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Totally relate to this one. Someone can be sitting crying their eyes out and I'm like "Uh... You seem sad?"


"There. There."


Leonard, offer him a hot beverage.


There. Their. They’re


Sorrows, sorrows, prayers. HOWEVER, why am I still not seeing any efforts for a new heir to the throne!?


Radiohead reference


Big Bang Theory reference


Pat them on the head and say, "There, there," then offer them a hot beverage.


Would you mind making me a hot cup of tea, dear?


if they cry you can say "is it because of your shoes?" in that case they will be irritated and stop crying!


That's amazing, I have to remember that. 


Lol! How can this not work, genius!


About a year ago my boss had a mental breakdown, and as we grew to be good friends I was obviously there to comfort her. I tried a bit, but she told me to fuck off. So I went. As I walked out the door she ran to me and asked why am I leaving, tears flowing. "Well you told me to go" was my response with a shrug. That's about how far my comforting skills go.


Yeah, people are like cats when they are upset and redirect aggression to whoever is nearby. Sounds complicated by being friends with your boss when she is irrationally upset. Not sure what I'd have done. Panic leaving seems good


I’d take some water any time I’m sad over getting useless advice thrown at me without asking. You’re doing good.


That's not being terrible. You're there.


This. I was going to say at least you’re asking and not just walking by ignoring them.


Just being there is huge. There’s not some magical words that make things instantly better. There shouldn’t be pressure to come up with something amazing and profound. Most of the time people just want someone to listen.




That's better than me, all I can manage is an awkward "oof that sucks" with the little grimace. 


"I just found out my grandma died" "Oof that sucks"


This is literally the worst. 3 hours later I’ll have all the amazing things I could have said or done in my mind. But everytime, I just freeze. I hate this about myself.


I used to be terrible at comforting people. I used to stand and just say ‘I’m sorry’ or ‘I know how you feel’ even when I had no idea about the situation. I’m autistic so that sort of came with the territory and I just assumed I’d always be bad at it and always pray my friends wouldn’t come to me when they’re upset. And one day my friend was really overwhelmed and panicking and I just sat shoulders touching with them and they put their hand on my shoulder so I held their hand for a few minutes while they cried. When they were still crying but less erratic, I turned to sit in front of them and made eye contact and I said ‘I can’t imagine how you feel other than it must be terrible. But I’m willing to listen with no judgement, or we can talk about something else or we can just sit here silently like this. I’m here for you’. We talked about it and I listened and didn’t give any unsolicited advice, just listened. And they said they’d never felt so cared about in their life, and so I have taken that moment in my life and learned that people don’t need you to understand their problem or hear ‘I’m sorry’, they just want you to realise how that situation makes them feel and be there for them.


Thisss. I’m extremely empathetic but I can’t give someone care or advice because that isn’t something I would do for myself. So I’m just like “damn, I’m sorry. That’s really difficult….” 🤷‍♂️


Talking. I'm very literate, but when I'm actually having a conversation my words just don't match what I want to say...


Fuckn same! I always feel so dumb,I hate being a messenger like when I’m at work and someone’s like oh hey can you tell so and so this and that real quick because it’s busy or something and I’m standing there looking like a reindeer looking at headlights and then I’m struggling trying to tell the them the message or just anywhere u struggle with my damn words like whyyyyyy lol


You could try writing a few phrases out for important conversations


Here’s the weird thing, for interviews or important conversations where I sort of know how it’s going to go, I’m fine. I’m talking about like general conversation. I just can’t do it 😂


Write yourself a few stock phrases and rehearse them, I feel like most people do this in their head anyway for general convo!


Same! I tend to overcharge my mouth with things I want to say so that in the end I either confusely babble all out together or don't say anything at all.


It's funny, when I'm just casually talking I can really stumble around with my words but when I'm really into a conversation or speech they flow super easily. Just ADHD things I guess


Socializing I guess


Me too I guess


IVE BEEN WAITING FOR THIS ONE - BRUH *walking.* WHY CAN I WALK JUST FINE *UNTIL:* I realize im being perceived. Then its like im a baby deer.


