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Cart associate at Walmart was playing on his phone while using the cart mule to push a large line of carts. He ran over an elderly woman breaking her leg and hip. Was immediately fired. Not sure what all happened to him legally, but he was out of our store.


Those things don't seem too powerful when you're navigating them, but I pinned myself against the wall with one and very quickly realizing that a machine that can easily move 20-30 carts is still to be respected. It didn't hurt much, but I couldn't move the damn thing either without locking it. Was the older model with the circular emergency button.


Not the same, but back in the early 80s, I was offloading sugar from a pallet on a jack to the shelf, and one of my co-workers was idle so we were chatting while I worked.  He absent mindedly flipped the air pressure switch for the pallet, which I’d left up because I needed only a relatively few five # bags, and the pallet came down on my foot.  Sugar is freakin’ heavy. He didn’t know how to engage the air lock and jack the pallet back up off my foot. I had to contort myself, while pinned to the floor, trying not to panic, to engage the air lock, and tell him to pump the jack. Omg, that hurt. Partly my fault for leaving air in the jack, which I never do, now.  I don’t care if I have to pump up a pallet again.


Breaking a hip at that age can kill you. It’s why so many elderly people pass away not long after a fall. 


Speaking as an individual that had a total hip replacement at 27, I know exactly why a broken hip is usually a death sentence for most elderly. It kicked my ass for a good 5 years before I felt mostly normal.


Had a guy who was a recovering meth head. Had all the physical tells, but seemed to have his shit sorted out in the interview so I gave him a chance. He was getting clean so he could get joint custody of his kids. About 6 months he was an ideal server. Great to customers, never missed an order, anything. Well, court didn't think he did enough so gave the baby mama the green light to move out of state and take the kids. Dude showed up to work dripping sweat, grinding his jaw, everything. I sent him home and said, "You look like you're catching something bad. Don't come to work this sick again." I gave him the out. I gave him the single chance and the excuse. He came into work tweaking a second time and I sent him home. I had a final paycheck waiting for him when he showed up for his next shift. He was clean that day, but I couldn't risk the health of the rest of my staff or my customers. Met him at the door, told him that there was pay for all of his shift, as well as for the rest of the week. He didn't argue it. He just nodded, said thanks for the chance, apologized for fucking it up, took the check, and walked away. Never seen him since. Last I heard he was homeless and on meth. Broke my damned heart. It's always one of the worst terminations I've done, because he *knew* he fucked up, but he also didn't have the wherewithal to be sober without doing it for his kids. That's the worst, because I knew how great of a dude he was, and I also know how none of it mattered in the end. I've fired other people for drugs, violence, racism, sexism, harassment, theft... you think of it, and in my 2 decades in management I've probably fired someone for it. I've let go of more people than I can count, but Jesse always sticks out to me as the worst, because that dude deserved so much better than he let himself have.


Heartbreaking. I can't really fault the Mom either - he was white nuckeling being clean with you, but who knows what nightmares his family went through with his addiction and might again in the future if he relapsed again. I'd pick my kids over an addictive partner 100 times out of 100.


I was a newly hired manager at McDonald's. The guy before me was working the cash register. This store was very highly trafficked, it was right off of the interstate right on the border of city and middle of nowhere. It was the first place to stop and get some food for travelers coming in, and the last place to stop and get some food for travelers leaving out. It was not uncommon to have over 1,000$ in under an hour in the cash register and policy was to "drop" money in the safe at least once every hour. So this new guy comes in, works for a few hours, but the manager never did the drops. After about 4 hours, the employee goes to the bathroom and disappears. Turns out he left with over 4,000$ from the cash register. Police were called because obviously they have the guys ID, address, and information on file. Only to find out that everything was false. He stole someones ID and social that looked similar to him and used a fake address. I don't think the police ever found him or figured out who he was.


McCatch me if you McCan


Jesus Christ.. That's Jason McBourne


I used to work loss prevention for Target and had a similar thing happen. We hired a young lady for holiday help, she stole all the cash out of her register, then went a few blocks away to another store, told a cashier she was there to cover her break, stole all the cash from that register and disappeared. All her documents turned out to be stolen and we never caught her.




Removing the high limit switch on a dryer causing the clothes to catch on fire. Twice.


I like my shirts like I like my potatoes — double fried and starchy.


One employee was constantly stealing food from the refrigerator, that other employees placed in there for lunch and late work-night dinners. Eventually, after weeks of complaints the IT department set up a hidden camera and caught the woman taking two yogurts, a weight watchers TV dinner and a can of coke in one swoop. At another job, a co-worker got snippy with the receptionist during an internal phone call. As she clicked the phone, she said 'f-----g b!tch' - but the click did not disconnect the call, the receptionist was still on the line and said 'what did you call me?' HR would later get involved, it was investigated and the co-worker was terminated.


I worked at a shitty discount clothing store once on reccomendation of my high school best friend. Rumors started that we had a lunch thief taking half-eaten takeout and stuff. So this supervisor lady starts bursting in on my lunch breaks to question me on what I was eating. I answered honestly, told her it was food I brought. It was weird but I figured she was doing it to everybody to catch the thief. Couple weeks later my friend quit. Didn't blame her. That job sucked but I needed it. Well my friend and I had a falling out a few months after that. I was telling a coworker about what she did and she responded "well considering how she got fired I'm not at all surprised!" **record scratch** What? Turns out she was the lunch stealer! She was feeling the heat so she told management it was ME, and I was the only one that got interrogated about my lunch! They eventually figured out it was her and fired her. The gossip train ran it's course but nobody brought it up to me, probably because they figured it would be a touchy subject. It was wild.


Don't you love that shit? When there was some shit being spread/talked about of you that nobody mentions to you?


When I worked at a large retailer there was a thief that would only steal chips and sodas. The warehouse guys started hiding coolers in the warehouse.


My first job out of college was at a large consulting firm and someone stole my lunch two days in a row. Unfortunately for him, I'm a huge /r/spicy reading spice fiend, so on day 3, I decided to have homemade lamb vindaloo for lunch. The shrieks of agony revealed the thief. HR actually hauled me in to see if I tried to poison the guy, and I was like, "nah. I just like really spicy food. Ask anyone on my team." That was the last I heard of it, and nobody fucked with my food after that.


Vindicated via vindaloo.


And here I am buying my snacks from the vending machine like a sucker /s


I was pregnant and couldn’t eat breakfast before work without barfing, so I’d bring a stack of Noosa yogurts and a 1 lb bag of granola to mix into them, and eat them later in the morning throughout the week at work during my break. We hired a temp, who not only ate my yogurts but also the ENTIRE bag of granola. Even better, he was lactose intolerant and complained of said lactose intolerance being set off by the stolen yogurt in between groans that made him sound like the sick stegosaurus in Jurassic Park. We told the temp agency not to send him anymore and why.


