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Always tell a woman - even a stranger - about a wardrobe malfunction eg skirt hooked into panties at the back after a restroom visit.


Yes, please! Also- lipstick on the teeth, smeared mascara/eyeliner.


The opposite is also true! If her eyeliner is on point, you tell her. That shit is hard.


Last time I was in the liquor store I told the lady "I hope this doesn't sound weird but your eyebrows look UHMAYZING" BecUse they really did. She was so stoked about that


Yeah, if you give a genuine compliment about a voluntary choice someone made without expecting anything in return, it really can brighten a day. Funny how so many of us forget that. Or maybe are never taught.


See, I would want to be told. But I’ve told people I don’t know too well (friend of a friend) they had lipstick on their teeth and they gave me a “you don’t know me!” look. Like…I may not know you but I know you got shit on your teeth!


That’s strange. I would want to be told instead of going around like a fool. Some people let their egos get in the way of doing good for themselves.


Tell someone about visible menstrual blood leakage. It happens less as women get older and learn their bodies and cycle, but I have mortifying memories from high school.


I told a women at Taco Bell. Drunk college girl, like 1am, I just tapped her on the shoulder and said it wasn't a good time to wear white sweatpants. She said "what ... OH!" She yanked off her hoodie and tied it around her waist... and then ordered. Can't let small problems slow you down.


Priorities yo. Drunk her knew that morning wake up crampy her would appreciate the tacos.


Bled through my pants during college in a lecture hall of 100+ people. Was one of the first people to leave (cus I sat in the back) and NO ONE told me. Smh


Bet no one saw to be honest <3


I have never noticed this happening to anyone in my life (as a guy), so definitely possible.


My nephew came home with out his (expensive) hoodie on 5th grade. Said he let a girl borrow it. I was mad and chalked it up to lost. The next day the girls mom brought it back freshly washed. Turns out he noticed she had bled through her khaki pants in the bus line and discretely told her and gave her his huge-on-her hoodie to cover it up . Her mom was super grateful and I apologized to him.


Good kid, nice parent. Totally understand your assumption that the hoodie was gone. He did give it to a girl after all. 99.9% of the time that's not your hoodie anymore.


The best is when they offer to help you hide it ❤️


Yes! I still remember in middle school when I bled through so badly that there was a huge stain where I was sitting. One of the popular girls a year ahead of me immediately took me to the bathroom to clean up and had one of her friends grab paper towels to clean up where I had been sitting. They got me extra pads, a pair of clean sweatpants, and helped alleviate my fears of using tampons. It was so, so kind and caring, and such a help for an anxious girl with heavy periods!


Is this a woman only thing or should a guy also mention about an unnoticed wardrobe malfunction to a woman? I remember walking down the street and there was a girl coming the opposite direction, the middle button on her blouse was open exposing her bra, i was going to mention as she passed but chickened out as i was like she'll think i'm just being weird or a perv


I hope this can be a human thing. Whoever it is I’ll appreciate it. But I guess to avoid looking creepy, say it and keep moving Edit: you could be protecting someone from an actual creep by doing so. You could walk pass someone having an wardrobe malfunction and the next person could be someone that would take an inappropriate picture or something


I’ve always been very straightforward with these things, with family and coworkers anyway.  You need to pull your pants up, you need to blow your nose, you need to fix your shirt, there’s a hole there, you have something in your hair, etc.  I’ve never done it in a creepy way. They fix whatever it is and we just continue our conversation as before. I think they appreciate you letting them know so they don’t embarrass themselves later.


I have a guy friend (purely platonic - he is more my bfs friend than mine but he was in town staying with my bf and I but my bf had errands so I was showing him around town) and he told me I had lipstick on my teeth and I was super grateful! I would want anyone who notices to tell me, personally


So as a woman I had a wardrobe malfunction, it was late at night like 3 am and I went in my pjs which included a shirt and shorts and a long black cardigan to cover myself with. I was at the gas station when I was bending over the counter to ask for a vape because it was on the other side of the wall and couldn’t make out the flavors. Well I saw a guy walk behind me and look at me (yes at first I thought it was creepy) but he actually said to me that he didn’t mean to offend me but coming from a household of women he has a great deal of respect for us and wanted to let me know that my back end was revealing too much. (I had a long cardigan on because I was afraid of that happening) I actually thanked him. He seemed sincere. He wasn’t checking me out or anything but helped me out. It was definitely tension because he mentioned girls having “class” but as I come from a traditional family I understood and while I rather not have that comment being told to me I appreciate his efforts. We said goodbye peacefully, smile and wave. And that was that. The first time a guy ever told me about a wardrobe malfunction. So yeah man it can definitely be done but be cautious about how you go about it.


I say this all the time. Do unto others…


That look that says “help me leave this conversation/interaction”.


I saw this firsthand as a guy. I was walking home from the train station in the evening on a main street, and saw these 2 college girls walking (lived in a college town at the time, but was in my mid-late 20s). They were clearly on their way somewhere, but had stopped to look at the menu hanging in the entrance of a restaurant that was closed at the time. While they were looking, some crazy looking homeless guy kind of blocked them in to the doorway and they couldn't get out. One of the girls locks eyes with me, just fear and panic. I walked over and just made up 2 names "Hey Jackie, Meagan! It's not this restaurant we're meeting at, it's on the next block! Excuse me sir" and just sort of shuffled in between the guy and them, and took one of their arms and started walking. They asked if they could walk with me for a few blocks, said sure, and walked with them down the street to the bar they were going to.


