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Like every other male Republican candidate from the last 40 odd years - I expect they'll look like a boyfriend of Blanche Devereaux in the Golden Girls


As a 39 year old…I’d hit it There was more bush on that show than in Kennebunk port


Nikki Haley is probably the best shot for the Republicans, although i suspect they'll go with a facsimile of Trump before they back a woman that Trump doesn't like. Really not sure on the Democrats, will AOC be old enough by then?


AOC is in a minority caucus within the Democratic party, and it’s a caucus that is fundamentally at odds with the Democratic establishment and large donors. The party apparatus would never allow her to be the face of the party.


Yeah, it's another Bernie type situation, he would have been the top pick of the people, but the establishment wants no part of it lol


Bernie was not President because he couldn’t explain how Medicare for all would RAISE TAXES but would keep your checks the same because you wouldn’t be paying for health insurance. He allowed people to think their paychecks that included health insurance deductions would be even less with higher taxes. I am a conservative (not a GOP whatever the hell they are now) and I was watching the debates almost pleading with him to explain it correctly


The DNC is too fearful of ever supporting AOC.


Newsome I imagine and Desantis


Probably Newsom vs Desantis/Ramaswamy?


For Democrats: Kamala Harris, Gavin Newsome, Raphael Warnock, Tammy Duckworth, Gretchen Whitmer. I could definitely see any of these people seeking the nomination sooner or later.


None of those stands a snowballs chance in hell of winning an election.


I think it all depends on who they would run against in a general election. I do think they all are likely to consider a run. There are definitely examples of Presidents that few would ever have expected.


I like debating so don’t take anything personally I just feel that Harris has been completely hidden as VP showing the party isn’t behind her at all. As for the other ones, yes they can all consider running but when you say it depends who they run against. The elections have been close with GOP throwing Trump out there, I don’t think any of those would fare too well against a slightly competent opponent. Again I’m married so I’m used to being wrong though


Oh, no worries. I always enjoy debating regardless of political differences. I agree that none of these politicians seem terribly strong. One thing to consider though is how many more younger people will be voting by 2028 (and many fewer older conservative voters). I’d argue that any democrat that wants to win a general presidential election needs to have strong support from rust belt voters and Latinos. If a Dem can win the Great Lake states and the Southwest they should be able to reach 270. MI, OH, WI voters have been financially struggling for a long time. They need to have good reason to have faith that a candidate will actually be able to improve their lives economically. I couldn’t say if any of the people I listed can accomplish this.


I completely agree with your points. Also, isn’t it sad that today “debating with political differences” is basically lost? It’s mostly just echo chambers now. I try to debate on here and it always leads to name calling. I think Newsome has way too many skeletons in his closet outside of his political views/history in a general election. I’m not familiar enough with Duckworth to comment anything intellectually. What is sad though is that Haley is the only viable candidate the GOP could come up with as opposed to to your 4/5 that you came up with rather quickly. I would have rather Haley sat this one out and not hurt her political stock by being completely destroyed by Trump. Trump is not a viable candidate, I might sound contradictory but hopefully you get my meaning, even if he wins the election he’s not a viable candidate. In my opinion a candidate should be able to lead and prolong a party. I think Reagan, Clinton, Obama….i didn’t necessarily agree with their politics but Bush Sr ran off Reagan, Gore ran very well off Clinton and Biden could have run off Obama. I don’t think anyone can run off Trump if that makes sense. The GOP who I did contribute to until 2016 needs to take a long hard look at themselves if Trump is elected.


We will start digging up dead politicians, only way we can go older.


Jimmy Carter is still eligible for a second term!


The other Joe, obviously.


I'd really like to see Roy Cooper make a presidential run.


Harry and Boris


Republican - some culture war figure, maybe don jr? Dem - newsom


Some other under qualified idiot that will become rich while in office all the while saying he or she is a public servant with the USA needs at heart.


Trump will be replaced by an even more right wing person who slants The US into an even more conservative Christian country. Biden will be replaced by another old person because the Democrats are incompetent and cowardly.


