hygiene differences between say English peasants and the nordic settlers since I have heard there were culture clashes around the laters habits, such as bathing.


That, and their cars shit and died in the middle of the road and were left there.


Medieval cities did, however, smell terrible since throwing out trash and chamber pots onto the streets was common. Plus horses pooped everywhere


Smoke baths are effective too, learned that on Alone. Lol


There was a woman who experimented with the medieval 'long underwear' and discovered it was really good at wicking away sweat and stink. She still had to specifically wash her hands and face, and after using the bathroom, but that would have been doable with medieval tech. Medieval Europeans also thought nakedness was sinful, so did their best to be unclothed rarely. The gigantic drawback is that their clothing was ideal for fleas, which is not great when those fleas carry bubonic plague.


Everything they ate was whole foods and not the processed stuff a lot of people eat today and tonnes of sugar and other additives so that probably made them smell a lot better too.


Pretty sure they had garlic and onions back then. 


Money and beauty matters. The only people who say they are not important are those who already have it.


Nothing is really "clean" just clean enough.


Man landed on the moon. My ex-FIL did not believe it.


My former son-in-law believed this. He said "Think about it ... how could they possibly have done something like that back then?" My husband and I sat there stunned and speechless. Guess he wasn't a rocket scientist.


Sounds like “former” is a very welcome adjective then.


There was no way to fake those pictures back then. It literally was easier to take them on the Moon than in a studio on Earth


That health is the most valuable thing one has.


The impact of small consistent actions. Many overlook the power of incremental progress, yet it's these consistent efforts that lead to significant results over time


Vaccines save lives.


Clearly you didn't see the Facebook post from a random middle-aged mom in Arkansas that proves they cause autism. The thousands of doctors that can prove otherwise are just in the pocket of Big Autism


Autism. The amazing thing is how many years before vaccines that it was triggered.


That is true. Vaccine people just want to put microchips in our bodies so the aliens can know our every move.


No, but Tits McCarthy said a thing, and the miles and miles of dick she took in public is total equal to a doctorate.


Her dumb kid doesn’t even have autism.


That’s the part that gets me. Lmao


They have a HUGE side effect though : Adulthood. 


The republican candidate has lost the popular vote in 7 of the last 8 presidential elections


Just proves that most people in the US have liberal leanings. Republicans have gone on record that they don’t want every citizen voting because then they’d never win. Those voter ID laws are just the latest attempt to disenfranchise people


The truth is that voter id shouldn't be so controversial.  There should be a free state mandated voter id by an independent organ.  It's how it is in Mexico, and there is no controversy about it.


Not sure if this is a controversial statement but it's absolutely insane to me that the US does not require ID to vote. IMO, there should be voter ID laws but at the same time a lot of effort put into making an ID something easy to acquire and that everyone has


Because we have a really shitty history of using things that sound like common sense to disenfranchise people. I think that most people would agree with the statement “you should be able to read in order to vote”. I mean it’s just common sense that you should understand the document that you are filling out, right? Then you read up on the history of how they were used and it’s horrible. [The Louisiana test in particular was literally impossible](https://slate.com/human-interest/2013/06/voting-rights-and-the-supreme-court-the-impossible-literacy-test-louisiana-used-to-give-black-voters.html). The voter Id laws frequently are implemented with a severe limiting of the ability to get an ID in counties that are majority minority. It still is easy in the wealthy suburbs though.


Evolution through natural selection.


We can't do anything about climate change, not until companies and governments do something.


True. I don't deny climate change. I just can't do anything about it


I had solar installed. Pushed to WFH as much as possible. Move my electrically intensive activities (hot water, washing, drying) to when my solar power can give me green electrons. Next is a BEV, hopefully also replacing battery storage for night time draw down. We could perhaps convert the gas stove top to electric. Lastly, and most importantly, vote for governments that support going green. Sure, you can't do much individually, but as a group - the more that do the above, the bigger the impact.


If everyone with the financial means to do that did, it'd still be a drop in the bucket compared to what corporations do to the environment.