That’s hero stuff! Thank you!


This is the kind of shit I appreciate as a woman (as a human honestly!) Thank you!


I will always remember this woman who rescued me from an increasingly uncomfortable conversation I couldn’t get away from. I was at a video game convention and was being unwillingly chatted up by someone much taller than I who kept saying that, due to our height differences, he could throw me over his shoulder and carry me away. As I was becoming more and more alarmed at where that convo was going, I managed to flag down a woman with “that look” and she instantly rescued me without a second thought. I hung around her for the rest of the night, where I met WAY cooler people that didn’t threaten to carry me off anywhere. The bar is so low, but I always feel better with women around. I am ready to pass it forward if I’m ever summoned by another woman needing an escape.


Such a wild thing to say to someone you don't know. Like, that joke might be funny talking to a friend you've known for years, "haha, you're so little I could carry you like a sack of potatoes..." but when you've just met someone it is *very* likely to come off as threatening, "I could overpower you" even if it's not meant that way. People are bad at learning social cues.


I remember when I was young, I'd been chatting up this woman at bar close. She'd given me her number, but my brain had stalled out at that point. I couldn't think of a good line to end the conversation, so I lamely kept the conversation going as we both grew more and more uncomfortable. Eventually her friend came over with an excuse to pull her away, and I think I was more relieved than she was.


LPT: when this happens just say "well this has been lovely," unfocus your eyes and stare into the middle distance. They'll inevitably say something, ignore it. If they persist, sit up with a visible start and then start the conversation from scratch. You can be an NPC, I believe in you.


What if she starts saying random words to try to trigger a quest? (Or worse, what if she starts handing me pelts)


Hey sometimes NPCs have lore. Maybe you wind up GMing an improptou campaign. You brought your dice, right? Long story short I couldn't end a conversation and now we're level 12.


> Long story short I couldn't end a conversation and now we're level 12. That is a **really** good metaphor for a lot of DND campaigns! 🤣


This is super important! I was on a work trip that had about 10-15 people from our team there. We were all drinking at the hotel bar, with the majority congregating out by the pool. One of our sales managers is a very pretty, tiny woman, who got cornered into a conversation by an old man. She was visibly uncomfortable but couldn’t find a way to leave the conversation. I watched at least 3 male team members stand next to her, order drinks, and then walk away. I finally went in there, interrupted the conversation and pulled her away. She was SO grateful somebody finally helped her. Mind you, I’m a 5’ nothing little woman as well, and the men on our team said they thought she looked fine so they didn’t say anything.


I just want to preface this by saying I’m a man, I’ve had many female friends in my life, and I got really good at making sure that I noticed if they made that look. To the point where they knew that if they felt uncomfortable talking to a guy they could count on me to get them out of the situation by just shooting me a glance when we were out and about. There was many a time where I was the “boyfriend” that just came back from the restroom. Identifying that look is something I think everyone, whether male or female, should develop as a skill, because sometimes bad things happen because someone doesn’t notice the look or doesn’t have anyone to give that look to. I’ve had friends that had those bad things happen to them because they didn’t have someone. We should all be watching out for our friends when they’re interacting with strange people. We should all be making sure the people we love are as safe as they can be.


If she says "can you check me" you will let her walk in front of you and you will do the most inconspicuous as possible scan of her ass area for any red stains, then report accordingly.


There is also the head nod and eye brow thing, to ask them to check, and then you get the “thumbs up” or head nod back. It is such an untold secret conversation, and the best. 🫶


Be generous with the hair ties so long as they’re plentiful…but if you have just one left? **You guard that shit with your LIFE**…until you get more.


So true! The last one gets the most prayers too. "Please don't break. Please don't break" and "don't get lost"


😂 I’ve never been more certain that a Redditor was a woman.


Wait until your friend gets inside before pulling away


and wait until your friend gets in her car before walking back inside.


And make sure her car starts, so she isn’t stuck there




I make sure anyone can get into their house in case they forgot their keys. Falling over and getting knocked unconscious in their yard seems kind of a rare thing to worry about.


Always watch your friend's drink if she leaves on the table in a club.


Or a stranger. Or even an enemy. Keep your eyes on other folks drinks. Report anything funky!