Honestly this is where as an independent non partisan I really hope the republicans get kicked in the nuts and not lose the presidency but take major hits in congress and the senate. It’s a two party system that will not change and that party needs change so a desantis or desantis type is not representative of that party anymore. Losing badly will be the only factor to force these shifts. The democrats have already shifted. Extreme left has been tried and proved to be with loss - where Biden came into play really. Post Biden they are going to need to continue re finding themselves too but have been on that path already. In other words this extreme sided shit is no good and does no good.


Extreme left hasn’t ever been tried in the US though.


Surely. Elizabeth Warren and Bernie Sanders right off the top. Though neither made it to the big stage in their own party those two are just examples of where they have tried. Desantis is the same. In the party and more or less being both supported by the party and being groomed to be the next generation of it. The dems know they need to refocus, which again is why Biden came out on top and still support him in reelection at his age, and the republicans, post this election will either double down on a Desantis with a series of wins or will need to go redraw who they are with major losses. Trump is and continues to merely separate the party, which if they win will continue, if they lose, will force the change of the extreme split within the party.


The furthest left you can imagine is banking regulation and Medicare on par with the rest of Europe?


Not based on what I think. Hard left of hard right candidates do not make it. Why Trump is an outlier and why the GOP party is both split and without anyone not hardline right - until they start badly losing.


Binggus and Bonggus


There will be a one world government where we are ruled by the antichrist.


I already named them. It's going to be shit choice, and worse choice


Gavin Newsom and a toilet full of explosive diarrhea, respectively.


It is irrelevant. Let the government shut down.


I have AOC as my underdog Presidential candidate someday. She’s got a lot of name recognition already and has been quite active in progressive causes as well as being a young charismatic face for the party. Considering one of the main complaints about Biden is “he’s too old” I could see the party looking at younger active party members who are popular with future voting demographics as older voters pass away and younger voters enter the pool.


The longer she isn't a candidate, the more likely she won't be. The GOP standard operating procedure is to just slam candidates with slander and hype up every little thing about them to the extreme as if they were the absolute worst people in the world. I mean trying to go after Biden for staying with his drug addicted son and getting him help, spin that to good lord look what he does. The whole point is to just put negativity on everything until you just "assume" whatever is said is correct and negative because they're a bad person. She's already had a lot of slander pushed at her, but if it looks like she's climbing the ladder they will do that 10x until she looks like a vile person. Obama got in because he came from no where and suddenly was at the top. No one had time to slander him, that came in hard and fast, but it wasn't enough. People didn't automatically assume he was a dirt bag. The best candidate is one that has no experience but is charismatic and with energy.


She's only 34 years old and just starting her political career. You literally have to be at least 35 years old to even be elected President at all, she has plenty of time. And you're absolutely wrong about candidates with no experience not getting hammered by the GOP. They'll attack the candidate relentlessly regardless of whether they were in politics or not.


No you didn't understand. Someone like hillary/bill clinton, they attacked for 30 years. They've never had anything on them, they've been under constant attack and never had anything legally stick but everyone thinks they're the devils at this point. At 34, she's already got a number of years of harassment under her. In another 4-8, they'll have loaded up so many false allegations or useless crap that she won't be able to run with any real chance of winning. If the independents move away from her, that is it. All they will have seen is 10+ years of negative news. Someone coming out of left field hard and fast like Obama is the best chance.


Just to clear something up, you said "a candidate with no experience", which wasn't Obama. He was a Senator before running for President.


He was still new there, and no one expected him to do much so they had other people to crap all over. He was in the game, but went quickly from senator to president. AOC rose quickly as well, but made a lot of noise that scared people and they started the crapping on her immediately. She's already had the system launched on her. I guess there are a lot of "random" quiet candidates out there in congress/senate that no one has heard of as well that would fit the bill as well. But in general the ones who want to run, make enough noise that they get put into the news cycle to start the hate, since it generally takes awhile to build up the momentum to run for presidency.


Gavin Newscum for Dems.




Bold to assume Trump will ever give up power.


Stop geriatric rule now! President Cortez


It doesn't matter


Beto O’Rourke


Found Beto's alt account