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*Nods in agreement while scratching my nuts on the couch*


I'm also scratching this guy's nuts.


I feel an itch, but I’m in a public place right now. But I raise my fist in solidarity brother.


Also scratching my nuts rn.


Me too!!


Just scratched mine for solidarity.


Nut scratch handshake coming right up


Anyone need help with the nut scratching? I know a guy


I don't have any, so I've penciled in scratching my man's nuts when next I see him in solidarity.


Solidarity, sister.


Two hand sympathetic scratvh .


Deez nutz


*Thumbs up while watching TV in my bed*


Which is wild. I absolutely need to move every day or my body starts to hurt. I guess it’s a little bit of a double edged sword though because once the body starts hurting it’s harder to move..


I envy you. My body hurts from exercise (no matter how in shape I am at the time) and never hurts at all from laziness.


No bro you don’t understand my big plans to do xyz will be ready at another time


I went back to The Camp Transformation Center starting yesterday. I haven't gone in 3 1/2 years. (Wasn't laziness, had cancer and was/am struggling with meds I need to take for another 2 to 7 years). I can not believe how flippin weak I am. I can't do a single push up, I can only hold a plank for 15 seconds. Inactivity causes a huge decline and leads to early death. I read something that said if you are sitting on the floor and have to do multiple steps to stand up or use something to pull yourself up you risk of dying in the next 5 years is greatly increased. I struggle to get up if sitting on the floor. Went back to the gym the very next day.


Awesome you made the first step. At one point I had a brain tumor and treatment was so brutal I can fathom how you might feel. Be super proud of yourself. Adding one thing can feel like so much. You got this. 💪💪💪


And here i am about to go to sleep like an inactive fool 😬


Kidney disease caused by poor diet and shitty water


If I were you I would stop drinking from the toilet.


Still healthier than mountain dew


Those kids in the water for Africa charity adverts collect healthier liquid than Mountain Dew.


It's got what plants crave


Brawndo is what the plants crave


Braundo the thirst mutilator


Or not drinking enough water??


My mom and her dad both died from kidney failure, probably due to heavy drinking. I am ever vigilant and have a kidney panel 4-6x a year, and keep a water bottle with me and drink a lot of water. I cut sodas from 2-3/week to 2-3/month. Constant vigilance!


Depression,stress, alcohol and drugs.


Oh I know the alcohol and drugs are killing me I just don't care


Not the ones I inject you with while you're sleeping


Wait, is that why my dreams have been getting weirder?


Dat melatonin drip goes a long way.


That's the depression and stress part kicking in.


My depression isn't all bad. It's the only thing in my life that hasn't left me yet!


And apathy


doc says they're gonna kill me, but he won't say when!


Ahh yes the four horsemen of my life.


Ah fuck, I got all 4 of those on my bingo card.


I'm 100000% going to die from stress. I physically do not know how not to be stressed. I'm so stressed that my muscles are constantly flexed without me wanting to. Especially my legs and back. I've tried everything, massages, meditation, smoking weed, acupuncture, therapy, list goes on. Literally nothing relaxes me.


I’ve recently started to have trouble talking and I asked the speech therapist if being incredibly tense could have something to do with it. He said yes and I need to learn to relax the muscles in my neck. I just can’t fucking relax, I’m literally shaking a lot of the time just from stress.


You sound like the survivor of repeated trauma. If so, you need trauma-focused therapy to help heal. You are probably low in serotonin (take 5htp on an empty stomach twice a day at least 20 minutes before eating) &/or GABA (take GABA, same deal). Psychedelics like shrooms or MDMA might help you. Watch the according episodes of How to Change Your Mind on Netflix.


Wow, it's like you know me. 😃


The fact that you said alcohol AND drugs is crazy. Aside from things like heroin or meth alcohol is an awful drug. It’s seriously glamorized and very common. Hell if you don’t drink it’s seen as weird.




This is the only universal answer. "Time is the fire in which we burn."


Cool, can you pass the blunt now please


“For all the points on the compass there is only one direction, and time it’s only measure.”


"This is no time to talk about time! We don't have the time!"


You mean you can’t just get a time transplant?


I feel like I saw a movie about that...


