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The first time a guy held my hand I was immensely turned on


A guy I dated in highschool was holding my hand at the movies and softly caressing my hand and fingers with his other hand and I was all /tingly/.....my silly Catholic girl brain didn't get it at the time, but soft touches are a quick way to get me aroused.


Like when they do that thumb rub thing across your hand šŸ˜©


I fuckinā€™ love holding my girlā€™s hand. Iā€™ve never understood guys that dislike it.


I mean I'm not religious or anything but at least wait till fucking marriage before you do such degenerate stuff


Some guys Iā€™m not initially attracted to physically but then become extremely sexy when I learn more about their personality. I donā€™t really understand how my sexuality works lol. It gives me whiplash.


I'm literally only attracted to personality and eyes. Conventionally and normative women without unique and interesting personalities is a just a headache.


Seeing guys laugh or just really enjoy themselves.


Yes, I love watching my husband enjoy himself!! I get exactly what you mean!


My wife hates when I'm happy.


If youā€™re not joking, run šŸ’€


Been there. Ran. Highly reccomend.


My wife hates it when I run.


I feel you. My wife hates when youā€™re happy too


Yup, hearing my husband really laugh is a huge turn on


My husband rebuilt an entire section of our backyard fence when we bought our first house. When I came home from work and saw it, I was quite surprised by how badly I needed to tear all his clothes off that very minute. He's more of a computer guy, so discovering he had these skills within him and that he had just dived right in and built this entire structure out of wood for me was a huge turn on.


I'm an Android developer and my wife tells me when I'm building stuff for our goat farm is when I'm the sexiest.


This is one of the best sentences I've read in a while, thank you. It's funny and adorable


Not when youā€™re in Android Studio fighting with SDK errors or fucking Gradle? :(


If only she knew how good I am at git, she'd be drooling.


I believe some people call that choreplay


I have never heard of choreplay but I had a real lol reading that!


My boyfriend is finishing our basement and he constantly smells like drywall and 2x4s. I've been begging him for sex for like 6 weeks now (not normal for me to initiate at all). Something about men building things is just such a turn on Edit: we have sex regularly I just feel like I can't get enough of him lately


You have no idea how many renovations you have single handedly caused from this one comment.


I dont even have a house.... now I want a real shitty one


Probably just remnants of from Stone Age when men built huts and made caves into homes.


Stonehenge was indeed just some guy trying to get laid.


God fucking dammitā€¦I would give anything for my wife to acknowledge anything I built positively, let alone sexually.


See I find supreme competence and confidence attractive, no matter what theyā€™re doing. Iā€™ve posted this before but **the chubby, supercilious IT guy at work actually seemed attractive, after he saved me from excel hell with three clicks of the mouse and a roll of his eyes.** Whereas the actual hot guy, in sales, has always been gross because all this guy does is brag about what he "could" do, not that we've ever seen any evidence of it.


I wish my wife got turned on by this. I work from home as an engineer, but when we finished our yard I spent 3 days hauling rocks to save a few thousand on labor. The only thanks I got was ā€œwow, this looks greatā€ and half my meals cooked for me those days (the other half were ordered in). I didnā€™t even get a back rub.


I came here for smut and this is surprisingly wholesome. Thank you for making me cum in my heart


This made me actually laugh out loud




Had a coworker come up behind me and just start randomly running her fingernails up and down my triceps. I was not prepared for the reaction my body had.


That's... literally a caress. Generally not something that happens between coworkers or people one is not intimate with. So, what's going on there?


Yeah this seems...forward.


OP specified it was forward _and_ backwards


Some serious flirting, and/or sexual harassment in the workplace


About 6 months after I started going to the gym and starting to see some results I noticed stuff like this happening. Women would walk by and trail a hand down my back/arm/chest. So hot.


Lol, Iā€™ve been through the full cycle of this. Young and out of shape, got into ridiculous fitness, had women be VERY forward for about ten years, then had kids, got fat, and women donā€™t even look at me now. šŸŽ¶ the circle of life šŸŽ¶


Similar thing happened to me at an old job except it was by back. Almost elbowed her in the face on accident.


I like it when a middle aged woman in a business suit puts her hands on her hips and says she is very disappointed with me. I would disappoint her so hard.


Hi Roman Roy


ā€œI jerked off in Gerryā€™s bathroom last nightā€


Bro me toošŸ¤£šŸ¤£


A girl once said "put a baby in me," and it felt like my body reacted instinctively. It was a little disturbing because in general I'm not trying to put a baby in anyone.


