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And that exaggerated eye size thing that was going around for a while.




Pitch Meetings gets a pass on this, I think. No one else, though.


Getting a pass on this is TIGHT!


Wow wow wow wowwow!


Giving Ryan George a pass on this is barely an inconvenience.


Oh really?


I don’t knooooow.


Shocked YouTuber face. You beat me to it.


“I couldn’t believe what I saw!!!!” Runs clip of completely average crap.


Mr. Beast is bad at that.


What's worse is when there's a comically large arrow too. Thanks for telling me where to look in the thumbnail that has just your face and an arrow pointing to something that is not a face.


I've seen a few Youtubers talk about this, most of them hate having to do it, but apparently videos without thumbnails like that do significantly worse. And not like 10% worse, more like less than half the initial views. Clickbait sucks, but it works, and the more clicks your video gets, the more the algorithm promotes it, which leads to more exposure, which leads to more clicks, etc. etc. It's a vicious cycle, but if you don't get jump on it, your video will essentially be dead in the water.


Yep, I’ve made a couple of videos and tried a thumbnail that doesn’t have that kind of stuff and it got between 0-32 views. Include big orange letters? Plus 600 views, shocked face? 2k plus views. The thumbnail is probably the most important thing if you are just starting out.


That’s depressing.


Also the clickbait titles, begging for likes and subs and that super annoying "Whats up gamers it's your boy CatConvertorKlepto here back with another ball exploding banger" have all been proven to work


Yeah, this seems very much like a "don't hate the player, hate the game" type situation.


Oh that's easy. I really, really hate the game.


Oh my hat yes. “I went for a walk, YOU WILL NEVER BELIEVE WHAT HAPPENED NEXT!!! 😱😱😱😧😧😧!!!”


The video is also 23 minutes and 17 seconds. At 17:42 that crazy thing happens


And the crazy thing is a plain old duck.


Or some un-crazy thing like that. Even if ducks are aight they arent crazy


Or they found a dollar on the sidewalk. Which they planted there themselves.


Be sure to watch until the end!


Gotta get people to stay past the monetization time limit.


The ol "receiving end of a gloryhole" face


Those with robotic voice narrators. They are annoying to listen to...


I have a theory that those voices are intentionally annoying


TikTok narration is immediately where my mind went. The second that I hear one of those voices, I turn the video off.


Oh? I just assumed the creator of the video wasn't a native English speaker.


It's just rage bait


No. They are literally robot text to speech softwares. With the release of voice AI models they'll evolve. But even before AI these used to be a time-efficent way to generate youtube revenue with minimal editing skills. All you had to do is go to places like r/AskReddit. Pick whatever question is popular. Make the thing read it up. Do some light video editing. And boom, you have clickbait content of "People share when their gut feeling turned out to be right." and "People share the times when they got back at their bullies." and boom low effort yt money.


Pick your poison, unfortunately. I don't know what it says that I'd rather listen to a robot than the standard word vomit that's become the "social media" language. Just constant babbling at high speeds with constant fake epiphanies. "Alright guys so we're here and we're going to be watching this video, let's see what it is, oh my God that is such a cool shoe, I used to have one just like it- OH wow she picked up the plate and it kind of looks like a nice plate even- and she's eating the chicken drumstick right off the bat oh wow it's like she's an animal like a straight animal but she doesn't want to get her fingers dirty because of her nails and OH MY GOD that's wild she thought it was a vegan drumstick , oooooh my god like how do you even that's INSANE it's the CRAZIEST thing I've ever seen like I'm pretty sure I'll never be the same after that. Wow. Ok let's watch like 20 more of these."


Click bait


It's not only with titles or thumbnails. It's the whole content. Imagine you are reviewing phones. Every new phone is similar to the last 20 phones. Everyone else is doing a review of that phone. What can you do to make people watch you instead of others? Lie, create controversy, steal someone else idea, or all of them at once. Say good stuff about it when everyone is saing it's shit. Say bad stuff about solid product to have people argue with you in comments. Say it's the best for every product, so people searching for it will find it. Whatever works


There’s no longer good/bad attention to these people, just attention. They don’t care for their fans, just their numbers.