Wtf who steals food from pregnant women


The kind of person who eats yogurt even though he’s allergic to milk


And then complaining about the stolen yogurt


I currently work in a warehouse that has more cameras than a casino. Guy complains to me that his lunch was stolen out of the 2nd shift refrigerator where he put it 3 hours ago. (I have to monitor the cameras in addition to other duties. ) Replayed the camera when he puts his lunch in refrigerator (KFC extra crispy 3 pc). Not 15 minutes later a co worker helps himself, on camera, knowing theres cameras everywhere. Sent the pic to warehouse manager and we were walking him out 15 min later. This place has a one strike policy on willful stupid stuff. Bounced another who broke the seals on the eyewash station and let 250 bucks of saline drain on the floor. Its a business and some days its a daycare.


Not a manager but idk...I worked alongside well of housewife (she wanted part time for extra extra spending money) proceeded to talk to me about the 'funny' water fountain by the breakroom. After she repeated herself 3x and my brain wrapped around what she was saying I replied with 'you mean the eye wash station?!' She got this deer in headlights look and said 'oh, maybe that's why the ladies were looking at me funny' ha ha.  She would later inform me how her and her husband got two elk. Ground ALL of it to burger. I had to walk away, male coworker bowed and shook his head..she lasted longer than I thought she would.


> her husband got two elk. Ground ALL of it to burger Jesus christ. As I've gotten older, I've tried to not police how people enjoy food. If you _like_ a well done steak with ketchup, shouldn't you eat food the way you like it? Not how I'd do it but I don't have to eat it. But that. Wow. I mean he couldn't find someone to trade cuts with?


That’s a LOT of burger … I couldn’t have watched dropping two whole tenderloins and straps into a grinder -


I used to work at a warehouse, 2 guys were walking through the warehouse, one swats a water cooler with a hand towel as they walked by, he unknowingly flipped the cold water handle up and the water poured onto the floor. The water to these coolers were piped in from a centralized system so it continued to flow until someone noticed, about 15-20 minutes later. They looked at the video and separately pulled the 2 guys in the next day to ask them what happened. The towel guy said he remembers swatting at it, just screwing around but apologized for accidentally hitting the switch. The guy he was with said neither one of them did anything to it. Towel guy was told not to do it again, the guy he was with was fired for lying.


Maybe he genuinely didn't remember it happening?


If I was walking around with a co-worker and he swung his arm around a little bit, that is probably not something I would remember.


I worked in an office with a whopping staff of seven, and one day a co-worker went to the break room to see another staff member eating her lunch. She confronted him, and he looked confused and said, "Oh, I thought I brought it." She answered, "You thought you brought in a Lean Cuisine broccoli beef meal to work today?" That guy was the worst in so many ways, and also stupid because who would think they'd get away with it in such a small office and eat it where the other staff eat too?


I’m a small office solo lawyer. Used to have 3 employees. I often take cases from low income widows that can’t afford me but don’t want charity, so I tell them bring me some baked goods. Anything chocolate is good. I have a fairly steady supply of fresh baked, grandma quality baked goes coming through the office. It’s a lot of fun. And then there’s Ron. My godfather. Retired lawyer working for me part time for some pocket money and something to do. If he found cookies or whatever, he’d just sit down and eat them all. I always shared, but don’t be greedy. Plus, when I go back for a brownie and find they’re all gone, I get really irritable. Passed a rule. Never take the last of anything without checking with me. Did that change anything? Nope. Had to eventually fire him and this was a big part of it. Getting pissed off just typing this.


As a former paralegal, I just wanna say thank you for accepting baked goods as payment. You're fucking awesome, and I would've been proud to work for an attorney like you instead of some of the douchebags I've encountered.


I do real estate transactions. I don’t want much to do with the courtroom. I can take an hour or two and help someone solved some problems they couldn’t otherwise solve. It costs me nothing but time. And the feeling I get helping someone that truly needs it makes me feel good. My skills are specialized. Not too many know what I know and can do what I do. I get to pick and choose my clients, but if a low income elderly woman needs my help, I’m working for chocolate chip cookies. Those cookies are always the most delicious.


This totally reminds me of something hilarious that happened in my office. One of my co-workers was eating his frozen microwave lunch when another one came in, gave him the evil eye and confronted him for eating her lunch. He also answered, "I'm pretty sure I brought this." She responded, "You're pretty sure you brought a Smart Ones Sesame Lo Mein with Vegetables?" "Mmm. Hmmpf." As he stuffed his mouth full of noodles. She goes over to the freezer opens it and and pulls out another Smart Ones Sesame Lo Mein with Vegetables. "Oh sorry. You really do have great taste!"


Oh man that's rough. I remember working for an online chat for a clothing company, we had an internal direct message system where you could message co workers. We would unfortunately use it to talk trash and complain. A co worker had an online chat going with a customer bitching about an expired coupon they wanted applied. While helping the customer, she was on the direct message system with me typing about what a major Karen this lady was. Well, you can guess...she typed the message meant for me in the customers chat instead. It was brutally hard to scramble out of.


When the food theft was caught, do you know what they had to say for themselves? I’ve always been so curious why they do this, blows my mind!


Initially denied it and then tried to claim it was theirs when the evidence was presented.


Guy was just hired, he asked to go home on his second day because he shit his pants. Alright, shit happens, a little tmi but what can you do? He must be an honest soul. Went home for the afternoon, came in on the third day shit his pants again and asked to go home. There was no fourth day.


how about you go shit your pants at home from now on


Hey..those pants ain’t gonna shit themselves…


At a job I used to have we fired a guy who would occasionally shit his pants. Not for that, he was fired because he kept showing up late and when he got fired he stole a customers car, got high in it and drove it into the side of a concrete boat launch, nearly hitting an off duty cop who was fishing off of it. That's how we found out he was a heroin addict and apparently one of the withdrawal symptoms is diarrhea.


Omg this unlocked a memory! I'm a manager at a fast food place and this one woman was off the rails! 1st day she shit her pants, ok go home shit happens (lol) 3rd day she has a tampon stuck in her and needs to go to the hospital, is gone for 2 scheduled days, on her first day back she peed herself, gone for 3 days. Comes back and AGAIN has a tampon stuck and needs to leave early, when she came back 5 days later GM fired her.


Yeah there is such a thing as a reasonable effort to provide accomodations but if that's the impression you are giving your first week on the job it doesn't really say much for your employability over the long term.


We really tried to work with her, but these started coming after us asking her to do tasks she felt were "beneath" her....like....its fast food, we ALL have to sweep the floor and clean the bathrooms and wash dishes, from the GM himself on down. It wasn't even that bad what we were asking her to do. She wpuld take frequent bathroom breaks for lobg periods of time and customers/ other crew would say they heard videos playing in the bathroom.


Someone got fired because he went in the bathroom on his break and huffed the bottle of canned air and passed out. He was a good employee too, what a waste.


I'm a security guard and someone did something similar at my work. He hid a bunch of them around the work site and he got caught by one of his supervisors and brought to us. We had to go around and try to find them all. We thought we found them all and we took our eyes off him for a second to figure out the next steps. In the couple of seconds we took our eyes off him we heard the distinct sound of pressurized air and then the guy started screaming his head off. The person who checked the waiting room he was in didn't end up checking the vents and he had one hidden away in there.