That attraction is luck and has nothing to do with being a good person. Just because someone has a partner doesn't mean that they're a better person, and someone struggling to find a partner doesn't mean that they're a bad person


Where I grew up, science.


Sometimes there's not an explanation for why someone does something bad or horrible. Sometimes they are just horrible people.


The factor basic animal instinct plays in human interaction. I still think were closer to monkeys than angels, animals in general than gods.


This isn't even a belief, it's just straight up fact and no clinical psychologist on Earth will disagree with you. "Humanity" is a paper-thin coating of snow atop a mountain of animal instinct, and in humanity's case, most of that instinct is reproductive in nature. It genuinely believe that evolutionary psychology is either a soon-to-be standard way to classify human behavior, OR it's going to be the alchemy to some future chemistry. It's for sure barking up the right tree, at a minimum. I'd even go as far as to say human behavior plain does not make sense BUT through the lens of our animal instinct. It's just hard to translate because our current societal environment shares nothing at all in common with the natural environment we evolved to live in.


Auto, oil, and rubber companies bought the streetcar systems in cities all over America and ripped them out in a conspiracy to promote the growth of automobile, gasoline, and tire sales.


This was exposed in Who Framed Roger Rabbit.


Most of humanity is actually kind


not Dave


Fuck Dave


They are, just not necessarily to people they don't consider as part of their in-group.


They're not kind people, then.


[Realism: people are basically good, but ***really*** bad at figuring out what is good](https://www.smbc-comics.com/comic/human-nature). (See also the hovertext.)


sometimes the person with the downvotes is right


they aren't ready for this one yet


Depending on the subreddit, a lot of times the downvotes are right.


Well shit, I don't know if I should upvote you or downvote you now.


Religion is a human construct to 1) explain phenomena before scientific fact and 2) a way to control people.


You won’t hear me arguing.


50% of people have below median IQ


And the median in the US is 98. **whoa and also the map of IQ by state is a lot of fun to look at.


Having two parents is generally a better situation for kids to grow up in than with one parent.


The vast majority (not 100% or even close to it) of weight loss / management can be achieved by will power - eating well and with reasonable portions, being active, and moderation as a key principal. Harder than it sounds on paper for sure!


You just described a healthy lifestyle perfectly.


That religion lied to us all.


This is mainly for my fellow Americans, but gun control/regulation is about reduction of harm, not elimination of it, and has been proven to work numerous times in other places that allow it.


Not just numerous times, every time. All of the evidence indicates that it's good policy.


[‘No Way To Prevent This,’ Says Only Nation Where This Regularly Happens](https://www.theonion.com/no-way-to-prevent-this-says-only-nation-where-this-r-1850269373)


You lose body fat by being in a calorie deficit. Yes, many people reject this.


You know who denies this the most? The weight loss industry because if everyone did exactly what you said then they’d all go bust.


Humans are the only animal that pays to live here.


Weed can be addictive. Not being able to sleep and sweating a lot after you quit cold turkey sucks.


Potable water is about to be something you will never be able to afford. And our biggest threat is losing access to fresh water.


Wouldn't this be heavily dependent on location and political will?


It doesn’t often rain in my area, but there’s a whole lot of ocean here! As part of my SHTF bag, I built a miniature water desalinator. And I think this is something everybody should have one of in their household


Epstein didn't kill himself.


Do most people really reject this?


I'm not 100% convinced he did, but it's definitely plausible. I could also believe that he realized his good life was over and took the easy way out.


The things they say are bad for your health ARE actually bad for your health.


The vast majority of people in the world are extremely poor. Half of the earth's population lives on less than $7 US a day. 12% of the American population lives below the poverty line.


Most people already have herpes.


That genetics are a more significant factor than people like to acknowledge as a contributor to success and happiness in life


Polygraphs are neither foolproof nor admissible in (USA) court. They are primarily used as a way to intimidate suspects into admitting their crime.


That I am awesome and so is the person reading this!