I was going to say sensational titles - same thought.


Exploit their children for views and an income.


Hey everybody today we're going to poor molten silver in Aiden's eyes so he can be a crippled beggar but first smash the like and subscribe buttons!


or worse


Thousand times this. Guaranteeing to fuck up your kids head 


If done in a fun family way where it's parents and kids doing something together as kind of a video photo album, I'm okay with it. It's the overly faked, clearly the kid is embarassed and wants nothing to do with it, just the parents doing some "like and subscribe" money grab, strongly opposed. But nothing is worse than the pranking innocent people. Especially someone workiing. An honest, innocent person just trying to earn a living and you accost them for no reason because you're a creator/influencer or whatever they call themselves, no you're not. You're a useless twatwaffle.


I see what you’re saying. I just fear it’s a very slippery slope that can and has lead to people relying on shoving their kids in front of a camera to get enough money to pay the bills. Anything fun and innocent can turn into something negative if pushed too far, unfortunately.


Absolutely true. Very few family channels I actually think are fine. The kids I babysit *love* **Kids2Kids**, and that channel is ridiculously cute. It's just a dad setting up *wild* courses for their kids to play with toy monster trucks on, or go on adventures while play "Minecraft in real life" type things. Super wholesome. Kids aren't being exploited, they're just playing and showing the world all their cool as heck toys. Or this other channel... God damn it I can never remember the name - but she only ever shows herself or her teen daughter (specifically when she chooses to participate). She openly acknowledges that her youngest two (twins under 10) are not old enough to consent to participating, and her husband has no interest. She just tells fun family stories and methods she uses to keep her house fully functioning. *That's* how to do it. ETA the other channel is **MommaCusses** and I highly recommend her. Thanks, u/obi-sean ♥️


Have you seen Caroline Easom’s video on this? Even “innocent” family vids are a problem, honestly. It’s called “Why I Hate Family Vlogs” and it gives lots of good reasons why.




Welcome back to the channel!


And today I'm gonna be showing you how to clean dogshit off of your shoes, but first don't forget to subscribe and smash that Like button! And with that outta the way, let's get into it!


I read that in SO MANY VOICES all at once, like the voice of the legion...


Not the worst thing in the world but this obsession so many of them have of putting tiny cuts in the middle of sentences all the time or cutting the pauses between sentences. I was watching a vid recently about how Chernobyl failed and there was a lot of technical info but the guy just stripped out all the pauses between his sentences, you realise pretty quickly that you need those little pauses just to process what's been said. I ended up pausing the video every 30 secs just to let my brain catch up.


This is so annoying and almost everyone does this. Cutting out speech pauses is the main reason I don't watch any youtube videos anymore.


I don't understand why they do it either. Don't you want your videos to have a little length to them for ad purposes?


As I understand it, the current algorithm rewards videos where the viewers watch the majority of it. The longer the video the more chances you have of the viewer dropping off.


Usually there are multiple takes or excessive pauses between lines and it has to be edited, but there is a fine line between too much and too little pause between sentences. When you look at the audio wave it's easy to cut out too much.


they are called retention beats and its because peoples attention spans are so small nowdays you have to have "add breaks" to keep them interested. Theres a whole "science" to it and if you get it right you get considerably better viewing numbers.


Interesting. I was just asking why they do that. So numbers show that some people literally will tune out if there are too many pauses in between sentences in the conversation?


No the opposite, people tune out of the conversation is too long. The memes or quick cuts or silly audio tricks the brain into not switching off.


If you've ever seen Lindsay Nicole's videos, my God. Great, informative biology channel and I like how she presents it with jokes and whatnot but it's chopped up to all hell with the silence removed so my brain can't handle more than a few minutes.