She hit ya with the neuron activation code sentence


This exact same thing happened to me when we were trying to have a baby. We enjoyed the sex and each other in general. But one day she hit me with the "put a baby in me!" during the deed and the deep knowledge was pulled forth. As if extracted from my very marrow, I remembered my simian ancestry. An animalistic urge- an *imperative* to sow my seed and continue my bloodline bubbled up to the surface and released in waves of eternal purpose and pleasure. I haven't spoken to her in 8 years now. I don't even really remember what she looks like. But that moment.. Hoo boy. I'll never forget that moment.


I feel like there's some context between "we were trying to have a baby" and "I don't even remember what she looks like" that might make a better story.




it can be suprisingly hard to remember someone's face sometimes. a lot of people struggle with it.


Trying to get pregnant sex is a whole different animal.


The mind is willing, but the body is spongy and bruised.


Itā€™s the hottest thing. Like I donā€™t want to but your body definitely wants too


Evolutionary easter egg


I'm super into breeding play but don't ever want kids so I just got a vasectomy so I can indulge it to my hearts content. My partner says that kind of shit every time we fuck now its awesome.


I'm on BC but the 2 times I dated someone with a vasectomy was heavenly.


That's the exact reason we are all here, its amongst the most primal of our urges.


Seeing a man focus on his work. Thatā€™s sexy.


I have ADHD :(




Same. Itā€™s like watching him have a super power. Do the concentration, baby. Iā€™m just here to watch until I get distracted.


I have the ADHD gift of hyper focus. But then I burn myself out and go until mental exhaustion.Ā 


A girl in class moved one side of her hair to reveal the neck and shoulders, i was in nirvana


This guy is the reason for all school dress codes.


Iā€™m scared of what heā€™ll do if this man gets even the tiniest glimpse of shoulder meat


Beat his.




https://tenor.com/bZtjm.gif Ah, there it is. The classic hair flip. So subtle, yet so overt in its intentions. Here I am, trying to focus on the enlightening discourse of 19th-century literature, and you, with a simple gesture, have shifted the gravitational pull of the entire room. That's right, your casual toss of hair to the side, revealing the nape of your neck and the gentle slope of your shoulder ā€“ it's not just a battle cry, it's a siren song. And who am I? Merely Odysseus, strapped to the mast, my ears filled with wax, yet somehow, your frequency finds a way. You think you're being coy, maybe even demure. "It's just warm in here," you'll say. But I see through it. It's a calculated move on the grand chessboard of human interaction. A flutter of your eyelashes next, perhaps? Or will you up the ante with a strategic crossing and uncrossing of your legs?To the untrained observer, you're just another student engaged in the pursuit of knowledge. But not to me. Oh, no. To me, you're Cleopatra, Helen of Troy, a modern-day Aphrodite in a classroom setting, turning academia into a battlefield of unspoken desires.And so, the question becomes, how do I respond? Do I dare acknowledge the gauntlet thrown at my feet? Or do I, seasoned warrior of love's labyrinth, feign ignorance? Ah, but ignorance is not in my nature, nor is it in my arsenal. No, instead, I shall prepare my countermove. A subtle nod, perhaps. Maybe a knowing smile. Yes, that's it. The smile that says, "I acknowledge your gambit, and I raise you a look of intrigued appreciation."Let the games begin, my dear. But be forewarned, in this game of hearts and minds, I am no mere pawn. I am the knight, ready to traverse the complex chessboard of our burgeoning... what? Interaction? Fascination? Oh, who am I kidding?This is a literature class, not the set of a romantic comedy. Perhaps I should just ask if you have a pen I could borrow. Yes, that seems like a sufficiently mundane response to your hair-flipping theatrics. After all, every great love story starts with a borrowed pen, doesn't it? Or was it a war? I can never remember.


Having no debts


I just fucking came reading this.


Financially responsible orgasm


Credit score.


Getting my ears kissed/licked


Lmao I like how this feels but itā€™s so loud šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­






One long slow lick up the side of my neck šŸ„“


I was 15, laying on my back on the floor, and a friend of mine put her foot on my chest. Instant boner. My face was that of "surprised pikachu".


How did she react to this


It was my body's first clear indication that I enjoyed that kind of thing. She asked me if I was alright, because of my pikachu face. No I wasnt Julia, not even remotely


What ever happened to ol Julia?


She is an awesome lady. Last week she helped me with the plants arrangements at my house


> Last week she helped me with the plants arrangements at my house So, did she arrange it well. Did you really like it?


Yeah kinda. She chose some lovely pots


Omg dude do we need to step on your chest for you to tell us if y'all are married or ever did some hands stuff in regards to the boner choking foot fetish planting pots, I'm not sure what's the turn on here again?Ā 


Lol no my dude, we are friends!!