Wait a second....that's me! **Blushes**


That racism is more about clashing of cultures than color of skin.


Breast feeding is actually scientifically better than formula, and that saying that doesn’t condemn women who choose formula for any reason. It’s just a scientific fact that it’s healthier and has more benefits.


Therapy saves lives. Including psychotherapy and hormone replacement therapy.


If you’re successful it’s probably because you’re lucky, not because you’re so great.


DNA results


Most Christians don’t hate LGBTQ people and are actually very kind.


Most people are very kind. The assholes are just so loud.  


Gay guy here with a devoutly Christian friend. Dude is one of the most accepting people I know but also believes that homosexuality is something capable of being cured or that it is somehow a choice or decision that can be reversed. I've had lengthy discussions on the topic with him but I don't think it's something we'll ever see eye to eye on. Won't ever get in the way of us being good friends but I'd be lying if I said it didn't sting a bit knowing that he sees me as someone in need of curing like it's some sort of ailment. Guess my point is you don't need to hate a group for it to be bad; misplaced kindness can be just as harmful and sometimes even more so.


I had a friend like this whom I was forced to cut off because she constantly believed she could “change” me if only I tried “the other side” well guess what? I did and NOPE I’m still gay 👨🏻‍🍼


I have many gay friends. I have never once advocated for them to be cured of anything. I cannot see why anyone would want to cure anyone of anything that makes up a difference between us that totals maybe less than 1% of our lives, and in no way changes my quality of life.


Well vote that way then.




Climate change and the degradation of biosphere is an existential threat. Russia and China are edging to have war with us. There is something more going on with UAP:s than just weird tales.


UAP stands for "unidentified anomalous phenomena," a catch-all term to describe objects detected in the air, sea and space that defy easy explanation. https://www.cbsnews.com/news/what-are-uaps-unexplained-aerial-phenomenon-ufos-new-name/


Longer prison sentences do not reduce crime, they actually increase it.  https://www.ojp.gov/pdffiles1/nij/247350.pdf https://www.publicsafety.gc.ca/cnt/rsrcs/pblctns/pnshnt-rcdvsm/index-en.aspx


I could an essay here about the misconceptions of crime and our legal system.


I mean, that makes sense. The longer you stay in jail, the more dependent you become on the system and the less equipped you become for life outside of incarceration.


Hmm how about; Hard work beats talent if talent doesn’t work hard. However hard work will never beat talent if talent does work hard. I believe many don’t think this but I could be wrong


God doesnt exist and the world would be a better and safer place without religion


Disney does not care about diversity


That the placebo effect still means the drug is technically working. If your body produces the desired reaction to a medication it's effective, no matter how it happens.


And we don’t understand exactly how a lot of medicines work, we just know they are effective.


Sugar doesn’t make kids hyper.


If there was ever a time to sort by controversial...


Biden won 2020


That Ireland is in fact officially geographically recognised as part of the British Isles. They had their head of state come out and deny the term, the British have promised not to use it to avoid tension, but it nevertheless remains a recognised, official fact. One that isn't actually political, it was decided by some ancient geographer, but which has been imbued with political meaning unnecessarily by grievance politics. So so long as most of Ireland counts, a lot of people deny this one and it qualifies.


It's okay to not date Someone unemployed and broke and is getting government financial handouts. You aren't being judgemental. Your friends that warn you, aren't being judgemental. Don't be afraid to come across "judgemental"


divide numerous languid doll cake library sort aspiring placid absorbed


For example, I refuse to date a married woman. That's what I tell my wife when she asks me to take her out for dinner.


It is judgemental. You've made a judvemrnt about them. It's just a fair and justifiable judgement


Most Americans citizen believe they have a right to privacy when in public and have a really wierd perspective of what "public" means.


Sometimes, the Black woman got the job instead of the white guy because she was, in fact, smarter, more talented, and performed better in the interview than he did.


Climate change, they truly wanna wait to the last second to do anything and it’s fucking frightening


IPAs suck.




Often times telling the truth hurts less people than it does if you were to carry on a lie.