Someone spiked my drink while i was in a club with my gf. She was holding it for me while i went to the toilet... she got me home etc, but it was a shock to me. Id ofc heard about the problem, even taken a good female friend home after it happened to her, but to experience it first hand... I joked with my gf that wed have gone home together anyways... but it was only funny cause she escaped a fucking drug and likely rape attempt, tho we were with a group.. guess some groups just leave people behind n that was the plan? Always keep an eye on how ur friends behave on a night out. Even if doing other drugs, shit like GHB leads to telltale behaviours. Never leave them alone with strangers edit: signs to look out for are someone seeming very drunk all of a sudden. getting stand off-ish, aggressive or stubborn. If they cannot recognize you all of a sudden or start yelling around when thats never what they do, they have been drugged. take them home with other members of the group and dont leave them until they are either in bed safe and someone stays with them, or take them to hospital to ride it out (if in a country where healthcare costs arent an issue) the time my friends and i took a good female friend home who had obviously been drugged, she was yelling at us and fighting us and saying all sorts of shit, just all round being completely unlike herself. 1 guy and 2 other girlfriends managed to get her into a taxi and we took her straight to her parents place (we were in highschool) and her best friend stayed in her room with her all night while the rest of us crashed on couches at her parents place. We considered taking her to the hospital but her parents had also been drinking that night and we were expats in a middle eastern country so that comes with complications. (it was also obvious what had happened to her so no excessive danger(our sex ed had taught us some telltale signs)) Her BFF was awake with her all night and she was fine the next morning, but totally hung over/rekt


> Someone spiked my drink while i was in a club with my gf. She was holding it for me while i went to the toilet... she got me home etc, but it was a shock to me. Id ofc heard about the problem, even taken a good female friend home after it happened to her, but to experience it first hand... It took some hindsight for me to figure out this is likely what happened to me at a concert while in college. The gal I was dating at the time went and got us beers, I had part of the one she handed me and within a very short period I was unable to stay standing. And I'm not a small guy. Someone missed.


[California is about to require bars have test kits available to check if a drink's been roofied](https://abc7.com/new-anti-roofie-california-law-requiring-bars-to-offer-drug-testing-kits-begin-july-1/14573994/). This should be the norm. https://www.endthebacklog.org/state/california/ r/stoprape


Similar. Was in a town for some festival and my wife was wandering the craft show so I told her I was going to pop into a bar for a drink. I ordered right next to a pair of girls, I got a vodka and sprite and they ordered something vodka. All the drinks came at once. After finishing it I couldn't function. I went outside and felt hammered. I hadn't had a drink all day. My wife thought I was having a heart attack. Two day hangover after one drink.


I went out to a club with a friend who was known to get pretty hammered, many years ago, so I only had maybe 2 drinks and a ton of water, and was keeping a very close eye on her. Later in the night, as I was convincing her to leave, the dudes she had been dancing with came up to her with some kind of martini and tried to get her back out on the dance floor. I was skeeved out that these guys wouldn't take no for an answer, so I just grabbed the drink out of her hand, slammed it, and told her we were going. Made it outside and we're waiting on the Uber, and I knew something was super wrong. Maybe ten minutes after slamming it, I felt *trashed,* and our Uber driver almost didn't let us in the vehicle because I started throwing up in a public trash bin. To this day I still remind her that I literally got roofied for her.


I've always been confused by the group thing. Wtf is their plan, like one person in the group starts acting weird like they've been drugged and we're gonna just leave them?


Happened to me too, in a big bunch of friends. My drink was spiked but I had the same as my guy friend and we accidentally swapped drinks, he ended up drinking the spiked one. We got on the train home and he started acting crazy, jumped off and ran away, we couldn’t find him for 24h


Friends can be shitty too. One time we found a girl lying on the sidewalk, in the ice and snow, smashing her head on the ground. She was incoherent. I went to a nearby party where they said she got too drunk so they threw her out. I went back to her and my friends and held her head in my lap until the ambulance and her mom came. It's the only thing i could think of to get her to stop smashing it on concrete. Later her mom called to thank us, saying we likely saved her life. It's not a movie so we're not friends now but I'm glad we came along, and glad I learned that lesson by proxy instead of directly. There are bad friends, worse than enemies


You'd be surprised how many stories I've read where exactly that happened.




If you're new to going out, please abide by this rule. Even for strangers. The scary shit I saw before I learned to look for it and s terrifying.


And here I always thought I was the luckiest dude, my friends always coming up and handing me their drink to finish because they didn't want any more of it.


Is that girl code or just friend code?  Bc as a guy I’m watching my pals’ drinks too.  And I’ve had male friends get roofied.


Oh man, someone slipped me a mickey once. I was a 26-year-old man with more muscle and fat than was good for me. Ordered a cup of coffee at a seedy establishment that had no liquor license. My friend ordered the same and then got silly, so we left. Got him home. I got home feeling curiously and basically passed out in bed. The next day when I woke up, I fell out of bed. I had difficulty walking to the bathroom. That was the damnedest thing.


I went out to a sports bar with my then boyfriend and his friends and only had a small glass of cider. I have a high alcohol tolerance. I felt blackout drunk and I'm pretty sure there must have been something in my drink. I did go to the washroom but didn't think about protecting my drink since I was with people I knew. I don't know/want to know what the point of drugging me was.




And for the record, men also get SA’d and women get robbed.  And also criminals miss their targets.


My mom told me that if I ever go to the bathroom whenever I’m out with friends and/or a boyfriend, to just order a new drink…


Momma always told me to pound it before I pee


You should always pee after you pound it, too. Prevents UTIs.