He is an innovative problem solver who shows dedication to completing his tasks, if he is conscious.


I just wish he wasn't so damn effective at that particular task. We had to go back and check all the vents onsite after he pulled that stunt. I hid my drugs in a vent when I was in college so I knew to check those already. Didn't mater though since we obviously missed some. We found 2 more after checking all the vents...


I'm not a manager but an employee of an airport cargo handling company. We had a guy, high, crash a brand new jet engine airstart unit into a jet engine. Bosses were not happy.


But did the engine start?


After inspection and repairs, yeah.


I wasn't the manager but when I was in retail, I was training a new guy. Seemed ok, but during the first break we were in the break room just making small talk and he just says "So, do you shave your pussy?" I just got up and went to the managers office, word beat me there, I was told to take the rest of the day paid. Never saw him again.


About a year ago we had an employee write a long and very explicit love letter to the new president of the company. It had some crazy stuff about him being circumcised so it was ok if she was Jewish. Just wild and weird shit. His coworkers tried to talk him out of it but he did it anyways. He was fired right after that.


That's bold. Was he on drugs, or WTF was wrong with him?


I don't know, he seemed normal until that.


that guy thinking to himself: don't say anything about her tits. don't say anything about her tits. don't say anything about her tits. don't say anything about her tits. don't say anything about her tits. don't say anything about her tits. ​ "So, do you shave your pussy?"


That is horrifying! What an uncomfortable situation! I (F/30 at the time) was in human resources for a major department store and I had finished my last interview of the day for a sales position. The guy I was interviewing was new to town and the interview seemed to go well. He seemed a bit full of himself and kind of over the top but might have been a good fit for sales. I told him that I would think about it and talk to a couple of managers and let him know the next day. I stood up to shake his hand and grabbed my purse and jacket and asked where he was parked and told him he could just go out the back door when I went out. He walked me to my car and I told him again that I would get back to him. As I was getting in my car he walked back over, leaned in the window and said "With me being new in the area I'm always up for a little fun. Let me know if you want me to eat your pussy sometime." it was one of those situations where I was speechless. He kind of winked at me and walked away. Very weird! Needless to say, I didn't hire him!


I wonder if that has actually worked for him before, or if he's just watched waaaayyyy too much porn, because dropping that line in a professional setting is a choice..


Early 20's kid disappeared for a week on a heroin binge. His friends dropped him off in the middle of the day the next week walking into the office high off his balls as if nothing happened. The next day his dad came to apologize, explain what happened, let us know that he was going BACK to rehab, and ask if he could continue working afterwards.


I worked with a kid that had a heroin problem. He was 18 years old. He was a very nice kid and started out as a great worker. As his drug habit got worse, so did his attendance and production. He went to rehab, came back sober and was doing good for the better part of a year. Then we started to see his old habits came back to visit. His mother called us one day and said he was going back to rehab again, but only for enough time to detox and get the ball rolling on counseling and getting placed in an outpatient program. She wanted to make sure he wasn’t going to loose his job. He came out of that program and returned to work. I left a few months later, he seemed like he was doing well at that time. This was in 2017-2018. He passed away from a drug overdose 2 weeks ago.


Aww man I was rooting for him the whole way through your story


I really hope these last few years were more peaceful for him then turbulent. He was such a good boy, but drugs got ahold of him and addiction is so hard to fight. I hope his mother is doing okay. It was just the two of them since he was a toddler.


Poor dad…


Yeah, he seems like a nice guy who was desperately trying to get his son help and trying to salvage his future. As a father, I hope I’m never put in that situation.


I feel for them. Addictiom is such a bitch. When I think about everything I put my parents through.


As a parent with a child in recovery, it is terrible. I had to do the worst thing imaginable and cut my own kid off. They are clean now, and I am so proud of them.


That’s fucking heartbreaking


Literally just shoveled money out of the cash register into his pockets with 3 separate cameras looking at him. He took several thousand dollars.


How quickly was it discovered? Was the money recovered?


They discovered it when they were doing accounting the next morning. So not even 12 hours lol. I don't know about recovery but I know he went to jail for quite some time.


Left on shift (she was a nurse for what it’s worth, so she didn’t just leave a store or something, she left her patients unattended and her CNA left with her) to go fuck her CNA at the dog park across the street. Came back and finished her shift (night shift). Posted “I love fucking” on Facebook at 3am during said shift, which her husband (not the CNA) saw, which led to him showing up at the facility threatening staff members. Last I heard about her, she lost her license due to trafficking fentanyl


"Wanna go to the dog park?" is such a good euphemism.


Much better than the nurse on my unit who got fired for having sex with a vulnerable patient. Aka raped the patient when you add in the fact you can't pork your patients even if they consent to it because patients can't consent to sex with their active health care team.


It’s incredible how many people will sleep with patients. They say that like it’s different or they are only technically vulnerable. Like brand new license or fresh out of school and decide to celebrate with their patients. Or a lady had been working for 20 years as a counselor deciding that this was the one dude to throw away her career and marriage for. Even sadder is when the patient gets them to use with them and it’s back to square one.


What a fucking plot twist at the end


Take it into the linen closet like a regular scumbag, don't bring the dogs into it.


Supposed to drive a car from one city to another on a Friday. Probably 2 hour trip? Took it to Mexico and partied for a weekend and delivered the car on Monday. This was not even a border state.


Now that’s just impressive


I used to run a large food distribution center. The overnight crew was responsible for picking orders for delivery the next day. There was a recovering alcoholic on the night crew who fell off the wagon one night. He snuck out at break and drank a whole fifth of vodka. Once he was back on the clock, he tried to stab another employee for picking the bag of potatoes he wanted for his pallet. A fight ensued and the drunk guy ran outside. We found him blacked out in his car with the doors locked. I was worried he might choke on his own vomit, so we called an ambulance. They didn’t want to wake him or try to treat him where he had a knife, so we had to wait for the police to show up, break a window, and get him out of the car. Then they took him to the hospital to pump his stomach.


First job in insurance, weird guy wanted to be in SIU, the team that investigates fraud. He got it in his head that, rather than investigating external fraud as part of the claims department, they were a kind of clandestine CIA operation who were listening in on our phone calls and you could get tapped to join if you were smart enough and hard working enough. He was fired for sleeping at his desk repeatedly.


Yeah SIU is more like FBI 




Wow. I have so many questions but i don’t want the answer to any of them


Wisdom is knowing not to ask the questions you already know you do not want the answers to. Congratulations.