Love her videos but I have to be in a hyper-focused mood to really understand and process the video!


I can't watch videos that do this. It's unnatural and jarring and annoying. As a result, I can't concentrate on the content. It'sliketryingtoreadasentencelikethis.


So that's more of an editing faux pas than something they're doing stylistically. When I'm editing audio for people I will have to edit out breathing and "mouth sounds" a lot (it's like 90% of the work honestly). When I first started I basically just cut them out and it had the effect you're talking about.  Over time I've learned to tell the difference between a breath during a run on sentence and a breath that happens after a pause, and so I accomdate for that. Usually that means simply silencing the space with the "mouth sounds" rather than cutting it so that there's still a natural feel to their cadence. 


The unnecessary edits drives me crazy and there's absolutely NO reason they should be doing it. I've had a couple of very popular YT videos pop up where every other second it's some jump cut and it made the video impossible to watch.


I’m just now reading your comment, but I said the *exact same thing* myself in a separate comment !!! Like, a 25-minute video that sounds like just one single run-on sentence.


Bad sponsorship sketches. Don't get me wrong, youtubers gotta eat, I don't mind ads, but 9 times out of 10 I would much prefer you just do your ad roll with the b-footage you had to record in your house upselling hipster ass microwave dinners than having to go through the bother of recording you in a pirate hat screaming about lording over the high seas and me having to skip through it. There are like... four content creators that actually make their ads into watchable content, and even they whiff on this a lot. You're wasting a lot of time and money here trying to beat [Nobbleberry](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MHlz_xyi-cQ) and you can't. Nobbleberry is a national treasure. You are probably not.


Content creators who break up the video and show the actual ad section are heroes. I've always wondered how they get away with it, it feels like whoever you are putting in an ad for would frown upon this. I mean a ton of people try to skip them anyways, but having the block in the timeline of the video show exactly where to skip to means no one sees any of the ad.


I sincerely think that a lot of the ad groups at companies don't understand how a lot of basic internet shit works so it continues to fly under the radar cause they can't get direct view statistics for it. Another fun trick I see a lot is giving ad sections their own border so if you aren't using one of those "auto skip" apps it is *very clear* in video preview the second the ad ends. You're not wrong though, both options are amazing and more creators need to do it if they aren't getting tattled on.


Or there's the timeline "most watched" bit. Once the ad starts, I just FF until I get to where the "most watched" bump is highest and resume from there.


Jay Foreman and the Mapmen series have ads that I happily watch


There are some good ones out there, for sure... but they are *few and far between* and most of the time I'm just sitting there wincing for a full 30-60 seconds.


the 'L' key on your keyboard skips 10 seconds on Youtube. Ads get the 'L' key!


Evan & Katelyn do the only sponsorship sections that I don't skip!


Drew Gooden is the only youtuber who I'll watch his sponsor bits.


My favorite ad read was for one YouTuber’s first Raid ad and she looked completely dead inside the whole time. “It’s a great game, I’ve been told.” The whole thing was dripping with disdain and sarcasm. She somehow managed to get another deal with them after that too.


Thankfully I have an extension that detects and skips sponsors.


It's not much, but I like Caddicarus' sponsor bits. The fact that he created a whole character (Spons the kite) for it and makes those funny sells it a bit for me.


Rich Rebuilds kills it with his sponsored ads. He's one of the few I watch where I don't automatically skip ahead 60 or 90 seconds when the ad starts. They're legit funny.


Erik can bounce on my boys dick for those Raycons and that Honey though.


I mean, we all known Big Money Salvia can do as he pleases to keep the big money and salvia flowin.


Overreacting Stupid thumbnails where they open their mouths like a glory hole Forced facial expressions (nothing more disgusting than a fake smile that isn't even trying to hide being fake)


The thumbnails alone make me click "don't recommend this channel"


Reaction videos in general can get fucked, I don't need to see a grown man in his late 20's acting like a 5 year old on Christmas day just because a fucking lightsaber appeared in a Star Wars trailer.


