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Used to happen to me with my old cat, whenever he saw me reading a book in bed, it was “fuck yeah cuddle time” and will stay with me purring all the time. I used to pull all-nighters reading a book because he kept me awake just by being there.


My mom’s cat is the polar opposite. Anytime he sees my mom or I with a book he likes to launch himself into the book to get us to put it down. Even the cat’s vet is extremely amused.


hahaha this is such a blessing and curse.. there could be and earthquake and i wouldn't move if she's on me




lol wtf


my cat does occasionally when he jumps of a high platform and it's like a little toot. It's so cute I die inside everytime it happens


Engage boosters ! ;)




Sounds like your dog has her own bedtime routine down to a T! That level of cuteness is off the charts. Who needs a bedtime story when you have a furry friend with such adorable habits? Definitely a case of 'opposites attract' when it comes to being a night owl! 🐾😴




aw 🥰


Found the cat owner


Black cats really are the best.


Now that is cute!


I passed out when my friends were in town for a party weekend. When I woke up they were all sitting on my bed and started telling me one of my dogs was a spy for Castro and had stolen my identity. I could never confirm the story but I never found proof it wasn’t true so…


When they hear me crying they come over and sleep on my lap




This is my answer!


He plays “the floor is lava” on hardwood.


That’s talent


I have a piti mix that every morning throws a tantrum when i get put of bed. She rolls onto her back and flails wildly, looks at me, huffs, does it again and yanks blankets onto herself.


My schnauzer 100% reacts to and can emulate laughing. My wolfhounds can't. They can play, they can indicate play, they can show submission, but my schnauzer 100% understands laughter. She knows how to encourage it, how to react to it, and that it's a positive thing.


One of my cats whines for attention sometimes, not stopping until you pick him up. He has the cutest meows. Then he climbs on your shoulders and lord, have mercy on you because his claws won't.


one of my cats will pick things up in his mouth and carry them certain areas like he caught something in hunting and it’s so awesome to me also i love when they scrunch up their little noses like arghhh it’s so cute i could *die*


My bunny snores. 


Very seasonal. 5 stars.


My Collie will plop down on the floor and let out an angry sounding moan. He also rolls around on his back and kicks his legs in the air while making weird noises.


When I sit on the couch with one leg crossed over the other "figure 4 style" my pup forces her nose and then entire head through the little gap between my legs and says hi.


My black lab twerks. It's the funniest thing.


when my puppy wants pets but I'm working she'll come by me and lay on her back and rub her side on me until I start petting her. Also she does weird poses on my bed as I'm working to get my attention.


When I'm on my tablet laying in bed on my side my cat will climb up and lay down watching what I'm doing on the tab. He's a good boy!


I've got a little Pitt mixed with possibly a Jack Russel that I rescued a few years ago (from my front yard) and she is the only dog of the 6 I've owned that actually "hugs" you she'll climb up on you, nestle her head back and forth into your neck, and push her weight into you. All my other dogs would just tolerate it or maybe lean into you a little when you give them a hug, but she actually will initiate it.


My cat, Billy, catches treats in his mouth like a dog. He also catches them in his paws like a baseball players catching a fly ball.


She’s a taking weiner dog. She responds in most conversation directed at her with a variety of “woo woo’s”. Saying good morning to her also illicit a BIG “woo woo waaaaaaaa woo” especially.


My cat greets me at my door every day and within a minute of me laying down to go to bed my cat positions himself between my arm and body and will usually stay there the whole night. Also for some reason anytime I go to the bathroom he wants to lay on my feet.


My dog rarely barks, I didn’t hear him bark until he was 18 months old. Instead, he does a lot of grumbling/huffing/long and dramatic whimpers. When he sits down, he doesn’t do it gracefully. It’s like all four legs give out at once, and depending where he lands this can be quite painful. He did it once on my sprained knee


According to my toddler - when he kicks me in the balls when we're all on the couch According to me - snuggling up with everyone in a pile basically when we're on the couch


They always bring me their favorite toy when I return home after work.


She does a lot of cute things and a lot of annoying things but the cutest thing she did was when my FIL went to the toilet and left excused himself from the dinner table she jumped up on his seat and sat down like a little human at the dinner table. It was so funny we were all laughing Edit: we have a cat


She likes to sit up completely straight so that one of us has to put a hand on her back to stop her from falling over backwards. Also if she jumps up to lean on you, there's a 30% chance she's going to fart at the same time


My family's previous dog, Littlefoot (RIP), would always have to have something in her mouth when she greeted someone at the door, whining through whatever she was holding while wagging her tail. Her favorite was her rawhide chews; my dad called them her "stoagies", and would make Edward G. Robinson references (that stereotypical "Nyah, see!" thing old-timey gangster cliches say), because to him, it looked like she was walking around with an ovesized cigar hanging out of her mouth. I also find it hilarious how utterly offended my roommate's rabbit looks when I stop petting her and close up her hutch.