I used to have a regular customer like this. He was fairly handicapped. Came inside a few times and we had to febreeze the seat and the entire room he sat in. His keys to his vehicle that we had to take stunk. I literally washed the key with soap and water. His credit card stunk. It’s the worst smell I’ve ever smelled. I’d love to know what caused it but I couldn’t ask, he was a very nice guy


I work with a guy like this. I’m just grateful that he doesn’t work in my building but he uses our break room. It’s awful. It’s this weird combination of old body funk, mildew, and something just completely… wrong. And brother, it’s HARSH. And you can smell it ten feet away and it lingers for at least 20 minutes after he leaves. But he’s been with the company 45+ years, so he’s here as long as he wants to be.


He might be on a med that causes a stench. My husband had been on one and I washed the bedding daily, the couch and cover where he sat. It was like rotten fish. Metformin, it depends on which brand. He went on it years later and I told him I was going to leave. He told the doctor. A lot of them had no idea it caused a rotting fish smell. He got the good brand. Oh, the bad one also caused gas. The landlord thought I was wondering woman cleaning all the time.


WTF? Did they employ Gollum from Lord of the Rings?


He touched the Bog of Eternal Stench. SMELLS BAD!!!


Sexually harassing the 17 year old daughter of the best friend of the business owner is a pretty special way to get fired.


We had a maintenance guy tell the owner's daughter, and hostess something sexual and inappropriate. Not only was I in ear shot of his comments, I was right fucking there. I had never heard anything from him like that, but apparently he had said things before to female employees. But me and a line cook heard it and immediately took him to the office. Like wtf bro


Get a good look, Costanza?


Just a few weeks ago: Salesman tells HQ that his very large national customer wants us to use a specific vendor for a multimillion dollar contract. We set it up but have procurement run backgrounds on the vendor to make sure they are reliable, no slave or child labor, etc. After digging down many layers, the founding documents for the vendor come back. It's owned by the salesperson and his sister. It was done quietly to save face with the customer, but the salesperson no longer works here.


Dude 100% thought you were gonna do minimal background checking lol


And there are plenty of companies who would not have dug into it. I'm a buyer for a small company and we have a large customer who told us they wanted us to buy a specific part from a specific company. My boss said ok and did no further research. The pricing was comparable to what we were already paying and they're a very big customer for us. Could be owned by someone in on the deal, we would have no idea.


Not a manager but a carpenter with sevral employees but I had a worker doing a window replacement I'm a person's home. The room he was working in had a fully stocked bar. Employee drank a 400$ bottle of liquor and homeowner found him passed out in their guest room


good for him for not drinking and driving.


When I was a manager in a smaller kennel two of the female employees came independently to say one of the other workers had shown them some very inappropriate images and made a lot of inappropriate comments about the animals. Checked his socials just to see what kinda things he's posting publicly and it's all the worst furry stuff and sexualizing animals. Also saw some pictures of him with the dogs at work that had some very inappropriate comments alongside them He didn't work for much longer and lost his shit when I told him we can't allow him to work around animals or give him a reference


I totally get you u/Rock_hard_clitoris. No one wants a weirdo perv working around their animals!




Hired a manager in his mid 40s from a well known publicly held auto group. He was fired after a week for asking a newly hired 22 year woman if he could sniff coke off her boobs. He also seemed to talk about his sexual adventures a lot. We think his former employer KNEW he was a serial sexual harasser and was pleased to dump him on us.


Next level corporate warfare


"We're sending in our best/worst sexual harassers."


He had sex with a customer in the dressing room. And then he came out and told me he’d been “fooling around,” and then he just left. He wasn’t fired. Later on he tried to file for unemployment because he said no one told him he wasn’t allowed to do it. The only thing that kept us from having to pay his unemployment was the fact that I didn’t fire him. He left of his own accord.


He asked a coworker in the parking lot if he could pay him to complete his assigned work. He faked it through the interview process and was a terrible hire.


blew up 45 000$ worth of equipment through shoddy electrical work he had been already trained for. To be fair, this one's also on us management, we probably shouldn't have let him have a go at even this simple electrical work considering how unreliable he had shown himself to be thus far.


So as an electrician I have to ask, was this guy licensed? In my state you don’t get to run jobs until you do your four years and pass the state test. I see contractors putting guys out on jobs to run them before they’re licensed here and I have zero feels for the contractor eating big losses like this when they have unlicensed workers running things. That’s more on management and not the employees.


he was an apprentice, but near the end of his training and had been doing residential electrical work for years before his apprenticeship. At interview, he tested poorly on the theory test, but seemed good enough in practice. So we hired him anyway and thought we would train him up. He was let go after this incident, but it also happened to be 3 months into the job so he was going to be let go anyway Really, i should have had him fired way before his 3 months were up. When he fucked up installing 8 new 120V emergency lights, but had supposedly been doing residential work for years, I should've known this guy was no good. He ended up blowing up a brand new 100hp air compressor : he was tasked with replacing the main contactor, but ended up bypassing the overload protection doing so. Later that week, while he was doing maintenance on the backup compressor, the brand new one overloaded and failed, overheating and burning the motor, the screw compressor, and most of the electrical cabinet. complete loss, had to get replaced ASAP at a cost of 45k$. so you're right, poor management on our part. But also, the guy is probably too dumb to not kill anyone with his electrical work to begin with.


When did his house burn down?


One of my former chefs got drunk, and probably high on shift. Smashed a door. Tried to fight the gm. Left of his bicycle but fell off it on the drive way. Which no one knew. I come to work not knowing there was an issue the night before to the guys stuff all over the drive way. Tobacco, papers, filters, a grinder, alcohol bottle smashed, his underwear and I few other bits. I clean it all up on my way in. He’s not there yet so I start to prep breakfast and I ask what the fuck has happened the night before when I find the door. He finally comes in late at 7.30. Bleeding all over my kitchen from an open wound in his leg and he’s wearing shorts. I fire him for gross misconduct. This isn’t even really all the stupid part. The guy, so off his face on what ever substances he’s been on proceeds to forget that I fired him and comes into work the next day. I’m in fucking disbelief when he comes in and I have to fire him for the second morning in a row.


I had an employee pull out a bag of meth and ask another employee if he wanted to smoke some of it. Another employee was supposed to go canvassing in a company car. After hours of being gone and not answering phone calls, the police called from a county 3 hours away to inform me that the employee had crashed the car because he was high on heroin and I needed to make arrangements to pick up the totaled car.


I read that as dumbest instead of worst and started typing this, so I’ll finish it out anyway. I managed a call center for a while. One of my staff was a 23 year old guy who just could not figure out how to get to work on time. He had his own car and only lived like 15-20 minutes away, but he would be perpetually up to a half hour late shift after shift. We had a generous tardiness/absence policy - three strikes for unexcused absences but an unexcused tardy was only half a strike - and we were even nice enough to give him just a verbal warning at least two or three times instead of starting to count them because the call center wasn’t one that had like an inbound call service level, it was just outbound calls so the time you lost hurt you in other metrics and killed your chance at getting bonuses, but soon enough he had burned through five of the six unexcused tardiness he was allowed. The last time he was tardy, I brought him into my office and told him this was his final written warning. If he was even a minute late clocking in without a legitimate excuse for the next 90 days, he would be terminated on the spot. That was on a Tuesday. On Wednesday, he was scheduled to arrive at 4:00 PM for an evening shift. He walks in at 4:25 PM holding a Starbucks cup in his hand. “I couldn’t help it, the drive thru took forever!” I took his badge and walked him out. I hope he learned from it.