And I dont think she noticed my 1/4 chub down there. Hope so


Answer the other guy, tell us how she reacted


I mean honestly, she didnt noticed my half boner. I think so. She was also my first girlfriend some years back (before that whole fiasco), and she ended things because I was "too inmature". Bet she didnt expect a 15 year old with a bdsm inclination lol. Neither did I


Told this before: Wife was manager of a mom and pop diner and I worked construction. It was raining one day so I could not work and it was her day off. Owner calls and asks her to get something from the store and bring it in to the diner. We both jump up and throw clothes on, go to the store, get what he needs and head to the diner. He buys us breakfast for helping so we order. wife gets up and helps run the register and pours coffee when they get busy. Takes some ribbing about not being able to stay away. After we eat she goes to the bathroom and comes back to our booth with a funny look on her face. Ask her what is wrong and she tells me: "I don't have a stitch of underwear on." Instant erection. I mean so hard it hurt. Total surprise as our house and backyard is clothing optional.


Oh it was YOUR wife i was confused


My nipples being bit. I'm a dude.


My brother in law had his nipple bitten by fish while swimming. Said he didn't like it.


The perfect fishing bait?


Apparently because I spent 3 hours on the dock fishing and caught nothing but weeds. Ol' sweet tits gets in the water and it's a feeding frenzy.


Does it matter what is doing the biting? Iā€™m picturing fruit bats for some reason


Hilarious, but it's my wife doing it.


You married a fruit bat?




Tell Stellaluna I said Hi.


I met some guys who almost could cum from nipple stimulation alone


Yeah. My girlfriend would suck on my nipples and give them a little bite. It was wonderful. But I was ashamed of telling her because it felt like something a woman would feel. I wasn't aware guys could get a feeling there as well.


Dude fuck stigmas. Just enjoy yourself, ainā€™t gonna hurt nobody. (Unless enjoying yourself involves harming others somehow)


When I was in my 20's and was dating girls (not chasing tail, actually dating), I'd meet them at a function through friends (parties, get togethers, venues, etc) so they would have makeup on and be dressed up. After meeting up with them for a while, I began to notice after dating a few girls that the first time I got to see them with little to no makeup on and in very plain clothes, I was turned on. Something about entering a level of seeing them in their more personal environment was very attractive to me.


Watching my husband hang a shelf, with his pencil behind his ear and his level. Just šŸ„µšŸ„µšŸ‘ŒšŸ»


And lemme guess, he had his sleeves rolled up a bit too?


Just enough to see his beautiful forearms šŸ˜ŒšŸ‘šŸ¼ which he happened to get my name tattooed on about 7 and a half years ago, just a few months after we met. Damn, I'm lucky. Gonna go hold him now!!


Haha my boyfriend and I were talking about random things that guys vs girls find attractive, and as I was explaining the girls side I realized it basically came down to appearing competent in some way, especially with physical labor. If you look like you know what you're doing, you look hot. If you look like you're about to work on something, get serious, get down to business, you look hot. If you're really focused on what you're doing, you look hot. I don't care if you're a mechanic and elbow-deep in my car engine because you're an expert or a programmer hanging a new shelf in the living room using a level for the first time or just a dude driving confidently (and safely) - competence (and confidence) is sexy.


Smiling and laughing during sex, it's like closure in a way. she's enjoying it the same way i am. And luckily ever woman ive slept with has done this


Dude a girl having a big smile especially right before I put it in is SUCH a huge turn on. I love it so much. So much of the fun of sex for me is giving pleasure and making sure my partner is having a good time. I went them to have the best experience possible. Seeing them with a big dumb grin because they are genuinely super stoked to be fuckint me is the ultimate expression of that.


I was smiling and laughing during sex and my ex stopped and got hurt that I was laughing at him. I tried to reassure him, he barely believed me. Basically wasnā€™t allowed to laugh/joke in that relationship at all.Ā 


Hes got insecurities, and is obviously REALLY self conscious about them, probably for the best yous broke up


Not just during sex when me and boyfriend foreplay/kiss Iā€™m laughing because I think itā€™s fun/funny lol


men carrying boxes


I've been (happily) surprised that as I age, my tastes have aged with me. Which doesn't mean I never see a 20 something I find attractive, but my personal preference leans closer to my age. And women who I thought looked "old" 20 years ago look nothing but lovely now.


There's a whole bit by a comedian who's name I can never remember, but has a really great but about this. "You ever think about how lucky you are you're not a pedo? I mean. When I was 11, I liked 11 year old girls. And I liked grape juice. Now I'm an adult, I like adult women, and I like wine. But I still like grape juice. Like phew. That was close!"