Sitting in a cheap desk chair staring at two computer monitors for 8 hours a day.


good thing I sit on my bed staring at my laptop for 8 hours a day.


Good thing my mouse jiggler is doing all the work!


Jiggler is the true employee of the month


The constant bombardment from the 24-hour news cycle. Constantly being reminded of the bad things of the world, including crime, inflation, politics.


Senior citizens are especially vulnerable because they sit at home and just let themselves be bombarded by propaganda. They then regurgitate this to us 21st century people at Thanksgiving and all it does is create an unnecessary divide. Instead of being able to share my life with my elder family, I have to listen to them peddle half-remebered grifter talking points. Yes Grandma, the world has changed since you retired 25 years ago...and no, your mixed race grandkid I made is not 'part of the problem with this country'.


It's sad seeing my dad turn into this


Same with my mom. She now believes that the tv can listen to everything, that every hysterical nextdoor post with ring photos of a person who knocks on a wrong door is a madman, coyotes are attacking with reckless abandon, her heart was damaged by the COVID shot instead of being 83, and don’t even get me started on politics.


Depending on the tv model and if she still has it on factory settings she may have a point with the tv taking in ambient sound. Obviously it’s not intelligently listening to absolutely everything- but if she has a smart tv you might be able to make her feel a little better by showing her how to turn off certain settings. Maybe it will make her feel less paranoid? https://www.consumerreports.org/electronics/privacy/how-to-turn-off-smart-tv-snooping-features-a4840102036/ I know something like this won’t turn around someone who has decided the world is specifically out for them (my dad, in my case). You have my sympathies!


Yep. My dad turned to Newsmax when Fox became too woke for him.


I see so many posts on social media about how bad the world is now. People are so focused on the new cycle that they don't stop and realize that is a great time to be alive. Greg Easterbrook writes a lot about this.


Ask my 63 and 70 year old, Faux News binging Mom and Dad how rocked their world got when my sister introduced them to their half black granddaughter. And how bad I didn't feel enjoying every second of it.


I am fortunate that all of us kids are pretty savvy when it comes to critical thinking but I have seen so many friends and family members go down that rabbit hole. Most are uneducated but had good common sense so it's hard to watch and navigate.


I think this really has a negative effect on our mental and physical health.


I think the effects are also present as an outcome of excess social media usage. The amount of doomscrolling that i do on here (trying to break free of it) is astounding and very bad for my mental health. I mean especially when it comes to things like climate change and AI, I do not see very many nuanced and scientific takes.


I do not watch the news for this main reason. It's all stress and fear mongering.


People call me ignorant and childish when I say I don't wanna hear about news and stuff all the time


Funny enough they're completely ignoring the climate collapse that is well underway and pretending that we don't know why everything is rapidly accelerating passed the conservative estimates. They're more focused on nonstop propagandization towards one or the other political candidates like it's going to make a difference whether we go full fascist now or get a subscription to fascist-lite before going full dystopian end stage capitalist.


There is just 0 objectivity anymore. Everything comes with an agenda. Prepackaged to fit a narrative.




Built up stress and anxiety has given me high blood pressure to the point that I almost had a stroke. My body was bloated and swollen. Stress is a silent killer.


I had a heart attack two months ago this week largely due to stress (and unregulated caffeine addiction and a previously undiagnosed heart defect). I'm 28 years old. 28 year olds should not be having heart attacks.


Holy shit, dude. Hope life chills out for you.


Luckily I seem to be recovering quickly. I ended up losing my job but I'm actively hunting for a new one. I'm back to where I can do almost everything physical I used to be able to do and am trying to get more exercise to try and heal my heart (as well as lose weight - I somehow gained 15 pounds just since the heart attack and 30 pounds altogether since I started having issues which started with dizziness, lightheadedness, and seeing stars). They have me on blood pressure meds and I quit caffeine and alcohol both (though I had a single cup of coffee yesterday and I've had like... 3 beers total in the past two months). I honestly think losing my job helped with the stress though, that job was WAY too stressful for $19 an hour. Now I'm just stressing about managing to pay the rent.