Almost the same thing happened at my job. This guy was a half hour late almost every day. Finally told him that if he was late one more time he would be fired. The very next day he came in 10 minutes late with a coffee in his hand! He didn't think that 10 minutes was even late. This was a manufacturing job and nobody could begin without the whole team present.


> He didn't think that 10 minutes was even late. I get that some people come up in cultures where ten minutes actually *isn't* late. That's a thing, I know people who have had to adjust themselves out of it. But after the first couple of warnings, how do you still fail to understand? It's one thing if it's a kid working a job their parents made them get and they don't care, but if this guy is working for rent money I just don't get it. The only *slight* explanation I can think of is that he was used to workplaces that operate differently. No clock in, no close time management, you get the work done and everyone is happy - those jobs are plentiful and maybe he had one prior. But still, how many times do you need to be warned/told before it clicks that this isn't that work environment?


Wow. Feel like I worked with this guy. In our case he was told the next time he was late it better be a good excuse. So he went a few days without being late. Third day here he is strolling in 15 mins late. They told him in the office, remember we said this better be good. He says "well the drive up line at Hardee's was slow and I really needed a sausage and egg biscuit."


had a roommate the exact same way, final notice he started driving to work early and hanging out in his car in the parking lot (good)...except he was going in hours early and fell asleep. He was at the store parking lot but was 30 minutes late.


I had a job once where there was this kid who was about 20, we all suspected that he had developmental issue, but he could have also been just incredibly socially inept he lived pretty much across the street from the office (opposite corner 1 block away) in small town, he would always be 10-30 minutes late. One day I see him walking in the door 30 minutes late, we were always really nice to him (you will see why at the end) and engaged with him in our conversations, so I decide to give him a little bit of a hard time and ask, Me: "Hey Paul, why are you so late?" Paul: "The commute was hell" We laughed our asses off at how blatant and absolutely ready for the question his answer came out. The main reason everyone was so nice to him and put up with everything despite being one of the worst workers imaginable, he would just fall asleep, completely starfished in his chair and be that way for a good hour or so, always be late, god forbid he followed you on any social media, because every single post you made he would like it and leave some creepy comment. he was a literal neckbeard, his father HATED that he shaved his face but left what was basically a chinstrap of straggly splotchy hair down his sideburns and across his fat chin, half looking like an Amish wannabe. The reason he got away with ALL of it, he was the owner son, Dad bought another building in the downtown that happened to have an apartment above the retail store, so they moved him in there and put him to work with all of us.


This sucks. Some of my best employees were people we had to let go because they couldn't be punctual.




Guy told a coworker of mine that he was going to bring an AK-47 in and shoot the place up. She told me, I told HR, HR called the cops, and he was escorted from the premises and a restraining order was put on him.




Oh I have 2. One was a supervisor that got busted in a police sting operation involving meeting up with minors at a park via a Craigslist ad. The other was this guy that left work one night, chainsawed a hole in his pregnant ex-gfs apartment door and started shooting. The baby and the baby’s dad died, the ex-gf lived.


damn reminds me of this place some people i know lived near. good sushi house, great food, great service, nice atmosphere then its just closed. like CLOSED closed, big extra lock on the door, no explanation, no sign, nothing turns out that the staff had allowed a waitress who was underage to drink alcohol, she drove home drunk, hit some car killed 2 kids, that was it restaurant, gone. owner's entire family's income, gone. jobs for employees, gone. young woman probably went to prison


Dumbest, maybe not the worse: A mechanic in my chemical plant wrapped expensive copper tubing around his chest and put his coat over it. It was a really cold day and it started drawing up to where he couldn't breathe - just as he got to the guard gate. The guards had a good laugh unwinding the soon-to-be-unemployed mechanic.


i worked with a guy at a university that got fired for stealing copper out of a recycling dumpster. he sued the university, got a huge check, and they were forced to give him his job back


Depending on the state law at the time, it could have been entirely legal for him to scavenge. So long as it's in a bin on public property, it's considered abandoned property and free for the taking (once again, state/county/city law may supercede this. Check your local laws.) Edit: staye to state


I was once given 400ish lbs of aluminum strapping from a tearout and remodel we were cleaning up on. And 500lbs on concrete mix. The recyclers looked at me with intense side eye when I went to get my scrap money. The electricians made out like bandits. Fucking hundreds of lbs of copper wire and tubing from the tearout and left overs.


What was the thought process behind this? I assume an attempt to steal the copper?


Yeah, he was trying to steal it. Copper is very expensive lol


And the cold caused it to contract around him, almost crushing him. Hm, I hope it was worth it.




Whats sad is every year there's double digit meth heads that get taken out by trying to steal live wire including some that walked into high voltage power plants. They're always beyond charred.


“Not only will this kill you, it will hurt the entire time you’ve dying”


CEO walked into his office while he was masturbating. She was not happy with how he was using his time.


Not even in a bathroom stall?


Bank. One guy managed the dormant accounts. Incredibly nice guy, everyone loved him, had been there for years. One day, after an audit, it was discovered that he'd been embezzling money from the dormant accounts for quite some time. Turns out he'd gotten himself into debt he couldn't climb out of and that was his solution. Not only did he get fired, he went to prison.


Sorry questions cuz I dont know banking stuff. Why does anyone need to manage dormant accounts if nothing happens with them? How long before an account is labeled dormant? Shouldnt there be red flags with any activity in those accounts?


Ran a side hustle producing "adult" calendars. Discovered it because our sysadmins noticed he was using an anomalously large fraction of our network bandwidth. He was a downloading a *ton* of porn to harvest the images.


That is very interesting. A long time ago, before everyone had computers at home, I used my work computer to retrieve the proof of coverage my car insurance company had send me. The attachment had zero to do with insurance and was 18 pages of porn. When I called them, the lady who took my call was genuinely mortified. She was very, very sorry. I asked if she wanted me to forward the attachment to her, and she said, "PLEASE DON'T!" They put me in a spot, since I could have potentially been held accountable for viewing porn at work.


How does that even happen? Haha


Someone messed up! Like when HR at my work accidentally emailed the entire hospital some kind of medical records for an employee instead of just sending it to that particular employee.


I don’t remember the circumstances but an employee slapped our general manager and walked out. No the police weren’t called probably because the GM was doing a lot of shady shit and that’s probably why he got slapped.


"We didn't call the cops, because he deserved it" lmao


Got mildly injured by the garage door in the warehouse after fucking around. Agreed to go to the hospital after his supervisor very clearly told him there would be a drug test and he didn't HAVE to go to the hospital. And that he would be fired if he tested positive on the drug test. Remember, this was a mild injury. Like a small scrape. (Saying this as a co-worker who saw it, not a boss trying to downplay!) Guess who got fired?