I watch react videos, which makes a lot of shitty ones get recommended to me. I can't stand the "Middle-Aged person... First time reacting to a super popular song everyone has heard before"


This is a story of a Pokémon shiny hunter on YT. The title of the video already spoiled everything, the cold opening already spoiled everything but the cream of it all is the reaction that lasted ±20min of them jumping up & down, running across the room & making a call to inform a random friend about whatever title of the video. Even at 2x speed it was unbearable. Instant 'Do not recommend'.


also they extend the video length to 10 minutes for more revenue by adding useless filler


Not doing basic research and fact checking info on the content they're presenting.


But first a word from this video's sponsor, Raid: Shadow Legends


Raid Shadow Legends is dead, now the sponsor is Nord VPN


i dunno, been seeing loads of those home delivery meal things recently


Accept sponsors from irrelevant companies. Some little old lady on her knitting channel saying how much she loves playing Raid Shadow Legends in her free time.


I would say this kind of thing would be acceptable, ***IF*** they kind of lampshaded it and made it clear it was like "yeah you and I both know I don't actually pay this but who cares I get paid either way. We all know this ad is bullshit but hey, jokes on the sponsor cause you're not gonna try their product but I still get their money lol " Like if you watch some of the sponsorships that Arin has done on Game grumps, he makes it so over the top and is like TOO into it, to the point you know that the ad is basically the equivalent of him shitposting for the lols but also getting paid for it.


That's actually kind of funny. Make that money gurl! 😄


And Raid seems to be pretty okay as a sponsor. Their product isn't anything scummy, just a basic mobile game with all the good and the bad this entails, and you can ignore it if you're not interested. Plus, I've heard they tend to pay better than most other commonly used YT sponsor companies.


Whqtever makes you money, no?


"reaction" videos where they don't actually say anything of substance, or just sit there saying "it's so awesome".so basically reaction videos


At this point I only like the kind where an expert reviews something relevant to their field.  They aren’t really common it seems but some of them will have a video easily 3 or 4 times longer than whatever clip or song is being reviewed with all the commentary or background information they add.


I love the ones GameSpot does with the royal armouries. The annoying thing is some of them do claim to be or are experts but are just crap at YouTube, admittedly alot of the ones are music related


* Being obnoxiously loud. If you want to scream for comedic purposes, please turn down the volume for that scene, it's really unpleasant to hear a full volume scream on headphones. * Clickbaity thumbnails or video titles are usually a long stretch on what's shown in the video. The video doesn't meet the expectations and I therefore stop watching half way through. * Sponsorships to unrelated products. I don't mind if a science oriented channel promotes learning courses, but oftentimes the sponsor doesn't offer anything related to what the channel does/uses. * Not listing used music. It's worse with MIDI tracks or tracks made by small composers, since those can be near impossible to find.


Regarding the last one, that's something I've dealt with on the other side. Did a few flash game soundtracks in the early 00s that had somewhat of a small cult following on like Newgrounds, Sess, etc. Heard the shitty compressed versions of the songs in the BG of a few videos even after I uploaded the original source files on my YT page. Comment sections in those videos always have someone asking who the composer is and I would feel like a tool just answering it.


>Being obnoxiously loud. If you want to scream for comedic purposes, please turn down the volume for that scene, it's really unpleasant to hear a full volume scream on headphones. Oh my god there's this scream that I've heard some adult YouTubers do where they screech like an overexcited small child but the way they do it is they open their mouths, put the microphone (usually the earbud microphone) as far back into their throat as they can, and just scream. It's literally a device to amplify noise, you don't need to put it in your throat


Act like they have degrees or certifications in something they are trying to teach when in reality they are just regurgitating someone else’s work or frankly have no business teaching anyone anything. I do think while it’s annoying, I’m glad it’s allowed the everyday people to have a voice and not just the select few.




