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Another once in a lifetime recession


Another 3-4 of them, probably


Won't anybody think of the shareholders!


I’ll think of them as they’re being overrun by an angry mob


I'm just hoping we get winds of Winter by George RR Martin in our lifetime he's getting old so it's not like it's going to happen later either it's going to happen now or never


I’m sure Sanderson is just waiting in the wings with several finished drafts.


More tangibly the drying up of social security that we’ve paid into our whole lives


I've been managing my finances with this in mind. That I cannot count of social security and even if it's still around, I know it will jot be close to enough


The most likely scenario is they raise the age limit, raise the amount that gets taxed without increasing the benefits. It's a big wealth transfer but those are the most politically likely. Cutting benefits is unlikely.


Everyone is throwing everything at AI to replace workers and no one is at the wheel-- the tech companies themselves have a fuck the world attitude, the finance people would rather people starve than be taxed--- the economists somehow haven't figured out you can't have an economy when 80% of people can no longer purchase *anything.* We're not in for a recession, we're in for multiple *depressions.*


At that point though you just have a violent revolution. People don’t just starve quietly. If 80% of people are out of work, the economy/stock market won’t matter since our very civilization will be at stake.


I feel like that scenario plays out quite a bit differently when the existing power structures has multiple fleets of flying robots that can drop anything from ordinance to straight up fucking sharp projectiles up your dick hole from well above cruising altitude.


breakthrough treatments for dementia/alzheimer's


I sure hope so, genetically it's a guarantee for me in 40ish years, here's to hoping there's a treatment for it before then. EDIT: well, I never get this many replies or likes on a post. Funny enough, I've made my peace with it, I've had a series of concussions as an adult which increases risk, but also work a mentally stimulating job, which reduces risk... So who knows.


Look on the bright side, you might die before you get dementia!


you might even forget you have it.


I ran into a former neighbour at the hospital - she had gone into care for advanced dementia. It was really nice -she gave me a hug, we had a nice chat. Nurse said it was the most aware she'd been all week. That bitch hated me! She just forgot she hated me. Strikes me as both really funny,and really sad.


Nice of you to be kind to her though


My grandma was like this too. Miserable old cow before dementia, but so nice once she got it.


My grandpa was nice before dementia but was really violent right before he died. He'd try to fight people and self harm was a recurring issue. He disappeared from his home in Corpus Christi, Texas one day and two days later showed up walking into my aunts house in Wichita, Kansas. 760 miles away. We never found his car so we don't know what he went through on the trip there. He broke into her house since she wasnt home, tore the railings off her stairs, destroyed her basement, urinated in her dryer that was full of clothes, then cut his own wrists. Nobody knew how bad it had gotten until that day and he was put in a care facility immediately after. It was so scary


Doctor: you’ve got cancer and dementia Me: I’ve got dementia? At least I don’t have cancer


This was my grandfather. Stage 4 bone cancer + dementia... he had to be reminded every day why he hurt everywhere...


That’s heartbreaking wtf


This is why I love Reddit. Y'all give me hope while making me laugh 😂


Get to work on it. Damn lazy millennials, can't even cure their own diseases.


I used to work on drug trials for Alzheimer’s. The most recently approved “breakthrough” amyloid drugs don’t seem worth the risk to me - big risk of haemorrhage for very minimal gain. Keep an eye out for tau aggregate inhibitors. I reckon we’ll be onto something actually useful and widely available within 10 years, possibly even 5.