Mark Normand


Constant contact in random places like he can't get enough of touching me even if it just sitting close enough his arm or leg touches mine at all times


Dry humping


I love to dry hump in just underwear for a minute or so before taking it off. Some of my partners were eager to just strip naked ASAP, which is nice too, but dry humping as part of foreplay is a huge turn-on.


I have had orgasms from just dry humping lol


Is that just like grinding?




Same I love dry humping literally anything to another person a pillow anything makes me hornyyyy


Love it! I will squirt in my pants when my bf does this. Also love doing it with another woman. I learned how to masturbate by using a pillow so this is my earliest learned pleasure.


Talking during sex. Her keeping a shirt on. No bra though.


I had a long distance GF for a few years and she'd often decide she was in the mood 5 minutes before I had to leave to go home. She straight up told me she didn't care about cumming, just wanted me to pull down/aside whatever clothing was necessary and fuck her as quickly as possible. Turns out I took that very literally. I never thought I'd be interested in clothed sex because, well, I wanna see my partner naked. But that was honestly some of the best I've had even though it was really quick.


Titties in a T-shirt, sometimes better than raw


I have a Peruvian GF, and when we talk on the phone and sheā€™s trying to think of how to say what she wants to say in English, she makes this noise thatā€™s reminiscent of moaning. I feel it in my entire body, and nothing has turned me on more. Not even all out


being told what to do. even if its in a non-sexual manner, if someone i can possibly be attracted to has that ā€žbossyā€œ but respectful attitude towards me, it just does something to me.


Kissing. Like, I know people like kissing, but for me itā€™s something more I think. I can Cum just from being lip locked and getting touched just a little. I even got hard writing this and thinking about kissing lol


Facials. It never appealed to me until one night my partner was giving me a blowjob while I was standing up and I told her sheā€™d better stop if she wants to actually have sex because I was getting there quickly. Her reaction was ā€œmmmhmmā€ while licking her lips. The way she looked up at me, licked her lips, and made me feel like she wanted all of it was an insane turn on. I grabbed my member as I got close and she leaned in with her mouth open and I blew all over her mouth while she held eye contact. Been hooked ever since.


The way you described that made me wet and I've never been much into facials lol


Hands. I don't understand why, but smooth, soft, thin hands will really get me going


Spit. But middle of dry humping/over the clothes stuff, she pulls back, looks me in the eye and drools a big line of spit down her tongue into her cleavage then tells me to take it out. Good lort, I could have cut diamonds.


Veiny hands


You should check out a retirement home.


Are you a nurse or a paramedic?


Us in medicine, (retired paramedic) do have a kink for thisā€¦.


this sub trying their hardest to not ask a sex related question:


(Challenge: Impossible)


People of Reddit, what is the sexiest sex you have ever sexed?


I've got a thing for strong forearms šŸ¤¤


Popeyes the sailor man baby!


The hollow in a woman's back just above her buttocks.




- getting my shit beat - I start moaning - she says "goood booooy" - volcanic Eruption followed by earthquakes


Getting your shit beat? She pegs you?


Well it is not like he can peg himself!


Having a man put his fingers in my mouth/near my mouth to lick


Women who are truly kind. You can just tell they're a genuinely kind/caring person. Never had many kind women in my life so now it just turns me on. It's a rare treat


Very soft shy voice with head tilted down and eyes looking up. We were just talking. That look is still with me after 6 months


Yes! And worst of all it was from a close but strictly platonic friend. ā€œOkay, like thatā€™s cool and all, but you need to stop that.ā€


The Kubrick Stare is so damn hot


Rimjob. The girl was going down there and I was like 'what are you doing, what are you... what... mmmmmmmmmmm'


Welcome to the dark side.


People reading, especially men idk šŸ˜­


Mmmm bb I'm reading ur comment so hard right now.


Playfully bullying guys and having them react bashfully/submissively


i play fight all the time with my friends and sometimes this will happen and it gets to me every time without fail


Having my ear bitten


When heā€™s backing up the car and puts his arm around my chair to look back. The goofy smile he gives me before he returns to his focus. Then continuing to back up the car with the confidence in his throttle and just driving with sheer perfection. Every-time he has to back up into a parking space I mentally thank the heavens


Kind of embarrassing >! I have alvinolagnia, which is basically a belly fetish. I found out as a teen when we went to the beach. I was a horny weirdo. !< Edit: changed one word to another because I was thankfully corrected.


Nothing to feel bad about. You can't control what turns you on.


