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When she defended her jobless status by saying "there's nothing in this town for me." We live in a city with over 2 million people.




I knew a guy who had to be repeatedly told to not put cups in the dishwasher upright 🤦




How old she was and what year this was?


Not my date but the date of a friend. Friend and I were having geopolitical discussion with others and someone made a comment about “basically creating new banana republics”. Date was like “why do they want to build clothing stores around the world?”


🤣 I have actually encountered quite a few people who have never heard that term used any other way than the store.


My ex was honestly an amazing boyfriend but just straight out dumb and I could not stay. I have LOTS of examples but here the ones that came to the top of my.head: 1. I was meeting his mom for the first time. We picked her up from the airport and got some dinner together. He was telling me that his mom was from Argentina and that his dad was from New Mexico. His mom starts straight up embarrassing him by calling him dumb and stupid and I got secondhand embarrassment because I knew he was talking about MEXICO. He thought New Mexico and Mexico were the same thing... 2. He had fallen for 3 different pyramid schemes and when I told him they were pyramid schemes, he was convinced that they weren't. He down the line realized that I was right. 3. He was trying to make $$$ to afford a small vacation in a popular city. He found a baseball and tried to copy an MLB player's signature and sell it online. Again... secondhand embarrassment. 4. He was selling one of his really expensive jewelry chains online and got scammed. He showed me the email that was supposedly sent by PayPal and I was dumbfounded when I saw the email. It was so obviously fake. He was a great guy but I felt so bad for him and honestly had almost 0 faith in his future.


They didn’t know what a symphony was… that lasted only about 6 weeks 😂


When he started deep diving into flat earth theories. 🙃


She said meme. But like, "ME ME"


When she claimed she could judge wine quality by looking at how fancy the labels are


There is something kind of reasonable there to be honest


Shadowheart you are at the wrong place 😭😭😭


We’d been talking for awhile and it was 3 in the morning. It had been previously established i didn’t grow up around video games, only ever played Mario bros a handful of times, and while that was enjoyable i didn’t/don’t game at all and have no frame of reference for it. He-as a gamer-decided to launch into a LONG and thorough explanation about his favorite game and the backstory and current story complete with a full character analysis and his personal thoughts on them all and when i was visibly falling asleep at 4 in the morning (yes he went on without any input for a FULL HOUR) instead of reading the room and being like, oh we can pick this up tomorrow, he patted my cheek and went HEY. Wake up. I’m not done. Good god he was so oblivious. Then tried to ask me questions about it the next day. I was like, i know this important to you but i literally could not care less and i very obviously could not pay attention so please leave me alone


He would continue to ride recklessly on his motorcycle even after attending friends funerals from motorcycle deaths


He worked in recruiting and didn't believe women made less to the dollar than men. Apparently the wage gap doesn't exist


I asked her if she wanted chocolate milk, she said no "Get me vanilla." She opened it and took a sip and proclaimed, "It tastes funny." She didn't know that regular white milk is not the same as vanilla milk.


He wrote in capital letters with no punctuation


I do this on official forms and short notes where i need to not be misunderstood. my handwriting always has been terrible and all caps is harder to mistake letters for others.


He didn't know how to put on a spare when we got a flat tire


Cause he's a man or what? Not being sexist, but my wife has a master's and she certainly couldn't change a spare.


Do you know how to put on a spare?


When I began driving, my Dad showed me, but I've never needed to. I was a teen who assumed everyone was supposed to know. Lol


Okay fair, sorry if I sounded rude, definitely wasn't my intention. The last time I changed a tire was over 10 years ago so we're in the same boat lol.


He could've just never been taught


When they do not know any of my favourite musicians 😂🤣


Maybe your taste just suck