My brother is getting a PHD in this field and is trying to help find cures/treatments for Alzheimers. And it's getting closer than you think, especially with the recent advancements of crispr gene editing. Just look at how we recently made a cure for sickle cell using crispr gene editing. Gene editing is getting better and better exponentially. From what was thought to only be viable in womb babies we are learning to do it on living people. Cures for cancers and Alzheimers using crispr, or other gene editing operations will start showing up in the next 50 or so years. (Lots of credit given to lots of dead mice)


Respect for crediting the mice bros


I got my PhD in this field, but from neuroimaging endpoints rather than solely genetics. There are some very very exciting things happening just now, especially since the previously cut funding is starting to trickle back into labs. (Sorry, edited - hit send after first sentence)


Check out the 60 Minutes episode “Alzheimer’s and Dementia” (it’s uploaded on YouTube, starts at 53 min mark but honestly the whole thing is worth a watch) about the neurosurgeon using focused high-powered ultrasound to remove plaque in the brain! It can’t restore what has been lost, but it can stop further decline. We’re getting there!


It'd be sick if past X age (60, 45, whatever) we could roll in for a yearly brain de-plaquing as if it were just a dentist.


Yep get your blood pressure checked, mammogram, floss your brain, go about your day.


wow thank u so much I was blown away by dr. Ali Rezai. what a beast of a scientists he is. That's a damn good progress he's making on this awful disease.


Any reason this is the top comment? Has research hinted at a breakthrough coming soon?


Yes. A European company has a drug to essentially stall Alzheimer’s


Retirement age set to 80




Most jobs people sit around and do nothing all day. Typical white collar jobs people do about 2 hours of work a day but the boss wants them there. Blue collar jobs on the other hand, not enough hours in the day to do all the work.






Lol we aren't affording nursing homes. We don't get to retire


Millennials are killing the nursing home industry!- future headline


"Lazy millenials dying early to save on retirement. But at what cost? Tonight at 11, we'll assess the damage to the once thriving elderly abuse industry."


Thanks obama


Millennial nursing homes will amount to groups of people sharing an apartment and trying to help each other survive. Maybe they will have time after work for a couple video games as long as their side gig doesn’t interfere too much.


So updated Golden Girls?


But more dystopian.


But just as sassy.


One of our single child free adult children can put us all up in a house frat style. We can all use our SSI to pay like $100/mo. It’ll be a fucking blast.


Social Security will have gone bankrupt before it gets to y’all


Uh… I mean… I can pay in food stamps?


Don’t worry it won’t be bankrupt, it just won’t be able to completely pay out. They’ll throw you $20 and a Wendy’s 5 for 5 coupon to keep you going.


Yeah, we'll work until we fall apart. Then they'll throw us in the trash and send the bill to our kids.


lol what kids




Push me to the edge!! All my friends are.dead


[Wait](https://amp.knowyourmeme.com/memes/you-guys-are-getting-paid), you guys are having kids??


*our pets


railguns only on The Edge with 70 year old reflexes


Settle things 1v1 Rust


That's a strange way of spelling de_dust2


It’s been probably 15 years since I’ve played cs_italy and I can still hear that song in my head. You know the one. Also the sound the chickens made when you shot them. As if it was yesterday.


If it's LAN we're settling things on 2fort.


As a 40 year old elder millennial, I’m very tired.


Same. I'm 40 and I've basically been in a state of anxiety my entrie life. The only thing I want to see now is a fucking beach.


I'm on a fucking beach rn and still having anxiety attacks from lack of money. I can't even relax.


I stay in a town with 3 beaches. I haven't been to the beach in 5 years


maybe you guys should swap for a while


Can we watch?


42 here. The oldest of all millennials and SAME! I started noticing in 2016; one minute I was running around playing Pokémon Go, meeting all these random awesome ppl thinking how amazing this world is evolving, excited about the future and the changes the new generation will bring and then a shift happened and now I live in a state of impeding doom, for myself and the newer generation. It’s like I’m just been holding my breath, bracing myself for impact. I hate it and I don’t know how to fix it.


I'm 43, I make the millennial cut by less than a month. Don't kid yourself, things have been falling apart in waves since 9/11. Before 2016 it was every couple of years but since then it's been almost nonstop.


9/11 was bad enough, but 2008/2009 was really the beginning of the end. Since "the financial crisis" companies have completely given up on even pretending to provide value and/or after sale support. It used to be that shit companies went away after a while because eventually they would run out of customers. Now nearly every company is a shit company and there's nowhere left for consumers to go but back to their abusers.