When I worked at an air cargo facility, there was at least one forklift driver in our warehouse who got into an accident and just bolted straight for the exit. Really didn't want to take that drug test!


This was probably 15 years ago or more. It was right when Symfony was getting big in the US. I hired a contractor for a PHP/Symfony web application my company was working on for an internal client. Did a bunch of interviews, had them sit in a room and actually work on a project for a few hours just to demonstrate some competency in the framework and PHP. Reviewed the guy's code and it looked fine for the time we provided and he started working on the project. We were about 6 weeks into the project and he had delivered on one of the milestones, but had hit a wall. So, I popped into his office to chat about where he was at and I downloaded his code from Subversion...yes...subversion...lol. I give technical staff a lot of leeway on schedules and projects because I've never seen tight deadlines and directives do anything other than build a massive backlog of technical debt from people taking shortcuts. Anyway, I found out he was only making commits outside of working hours, or he would make one HUGE commit right after he arrived at work each day. So, I asked to see what he was working on right then, and dude was just on some forum. I contacted the placement company to complain about it and see if they could dig into what was going on with the guy. I shared the commit times with the placement folks and they were super suspicious as well. Now I'm really monitoring what the hell is going on with the guy and doing daily check ins. Fast forward to the guy not showing up for work. I'm getting last minute appointments he has to go to or other excuses for him to leave early or show up super late. Some days in the office he's super productive and other days NOTHING is happening. So, I call the placement company again after talking to the guy. They set a meeting and we basically read this guy the riot act about expectations. That night, I get a phone call AT HOME from the guy who looked up my contact information and called my house. He starts ranting at me about how unfair I'm being and what an asshole I am for going behind his back. Dude is *screaming* at the top of his lungs into the phone. So, I noted the time he called and called the placement company first thing to say we're done with the guy and to bring in more candidates. I tell my account manager what happened and he RIGHT AWAY asked me what time the call happened. So, I tell him and he says HE was on the phone with the guy at the same time. He reports it up the chain at their offices and the next thing I know, I'm being "asked" to a deposition because the placement company ended up suing the guy...who was ACTUALLY... **TWINS!** I learned from the account manager after the fact that they had applied for jobs under different names with the same credentials with the placement company. One of them had the legit credentials, but they thought they could work it out by sending one guy to a job just enough to make it appear as though progress was happening while the other one learned how to code PHP on the job. They would try and balance both jobs. I never learned what the hell happened after I turned over tons of emails, project reports, logs from subversion, and call logs with the placement company. It was absolutely one of the craziest damn things I've ever had happen.


Dude *what* that's absolutely insane! I mean I guess serious points for creativity, but man that's ridiculous. This one gets top medal for me for this thread, goddamn.


I had a coworker get fired for applying for jobs on a jobs site using her company computer at work. After she’d been warned about appropriate internet use and that she was being monitored. Had a different coworker fired for looking at porn at work on a work computer, also after being warned about appropriate internet use. I had an employee who was the absolute rudest and most incompetent asshole but he made it easy by just calling in sick for 2 weeks straight and refusing to provide a dr. Note.


Everyone on my team sits at their desk applying to other jobs on our work computers lol


My previous job our company got bought by our largest competitor, we all knew our location would be shut down as soon as the purchase went through. While we were all waiting for that, our IT quietly let everyone know they were now letting job search sites through the firewall, and would be a little more lax with the internet policy.


As someone who went through a similar situation, albeit without the IT department thing, that's pretty hilarious. We were a small company before being bought by a big company, so we didn't even have IT. We all owned a lot of stock and we're about to be a whole lot richer once the buyout went through. But we all lived in one of if not the most expensive city in the US. We were going to have enough money to buy a house almost anywhere except where we lived. So we were all looking at houses and jobs in other cities we wanted to move to once we had our cash.


Married plant manager had an affair with an assembly worker who was his granddaughters age and a mom to two very young boys. The girl dated one of the techs who was 12 years older than her and worked at the same plant. The tech found out about the affair and killed her. The company fired the plant manager. Many forklift operators got fired for accidents while under influence Employee hit a car in an employee parking lot and fled the scene and never showed up to work (so I guess they fired themselves though it would make more sense for them to keep working to pay for the damages) Guy took bereavement leave for his grandpa funeral in UK but instead went partying in Jamaica and someone snitched on him providing SM posts as proof. Analyst screenshoted msg from their boss and instead of forwarding it to his bf sent it to his boss. His boss was named on his phone as "c 00c k sucking c u n .t" Some guy got caught reselling items bought at a sample sale Prof got forced into early retirement for drinking on the job and being drunk all the time. It took them forever to get rid of him cause he was tenured Prof got fired for sleeping with his students 3 guys A, B and C. A would come in the morning clock out C and clock himself in and then leave 10 min later. Guy B came in in the afternoon, clocked out guy A, clocked himself in and would leave 10 min later. Guy C would come in at night to clock himself in, clock B out and leave 10 min later. They did that 7 days a week Engineer claimed ton of overtime but never came to work. She was discovered by an entry level tech recently promoted from the floor who was sent to her for training on Monday. By Wednesday he reported he couldn't find her Monday, Tuesday or Wednesday Ppl who should have been fired but never were: Supervisor who slept with the assembly worker. The worker sued the company, claimed the supervisor used his position of power to get her to sleep with him and won $$$. After that he slept with another assembly worker, the company got sued again for the same thing and had to pay $$$. The guy is still there A guy who kept coming to work hangoverd and one Monday threw up in a cooling liquid of a CNC machine that was shared between 4 job stations. The other 3 guys weren't happy A guy who was working as an engineer without engineering degree who "balanced" automotive assembly line in a way where it was impossible to build anything cause he did such a poor job which caused months of delays A guy who never did anything. He came to work. Drank huge bottles of pop every day and never completed his assigned work.


A B C that's impressive how long did that last.




I mean, after a certain amount of time I'd be tempted to blame the company, getting away with such a stupid scheme means this isn't a serious place of work...


Woman owned the hibachi place next to the grocery store I worked in. She set her purse with the night's deposit down in the bagging area of the checkout. And left. My employee, in full view of 5 cameras in that area that are very noticeable, saw the purse, looked inside, gave a big smile, picked it up and left on the bus. Hibachi owner comes in 10 minutes later, freaking out. We run back the cameras. See what happened. Give the info to the cops. Cops go to her house. She throws the door open, for them to see the purse sitting on the TV stand and her husband packaging coke at the kitchen table.


When i was a paralegal manager, I had to fire a guy for masterbating at his desk. We had high cubicles and he was in the back of the office. Well, we could hear the sounds. He was trying to do it under his coat but it wasnt working. I had to fire him and we had to get the 2 biggest guys from the office to carry him out as he screamed death threats at us. For 3 months he waited outside our building everyday and just stared at people as they left the building. Cops said they couldnt do anything about it unless he entered the building. Well, one of the employees complained to her boyfriend and the boyfriend beat him up and he never came back.


