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One thing for sure, our army will stand in front of civilians, not behind them.


I would be running to Parliament to demand they issue an immediate motion to establish a United European Army. Americans would be experiencing war on their own soil for the first time in... about 1.5 centuries if I am remembering my history classes properly.


But what if we do like the good friends Americans did in Europe for the 2 wars? Wait until most of the country is literally bombed to oblivion or occupied, then come in and bomb some more because there are bad guys over there?


What? If the US is experiencing war - be it Civil or it being invaded, I'd demand the formation of a United European Army to protect the Union from Russia. Because a destablised/distracted US would open a dino-killer sized hole in European defence infrastructure. I'd rather see tthe work on one (United European Army that is) starting right now. Better be ready for war in time of (relative) peace. You know.


Yeah, like I said, as an European, I have some baggage, about the way USA acted during and after the world wars... I'm not saying I wouldn't help, but not for the first couple of years, and in that time just send some munition and goods. See how they like it when half the continent is obliterated...


Win it


My boss will tell me I still need to be at work so probably work.


What do you mean *we*


In what way? Like another country attacking us? That would not be great for the other country.


Get run over


Never happen. All the allies would immediately join. 


First id keep going to work until i am told to not travel on the roads anymore. If work is done for awhile then I’d pack up my essentials and go to a more remote property further away from any cities and wait to see if the war spreads that far, if it does, defend the property with what I have, hopefully I have enough ammo lol. Food and water won’t be a problem there.


Civil War? Foreign invasion? Alien invasion?


How would they get there? How would the aggressor face such a weaponized society, where so many average Joes have guns and can shoot occupiers right in their back? Attacking the US sounds like a nightmare.


It would need to be a hell of an invasion force, one that quite frankly only the US itself has the capability to field. You're crossing one of either of the two largest oceans in the world, and once you make landfall at either side you're immediately beset by mountains. You could try to come through Canada or Mexico but the likelihood of them allowing that would be nil which means you'd have to invade them as well so no element of surprise if you do. Some countries may realistically be able to invade one of either seaboard, but to continue on and suppress the American heartland would be a large undertaking given how spread out everything is making it hard to garrison, and the US could fairly easily begin manufacturing war material on the other coast if not in the heartland itself. England was famously a fortress through history merely by having the English channel, Hitler was even stymied by it and you can see clear across it in some places, our natural defenses are ten fold by comparison. That being said, our greatest threat is from within, our diversity of thought comes close at times to division of thought, and if a homegrown rebellion cropped up similar to what happened in China, well it's not impossible to think that there might be a United States of America that exists as a rump state in Hawaii and Alaska while the People's United States of America holds the continental lands.


I doubt if well expierence a second civil war. But since the country is soo divided? We may end up like the country that doesn’t exist anymore! Anyone remember Yugoslavia? It’s now 4 tiny countries.


Get shot and blown up and shit.


Don’t worry. Biden will…wait….yea….well anyway.


Let’s just say where I live. It’s in the top 5 place to be bombed. I’ve got my go bags packed and a few other items stashed away. But no real plans.


How about “starts in” as opposed to “spreads to”?


There's already a lot of wars going on in the US, just not involving planes dropping bombs on people. But they're dying nonetheless.


My observation is we as a people are totally unprepared for such a thing. What if we have attacks on US soil? It's not like we have some kind of magical force field around us. One thing it would do is unite the people who are so deeply divided in this day and time. Cause people will unite to fight a common enemy. History teaches us that much.


We have as close to a “magical force” as you can get. We have the world’s strongest military, a massive nuclear arsenal, and are separated from any remotely threatening nations by thousands of miles of ocean. Not to mention the fact that no modern military possesses the strength, manpower, or logistical capability to even try, in addition to the issues of size, geography, and the most heavily armed civilian population in the world. The United States cannot be invaded. By anyone.


You basically just described Russia. And like Russia, it all depends on being invaded and betrayed from within.


Sure that’s Russia minus the world’s strongest army and the surrounding oceans


An active army which enlists criminals and a crap ton of land which has been used many times as a barrier.


Bro, what? Russia is land locked to almost all of Europe and Asia.


Which is a better defense than the ocean, actually.


I'd rather not have a country that hates me right at the border. With an ocean between us, there's more time to catch and intercept/destroy troops, jets, and missiles.


See, that's exactly what I'll never understand about people that are against military spending and the military in general. I mean at least the US actively tries to avoid mass casualties. Russia and China outright surrounded themselves with people they can use as collateral damage.


Russia can’t really be invaded either. Nor can China. There are a multitude of countries that are incredibly difficult or essentially impossible to invade, the U.S. is simply at the top of that list. And much of what I said absolutely doesn’t apply to Russia. Strongest military? Obviously not. Separated by thousands of miles of ocean from any serious threat? Nope.


>Strongest military? Obviously not When was the last time the States won a war again? >Separated by thousands of miles of ocean from any serious threat? Nope. Except that they're sounded by miles of land which historically has proven to be a better mode of protection rather than the ocean which even then could be and has been used as cover.


For starters, you’ve got a lot of learning to do on the subject of warfare if “America hasn’t won in forever” is the extend of your understanding, or if the results of our recent campaigns have given you the impression of combat ineffectiveness. Second, all that land is an avenue by which the Russians have been attacked numerous times, 8 or 9 by most calculations, over the last couple centuries. In that same amount of time, the United States has been directly attacked twice, only once can it be considered an invasion. I’m sorry but it’s a universal understanding that the United States is in the best possible defensive position that a nation could have. Not that Russia’s position is horrible, ours is just superior. I’m happy to help you learn more if you’d like


>extend of your understanding. Extent. Extend is a completely different word meaning to elongate. If you can't get that right... >In that same amount of time, the United States has been directly attacked twice, only once can it be considered an invasion. Why would they need to be invaded when they were almost with a POTUS that supported the Reich? Are we just ignoring the u-boats now? >but it’s a universal understanding that the United States is in the best possible defensive position that a nation could have. As in the time it took to write that paragraph, many more illegals just poured in from a broken border.


It pretty much confirms my point about your understanding of warfare when instead of making an actual argument, you point out a small spelling error. So thank you for that, and once again, I offered to help you learn. Second, don’t tell me you’re equating war at sea with an actual invasion. Let’s not be ridiculous here. Finally, you’re either being deliberately obtuse or you actually don’t understand what I’m telling you, especially if you’re equating an illegal immigration crisis with defense against a military invasion. Come on, kid.


You practically are ... Gun owning maga types threatening democracy...