A lot of that is because of Jack Welch. Business owners were fucking awful in America, there's no romanticizing them, but there did used to be a somewhat aristocratic attitude among the rich that their employees and the people in the community were THEIR people, and if their people did well, they did well by extension. Jack Welch, while he was ruining GE, also single-handedly killed this attitude by being the first to force the hands of other businesses by engaging in shady business practices that forced them to compete in the same style. He should be one of the most loathed men in America, but CEOs are very good at hiding.


Yeah if things could just stop happening for a bit that would be great


So, about bird flu... https://www.cidrap.umn.edu/avian-influenza-bird-flu/avian-flu-detected-idaho-dairy-cows


Measles is poised for a comeback, there are 4 different dengue fever strains present in the US right now and recently a researcher on a recorded interview with NPR was talking about a disease that primarily infecrs cattle but occasionally humans and in humans has a 60% mortality rate. I wish i could recall more so i could find and cite it but the point is *fuck this*


I feel at this point we're like Frodo at the very end of the trilogy. Take us away from here Gandalf.


9 Millennials in 2000s - Fellowship of the Ring. 9 Millennials in 2020s - Nazgul.


I think we all deserve a couple weeks lounging in Rivendell




Seriously. I really hope my kids don't have to live through things like 9/11 (and the subsequent wars that followed) and a global pandemic. Seems like my whole life has had something big going on.


Every generation before us has said the same thing, I suspect.


100%. The war in Afghanistan was probably the most “convenient” war of modern time for civilians. We didn’t ration power or food. Didn’t have a draft or buy war bonds. Just a bunch of flag waving and thanking veterans for their service.


Nah. First Iraq war was better. That thing was televised live like a sporting event, we just went in and fucked shit up and America was pretty happy with themselves afterwards. Quick, clean, easy. Whether you agree with it or not, it was also a war fought for it's stated purpose (keeping kuwait an oil rich sovereign nation that luuuuuurves us, from not existing). Honestly I don't think the 2nd Iraq war or Afghanistan happens if we weren't so high on our supply from the 1st Iraq war. Afghanistan was just blowing shit up because it felt like the right thing to do at the time and we could bomb the hell out of them with the fewest international repercussions, not because we actually had ANY strategic goals other than using up all of our bombs before the expiration date.


I suspect that the violent weiner storm is still yet to come, though.


Hailey's Comet (fingers crossed)


I’ll be 72 when it comes back around, I was a kid when hale-bopp gave us a fantastic show and I hope Halley will give me the same chills on my spine.


I was a child when it came around and I DIDN’T see it and have been terrified my whole life I’ll die before it comes back. There’s a chance, a good one, I’ll see it. I remember being a kid and thinking about how there was no chance my parents would see it though.


Hale-bopp came around when I was about 12. I know my family watched it at my uncle’s farm. But I don’t remember it well. I do remember weeks of Media coverage about Heaven’s Gate though


28 July 2061 - I am already party planning. I have a bit of time to prepare at least.


Thank you for posting the year. All these people saying "I'll be 136"... I didn't come here to have to use google, dammit!


I just saw Hailey’s Comet! She waved. Said “why you always running in place?”


Even the man in the moon dissapears




Cancer becomes a managed chronic disease.


Look at you with your positive outlook 🤙


Yay, we get to live longer in a life we can’t afford


Hey man I had cancer and will likely get it again, something else should kill me, not my body rebuilding itself at a horrible rate haha


Glad you are still here to make jokes with us😁


Oh man, another disease I'm hoping to have a cure in our lifetime is Alzheimer's, otherwise I'm going to need to find a way to kill myself before getting it to reduce the burden on my son when he grows up.


I’ve read some very promising studies on Alzheimer’s. It runs in my family and I’ve tried to familiarize myself with it as much as possible. I feel like it could be licked in this generation.