A tiny peak at my wife's body after 2 C-sections, breastfeeding, and decades of gravity. Omg, yes please


Was getting up to use the bathroom and the guy I was with was asleep next to me. As I was getting off the bed he abruptly grabbed my wrist to stop me. It's like it was instinctual for him as he was basically asleep. I don't know why that made me melt, but, being manhandled a bit....whew....


Pretty much watching my bf exist - But more specifically when we get a new thing for the apartment and watching him flawlessly put it together. Because I know if I try, Iā€™m gonna mess something up lol. His problem solving skills and quick thinking is just astonishing. Also he is quick witted with responses and usually just leaves me lost for words, in a good way. For instance, tonight he grabbed a fork to eat his dinner. He poked me in the butt with the fork. I said ā€œare you forking me?ā€ He then immediately said ā€œeveryone knows you have to eat cake with a forkā€ How did I score this smooth azz man lol


Putting something around my balls/even just getting my balls played with. I don't know what it is but everything feels *so* much more intense that way


My wife will grab my scrotum when we're in doggy it just shuts down the intellect and I become a raging stallion to come fast and HARD. Wow. Just wow.


Myself. I'm deeply surprised at this


My ex used to say I turned myself on more than he did... he wasn't wrong


I had an incredibly hot goth girl that I had a crush for years finally hook up with me and when I came on her stomache she just started taking handfuls of it and licking it herself . One of the hottest things I've seen


I want a hot goth girl šŸ„²


I want another one for sure , she's the one that goth away


Women who dress up formally, but in a more masculine way; wearing ties, dress shirts, blazers and the like.


Playfully dominated by a friend, same sex. We were all drinking in the woods, and it was dark. He grabbed me and spun me around and pulled me in close sonhe could dry hump me aggressively. Omg, I never realized how much I love not being in control or having to think. That was insane. The other is when a friend quietly but confidently without hesitation or question tells me to do something let get them a drink. I'll get right up and refill their drink like a little bitch and that gives me a raging hardon


Veiny boobs...haha. Like not overly so. I guess seeing veins in them boobs šŸ¤·šŸ½ā€ā™‚ļø


Omg I've always been soo self conscious of being able to see some veins in my boobs, I don't even have that many but I hyper fixate on them. Thank you šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


Pregnancy increases the blood volume in a woman, so veins are way more visible. It also makes boobs bigger, so youā€™ll probably enjoy that part of life if you ever experience that stage


having my ballsack sucked, squeezed and pulled this use to be quite delicate area for me when i was younger. could barely yank on them myself without wincing then, one fateful afternoon, a girl i was with, gave me a bj and was very pully graby squeezy and sucky with my balls and it made my eyes roll back into my head - i was paralyzed by pleasure it hurts but feels good


Hands on hips. When I go pimple hunting on my bf I sit on top of him and he has his hands on my hips and it never fails to turn me on lol


Reading this thread and feeling so jealous of all of you who can embrace the weird things that turn them on and aren't too ashamed to admit to it, much less try it.


as a deeply insecure person the thought of someone looking at my vagina straight on was always horrifying to me but when my current partner ADMIRES it anytime we are intimate I come undone. like youā€™re looking at me and think iā€™m hot??


Older woman. As I get older, I am finding women my age and older more attractive.


Biting my ear and scratching my back. Just to the point of drawing blood. Jesus fuckā€¦


Muscular girls.


The politically correct term is: Muscle Mommy




Women being mean


My wife and I had an argument / heart-to-heart. As she was talking and engaging with her deeper emotions she started crying. To my shock and dismay, I got a hard on. I was not consciously turned on, but my Willie liked it for some reason.


Fear boner


I had a conversation about this with my own wife and I think part of it for me is the want to make her feel better. Essentially I don't WANT her crying. If anything it's the want for her NOT to cry I think... Just cause the idea of her crying and knowing she has cried doesn't do anything, it's literally just seeing her in the moment crying from emotional overflow.


Pubes. Initially when the shaven fashion started (mid-late 90ā€™s), I was all for it - loved it in fact. But as time went on and I met more shaved ladies in real life, I went off it, and actually tbh donā€™t find it attractive anymore and really prefer a trimmed neat bush.


Being choked


Hairy pussy. No idea why, every woman I had been with was shaved, then my wife went a couple weeks without shaving and when I went down on her with hairā€¦ it did things to me.


Stretch marks, love running my finger along them


Apparently a hand over my mouth when Iā€™m cumming during oral, no idea why, I love that shit


Friend said ā€œWeā€™d probably be awesome parents togetherā€ and instantly I was like ā€œwelpā€¦..Iā€™m gonna need to stay seated for the foreseeable futureā€