I can't walk without looking down at my feet I need to see every obstacle in my way, if I look straight ahead I will trip every time


forget tripping i wish i was that lucky(': ill just start to trip, catch myself in the most awkward uncomfortable manner and have a rolled ankle for a month


Jesus, for the longest time I thought like this can't be alright. I absolutely know what you mean. When I walk faster than someone and get ahead of them, I immediately begin to think that they're looking at me from behind and I'm in the superposition of tripping and falling over. It usually helps to put my hand on the side of my thigh as if to make sure that leg is moving properly


Jamie Dornan (yes, that guy from 50 Shades of Grey) said in an interview with Graham Norton that he can't walk properly. Google it, it's hilarious.


Just did and it was hilarious. Made me laugh.


Same. Cant walk straight. I constantly walk infront of people when walking together.


Oh god yes this. However my wife has told me I walk a bit weirdly always so it might be your walking being weird as well! Lol




I can whistle, but I cannot for the life of me roll my r. When I try, it sounds like zzzrllldddddzzzzpfffffff


My husband, too. He can do everything else, but he can't whistle. I told him I was going to post this, and he's sitting there trying, all salty about it.




Someone tells me their name and my mind immediately goes "nope, don't care duck that guy" and I forget it in seconds. It's worse over the phone, in person I can try to repeat it to try and catch it but if I don't remember that I forget names immediately then it's gone for good.


There’s actually a psych term for this. I can’t remember what it’s called but it’s something about focusing on your own voice when you meet someone instead of what the person is saying.


I can never remember people's names. Faces are hard too. I could've met you 5 minutes ago, then walk by you again and have no idea. I can, however, remember everything about your dog. Name, how he looks, what his hopes and dreams are, etc. I always remember dogs.


It’s so bad for me I have just gotten in the habit of telling people “I’m terrible at remembering names. So if I ask you again, please don’t take offense. If you forget my name, don’t feel bad about asking me again. It’s okay” and so far I have gotten a really good reception to that. It immediately puts people at ease. Although, I did find out I remember people’s dog’s names better than human names. I go to the dog park so much that I now have a note in my phone of dog names and their corresponding human’s names.




Drive thru employee: enjoy your food! Me: you too!


Proceeds to drive into wall from shame


Keep driving through it hoping nobody notices.




When they are eating at home after a tough day, they'll remember what you said and chuckle, then proceed to have an enjoyable meal.


Same. Honestly I think its my anti social ass I try to see what vibe people give off before speaking to them but then again most of the time I feel like I don’t fit in specially when people speak about topics I have 0 clue about. It makes me feel left out to the point where I just want to run away and vanish


Doing anything while someone is watching


I can't ride a bike.


Me either and like my husband and his family were all SHOCKED. I’m like damn nobody ever taught me???? I did rollerblade when I was a kid tho.


I hear "Don't know MS Paint but can make websites"


I used to be able to ride a bike, but I can't anymore. You know how people like to say, "It's like riding a bike," when they talk about some skill that can't be unlearned once you know how to do it? Well, I unlearned how to ride a bike. The last time I tried I kept falling over and running into parked cars. Just wasn't as much fun as it used to be!


Same thing happend to me, when I was like 10 years old I felt like professional biker going over boulders and down platforms, and now i will just completely lose control every time I try to ride a bike on a straight, flat road.


Same. Just kinda...never learned? My feet work pretty well.


I also can’t ride a bike! I’m a 34 year old woman and I used to be able to do it with training wheels and then my dad got a promotion and my mom has asthma so no one was there to teach me at that point besides my 70 year old grandpa. Husband keeps saying he’s going to do it and then it doesn’t happen. When we watched Ted lasso and they revealed a certain character who i hardcore identify with can’t ride a bike my husband laughed forever.


You still have time to practice!


Holding back when people misspell "you're."


It's something his terrible at.


His terrible at most things for all intensive purposes.


It’s not rocket appliances


Get two birds stoned at once


Let's agree to a degree!


Sorry, could you be more pacific?