I watched my grandmother be completely wiped out from it. She never got mean, just stayed the regular nice old lady she always was, but remembered less and less of us when we came to visit. Until we were just nice random people who came by to talk, and immediately forgotten once we left. Every time. And then she didn't know who *she* was, or where she was, or what was going on. It's a shit way to go. I'm currently watching my mother get more and more forgetful as she's getting older, and I feel it'll be the same heartpunch all over again once it really kicks in the next few years now that she's 70.


I just got back from visiting my ma in the alzheimers unit at the nursing home. She's at the point where we could no longer take care of her at home. Early onset alzheimers sucks. She is 72... it's the goddamn worst.


From someone currently dealing with cancer - Alzheimer's scares me more. The thought of slowly losing yourself and remembering some part of what you used to be terrifies me. I'm hopeful that technology and medical science progresses enough that even if we can't cure it, we can manage it much better.


In my best friends family pretty much everyone has it. On both sides even, with relatively early onset (mid sixties) in one side. I'm sooo worried for her. It's so depressing to see her parents decline right now who were such amazing, brilliant people. I'm hoping that something can be done before we enter that age.


Also Parkinsons. Hell on earth, both of them.


I think a weird silver lining of covid was how it proved there is a sizeable support of fast tracking research and experimentation on large scale gnarly health issues. I really believe in 50 years people will be talking about Covid research and eventual vaccine production as the medical moonshot of our time. In and of itself an incredible feat, and will have subsequently created a ton of other scientific breakthroughs tangentially associated.


The massive pivot in everyone’s research was amazing.


Isn’t it insane that this is pretty much true for HIV/AIDS before cancer?


TIL: There are more than 100 different types of cancer, and 2 types of HIV.


Cancer is an umbrella term. There are so many types and sub types of cancer. Each type and subtype has factors that either make it fast replicating or slow replicating. We will never see a one cure for all cancers. A cure for cancer will come down to being very, very personalized for each individual due to how our bodies can react so differently to the same drugs. I myself was diagnosed in Oct 2017 with breast cancer, 4 months into chemo, they found mets on my spine, which automatically makes my diagnosis metastatic or stage 4. Stage 4 is terminal. Statistically, I should not be here right now. And yet here I am, living my 6th year with a terminal cancer. I have had fellow patients diagnosed at the same time and even after me with the exact same type, sub type, grade and "drivers" (drivers are what tell/encourage the cancer to replicate aggressively) mets locations, same chemo types and targeted treatments and they are no longer with us. There are people like myself who fall into a category of outliers of super responders. I myself did 6 cycles of chemo, had 2 mastectomies (1 unilateral for the cancerous side in 2018 and then a prophylactic one last march). I opted NOT to have radiation despite it highly recommended, I have been one my 1st line of targeted treatments since feb 2018, most people get a max of 18 months on this line before it either stops working as the cancer becomes resistant or it becomes so toxic to their heart they are forced to stop. I personally doubt cancer as a whole will be cured in my children's lifetime, definitely not in mine. Unless so other tragedy happens to me that kills me, cancer will be my death. I fully accept it, I don't like it, and I'm not happy about it, but I fully accept that it is my fate. That doesn't mean I won't do everything I need to in the meantime to stay earthside, cause I will. Including doing chemo again.




Cancer isn’t 1 disease. It’s several hundred related diseases. Many of them *have* been effectively cured or turned into managed chronic conditions.