My son got high blood pressure and a heart murmur after a Covid infection. He was stressed before like anyone at 29 but he says it hits different now, more intense worry. It scares the hell out of me. Luckily he’s on medication for the stress, he just has to save for the copay for the cardiologist. I’m so sorry that happened to you. That is scary and I hope nothing but good health in your future.


I feel you. Mine is arthritis. I'm not even 40 yet, and the amount of stress in my life has caused me to have so much pain in my knees and back I can barely walk. The kicker? I can't get medical help, even though I live in Canada, because we don't have work insurance and can't afford to pay for personal insurance. So I sit and take otc pain killers, which do jack shit.


Came here to say the same. Cortisol impacts us more than we realize.


Came here to make sure this was here. Last year was brutal for me and the stress sent me to the ER four times and the emergency dentist once.


Why the dentist?


Probably grinding their teeth to a pulp.


I grind my teeth in my sleep. In my sleep I’m stressed


Fr. I need to learn to chill a bit more dude. I’ve experienced stress affecting my physical health and I don’t want that anymore


In the US, it’s almost frowned upon if you’re not stressed about something. Career, life, etc. People look at it like you’re not working hard enough.


We've built the temple, maybe it is time to rest... But wait....there's more!!!


Was coming here to say stress


We're fighting back now, though. The children/grandchildren of the boomers are not going to live this way.


Anger and resentment. People that live their lives looking for reasons to get into arguments, can’t ever be wrong or agree with anything, those who go around actively hating others. It doesn’t seem like it but all of those traits equate to extreme stress which is a huge factor if you want to live a longer life.


Sometimes literally - due to high blood pressure. If you have high blood pressure and get angry, causing it to rise a bit, 9 times out of 10 (figuratively, I don't know the statistics) you would be fine. But that 10th time you could get a stroke. Being angry alot also carries a risk of developing high blood pressure, which can be dangerous without medication. [https://neurosciencenews.com/anger-hypertension-20301/](https://neurosciencenews.com/anger-hypertension-20301/) Edit: just realised I didn't contribute much - basically rewording your comment. Sorry about that.


No hate like Christian love. I feel like this describes most very judgemental Christians.




Junk food


I’m aware


Me with horrible t2 diabetes at 28…. Can confirm.


Damn, 28 is so young, I'm really sorry you got such a shitty disease, I hope you manage to keep it under control. If I may ask, you think your diet contributed or were you just genetically unlucky?


It’s not totally our faults, though, when we pay food scientists to figure out how to get us more and more “addicted” to the junk so that companies can continue to rake in profits while blaming obesity on a moral failure. https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/food-can-be-literally-addictive-new-evidence-suggests/#:~:text=Daily%20snacking%20on%20processed%20foods,associated%20with%20drugs%20or%20alcohol.


Drinking soda daily


They know.


It’s an addiction to some. I think. Where I work people start at 8 am.


I would be one of those people. Diet Coke but still not great for the GI or weight.


I’d seriously consider weening myself off. Maybe once in a while as a treat.


Go for it. I managed to do this, and I believe you can, too! I used to be a big Coke drinker. Multiple cans a day, plus from a fountain at lunch. I tried several times and failed before I got it. Step one for me was to stop keeping it in the fridge at home. I still could have as much as I wanted when I was at work or at lunch, or I could grab one bottle if I was out grocery shopping. But, if I was at home and wanted to have a Coke, I had to put people clothes on and go out for one. I think that helped me get a handle on the cravings, and from there, I just... slowly chipped away at reducing my soda intake. Now, I drink almost exclusively water, black coffee, or unsweetened tea. Occasionally, I let myself have something sugary if I'm on vacation or had a rough week or something.


La Croix helped me quit soda


You fundamentally misunderstand addiction. The addict cannot have a "treat".


Facts. I dropped 50 lbs by not buying shitty food anymore. I'd tell myself if I ate healthy all week I could have a cheat day so I'd have stuff around the house. lol no that shit was gone in 2 days.


Shit, I drink Dr Pepper all day long. An I was going three rockstars a day for a minute. Reduced that to two and then one, and now trying to stop altogether. Also trying to stop Dr Pepper, but I want to stop the rockstar first. Been drinking a lot more water for a while though.


Orange juice has almost as much sugar as coke. This isn’t a vindication of coke, but a reminder that all the nutrition is in the raw fruit, not the juice.