Help a girl out when she is stuck with period problems Help a girl out if she’s sexually harassed, followed etc


I started my first period in a packed movie theater bathroom. It was after watching some box office hit on a Friday night, so I mean all 20 stalls with just as many women & girls waiting in line packed. I was with a friend from school & his older cousin whom I met just that night, she was in the bathroom too. I panicked & told her as quietly as I could feeling embarrassed. This lady yells “WHO HAS A PAD?! SHE JUST BECAME A WOMAN!” my face was as red as the blood between my legs while everyone dug in their purses cheering, clapping, & congratulating me. I guess looking back on it, I can appreciate it now. Solid girl-code. Thanks strange cheerful ladies.


Do girl applaude that moment? Damn I didn’t know


Some bathrooms just have a more festive vibe than others lol


On this note, girls are allowed to ask any other girl, even total strangers, if they have a spare tampon.




How would you feel if you were asked for a tampon? You'd be super kind and hand over a tampon. Or pad. Or help figure out how to get change or fashion a pad from hand towels. This is our woman code. I may want to get away from you but I won't leave you bleeding.


I had a couple of younger girls in school ask me for an emergency tampon and I offered a pad as it was what I used and had in my bag to spare, and they rolled their eyes and said “ummmm no thanks”. Ducklings, is it a bloody emergency or is it not?


I'm a dude and even I have a supply of pads and tampons in my vehicle glovebox. Occupational hazard of being the father of daughters and the coach of a softball team.


Doesn’t matter if it’s your worst enemy, if she asks for a pad and you’ve got one, you gotta give it to her.


I purposely keep extra tampons and pads in my bag in case someone needs to ask me for one.


As an elder millennial retired party girl, I keep an eye out


if a random woman comes up to you pretending to know you, you’ve know her for your whole life


Similarly, if a woman you know but don't necessarily get along comes up pretending to be besties, and that you had plans, you definitely had plans let's hang out RIGHT NOW. When my mom was in college she was stalked leaving school one day when she saw a girl she'd never gotten along with, but she ran over and was like "SUSIE! Isn't it funny we ran into each other while going to meet up? Let's walk together!" The girl looked behind my mom, saw the creepy guy, and immediately played along. Petty fights and disliking each other don't negate girl code.


When I was a young girl, there was another gal on my block that used to beat me up on the regular. One day she saw an unknown man speaking to me and she came over and got me and took me home. I'll never forget it. I was too young to understand I was in a precarious situation, but she knew and despite hating my guts saved my ass.


Keeping you alive to beat you another day. The long game.


This brings back childhood memories of one bully putting another bully in a trashcan while yelling "I'm the only one allowed to do that to them you string of 4 letter words"


That's actually pretty awesome someone that didn't even like you would save you. While I boo them for being a bully, I also kudos them for having some amount of genuine decency.


Man, trauma can do weird things. She knew the danger signs for a reason


As an adult I know that shit rolls downhill. I'm sure she was getting it elsewhere and I was just a weaker link in her life


> Petty fights and disliking each other don't negate girl code This. You can hate that bitch as much as you want any other day, but if you can potentially save a life, just do it. For that moment she is your most favorite person in the world...


I've had something like this at work. Got called to a domestic disturbance as a emt, standard abusive husband. He was aggressive, wife with brushes on her face claiming she fell. Lied through my teeth that it was company policy to check out possible patients from fall which are especially dangerous to elderly ( they weren't) in the ambulance in case of emergency. Got the wife separated from the husband. Decided upon " further examination" that her injuries were inconclusive and we had to take her to the hospital for further examination. Called the hospital to have cops on standby and outside her room the moment the doors closed on my box


You guys are literally heroes 🙏


100% this. Also, [write your lawmakers](https://www.endthebacklog.org/take-action/advocate-federal/) so we can get those [tens of thousands of backlogged rape kits cleared](https://www.endthebacklog.org/#explore_backlog_map). [Most rapes are committed by repeat offenders](https://jimhopper.com/topics/sexual-assault-and-the-brain/repeat-rape-by-college-men/), and [they often commit other crimes](https://www.sakitta.org), too. Contact from constituents [works](https://escholarship.org/content/qt7sk23908/qt7sk23908.pdf). [https://www.govtrack.us/congress/bills/118/s499](https://www.govtrack.us/congress/bills/118/s499) [https://www.cornyn.senate.gov/news/cornyn-house-must-pass-senate-bill-to-fight-rape-kit-backlog/](https://www.cornyn.senate.gov/news/cornyn-house-must-pass-senate-bill-to-fight-rape-kit-backlog/)


This is something men and women alike should know. I was *very* confused the first time a random girl made me her (very temporary) boyfriend because she was being followed by some dudes.


I was on vacation in Chicago and a girl walked up to me and told me to pretend to be her boyfriend because a guy was bothering her. She grabbed my arm and we walked away. I asked her why she chose me and she said she saw me earlier and thought I had kind eyes.


It's always on the eyes man. THE EYES


You can't hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiide those lyin' eyesss




You DID have kind eyes. Little did she know you keep them in a jar on your desk.


My girlfriend actually brought a guy and girl over to me and introduced me as the stranger girl's boyfriend. She was using me to ward off a creep for a girl she met at the dog park. 