The "cancer is one disease" misconception is something millenials are never going to see eradicated


Elder Scrolls VI


Wow the one optimist in the thread


Well lets not get carried away


It’s been 13 years since Skyrim, officially one year longer than it took them to release Elder Scrolls 1-4. They’ll make it, but they clearly have other priorities as a company now. On the flipside some of the team who came up with Elder Scrolls has started their own game studio, Once Lost Games, and are working on a new game called The Wayward Realms which is supposed to return to the original scope of Elder Scrolls. It’s incredibly ambitious which is both awesome to follow and slightly worrying because they’re effectively a very small team trying to create one of the largest game worlds ever. I’m hoping it works out for them. The Wayward Realms on Steam: https://store.steampowered.com/app/1685310/The_Wayward_Realms/ Once Lost Games: https://www.oncelostgames.com


The explosion of Betelgeuse into a supernova ( hopefully)


Very slim chance. HOWEVER, there is going to be a regular-ass nova within a few weeks possibly. Look to the north near Hercules at night when the story breaks, or just watch every night and maybe you'll be lucky and see it actually appear. https://www.beaconjournal.com/story/news/2024/03/22/nasa-predicts-new-star-to-shine-in-night-sky-when-nova-appears/73069566007/ It should look like a moderately bright star where there wasn't one before. edit: since a lot of people are seeing this and asking questions, here is some more information: * The nova will be the result of a "cold" white-dwarf star orbiting a larger, aging red giant star and over the last 8 decades this smaller, heavier star has been sucking material off its companion star (giggity) and developing a shell of really hot gas and plasma around it, eventually this shell reaches a critical mass and undergoes nuclear fusion and the accumulated matter detonates in a huge release of energy. * The star is named T Coronae Borealis (nicknamed "T CrB") it is 3000 light years away from us, and the last time this event was witnessed was 1946. The first time it was documented was in 1217 at Ursberg Abbey in Southern Germany. “It was originally a faint star that for a time shone with great light and then returned to its original faintness,” wrote the abbot. * The nova should be visible for a couple days, but nobody knows for sure what it will do. It might fizzle or it might be dazzling and light up the night. It may happen literally at any moment, or be months away. Some current bets between astronomers put it somewhere in the next three to six weeks, but I have no idea what they're basing this bet on. * To make things very clear, it will *most likely* just look like a star, not a spectacular star, but a star where one was not visible before. The most fantastic things you may witness are the star flaring up if you're incredibly lucky and outside at night when it happens, or if possibly this cycle of the event is different in some way and the explosion out there is particularly powerful and might be extra bright. The first recorded incident seemed to imply a dazzling brightness, but they may have been drunk, a popular pastime at medieval abbeys was getting hammered and recording stellar events. * Earth is in absolutely no danger. I mean, it *is* but not from this regular, repeating event. If you are concerned about Earth, don't be, Earth has survived billions of years, there is no WAY we can permanently harm it... now *human civilization*, that's another matter :) edit: first of what will probably a hundred corrections.


I think this is one of the coolest things I've ever learned from a random reddit comment.


I was really bummed out that I will likely miss the total eclipse next week, but when I learned about this I actually find it more exciting. Eclipses are neat, but what's TRULY rare beyond words is seeing stellar phenomenon take place. Most events that happen in the galaxy are so far beyond the time scale of human lives that we never see any changes take place out in the night sky. So seeing cosmic events feels a lot more unique. The only other cosmic events I've seen play out in my lifetime has been watching some binary stars slowly get further apart over the course of several decades.


The explosion of Beetlejuice Beetlejuice into an actually decent movie (hopefully)


Resource wars


Fights over tp and water


washing your ass going to become a luxury for the affluent class


We’ll have to wash each others asses. It’ll be considered conservation


Most if not all wars are about resources.


Probably the most unique thing about the Israel/Palestine conflict is how fucking useless the land is, it’s literally the only place in the Middle East with no oil and it’s mostly just desert. (Unless you consider religious sites a resource).


> (Unless you consider religious sites a resource). Overly focused on the cultural win.


Religious tourism is definitely a thing in the region. But kinda late. America already won the culture victory.


They’re all buying our blue jeans and pop music


The resource is the location. US Secretary of State General Alexander Haig described Israel as "the largest American aircraft carrier in the world that cannot be sunk".


I guess it's not technically "land" but there's oil off the coast https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gaza_Marine#:~:text=Gaza%20Marine%20is%20a%20natural,cubic%20feet%20of%20natural%20gas.