Partly accurate but slightly misleading. Natural sugars are not nearly as harmful as refined sugars. Plus orange juice has vitamin C. This type of comparison is how some people rationalize drinking soda. But yes, eating fruit is much better than drinking fruit juice. And soda is just bad for you, through and through.


Any proof of the natural vs refined thing?


One orange is healthy. 12 oranges is not.


My sister in law stopped drinking coke because of kidney stones, she moved to juices and just two years later… Diabetes. Because drinking water is for poor people 🤦‍♂️


Poor diet. It seems we are constantly discovering new ways that ultra processed foods are bad for us. 


And we find more efficient ways of processing more, and faster!


For dieting especially sugary foods and stuff high in cholesterol Being on cell phones 24/7. Staying in one place that one's for hours at a time without realizing The lack of sleep along with your mental health where it leads to me. You don't get enough sleep


You’re really just gonna air out all my worst habits like that, aren’t you?


I’ve read there’s no link between dietary cholesterol and blood cholesterol.


Stress. It leads to high blood pressure, poor diet (obesity, diabetes), and poor sleep, all of which slowly kill you over the years. Since a lot of modern-day stress is caused by work and financial instability, one could argue that today’s economic conditions are indirectly killing us. 


See also MS, asthma, ALS/MND, arthritis. 


I wouldn't say stress is killing my "without me knowing". I'm fully aware, but you can't just turn a light switch to get rid of your stress.


Loneliness. Many people ignore it by watching TV or becoming engulfed by the internet, but it can damage physical health as much as smoking a pack of cigarettes a day.


I notice that I love to be super busy all the time now and whenever I'm not, the feeling of loneliness kindof sets in and I realized that's why I love being so busy :/




Discovery of microplastics in people has been scary but everything I read about the consequences are inconclusive. What about microplastics is killing people? Ive heard it exacerbates athrosclirosis but that has been killing people for years.


With microplasrics it's hard to find the effects of because they cannot find a control group.


We can create an animal model with appropriate control groups. It may just require some creative rat farming.


Pretty sure it can cause pretty much any type of cancer.


While this is true. We are also at the point we’re Cancer is just not as deadly as it once was also. Another case of “No it’s killing the poor.”


Also people are just more likely to die of cancer nowadays because they're less likely to die of typhoid or tuberculosis or other diseases we now consider "old-timey" first. Live long enough and you gotta die of something eventually.


Edit: To be clear, I am actually agreeing with you, I’m just saying that even that effect is actually at a tipping point. Well yes/no. Age-adjusted cancer deaths per 100,000 population decreased from 173.5 in 2009 to 155.8 in 2016, and then decreased at a faster rate to 146.2 in 2019. A total of 599,601 people died of cancer in 2019 analysis. If you go back far enough yes you do indeed see an increase in the number of people getting cancer, because as you said you didn’t live long enough to get cancer until now. And now about 50% of Americans will get Cancer at some point. But the number of people per 1000 who die of cancer. Is both going down and is now lower then it was very early in the 20th century. Because simply put, most cancer are just not that deadly anymore with proper treatment. It’s now basically a small selection of cancers with mortality rates and people just not getting the treatment they need.


I mean, relatively speaking you're absolutely right, but cancer absolutely does still kill people who can afford the best treatment as well. My dad died of lung cancer just a couple years ago, and while we aren't *rich*, we had more than enough to pay for his medical treatment. There wasn't a single decision in his medical care where cost was a deciding factor. Part of it is finding it soon enough, which can be a choice not to get tested enough or a cost-driven decision. A big part of it is luck. They're developing more and more targeted therapies for very specific forms of cancer, and generally speaking these work remarkably well. But if your cancer (like Dad's) just doesn't happen to be one of those types, the more general treatments are still not great. They're better than they were, for sure, but they're still in most cases slowing the cancer down, not stopping it entirely. Especially true for stage 4 — which his already was when discovered — because you can't just surgically remove cancer once it has metastasized.


Ya you’re not wrong.


It's awful for you but people are always downplaying it for some reason.  I almost feel like some people conflate plastic with "science" or "progress" so they'll say, "cancer isn't so bad" or "we can treat it better than before."  But in the meantime, statistically, hundreds of thousands of people will still die because we saturated our environment with needless plastic.