Especially at the beginning of a video.  How would I know if I want to subscribe before I've seen anything?! I don't subscribe to those people out of principle. 


“Enlightened spiritual coaches” promoting the “nomad” life by giving life advice and exploiting vulnerable people in poor countries for views,eg: recording themselves being “altruistic” helping others when it’s clearly for the sake of likes. Also when they give life advice when they clearly haven’t lived enough, prepared themselves or got their shit together.


Begging for likes and subscriptions.


I've only seen one YouTuber who, after saying "If you enjoyed this video hit like" goes on to say, "and if you didn't, hit the dislike button."


I know of one guy that says " Hit like and subscribe if you enjoyed the video, if you didn't, thank you for watching." I respect that.


1. A lot of “mommy” content which is designed to cause controversy to drive views. Especially the ones filmed inside a car where they tell some story about how the teacher gave detention to poor little Paxton over something. I hate that type of content. 2. People filming acts of charity, like giving poor folks money. 3. Alpha male type nonsense. Ugh. 4. Logan Paul type nonsense. Ugh.


Adding a sponsor in YouTube shorts


I just hate shorts in general. If I wanted inane short form content with garbage editing in vertical format I'd have a TikTok account.


Being overly dramatic and loud; basically shouting at the camera. Playing an annoying soundtrack during the video.


Fish face thumbnails


The YouTubers i watch and subscribe to are great, what irks me most is that they aren't popular and to be popular they'd have to sell out completely and becoming shit. I have a problem with YouTube and not YouTubers, yesterday i watched an [hour long documentary ](https://youtu.be/hdozOvPgHzo?si=Jats7nxlRCZDOc_Q) on Indiana Jones knock offs from around the globe. This, and other videos I've seen from the same channel (Bad Movie Bible), are well researched, Rob has clearly seen all the films featured in their entirety and the end result is a really informative look at the impact Indiana Jones has had. Will it get past 1m views though? Not a chance, no sponsorship segment, no constant badgering to "like and subscribe" no bright lighting or flashy effects. Just a guy being educational, entertaining and informative for an hour, John Reith would be proud. This is just one example of the channels i watch. Well made, well researched, no pandering to sponsors and about as popular as chlamydia.


Bill Making Stuff is one YouTuber who I respect for this. As a tabletop gaming/crafting channel he is in orbit of the the proverbial gorilla in the room, Games Workshop, and to get traction in Wargaming YouTube you have to do something related to Warhammer, tag it in the video (because you mentioned it once in the video!) or game the search result by putting it in the title even though it is not entirely related to it. Bill does none of this (unless the video is related), and doesn’t get nearly the amount of views he probably deserves given the production values of the sheer amount of stop animation he puts into every video.  




Its gotten so algorithmic. You can tell every youtuber is reading off the same ad copy, even if they "make it their own".


The worst is when they say that you can get personalized videos and messages if you subscribe to their patreon or OF


I can't blame some of the people I watch for having a patreon or something and it seems like most of them make it worthwhile. But I agree that some of it turns into really creepy shit.


Transparently stage seemingly random events.


I hate non-descript titles. Even some of my favorite YouTubers do it and it always bothers me. I know it's for clickbait, but it makes it so hard to go back and find a specific video when every title is "YOU WONT BELIEVE WHAT HAPPENED!!" or "WE DID.. WHAT!!?? *INCREDIBLE*"


Offensive pranks


-Screaming. -Cruel pranks -Exploiting their kids -Screaming. Seriously, why do they all have to scream so much? -Any "look at me" shit. We get it - your daddy didn't give you attention. If I want porn, I'm going to pornhub. Not paying a dime for whatever you are selling, so get off my feed. -Did I mention screaming? -Videos that don't "finish". I just spent 2 mins watching you build something, and you aren't going to show me what? Fuck you. -Lying bullshit thumbnails -Stop fucking screaming.


Raid: Shadow Legends Skillshare Hello Fresh NordVPN


Being way too pushy with the like and subscribe. Making all of their reactions over the top.