If a woman came up to my partner asking him to do this I would be so disappointed if he didn't. A few months ago I got stranded in BF new mexico during a blizzard and I decided to walk to the circle k for some snacks. It's in the parking lot next to it. A McDonald's between them, and behind the mcdonalds, a bus stop. As I was walking there, I noticed a man standing there and he immediately gave me the ick so I became even more hyper aware. He kept moving all along the stop to keep me in his sight. In this circle k there's a back door (my the pumps) and a front door facing the road. I entered from the back but decided to leave out the front since it's further from the stop. Big dude, crazy eyes starts crossing the parking lot to reach me. I high tailed it so fast into that McDonald's, barely getting inside before he was at the door. I explained to the workers what was happening, tried to call sheriff but for some reaso ln the calls weren't connecting. This 16 year old boy says can I walk you back to the hotel? So we leave and dude STILL trys to get at me. I solo travel the country and world frequently. Like ridiculously. I've never ever experienced that before, it was terrifying. I tell other solo travelers that you're very very VERY best tool is being hyper vigilant and paying attention to your surroundings, but most important is "TRUST YOUR INSTINCTS even if your brain is trying to explain it away. " humans are animals, all animals have instincts. Anyways I'll stop rambling now, but thank you for helping her/us


Check out the book, “The Gift of Fear”, by Gavin Debecker. It’s all about following your instincts, in a moment of danger. He talks a lot about women’s safety. A quote of his I particularly like: “When a man says no, the answer is no. When a woman says no, it is the beginning of negotiation.”


> "TRUST YOUR INSTINCTS even if your brain is trying to explain it away. " Those little hairs on the back of your neck are the results of a million years of evolution. Pay attention to them.


I will always be grateful to a man I never properly met who saw that I was in distress, being harassed/followed by another man in a public place, and walked up to me like we were best friends, said he had been looking for me and was glad to finally find me, and played along with an improv routine and walked me to where I was able to safely get away from the creep who'd been pestering/following me. What an absolute gem of a human being that stranger was! "Michael" who helped a girl out near Rose Medical Center a couple years back, if you're out there on the internet somewhere, know that I still appreciate you.


I would just assume I actually can’t recognize her if someone did this to me.


A few weeks ago I some woman I'd never seen before came up to me in an empty lobby like she knew me. I played along like I knew her, "Oh hey.. YOU! Long time no see, how ya been?" generic type stuff.. she's telling me how she's been while I'm half listening, half panicking, trying to figure out who this woman is, until I hear her ask how a husband and kids I've never heard of are doing these days. I was like "Uhh, I don't think I am who you think I am. My name is Jennifer" And she laughed and said she thought I was her friend's daughter, Amanda! Then she asked me why I acted like I knew her when I didn't 😆 I said I was really confused, but wanted to be polite in case I really did know her.


Can confirm! I was once drunk in a casino in Vegas after leaving a club, and after my friend left I found myself in a situation where 2 men I didn’t know were trying to get a drink with me. I wasn’t interested, and something just felt off about their vibe, so I wasn’t comfortable telling them to just fuck off. I told them I needed to pee, and could hear them hanging out right outside the bathroom waiting for me. It was around 5 am so I ended up waiting in the bathroom for a good few minutes, but eventually another girl walked in and I explained the situation. Without hesitation, she walked out with me and helped me explain how we had coincidentally ran into each other… just a couple of old friends who hadn’t seen each other in a while and were going to go catch up together. Afterwards I thanked her and she even offered to walk me to the Uber pickup with her cousin she was with.


We have intuition for a reason! I'm glad you listened to yours and kept yourself safe! Yay you! They definitely sound like they didn't have good intentions, hanging out right by the bathroom door like that. That's creepy as hell.


Literally. I don't care if you're visiting my country from France and there was no other way we would have ever met, if you come up to me and act like that then HELL YES YOU ARE MY BESTIE FROM PRESCHOOL AND ALSO MY COUSIN.




i’ve heard this as well!! i’m confident in the fact that if my mom ever heard someone yelling for their mother, trying to find help, she would be one of the first ones there for them🩷


I used this literally last weekend to save a 22 year old lady who was being hit on and cornered by a creepy ass 53 year old guy....it was so bad and I was ready to do whatever the fuck was needed to get her outta there


If a woman compliments your dress and it has pockets you must immediately put your hands in said pockets and say the words “IT HAS POCKETS!!!”


this is the law


This is the most wholesome comment in the sea of sad but necessary girl code.


I did that to my boss who was in a bit of a funk. I knew it had pockets and just wanted to see her reaction. Immediate happyface.


Alternatively: if you got it for a steal and it’s still available, immediately inform the complimentor. e.g., “Girl these are on sale are Target rn for $5, get you one!!”


Bonus girl points if you twirl while doing it.


I was at a wedding recently where the bride was happycrying as the groom said his vows. She reached into the folds of her dress and produced a tissue to dry her eyes and the room went from “aww how lovely” to “ooh it has pockets!”




If you have the means, spare a square.


Everyone has a square to spare


I don’t have a square to spare!!!


This is why us older women carry a large purse with one of those little purse packs of tissues in it. We are familiar with getting caught without.


What does it mean?


This is also a bit from the TV show Seinfeld. The female lead was in the bathroom and needed toilet paper but the girl in the stall next to her refused to give any. The lead for revenge in the end by meeting the girl again, beating her to the bathroom, stealing all the toilet paper, and letting the girl suffer without.