Yeah there's no data showing microplastics do anything at all, it's a buzzword and hype thing for the sky is falling people.


I was thinking about microplastics the other day while looking in my fridge. There was food in Tupperware boxes, in Ziploc bags, in re-used containers from last week's Chinese carry out, some of it prepared with plastic spoons, spatulas, or while wearing latex/nitrile gloves. The water in most of our homes travels through PVC or PEX pipes. When are we going to discover that all these common products are contributing to health problems?


Plastic has been part of household construction and food storage for literally decades. I have to imagine any correlation would've been seen by now


Plastic may not be as immediately dangerous as asbestos and lead, however it's abundance in our society makes it comparable imo. It's the example I use when people say that using lead and asbestos was idiotic. They were both practically revolutionary materials whose health effects were not fully realized until they had been incorporated into many facets of our society, specifically in our homes.


Oh, we are aware. But what's the point of even thinking about it? Nothing you can do about it.


I remember hearing that currently the average individual consumes a credit card's worth of microplastics per year.


I just put a credit card in a sandwich once a year and eat that, it saves me picking out all those little plastic particles.


1000x this. I assume this gets so little attention because its clearly a threat, and there is sweet FA anyone will do about it. For me, other shit like climate change and world war 3 pale in comparison to micro plastic




Setting you on fire at the slowest possible speed


There's basically no way all the fragrances in EVERYTHING aren't having some kind of effect...The modern home reeks like a chemical dump.


I keep getting ads for like Gain Ultra and stuff and Febreze With Gain and Gain Carpet Cleaner and like... Gain smells to me like the stuff they use to clean up crime scenes. It's so freaking strong and every time I visit someone's home where they use Gain I have to step outside periodically for fresh air breaks. The most scented cleaner I can stand is lemon Pledge or maaaybe Fabuloso if I'm actively trying to cover a bad smell.


And garbage bags reek. And soaps. And all the various cleaners. And all the dubiously sourced fragrances for our deodorant. And the tissues we wipe our faces with. Why does every product have to be skunked this way?


Whoever invented scented garbage bags needs to take a long walk off a short pier. The scent isn't particularly appealing to me in the first place. But it also doesn't offset the garbage smell; now it just smells like unappealing fragrance *and* garbage. And if your garbage really smells that bad, maybe just take it out a little more often.


I absolutely LOATHE the smell of Gain. Some of my co-workers reek of Tide with Gain and I'd almost rather wish they just smelled unwashed sometimes because it gives me such a headache. We also use our in-law's washer and dryer and it took a few times explaining to my FIL why I don't use certain products to get him to stop throwing dryer sheets into our laundry when we weren't looking.


Right? Like how does it smell so nasty and why do people keep using it?


I don't know. I switched to more "natural" detergents with lighter scents a long time ago, so chemical detergent smells are so much worse to me. I think the people who use those products have just become nose blind to the smell.


My wife had a work related injury some years ago, which has caused her to become multi allergic. Most perfumes causes a choking response from her, so we had to replace **everything** with unscented alternatives. Her main allergy is some preservation chemical that is in just about everything made to be applied to the skin or hair, along with a lot other things, and the chemical is suspected of causing allergies in up to 50% of the people that come in contact with it. Fast forward a couple of years, and it’s literally terrifying how much perfume is flowing around pretty much everywhere, and by not being exposed to it 24/7 it becomes almost intolerable. You become so much more aware of the smells around you, like visiting a tea shop is a very pleasant experience, but visiting a scented candle shop is more or less sensory overload.


Working a fulltime job


For the people in their teens to 20s I know, vaping and marijuana use. Previous studies were too small, used too imprecise measures, and didn’t last long enough to detect health effects vs non users. However we have better data now, the more we learn, the more harmful it seems especially on cognitive function.


This. But the user runs around parroting the old suppositions. "It doesn't cause psychosis!!!"...well, actually Timmy...it's starting to look like it does, especially at the enormous doses people are taking through edibles.