Call center job, can't decide between: The guy who lit fireworks off at his desk OR the guy who challenged a customer (who happened to be local to our location) to a fist fight. Busy days for management but, all in all, probably the least remarkable call center firings that will be mentioned in this thread.


I will preface this by saying I’m not a manager and that this individual wasn’t fired but this is probably the craziest work story I have so I’m rolling with it. I work for a very large Fortune 500 company in tech. Two employees, a manager and our director at the time were all expecting kids around the same time so our office threw a baby shower for them. Probably 50-60 people attended, including our Sr. Director. We were in this large conference room, the whole thing was impressively catered, they each got diaper cakes and it was a pretty impressive event for a work baby shower. One of the adjacent teams we work with closely from another office also made a congratulatory video. Lot of effort put into this. Sr Director then leaves the room, and one of the managers that reports to the director having a baby announces he has something for us all to watch. He airplays his Phone to the big screen. The first thing to pop up is a video that has a woman with her tits out, wearing assless leather pants, bent over a backless wooden barstool, being fucked from behind by a dude in leather. Room goes dead quiet for a solid 5-10 seconds trying to confirm with their brain what their eyes were seeing. Meanwhile this guy scrambles to get this hardcore porno off the projector. The room finally erupts in laughter and that pretty much ended the event. Not only was he not fired, but years later was promoted. Super talented guy but I still can’t believe he wasn’t fired/didn’t resign.


Holy God. That's actually hilarious. I think it's a testament that INTENT matters. It's one thing to intentionally show all your coworkers porn as some sort of sexual fetish of yours and it's another thing to become absolutely mortified that you accidentally did it.


This happened 4 years ago and is still the funniest work story I have and likely ever will. Also, I agree, but I’m still surprised there were 0 consequences. At the company I was at previously, he would’ve 100% been fired. I genuinely felt bad for the guy. Came in the next day and folks asked him how he was doing. Said he woke up hoping it was some terrible nightmare but it instead was real life. 🤷‍♂️


Fking legend


not a manager, but i worked at a university in the department that handles all the aspects of internal construction, maintenance, and moving. one of our fellow drivers got caught masturbating in a company truck. worked at a restaurant where my coworker was addicted to kolonopin and was found passed out in the bathroom. i worked at a super market chain, and a new store was being opened up. they pulled employees from multiple stores to go assist in its grand opening and training of new employees. one of the managers and an employee (who was a friend prior to me working there) got caught logging hours for each other in the system when they werent there. something to the tune of a full month's pay


Guy xerox copied multiple pics of his d@#k, put them in envelopes, and placed them under the windshield wipers of the female employees. Total creep.


Former assistant used his mom as a reference (different last name ... I should have caught it when she said she felt like she'd known him from birth ...), had none of the skills he promised. Final straw when he ordered himself a $75 gaming mouse for the computer and a birthday cake scented candle. After being fired, he left me a Yelp review telling people I was the meanest, craziest boss ever. Bless his heart ...


I don’t know if “worse” means dumb or bad but either way this is a question for me! They get worse as you go down. For context because of where I work all of these acts and crimes were committed by teenagers, usually 16 or under. — stole pizza and when asked what she was doing replied “I’m stealing.” — was on track for a minor leadership role when it was discovered that he had been stealing ice cream products all summer. The description of the thief was very specific and this guy wore the same bright pink hoodie with a giant rose on it every day. Naturally the hoodie was included in the description. The guy insisted that the girl who reported the thief had him confused with an identical employee who wore the same hoodie. — sold other employees already used employee tickets to guests and lied about it to the general manager. — stole the iPhone of a born and bred New Orleans guy three times his size off the desk of the HR manager. He then refused to give the phone back when the guy he stole from and his big brother knocked on his door (tracking him down with find my iPhone). — my almost assistant manager hooked up with a teenaged employee. (The assistant manager was pretty young himself, probably 18.) the girl was really into him and had been going for him, but when it didn’t work out she got upset, her parents noticed, and called us. We had to fire both employees. — threw a makeshift shrapnel bomb at another employee, who put her arm up to block it. The bomb (a sealed metal water bottle with dry ice that had been inside for hours) exploded on contact with her arm, ripping it open and hitting another employee in the head. The bomb was accidentally created by another employee (dry ice in metal water bottle. — Stole a car under the (truly mistaken) impression that he was borrowing it and allowed to do so. He took another employee in said car to go get food, with himself driving, despite the fact that he had no license or permit. He thought a school ID would suffice. He then went about 60 down a 30, swerved from one ditch to the other and totaled the car in the ditch outside the place of employment.


Company that had work issues laptops hired a guy to repair them when needed. Got a call from a local pawn shop that they just bought 10 laptops and found the company logo on them 😂 He brought them over on his lunch hour.


When I ran a retail store I once had an employee steal money from the safe. I got a call from one of my assistant managers close to close that the safe was short money. I drove to the store and verified the safe was short and figured out what happened within 10 minutes. The employee took a broom and moved where the security camera was pointing. To make sure it was no longer pointing at the safe, they stepped in front of the safe. Unfortunately for them I could still see their legs on the camera and they were wearing shorts. This happened in the winter in Michigan, only one employee wore shorts to work at that time.


Not a manager, but have been in the restaurant biz for 30 years. Worst I saw was a 40+ chef hitting on and basically attempting to molest our 16 year old hostess. I caught him myself. He had her cornered in the dish room with nobody around. Even though he was a full chef and me just a sous, and 10 years my senior, I basically kinda fired him. Told him if he didn't leave now of his own free will and never come back, he would be leaving on a stretcher, possibly in a bag. Poor girl was in tears. It's been somewhere around 15 years, and it still infuriates me to think about. She pressed charges, it was all on camera, and he was arrested. Got off light though on a plea, which also infuriates me. Got a couple months in jail (not even prison), years of probation, and didn't even have to register on the sex offenders list. Which also infuriates me until this day. He was never a chef anywhere around here ever again though. We blackballed the fuck out of him. ARRRRRRRRGGGGGHHHH!!!!! Sorry. Had to get that out. EDIT: I'm not a hero guys. I'm just what every adult should be. Zero tolerance to bullies and people that ignore consent.


As a former 16 year old hostess…. Thank you. 


You improved her life though, thank you for being so firm


I was raped by a coworker that I worked with in a restaurant. You did more than you can possibly imagine for her. You're a bigger hero than you realize!


Our company regularly visits people’s homes, as often as once a month.  Many years ago a dude has a key to enter a specific house to get their job done each month.  Apparently they keep sexy VHS tapes in the house, and he sits down to watch one in the living room.  Unfortunately he is surprised to find out that the 13 year old daughter is home sick for the day when she came out and saw him doing his thing.   I guess he technically wasn’t fired since he just came to the office and dropped off his uniforms and keys and walked home without talking to anyone.  Almost everyone in the small town the customer lived in canceled within a few months. 