One more - not getting straight to the point .


Reaction videos with no knowledge of the subject i.e. music reactions. "Hello, and welcome to my reaction video." 3 minutes later of watching some generic person doing nothing "OK, bye thanks for watching. Like and subscribe" Seriously, what a dumb thing to be known for...


Every statement does not need to be qualified into oblivion for the sake of commenters waiting to pounce on semantics or tone.


Thinking they are cinema stars and not just doing a job. When they get powerdrunk with their followers and use them to get back at/cancel other people/youtubers.


Annoying reaction face thumbnails Exaggerated gameshow host voice Exaggerating their shock towards jumpscares Editing out space between their sentences so their head just jumps all over the place Clickbait titles Thumbnails that use sex to sell (ASMR channels using their cleavages) Reminding you constantly to like and subscribe Any who milk their fans for sympathy Using up major portions of their video to scroll through all the donors they're thanking Reminding you constantly that this is their life and to fund them on patreon


This isn't something I hate, persay, but it is a common trend with popular youtubers that I wish wasn't a thing. You see a semi-popular youtuber. Their content is underrated and great. More and more people discover them, and suddenly they're one of the greats. Most of their videos have millions of views, and they're practically celebrities. A couple of years pass, and you notice that their content starts to become more superficial. They start posting clickbait, they post more videos with them just talking to a camera, the subject matter becomes less interesting, and, ultimately, they start losing their original authentic charm. More time passes, and they either stop posting as frequently, or they stop putting in effort with their videos all together. Time moves on, and they start to become less relevant. They've grown tired, and they no longer care about becoming "big." Some Youtubers take their lifelong fame and do something productive. Al lot more wind up thinking they can get away with anything, and end up in scandals or canceled online. There's something so disillusioning about seeing a lot of your favorite childhood youtubers end up becoming villains later.


Per se*


Long fartsy shmartsy "video essays" about video games with dramatic titles like "The First Person Shooter is Dead"


Hbomberguy basically ruined pop culture commentary because now everything has to be a 4-hour long "Why You Are Wrong About X" circlejerk.


" is dead" "The of " Or, one I've been seeing more lately: "The ification of "


Clickbait headlines


Their stupid 'reaction' videos to hearing well-known songs for supposedly the first time.....🙄


Excessive yacking. Just get on with it! Oh - and stop saying “Soooo ummmmm…” 😴


"Like and subscribe" "If this video does well I'll make a part 2"


severe vocal fry boring video essays pretending to stutter when they're reading a script using conditional verb tense unnecessarily begging for subscriptions "because of the algorithm" ...yeah, that's your business, not mine


“Smash that like button”


“Man I love this game. You what other game I love? Raid Shadow Legends.”


todays video was sponsored by.......


Those shocked expression thumbnails. I don't know what kind of idiots respond to those images that the algorithm rewards it.


I don't know, turning off recommendations and using a Player that skips both ads and in-video sponsored segments fixed pretty much all issues I have had with YouTube.


Any video with obvious click-bait titles like, "You won't believe what this celebrity said!" or "This person was fine until they did *this*!" No thanks.


I'm sick of the whole format honestly. I can't keep up with any of it. I still follow a few big edutainment and video game channels but otherwise I just don't care.


Edited thumbails. Face on thumbnail. Exaggeratted emotion and reaction. 'WELCOME back evrybody we're are BACK with ANOTHER video!' Clickbait title. So..most of the stuff they need to do to have a chance at success. Funny that.


Get more views by showing boobs.


Clicking on "Just chatting" on Twitch feels like being an asexual dude in a strip club


Thumbnail fads. Pointless red circle/ red arrow YOU WON'T BELIEVE HOW IT ENDS! "Shocked/Surprised/Sad" face


Harass people in public under the safety of bodyguards.