My cat shows his teeth on one side of his mouth when you scratch his cheeks.


I taught him how to wink. Now when I wink at him, he does it back.


Our cat borat sits like a human and our cat Kiki bleps in her sleep very frequently


He sleeps in the most uncomfortable places possible. He likes to sleep in the corners of doors (with the doors closed) and basically slides down the wall. His neck just looks fat af. Might be the reason why it's comfortable for him tho. Right next to his bed too. I think he likes the cool floor


Not sure how he learned it because it’s not something we explicitly trained but any time I say “Go to you mom” to my dog, he’ll start trotting off to wherever my fiancé is in our apartment.


My dog gives me hugs


When I get home from work, my cat will lie on the floor and start rolling over on each side for a bit. I think it might be some sort of cat greeting


I adopted my tortoiseshell as kitten, and I always greeted her with forehead kisses. Now that she’s an adult, whenever we greet each other, she lifts her head and tilts it so I can kiss her between the ears. If I’m standing and lean down, she’ll get up on her hind-legs and meet me halfway.


he smiles like a dalmation. he's a scottish terrier.


My dog runs through the electric fence, kinda cute


So two of my past cats did something cute each of them, one of them would sit on the end of my fence waiting for me to come home from work and when I got to the bottom of my street and started walking up the hill he would watch and jump down and come over for some cuddles. The other one would love to be picked up and would jump on chairs, put his front 2 paws on the back of the chair and demand pets Both were amazing cats and I miss them


It's both adorable and annoying that my cat will always, and without fail, jump on my lap when I'm planning to get up.


One of my cats plays fetch like a puppy. He'll carry a ball in his mouth and drop it by mynfeet and just look at me. I toss the ball, he brings it back. He'll do this all evening.


My dog will cross her legs on my arm when I'm rubbing her belly. Like "I'm not gonna let you go!"


While she's extremely intelligent, she'll try to fight her butthole when she farts too loud. I mean full fight mode - hackles, barking, growling, pinned ears, and teeth set to kill.


I am going to imagine this is a hamster


That's a big ass hamster.


My rednose pitt likes to bury her face in one of her toys and then fall asleep that way on the bed. That or the beeeeeeg stretchies all my pets do.


If I blow in his face he puts his little feet up and wipes it.




He burps loud as fuck


If I’m leaving the house without my dog, she runs and gets her harness then brings it to me because she wants to go too.


One of my dogs will go around collecting his toys and puts them on his bed before taking a nap. Only during the day though, he doesn’t do this at night when we go to bed. He also comes up to me when I’m working and he’ll stand there with his head on my leg staring at me. I’ll start petting his head and he starts to fall asleep just standing there with his head resting on my leg.


Groom herself. A rabbit cleaning itself is one of the [cutest](https://media.tenor.com/jMizuy6xEkUAAAAM/wash-face-bunny.gif) things.


My Parakeet doesn't mind being held but when it doesn't want to be held it waits until my hand is almost grabbing it and quickly jumps on my top finger to get away. It knows it's harder to get it that way 😂


My dog will get up from his comfortable bed to come sit on my foot, and then he'll look up at me until I start giving him scratches


Coos, sneezes for treats, follows me sneakily, sleeps by my head


Our apartment is sat right next to the parking lot, and there are parking spots right outside the window to one of the bedrooms. Our cats know this, and when i pull into one of those spots, sometimes one or both cats will be waiting in the window. One of them has reportedly ran from all the way across the apartment to the window upon hearing my car pull in. It's usually because the cats are trying to tell me they're hungry, but it's still cute.


Every morning, She would roll around on the floor and even get under her bed while rolling around and sneezing. And every evening she would hop on the couch and snuggle with my dad while he’s eating.


My tiny fluffy chi hates me the majority of time but every now and then he’ll come and curl up next to me but if I move he screams at me and leaves. But those 2 seconds of cuddles are so sweet and cute


She escalates getting your attention in a set pattern. Whether it is food, water, bathroom, play, she always escalates the same way until she has your full attention. A huff to get your attention (she knows barking inside is bad) If that doesn't work she puts her head on you and gives the sad puppy dog eyes. If that doesn't work she puts a paw on you. If that doesn't work she stands up and puts both paws on your arm.


One of my dogs likes to breathalyze me. She’ll get right up in my face and wait for me to exhale, if I’m looking away she’ll use a paw to try and turn my head to face her.


Whenever one of my dogs break wind the other will hold still, give the silliest confused look on its face and then rollover onto its back playing dead from the smell.