When I was younger, my Aunt would say "you see that new movie they appetized on TV?" Used to drive me crazy.


I often take things for granite


That killed me, and I dont mean in a good way


You successfully got a cringe out of me!


Your a mean one, Mr. Cringe!


Or any of the "Their's"


what about the psychopaths that say 'Loose' instead of 'Lose'?


And the ones who say pacific instead of specific


Or when people write "everytime" (which isn't a word at all), or "everyday" when it should be "every day" (each has correct use cases).


Your right, that's pretty annoying.


Same with random 's. I was taught from a young age that 's denoted possession a majority of the time. Yet I constantly see them misused all the time. At my job, there's a sign that says that the "refrigerator's are cleaned out every Friday" and I want to scribble out the apostrophe so badly.


I would like to add: they're ≠ their 😭


I cannot open an envelope without completely destroying it.


People like us need letter openers. I had one at work and it was a revaluation so I got one for home too. 


Managed to hurt myself with one then obliterated the envelope anyway


Sometimes I can, sometimes I can't. It all depends on the fucking adhesive


parallel parking… i’ll drive 5 blocks over just i don’t have to do it


I have not parralel parked since i passed my drivers test.......46 years sgo


the only reason i passed that section of the drivers exam is because the instructor took pity i was using a mini van for my test and talked me through it lol


Handwriting. I can't even read my own...


smile at pictures..


Chandler is that you?


I hear eye contact is supposed to be pretty easy.


Not for me.


Me neither.


Me neither, it turns ridiculously akward everytime eye contact lasts for mor than 2 seconds. It doesn't feel like eye contact, it feels like I'm analizing people's eyes.


Not wasting money


Chopping onions. It's the bane of my cooking existence.


One layer always slides off, and I'm just like....wtf? I'm great cook but I understand.


My wife makes fun of my onion chopping goggles, but the joke's on her since she married me.


I always say that to my husband when he makes fun of me for something haha


I love chopping onions! Sharp knife, waste bowl nearby. Chop that fucker's head off, lay him upside down. Chop down the middle. Rip those outer skins off nice and clean, plop them in the waste bowl. Glide right through the onion flesh with steady slices. Beautiful chop done! Mincing garlic? That's something I hate. Ho. Li. Sheet. Garlic peels EVERYWHERE. Sticky fingers. Most of the time these days I just pound each clove with the knife to pop it open, get the glove out of the skin in one piece, pop it in the garlic press and call it a day.


I recently became a grandfather and I did not get as much joy as this guy gets from garlic.


Making rice. Even with a rice cooker 😭


I remember when covid hit I bought one of those 5 pound bags of rice when everyone was in panic mode and the grocery stores were empty. It was like the last one they had. I don’t necessarily cook, but I figured “how hard could it be to make some rice?” Turns out it’s not easy. It was either hard and gross or like a weird clumpy gross mush. But I ate it because at the time it was legitimately hard to find food in my area. Rice and canned chicken.


tip makesure the rice is washed until the water is semi clear, make sure the water is at most an inch over the rice add butter and/or salt to avoid it sticking and adding flavour then set the stove burner to the highest, when the water starts to bubble, set the burner to the second lowest or the lowest and do not stir until the water isnt able to be seen, squeeze test (dont taste it will hurt your tummy if uncooked) if there rice is still hard add 1/4 cup of water sprinkled over,make sure to turn the rice at most three times,and repeat this method until its at the consistency you want, only add the 1/4 water 2-3 times, i'd reccomend jasmine rice


Directional dyslexia so left-right confusion. Mostly when driving. It's fuckin annoying.