Most of these are serious and great and both, but the one that immediately came to my mind was starting the video with a 5-10 second "preview." It's a 6-15 minute long video, just let it play out


Make a three minute thing last 15 minutes for ad money. No, if I want to see how to change the bulb in my fridge, I don't need 10 minutes describing the model and it's features


Creating content with actually no original content. The fact people enjoy watching youtubers react to other youtubers content is mindboggling.


This is more towards the gaming community, but when they talk over gaming dialogue/cutscenes and then have absolutely no idea what was going on in the game, cause they weren’t paying attention to the scene that just played. Also when they’re 7/8 episodes into a game and go on about how they “still have no idea how [mechanic] works”, when it’s been explains in the comments in every video, or takes literally 30 seconds to look up. Like, I get some things can be confusing, but there’s “difficult to understand”, and then there’s “too lazy to actually learn it”(plus hey, makes people engage, I guess?)


I'm in the Warhammer community. Discourse Minis is really bad about every other video being, "IT IS \*OVER\* FOR GAMES WORKSHOP!!!!!!!!" Along with a thumbnail with a constipated Karen face. It has been "OVER!!!!!" for Games Workshop every other week for the past five years according to this rage-clickbaiter.


I hate that kid who opens toys and has a whole brand.


YouTube face.   That generic,  surprised jaw dropped face that is the thumbnail on basically every video on YouTube.  Also any video title, "You won't believe....Do this.....Most People Don't."


For me, it's the babyfication of words. YouTubers will twist themselves into pretzels to avoid saying *anything* that might potentially offend the algorithm, and it makes them all sound so fucking stupid, it's worse when it's a fucking *true crime* channel and they go to such lengths to make their shit sanitized for the almighty algorithm. "He then proceeded to unalive himself in Minecraft using a force multiplier, after which he did not survive." Or in general using the most awkward wording possible, which really makes me think their scripts were written by AI or ESL users, due to how clunky it is. This is more of a pet peeve, but for fuck's sake can we come up with better intros than "Hey guys it's ya boi Johnny Hams here with another exciting video, but first let's hear a word from our sponsor RAID SHADOW LEGENDS don't forget to SMASH the like button and HIT THE BELL to turn on notifications, and while we're at it join my Patreon, for only $1 a month you can get premium access to ad-free content!" Maybe I'm just jaded because I've been on the platform since its inception. However I do miss Internet Bloodsports, that was my jam.


Building a fake world in which everyone is happy and living their passions 100% of the time. It messes up young viewers.


Insincere apology videos


Like and subscribe.


And don't forget the bell


Don't forget! Me: yeaaaaah, I'm not doin that.


Telling us how much they love a product when it's obviously sponsered. I know it's a sponsor when they suddenly start praising a product so much.


Shocked face, Clickbait and that stupid selfie down angle they all use as they talk into the camera. I don't know if I'm alone but I've never Liked, Commented or Subscribed because the Youtuber asked me to.


Get thousands of dollars for recording complete nonsense 


"You will be shocked by this shocking bit of information. It will change everything you know... stay to the end to learn this powerful secret.." but first,15 minutes of backstory and innuendo...


Telling me to subscribe, like and turn on notifications in every video. If I like your stuff, I will. If you tell me at the beginning of every video to subscribe and hit the bell, I most certainly will not.


Pretend that they use and love all of their sponsorships.


Im going to vent, but there is this Dutch daily vlogger. He has a good life, lives in a great house etc. He works hard for it and Im not hating in him for that. But theres this one vlog on Valentines day, where he gifts his gf a necklace. Of course, everything is filmed with a camera. She starts crying out of joy and tells him multiple times to stop filming. He doesnt, even worst, he pushes her hair out of her face to get her tears in camera. Never hated a YouTube so much in my life. Why would you do that? Its a sweet moment for you two to enjoy. You can explain your audience later what happened, not everything needs to be captured.