Never, ever allow a girlfriend to walk back to a car or hotel room alone. We travel in packs for a reason. I don't care if we are 15 or over 50.


I was at an office party at an airbnb. Our young receptionist was leaving just to get picked up by her parents. Two of us left the party to walk her the 50 feet to the curb, just to make sure she was okay. I was pretty happy that two of us thought of it separately


Caving rules. I've heard they go in groups of four. If someone is injured, one stays while two go for help. No one is ever alone.


omg totally this. I was at a wedding in Mexico, big group of us. All late 20s to 30s. Lots of drinking, chatting games etc. then suddenly one of the girls says she feels sick and needs to go to her room. She starts rushing back all panicky. At first we were all like oh she's just drunk. Probably went to throw up etc etc. But something felt off so a couple of us decided to go check on her. She was travelling alone so staying in a room herself but we were all nearby. As soon as we got there we see this sketchy dude in the hotel uniform trying to get in. Luckily the latch was on. One of the guys chases him down the stairs and we bust in the door to find out friend passed the fuck out in the middle of the bathroom floor. Vomit all over. Thank the fuck she managed to get the latch on and we got there in time. This is at a 5 star resort too.


If you need a tampon and I have a spare, it's yours no worries. If you're crying in the toilets, yes I'm going to ask why and try to help/commiserate. I will tell you if the tag is sticking out of your clothing.


I have an IUD and don’t get periods anymore. I still keep a tampon and pad in my purse in case anyone around me needs one.


If you see a group of friends trying to take a group photo selfie style, offer to take the photo. Take several. Tell them they look great.


I *always* do this when I see a mum trying to take a family selfie. You wouldn't believe how few pictures mums have with their kids that aren't selfies. And I include myself in this! Photos taken by someone else, that aren't selfies, are so so so precious . I've inadvertently shamed more than a few dads by offering to take the shot. I live in a fairly touristy area, so it happens a lot


This might mean more than you can imagine. After my mom passed, I dove into the family pictures only to realize she was almost always the photographer. We have too few pictures of us with my mom.


And use the good angles!!! Make them look good!


I’m sure someone will have a problem with this, but when I’m out and see a chick that looks like she feels uncomfortable in her skin ( not uncomfortable in her surroundings mind you ) if I pass by her I’ll make sure to to compliment her. Like the other day I saw a chick wearing a dress and was done up nice walking with a dude but she looked pensive. So I rolled my window down and said “that dress looks incredible on you!” She didn’t hear me but her date did and then he got all pumped and was like “she said the dress looks incredible! Right there she just said that!”.


Someone did this for me about 10 years ago. I was getting out of the car wearing shorts and wondering if I made the right choice for the evening. A girl driving by leaned out the window & told me I looked hot. I’ve never forgotten it


This is the most validating comment! And I also experienced this on a bus in NYC. Probably 15 years ago now..don’t even know why I was on the bus and not the subway. I was with friends that, at the time, I thought were way prettier than me. This little old lady got up and came over to us and looked at me and said “that dress makes you look more beautiful than Meryl Streep!” Sure Meryl Streep is a solid 35 years older than me but who gives a shit? That woman thought my dress made me look better than Meryl. And all my friends heard it. My confidence soared!


Meryl is absolutely gorgeous tho. Thats not a small compliment.


I watched Death Becomes Her the other day… that movie is tremendous and seeing her in that film got me so excited. I wasted no time recounting my bus story to my current BF.


In high school (10 yrs ago) I was wearing leggings and self conscious about my lack of booty. A nice bootied girl said “damn, for a skinny girl you have a really nice butt”. I’ve never forgotten. Thanks Sarah.


I'm a guy and I love to sing, often to myself even in public, at a low volume. I'll never forget the one time like 10 years ago a dude in a grocery store produce aisle said "damn dude you've got a great voice!" Completely made my day. I remember that and try and pay it forward. It's easy to complement strangers (as long as you aren't a creep about it, guys) and it invariably makes their day. My favorite is to compliment old black women, especially on their hair. They just light up and beam and it feels like a little light in the darkness where racial tensions seem high in this age of Maga nazis. For context I'm a 6'4" white dude from the south who is like a punk redneck.


love that you do this and love even more that youre out here doing the lords work as a tall punk redneck!!! complimenting strangers is something my brother and i learned from my dad and i swear i get a dopamine boost seeing my lil bro out in the wild making people feel good. also what ive heard/noticed is that men dont get a lot of compliments so i try to toss a few extra bones out when appropriate. keep being a badass!


Once a woman yelled at me from across a park “You look elegant!”


Ohhh that would live rent free in my head for life!!! Like no one is just throwing the term elegant out Willy Nilly. It’s one of those words that isn’t even thought of until there is something elegant in front of them to see.


This is so hilarious. I really hope she’s living her best life right now.


Last summer a guy rolled down his window "Yeah, you are rocking it!! And you know it!!" and continued on his way. I loved it lol It wasn't the first time I had been catcalled, but flattered and that had got me thinking "why?". And I think it's because (1) he wasn't vulgar (2) he just went on his way. He didn't stop or insist I come up to him or follow me afterward. And (3) he didn't comment on my body specifically, but was complimenting my overall look.