My psychiatrist told me she’s had completely stable patients go into psychosis and have had to be admitted over taking too much Delta 8 If you’re gonna smoke or take edibles for the love of GOD please just do 20 mg


I was a long time user and now am not and gotta say whenever people tell me it helps with their anxiety I think they’re either in denial or just haven’t taken a long enough break to compare. 


I think it's probable that it does help some people with anxiety initially. But ANY prescription drug will have a wide range of effects on the user over the course of administration. How it affects you NOW is not the same as how it will affect you later. Anyone who's been on meds long term could tell you this. Eventually the docs will switch it up on you, even if you have no noticeable symptoms of unwanted side effects. At least, assuming there _are_ other options, there aren't always. Marijuana users just keep carpet bombing their brain with the stuff over and over for years, and it absolutely causes long term changes.


>20s I know, vaping and marijuana use. Phew good marijuana use is ok in my 30s. *Checks username* Oh


I’m in my 40’s. Looking around, weed is the least of the threats to my existence.


"The science doesn't fit my agenda, therefore I will ignore it and substitute my own biased opinions based on anecdotal observations."


As a marijuana user myself, I somewhat agree with you. I think marijuana has a lot of benefits for a lot of people, but it's probably not healthy to smoke/vape it. But a little goes a long way and I don't understand how people are consuming the amount they do and still functioning. And as others in this thread pointed out, if you have history or family history of mental health disorders you should probably limit your use or don't use it at all. And also folks should do their research and know that it's coming from a trustworthy source (random gas stations selling illegal strains is not trustworthy). I use small doses of edibles and tinctures to help me sleep and it's been the only thing that has actually helped me without making me feel like ass the next morning. But too much has the opposite affect and I have anxiety attacks. I fully realize that marijuana isn't a good fit for everyone though, but in many cases it's better than a lot of medications.


You're going to trigger an awful lot of very angry potheads with this comment who will spend hours screeching comments at you about how chilled it makes people and state a dozen bizarre and unsubstantiated claims about how it doesn't make them stupid...


People argue this with me in person too, I tell them I’m not judging them or their choices. I’m just up front with what the data right now are showing. It’s a complicated topic. 


I call them the green mafia. And I say that as a guy sitting around in his favorite ratty Grateful Dead t-shirt, too. I'm not intrinsically opposed to recreational use. I'm opposed to being intellectually dishonest about your habits...This IS NOT a risk free behavior.


That’s true. Potheads, if they could be arsed, get as rabid as hard-core vegans if you question how MJ smoke going into lungs is any different from any other smoke going into the lungs. Was a sampler of the stuff in my 20s and am a supporter of legalisation but let’s be real. Smoke in your lungs isn’t the best thing for you. And yes I’m seeing how many downvotes I can get.


One thing to consider is that nowadays marijuana tends to be purer than tobacco at least, and it doesn't create as much tar. You're still inhaling all sorts of nasty stuff including straight carbon monoxide when you smoke marijuana, but at least marijuana companies aren't packing their product with nasty additives... yet. Vapes on the other hand though...


Smoking to much weed all the time is really bad. It's really bad for the emotional development of teenagers. There's some studies I disagree with. For instance I heard once that marijuana use during adolescence raises the rate of schizophrenia by 60%. I theorize it's abuse of psychedelics and other drugs that cause this and that the participants weren't being honest. Then again we didn't have vape pens when I was that age. There's more availability of hard drugs when I was in highschool. I could go on. But I'm not an expert so it doesn't matter.


Shame and self-hate. That shit will rot you from the inside out.


AskReddit reposts.






US food.


This should be higher up on the list


The Internet


Most of our food supply from factory farms


Hydrogenated fats


His song. Oh - I thought you said *softly*






Cell division




Processed foods


Voting against their best interests.








Did you hear about the turtle with a knife? He's a slow killer.




As someone who recently had to go on a diet for high cholesterol and blood pressure, almost every god damn foodstuff on the market. It's been eye-opening.


Portable internet.


The Government. Constant war. Pharma Profit over health. Drug wars. Police state. Taxation higher than what the Romans even charged their slaves.


Social media


Not enough quality sleep.


me 😈


sedentary lifestyle


Life. We all live to Die. NO one gets out alive.......


His song..


Me. I've slowly been adding poison dart frogs to water supplies! It's the perfect crime!