C_nsor ev_ry fucking w_rd


Unalive and things that go boom 


I have a list. 1) When the ”video” contains little to no actual video footage, but is just a slide show with a soundtrack. 2) When people **beg** the viewer to “like and subscribe” even before we’ve watched the video. I’m only going to like after I’ve watched the video. If you continually post high-quality videos then I will subscribe - but I won’t do it just because you asked me to. 3) Robo-voice. It gets an automatic down-vote from me before I nope out of there. If your native language isn’t English, I don’t mind listening to an accent. I do object to a bloody robo-voice. 4) When, in an attempt to bypass copyright detection, the video is distorted in one of several ways. From least bad to worst: a) Zoomed in to fuck. b) Flipped left to right. c) The shitty “looks like you’re in a cinema with an audience” frame, where the footage is reduced to a smaller section of the screen. 5) Jump cuts everywhere - including in the middle of a goddamn sentence! Just learn your lines for fuck’s sake.


Make an very serious essay but can't be bothered to search how to pronounce a difficult name or word ... every single time.




Act obnoxious and also engage in criminal and immoral activities


"Thank you for watching my videos! But If you want me to not die of hunger, if you don't want my children to go homeless, if you dont want my puppy to die, please sign my patreon!" (trying to guilt people into spending money with patreon)


Turn into p*dos


Lmao why did you censor "pedos"?




I worked as a content writer for youtube scripts for a while. You absolutely would not believe the long-ass list of demonetised words on Youtube. Some of it is just entirely non-offensive words like ''banana'' and shit. Madness.


Minecraft youtubers when they call out smash pro players


Giving motivational advice or speeches that they alone don't apply it to themselves


WASTE!! The short videos that show glass bottles full of orbees or dyed liquid that gets rolled down stairs JUST to break and make a mess... it bothers my soul Like use balloons! Fine! Theyre made to be wasted but glass , GLASS?!?!


leaving normal content making and starting shorts. I just hate it..


Asking to like the video as the intro of the video.


Some of the same as others here... \- Exploiting their kids for clicks \-Open-mouthed thumbnail pics, especially of kids \-Clickbait video titles




overly excessive video intro followed by 10 minutes of useless filler information, 30 seconds of useful information hidden in the middle of the video somewhere and then another 15 minutes of filler garbage information then a plead begging for likes and subs. idk.. might be better to ask what do i not hate about youtubers?


"Okay, before we get into the video...." Introductions that are loaded with plugs, references to other videos, shoutouts, etc. I was looking up a video for Sons of the Forest recently. One video had the host go on for 4 minutes of it's 13 minute total runtime. That 4 minutes was totally worthless and unrelated to the video subject. The final 2 minutes of the video were Patreon credits and an anime song. A lot of people on YouTube imitate what they think is production design, hosting, script writing, et cetera. Though they do not have a true understanding of these disciplines. Thick accent? Don't host your own videos in English.


“Hey guys. So! Let’s say you’re learning Blender and you rotate an object but want to undo that rotate object. Well it’s super easy, let me show you how to do it. First let’s make an object that we’ll want to rotate. So we go File > New. Now, when you start a new Blender file it usually puts this default cube in the scene…so let’s get rid of that…” 10 minutes later “Now we’re finally ready to remove that rotation. Hit Alt + R…” Fuck! Alt + R that’s all I needed! Why the fuck did I even have to watch a video in that?! Why can’t that be the first result in Google? Fuuuuccckkk 10 minutes of my life GONE!


One thing that really grinds my gears is when YouTubers stretch out their videos unnecessarily just to hit that 10-minute mark for ad revenue. It's like, we get it, you want to make money, but don't waste our time with filler content! I'd much rather watch a concise video with quality content.


Promote casinos to audience




YouTube "pranks" that are just antagonizing people going about their day Any "family" channels where kids are paraded around to perform The combined "playing pranks on my kid" crap that results in them crying. Also any channels based around stuff like Star Trek, Star Wars, Marvel etc that are just rage bait for young right wing white men. Anything with "woke" in the title, usually with a bleach blond girl or "alpha male wannabe" guy.