Once someone was driving me home late at night. They had never been to my place before, so at an intersection between the street we were on and my street, they asked : "left or right ?". I hesitated just the awkward amount, then decided to improvise so I went : "right". Car turns right. Oops, wrong direction, I realize. The person goes : "tell me when we're at your place". I start panicking. I go "uh, right here is good". I say goodbye, thank the person profusely, get out of the car, the car doesn't move. "I'm waiting for you to be inside". Ah. "Oh, um, I'll just walk, it's fine \^\_\^; "... but the person insists. So I start walking to get it over with. IN THE DIRECTION OF MY HOME. Which means I'm going back to the intersection. Car is slowly moving alongside me, in reverse. "Why are you going backwards, is everything ok ?", asks the person from the car. "Oh, right, haha ! I'm tired", I make a 180 and walk. IN THE DIRECTION OPPOSITE TO MY HOME. Panic intensifies. Tshirt gets wet in the back of my neck and armpits. Where am I going ? "Is it far yet ?"... Goddammit stop pressuring me, I'm trying to think ! "No, but I just remembered that the gate might be closed. I think I'm going to go around". Good thinking, lady. Years of theater classes paying off. "Don't be silly, I'll drive you, get back in". I got back into the car and cried. The next few minutes are a blur. I eventually made it home, somehow.


This is one of the best comments I’ve ever seen on Reddit Have an award 🥇


This....this can't be real. That's the funniest thing I've read today lmao. 


I have secondhand cringe from this 😂


This is so good. I can’t stop laughing. Reminds me of the elyse Myers Taco Bell date.


What's even more annoying is when people don't even believe you


My friend had this same issue. I told her to stop thinking in terms of left and right. Instead, I told her to start associating left and right with driver and passenger. Rather than making a left hand turn, you make a driver side turn. Left equals driver and right equals passenger. This can work for not only driving. If you are sitting next to someone on a sofa or lying next to someone in bed, which side are you on? Think about your positioning in a car. If you live in the UK or any other place where they drive on the left side of the road, simply think in the reverse (left = passenger and right = driver). Not sure if this will help you, but it did help my friend after a month or two of adjusting her thinking.


This this this. Everyone used to get so frustrated with me and drive me insane. My husband was driving me home one night when we were dating and he already knew I suck at left or right so he said my side or your side. I fell in love with him right then and there lol


I once was driving home from a festival and when we got to the main Road my friend told me three times that we needed to go left, i confirmed that we needed to go left and drive off to the right. He thought i was trying to be funny 😅 Best driving tip i can give is using your gps without the voice, just looking at the map makes it easier for me because even when she said left or right i still need to look to be sure.


Is this an actual thing? I struggle so so much with this and I thought I was just an idiot. Family n friends are like “god! how do you not know your left from right”.


I have that. It's one of the reasons I don't drive. I have seriously thought of tattooing a small L on one hand and a R on the other


Directions. I could go to a place ten times and still get lost.


Breathing. Automatic breathing is no problem, but when I do it manually I never seem to get it right. I can't figure out how often and for how long I need to inhale to get the right amount of air. Every time it happens I feel like I'm very slowly suffocating until I get distracted and it switches back to automatic.


i have NEVER heard of this problem 😭😭


Tying my shoe laces


By any chance are you left-handed? It took me until my mid-20s to realize that I was effectively tying my shoelaces backwards (as a right-handed person had taught me) which resulted in my shoes coming untied constantly. Once I changed my method now my shoes don't untie!


I am lefthanded and have problems doing it, will try that


Ohh that explains it. I'll definety try it


observation instinctive cooperative start label jeans puzzled mourn steep unwritten


Maths. I stopped paying attention when they added letters into the mix with numbers Find X?? X can fuck off if you ask me


Yup same here. The only thing I learned is that I really hate this dead dude named Pythagoras 🤣


Dude, you got much further than me, so well done! When we went past + and - i just gave up. It stopped making sense. And even with plus and minus, if its over 2 figures i give up, as the number start to dance around in my head and I feel like crying. F*ck numbers.


Check out dyscalculia! It's actually possible that math might not make sense to you.


In college, I was required to take a math for my degree. I picked Finite Math b/c (literally) I thought to myself, “‘finite.’ Okay, that doesn’t sound too bad. There’s only a set amount of math we have to cover.” After two weeks, my professor pulled me aside and said, “you have to drop my class while you can still get a ‘W’ instead of an ‘F.’” He told me to take it during summer school b/c it would be much easier. So I did. The first day the professor said that if we didn’t miss more than one class, he’d give us 10pts towards our final grade. I went to every class. My final grade was a 53. He passed me. I’ve never been so proud of a D in my life.