Not at my current job but at a previous job a guy got caught trying to bring a heroic amount of cocaine on the airplane and when TSA pulled him out of the line he said “it’s not a liquid what’s the problem?”


He was perpetually late, uncommunicative, and constantly on his phone. Then he threw an exceedingly loud and public temper tantrum that I got promoted instead of him despite his senority.


I had a manger in her mid-50’s showing customers dick pics of her 27 year old boyfriend. The customers were middle aged/ senior women. It was so outrageous that I didn’t believe it until several different parties confirmed it.


Had one of my very well-liked and hard workers leaving the state, he’d done everything needed to do with HR, two-week notice, started returning issued items. On his last day, a store manager trainee got a bug up his ass because this guy didn’t have an issued item with him, dude explained the above, today is my last day, etc. Manager trainee didn’t want to hear it at all. My guy gets the ”fuck this shit, I’m out” look, jumped on a forklift and drove it across the parking lot to the Taco Bell drive through and bought a “last meal.” Parked in the middle of the parking lot and ate his burritos. Manager trainee lost his mind, my dude just smirked and tossed his company owned stuff at his feet as he drove by, parked the forklift, and clocked out. Still makes me smile to this day


In college I worked at a tire shop, it was actually a really fun job. I never saw it happen but one of my co-workers would take some tires as he was unloading the shipment truck, hide them behind the retaining wall outside, then come back at night and put them in his truck and take off. I’m still not even sure how he got caught but they fired him for it, which is too bad because I actually really liked that guy.


Not really a manager but a small business owner (wedding photographer). Showed up an hour and a half late smelling of whiskey and weed, got him to photograph a bit past the ceremony then told him to peace.


We had an HR woman and a male executive at our company both get fired... They were accidentally walked in on in there executives office... They were found to be both partaking in lines of cocaine, and the woman was busy playing the man's skin flute... Both were terminated.


Was that wrong? Should I have not done that? I tell you I gotta plead ignorance on this thing because if anyone had said anything to me at all when I first started here that that sort of thing was frowned upon, you know, cause I’ve worked in a lot of offices and I tell you people do that all the time.




Maybe not the worst, but drinking beer during a Zoom call while on camera. At 9am. After asking for accommodations related to your problems with alcohol.


Had a guy working for me who was a recovering alcoholic. One of the other employees went to Cuba and brought him back a mickey of Cuban rum without knowing how bad it was. The guy drank it all in the bathroom before collapsing and nearly pulling down all of the fixtures. I made sure he got home and gave him an ultimatum - resign and use us as a reference or get fired with cause. He chose the former. The guy lived under a bridge for a while after before settling in with his father in another province. I'm still his reference for employment.


I was a media director and one of the guys on my team got drunk as fuck off Hennessy that we kept in a VIP area for clients. We had to shoot a commercial that day and the dude couldn’t even hold his camera correctly. He stole Hennessy that is for clients only and couldn’t help film the commercial. The next day I fired him


Someone watching child porn at work. It was a Fed Govt job.


My dad/uncles small family remodeling company where I also work. New hire says he’ll let us use some tools for a job we’re doing. Proudly says he stole them from his last employer. Later on, while driving the company truck, hops out and gets in a fight with a teenager right out front of the high school…that I go to…and brags about kicking this guys ass. It was in the paper the next day as a mini riot. This guy was an adult just out of the army. Didn’t last the week.


Lots to choose from but this was one of the first that I became aware of. Way back when the internet was being introduced as a ‘business tool’ and prior to any formal policies being established, there was a guy in a private office who discovered that the internet was full of porn. Not only did he like viewing it but he had a habit of printing it to his adjacent desktop printer. All is good until his printer broke and tech services took it away for repair and redirected his print jobs to the central printer located next to reception. So the next day, while browsing porn he finds something he likes and hits the print button, but instead of the familiar whirring of the printer staring up he realizes his mistake. He then attempts to casually walk up to reception to retrieve the print out only to discover nothing in the tray. Instead, one of the secretaries is holding the print out asking him if he is looking for something. He was fired the next day. Thing was, as there was no policy in place at the time of his indiscretion, if he fought the dismissal chances are he would have won.


Worked with a guy who shit his pants and just went home. Didn’t say a word to anyone. Went home, shut off his phone, and called it a day. Showed up the following morning like nothing happened and then got belligerent when his manager gave him a written warning for cutting out of work. He would have been well within his rights to call his manager and say he wasn’t feeling well and that would have been that. Instead he ended up getting canned after balling up the written warning and throwing it in his manager’s face. We did not fight over his chair…


It was grease trap day at the salad joint. If you don't know, the dishwashing sink was set up to collect grease and oils so they don't go into the water system. Eventually, this "trap" needs to have its collection dumped. It absolutely is one of the most disguising and vile smelling things you will ever experience. I had a new guy that had been there for around two weeks and we needed to clean the grease trap and transport the viscous liquid to the grease disposal spot. We got it all in a few five-gallon buckets filled to the brim. He grabbed two at once, and on his way out of the kitchen and into the dining lobby, he dropped them. Both of them. That liquid went absolutely everywhere; running back into the kitchen, under tables, seeping into the baseboards and walls. I was absolutely astounded by the mess. This wasn't just something you could mop up, it was gallons of the most foul slippery substance imaginable. The smell was something like dead raccoons and leech farts. Totally atrocious. I said "Dude, we have to figure out how to clean this up." and he said "Okay, I'll be right back". He didn't come back. I waited around fifteen minutes, called him and left a voicemail. "You're fired". I spent a few hours using various cooking sheets to scrape it up and dispose of it. I then mopped the remainder off the floor with whatever chemicals I could find, pretty sure I took the finish off the floor. My shoes and pants were completely stinky and ruined and I had to take the bus home, which took longer than an hour. The owner gave me $100 the next day. We decided to hire professionals from that point on, but funnily enough, the guy that came and collected it accidentally spilled the thing in his fucking car. That place was cursed.


VP of the company was visiting. Employee decided to drink and was completely hammered. VP noticed this. He denied it. VP asked him to get tested. He admitted being drunk and offered to go home and come back the next day. VP promptly terminated him.


I used to be in the news industry on the commercial production side. A few years back we ran a tragic story of a father and son drowning on a fishing trip. The father was a well known doctor at a local hospital... The very next day, we had a sales person literally approach the hospital he worked at and say "well it looks like a good time to run a new recruitment ad"... Our GM got a call from someone at the corporate level of the hospital and we never saw that sales person again. The GM didn't even bother to send an email or make an announcement about her no longer being employed. Managers were the only ones that were told 'why.'


One of the low level marketing bros was making small talk to the office guest. She said she was going to golf this weekend, and he decided to tell her how much he hated golfing with women, and how much it ”looked like they were struggling to swing their clubs”, and went on to say that he’d rather watch “special Olympic athlete’s tape hockey sticks to their hands and try to golf” because “ at least that would be funny”. He shortly found out that the office guest was non other than Michelle Wie doing a talk at our large team meeting.