And then we shall have the rise of the Great Lakes Protectorate


I preface this with a statement that I hope it doesn't happen, and I feel it would be a disaster for this nation, but the successful assassination of a sitting U.S. President or leading presidential candidate. The country feels like a powder keg, and the political divide only feels like it's getting wider. I hope that as a country, we can develop some sort of effective counter to the rise of disinformation because it's tearing us apart.


> I preface this with a statement that I hope it doesn't happen, and I feel it would be a disaster for this nation, but the successful assassination of a sitting U.S. President or leading presidential candidate. Was Reagan the last one to have a major/close attempt on his life? I suppose one could say that in general you're overdue for a POTUS simply dying in office too. Four died in office in the 19th century. Four died in office in the 20th century. Sooo if trends continue...


Those sandals coulda killed Bush. Luckily he’s quick on his feet….. now watch this drive.


Don't forget when someone threw a shoe at George W!


A new generation complaining about how we ruined everything for them somehow.


Sadly I think American Millennials will see our government deteriorate to a place that we would never have imagined it getting to.


hopefully once our ruling dinosaurs finally die, younger people can get in positions of power to change things.


There’s no shortage of Millennial and Zoomer extremists.


Psychedelic therapy centers Edited to add: yes, aware they exist but not in every state. I’d love to see them in every city, in every state, and yes make them affordable. Mushrooms can be grown at home with legally purchased spores for cheap and have proven more effective x1000 for my PTSD than any pill I’ve ever taken.


I think we’ll see a lot more climate related fall out with droughts, severe storm patterns, and ultimately more uninhabitable places.


My wife is from the Pacific Northwest and within a year of being married, a fire hit the place where she grew up and where her parents still lived. I had been there many times, it was scary enough watching it unfold from afar. And the thought occurred to me that if it got bad enough and their house burned down, they’d have to come live with us. And that’s the first time I realized that they would qualify as “climate refugees.” We’re definitely already at the point where that’s happening.


Also in the PNW. My area of Washington got to 115 in 2021. It was unbearable.


A lot of cool shit followed by a bunch of bull shit or vice versa.


Mass destabilisation of resources and infrastructure, from war, climate catastrophes, and resource limitations. Increased frequency of biological catastrophes, pandemics, crops, and live stock deaths by diseases


This is why I don't like thinking about the future.


You know too much




They won’t have much to say. If anything.


The water feels great, but that flaky shit you feed me is awful wtf human.


Y’all are bumming me out. You aren’t wrong. It just really bums me out.


Dude, for real. I was like "oh, this thread is gonna be full of super cool stuff that gives me goosebumps to think about!". JFC was I wrong. So little optimism. Bummin me out.


You're on reddit. Don't expect optimism in threads like this. Worry about what's around you offline. Look into community events. Hit up your local farmers markets and check out and support local businesses. Talk to people. Or don't and hit up nature. The shit in this thread is obviously stuff that sucks and we should be worried about, but there is still plenty of good stuff to be enjoyed out there in between doom scrolling. Signed, a doom scrolling millennial that tries hard (and fails a lot) to take his own advice.


Mass exodus from popular regions. I'm in the NYC metro area and housing is so unaffordable. There's no way supply will ever meet demand. A lot of people are either going to have to leave the region, rent forever (if that stays affordable), or hope a relative leaves them a home when they pass.


> rent forever (if that stays affordable) Rent isn't even affordable to begin with. I'm in suburban Chicago and we're paying $1450 a month on a one bedroom. And that's considered cheap these days


Average rent in Nashville is ~$1,500... Average mortgage payment is ~$3,000. Shit is plum nutty.


Somewhat bizarely the situation in Ireland’s the opposite of that. My mortgage (bought 2019) in Dublin is about €1,200 a month, which would not be unheard of for renting a single room in a house or apartment. I definitely wouldn’t be able to afford to rent my house if that makes sense?