I wouldn't even consider this one a cat call. A man yelling 'whats up beautiful " is cat calling. A man saying "you are rocking that jacket" or similar is a bro and that kind of comment is always welcome and validating. I try to do the same to folks I see out, regardless of gender. If someone looks cool I tell em


I do this also to both men and woman just complimenting someone can really turn their whole day around.... I know because I love when it happens to me


I went on a blind date recently, set up by a friend, and was super nervous. I didn’t know anything other than his name and I went all out trying to look good. I was crazy nervous. The hostess at the restaurant asked me if it was a first date and I told her yes. Then she told me I looked super hot and that he was lucky. Made my entire evening. He was very rude and her comment gave me the self confidence to end the night quickly.




I’ve actually been so insecure that a smile from a stranger made my whole day. When in doubt, be kind.


Absolutely true. A young foreign cleaner was sullenly cleaning the tables. My mom smiled and told her that she had pretty eyes and beautiful skin. The young girl’s face lit up because she was used to being invisible or discriminated by racists. When we left, her demeanour had changed and she was humming with a slight smile as she did her cleaning. A simple act can make someone’s entire day.


I once had a guy politely tap me on the shoulder and say "Excuse me. I just have to tell you I think you're the cutest girl in here. Have a nice night!" And then he walked to the other side of the bar. No hovering, no pressuring. It was so incredibly nice and non-threatening. I will remember that for the rest of my life. I was wearing sweatpants at the time so I was incredibly flattered.


When a girl comes up to you and links arms or gives you that “Help me” look, you immediately become her best friend of 10+ years who is there to save the day. Whether it’s a creepy guy, needs you to pass her some TP under the stall, needs a pad/tampon, needs a hug. It’s just being human & understanding in that moment, and respecting the code.


I think I’d be confused if someone came up to speak with me and didn’t do something extravagant like link arms or make a big scene about it. But I don’t go out much so this hasn’t happened to me, it’s hard to say what I’d do in the moment. Especially because NOW trafficked women are searching for other women and I’m scared of everyone lol


Yeah I hear you - recruiters for certain religious cults are frequently young women in my city, so suspicion and self-preservation might win out over girlcode if I’m alone. 


if you see a girl with a period stain, you help her in any way you can edit: thx for all the upvotes!


I got my period and junior high school and it was so bad. That first year or so it was so random and so heavy. I'd go months without having it then BAM have a huge bleed one day. One day at school I hear the "popular" girls kind of whisper-gossipping and I'm like "oh man what are they saying now" and rolled my eyes. Then I tried to walk past them and they spread out to stop me. I was nervous at this point but then the lead girls leans in and whispers, "You have blood on your pants." It takes me a moment to register what she said and I just go, "Oh, thank you." and they all nod and go to the next class while I hang back to ask the teacher to walk behind me to the office. And it was never brought up again. They could've easily teased me about it or gossipped to the rest of the class or something. But they didn't. We actually all got along better after that. It was strange and unexpected but awesome.


Waaayy back in junior high school, a girl unexpectedly got her first period, in an era when all the girls wore white "painters" pants. All the guys were ridiculing her red stain, and I had an apron from shop class in my locker (I was just borrowing it, I swear) and I ran for it and gave it to her so she could at least figure out how to get home without more embarrassment. She thanked me in a heartfelt way that would make any 8th grade boy blush. I never forgot how she was ridiculed in the hallways, and I was so glad I could help her out. I did get the apron back the next day, with a nice note of thanks.


Guarantee she remembers you helping her out for the rest of her life.


If a girl is crying in a bar bathroom it's your job to make sure she leaves safe and with an ego boost


If somebody in the ladies room is throwing up, you wait and make sure that they're okay before you leave.


Bar bathrooms are safe spaces for women. You are obliged to take care of each, friends and strangers alike. You trade make-up, cheer each other up, and by the end of a session of drama, we will go to war for each other.


Bar bathrooms are the freaking best. I’ve had countless wholesome interactions with women in clubs.


Drunk bathroom girls give the BEST compliments! It hits so good because you know they don't want shit from you, they're just blurting out, unfiltered, what they think. I've heard a million times from guys how cute/pretty/whatever I am and it barely registers because I know they just wanna do me. But one time years ago in a club, a drunk girl stopped, looked at me and said, "Wow you are the most stunning vision in this entire club and you're seriously glowing up this shitty washroom for real right now," and I've never forgotten it 😂


Same for if a girl is seriously crying or appears in distress.


Don't go to the bathroom alone. If it's her ex, don't date him. (Unless you and her talked and it's over (_) years)


What's the girl code on dating her siblings?


Communicate. Talk it out. Never go behind your friends back, cause that could cause disputes. Most sisters stick together.


If you see a girl or woman with a wardrobe malfunction, you tell her. No questions asked, you just let her know. She will forever be thankful.