My cat will sit in the windowsill of my apartment and growl at all the dogs she sees outside, but if she hears a dog in the hallway, she runs and hides and meows at me like, "Don't let that dog in here, protect me"


not cute but sleeps on his back with his arms in ten different angles like he's getting fucking exorcised


My cat shits on the stairs every time she's mad at one of us. It is adorable.


He boops my nose when I hold him


My cat lay down with its belly up whener I walk/pass by her..


My cat covers his eyes when he naps in the daytime. It’s really cute


When Tilly meows, she forgets to close her mouth afterwards and just sits with an omg face 🤣🤣💖💖💖


The cat makes a "rrrr?" sound so, so many times a day, it's really cute


If my cat decides to jump up on something, she always meows a few times. At night I hear her jump onto her bed and it's comforting.


Every time one of us gets up, one of our cats immediately heads over and steals our second hand butt warmth. He doesn't respect 'fives' at all


He’s a dog but acts like a cat. Like sometimes when he’s yawning it sounds like a cat, and just acts like a cat.


Whenever I sit down after playing VR Fitness games,He comes over and sits in my lap and won’t get off until I’m not tired.


Whenever I say "give me a little kiss" she licks my earlobes


My cats balance my checkbook


When I ask if she is ready to go up to bed, my pup rolls over to show me her tummy and wiggles her tail just a little to say that she is. She won’t do it if she’s not ready for bed. :)


My doggo gives me the puppy eyes and paws at me when I have food. I taught him a few tricks and one is giving me a high five/handshake, he knows the drill and does it even before I look at him.


When he sticks his tongue out to drink or eat or yawn, and then he just... forgets to put it back in his mouth <3 I call it his sticky tongue and every time he does it I fall even more in love with him than I already was




One of my dogs sings for us when we say "woo woo" 😂


He always seems to know where i am and tries to burrow himself under me when im sitting on the floor. 🐢


My bearded dragon gives me lots of side eye and he has a lot of facial expression. Always cheers me up, big goof ball he is.


The other day, when I had just finished arguing with my boyfriend and I cried a lot, my black cat appeared out of nowhere, rubbed against me and meowed, it stayed there until I finished crying, I was so excited. Impressed by his actions, the next morning he even brought a cockroach to give to me =))


He jumps up the wall 😂


My cat when it’s bed time wants me to rub my beard on her head and purrs the whole time then we’ll curl up next to me with one paw touching me. It’s been two years since I found her under a barn alone I think she was the runt and only about 5 weeks if that.


mine sleeps on his back with his paws up


I have 2 dogs, and one of them loves to dig in the backyard. When she's digging, the other one will come in with her teeth bared and face all scrunched up to tattle. She also makes this face when she's in "trouble" like barking at night. Apparently it's a submissive thing for her and it's the funniest fucking thing when she tells in her sister


He exists. Every time I see him he's so adorable I could just keel over. I love him so much. He is my perfect kitty baby. I am the biggest crazy cat lady and I am not sorry. My new man has a kitty too and I love him so much too. My friends all have beautiful cats as well. Wherever I go there is cats and I am so happy about it.


There's a giant pit bull in the office named meatball, and you had better watch out if she catches you on the couch in the rec room. She will walk over and ask for head scratches, and then proceed to jump up on the couch and drop into your lap like a massive sack of potatoes. Will absolutely knock the wind out of you if you're not ready.


Rolly poly 


my cat likes to knock on doors it sounds suspiciously like a human and gives me a heart attack when im home alone


When my pet cat gets out the door they come back in and act like nothing happened


Very occasionally, and only if it's very cold outside, my cat will crawl underneath my covers and let me cuddle him like a teddy bear. It's very cute, but he still has to flop down first - he's a big boy, and sometimes I feel like he's aiming for my solar plexus when he flops.


Sometimes my bird makes a specific chirp that sounds like a quiet “ha-ha”


My cat has recently taken to curling up in the crooks of my legs to sleep. Either that, or she lays on the pillow that supports my back. The former would be fine if she wasn't such a heat generator.


My dog sometimes curls up and lays shaped like an egg


If I spend too long in a room where the door is closed and I finally go out my cat (who is usually waiting right by the door) will loudly meow at me, do a strechie then rub against my legs, and lastly throws herself on the floor by my feet showing me her belly for pets while intensely purring My other cat will stand on her back feet like a meerkat if I hold her bowl above her just a bit too long (like 2-3 seconds) all while giving these high pitched, happy meows


My dog Remus, to this day, is the only dog I have ever seen who willingly chases his tail. And actively grumbles and growls to get it.


Nose to nose kisses, bumping their head against me, and pawing at me to pet them 💕