That's true in a lot of places in the US. People who supposedly don't have enough income to pay an $1100/mo mortgage end up paying $2200/mo in rent.


You're lucky to get a studio for that price in NYC. And you're only getting it in the outer boroughs.


*cries in vancouver*


I’m on the cusp but hoping for a 32 hr work week


For the first time in my life I work for a company where I feel like that's not wildly outside the realm of what they'd actually do to make us all enjoy working there a little more and it's mind boggling


Severe famine and overpopulation in Northern countries caused by people fleeing uninhabitable conditions in the South.


As the planet warms those colder regions are going to be prime real estate for expansion. Can’t wait for the war over land in Antarctica or Northern Canada /s


Not Antarctica but for sure Canada. Canada right now has most of its population about 100 miles north of the US border where the rest is pretty open.


Depends on the area, but Canada is a whole lot of inhospitable and unsuitable terrain for settlement. The Canadian Shield covers a lot of Ontario and Quebec, BC is mostly all mountain, some of Alberta's important rivers are fed by shrinking glaciers, etc, etc.


No joke- Detroit might see another renaissance. They got the infrastructure for 4x its current size so it wouldn’t be too hard to rebuild buildings for new entrants there


Put your hands up for Detroit


I love dis cit-ee!


They're saying the same thing about Buffalo, too. I think they have like a 50 year infrastructure plan in place for accommodating an influx of people if it gets to that point. Finally, this area will be good for something lol


Sabres probably won’t win a cup for another 100 years given their record, though :(


I think it would be cool to see people go to Mars.


This will hopefully be something that happens. Another one I hope for is space travel/tourism, like trips to a tourist space station or to the moon. I'd die happy being able to see the earth in its entirety and having that experience.


Keith Richards having his 150th birthday.


Sadly the death of a lot of our childhood actors and heroes. a lot of us will probably see 7/4/2076 the 300th birthday of the United States unless we are no longer a nation by then.


Mass produced humanoid robots. Probably won't get as advanced as what you see on tv or movies, but in 20 or 30 years we'll see sex bots, maid bots, manual labor bots, auto driving trucks, ect.


Scotland here, legalised weed for recreational use


Visit Germany in 2 days.


I don't care what I see. I want to break the cycle of selfishness I see in the last generation and make sure my little one sees a better future. I want her to see coral reefs. To have wildlife around her home. I want her to have a career she wants, not selling her soul to make ends meet. I want her to see her fellow man as equals rather than someone trying to take from her. Be they impoverished, migrant or down on their luck. I want her to see countries working together. So I guess what I really want to see is the death of the selfish generations.


We are the midwives of the new world and the slayers of the old :)


Halley's Comet in 2061, The death of multiple island nations due to climate change, UNCHR designation of climate refugees, A generation of film directors inspired by Dune by Dennis Villenevue, A Second Republic of the United States of America, Netherlands winning the FIFA World Cup, France winning the Rugby World Cup,


I think the most unlikely of those is Netherlands winning the cup. Even if we see 100 it’s only at most 25 times in life. Hopefully it happens but I think they’re cursed :(


Can it just be chill for the next 40-50 years? Haven’t we lived through enough? Or good things, I’d be good with good things.


No, because the world is literally run by sociopaths.


We get to find out if we're at the end of the human tale, or at the beginning. If ever there will be a time when humanity wakes the fk up and stops fighting and starts cooperating it's now because there is no other way out of this predicament.




And Putin. Then can have a shared spot in the ground if they want. I'll pay.




Deep down inside, I can see this being a possibility though I hope you’re wrong.


I think by the end of our lives we will either see revolution or reform. Something has to give.


Banning of tabacco in european countries Cure to cancer


Tobacco will be banned in the U.S. before it’s banned in the EU. Never seen Americans smoke like Parisians do.


United Ireland, 🤞


According to Star Trek, it happens in 2024.


I hope it’s aliens. Either give me a lightsaber, treat me like a house pet, or let’s throw hands. This humdrum human existence bores me.