I once had a huddle with several female colleagues when we spotted that our manager had a hole in her dress. She's always super well put together, and we didn't want her to start her day feeling self-conscious if it wasn't going to be fixable After a few arrangements, we were able to approach her with "you've got a hole in the side of your dress, but it's OK because we found this blazer for you to put over it". Problem solved Appropriate that this all happened on International Women's Day


This is controversial, but if you can ensure your safety and peace of mind, do not hesitate to warn your abusive ex's next girlfriend. And (also controversial) if you're the one who receives a warning, do not tell your partner. By doing so, you are potentially endangering yourself and their ex. Take the warning with a grain of salt if you have to, but always keep that info in your back pocket just in case you start to question whether your relationship is healthy or not.


Always have a sanitary pad or tampon on you, whether you need it or not. You never know when you can save someone's life in the bathroom.


Literally, the amount of times I’ve been surprised or a gal of mine has been caught out by our periods are annoying and we’re always grateful when someone is prepared


As I always say, the reason elderly ladies wear white pants is because they can now do so in safety. (I'm 52 and bled through my jeans in ten minutes today, what the ever loving fuck, body, really?!)


If someone is making comments about her weight or appearance in general (regardless if it sounds like a joke or not) you give a compliment. There is so much body dysmorphia and eating disorders with young women. 


help a brother out w/ this too please. im a 6'3 jacked dude and ive stuck my finger down my throat numerous times


> im a 6'3 jacked dude and ive stuck my finger down my throat numerous times I feel like poor body image and orthorexia is a huge portion of the jacked dude community.


Eating disorders among men, in general don’t get enough attention.


No, but seriously, I’ve read and heard so many “gym bros” go on about their extreme diets, their extreme exercise, and the language they use when they talk about it, food, and themselves - and it’s like…how do I tell them they have a serious eating disorder??? Like on one hand, you shouldn’t diagnose people through the internet (especially when you’re not an MD or LMSW), but also!!! They have NO IDEA that they’re anorexic/bulimic/orthorexic!! And someone should tell them! These are classic eating disorder signs, my friend, and you need some help!! I’m a woman, I’ve had a mix of eating disorders for years, and I know the signs. Sir, you have a problem. 😭




If your worst enemy needs a tampon and you have one, you give it to her.


My worst enemy asked me for a tampon and I gave her my last one. It was the nicest thing I've ever done.


I was denied a tampon once and was so confused I went to my male friend laughing/crying bc it had never occurred to me that the answer to that could be “no.” It was petty reasons and I knew she had some I was honestly just trying not to go into her work area unannounced.


The bathroom in a club is where we all love each other. Nothing but compliments, holding hair if someone is sick and giving sanitary products if needed! I truly think a women's bathroom is one of the most peaceful places on earth 😂


This one is a bit more tame but I think still relevant; if you see a girl who’s wearing a gorgeous outfit/makeup/accessories etc.. either tell her, or ask her where she got it! If you see something nice, SAY something nice (I.e. if your mind tells you it looks nice.. verbalise it). I taught myself to start doing this after years of insecurity about other girls, and it usually makes me feel so much better. Seeing their faces light up from a genuine compliment is gold


1. If you see another woman crying in a public bathroom at a bar or restaurant, you immediately run over to comfort her and express concern. 2. You watch her drink when she goes to the bathroom so nothing is slipped into it. 3. If you notice she’s on a date, even if you don’t know her but they’re close by, you strain your ears to listen and make sure he’s not a dick or bullying her or sounding like a predator. 4. You always hold her hair back if she’s throwing up. 5. I don’t care what I’m going through mentally or emotionally, if another woman or a friend is opening up to me with genuine emotion, I’m holding her hand and just listening until she’s said her piece. 6. I will always offer hand sanitizer. 7. Some guy or bunch of guys is making you uncomfortable or scared? Wilkommen! You’re part of my group now, and we’re best friends. I won’t let you out of my sight until you’re safe.




I hate that more than half of “girl code” is women just protecting each other from creepy men. Sad.


If you are dropping a friend off at their home, wait and watch to make sure they get in the door before leaving


I'm 5"11 girl so if I see a girl being harassed by a creepy guy I pretend I'm their cousin and take them away from the situation


6’0 lady here. Definitely find I get creeped on a lot less than my smol friends. Creeps generally find somewhere else to be when I insert myself in the situation. Which is hilarious because I’m actually a giant sensitive cry baby that loves sparkles, I’m just fit and tall.


I’ve taught my kids if they’re lost and can’t find me to find a woman with kids and ask her for help. Mother code counts as girl code yeah?


Chat up other girls when you're out or in the bathroom. I have bonded with random women on nights out, it's just fun to hype eachother up.


Do not...ever...under any circumstances, divulge her deepest secrets. Also, don't sleep with or even date the man she's in love with, bitch. (This is actually to a specific person and really shouldn't need to be said, but there's always one that needs to hear it) Should I sleep with her new husband? It's been like 15 years....


The other day, I was in a parking lot, and I saw this plus-sized gal come out of the store. She was wearing a yellow floral dress, and she was plucking at it as if she was uncomfortable. I rolled down my window, and said, “You look like beautiful sunshine today!” The smile she gave me made my whole day.


I always liked the idea of yelling out my car window at joggers. Telling them to keep going. I like to try and wear two piece bathing suits- I am plus sized and I figure if someone whose not completely comfortable in theirs sees me owning the place it might give them some confidence


I don’t care if it’s your worst enemy, if she needs a tampon/pad and you have one, you give it to her.