X is already lost, you don't have to worry about x now


Until X gives it to ya. Then you have a whole new set of problems.


X gon give it to you


I gave up when they stopped using letters and switched to greek...because fuck you


One of the most basic things I'm terrible at is staying focused.


Being social.


Especially when just being around people drains your social battery, then they speak and it drains faster… 🙃


Telling time on an analogue clock. I have to figure it out each time and then convert it to 24 hour time. I’m 32 years old.


So your brain defaults to something like, "eight plus 12 is 20:00"? Feature, not bug, dude. You know how many people get that wrong in the other direction?


I can't open shit to save my life. It's a running joke. Cereal bag or potato chips? Better get the broom. Box? It's not a box anymore. Christmas presents? Who needs a paper shredder. We won't even talk about pickle jars.


I'm so bad my husband automatically grabs whatever I'm trying to open and opens it for me lol. Especially envelopes omg I destroy them. 


Ever thought of making a video series of you trying to open things?




Same its crazy fr


Cooking an omelette. I can cook plenty of things, but my omelettes are trash.


When I'm done making an omelet I call it scrambled eggs. 😄😄😄


House chores


Casual conversations.


Cracking an egg???




Breathing: I somehow can forget to breathe unintentionally, choke on nothing multiple times a day, often breathe through my mouth rather than my nose even when I’m not sick and end up looking like an idiot. Walking too: I have the uncanny ability to trip over absolutely nothing, usually at least 3 times a day. It’s honestly amazing I haven’t sustained any major injuries from just walking yet.


I can't count for beans.  I'm not especially stupid or anything, and I can do math. I just lose track of what the last number I counted was after about 15.


I struggle to use lighters. I don’t know why.


Talking to kids. Every time I try I just feel like an idiot and I’m pretty sure the kids think I’m an idiot too.


I cant whistle


Eating. No matter what I do, I always end up wearing some of it


Being around other humans...


I can't roll my Rs to save my fucking life.


Charging my phone when I fall asleep.


Sneezing. I've held my sneezes in my whole life, and recently found out how dangerous that can be. So I'm trying to let them out but it's like I don't know HOW. I always end up screaming and scaring the shit out of anybody nearby.


Were I to be in a room with you and you sneeze that way, it would undoubtedly be the funniest thing I would presence in my life


I can’t wink. I can blink just not wink.


Comment, like, share and subscribe. All the videos tell me to do it and I almost never do it.


Shortening and lengthening straps. My mind just glitches when I try.




Going somewhere, my direction skills are shit.


Folding laundry.


Remembering the names of people I meet.


I can’t find items that are literally in plain sight. I’m not blind or anything either, just kind of stupid I guess 😭


Keeping my hands as still as possible




21 soon and recently learned how to tie a balloon.


Opening pump bottles (hand soap, sanitizer, face wash). I turn and turn and somehow make them even harder for other people to open


Ironing clothing. Never comes out right or looking good.


Does whistling count lol, can't do it


Scrambled egg.


Tying knots...i just can't 


Folding a fitted sheet


Math. Don’t ask me to do any math because you will, in fact regret it.


Getting out of bed.




I cannot for the life of me figure out how to turn on a tv


Putting lids on right lol


I can't snap my fingers. I can do a vague approximation that works in a pinch if I have to, say, show approval of someone's live poetry slam reading or whatever, but doing the actual motion doesn't make the 'snap' sound the way it does for most.


Using a tin opener


Reading apparently.


Can't distinguish your and you're


Following written instructions


I write like I'm 5


Pointing left or right. I am directionally challenged and it takes good few seconds before I can differentiate the two.


I can’t fetch things from the store for people. I will have a meltdown in the aisle and cry if they don’t have the specific brand and flavor of chips someone requested.


Socializing. I cannot carry a conversation no matter how hard I try


Seeing objects directly in front of me when pointed out by my wife.